The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e19 Episode Script

Episode 19

(Episode 19)
What's going on?
- This is gasoline!
- My gosh!
What is this? It's gasoline!
It's gasoline?
- What is it? What's wrong?
- It's a bomb!
It's a bomb!
What are you doing?
Can't you see us in here?
Stop this madness now!
Hey! Why did you set this place
on fire? Are you crazy?
Why? Are you afraid you might die?
What the?
Was it okay when your kids
did the same thing?
Your kids also set a car on fire
and ran away.
What are you talking about?
We don't understand!
- Min Seol Ah.
- What?
What do you mean, Min Seol Ah?
That night There was a fire
in the van.
What are you talking about?
Our kids lighted candles
on a cake
and Min Seol Ah almost burned
to death.
That's a lie!
That never happened.
Don't make things up!
It's true. Jenny told me that night.
Wait! I really didn't know anything.
I really didn't know!
The kids probably got afraid
and ran away.
It was a prank. That's all it was!
A prank?
Min Seol Ah almost died that night.
Because of your kids who ran off,
leaving her alone in a burning car.
And after all they did,
your kids still didn't show
any hint of remorse.
How could you do that?
What? You're still alive?
Nice. We're so lucky.
Why? Did something happen?
I had a nap and just woke up.
(Min Seol Ah, Joo Seok Hoon,
Yoo Jenny, Joo Seok Kyung)
Do you know what you did?
Because of you, I almost died.
Because of the fire you started.
What fire? Do you smoke?
You should quit, for your own sake.
I thought you liked to drink,
but you're a heavy smoker too?
So what? Are you going to do
the same to us?
Who are you?
Aren't you Min Seol Ah's brother?
If you don't stop this immediately,
I will tear you to shreds!
Will you?
Give it a go.
I have no intention
of letting you all live.
- What?
- Please open the door!
- Jenny, Mom's dying!
- Save me!
Stop this now! Stop it!
- Stop it!
- Save us!
Let us out!
- Save me, please!
- Let us out!
- Mom.
- Mom.
Write down what each of you did
to Min Seol Ah.
The clock's ticking!
We got it!
Get out of the way.
What did you do to our kids?
If you harmed them, I will kill you!
The kids, of course,
need time to repent too.
For what they did.
Shall we make a deal?
Confess everything you did
to Min Seol Ah.
Confess what happened
on the night Min Seol Ah died.
Don't leave out a single detail.
What do you want us to say?
Confess right now
if you want to live.
Don't say a word.
Don't fall for this!
You lunatic.
Are you saying we should die here?
Get off me!
I'll go first!
I did nothing wrong at all.
I found out later that Min Seol Ah
was locked up
in Hera Palace's mechanical room.
Joo Dan Tae, Cheon Seo Jin,
you locked her up, didn't you?
Say it now!
You're blaming me now?
I did everything for our kids!
That's a joke.
The kids were an excuse.
You wanted to get
the video she had of your affair!
I told you to shut up!
Hey! Darn you!
Our lives
and our kids' lives are at stake!
And you still want to point fingers?
You punk.
Let go of me.
- Come here!
- Stop it!
- You fools.
- What have you done?
- Get off me.
- Will you stop it?
Look at that! Do something!
You have five minutes.
I'll release the person who makes
the most truthful confession.
And their child too.
So, you don't care if you die?
Then I'll do as you wish.
No! No.
Me. I'll go first.
That night
All I did was wipe the blood off
the fountain.
That goes for me too.
Jenny's mom told me
to wipe the blood,
and that's all I did!
Stop it! This is a trap.
They're putting on a show
to get evidence!
Hey. Keep your mouth shut.
You can die for this alone!
I can't die.
That guy, Joo Dan Tae said
we should dispose of the body.
I honestly only followed
what Joo Dan Tae said.
- What a joke.
- Lee Kyu Jin, you stupid scumbag!
The bag.
You brought the golf club bag
to put her body in!
That golf club bag.
We moved that in your car!
- And your ex-wife, this witch.
- What?
She faked the girl's will!
- What?
- You two couples!
You made it look like
it was suicide!
Joo Dan Tae, you trashy punk.
