The Assassins (2024) s01e19 Episode Script

Dream of Hell

Devil in the castle
Yahya was a devil
in Sabbah’s paradise
Find a new friend to share the
horror you just experienced with
From the first day, Hassan knew he was
a rebel, entering the castle for revenge
Waiting for our master
But boredom within
the castle of Almut
Has allowed Hassan to
use Yahya as a toy
A toy for the master of the castle.
You've managed to do what the
greatest enemies couldn't, Yahya
You've managed to do what the
greatest enemies couldn't, Yahya
Testing his skills of
persuasion and suggestion
Beautiful name!
Suitable for you as a martyr
So they become among
the believing youth?
Under our watch
And thus, the castle
has a strong fighter
Especially Yahya.
- What are you saying, master?
- hold it!
Hassan wants to personally
enter a strange test
And a new challenge
What's its purpose?
Knowing that he's my enemy
Is he testing him
or testing me?
He transforms a person
He transforms a person
Who he killed his father and mother
Into a loyal follower of his.
Episode 19
"Dream of Hell"
As you command, master
Do you know our
beloved Zaid bin Sayhoon?
Do you know our
beloved Zaid bin Sayhoon?
It's my first time seeing him
You will like him
Because I love him
And you Zaid
Do you know Yahya?
It's my first time
seeing him, master
You will also like him
Come on, Yahya!
Tell me about your two friends
Are they believers like you or did they
enter the castle out love for their friend?
Are they believers like you or did they
enter the castle out love for their friend?
Believers like me and more
And their dream was
to enter the castle
Here dreams come true
You can leave and rest
And prepare for the
mission I will assign you
Yes, master
He said he doesn't know you
He said he doesn't know you
Be assured
Coward, Yahya
The killer of your father and mother was
in front of your eyes and you did nothing
The killer of your father and mother was
in front of your eyes and you did nothing
What are you waiting for?
Hassan Al-Sabbah knows
you and is playing with you
Waiting for him to
assign you a mission?
Or has he already
assigned it to you?
What's his purpose?
Playing with the two dolls in his hands,
Zaid and Yahya, entertaining himself
Is that his purpose, Barzak?
Seeing if he recognizes you or not.
And the young man
said he doesn't know you.
Years passed,
and you’ve changed.
Why are you worried?
Indeed, why am I worried?
A man, whom I killed his family, lives
with me in the same castle.
What exactly is worrying me?
We are in our castle.
In our den.
And he is prey within this den.
So, who should be worried?
You or him?
I fear madness, Barzak Amide.
The madness of Hassan Al-Sabbah that
makes him play with me as if it's normal!
Watch your tongue, Zaid!
Our master Al-Sabbah is not mad.
When he brings me close to the this man
and observes us while smiling, he is mad.
Your words are a sign of
madness and cowardice, Zaid.
When you doubt our master or insult
him with your words, you are mad.
When you doubt our master or insult
him with your words, you are mad.
And when you fear a
young prisoner in your castle.
You are a coward.
Neither cowardice nor madness
Befit one of the three most
important in the Castle of Almut!
Enough crying
You’ll kill yourself!
And what is the value of life?
Death is more merciful and easier.
People die in a blink of an eye!
It's their fate.
It's their fate.
There is no unjust fate.
It is the injustice of humans.
We are here as paradise virgins.
And if the signs of tears
remain in your eyes,
Alinar won't leave you alone.
She'll kill you like Naz.
I don't care
Your youth and life are not yours.
Death is easier than slavery.
Death is easier than
waiting for it.
Naz has died, Jouria!
We laughed, were
entertained, and heard poetry.
Have you drawn the map, Omar?
I was once accused of disbelief.
I stood against scholars
steadfast and unfazed.
I left my home and wealth not caring for
poverty or solitude, chife of spies.
I've lost many loved ones.
My heart no longer fears loss.
And I can tell
you with an open heart
There is no map.
Do you support the rebellious Al-Sabbah
against the country and the Sultan!
No, I support Omar
Khayyam against his fears, sir
First, I don't remember anything.
I cannot be despicable.
Like how Hassan Al-Sabbah
was with Nizam Al-Mulk,
or Nizam Al-Mulk was
with Hassan Al-Sabbah
I am one of three friends
I have decided not to be with them
But I won't be against them
You are antagonizing
the state, Omar!
