The Wild Wild West (1965) s01e19 Episode Script

The Night of the Grand Emir

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, there's perils out there.
Wouldn't surprise me a particle if we was all swept to perdition before this night's over.
What sort of perils, Mister? Glover.
Will Glover.
There's some things that are better not spoke of.
Really? There's strange things going on up in them hills.
Unnatural things.
Forces is stirring like a man's never seen before.
If you don't mind, Mr.
Glover, can't we find something else to talk about? I'm nervous enough as it is, what with a broken axle and being three hours late.
I think she's quite right.
We're all a a trifle on edge.
Maybe if we introduced ourselves we could find a more pleasant subject to discuss.
My name is James West.
I'm a mining engineer.
Carma Vásquez.
I'm an artist.
An artist? Mucho gusto, señorita.
I'm Barbara Bosley.
How do you do, Mrs.
Bosley? Miss Bosley.
Forgive me.
Why? It's not your fault.
You see, I'm a dress designer.
And very successful.
Well, it's very nice of you to notice.
It didn't take much effort.
Ho! Drop it! Get down! Get in! Get in! Ha! They took the women.
Yeah, both of them.
Glover? That first fireball or whatever it was they shot at you got him and one of their men, too.
It's too bad- he could have been of some use to us.
He was starting to talk about some strange things happening in the mountains.
You know this wasn't just an attempt to kill us, Jim.
Why? We're only investigating the theft of some copper and kerosene for the government.
But on the other hand, they went to a lot of trouble just to steal an artist and a dress designer.
Put her in the cell! We got the dressmaker for you.
Any trouble? Trouble? Meaning? There was a man in the coach with Carma.
He broke Manuel's arm.
When we tried to get him, we burned Onofre.
You know who he was? I spoke to him in the coach.
He said his name was West.
What happened to him? We burned him! Good.
No- no, it is not good! My men and I- we have had enough.
We are finished! What do you mean? I mean that tonight I lost Onofre.
Three nights ago, with the copper ingots- then I lost Pedro and González, and two other men of mine injured.
And for what?! For more money than you have ever seen.
Any of you.
No, for nothing! Nothing! Always you say, "Money, money.
" All we have seen so far is death.
Now we go.
Stop! No.
Nobody leaves me, Vásquez.
I think we will.
You gave me your word.
I thought you understood.
It is worthless.
Break your word with me and I'll bring down a vengeance upon you and your children and their children after them to wander this earth until the end of time.
If you think the dead can die again, shoot me, Vásquez.
Father, the signs are right for success now.
It's for this I sent you to college, eh? So you could tell me that everything is good when my men are dying! The plan is a good one, and we are almost ready.
If we leave now, your men have died for nothing.
She's right, Vásquez.
We will stay.
For one week only! Vámonos.
I know my father.
You took a desperate chance.
This is a desperate enterprise.
Well, I meant only to warn you.
Like the others, my father is a very superstitious man, but he is also practical.
If you push him too far without delivering what you promised, he will kill you.
I'll try to remember that, Carma.
Yes, I think you should.
Because if you don't all of my work will be useless.
John Brown and his men.
"The Lion and the Wolves.
" "The Lion and the Wolves.
" Very appropriate, Carma, very appropriate.
He still lives! So I see.
Well, another dead end.
We've checked just about everybody and everything in this town.
We better get back to the train and report.
I think this one is going to be big trouble.
Stay close.
Hey! I seen you around town asking questions.
You sure took your time about getting back here.
Oh, well, we weren't aware that anyone was waiting for us.
W-w-well, I've been around here pretty near all morning.
I got something for you to investigate.
Hey, uh, we're a little pressed for time.
Wait till you hear! Sorry, some other time.
Just wait till you hear! There's something fearsome going on up in them mountains.
Such as? That's where the gates to the fiery pit is.
I seen it.
Two nights hand running, I seen it! The flames and the brimstone shooting up, up to glory, when they open them gates just a crack.
Y-y-you think I'm flighty-minded.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Y-y-you don't believe me.
Oh, yes, yes.
I believe you.
Y-you've seen it, too, maybe? Such a wild story, no? Muchachos.
All of a sudden you make it very convincing.
Uh, your gun belts, huh? Please? Eh? I'm a very lucky fellow.
I did not know there was a man with such wild ideas running around.
Not in here.
Outside of town.
Well, I'm convinced we ought to take a look.
Where? Uh, north of here, by the old Indian burial ground.
You'll see! I've finished them.
I suppose it's too much to expect that you'll let me go now.
Does that mean you're going to kill me? Not necessarily.
Are you satisfied with your workmanship? Oh, yes, completely.
You're going to test them, of course.
Yes, tonight.
Well, as I tell all of my customers, if you are not satisfied, you just bring them back and I'll fix them.