You made it look like
she fell from Bosuk Village!
- Are you crazy?
- It was all you!
- He said shut up!
- Get off me!
- Stop it!
- Let's try to get out of here!
It's all on you!
- I didn't do anything!
- I want to get out of here!
You two. If that girl
hadn't noticed your affair,
none of this would've happened.
Because of you two,
all our kids might die.
If something happens to Jenny
because of you,
I will crush you to a pulp
with my two hands.
Get off me.
Hey! Say that you killed Min Seol Ah!
We might all have to die
because of what you did!
Why would I kill her?
Then was it you, Ms. Cheon?
I didn't do it!
Then who on earth killed her?
All our kids might die!
Please! Please save
my daughter Jenny.
The one in a white dress,
the prettiest girl there
is my daughter.
If you'll spare my daughter,
I'll give you everything I own.
My home and building,
I'll give you everything.
Please spare my Jenny.
Min Hyuk. Min Hyuk, no!
- Min Hyuk! No!
- The truth is,
my mom is very sick.
She has two months to live.
Please let me live
for two more months.
Let me die with my mom.
Don't you lie.
- Please
- How dare you say that?
- Darn you.
- Get off me!
- Let go!
- Let go!
- Let go of me, you jerk!
- Stop it!
What are you saying
What was that?
- What happened?
- He blew up.
He blew up.
- Look.
- Where?
What's that?
Over there. Look
There's someone there.
- Who?
- Who is it?
Su Ryeon?
Shim Su Ryeon!
You think so much of your kids,
so how could you do that
to Min Seol Ah?
What does that have to do with you?
Was it
Was it you behind all this?
Shim Su Ryeon!
That woman's out of her mind.
Min Seol Ah was my daughter!
The poor girl who was switched
and abandoned without my knowing.
She never got to hold my hand,
or call me "Mom"
before she died before her time!
The Min Seol Ah
that you looked down on
and trampled all over
was my daughter.
- How come
- I knew it!
Hey, what did you do to Eun Byeol?
Quit this stupid joke immediately!
Su Ryeon.
Let's calm down first.
Let's all take a deep breath.
You won't really kill
all of us here, will you?
I will represent everyone here
and apologize to you.
- I'm sorry!
- Su Ryeon.
- Hurry!
- I'm sorry too.
- There you go.
- I'm sorry!
- I'm sorry!
- I apologize!
- I'm sorry!
- We apologize.
I don't care
for heartless apologies!
You lunatic!
Shut up!
You're only paying for what you did.
See for yourselves.
See what monsters
you turned your kids into.
She's out of her mind.
She's gone. Where did she go?
- Where is she?
- Shim Su Ryeon!
Open the door! Open this door!
- Let us out!
- Open the door, Shim Su Ryeon!
Shim Su Ryeon!
Let me out of here!
Wait, wait!
I have to get out!
What now?
No! No!
Save me!
What happened?
Darn it.
My gosh.
Let's go.
Wait for me. Wait up.
I had my hair done!
- Let go.
- Are you okay?
What's this?
It's raw sewage!
- It's blood!
- Blood?
Darn it.
What should we do now?
Are you okay?
What is this now?
- Darn it!
- Dr. Ha!
Listen to me carefully.
As of this moment,
Min Seol Ah was never here.
Min Seol Ah did not fall
and die in this building.
Will this be big enough?
It's Min Seol Ah's bag.
I wrote a suicide note.
Set that up too.
We must finish cleaning up
in five minutes.
I'll go down.
With this,
all the proof is gone.
Even after her death,
we enjoyed the party
as if nothing had happened.
It was the grandest party
in the world.
You'll never see such a party
even in your next life.
The lights around the fountain
were so beautiful.
Eun Byeol. Eun Byeol!
- Jenny!
- Mom!
- Dad!
- Eun Byeol.
Jenny! Jenny.
- Eun Byeol!
- My goodness.
(Grace Jo's Private Solo Recital)
- Gu Ho Dong.
- Gu Ho Dong?
What are you doing?
Stop this right now!
I'll give you all the cash you want!
Stop this immediately!
How much will you give me?
Is it enough
to bring my sister back?
