Thunderbirds (1965) s01e19 Episode Script

Danger at Ocean Deep

'Thunderbirds are go! ' There it is, folks! For the first time in TV history, we're at the scene of an accident in time to see International Rescue in action.
Hold on, Mr Kerr, we're going down.
Friends, you heard the pilot.
The first dramatic pictures will be seen in seconds.
Well, there is the fabulous Thunderbird craft.
I'm told this rescue is routine, so the special equipment won't be used.
But it isn't the equipment that interests us.
No, sir! It's the great guys who use it.
Make room for the cameras, folks.
Move back.
Now you see what happened.
A hidden underground well suddenly collapsed.
Before it was even known a man was trapped, International Rescue arrived and What's that, Joe? I've just heard they're on their way up! Don't go away.
I'll try to get a word with him.
(Man) Get back! Give him some air! He's 0K! The phenomenal International Rescue have done it again! Excuse me, sir, have you got a word for our viewers? Sorry.
You know the rules - no TV, no photographs.
- Yes, but - I said no photographs! (Scott) "International Rescue does it again"? I don't get it, Father.
It is strange, I agree, Scott.
But if they're dedicated, who are we to complain? But they're using our name, and they've copied our uniforms! I know, Tin Tin.
Sure, it's unethical, but is it so important? You read the report, they saved a life, and that's what counts.
Your father IS worried, Scott, and upset, despite what he said.
somehow it just doesn't figure.
I wish I knew what really happened.
Well, that's it, gentlemen.
Now you know how they did it.
There's no doubt the plan succeeded? None.
International Rescue faked it all to steal the plans of the AL-4.
They were successful.
(Murmurs of assent) Quiet please.
0ur task is to decide what course of action to take - a course of action that must see those plans back in our hands.
(Murmurs of assent) Come off it, Jack! We've been taken by that outfit, and taken good.
This map shows the rescues that to our knowledge they've pulled off - all carefully spaced out, gentlemen.
Spaced out, so we'd get no idea of where they're operating from, and they've always insisted that we shouldn't try and find their base.
Quite a plan! And what fools we were to go along with it! But to perfect this plan of appearing and striking without raising any suspicion, they've had to spend millions on their machines.
- Does this make sense? - Sure it does! The AL-4 project, a fighter capable of the speed of accelerated light, cost this country Compared to that, their set-up cost peanuts.
what we're gonna do.
We're organising a search force.
They'll cover every inch on the face of the globe if they have to.
We'll find those rats - take my word for it! - We'll find 'em.
- You're right! This is the central office of the General Staff Command to all search controllers.
'Proceed to your stipulated areas.
'International Rescue must be found.
'Search and double-check.
'Repeat - International Rescue must be found.
' Well, I guess that's it.
Yeah, if a kid sends up a kite in our area without permission, we'll track it.
If International Rescue operate from the South Pacific, they need only make a move and we've got 'em.
Otherwise we'll SMELL them out! 'I'm your World TV reporter, Eddie Kerr, 'with the latest on the traitorous International Rescue gang of crooks.
' "Traitorous crooks!" How do you like that?! I heard, Virgil.
(Kerr) 'I interviewed General Lambert, 'supreme commander of the search operation.
Let's see it.
' Well, folks, this is General Lambert.
General, I'd like to thank you for letting us drop in.
We know you're very busy.
Yes, well, it's a pleasure, Mr Kerr.
A pleasure.
(Gordon) Yeah, I bet it is! That's enough, Gordon.
'How's the search going? ' 'I think I can say that everything is on schedule.
'Yes, I can definitely say that.
' 'Have you any idea where their hideout is? ' 'Um, no, but there are more favourable areas than others.
For example, it's reasonable to suppose they don't work from a highly populated area.
Secondly, their sea-going equipment suggests an island.
Weather is also (Turns off) We know what's going on.
What are their chances of finding us? They won't find us, Tin Tin.
We're too well hidden.
They'll search the island, but that's no problem.
- What are we going to do? - Find those guys, those impostors who stole the plan.
