The Flash s01e19 Episode Script

Done With Mirrors

You're in, lover.
You are too talented.
This beautiful little battery will power suburban homes for 10 years, for next to nothing.
And by the time Star Labs realizes it's missing their competition will have it in production already.
- You're a genius.
- I know.
Let's go.
Oh, Stasia.
I'm very disappointed.
But frankly, not totally surprised.
You see, I expected it.
So did I.
No hard feelings.
Right, Sam? Red Line express, door-to-door delivery.
Hurry up and change.
We're running late.
Me? We could've taken the car like normal people if you hadn't changed so many times.
What's the matter? Nothing's the matter.
It's only the end of the world as I know it.
- Don't you think you're overreacting? - You don't know my mother.
Tina, slow down.
- Barry, did you have to wear this jacket? - She's not my mother.
Know how your father drives you nuts? That's me and my mother.
My friends thought she was so cool, dropping in from Paris with the latest trend.
She sounds interesting.
Hipper than my dad anyway.
I could never keep up with her.
I think I really disappointed her.
- There you are, Tina.
- Hello, Mother.
Hello, darling.
Why don't you call me Jocelyn.
After all, we're both adults.
My mother, Jocelyn Weller.
This is Barry Allen.
- I think I mentioned him in - Oh, the Boy Scout.
My mistake.
- And what do you do, Barry? - I don't believe it.
Barry Allen? Barry! I see that you do rather well.
Don't tell me you don't remember me.
- Stasia Masters.
- It's been a long time, huh, Barry? - I haven't seen you since - High school.
I just got back in to town for a few days and I guess I was just overwhelmed to see a friendly face.
Barry, do you mind? It's been terrific seeing you, Barry.
Barry, who was that? Oh, I did her homework in high school.
You did her homework, or you were her homework? Now, help us with the luggage.
I'll bet you have an interesting secret life.
Maybe this trip won't be so dull after all.
Thank you, darling.
I'm here for the new postmodern reconstructivist show.
- I thought you had a car.
- Oh, it's at the lab.
We'll have to stop.
That's funny, my wallet's gone.
This crystal is on loan from the government.
I had to pull a lot of strings to get it here.
As you can see, it focuses the laser onto an even tighter beam allowing more accurate nucleic manipulation of the sample tissue.
Yes, well, I'm sure that's very nice, darling.
But how can you stand working in a place that's so sterile? It's a laboratory, Mother.
Star Labs has been very good to me.
They encourage me to work on my own.
Any daughter of mine could lock herself away in such an antiseptic environment But then, you are your father's daughter as well.
- No cracks about Daddy.
- Sorry.
There are research firms in more civilized cities.
Like New York.
- Central City has a lot to offer.
It - That's true.
Did you know the corn dog was invented here? Yeah.
Wow, look at the time.
I've got morning duty at my lab.
I'll just be So you play this game too? Police sciences, forensic criminology.
- Really? - Scout's honor.
From Tina's description, I expected something rather more heroic.
Really? Heroic.
I don't care.
Look, we have a deal, and you better live up to it.
Listen, Fletcher, the only reason I came back to this town was to hook up with you.
What do you mean, two days? Look, I think one of Sam's goons is on to me.
How? I don't know how.
But if I can't unload this battery I'd like a romantic table for two, next to that lovely blond.
I gotta go.
- Well, what looks good, Marceau? - I don't know.
How about the poached shark? Or the eel? Or the rat? Buy you lunch, Stasia? Talent.
How's it going? Doll face, Sam said you'd be passing through town.
Yeah? Well, give him my best.
He also said you had something of his.
Maybe it's in here, huh? I can't believe you junk-food junkies never had a Lucky Dog.
These are the best, and I should know.
Go ahead.
I want two chili dogs with everything, especially that orange, shiny sauce.
- Oh, Murph, that is pure grease.
- To you, Bellows.
- To me, it's secret sauce.
Join me? - No, thanks.
Corn dog, please.
See, I support our city's heritage.
- Hey, those guys are packing.
- Stay low, Barry.
We'll handle this.
