The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e19 Episode Script

Once Upon an Apple

(upbeat music playing)
Time for smiles!
MICKEY: (sings)
Wake up with the morning sun
'Cause I got some work to do
The perfect day has just begun
When I make your dreams come true
You're gonna find that life's worth living
When you get all the joy
That comes from giving
And you're feelin' the love
Feeling the love
Feeling the love
I'm feeling love
There's no use in bein' sad
When I can send your spirit soarin'
I'll give you what you never had
And I get all your love outpouring
What if the world just helped each other
We'd be sharing our hearts
With one another
And be feelin' the love
Feeling the love
Feeling the love, I'm feeling love
(music ends)
(dramatic music playing)
Once I give Snow White
this poisoned apple,
then I’ll be the fairest in the land!
(evil cackling)
The little men will be away
and she’ll be all alone!
(evil cackling continues)
Oof! (grunts)
(humming) Huh?
A frown?
Come on! Come on!
What’s with this thing?
Ah, crossin’ the street?
Well, allow me to turn
that frown upside down.
Stay away from me!
What a frowny face.
What you need is one of my patented
Sunshine Songs.
(sings) Oh, I know what to do
When you’re feeling blue
You turn that frown right upside down
Yeah, yeah, that’s great.
Here, have an apple.
(gasps) For me? How sweet!
Have a good day!
(evil cackling)
I made you something.
Why, you, I
Oh, that smells delicious.
Mmm. What kind of pie is this?
Ugh! Darn that mouse!
(chuckles) Oh, look at me
getting all worked up.
There are more important matters at hand.
(evil cackling)
-Smile surprise!
Makin’ a little stew?
Let’s pepper in some smiles.
Yeah (sneezes)
Snow White!
Snow White!
Waxed your floors for you.
Don’t worry, Snow White,
I’ll be there for you soon.
But first,
I’ve got to take care of a mouse.
-(birds chirp)
-(Mickey hums)
Here! Eat it!
You want me to eat this right now?
If it’ll make your day.
(gasps, groans)
This will get him.
(evil cackling)
Oh, that mouse guy is keeping me
from getting Snow White!
Snow White was the fairest in the land,
but someone new has taken her place.
One named Mickey Mou
(grunts) Ow.
That does it.
To heck with Snow White!
I will destroy Mickey Mouse!
(grunts, yells)
Bobbing for apples?
(evil cackling)
Oh! (cackles)
(sings) Who’s the fairest of the land
And better than you and me
(growls) I’ll get you, Mickey Mouse!
EVIL WITCH: He won’t know what hit him.
Time to trap me a rodent.
(laughing) This will get him!
(cackling) Who’s the fairest now!
(laughs) Oh! Here he comes.
Oh, visitors!
(grunts, groans)
Gosh, Miss Witch?
(grunts) Who is it?
Oh, no!
You! (cries)
I hate you! (groans)
All I ever wanted was to be
the fairest in the land!
Is that too much to ask?
Oh? Is that all?
Why didn’t you just say so?
Friends, loved ones, allow me to introduce
the fairest of them all!
(Mickey clapping)
You did it!
She truly is the fairest of them all.
(cries) So beautiful!
Fare thee well, sweet Witch!
(birds caw)
Thank you, Mickey.
You made me so happy.
And I lived happily ever after.
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
MICKEY: (singing)
What if the world just helped each other
We'd be sharing our hearts
With one another
And be feelin' the love
Feelin' the love
Feelin' the love
I'm feelin' love
Feelin' the love!
I'm feelin'
I'm feelin' the love!
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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