Meanwhile, we daren't operate until this is cleared up.
- What if we get an emergency? - We sit tight.
- Just ignore it? - That's right.
But people could be dying somewhere! You must realise that we can't help anybody at the moment.
If we attempt any activity using International Rescue craft, or operate in any way, we're gonna be clapped into jail.
Is that clear? Yes, sir.
What's the action? Well, first we have to find these impostors and clear our name.
Where do we start, Father? This is where our agents come in.
We have agents all over the world.
This map shows the network and the territories covered by each agent.
All agents will be alerted to radio in every piece of information.
Lady Penelope will leave for the States to see if eyewitnesses can give us any clues.
We'll find them, boys.
We've got to.
The car awaits, madam.
I'll collect the rest of your gear.
Thank you, Parker.
Pity I couldn't take all that I wanted to.
But this IS an emergency mission.
'Will passengers in the first-class wing compartments 'please fasten their safety belts.
' Oh, very nice, I must say, m'lady.
I always think, myself, it's the best way to travel, first class.
Worth that bit extra.
The service isn't quite what I would expect, but these young fellows don't have the training that I had.
Quite, Parker.
Mach 5.
3 height 200,000 feet.
Level off.
Difficult, it will be very difficult.
I beg your pardon, ma'am? Oh, nothing particular, Parker.
I just hope that one of our agents S0MEWHERE will find something.
(Gunshot) Now, where did that critter get to? Yeah, super! Reckon that'll do for supper.
Mighty strange.
- Hi, there, Ma.
- Huh? Think this'll be a mite tasty.
That little fella must have taken some catching! I had to get up to the old mine on some business.
Business?! What business? Well, now, it ain't for me to say.
It's between me and that Mr Tracy.
What did you see? Can't rightly say, but orders were to report anything a mite suspicious, and it WAS suspicious.
This is Agent 47 calling International Rescue.
'Go ahead.
' Thank you for your assistance in the search of the island, Mr Tracy.
That's 0K.
I hope you find the ones you're after.
We'll find them, sir.
Don't worry.
Message received.
Over and out, and thanks.
'That's 0K, young fella.
Glad to oblige.
' - Have they gone? - Yes, but they'll be back.
More messages, Alan? This is from Agent 47.
Sounds like a hillbilly.
Yeah, he's a hillbilly all right! - Who the heck's that? - 0h, he's quite a character! Met him when I was in the service.
Straight as they come is Jeremiah.
- So you made him an agent? - Yeah, he guessed about my plans.
When he asked to help, how could I refuse? What does he say, anyway? "Aircraft tyre-tracks.
" Open country? Maybe a plane made a forced landing.
Not much to go on.
File it.
No action.
What's up, Ma? I wonder if there's anything at that old mine.
I was wondering the same thing myself.
This is the best hideout I ever had, Jenkins! Yeah, for the best deal.
We make a fortune and International Rescue take the rap.
Kinda tough on those guys, though.
I'm eating my heart out(!) (Evil laughter) we knew it wouldn't be easy.
We'll just divide this map and start again.
For the security of the world, International Rescue have got to be found! The fault goes right through.
We'll have to work on the antenna outside as well.
I don't fancy telling the general we're off air, but I'll get it over with.
Search Control from Space 0bservatory Three.
'Search Control from Space Observatory Three - come in, please.
' 'This is Search Control.
S0-3, go ahead.
' 'Tracking device ZK0 has developed a fault.
'We are non-operational as of now.
' 'Schedules show you monitoring South Pacific area.
Check? ' 'Check.
South Pacific area and bordering land masses.
' 'How long do you need for repairs? ' Three to four hours, at least.
'They said the space station watching the Pacific for us 'has closed down for four hours.
' Thanks, but if we took off without being discovered they'd track us on the return trip.
'Yeah, just thought I'd let you know.
' Sure.
Keep listening - you may hear something useful.
How's it going down there? ' We're ploughing through the agents' reports.
'Good luck! ' It's not only us with troubles! They'll be off air for F0UR hours?! Tracking device ZK0 has broken down.
