ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e19 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
I might be partly metal, but
my promises are partly real.
So are you
gonna help us or
- [screaming] Tally-hawk!
- [screeching]
- This show is weird.
- [Tygra snoring]
- [rumbling]
- Ugh, it's already Wednesday?
These skycutters are undefeatable!
Ugh! The Mutants got some
dumb flying machines now.
Somebody go deal with them.
- No.
- Nuh-uh.
- Not me.
- I fought the Mutants last week.
Wait! Did someone say
dumb flying machines?
This is the perfect chance
to test out
my awesome flying machine!
[man singing on TV]
Partly metal, partly real
[all laughing]
Yo, Mutants!
Betcha can't catch me!
Try to keep up!
- [Monkian] Don't mind if we do!
- [Vultureman laughing]
[Mutants laughing]
[Slithe] We can't miss now
Looks like someone's
got tunnel vision. [laughs]
My apologies, ma'am.
[both grunting]
[growling] Mutants.
Whoa! Nice wing span!
Oh, yeah! Let's go
kick some butt!
[laughs and gasps]
Hey! You're pretty good
at punching Mutants.
I may have punched
some Mutants in my time.
Whoo, she's so cool!
Yeah? Ever give 'em
one of these?
Two Mutants at once? Amateur!
[all yelling]
They're punching and flirting.
This is painful.
And socially awkward.
Mutants, retreat!
Mutants are so dumb.
I wasn't flirting.
Really? That's too bad.
I was.
Oh! Or maybe I was.
[chuckles] I get so in the zone
when I'm fighting Mutants.
Happens every Wednesday.
Wait! The Mutants attack you
every Wednesday?
They attack my castle
every Friday.
Oh! Really? That's crazy.
You know, since I helped you
fight them today,
I guess that means
you owe me one.
Should we say my place?
Tomorrow? Midnight?
Dinner and some
Mutant punching?
[announcer reading]
Um Yeah!
I'm Panthro, by the way.
Barbastella. See you tomorrow,
[giggling and whooping]
[all screaming]
- I met somebody!
- [all] Yay!
Oh, Panthro!
Tell us everything.
Eh, it's totally cas
But her name is Barbastella,
and she is amazing.
Barbastella! Who is she? What's her deal?
How did you meet?
Can I be the best man
at your wedding?
I met her in the sky!
She's got these really cool,
big, black wings! And fangs!
And get this,
she does this cute thing
where she eats bugs when she
thinks nobody's looking
So, she's a bat-woman?
No. I think she's like a
pterodactyl or something.
- [communicator beeps]
- That's probably her.
Hey, Panthro! I never
gave you my address.
I live in Bat Castle at 2226
Bat Avenue, Bats-ylvania.
Or you can just type
in "Bats" into your GPS.
That'll get ya here.
Uh, Barbastella,
no big deal
But are you a bat-woman?
I didn't want to
get into it, but, uh, yeah!
I'm Queen of the Bats!
Okay. See you tomorrow!
Hey, isn't Panthro
scared of
[screams] Bats!
I totally forgot. I have plans,
for the rest of my life!
Oh, well! Barbastella
will figure it out
when she never
sees me again! [whimpers]
Panthro! You are not
ghosting on this girl
just because you're
afraid of bats.
- She could be the one.
- She definitely is.
I've seen enough
romantic comedies to know that
incompatible people
always fall in love!
Just come down
from the fridge
and we'll help you get ready
for this date.
I'm good. I live here now.
Redirect all of my mail
to top of the fridge.
Hey, guys,
don't pressure Panthro.
It's okay to be single.
Just look at me!
Thirty-three, I'm single
and I'm doing great!
Ahhh! Help me!
- Oh, yeah.
- You got it, Panthro!
[Cheetara] All right, first thing we
gotta do is some exposure therapy.
We'll start easy.
Here's a bat
It was just a picture.
I can take it from here,
What we need
is a romantic comedy scheme.
Like the one where the lady
adopts a hockey team
to prove she can be mayor.
Or, or, or the one
where the puppet
only has 17 hours to marry
his true love! [kisses]
What movies are you watching?
I've got it! Panthro gets
scared when he sees the bats
So what if he can't
see them? Here, try this.
- [coughs]
- Perfect!
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good.
- [crashes]
- Panthro!
This is dumb.
You can't wear sunglasses
on a date. No schemes!
Well, I say "yes" schemes!
- No schemes!
- Yes schemes!
- No schemes!
- Yes schemes!
- No schemes!
- Yes schemes!
Stop it! I gotta figure
this out for myself.
I'm going to my garage.
- To work on a scheme?
- No schemes!
[Panthro] Hmm. Thinking
Thinking [sighs]
I got it.
Hey, Panthro, would you
rather kiss a bat
or Mumm-Ra on his dusty old lips?
- [Panthro] Neither!
- Okay, just thought I'd ask.
Anyways, thanks for walking
me to my date, guys.
I need the support!
No worries, dude.
I'm just glad
you're not going through
with Lion-O's lame scheme.
Well, you were
right, Cheetara.
