The Longest Promise (2023) s01e19 Episode Script

Episode 19

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 19=
Have you met with your parents?
You wanted me to go down the mountain
because my parents came to fetch me.
And you didn't want me
to be torn between,
am I right?
I've left home for two years.
And now my parents
have personally come to fetch me.
If I insist on staying here,
this decision will put you
in a disadvantaged position.
I've thought it through.
I don't wish
to cause trouble to everyone.
I'll go down the mountain
with my parents.
I'm aware
that great trouble broke out
due to your identity being exposed.
This is also the reason
why my parents showed up here.
please take good care of yourself.
No matter where I am,
my heart will always be with you.
I know.
You may leave now.
When can I come back?
You're determined to pursue cultivation
and you wouldn't want to return
to the mortal world
for those worldly hassles.
Anyway, I believe this trouble
will be over before long.
I can come back here by then,
In fact, there are many other reasons
to come back here.
For example,
I can pretend to be feverish
and you'll tell others
that my sickness requires
long-term consumption
of medical herbs
that grow in Jiuyi Mountain.
So, you can summon me back.
you can come to Extreme Wind City.
I'll take you to horse riding, sand surfing,
and camel riding.
We can try out
grilled lamb skewers together too.
When I miss you,
I'll play the jade flute.
And I'll practice magic techniques
you taught me.
Jade Bone?
It's the ancient artifact passed down
from Empress Bai Wei.
This is your last gift as my disciple.
You must remember
to come to Extreme Wind City and see me.
You must come.
Remember to come and see me.
You must come.
I'll miss you.
Are you really letting her leave?
How ruthless.
You know what predicament I'm in.
And it'll get worse if I let her stay.
But now you've given her
the Jade Bone,
which's the love token
Emperor Xingzun gave to Bai Wei.
Also, it's the brothel gift entrusted by
the emperors of the Kongsang
to their empresses.
Shi Ying.
Apparently, you can't let her go.
Why did you
Be that as it may,
I'll never give it
to any other woman in my life.
The hairpin will keep Yan'er company.
High Priest, I appreciate your effort
in taking care of my daughter
over these years.
We shall take our leave.
Hold on.
A while ago, Princess Zhu Yan
was injured badly
in the Cangwu Abyss.
I'd like to check out on her
if the poison in her has been removed.
The residual poison
has already been cleared.
She's out of danger.
Thank you, High Priest.
Till we meet again.
You've been reading
this bamboo slip for so long.
Why don't you change it?
(I want to remind you)
(that both Azure King and Consort Qing
couldn't hurt you.)
(Maybe they will)
(lay their fingers on people around you.)
(If you don't plan ahead,)
(Zhu Yan and the Crimson Clan)
(will be dragged into the mire
because of you.)
(Extreme Wind City)
Coming through.
Please pay more attention
to what I told you just now.
I'll leave it all to you.
Please rest assured.
I've been looking for you
since I came back
and there's no sign of you.
Turns out you're here.
I thought you've been to somewhere else.
You're a difficult man to see,
Keeper Yuan.
I thought
that you were avoiding me.
Surely, you jest.
Previously, I didn't want to disturb
your recuperation.
In fact,
I should thank you, Keeper Yuan.
Yuan, do you know that?
My master and I
ran into the God of Dragon
in Cangwu Abyss before.
Fortunately, you gave me this jade
and the God of Dragon didn't harm me.
Do you know why?
What did the God of Dragon say to you?
I'm clueless
about what it said to me.
But he mentioned
that I'm not one he's waiting for.
Besides, the sacred relic
of the Merfolk Clan
is protecting me,
although I come from Kongsang.
Yuan, you're a merfolk.
Do you understand
what his words mean?
(The God of Dragon
has already woken up from its slumber.)
(It seems that the day will arrive soon.)
(As expected, Princess is fated with
Dragon Blood Jade.)
(Is the Sea Emperor)
(connected to her in some way too?)
To be honest, I have no idea
about the origin of this jade.
But since the God of Dragon
didn't harm you,
it means this jade is useful.
Don't take it off.
By the way, Princess,
I haven't congratulated you
that your initial wish
has finally come true.
Initial wish?
Do you mean
that Master is the late Crown Prince?