Get them on the radio! I'LL talk to them! OK, that's it.
I'll start with the antenna and work back.
Yeah, I'll begin here.
'S0-3 from Search Control.
'S0-3 from Search Control.
Come in, please.
' - This is S0-3.
Go ahead.
- 'General Lambert for you.
' Lambert here.
Now, listen to me.
I want that space station operational in the shortest possible time - if not sooner.
'Is that clear? ' Yes, sir.
Elliott's about to go out through the airlock.
Get to it! Call me back when it's fixed.
Let's get started.
You ready, then? Yeah, yeah, I'm ready.
I'm at the antenna.
' How does it look? Can you tell? Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be a long job.
your tie-ropes - and check them, too.
Tie-ropes double-checked.
We don't want you drifting off.
Call me if you want me.
'I'm gonna make a start in here.
' (Penelope) As I was saying, Mr Kerr, my readers in England are as intrigued as you are.
I guess we're ALL outraged by those those RATS.
International Rescue are certainly a dirty word here! Quite.
Well, thank you for all the information on the so-called rescue.
You say that afterwards the two, er, rats left in their International Rescue jet? Yeah, heading south-south-west.
Well, thank you so much.
You've been too kind.
It's been a pleasure, ma'am.
Now, how about some lunch? Thank you, but no.
I'm afraid I've got to pass this information on to my chief.
'After the rescue the impostors went in a south-south-westerly direction.
' Probably a blind, but they wouldn't divert too far.
The weather rules out north and east.
What sort of jet? 'Mr Kerr wasn't certain.
Probably an EJ-2.
' That's not long-range - So they couldn't have had far to go.
It's not much to go on, but it suggests we'd best concentrate our attention on this area.
Which agent covers that area? something from Jeremiah Tuttle? Yes, he reported seeing some aircraft tracks.
Remember? Yes, I do.
Right, Penny, tell Parker to stand by with the Rolls.
- You have another mission.
- 'Right.
' (Alarm buzzes) Ain't that there the emergency call sign, Jeremiah? Sure is.
That's why I'm rushing, Ma.
Go ahead, Mr Tracy.
'It looks like there may be something in those tracks.
'0ur London agent will visit you.
' That's decent of you.
We don't have many visitors around these parts.
'Her name is Lady Penelope.
'Please give her all the help you can to investigate those tracks.
' T'ain't trouble, is it, Jeremiah? Reckon it might be just that.
Help me get the chickens out of the truck - we'll need it.
Hale, how are you going? I've finished out here.
There's still around two hours' work, Elliott.
- 'Stand by the airlock.
' - Sure.
Agh! 'What did you say? Anything wrong? ' No, I just lost a spanner, that's all.
I'm coming in now.
Aagh! Enjoying the ride, Ma? Can't say as I am! What do you want to drive so fast for? At last! A clear road! No road-hogs in the way of my beautiful wagon! All right, baby, here we go! That's my baby! THAT'S MY BABY! Dang it, we're gonna be late meeting Lady Penelope! Sorry, Ma, but I'll have to use the supercharger.
Wow! This is really living it up! Get out of the way! (Honking horn) I don't believe it! (Jeremiah honking horn) I just don't believe it! We're nearing the appointed rendezvous with 47, m'lady.
He'll lead us to his home and we'll make our plans there.
Right, m'lady.
(Hale) 'He just shot off into space like a rocket! ' His suit will keep out the radiation, but he only has three hours of oxygen! (Worried chatter) No chance of getting him back with the Retrofac? None.
He moved too fast! I tried the scanners before I called.
He'll be registering on it somewhere, but so are thousands of meteorites.
'His only chance is a rocket launch.
' You know how long it would take to get a ship there! Yes, sir.
It's ironic, but only International Rescue 'International Rescue! ' - 'Remember what this is all about! ' - 'Yes, sir.
' 'How long before that satellite will work? ' - 'An hour, sir.
' - Then get working! I'm gonna make sure Elliott didn't give his life in vain! Thanks, John.
He's got just three hours up there.
