Theodosia (2022) s01e19 Episode Script

The Magic Flute

Miss Krait? What a
coincidence to see you here.
If these Serpents are as
dangerous as you say they are,
we have to be prepared.
It's another puzzle.
That's new.
Grandad says the Egyptian
legends are all true.
Aapep is trapped inside
the Great Pyramid.
The Pyramidion is
holding the key.
This is the most dangerous
artefact on the planet.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Theo
Happy birthday to ♪
ECHOING: You shouldn't have.
You really shouldn't have.
Grandad, what should we do?
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine.
Happy birthday.
Sorry, Henry, I've
got stuff to do.
Dear heavens, Clive.
Perhaps you should
leave the decorating to
the less aesthetically
As you wish, your ladyship.
Let me help you with that.
Oh, thank you, my dear.
I'm rather looking
forward to today.
Your decision to keep
Theodosia's birthday celebrations
a low-key affair does seem wise.
A day without any pressures
will do Theo the world of good.
It's been so hard for Theo not
having her mum and dad around.
All she needs is a fun celebration
for her and her friends.
I'm sure. And in any event,
one wonders whether society would
be quite ready for Theodosia.
Despite your good work, she
can still be worryingly wilful.
There we go. Oh.
Carry on, my dear.
Who's ready to
She's been at this ages.
Safiya's here now - time
to put the book down.
Sorry, look, no can do.
The Pyramidion contains
the key to releasing Aapep,
you know, the actual Aapep,
Aapep as in the evil spirit of
all darkness and destruction
who even Ra himself
can't defeat.
Thank you,
Encyclopaedia Dramatica.
We have to hide it. Everything.
I need to seal
Grandad's secret room,
the journal, the
Pyramidion, everything.
The clue's in the
name, "secret room".
No-one else even knows about it.
Yes, but everyone at
Will's magic show saw
the Pyramidion.
What if they end up connecting
it to me or the museum?
But I thought no-one could open
the last Pyramidion anyway.
It's got that weird lock thing.
Besides, there's no way Granny'll
let you duck out of the party.
"This event has been arranged for
you, at no little inconvenience."
OK, I'm in.
Happy birthday to the smartest,
funniest person I know.
Hang on, my
birthday's not today.
Thank you, Henry.
No really, thank you.
I wonder what Theo's
up to? Having fun?
It feels awful,
missing her birthday.
Remember last year's
practice dig in the garden?
She was so eager to get prepped
for the Valley of the Kings.
Following in her
mother's footsteps.
So much has changed since then.
Our little girl's growing up.
What do you think of this?
I don't recognise the symbol.
This one? Hmm.
Yes, that's one of Dad's.
It means "empty space".
And where there's
an empty space
There's a potential chamber.
Ah. Perfect timing.
You've found something?
We think so. Well, we hope so.
How wonderful.
I call it the
Portapage. Smart, huh?
Yeah, I hear wearing
a book shelf is totally
the big new look.
It's brilliant.
I can read and get
ready at the same time.
Here. Do mine.
Oh, yeah, let me just
bookmark this page quickly.
If I can adapt the
locking spell
Oh, wow.
Cute, right? I kind of
wanted me to have it,
but it's a great colour for
you and it is your birthday.
Well, Safiya, I can't
accept this - it's too much!
Life may not be perfect
but your outfit can be.
Thank you.
I'll bet Will will love it too.
Do you think? Do you
think he'll even come?
SHE SIGHS I should
have been at the show.
He'll come.
I'll leave you two
to play dress-up.
Whatever. I can still
kick your butt any day.
And look stunning doing it.
Thank you.
Is young Will around?
I wanted to speak to him last
night, but things got a little
Great to see such ambition.
He's at a party,
at the Museum of
Legends and Antiquities.
My invite must've
got lost in the post.
Ah, so that's where
he got those props.
I did wonder. Such a
magical performance.
Just a pity it made all
my customers disappear.
could you find some
chairs for our musicians?
Fetch some chairs?
I'll give her chairs
It's a party. Feel free
to play fast and loud.
We may run into some
interference from my great-aunt -
just leave her to me.