I can't wear sunglasses
on a date. It would look rude.
So, I made these!
Check em' out!
Black out contact lenses!
I pop em' in
and I can't see a thing.
But Barbastella
will never know.
Oh, my gosh! It's a scheme.
Oh, by the way, I need you two
to lead me around all night.
This is a terrible idea.
- [cave bell rings]
- Hey, Panthro, lookin' good.
[chuckles] Right back
at ya, Barbastella.
Hmm? Panthro, uh
What's the deal with
Oh, yeah. Barbastella, this is
Lion-O and Cheetara. They're
- Here for the double date!
- What!
Cool. Wasn't expecting that
but, come on in.
The Mutants always attack at dawn,
so we've got the whole night.
[Cheetara growls]
I'm gonna grab my bats. They're
super excited to meet you.
Ugh, Lion-O! Why did you
tell her we were dating?
False identities!
You can't have a romantic comedy
scheme without false identities.
Ooh! Like the one where the lawyer
switches bodies with a newspaper
to make it in the big city.
These aren't movies!
Here come my babies!
- [bats screeching]
- Babies!
They're all tickly!
I knew you'd hit it off. Come on.
Let me give you the grand tour.
Tour of the castle
Is falling apart ♪
Panthro can't see anything
And that really
Makes things hard ♪
Oh, no, Oh, no
He just hugged Cthulhu ♪
Everybody had a good time
And the tour
Of the castle's done ♪
So, Cheetara, Lion-O.
How did you meet?
Well, um
She was an undercover reporter
at the candy museum
where I was trying to steal the
world's most valuable candy crown!
Wow! That sounds like
something out of a movie.
Seriously! What movies
are you people watching?
You're lucky
you found each other.
Third Earth is full of jerks.
I should know,
I've dated them all.
Mole Master, Mad Bubbler,
Queen of the Rats
I'm glad to finally find
a nice guy like Panthro.
Someone who doesn't
play games.
That's me! Honest Panthro!
You know what,
it's almost dawn!
I should get my bats to sleep
before the Mutants show up.
Hey, Panthro, wanna tell them
a bedtime story?
Ha! You kidding? I'd love to.
[announcer reading]
Oh, oh, I see.
Read them a story.
Right. Sure.
Read them a story,
like, uh, I'll use my eyes to
look at the words on the page
and, uh, say them out loud.
Chapter one
A long time ago
- [all screeching]
- [whimpers]
Quit goofing. They want the real story.
Exactly as written.
Psst. Panthro!
We need a code!
How about I pat your back to let
you know what the letters are?
One pat for "A."
Two pats for "B."
Their beady little eyes!
Nasty finger wings!
- [screeches]
- And their tiny little teeth!
I hate bats!
[whimpering] I hate bats!
I hate bats! I hate bats!
Panthro, do you want your black
out contact lenses back?
- [chuckles nervously] Why would I need
- [screeches]
What's the deal, Panthro?
Barbastella, I'm, I'm sorry.
I can explain.
No time for
explanations, Panthro.
We gotta deal
with these Mutants now.
- Watch it, Panthro!
- Whoa!
ThunderCats! Except
for Panthro who can't see.
I thought fighting Mutants
together would be fun,
but it looks like
you need to play it safe.
Swarm, my children!
Aw, man! This is the
best part of the date!
Now I can't even see
what's happening.
Man, I really let
Barbastella down.
My babies! I will avenge you.
This metal is so strong!
Even the Sword of Omens
can't penetrate it!
Man, I just
I gotta help out.
It's time
to save my friends
Without the aid of my vision!
Sheesh. He's more destructive when
he can actually see the bats.
[gasps] Bats! Follow me!
It's time to face your fear!
Thanks, Lion-O, I think you're
[screams] Bats. Bats!
Panthro's fear
makes him stronger!
My children!
Swarm with me.
- Hey, Panthro! Look, bats!
- [screams] Bats!
How about a bedtime story
for my babies?
Babies! Bat babies!
[yells continuously] Bats!
- [Slithe] Mutants, retreat.
- [Panthro continues yelling] Bats.
Mommy's okay,
thanks, babies.
Panthro, why didn't you tell
me you were afraid of bats?
[Panthro mumbling]
Bats are gone.
You can look up.
I was just sayin',
I like you. [sighs]
But I thought if you knew I was
scared of bats you wouldn't like me.
Are you kidding? I want
people to be scared of me!
I'm the Queen of the Bats,
it's all very much on purpose.
[chuckles] Well, then you
found the right guy!
'Cause I am the most
scared of bats!
Like, no joke! You wanna
know how many times
I almost peed
my pants tonight?
[both laughing]
It's time I fessed up, too.
Cheetara and I aren't dating!
I stole that from the plot
of Candy Heart Heist Five.
They made a fifth one?
These movies cannot be real!
Okay, Panthro, I guess it's movie
night for date number two!
You bring the popcorn
and your chiroptophobia!
Ooh! Date number two,
eh, Panthro?
Guess you'll be needing these.
Nah. After all that, I think
I'm finally over my fear of
[screams] Bats! Bats!
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