The state that
shelters and respects you
And gives you status and a place
My home is my body
And destroying a home which is
killing the body, only God can do that
And I do not want a house
Nor do I want status or a place
I want nothing but Omar Khayyam
And Omar Khayyam is here before you
And the decision is yours and
the greatness of the sultan's
Kill him
Imprison him, forgive him
Whatever the
decision, I am satisfied
Satisfied with Omar Khayyam
And that's important
Is that your final word?
As you see fit, Omar!
You have sentenced
your soul to death
You killed yourself, Khayyam!
I saved myself, Sahban
Finally, we met, and you
reached our castle safely
Something that was impossible before
That someone whose father
is a great Seljuk prince
And stands before you, our master
Our lord guides his servants
Your books reached me
I've been reading
about you for months
Following you and hearing your news
The path of guidance is strange
I said let's stop hearing about you
It's better I come myself
And hear from you
You know, Sirajuddin
Falsehood may be loud
It may sit on the
throne of the sultan
And maybe its name is the
caliph of Muslims in Baghdad
But truth is rare
Its people might be a minority
But they are always the strongest,
smartest, and most dangerous
The truth is
I realized that, our master,
after I read the book
And followed your followers
And I knew that
After my eyes saw you
You are one of us
And repentance erases all
Even if we were enemies yesterday
Today you are in the position of
a brother and a friend, Sirajuddin
And as heaven is
ours in the afterlife
And as heaven is
ours in the afterlife
We also have promises in this world
I don't need promises, our master
As long as my heart feels peace
Feel more peace
I want you to be a discreet soldier
By the side of
the sultan, forever loyal
Like a shadow
accompanying its owner
You are always praising him.
Praise is the secret of trust.
Praise your Sultan and earn him.
I want you to be the
wall that surrounds him.
And the wall he leans on.
So, the moment I
issue my orders to you,
So, the moment I
issue my orders to you,
He finds himself
alone, defenseless, and bare.
It will happen.
It will happen by
God's will, master.
I will be close to him.
Closer than his own self.
And you shall receive
more than you can imagine.
Master, I
You are a great lover.
And I love to see a lover
in bliss and happiness.
It's time for the lover to
serve the Seljuk Sultan.
With all sincerity,
love, and trust.
Come here.
You will leave through this door.
And request to see
your father in the hall.
The guards will take you there.
You will throw
yourself in his arms.
You will throw
yourself in his arms.
And whisper in his ear.
Tell him that your
mother wants to see you.
She missed you and forgave you.
She wants to have dinner with you.
And sleep next to him.
You will leave through this door.
And request to see
your father in the hall.
The guards will take you there.
You will throw
yourself in his arms.
And whisper in his ear.
Tell him.
My mother wants to see you.
She forgave you and wants
to have dinner with you.
And sleep next to him.
You will leave through this door.
I didn't want our
great poet to be here.
But you forced me to do so.
Life is full of
experiences, minister.
I have experienced
wealth and travel.
And poverty and riches, and
this time, I'm experiencing prison.
Every experience
adds meaning to life.
Every experience
adds meaning to life.
Why expose yourself to prison.
When you don't need any of this?
Minister, this has nothing to do with
Almut's map or Hassan Al-Sabbah.
The fact is, You don't
like Omar Khayam.
And because you don't like me.
You didn't like that the Sultan
treats me with this honor and respect.
And the map was just
an excuse to put me here.
And the truth is,
you're pleased.
You're pleased that
the knowledgeable poet.
Who is useless from
your point of view.
Is sitting broken
in Isfahan's prison.
That's beautiful.
I'm pleased to be the reason behind
the happiness of the state minister
Why do I hate you?
Your spirit is not
in harmony with mine
That’s the truth
As for the reason
I can tell you if you'd like
Go ahead
The minister does not appreciate
music, poetry, or science
He sees these as trivial crafts
And that beneficial crafts for the state
are agriculture and industry, for example
So you despise my talents
You disrespect them
You see me as
a trivial, lazy person
That should be punished
That's simply the
case, minister
How can Isfahan grant you
all the appreciation and honor
And you still owe allegiance
to the vile Hassan Al-Sabbah?
I have never pledged
allegiance to Hassan Al-Sabbah
Or else I would've stayed
in the castle of Almut
But I have remnants of chivalry
I don't want to resemble
someone I've refused
My intellect is limited
It's not like yours
Explain to me
Hassan Al-Sabbah
killed Nizam Al-Mulk
Which was wiser and more
open-minded than you, my lord minister
And Hassan's act was
all disgrace and contempt
Nizam Al-Mulk
gave Hassan security
And when it discovered that he was
plotting for himself, he imprisoned him.