Hear me, Ancients.
Thoth, God of wisdom,
grant me the protection
of the fields of Aaru.
There. See? Apparently, this
is Theo's idea of birthday fun.
It's fine, Saf, I can party and
save the world at the same time.
Hi, Will. You you came.
You look amazing.
You know, I should really
fix my hair before the party.
Be in the garden in ten?
Sure. Yeah.
SAFIYA: Honestly, those two.
It's like Romeo and Juliet
but played by clowns.
Only even clowns would
have kissed by now.
I got you this.
Oh, it's like the nameplate
for Vincent's house.
And that's my name!
In hieroglyphs!
Safiya helped me
with that, so
It's beautiful.
Thank you, Will. Can
you? Me? Yeah.
I'd like that.
Happy birthday, by the way.
Thank you.
There we go.
So, should we look for some
safe props for your next show?
About that. I've been thinking.
I'm not sure magic's for me.
Will, it IS you. You love it.
It's not exactly practical, is
it? Especially after yesterday.
See, I've got this
job at the laundry.
The laundry? Hey, it's
reliable, and it pays well.
Like, hard work and everything
but battling tough stains is
easier than duelling deities.
I know I should've
been there. I'm sorry.
I could've stopped it and
Come on, you're
missing your party.
Yeah, I actually need get
this stuff back up to my room.
Parties, spell books and
Granny is never a good mix.
Punctuality is not just
about being on time,
it's about respecting others.
Oh. Better late
than not fabulous.
Very modern.
But delightful,
quite delightful.
A toast, I think.
15. Good heavens.
Let's not concern
ourselves with age,
it's merely the number of years
the world has been enjoying us.
Luckily, you have the perfect
person to guide you on your journey.
To Theodosia.
ALL: To Theo.
Thank you for doing
this for me, Nigella.
You're officially the
best cousin ever. Ditto.
Oh! Your parents left
you a little something.
What could it be?
Fancy wrapping.
The suspense is too much.
It's a new hieroglyph
dictionary! Look.
Yeah, yeah, bird, eye, squiggly
line, beetle, we get it.
I wish Mum and Dad were here.
They are in spirit,
I assure you.
Come on, let's get the party
started. To the dance floor!
To the dance floor!
It should be right through here.
Nearly there.
That's it. That's it.
What can you see?
Wonderful things.
Ready to hit the dance floor?
Better get in quick before
Granny requests a waltz.
Why don't you ask Will?
Wasn't he supposed
to ask me first?
You're so Victorian sometimes!
OK, well, maybe he
doesn't even want to.
I'm a rubbish friend.
I wasn't even there for
him when he needed me.
Are you thirsty?
There's rose lemonade.
Yeah. Great. Thanks.
You know this is
supposed to be a party?
Yeah. Sorry.
Theo really cares about you.
It's complicated. It
doesn't need to be.
Just go over there and ask
her to dance. You'll see.
You think so?
I know so.
What is this alleged music?
Th-the lady requested
And now I am requesting that
you get Bach to business.
Oh. Are you part of
the entertainment?
No, but
Roses are red.
And violets
- ..are blue.
It's gone. I know,
isn't it marvellous?
No, my flute. It's
Where did it?
Was this your doing?
No, I assure you.
Oh. I had it a
moment ago. Oh, dear.
Where is it? It's disappeared.
Where did you have it last?
He's coming, he's coming.
It's going to be OK.
OK, smile.
May I have this dance?
This would work so much
better with actual music.
I should've been there for you
yesterday, really. You know,
the Pyramidion's
important, but so are you.
Can we agree,
the most important thing isn't what
happened or what might've happened,
What's important
is that right here,
right now, we're together.
I'm glad Nigella
talked me into this.
Oh, so you had to be talked
into it, then? Did you?
Look, it's a tough job,
but somebody had to do it.
Yeah, OK.
Found it!
That's not mine.
Could you just
make do for now?
I could try.
Well done, dear.
I must say, you've
done a wonderful job.
It's an entirely
appropriate affair.
Thank you.
I'm glad we've had
this time together.
I was always fond of you, you
know, such a sensible girl.