Are you really
Min Seol Ah's brother?
- Her brother?
- What?
I thought you were suspicious.
You were Min Seol Ah's brother?
Did you lock up and threaten
my child to avenge for a dead girl?
How can you call yourself a teacher?
This is nothing compared
to what they did to poor Seol Ah.
Your kids are alive and well.
Don't forget.
You brought this upon yourselves.
The letters of remorse
your kids wrote here.
I'll make sure to pass them
to the police.
You scumbag!
- Don't!
- Stop it!
Don't move.
- Gu Ho Dong!
- Gu Ho Dong!
(Grace Jo's Private Solo Recital)
I will catch and kill you myself.
You jerk.
Okay, Chairman.
- What was it about?
- It's nothing.
Ms. Shim.
Hello. I was waiting for you.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
I packed everything.
That's why I came to get you.
I haven't seen Ro Na
for a while as well.
Su Ryeon is at my place right now.
Ro Na practices so hard.
What? Well, yes.
She met Grace Jo today.
She's so eager now.
The coffee's ready.
What do you mean?
What is all over?
The kids all confessed
to bullying and taunting Seol Ah.
The adults too.
They confessed
the disposal of her body
and faking cause of death.
Then Joo Dan Tae
- confessed it too?
- Of course.
He's the worst of them all.
He disposed of a corpse,
destroyed evidence, and set a fire.
He even slandered Seol Ah's name.
What about Cheon Seo Jin?
Did she confess
to killing Min Seol Ah?
She denied it to the end?
Even when you said you saw her?
You said you saw
the ruby ring on her finger.
When Cheon Seo Jin
pushed Min Seol Ah over the ledge.
It wasn't Cheon Seo Jin.
The person
who really killed
my daughter Seol Ah.
It wasn't Cheon Seo Jin.
Then Who's the real killer?
It's you.
You killed her.
My Seol Ah.
Why did you kill her?
Are you okay?
Did you burn your hand?
What do you mean?
What are you talking about?
Do you remember when I asked
to see you on the 47th floor?
The day I told you
Seol Ah's my daughter.
The person who pushed Seol Ah.
I saw them clearly.
Who was it?
She was wearing a ruby ring.
A red ruby ring.
Is something wrong?
I'm fine.
I'll call you back.
I thought it was odd
how you disappeared without a word.
But early the next morning,
Ro Na called me.
Hi, Ro Na.
Why did you call me so early?
A police station?
She was at a police station and
you weren't answering your phone.
(Pull the door-handle)
I went in to wake you
in case you'd fallen asleep.
Yoon Hee.
This is Seol Ah's necklace.
However hard I thought,
I couldn't figure out
why you'd have Seol Ah's necklace.
Why are you so surprised?
So I went to ask you.
To see for myself. But
You're just trying to get
what you want
without getting blood on your hands!
Why did you send me
to Bosuk Village
when I didn't know anything
and get me involved with Min Seol Ah?
I need your testimony.
Go to the police station
and just tell them what you know.
The police station? Me?
My poor daughter
who died is in here.
Stop mentioning Min Seol Ah.
I have to go now.
You were a different person.
You seemed extremely anxious
and it seemed like
you were hiding a huge secret.
So I followed you.
No matter how much
I thought about it,
I couldn't wrap my head around it.
Why did you try to get rid of
Seol Ah's necklace at that timing?
It was as if
you were trying to deny
your memories from that night.
What is this nonsense?
Are you crazy?
Did you lose your mind
because of your dead daughter?
understand how bitter
and frustrated you are,
but don't blame an innocent person.
Then why did you burn
Seol Ah's necklace?
Why did you have it
in the first place?
She gave it to me as a gift.
To thank me for helping her.
But you suddenly told me
she was your daughter,
and I didn't want you to get
the wrong idea.
That's why I tried to get rid of it.
That's it.
You were drunk that night,
and you totally blacked out.
Then you remembered
after I told you.
So you tried to get rid of
the clothes and necklace
that could've been used as proof.
Am I wrong?
Su Ryeon! Why are you doing this
to me?
I didn't do it.
I really didn't do it.
Quiet down.
Is it okay if Ro Na hears this?
Mom. What's wrong?