Freeze and drop them! Cover me! Hey, get out of the street.
Go! Murph, I lost the other guy.
Things really got nuts after that cowboy showed up.
- Cowboy? - Yeah.
- Right before the Flash saved my neck.
- Oh, now it's the Flash and Pecos Bill.
Partner, your brain is a-jingle-jangle-jingling.
I was right, Tom's got a line on me.
Now look, if I'm gonna wait for you, I'm gonna need some help.
What do you mean, that's my problem? Okay.
Okay, I'll handle it, Fletcher.
But you've got exactly 48 hours to show up or I'm gonna throw this damn battery in the river.
Yeah, I love you too.
I'm dead.
I'm dead.
I gotta find someplace to hide.
L I've gotta find someone to help me.
Out of nowhere, this woman plants a lip-lock on me, right? It's Stasia.
Haven't seen her in 15 years, since she streaked high school graduation.
- You two were an item? - No, she ran with a different crowd.
Bikers, outlaws.
I tutored her in chemistry.
- When you guys getting together? - What? Come on, dinner, dancing, skydiving, whatever.
- This isn't high school.
- That's the thing.
It was so fast, I didn't get her number.
Who says you don't get a second chance in this life? Stasia.
You know, I never would've figured you for a cop, Barry.
I thought you'd be teaching somewhere.
Helping all those eager young coeds with their homework.
What are you doing here? Must have fallen into my purse.
You know, when we were kissing.
Every penny's there.
You can count it.
Stasia Masters, this is Julio Mendez.
I heard a lot about you.
It's hard to believe you and Barry were in the same class.
Well, I better go.
There's a science crime I have to prevent.
- It was nice meeting you.
- Likewise.
So who would have thought, after all these years, huh? Well, a lot of things have changed around here.
The city, me.
Tell me about it.
- Well - What about this Flash? I mean, where'd this guy come from? Your guess is as good as mine, really.
Unclassifiable urban phenomena, you know.
- Real mystery man, huh? - Yeah.
What made you come back to Central City? Rendezvous with an old boyfriend.
I thought something was still there but things went bad real fast.
He became very abusive.
Story of my life, huh? Maybe I wouldn't be so screwed up if I'd dated someone like you in high school.
Anyway, now that my plans have been shot to hell I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do next.
I tried calling a couple of my old friends, but I didn't have much luck.
I guess I should try and find a hotel but hotels are so cold.
Well, I You could stay at my You could stay with me.
- Really? - Yeah.
Oh, Barry, you are a lifesaver.
Thank you.
Hey, you.
I didn't hear you, Sam.
You scared the pants off You.
- Keep your pants on, Talent.
- How the hell do you do that? It's all done with mirrors and stolen technology.
- Where's Stasia? - Well, I had her, but I lost her.
A little interference from a local creep.
The Flash.
The guy gives me the willies.
Comes out of nowhere, then, zip he's gone.
Can't be human.
Ectoplasm, that's what I think.
Well, Flash or no Flash, I want you to find Stasia and bring her to me.
But I'm telling you, as a friend, that girl is no-good.
Just find Stasia.
And make sure she has the battery, okay? - Okay.
- The Central City Star Labs has something of interest.
I think I'll put in an appearance.
Better check that guy for ectoplasm too.
Mother Jocelyn.
I'm on my way home.
Where are you going? But I was cooking dinner tonight.
You have the spare keys? Right.
McGee, you forget your keys again, you're fired.
Oh, my God! Damn it.
Wrong one.
I tried the extinguisher, but it didn't work.
What is this damn mime doing here? He just popped out of nowhere.
Hey, where are you going? Put the fire out.
Wait! I'm losing my mind.
- Dinner was sensational.
Thank you.
- Yeah, what I could see of it.
- Was that place dark enough? - Oh, it wasn't that bad.
Listen, I want to thank you for letting me stay here.
I really do feel safe with you.
So bottom line on this Flash, did somebody build him? - Build him? - Yeah.
What do you mean? Like some kind of mad scientist? Some Professor Zoom? - Sure.