Most unfortunate, what
happened to your father.
Yes. Unfortunate.
My own nephew, a rogue!
Thank goodness you're
nothing like him.
Theodosia and Henry are
lucky to have you here.
You're so kind, Great-Aunt.
Shall we fetch the cake?
Yes, indeed. Something
chocolaty, I hope.
Excuse the interruption.
Mr Devenham. What
are you doing here?
I wanted to congratulate
you on your show.
Astonishing effects.
You must tell me
how you did them.
And I loved all
the Egyptian stuff,
especially that strange
pyramid. Oh, yes.
You must show it to me sometime.
Let's talk, after the dancing.
Wow. Well,
I guess you really do have a
magical future. Now, let's dance.
What is this? A waltz?
Yeah. It's easy. OK. Hand here.
And I'm going to put my
hand here, on your shoulder.
OK, now follow my feet. This
one first, yeah? No. My back.
What do you say,
Henry, ready to dance?
Nah, I've got two left feet.
Just style it out. Dance
like no-one's watching.
Or pointing or laughing.
Am I doing it right? Yeah.
Neville Devenham liked my magic.
THE Neville Devenham. I know,
you should go after him.
No, no. There's plenty
of time for that.
Right now I'm enjoying
dancing with you.
The find of the century.
Your dad would be so proud.
Yes. I really think he would.
Aapep's nightly battles with Ra.
Incredible persistence.
4,000 years and counting.
Oh, you've done so well.
Today's been such an
extraordinary day for discoveries.
This obelisk was uncovered
in one of the air shafts.
Such an intense and
captivating luminescence.
It's mesmerising, isn't it?
VOICE SLOWS: Almost hypnotic.
The time is nigh,
Aapep. Chaos is coming.
I thought you couldn't dance?
This song's different somehow.
Even Clive's dancing!
I didn't know think he had it
in him. I'm not sure he does.
What'll your next show be about?
Not sure. If Devenham the Magician's
into my magic, then maybe
I should stick to magic?
He did seem interested, didn't he?
In the Pyramidion in particular.
I guess.
How did he know you were here?
I guess Artie must've told him.
Where is he? You know,
we should find him,
ask him a few questions.
OK, Will, it's OK.
You can let go.
I'm not. Come on, now
Will. Let It's not me.
What's happening?
Is this wrong? Oh,
no. I see magic.
Stop! Please!
No can do. We're in the groove.
Got to go with the flow.
The flute. The flute has
magic. We can't stop dancing.
Neither can we. Do something,
Theo. My feet are hurting. OK.
Neville Devenham came to
see Will Wow. Amazing.
No, I think he used
magic to distract us all.
The Pyramidion.
OK, you two have to
find him and stop him.
What are we supposed to do,
shimmy him into submission?
You'll think of something.
OK, we need to go upstairs
and find a reversal spell.
Take a left. All right.
My left, not your left! Sorry.
What's that noise?
You think you can just waltz
in here and put a spell on us?
I don't know what you're talking
about. What on earth is going on?
Show us your wrists. What? Why?
Grab him. Get this
dancing tin can off me!
No way, snake. Grab him.
Ever feel like you're taking two
steps forward and one step back?
This isn't funny,
Will. Tell me about it.
My magic career's been resurrected,
then destroyed in five minutes.
OK, ready? OK. Now.
The amulet. Argh!
Why doesn't this
dress have pockets?
Erm OK, do as I do.
Oh, OK.
OK. Hear me, Ancients.
Hathor, mother of salutations,
lady of delight,
grant me the serenity of
Ma'at, daughter of Ra.
Everyone's a critic.
What What just happened?
Looks like the party's over.
Ah! Watch it!
No tattoo. He's clean.
Never in my life!
You will stay for cake?
You let him go?
He's not a Serpent.
Wait, what? He looked
mad. Was he mad?
Maybe a little.
He was my big break,
my only chance.
Someone cast that spell.
Someone from inside. Sh!
Someone from inside the museum.
We have to get to
the secret room.
Another chamber
for you to explore.
Breathe easy.
There's not a lot
of air to go around.
Hey, cuz, we need to talk.
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