Are you fighting with Ms. Shim?
No, we're not.
Go get some juice.
- It's in the fridge.
- Just go get some!
Do you have proof?
Not just suspicion, but real proof.
Actual proof
that I killed your daughter.
If you don't, get out of here
before I have you dragged out.
It is over
between us now.
After Seol Ah died,
we carried out an autopsy.
The DNA of several people
were found all over her body.
Joo Dan Tae and Cheon Seo Jin's
were on it as I expected.
But there was one piece of DNA
that we couldn't confirm.
It was left under
Seol Ah's fingernails
as she struggled to fight.
The police investigation
was postponed because of that.
The DNA of the suspect
does not match
with the residents of Hera Palace.
Do you mean
we can't catch the killer?
If there's DNA left under
the victim's fingernails,
it means there will be
a noticeable wound
on the killer's body too.
I was curious.
Who Seol Ah was with before she died.
I was doubtful,
but I still had to check.
Oh Yoon Hee.
It was you.
(DNA Test Result)
(DNA 1 and DNA 2
match identically,)
(which proves they are
the same person.)
(DNA Test Result)
Do you remember?
When they held
an emergency parent meeting
at Cheong Ah Arts High School
after Seol Ah died?
You drank? And after that?
I can't remember.
She just said she can't remember.
What's that wound on your hand?
You don't remember that as well?
Finally, all pieces of the puzzle
have fallen into place.
That wound on your hand
is the proof.
What I saw wasn't
Cheon Seo Jin's ruby ring,
but it was Seol Ah's necklace
you ripped from her neck.
The one who killed Seol Ah is you.
- No.
- Was it because of Ro Na?
Because if Seol Ah was gone,
she would get into Cheong Ah
since she was on the waiting list.
Is that why you killed Seol Ah?
Stop this nonsense.
This is all just your imagination.
You can always fabricate
something like this.
Why? Are you having
second thoughts
on making Cheon Seo Jin
the killer?
Is that why you're trying
to blame it on me?
Oh Yoon Hee!
How far are you willing to go?
I could've gone to the police
right away,
but I wanted to give you a chance
to ask for forgiveness.
I didn't kill her. It wasn't me!
I know that you feel guilty,
but that won't bring
your daughter back.
You're the one
who couldn't protect her!
You're right. It's my fault.
For mistaking a murderer
as my friend.
What do you think Ro Na will say
when she finds out?
Will she understand and forgive you
when she finds out
that her mom killed someone for her?
Do not say anything
to Ro Na about Min Seol Ah.
Don't sway that vulnerable child
with your ridiculous speculations!
You really have
nothing to fear
when it comes to Ro Na.
Honey. Let's go home.
Is this your answer?
Bring her to me politely.
I can go on my own.
I'll call you later.
You did the right thing.
You made the right choice.
For Ro Na to live,
you have no choice.
You did the right thing.
It's okay. It's nothing.
It's okay.
It's so cold.
Seok Kyung.
What are you doing?
- Let go!
- Seok Kyung!
It's okay. Calm down.
It's okay.
It's okay, Seok Kyung.
It's going to be okay.
Get lost!
I'm so scared.
Min Seol Ah keeps chasing me.
It's okay. I'm right here,
so don't worry.
I'm right here, so don't be afraid.
Did Mom kill Min Seol Ah?
Because of me?
Did she kill her
to cover up my sins?
It's okay, sweetie.
It's okay.
You are
Min Seol Ah's real mom?
You did something very gutsy,
Shim Su Ryeon.
Why on earth
are you acting up so much?
Are you foolish enough
to put your life on the line
for a dead girl?
Say whatever you want.
If it weren't for you,
she wouldn't have died like that.
Why did you do it?
Was killing Seol Ah's dad not enough?
Why did you switch
those poor babies
when they were so young?
Then did you think
I would actually raise
that jerk's daughter?
You're seriously too naive.
Why would I do that
for a darn loser like him?
Don't think it will end here.
I will make sure you're punished
for what you did.
You scumbag.
Who is it?
The one who made you so confident.
Taking Hye In
and sending her to New York
and preparing a show
like that today.
An amateur like you
couldn't have done it.