We've gotta do something, Father! Unless Penelope comes up with something, we can't make a move.
I don't really have to say this, but a man's life is at stake.
That's right, Scott, a man.
0ne man.
If we're put out of business, it could be 500 over the coming months.
Snap out of it, boys.
I feel the same as you.
But we can't help him.
Then that's our plan.
I kinda figured, as I know the area, you'd let ME handle it.
Sorry, Jeremiah, but I want this one all to myself.
Come on, Parker.
I don't rightly reckon they'll get far in that fancy buggy! No, they sure won't! What's the matter, Parker? Bogged down by the mud, I'm afraid, m'lady.
Never mind.
We can get to the mine on foot.
Parker! Sorry, m'lady! That must be the hundredth time you've done that.
I'LL lead.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, no! In trouble, m'lady? Oh, never mind! Come on, Parker.
Oh! It's ten after three.
That guy has less than two hours to live.
Hale! Hale! Can you hear me? One, two, three, four, five Hello? Hello! Is this line still open? Yes, sir.
Still open.
Hale, are you operational yet? Won't be long now, sir.
All right, boys - Alan, Scott - we're going after him! - The search is still on.
- I know.
But Penelope may just clear us in time.
We'll take things as they come.
We're the only ones who can save him.
- Alan, take Scott with you.
- Sure.
We've left it late, but do your best to save him.
Stand by for blast-off.
Sector Four reports unidentified rocket launch.
- Did they get a bearing? - No, sir.
I can't believe it's them, but watch it anyway.
Yes, sir.
That satellite would have pinpointed the launch site! (Bleeping) Better switch on the tracking equipment.
We're in the area.
Yeah, there's the station, now.
I tell you, sir, International Rescue are going after Elliott! This must be the craft we picked up earlier.
'I don't get it, sir.
' There's nothing T0 get.
0ne of them just has a conscience, that's all.
They're still wanted criminals.
Track them into their base.
'We'll be waiting.
How long do you need? ' I can start tracking in ten minutes.
(Gasping) Elliott calling 0bserva tory! Elliott calling 0bservatory! Come in Hale! Try increasing the range.
pick up so many trails we won't know which is Elliott.
There! Did you see? Yeah, a flicker of interference.
I got a rough bearing.
Let's get closer.
OK, Scott.
(Beeps) - You were right, Alan! - Try it on vision.
- There he is! - Let's go and get him! In a few hours the plane will be back with the buyer.
That's right.
And it'll take good American dollars to buy this little lot.
This must be it, m'lady.
We've got them cornered all right.
I'll fire a warning shot.
(Click) Oh, no! Parker! Why did I ever come here?! Why?! Look at all this mud! It's everywhere! (Jenkins) There's someone out there! Get the rifles! Not so loud, m'lady.
If they are in there, they'll hear you.
I let those hillbillies do this? Hey, look! Two of them! Guess I'll shoot first, then ask questions after.
It's time I took a hand, Ma.
You better come on out and give yourselves up! Jeremiah! We thought someone was firing at us! We're hemmed in, Jenkins! Maybe we are, but we don't give up that easy! Come and get us, wise guy! They're going to make a fight of it.
Yup, kind of looks that way! Pass me those cans of beans, Ma.
Beans? But this is no time to eat! Eat?! I guess you ain't heard about Ma's beans, ma'am.
We're pinned down now! 0K, you win! (Coughing) Let's get out of here! Yes, sir! I understand, sir.
Very good, sir.
The search is cancelled.
I've just received my orders direct from the White House.
International Rescue have been cleared.
They are to be given all co-operation.
Pretty good.
Yeah, pretty good.
S0-3 to Search Control.
I'm about to start tracking.
Hale, you'll do nothing of the sort.
International Rescue are cleared! Switch off! Yes, sir.
This is where we say goodbye, Elliott.
I know I keep saying it, but you guys saved my life.
Thanks, and well, it's just great that you guys have been cleared.
That call from base sure lifted a lot of worries! Well, there's no one better qualified than me to say it's terrific to see International Rescue back in business!
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