I guess the only way to ensure competent workmanship would be for you to test them.
Well Perhaps you're right.
Perhaps I should go over them again.
I thought so.
Well he said we might have to wait.
Jim That must be We can make it by dawn.
Do you smell it? Yeah, kerosene and sulfur.
Sulfur's one of the main ingredients of gunpowder.
Gunpowder didn't do this.
I tricked him into making me walk into the fire, and he forgot that fire can also be a barrier, so I got away.
Who did this? My arm John Brown of Harpers Ferry.
He's not dead.
John Brown was hanged by the neck and pronounced dead on December 2, 1859, in the presence of witnesses.
Can't help that.
I saw him.
I talked to him.
Ooh ow! The idea that he can still be alive is absolutely incredible.
I'm sorry, uh Would you mind helping me, please? Uh not at all.
The idea of someone walking through fire in an asbestos suit, of being shot with a Sioux arrow in Blackfoot territory- that's incredible, too, but we do know it happened.
Now, is there anything else you can tell us? He has a big fort, compound or whatever you call it.
He calls it Harpers Ferry.
It's full of the worst riffraff I've ever seen- renegades from Mexico, Canada, river pirates, even Indians.
They all look like they'd cut your throat for a nickel.
Where is this fort? Oh, I don't know.
After we left the girl's place, they blindfolded me.
What girl? The one who was traveling with us.
She's part of the whole scheme.
We stopped at her cabin to rest and to eat.
And you don't know where that cabin is either, hmm? Yes, I do.
It's in the foothills this side of the mountains.
It's just below a little hill that looks exactly like a ruffled bonnet.
Oh, now, there's a description that can't miss.
We started out to investigate the theft of copper and kerosene from government stores.
We found murder, fire and John Brown.
I'm willing to bet they're all related in some way.
This looks atrocious.
A sling wasn't meant to look stylish.
Well, mine will be the first stylish sling in history, even if I have to hang lace on it.
Excuse me.
Well, Jim, we've still got three leads in that case- the girl, the copper and the kerosene.
Which means we have three separate ways to go.
I'll take the girl.
Leaving the copper and the kerosene.
Well, take your pick.
You're too good to me.
Artemus, at least I'm giving you a choice, aren't I? Yeah, between copper ingots and kerosene- it's hard to choose between two such exciting subjects.
I'll take the kerosene.
And since we're going to be separated, dear friend in case I have to pick up your trail later.
Artemus, don't have too much fun while I'm gone.
Howdy! Hello! What are you doing here? I want to talk with you, Carma.
Ah, you remembered.
How could I forget? Come ahead.
Well, Mr.
And you remembered.
I'm an artist.
I could never forget the name of a man who has a face as interesting as yours.
Thank you.
It's very good.
I did it from memory.
I like women with good memories, among other things.
I remembered every line every feature.
You know, I was very glad to hear that you were still alive.
But it's just just going to make this all the more difficult.
My father would be ashamed of me.
And I'm very ashamed of you.
Now, what do you say we do some serious talking? About what? Oh, about dressmakers, fires and a man named John Brown.
You know, I've already told you you're you're making this very difficult for me.
I'm going to make it a lot more difficult for you if you don't tell me about John Brown.
Why are you so interested in him? It's a personal matter.
All right.
John Brown has gathered all the outlaws in this part of the continent- my father and his men from Mexico, Jean Corvée from Canada and a number of others, including what's left of the Comancheros.
And they've all agreed to join us, and they're going to be here tonight.
And what's the reason for all this? Oh, the reason.
John Brown is going to attack and destroy the army in the West.
And when he's succeeded in doing that, he's going to seize and loot major cities.
John Brown's dead.
I know.
That's what makes it so impressive.
You see, most of the men, including my father, are very uneducated and terribly superstitious.
They all believe that that John Brown has come back from the dead.
Is that what you believe? No.
No, I don't think so, not really.
But it doesn't matter, because when all this is over, I'm going to be very rich and very, very famous.
You see how much easier it is when you try? Now, is there anything else you'd like to tell me? Like the way to Harpers Ferry? Oh, no, I'm not going to tell you anything.
Hmm Oh, but there is something I want to show you.
Come on.
You just come right over here and sit down, and I'll show you something.
It'll only take a moment.
Any little movement upsets them, and they're already very irritated.
I'm going to Harpers Ferry now.
I'll send somebody later, though, to to remove you afterwards.
Do try not to move as long as you can.
Good-bye, James West.
You know, it's a shame.
Under other circumstances, we might have been very good for each other.
Are you prepared to join with me? Are you prepared to strike- to strike a blow so vast, the world cannot conceive of it or prepare for it? Are you prepared because they are the sheep and you are the wolves? Are you prepared to kill, to strike, to burn- to grab the power of an empire in your hands? Are you prepared to unloose the power that I can give you? Are you prepared? Are you prepared? You don't belong here.