I'm certain there is someone
who's helping you.
Tell me. Who is it?
I'll just send you
to your dead daughter now.
It's Logan Lee, sir.
Yes, it's me.
I was just about to call you.
Don't take your eyes off her.
And make sure
she doesn't meet the kids.
What is this? What's going on?
Turn the lights back on. Now!
Turn the lights back on!
She's gone.
Find her now!
Excuse me for being late.
It's okay.
I'll have the same, please.
So, Mr. Joo.
I heard you missed the event
with Grace Jo.
You know I put in a lot of work
into it, right?
You put me in a bad position.
So do you want to tell me
what happened?
There was an accident.
I guess you didn't hear
anything about it.
Something very interesting happened
in the limousine you sent us.
Oh, yes. I heard about it
from my secretary.
There must've been some kind of
confusion with the limousines.
Anyway, do you happen to know
a man by the name of "Ho Dong Gu"?
"Ho Dong Gu"? Gu Ho Dong?
Yes. This man called me
and he asked me if I knew
the real Dan Tae Joo.
He claims that you and others
at the Hera Palace
are involved in some kind of a
murder case.
Is this true?
He's not reliable at all.
You don't have to mind him.
Well It's against my policy
to go around
digging up other people's
private business matters,
but it did catch me off guard.
Considering the fact that you tried
to sell
your living daughter's property
and now, a murder case.
I don't know if I can keep
trusting you as a business partner.
The investment presentation
is tomorrow.
The investors have high hopes
for this casino business.
You cannot be swayed now.
They're all just false rumors.
What if I don't believe you?
I'll prepare thoroughly
and prove you weren't wrong.
I will never disappoint you.
Investment presentation
I'll be looking forward to it.
How did it go?
Wasn't Joo Dan Tae
suspicious of you?
He's a skeptical person,
so I'm sure he has doubts.
But since he is the president,
and the investment presentation
is tomorrow,
I think he's willing
to push forward.
I know how hard it was.
Why did you go
to Oh Yoon Hee's place?
I wasn't mistaken
about what I saw that night.
Have you forgotten
that Su Ryeon and I are close?
If that bothered you,
you wouldn't be here.
Am I wrong?
Why are you so hard to reach?
Dan Tae's involved
with my daughter's death.
Come with me to the police tomorrow
and testify about Seol Ah.
You're the only person
I trust right now.
I must catch her killer.
Please help me, Yoon Hee.
Yoon Hee is helping Dan Tae.
She betrayed me.
What did I tell you?
I told you not to trust her!
Yoon Hee is the murderer.
She killed Seol Ah.
What did you just say?
The person who killed Seol Ah
was Yoon Hee.
Calm down.
Now is not the right time.
Please give me more time.
I'll deal with it.
Why do you need more time?
What do you expect from her?
Yoon Hee has already betrayed you.
She'll do everything she can
to kill you
along with Joo Dan Tae.
I know that.
- But now isn't the time.
- Why not?
Why can't we just kill her?
Just like how she killed Seol Ah.
I want to do that too!
But that won't be the end.
What will we do after that?
Do you think Seol Ah would want us
to become murderers like them?
What about Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung?
I'm their mother.
I can't end my life
so irresponsibly like this.
I feel a lot more angry and furious
than you do,
and it's driving me crazy.
But I'm trying my best
to stay calm
because I know we can't solve this
by being emotional.
I'm going to take revenge
in my own way.
I'm going to leave her until the end
and put her through the most pain.
So just stick to the plan
and do things one by one.
That's the best we can do now.
Chairman Joo, what took you so long?
This is an emergency situation.
You made us wait for so long.
Why did you want to meet
so early in the morning?
Why do you think?
We almost died,
and our kids were in danger too.
Are you just going to sit back
and do nothing?
Did you find Su Ryeon?
- No.
- You failed to find her?
Good for you. You're doing great.
Now, we finally know
that Su Ryeon was the one
who's been blackmailing us.
Does she not care how much
she traumatized the kids?
How could a mother
do something like that?
But we can't report her to the cops.
We're no better than her.
The kids already know everything,
so what's there to be scared about?
Let's sue her
for kidnapping, confinement,
and blackmail.