Back then, you made a vow
to learn magic techniques
because you wanted
to revive the Crown Prince.
And your wish is fulfilled now.
there is no technique
to revive a dead person,
however, the Crown Prince
was resurrected.
I'm over the moon to know this.
the Crown Prince
whom I've admired since young
turns out to be my revered Master.
(I've known her affection
for the Crown Prince)
(since she was little.)
(Now that the Crown Prince)
(has become her master,)
(it seems that Princess
has become closer with the Priest.)
(who am I to feel sad?)
the exposure of his identity
to the public
has caused a lot of trouble.
Master didn't want
my parents be too worried about me,
so I was sent down the mountain.
I wanted to stay in the mountain
to keep him company
and share his worries.
The two accidents that happened to you
really worried the King
and Queen Consort.
Luckily, Priest is highly skilled
and the High Priest will help him
overcome the difficulties.
Princess Zhu Yan.
(You're going to meet
with Young Master Mo.)
(He comes from a literate origin.)
(Please make sure
you keep your manners in check.)
Please take a seat, Princess.
What would you like to eat today?
I'll order the food I usually eat.
One serving of roasted mutton leg.
The fattier, the better.
Five jin of spiced beef.
I'll order more later.
Oh, I want the strongest liquor too.
Sure, right away.
I forgot to ask you.
You haven't ordered anything yet.
That'd be enough.
But I wonder
if you can finish all the food, Princess.
That's just the beginning for me.
There are appetizers for me.
You have a great appetite.
How impressive.
greatly admire you.
Young Master Mo, why don't you eat?
Are you not satisfied
with the food I ordered?
Well, my future husband
must have the same palate as me.
If we have no common interest
in savoring food,
I'm afraid
it'll be a big problem in the future.
I really like
the food you ordered.
If so, have more.
Please spare me.
Spare you?
Come with me.
Please let go of me.
Where are you going?
Let go!
I'm bringing you home.
Come on.
Who's that?
Let go of that filthy hand.
Didn't you hear that she said no?
Hey, you better not poke
in your meddling nose.
If you dare to cause trouble
in Extreme Wind City again,
you will end up
like your blade.
I'll slash off
the sinful part of yours.
What a heroine.
You're a heroine.
I I'll leave now.
Get lost now. Scram.
Get out of here and never come back.
Leave now.
Young lady.
Did you get hurt?
Thank you for saving me.
Take it with you
and start some small businesses.
Thank you.
You should take the high road
and spare him
as he didn't get the way he wanted.
You're a lady.
How could you wield the blade
and speak vulgar words in front
of the public?
Vulgar words?
Just now,
he was harassing a woman
under this broad daylight.
What's wrong with me
giving him a warning?
If you disapprove of his conduct,
you can report it to the official,
men can handle this.
You're a woman.
You don't have to meddle in this.
You're right.
Had a useful man like you
stood up just now,
I wouldn't have to do that.
Am I right, folks?
- Yes.
- Rightfully so.
- True.
- Yes.
I'd had enough of you.
You're so conceited,
lack of table manners,
and reckless in your word and deed.
You're not virtuous at all.
Women who stomp on men
won't have a bright future.
Did you hear what you said?
Must women roll with the punches
and speak gently?
I, Zhu Yan, have been practicing
magic techniques for years
and I've never thought
of stomping on anyone.
I have backbone
and no one can look down upon me
and being fastidious about my behavior.
If this accident were to happen again,
I would still be the first one
to stand up.
- Well said.
- Well said.
You don't have to endure me.
Well said.
Well done, young lady.
Brave lady. Well done.
(Master, I miss you so much.)
(I saved a poor girl.)
(But someone accused me of being nosy,)
(saying that women shouldn't
learn magic techniques.)
(I always remember)
(what you said to me back then.)
(Women can protect the nation too.)
(If all men)
(were like you,)
(there wouldn't be so many injustices.)
(Zhu Yan)
Zhu Yan seems to
have some respect for her master.
Look, she remembers
to send me some Crimson Flowers.
Look at this.
I'm going to try out
the recipe she recommended.
My face is going
to glow radiantly tomorrow.
Hold on.
I don't think this is edible.
Where's my recipe?
Is it with you?
Where's the recipe Zhu Yan gave me?
Is it here?
Where's it?