I might.
Door was open.
Not alive you don't.
Not here.
We'll dump him in the river.
Come on.
I'm afraid I can't.
I think I should warn you- The place is full of rattlesnakes.
I don't see no snakes.
All right, have it your way.
But when your tongue starts swelling up and your breath comes short and you begin turning blue and your eyes start glazing over, I hope you look at one another and think, "He tried to do the fair and decent thing.
" They're right at your feet.
See for yourself.
You may leave him.
Welcome to Harpers Ferry.
You'd be James West.
And you're going to try and tell me you're John Brown.
I am.
If the real John Brown had lived, he'd be almost I ask you, how can a man age after he's dead? John Brown was hanged by the neck at age 59.
My guess is you're no more than 40.
And yet I am John Brown.
Brown, could you please turn a little more that way? Of course.
I believe you two have met.
I'm getting to know Carma quite well and her playmates.
I hope that you didn't harm them.
Oh, they were quite cozy when I left.
You planned this whole thing, didn't you? Oh, what do you mean? You deliberately let me trap you so that you could get away and follow me here.
Well, you weren't very cooperative in giving directions.
John Brown was never noted for his interest in feminine beauty, convincing proof that you're an impostor.
Thank you.
That's a very delicate compliment.
I chose Carma for other talents.
She's a superb artist.
She has made sketches of every move, every incident, every episode since we began.
When my mission has been completed, from these sketches Carma will prepare a series of engravings to tell the whole story.
Possibly you might become a part of that record, Mr.
West- uh, a plate or two.
The caption: "Death of a Secret Service agent.
" I might be able to make a more exciting contribution to your book.
Its ending, sir.
No such hope, Mr.
I anticipate a very important use for you presently, after which you'll be unable to make any further contribution.
You see, Mr.
West, I am assembling an army of crime- desperate men, scum and leaving of an entire continent.
You might possibly have some early success, but you'll never be successful in holding them together, and the army will defeat you in the end.
I have a weapon, one that I created and built with my own hands.
With it, I will lead my men to victory and plunder beyond calculation.
It is a weapon of destruction such as the world has never seen.
And I want you to know that I consider this an outrage, you scalawags and pirates taking a man's personal property.
And I have I have friends in high places that will be very happy to Inside! Is that where I register me complaint? The governor's a personal friend of mine, I tell you.
You'll hear Who are you? And what is the idea of interfering in me personal business affairs and and bringing me here? What is your name? I got a card here somewhere, sir.
McGuffy, peddler at large.
Brown, there's something about him.
Well, I should hope Vásquez, what's he carrying? Uh, whiskey.
Whiskey, the best, the very best.
You're a smuggler.
Well, I I wouldn't say that.
No, sir, I'm a reformer, bringing blessed relief at the risk of me own life and limb to the poor, parched heathen denied the conciliation of the distiller's art by an unjust and unnatural law.
I have seen m Are you in charge here? You might say so.
Well Now, I got a little proposition I'd like to make to you.
You give me a little corner here somewheres, someplace out of the sun, you know, and a couple of sawhorses and a cup, and I'll cut you in for 10% of the profits.
You're drunk.
Well, now, I-I-I'm a little tiddly.
Yes, I am, I am.
I have been and I will continue to be so- as proof to me customers of me unwavering faith in me own wares.
I will not have drunkenness among my men.
Oh, well I'll get rid of your whiskey.
Oh, no, sir, now, wait a minute here! Hey, no! I-I-I'll give you 20%, not a penny more! You're an unfeeling monster! I know I've seen this man before.
Well, considering some of the places I frequent, lady, that's a very compromising remark.
Where, Carma? I don't know, but but it's the eyes, the general facial structure.
I-I know he didn't have a beard.
Well, I didn't, huh? Go ahead, young lass, tug away, tug away.
There, you see? McGuffy I was and McGuffy I remain.
It's possible you're mistaken.
Let him refresh himself, but keep your eye on him till he leaves.
No, I know I'm not wrong, and it wasn't long ago The ear.
The ear is the one feature that you can't change or disguise.
Yes, it was on the stagecoach, and and he was the shotgun rider.
Ha! Why, she's even more tiddly than I am.
Lock him up.
Uh, now, wait Come on.
Just wait now.
Now, now, you're making a terrible error, the both of youse.
This is an outrage, I tell you.
Get your hands off of me! I'll take youse on one at a time.
I tell you, you're making an error, you pirates, thieves and scalawags! Me congressman will hear of this.
Don't think that he won't! And if you think you can get away with it, you're very much mis Hello, Artemus.
How'd they find you out? Oh oh, it was that girl.
She recognized my ear.
Can you imagine? I've never seen such powers of observation.
She's an artist.