I won't forgive her for this.
Come to think of it, you were right
about everything, Ms. Cheon.
Su Ryeon really turned out to be
Seol Ah's mother.
That means she's been lying to us
and planning this all along.
Did we make any mistakes?
I bet she consistently
gathered evidence.
What if we all end up going to jail?
You're the one married to her.
Didn't you notice
anything suspicious?
You always acted so smart.
But seriously, are you dumb?
He must not have noticed
because he loved his wife so much.
I admit that I made a mistake.
But what matters is
how we deal with it from now on.
If you don't want
to get fooled by her again,
all of us better stay alert.
Do you not understand?
We already confessed everything.
What's the use of staying alert?
Think about what kind
of situation we were in yesterday
before we confessed everything.
You're right. We were forced.
We made false confessions
because we felt pressured.
If we say we lied
because we felt threatened,
the cops won't be able to arrest us.
We must come up with a story
and stick to it.
Let's say Su Ryeon
got all of you involved
so she could divorce me.
She wanted to get
a huge amount of alimony.
One more.
Let's also add that Su Ryeon
was delusional and thought
Seol Ah was her daughter.
That's a good idea.
There's no evidence to prove
that Seol Ah is her daughter.
But what about Gu Ho Dong?
What will we do about him?
I'll take care of him.
I'll do everything I can
to find him.
We worked very hard to build
the Hera Palace Kingdom.
I won't let them destroy us.
I apologize, sir.
Do everything you can
to bring Su Ryeon to me.
I don't care if it's just her body.
Eun Byeol.
Did you sleep well?
You shouldn't go to school today.
I'll call the school.
I messed up my midterm exams,
so I can't skip school.
It's okay to skip school.
Look at me.
Are you really okay?
Eun Byeol is stronger
than you think.
Hurry up and go to school.
Get there faster than others
and practice singing.
You're right. I should stick
to my normal routine.
It's not like I did anything wrong.
You and Dad are the ones
who didn't raise me properly.
Eun Byeol.
You're going to proceed with that?
Is it really necessary to hold
the inauguration ceremony?
Don't you remember
what we went through last night?
I did nothing wrong.
So why must I cancel my plans
like I'm guilty?
I won't let Su Ryeon
have things her way.
We're divorced,
so stop interfering in my business.
Are you not worried about Eun Byeol?
Can't you see that she's
all broken inside?
She has nightmares every night,
and keeps talking nonsense.
She isn't sane!
Right now,
the best consolation
she can receive is
to see her mother
become the director.
That's what I can do to console her.
What's going to change
if you just keep babying her?
We can't let her get haunted
by Seol Ah all her life.
You're incompetent
and irresponsible.
You're the worst father.
You really are a frightening woman.
Do you know what's going on
inside Eun Byeol's head?
She's scared
that you might've killed Seol Ah.
I didn't kill her.
That's what matters.
Stop making a fuss and make sure
you attend the ceremony
as the director
of Cheong Ah Medical Center.
I found this on Mr. Gu's desk
this morning.
(Resignation letter)
Resignation letter.
Go screw yourselves.
He must've lost his mind.
How dare he tells you to go screw
It's for the better
since he was always a nuisance.
He pretty much left you a gift
in celebration of your inauguration.
And everything is going well
with the inauguration ceremony
that will be held this afternoon.
Today, I'll be singing for you
as a surprise event.
I'll be singing
your favorite song
Okay, you may leave.
Okay, I'll see you later
at the hall.
(Resignation letter.
Go screw yourselves.)
Gu Ho Dong.
There's something suspicious
about him.
I knew it. Logan was the one
helping Su Ryeon.
Can we meet right now?
It's important.
So tell me.
Why did you want to see me?
Is Su Ryeon doing well?
I've been wondering
where she was hiding.
I'm relieved to know
that she's with you.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I know she's staying with you
in your hotel room.
I already checked.
So you don't need to lie.
As you already know,
I work for J King Holdings.
And the chairman is
looking for his wife.
And as his employee, I should
tell him what he wants to know.
For instance,
Su Ryeon's whereabouts
and whom she's with.
Then you should've contacted
Mr. Joo.