And wanted to cut his head and
parade it around the streets of Isfahan
Both of them
Both of them
Did not respect the
rights of their friendship
Both wanted to kill each other.
One was able to,
and the other wasn't
And Omar Khayyam
Their third friend
Is insistent on not being like them
I don't mean that they are
demons and I’m an angel, no
I mean that I am
a human who makes mistakes
But does not want
to add to his mistakes
The mistake of betrayal
You refuse to betray your friend
And you are willing to
betray the entire sultanate?
And you are willing to
betray the entire sultanate?
I know myself well
And I know that if I did
that, I’d be betraying him
But the sultanate
is a greater entity
It has a mighty army
That can easily confront Sabbah and
his fortress, and even destroy it
That's a big difference
Will you give up the illusions in your mind
and draw the map with respect and obedience
Or will you face a death sentence
for your heresy and disbelief
What's all this pleasure?
When Khadija came
to me, my heart danced
I've missed you.
I've always bet on the
heart that I live in.
I've prepared food for
you with my own hands.
I've prepared food for
you with my own hands.
No matter what I eat,
If it's not yours, it's like I'm fasting.
I hope you like it.
I got used to having
very little in the castle.
What is all this?
Today is a day of reconciliation.
I want you to eat to
your heart's content.
Then let's eat together.
I can't possibly eat alone.
I will eat,
but after you, as usual.
I want to see you eat my food
like the old times and be happy.
Khadija has eaten.
Come my love,
taste the food
your mother prepared.
I told you, she has eaten!
You think it's easy for
me to kill my daughter!
Your mother, Khadija, out of her kindness,
decided to poison your father's food.
Not out of hatred
for your father, no,
but love.
Excessive love.
Her love for your brother Hussein
made her take her revenge on me this way.
That's why I'm forgiving you.
And I am happy that
you sent Khadija to call me.
Because I missed you.
No matter what you do,
and no matter how much
you try to save your soul,
you will remain my
enemy, Hassan, forever.
And I will kill you!
One day, I will kill you.
Consider that I've eaten and died.
And forgive me.
I won't forgive you!
Well, I forgive you.
And I'm looking forward
to your next invitation soon.
Lady Alinar wants to see you.
Is something the matter?
An odd visit.
For a strange reason, indeed.
For a strange reason, indeed.
I'm listening.
The last dream of paradise.
The chosen boy entered it, influenced
by the plant of paradise as usual.
Up until here,
everything was normal.
Until the boy,
saw his virgin.
He was very perplexed.
And she also got confused
when she saw him.
It’s like they
It’s like what?
It's like they know each other.
This made him woke up from
the dream of paradise confused.
Ans astonished!
Smiling strangely unlike
all those before him.
And how did you
deal with the girl?
I killed her, of course.
What is the secret
of your concern?
How so?
If the chosen boy really knew her,
then the dream of
paradise itself is threatened.
Because he will ask himself
How did she enter
the dream of paradise?
And he will doubt obviously
Is this the dream of paradise
Or not
Because he knows her well
And knows that she's an
ordinary girl, not a virgin
The matter is extremely critical
And duty and honesty
Requires me to share
all my fears with you
And that would be very appreciated
I will inform our master
Thank you, excuse me
Please, continue
A big surprise
Strong, tough Alinar comes out
of the Barzak Amide hall
When Zaid Bin Sihoon talks
to you, respond, oh slave!
I am not a slave
I am free
But I have a clear, responsible,
and specific mission here
I have transferred extremely
important information to Barzak Amide
I have transferred extremely
important information to Barzak Amide
For his position and
status in the castle
And I need to continue on my path
As my presence here is not allowed
And there's no talk
between you and me
Neither you nor anyone else
Will make me break the orders
and instructions of my work
Excuse me
Information to Barzak
Amide, for his position!
Meaning Yahya Bin Said Al muazzin
knows a virgin from the dream of paradise!
What an amazing irony!
Or a dangerous plot.
We have someone in the castle threatening
the basic idea of the castle, Barzak
Strange talk
And very dangerous, master
Was the girl killed?