Some eccentric professor in some top-secret lab somewhere.
Think of the fortune to be made on that research.
You know, all we did through dinner was talk about the Flash.
- I'm feeling left out.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
- Are you jealous? - A little.
- Good.
Hello? Yeah, this is his place.
Who's this? Hold on a second.
- Tina.
- Tina? Tina, hi.
Slow down.
What? All right, yeah.
I'll be right over.
Yeah, sure.
- I gotta go.
- What, are you and Tina? Just friends.
We're intimate, yet platonic.
You know something, you really are a nice guy.
Yeah, well - Make yourself at home.
- Okay.
- I might be a while.
- All right.
- Hurry back.
- Yeah.
Don't even think about using this as a chew toy, Fido or you're not gonna have a tail to wag.
You see what I mean? No burns, nothing.
- Mimes, vanishing firemen.
- You're not the only one hallucinating.
I saw a cowboy, complete with rope tricks, evaporate in front of me.
I don't know your excuse is, but I think my mother is pushing me over the edge.
- What? Come on.
She just got here.
Yes, and we quarreled all afternoon.
- You need some tea.
- The heating coils are broken.
Not a problem.
It's as if she resents me for not going with her when she left my father.
Why didn't you? I was 13 years old.
He was crushed.
All of a sudden, I had to play grownup and take care of him.
I didn't think Mother wanted to be burdened with a daughter while she was finding herself.
Here, have some tea.
Tina, what's this? I guess you're not so crazy as you thought.
That's the most sophisticated image projection I've ever seen.
- But why? Some practical joke? - Maybe, it's a distraction for a theft.
That crystal in the laser sight.
- But it's still in its housing.
- Is it? Tina, you've been robbed.
That crystal's irreplaceable.
It cost a fortune.
- Between this and the California robbery - California? A prototype long-term generator was taken from our Silicon Valley branch.
My God, Barry, what am I gonna do? - It's not your fault.
- Yes, it is.
The Research Bureau didn't want the crystal to leave Washington, but I insisted.
If we don't get this crystal back, I'm gonna lose my job.
Then we'll get it back.
Now, a stone that unique would probably have to be cut before it was sold, right? A high-density crystal, if it could be cut at all, would need a powerful laser.
All right, then if the thief is attempting to cut it we can track abnormal power surges through the city.
I can break into Water and Power.
Fox and Broom.
The hotel on Fantino.
Damn it.
It's useless.
I can't cut it.
- It's gonna be hard to sell at that size.
- Yeah, but not impossible.
It's just gonna take a little more time to find the right buyer.
But when I do Seven figures? Maybe eight.
Now, what about the girl? - She dropped out of circulation.
- Find her, Talent.
You owe me.
You know, maybe if I try splitting the crystal on a different axis.
Sam I don't think you should slice the rock at all.
I'd rather sell it for one big score.
Be smart, Talent.
You haven't the faintest idea how to move that stone into the market.
I'll learn.
Where do you think you're going? Well, since you're obviously not working for me anymore I guess I'll have to find Stasia myself.
- It's not gonna work that way, Sam.
Oh, really? What are you gonna do, kill me right here? I don't think so.
In here, gentlemen.
He's the one who stole the Star Labs crystal.
Hold on.
You got the wrong guy.
What's the deal here? You're bought, aren't you? Scudder, you lousy Thank you, officers.
I hope you didn't disturb the other guests.
Well, the Flash.
Did you know that three East Coast crime families have commissioned studies on you? - I want the Star Labs' crystal.
- Who put you on to me? Was it the girl? - What girl? Look how much for you to forget you ever saw me, take a walk? I'm not for sale.
Everybody has his price.
- I've seen this picture.
- I don't think I'm there anymore.
Come on, Fletcher.
It's me.
Yeah, I still got the battery.
But the longer I have to squat in this burg, the higher the price.
You don't show by tomorrow night, the deal is off.
You know, some things I'll put up with.
But getting double-crossed by the woman I love is definitely not one of them, babe.
- Sam, you don't know how good - What? "How good it is to see you"? You left me for the wolves, Stasia.