Some artist.
Almost pulled off my skin along with the beard.
Say, that powerfully built man- is, uh, that the one who's passing himself off as John Brown? And he's making it stick.
He's assembled half the criminals in this part of the country.
Claims he's got some new kind of secret weapon.
Ah, I've seen sketches of it.
It's a cannon.
Only not like any cannon I've ever seen before in my life- it's a wicked-looking thing.
I guess we'll just have to wait until dark.
Luis Vásquez, bring your men up here, against Dutchman's Creek.
At the same time, Rafferty's river pirates will strike here, Billy Mord's Comancheros here, here and here.
In a week, this entire part of the West will be in flames.
It is then that the various units of the army will move against you.
That is when you'll have to hold your men together with an iron hand and have faith in my power.
For you'll have to fall back, retreat, luring the army with you.
And when you come to this spot and all the various units of the army have come together, I will destroy them for you.
I-I think, uh, that, uh, we had better wait a little.
I figured there'd be an objection from you, Vásquez.
We have not yet enough men.
It is too great a risk.
Are you afraid? Sí, I am.
And all the rest of you should be, too, huh? Ah, from one time or another we have all had a brush with the army.
It is not a light thing.
Huh? We must take it seriously.
Now, Mr.
Brown, he wants us to lure the army here, huh? Which we can do.
But when this happens, it means that everyone will be here in the same place.
Now, it seems to me that it is a delicate question as to who is in the trap- us or the army.
Gentlemen, you have seen the things I can do.
Oh, sí, I I have seen you walk in the fire.
It is very impressive, huh? But that is not enough.
I can kill any number of soldiers.
So you have said, over and over.
You have seen the weapon that I created with my own hands.
You, Vásquez! I've taught you to fire it.
Sí, I have fired it at the ground, at the air, but that does not mean that it will be of some use against the army.
Very well.
I will destroy a unit of the cavalry.
Will that satisfy you? Sí.
If your cannon can do that, we will follow you wherever you lead.
It's got to be over there.
If we can get in there, I can dismantle part of that.
¿Cómo están, muchachos? Not a chance.
Hold it! I call on you to surrender.
You don't stand a chance.
He's gone to bring back the cavalry.
Of course.
Why do you think I let him escape? Señor Vásquez.
Prepare it.
My own invention, Mr.
West, created and built with my own hands.
Perhaps very destructive.
But cavalry have charged cannon before and taken them.
You've heard of a place called Balaclava.
That was ordinary cannon, but I can assure you, Mr.
West, that this is most uncommon.
We'll fire one round for range.
Señor Vásquez.
Are you ready? Sí.
Cavalry will charge directly through that draw for the gate.
Watch the base of the hill to the right.
Perhaps your confidence has been burned away as well, Mr.
The cavalry is on its way.
When I have destroyed them, you will have outlived your usefulness.
Should I smile? I'm afraid it would be out of place.
Is it really necessary, Mr.
Brown, this way? Yes.
But surely you I must make sure that the cavalry charges directly toward that gate, which they will do in hopes of rescuing Mr.
Just out of curiosity, who are you? What's your real name? I've told you.
John Brown.
John Obediah Brown.
My father named me after his brother, the legendary John Brown, the one everybody thinks of when they hear of the name.
Consider, Mr.
West, what it's like to live in a shadow, to be a shadow of yourself.
Whenever you give the name, everyone thinks of someone else.
Change your name.
My uncle is a legend.
But I'm going to accomplish greater things than he did.
The sketches and engravings Carma has prepared will be made into a book, and it'll be entitled The True Exploits of the Second John Brown.
You see, I, too, will become legendary, and the name will live because of what I have done.
You'll fail, of course.
You realize that.
My uncle failed.
Success or failure doesn't matter; destruction can be an end in itself.
The size of the deed and the name are all that matter.
Search him out, find him! Hurry up, find him! Vásquez! West! Sorry we were so late getting here, Jim.
It was the best thing, Artemus.
If you'd been here any earlier, you might have been incinerated like he was.
That's an ugly way to die, huh? Can you think of a pleasant way? Carma, that dress is hopelessly out of style.
But I have a dress that will look ravishing on you.
Jim if we bring Carma to trial, it'll just result in a lot of sensationalism and adverse publicity that'll be all out of proportion, don't you think? I agree with you.
That means you're free to go.
Thank you.
What about my father? We'll have to hold him in case the Mexican authorities want to extradite him.
May I keep my sketchbooks? No, I'm afraid not.
We can't let them out.
No, I suppose not.
Now no one will ever believe me, and and I might have been another Boswell or Audubon.
Carma, come on.
Let's try on that dress.
Good-bye, Mr.
May I see you off the train? I was hoping you'd ask.
I have a number of regrets- one most of all.
Good-bye, James West.

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