Alinar is also too harsh
So, this young man
must be killed quickly
He's not a simple guy
At first we thought he
knew just Zaid Bin Sihoon
But now he knows Zaid
And a girl the virgins
That's too risky
And it means he knows that
the dream of paradise is not real
So, he is not a
believer in the dream of paradise
So, he is not a
believer in the dream of paradise
In the paradise's key holder
This a very beautiful game
A devil in paradise
A rebel in the paradise of the master
Hassan Al-Sabbah and you want to kill him
Why do you want to deprive
me of this pleasure, Barzak?
Be assured
I must be closer
to you than yourself.
I am the one who loves you
I am lost
The important thing is
you save yourself
The important thing is
you save yourself
Faith is above feelings
Faith is above affection
Faith makes you
see the truth, Yahya
Rest assured
Insomnia and hunger are the biggest
weapon for the believing youth, Yahya
And I obey the orders, our master
Orders of love
I ordered to deprive yourself of food and
sleep in order for your soul to be purified
I am grateful and
appreciative, master
You have a spirit in
you that I love, Yahya
How many nights
have you been awake?
Three nights
And the hunger?
Fourth day
Next week will
be stronger and better
But be cautious
Devil will continue
to fight within you
And I will be able to
defeat him, God willing
And I am confident of that
Hold steady, resist, and persevere
Because a time of hardship
and fasting is a time of learning
My constant goal will always
be to lead you to paradise
And I will exert all my
energy to get you there, Yahya
Devil's constant goal is
to lead you to hell
Devil's constant goal is
to lead you to hell
Stick with the one who
wants to lead you to paradise
Tomorrow, in time for walking
I need you to cover for me until I reach
the place where the believing young men are
That's impossible of course
Alinar will be present and the
lackeys' eyes are on us all the time
Do they bring lunch from the same place
where food is distributed to everyone?
- Yes.
- Alright
I need to reach the
corridor they walk through
I want to see where
they get the food from
And suppose you knew
I'll walk through that corridor until I get
to the place where the believers are
I'll walk through that corridor until I get
to the place where the believers are
And be sure of one thing,
if it turns out to be true
It doesn't matter,
whether I live or die
Your old love you were
talking about with Naz?
He is here in the castle, I am sure
I saw him in the last
dream of paradise
And because we saw
each other, Naz died.
And because of him, you
and I are going to die
Forget it, Nourhan
I think you know that I am the
connection between you and Alinar
And I might tell her things about you, that
you will be very upset if she finds out
What can I do?
The lackeys, they
have no benefit or power
But you know, they love to
entertain themselves by watching us.
There's still a part of
them that loves and hates.
And there is always someone that
distracts you and keeps looking at you.
Mehyyar, yeah, I know.
He's always looking at
me, laughing, and flirting.
keep him busy, Jouriya.
Gholamshah is always with him.
He's rude and keeps
trying to touch me.
Keep both of them busy.
Keep both of them busy.
- Is it tough for you?
- No!
I promise you,
I'll make this quick and
return as soon as possible.
I'm scared.
Aren't you going to
tell Alinar anything?
- Never!
- Promise.
I like your performance.
So enthusiastic.
Waiting for the mission our
master will assign to me.
There's a mission that our
imam has assigned for you
Preachers are not feeling secure
about the two who came with you.
Tayfur and Soliman.
What's up with them?
There's a huge
doubt about their faith.
Your task is to follow them.
Your task is to follow them.
And write a detailed report for me.
And I'll pass it to our master.
Their level of sincerity.
Their level of faith.
And based on this report.
We'll decide what
their mission will be.
There shouldn't be anyone who
harbors a shred of doubt among believers.
Our master's order.
Observe them, and your report
should be ready by tomorrow evening.
Continue with your training.
Beautiful Jouriya.
Why are you focused on me?
What do you want from me?
To enjoy the beauty of sight.
Is that too much to ask?
And after enjoying the sight?
What do you gain,
you poor thing?
You're really kind, Mehyyar,
and your smile is beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
His smile is beautiful,
What about me?
You're boring.
And lame.
By the way, I can pick you
up and break your ribs.
You can't
Tell me, what did you do?
The best moment of my life.
I've never been this happy
since I left my parents' house.
The moment I saw Yahya,
I forgot everything.
I forgot sorrow.
I even forgot my desire to die.
I wanted to
- To
- What?
I wanted to run to him, hug him
and scream with all my strength
I wanted to run to him, hug him
and scream with all my strength
and tell him I am here,
Yahya, I am by your side
You are proof that our
Lord is real and merciful
I wanted to
To spend what's left of my
entire life just watching him
Even if Alina sees me
or all the guards see me
It doesn't matter
What matters is that I saw Yahya.
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