(As promised,)
(you have to teach me the next move)
if I reach the top of the tree.
Keep your word.
We shall see, then.
That's easy. Look at me.
How was my performance?
It's far from the top of the tree, though.
That's not a big deal.
If I can't achieve that in one day,
I'll take one month.
Failing that,
I'll take one year.
If I still fail,
I'll stay by your side for my whole life.
I can acquire everything eventually.
Come on and look.
Young master, take a look at this.
This is good.
This is good too.
Take this.
Here, look at this.
Please have a look
at the patterned fabric.
Young lady, please take a look
at the patterned fabric.
This fabric is great.
Winters on Jiuyi Mountain are long.
Maybe I can pick one for Master.
Princess, you've been out for long
and bought so many things
for your master.
Did you come to see me
or to buy presents for your master?
I'm sorry to leave you hanging
for so long.
But I haven't done buying presents
for my master.
Perhaps we should meet up another day.
Take this.
Young master
Keep the change.
Thank you, young master.
You've misunderstood me.
Seeing how respectful
you treat your master,
you must value relationships.
It's my honor to be tight with you.
You can buy whatever you want.
I'd like to show some of my respect
for your old master too.
He's not old.
He looks more handsome than you.
Truth be told, I'm playful-natured
and I want to travel around.
I have no plans to get married
in the next five years.
I bid you farewell.
It's fine. I can wait for you.
Because you're worth it.
But we only spend one day together.
How could you be sure
that I'm worth it?
You're famous in Extreme Wind City,
Princess Zhu Yan.
You're known as Jiang Bead Flying Flame,
the most valuable gem
on this grassland.
I beg to differ
in describing a person
as a valuable gem.
Please pardon me.
What I mean is
that you're the only daughter
of the ruler of Western Huang,
Crimson King.
You, of course, are nobler than the rest.
Everyone is born equal.
No one is nobler than others.
That's what the scroll says.
There's no way you and I can be compared
to the likes of them.
Both of us were born
with a silver spoon.
We're the noblest ones since birth.
Can I catch your attention
if I'm not the daughter
of the Crimson King?
But you're.
Once we get married,
our birth will be the noblest person
in the entire Western Huang,
regardless of lineage or wealth.
But I don't like you.
I have someone I like.
Everyone knows that you just returned
from cultivation in Jiuyi Mountain.
In Jiuyi Mountain,
there are only cultivators
with no worldly desire.
How can you meet
someone you like there?
I like him.
It's impossible.
He's a lowly merfolk.
He's less than worthy of you.
A merfolk isn't even a human.
How could he say that?
All he has is his tolerable look.
What's wrong with merfolks?
Merfolks are human too.
Because of people
with a mindset like yours,
the rift between the two races
never disappears.
Listen to this well.
I like Yuan.
To me,
he's nobler than people like you
who bully others.
Yuan and I share many in common.
You're nothing.
You don't even worth calling his name.
So what if he's a merfolk?
In my eyes,
Merfolk are nobler
than the arrogant Dark Clan
like you.
How dare you say that!
(Princess has actually)
(said the same thing as Yao Yi.)
I'm telling you,
I tolerate you
because of the Crimson King.
You should stop it
and apologize to me now.
Then, I'll let this pass.
You should apologize instead.
Yuan, tell him
how much you like me.
You know it very well.
You're the one
I care the most in my life.
- Good!
- Good!
- Well done!
- Well done!
Off you go.
Never show up before me.
I understand
you did that
to drive the young master away.
However, I'm afraid
that it'll blemish your reputation.
Whatever, I don't care.
Anyway, I'm not getting married
in my whole life.
Well, let's not dwell on this.
Take me to eat something delicious.
Yanfeng Restaurant is right ahead.
Let's go.
What good food do we have today?
Yuan, do you know
how many blind dates
my parents arranged for me?
I'm worn out already.
All gentlemen they introduce to you
are from well-off families.
No one will bully you
if you marry into those families.
Needless to say, I know
they're doing this for my own good.
But I need a man
who can get along well with me.
That guy just now,
the son of the wealthiest man
in Western Huang,
he might seem elegant on the outside,
however, he belittles others
because he thinks he's rich.
He even humiliated you
before the public.
To me,
he can't compare to one of your fingers.