If I'd have been out 10 seconds longer, they would've caught me.
But you you were too confident.
You left a trail like a tracer bullet.
All I had to do was check your credit cards, call your travel agent.
Sam, you gotta believe me, baby.
I didn't wanna do it.
I was in trouble.
I owed some people money.
Save it.
Save it for a new sucker.
I want the battery.
- I sold it.
- Yeah, you sold it? - I got a line on something - You always got a line.
I do, baby.
I got a line on the mother lode this time.
Make me believe.
I can get you the Flash.
You're lying.
- No.
I'm not.
- Yeah, you're lying.
I swear to you.
I sold the battery to this eccentric scientist.
- Guy calls himself Professor Zoom.
- Professor Zoom? Yeah.
Turns out he's the guy who created the Flash.
Some sort of bioengineering process, something like that.
And he's willing to give you the formula, huh? Well, come on, baby, I can convince him.
You know? Don't be too persuasive, love.
Okay? Come on, he's the paranoid type.
You know how these geniuses are.
- Yeah? - I'll probably have to be alone to arrange a meet.
- Yeah? But just think of it.
Think of the price the Flash will bring on the market.
Think of the money.
You can play with my heart but messing with my business is gonna get you hurt.
I have a reputation to uphold.
You have 24 hours.
But the next few, they belong to me.
You must have had a great time last night to look this wasted.
- I got no sleep at all last night, all right? - You dog.
- Come on, give me details.
- No details, no story.
I left the apartment for a couple of hours.
And when I got back, she was gone.
- That's not a good sign.
- No.
Stasia's playing some kind of a game.
I'm being used.
I'd be willing to bet the farm that you'd stand in line for more abuse.
Barry, look.
Every guy has a woman in his life that will pop up out of nowhere and just turn his whole world upside down.
In my case, it was Elena Tobias.
I don't have any idea what she's been up to for the last 15 years.
Well, if it's bad, we're definitely in the position to find out.
Oh, no.
No, Julio, come on, that wouldn't be right.
Come on.
No one would know that you're checking.
How bad could it be? - Anastasia Masters.
- All right.
Hey, look, you have no choice, pal.
You're a cop, all right? Take a look.
Just petty larceny.
Six months served when she was 20.
Until you get to her last arrest four years ago.
Industrial sabotage.
Hooked up with a guy named Scudder.
Used high-tech holograms.
Nicknamed Mirror Master.
The file on him is very thin.
So your dream date and Scudder are connected.
Her dance cards and our mug books have a lot in common.
I don't wanna believe Stasia's involved with the crystal theft but anything new on those mirror disks? - Stolen from a government laboratory along with a holographic camera small enough to wear on your wrist.
Oh, I'm so depressed about this robbery, I can barely talk about it.
I didn't actually see the crystal in the hotel room, but I believe it was there.
And I'm sure the man was Samuel Scudder.
I'll get that crystal back for you.
And the first step is to find Stasia.
- Meanwhile, how do I deal with this? - Oh, this.
Well the way to get through these things is, you never talk much about the work.
Okay? And when you do, try to use "duality" and "juxtaposition" in the same sentence.
It is without a doubt a skillful juxtaposition of duality.
This is one of the most beautiful paintings I've ever seen.
A perfect marriage of line and color.
I will take it, sir.
It's magnificent.
I'm glad you both could make it.
The work's going over awfully well.
- This city's starved for culture.
- I'm just starved.
See you in a minute.
I must say, Barry's quite a surprise.
- He's not like the men you used to date.
- How would you know? You were never around to see the men I went out with.
Well, they were so straight and academic.
Like your husband.
You never knew David.
He was a sweet, funny, passionate man.
You never even made it to the funeral.
- I meant to.
I was just in the middle of - Damned right.
- Always in the middle of something.
- Tina! You ran out on my father and you ran out on me.
If you want a daughter start acting like a mother.
You going after her? - I have a show to deal with.
- Jocelyn, wait.
Tina's going through a hard time right now.
She might lose her job over the crystal robbery.