Why in the world did you come to me?
Because I'm curious.
Why are you
helping Su Ryeon?
Don't tell me you've developed
personal feelings
for your business partner's wife.
Now Ms. Oh,
why is it necessary for me
to explain my personal feelings
to someone like you?
I'm sure this project is
very important to you too.
And I'm worried you might
ruin everything
because of your personal feelings.
Is it because of Mr. Joo?
Because apparently, to me,
you're the one who seems like you
have personal feelings toward him.
What did you say?
Now, did you really think that I was
going to go and invest my money
without doing any background
research on my business partner?
I don't care
if you're his employee
or his little Juliet.
Because it seems obvious Mr. Joo's
private life seems rather
disturbing anyway.
So why don't we keep
all this nonsense confidential
for the benefit of both of us?
Because you do realize that we have
a very, very important
investment conference
coming up, right?
We can't trust you
as long as we know
you're helping Su Ryeon.
I'll have to tell the chairman
about your relationship with her.
When this is over,
I'm planning to take Su Ryeon
to America with me anyway.
Did she agree to go with you?
I'm convincing her at the moment.
Obviously, she can't live
with Mr. Joo anymore.
But isn't that what you wanted
in the first place?
For me to get rid of her.
Su Ryeon is going to go
to the States with Logan Lee?
Did you find out
who's helping Su Ryeon?
No, not yet. I need more time.
Will you do me a favor
and speed it up?
Yoon Hee knows
about our relationship?
I think she saw you
entering the hotel.
I made sure she won't say anything,
but we never know
when she might tell Joo Dan Tae.
I hope she at least stays quiet
until today's
investment presentation.
If Dan Tae finds out before that,
everything will go down the drain.
We'll just have to leave it to fate.
Judgment day has come.
It'll all go well.
I hope so.
We must succeed
for Seol Ah.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
I'd like to announce
that Ms. Cheon Seo Jin
got voted as the next director
of the foundation.
(The 7th Director Inauguration
Ceremony of Cheong Ah Foundation)
(Certificate of Appointment,
Cheon Seo Jin)
Now let's hear Ms. Cheon's
inauguration speech.
Hello, I'm Cheon Seo Jin.
First of all,
I'd like to thank you all
for making time
to attend the ceremony.
I especially would like to thank
all the board members
who trusted me enough
to appoint me
as the director of the foundation.
(The 7th Director Inauguration
Ceremony of Cheong Ah Foundation)
I will stick
to my late father's goal
and make sure Cheong Ah stays
strong and transparent.
I promise that to all of you here.
(The 7th Director Inauguration
Ceremony of Cheong Ah Foundation)
(Ha Yoon Chul)
What is this?
I got a text.
She got in using her connections?
(The 7th Director Inauguration
Ceremony of Cheong Ah Foundation)
(The head of the art department
forged her daughter's grades)
(to get her accepted
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.)
Ms. Cheon, I'm Oh Song Yi
from Jeonghee Daily.
Are you aware that someone
sent a tip-off
regarding the school's
entrance exam irregularities?
Did you really forge your daughter's
score to get her accepted?
I heard she sang out of tune
and ran out in the middle
of the test. Is that true?
Is it true that you received bribes
from a few mothers
and forged their kids' grades
in return?
- Ma'am?
- What do you have to say?
- Is it true?
- Tell us what happened.
We'd like an explanation.
Do you admit to everything?
Please explain
What's going on?
What is it?
("Cheong Ah Foundation's
Irregularities Come to Light")
(According to the text,
Cheon Seo Jin's daughter)
(However, others say she got
a high score thanks to her voice)
I guess it's true.
I can't believe it.
(Some people think it's necessary
to carry out an investigation)
What do you think you're doing?
Stop what you're doing right now!
Hello, I'm Prosecutor Oh Joon Hyuk.
I'm a huge fan. I'm sorry
we had to meet like this.
We have a search and seizure warrant
along with an arrest warrant.
You need to come with us.
Let me go.
Who do you think I am?
How dare you touch me!
Let me go! Get off me!
Stop what you're doing now!
Ma'am, this is bad.
The prosecutors took everything
from the teachers' office.