Princess, you've been staying with me
since you were little.
Naturally, you think
everything is good about me.
That's not the reason.
Speaking of your appearance,
not even one in the Western Huang
looks more gorgeous than you,
let alone in Extreme Wind City.
As for your character,
I can't see anyone
who's as gentle and considerate as you.
Plus, in terms of knowledge,
you're so well-versed
and there's nothing that can stump you
since I was little.
Well, Princess.
Let's stop talking about it. Eat up.
Yuan, I'm really curious
about what kind of woman
can catch the attention
of a perfect person like you.
Yuan, I know merfolks
will only have their gender fix
after they fall in love with someone.
How does the lady you like
look like?
She must be gorgeous, right?
Did you two end up together?
She's gorgeous.
I love her very much.
Merfolk can only love one person
in their lifetime.
I only love her.
Over hundreds of years,
I only love her.
How touching.
How does it feel
when you're in love with someone?
How do you know she's the right one?
You feel happy and worried
because of that person.
Everything just becomes interesting
when you're with the person.
Thank you, Priest.
You feel relaxed
when you two are together.
Sometimes, without a word being spoken,
both of you can understand each other.
(Gong Shang)
So, Master chose this artifact too
back then
and we came up with the same name.
You can't leave the person
even for a second
and want to protect the person
from the slightest danger.
(Have I developed feelings for Master?)
(That's impossible.)
(Zhu Yan.)
(Master is rid of worldly desires.)
(You shouldn't
blaspheme him with your feelings.)
(You shouldn't even entertain yourself
with this thought.)
So, is this love?
I mean
nothing's special about it, though.
In this case,
I like Yuan too.
I never eat vegetables.
But I would eat it
when you asked me to.
Plus, I feel the most relaxed
when I'm with you.
Sometimes, you would know things
I don't tell.
I want to protect you too.
(You feel happy and worried)
(because of that person.)
(Everything just becomes interesting)
(when you're with the person.)
(You feel relaxed)
(when you two are together.)
(Without a word being spoken,)
(both of you can understand each other.)
(You can't leave her even for a second.)
(And want to protect her)
(from the slightest danger.)
♪Entwined with you,
even though it's a mere illusion♪
Princess, we should head back now.
But I haven't eaten much.
♪That's the proof
of my regretless devotion♪
♪Lingering in the mortal world♪
Yao Yi.
I don't know since when
my feelings for Princess
is more than just to protect her.
But I'm know
she's not you.
I shouldn't
and I can't allow this to continue.
So, I've decided to leave
the Crimson Residence
and Extreme Wind City.
♪Finally, we meet♪
♪I burn myself
for the bright future of all♪
(To: Chi Yuan)
♪And turn into a landscape
of everlasting brilliance♪
♪Should Heaven senses me
and responds to me♪
♪I'll return to the dream one day♪
What are you doing now?
I miss you so much.
(During the cultivation,)
(stay focused)
(and keep your spiritual barrier
undisturbed and flawless.)
(If any noise passes by,)
(the barrier will bounce it off.)
(If any image passes by,)
(the barrier could shield it away too.)
(As the saying goes, "Countless noises
pass through the ears,)
(no trace left behind;)
(Countless images pass through the eyes,
no shade lingers.")
Where's this place?
Why am I here?
What are you?
What are you?
I'm Zhu Yan!
I'm Zhu Yan!
No, it can't be.
How come I can hear her voice?
There has never been noise
passed through my spiritual barrier.
It's strange.
There's no echo
when I call my name.
Did my name
being eaten
by the white mist here?
By the white mist here?
Who are you?
Do you really like Zhu Yan?
Do you really like Zhu Yan?
Jade Bone.
Why are you so sparkling
when you're here?
What's this place?
The ground is as clear as the mirror.
This is amazing.
I must write to Master
to tell him about this.
It'd be great
if he could come here now.
Is it really you?
My wish is answered, Master.
I miss you so much.
I miss you.
I really miss you.
How come I
can feel the warmth from an illusion?
By any chance,
are you Master?
What's going on now?
this is just an illusion.
Not real.
♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
Wishing Tree.
I got to see my Master here.
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
Are you
the Wishing Tree here?
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
Wishing Tree.
You look like my master.
When he is deep in thought,
he always frowns.
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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