I think it would help if you would just talk to her.
Let her know you're concerned.
Yes, I suppose I should.
Perhaps when I'm through with all of this.
Oh, it looks like they're selling another picture.
Excuse me.
You probably hate me, huh? I'm sorry I disappeared on you last night.
- I guess you think I'm pretty terrible.
- According to your rap sheet.
- My rap sheet? - Yeah, when you didn't come back I guess my cop instincts took over, what can I say? All right, Barry.
I admit it.
I'm no angel.
But I've gone straight.
- I have.
- What about your boyfriend, Scudder? - I can explain that.
- Explain it to the feds.
No, wait a second, Barry.
You can't do that.
Okay, Scudder and I were involved.
But I wanted to get out of that life.
But he's tracked me here.
That's why I left last night.
I only just got away from him, and now he's back.
Please, Barry.
You gotta protect me from him.
Please? I don't trust you, Stasia.
But Scudder stole something from a friend of mine at Star Labs and I want it back.
So helping me is gonna help you too.
Right? He's really a cool dude.
I think he'll lend you the money.
- What? You want me to do what? - Be Professor Zoom.
You'll pretend to be the guy who invented the Flash.
Oh, come on.
Why would Scudder ever buy that? Because the Flash has a big secret, which means he's a valuable commodity.
Scudder can't afford to pass it up.
So, what we're gonna do is get him to trade the crystal for the Flash's formula.
- It will never work.
- Trust me.
Come on.
All right, how are we gonna convince Scudder that I'm Professor Zoom? Attitude, baby.
Now, wait.
Now let's lose these immediately.
Put these on.
Very nice.
Where did you get these, a trash can? Don't be such a baby.
Now remember, you are Professor Zoom.
- I am Professor Zoom.
- Brilliant and unstable.
I want you to stay here.
I'm gonna go find Scudder.
Keep an eye on him, please.
Give him a drink.
A kamikaze.
You meet me at Central Rail Station tonight.
I'm not gonna last another day here.
Now, you don't show, you can forget about the battery.
Oh, and if I play my cards right, I might just have something else to sell you.
Something that sparkles.
Be there.
- Barry? You see what I mean? - It is you.
- That's a nice 'do, man.
- Act like you don't know me.
- That won't be tough.
- Wait, wait.
Wait a minute.
Are you undercover, or is this your secret life? No! If you don't want Garfield to find out who used the lab for a stag party - What did you say? - Nothing.
What? You told me Roger wasn't having a stag party.
He didn't.
I wouldn't lie to you.
- Come on.
We'll meet him in the back.
- Okay.
Back here.
- Now remember, be Zoom.
- I am Zoom.
- No, thanks.
- Nothing.
Sometimes it's hard to believe anything you see.
These you can believe.
So you're Zoom.
- How come I've never heard of you? - I try to keep a low profile.
A man of my talent would be swamped with requests and offers.
I do not like the attention.
- And you created the Flash? - Among other things.
You may not know, but I also invented the video game the LaserDisc, the microwave oven, the digital watch.
- Of course, others take credit for - Shall we get down to business, please? I think the three of us should work together.
And just what am I supposed to bring to this deal? I understand that you have the laser crystal that disappeared from Star Labs.
The secrets of the Flash for the crystal? Exactly.
May I see the crystal? A show of good faith is gonna require a little more than that.
- The battery she sold you.
- Battery? The battery she sold - She's played us both for suckers.
- Stop! Central City Police.
You're under arrest for dealing in stolen goods.
Snakes! Snakes! Interesting look, Barry.
But aren't you a few years ahead of yourself on the hair? - Where have you been? - I went over to Tina's apartment but she wasn't there.
She hasn't been back, has she? No.
What an evening.
I did well tonight.
These kids are gonna be very successful.
- It doesn't really matter, though.
- It doesn't matter? What difference does it make if I've ruined my relationship with Tina? Why don't you just talk to her? Oh, excuse me, Father, the gallery's closed.
Barry! An art gallery is a great front.
And you must be their dealer.
Yes, I'm a dealer.