Ms. Cheon, what's going on?
What kind of a crazy jerk
could've reported you?
Do you think
It's not a big deal.
There must be a misunderstanding.
It'll quickly be taken care of.
I want you to stay here
and make sure the students
and parents don't get wavered.
Get off me. Let me go!
Do you think
I'll let this get in my way?
Cheon Seo Jin,
the director
of Cheong Ah Foundation.
- Hello.
- Yes, this way.
Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Hello.
Thank you for coming.
Since our Myeongdong land
has been set as collateral,
we're big shots
in this business deal.
So let's not rely on Chairman Joo
so much
and get involved aggressively.
We should do that.
Nothing went well all this time
when we trusted Chairman Joo.
That's what I'm saying.
Wait. You didn't go
to the inauguration ceremony?
The women of Hera Palace
were all dolled up
to go there since this morning.
I know you're divorced and all,
but you're still
a director
of a Cheong Ah Foundation.
You should've cast a vote.
If you did, you could've saved up
something for yourself later on.
If this investment goes well,
should I pay my wife
a huge amount of alimony
and get divorced?
Can you stop saying
such stupid things?
I can't focus
because of your yapping.
Focus on what?
We haven't even started yet.
Something feels strange.
Why isn't Logan Lee here?
You're right.
Our rich investor from the US
is running late.
What's taking Logan Lee so long?
Call him again.
He's not the type to be late.
(Signed by Logan Lee
and Joo Dan Tae)
Mr. Hong, let's begin.
Did he answer?
I can't reach him.
His phone has been turned off.
How could he turn off his phone
on such an important day?
The investors seem worried,
so why don't we begin the event?
You should begin
with the business briefing.
(Investment Presentation
of the Integrated Resort and Casino)
Hello, everyone.
I apologize for making you wait.
I'm the chairman of J King Holdings,
Joo Dan Tae.
(Investment Presentation
of the Integrated Resort and Casino)
Our joint investor, Mr. Logan Lee
is still in discussion
with the headquarters in the US,
so I will begin the briefing.
The biggest casino ever in Asia
will be built in the center
of Myeongdong soon.
This integrated resort
and casino that will be built
will include the largest-ever
swimming pool
and shopping center in line with
the fourth industrial revolution.
I guarantee it will become the best
tourist attraction of Korea.
I'll explain more
through the screen.
- This is the rate of return chart.
- Yes, Eun Byeol.
- It was provided by Myungjin Bank.
- What? I can't hear you.
- The expected investment
- Hold on.
by J King Holdings is
What's wrong, Eun Byeol?
It's okay.
Don't cry and tell me.
Tell me slowly, Eun Byeol.
Okay, I'm on my way now.
We expect a yearly profit
of 3.5 billion dollars
per year.
Are you Chairman Joo Dan Tae?
Yes, I am.
What is it? You can't come in here
without an invitation.
It's a private room.
You are under arrest
for embezzlement, investment fraud,
and violation of the
Capital Market Act.
Arrest him.
- What?
- What is going on?
What are you doing?
Why would I commit embezzlement?
I have never broken the law.
You can talk at the station.
Take him away.
Who sent you people?
Who ordered you to do this?
Are you kidding me right now?
What do you mean, "embezzlement"?
Why would I steal
the company's money?
You sold Logan Lee's name
and gave false information
to the investors
to receive investments.
Why would I sell Logan Lee's name?
He's my partner
for our casino business.
Call Logan Lee now.
You can ask him yourself!
Are you looking for me?
Logan. Logan!
I'm glad you're here.
There seems to be
a misunderstanding.
Please sort out
this ridiculous situation.
You still don't get it now,
do you, Mr. Joo?
I'm the one who reported you,
Mr. Joo Dan Tae.
What? What did you say?
I am the one who reported you
to the police.
(The Penthouse)
I told you
you were up for a surprise.
It's only fair that they suffer
the same way.
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
What's wrong? Eun Byeol!
You should experience the sorrow
of losing a child too.
I won't let you have your way.
You want me to kill Shim Su Ryeon?
I'll wait until you come back.
I'll reveal the whole truth.
Go on and try it.
Let's see who wins in the end.
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