- What's this all about? - English, huh? It's an international operation.
Okay, Your Highness, you're coming with me.
Or should I say Barry Allen? Now, tell me, what's a cop doing trafficking in stolen technology? Let her go.
She has nothing to do with this.
Answer a few questions then.
The Flash at my hotel room? - Cooperating with the police.
- And the tricks at the bar? - Sleight of hand rigged for the sting.
- I think I missed something.
- What happened at what bar? - Let her go, Scudder.
Don't be silly.
She's Stasia's European connection.
I heard her tell you on the phone the other night to meet her at Central Station.
You think I'm a black marketeer? - Oh, that's funny.
- The battery at Star Labs West Stasia stole it from you.
- And now she's played you for a sap too.
She thought she could get her hands on the battery and the crystal.
I think I'll head her off at the station.
Imagine her surprise when she sees me instead of you.
Oh, by the way, if you look in the mirror, you'll see I've left something for you.
The laser couldn't cut through the crystal but it's more than able to cut a nice clean hole through the two of you.
Reflecting the beam is just a flourish.
They don't call me the Mirror Master for nothing.
You've got about three and a half minutes.
Enjoy them.
- Where's Barry? And where's my mother? - I don't know.
Maybe they eloped.
With your boyfriend? I'm fed up with your games.
I'm calling the police.
Put it down.
Now! Now, I want you to sit down and shut up.
I don't want you to make a move until I'm out that door.
You hear me? - Thanks, doll.
- Wait a second.
Wait a second.
You turn me into the cops, you are never gonna find your mother and Barry.
Think about it.
Start talking.
I'm supposed to meet my fence at Central Station to sell him the battery.
Scudder's been second-guessing me ever since I got to this place.
- So maybe he knows about the meet.
- Maybe he doesn't.
I'm the only shot you've got, McGee.
So I suggest we get going.
What do you say? - What's happening? - I don't know but I think I'm getting loose.
- Does this happen to you a lot? - Yeah.
But usually Tina's around to help me out.
Tina? Yeah.
There's more to your daughter than you realize.
- Yes, I suppose there is.
- Right now, you call the police.
I'm headed to Central Station.
- Stasia.
- Oh, Fletch, baby.
You don't know how good it is to see you.
Did you bring the money? - Who's your friend? - This is Tina.
She's gonna be working with us.
- Show me the battery.
- It belongs to Star Labs.
Now put the briefcase down and hands up.
Oh, nice move, McGee.
Now what? Now I take the cash and the battery.
I love double jeopardy.
Come on, the battery.
Wrong, Scudder.
This is the lightning round.
Yeah? Let's see how well you do in a crowd.
I've had enough of you.
All 12 of you.
Here's your crystal.
Where's Stasia? I don't know, but she's got the money.
Baby, I am rid of Scudder at last.
What do you say we just take this money and run away to? Oh, I don't know.
How about Istanbul? No, I've been there.
How about Mexico? I hear Leavenworth's lovely this time of year.
Come on, buddy, let's go.
You're coming with us.
Oh, Barry.
How come I always fall for the right guy at the wrong time? Bad study habits maybe? All right, lady, you too.
Out of the cab.
- Thanks for the lift to the train station.
- Don't be silly.
It's the least I could do.
And really, best of luck with this group of artists.
You too.
Best of luck with your research.
This is idiotic.
You're my mother, for God's sakes.
I don't want to do this anymore.
And don't you run out on me again.
Oh, sweetie.
I had to leave your father.
But leaving you hurt the most.
I never felt part of your life.
And when David died, l I just didn't know what to say.
Look, we've got so much to talk about.
I need a vacation soon.
We could meet in New York.
I have to go to London I'll cancel it.
New York would be fabulous.
You know, Mother, you can be a real pain sometimes.
But I love you.
I've had it with both of you.
I'm only gonna say this once.
I am freezing in here! So just Just stop it with the cool British reserve, all right? - You're family, for God's sake.
- He's so American.
Barry, relax.
It's all under control.
- It is? - Don't make me use this.
Oh, not the mime.
Anything but the mime.

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