Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e19 Episode Script

Episode 19
Shoot them down!
Pour down the arrows!
Hold on, warriors!
Here I come, brothers!
Kill them all!
Kill both Meliksah and Sencer!
Attack my servants! Attack!
Your death will be brought
by my hands, son of Sabbah!
My child! My son!
My son!
We retreat! Stand fast! Attack!
Go after Sabbah now!
Hace learned that you and
our Sultan went different ways.
He sent me the news. I took
the Alps and came after you.
Thankfully, we arrived in time.
Hasan Sabbah said he prepared a poison.
Obviously, they were exposed to that.
We need to find the treatment immediately.
The palace is too far. We might
not be there on time, Sencer.
The tribe is closer.
The only way for him to get the treatment
immediately is by going to the tribe.
Prepare the horses.
We are taking both our soldiers
and our Sultan to the tribe.
Balaban. Report what happened
to Hace immediately
Prepare the horses! Quickly!
Hold on, father.
We have still a secret to bind us.
We still have words to say to each other.
Hold on.
Meliksah is nowhere to be seen.
Obviously, he tasted the poison.
He must be in death agony now.
But Sabbah is not around, too.
He should have already been here.
Maybe, Seljuks went after him.
We have to find him! We
have to find, Hasan Sabbah!
We'll spread in the forest!
If we want to destroy Seljuk
we need the documents Sabbah has!
Come on! Be quick!
Hold on. Hold on, Faysal.
Hold on. Don't give up. Don't give up now.
Hold on. Don't give up. Don't give up now.
Hold on, son. Hold on.
Put him on the ground.
Don't come down, son.
Don't come down.
Today is not the day you are
defeated by death, Faysal.
This isn't the time to make Seljuk happy.
Hold on!
Falling down with a sword
wound does not suit us.
Son, making the enemy
fear from you does. Hold on
Hold on!
This way, come.
These are Sencer's men.
Lure them to somewhere else.
I will take Faysal away from here alone.
One of us should stay with you.
Do what I'm telling you!
Run after them! Don't let them escape!
Call the palace doctors
right away! Come on!
We are going to the Kinik Tribe!
You look like you are in a hurry Hace.
What's going on? What happened?
Our Sultan
He is wounded and poisoned.
And he is in a bad condition.
He is in Kinik Tribe
right now, I'm taking the
palace doctors with me
and goin to Kinik Tribe.
I will come with you to the tribe!
When our Sultan is in a situation
like that, I cannot stay in the palace.
The situation is dire
right now Terken Hatun.
It would be best if you
stayed in the palace.
My mother is right, we cannot stay here.
Hace, I cannot stay away from
Meliksah, I will come with you too!
Hatuns, now is the time
to be calm and patient.
Do what you are told to do.
Go to your rooms.
Zubeyde Hatun
take care of the palace.
I will send news to Melik Tapar for
him to come back from Kuvel right away.
Keep us informed about
Meliksah's situation, Hace.
My Allah, heal him and let him live.
Zubeyde Hatun!
I'm the Sultan's Hatun!
While Meliksah is in this condition,
no one can stop me from seeing him!
No matter what happens, I will go!
No matter what happens, I will go!
If someone needs to go as
the Sultan's Hatun, I will go!
If anything regarding our Sultan's
health happens, you will all know it.
Come on, to your rooms!
I will take security precautions
in Isfahan in case of anything.
I have heard about the negative
things you were involved in.
I don't trust you, that's why,
you will stay in the palace.
We will make sure someone
else will take care of security.
Kinik Tribe.
Our Sultan is wounded!
Prepare the tent right away!
And prepare tents for the soldiers too!
Oh my Allah
Take the horses away, make space!
Come on.
Clear this place.
Don't let anyone come
inside except the healers.
You can't go there, Hatun.
Only the healers are allowed to go there.
I'm here to heal the Sultan too.
Get out of my way.
There is already a
healer in there.
There is no need for you.
They will call you if they need you.
I said get out of my way.
No one can stop me from going in there.
What's going on?
This hatun says that she is a healer.
She's insisting to go in the tent.
I need to go inside.
I won't go anywhere.
Come in, mother.
How is he, healer?
We cleaned the poisonous
blood that filled his mouth.
We made him drink a
special healing liquid to
slow down the poison
getting into his blood.
Our Sultan is allergic to yarrow.
Don't use it.
Use peppermint oil instead.
His hand is
clenched to his sword.
The tightened muscles are
slowing down the blood flow.
We have to take the sword from
our Sultan to continue the treatment.
Let me try.
You're such a warrior that
you don't let go of your sword
even when you're unconscious.
But you need to..
get better and hold on to life.
Let us
heal you.
I'm here.
When can we find the cure for the poison?
It's hard to understand what the poison is.
We haven't seen such a poison until today.
It is very strong
If we can't figure out what the
poison is until evening, then
Then what?
Allah forbid..
we'll lose our Sultan.
Do you think we couldn't take care
of the dogs you sent to distract us?
Now your end is here Hasan Sabbah.
It seems you'll owe me for
saving your life a lot more.
What happened to you?
Sencar did this.
Meliksah was here too but
he was poisoned.
Meliksah will never survive that poison.
Then this is a great time to go to
the vault to get the state documents.
Are you still talking about the
documents when Faysal is hurt?
And my foot is wounded.
We have to treat me and Faysal's wounds.
Then I'll send word to Livia.
She'll bring cure for both of you.
But we can't stay here any longer.
We have to find somewhere safe to hide.
There are still Seljuk soldiers around.
There is a deserted cave around
here me and my men know about.
We'll go there.
You heard him.
How is our Sultan?
They said the poison spread to his body.
If we can't identify the poison
and find an antidote by night time
we will lose our Sultan.
Take over the treatment.
Identify whatever the poison is quickly.
Our soldiers are poisoned,
take care of them too. Go on!
Basulu Hatun.
What are you doing in the tent?
Don't you know it's
dangerous for you to be here?
Meliksah is hurt in front of me.
What danger are you talking about Hace?
No one can take me out of
this tent until he opens his eyes.
What will happen now, Hace?
What if something happens to our Sultan?
I know the pain you're feeling.
But it's my friend
my partner who is lying in there.
For that we mustn't lose our faith
and keep trying.
This happened when he was trying to
keep the soldiers from going in the vault.
We have to fix this Hace.
Our Sultan sent some
soldiers after crusaders.
Until we hear the news of
those soldiers we have to wait.
Make way. Make way.
Melik Tapar?
He is back from Kuvel.
How did Turna learn about it.
I sent word to her as I left the palace.
She has a god given talent in treatment.
She cured me once.
I thought about her to help
us about curing the poison.
Sencer, Hace. How is our Sultan?
Palace doctors and tribe healers
are with him. They are treating him.
I will see my father.
Let's not keep the doctors from working.
Now we must wait.
Because we can do nothing
but to wait for our Sultan patiently.
They say the poison that
hurt our Sultan is strong.
They haven't identified it yet.
If we can't tell what it
is and find an antidote.
Allah forbid, we might lose our Sultan.
I have full faith in you my girl.
Find what it is as soon as possible.
I will do anything I can Hace Hadrath.
Why do you act like this?
You don't even say hi.
I need to take care of Sultan now.
I heard you called me, Terken Hatun.
Didn't I tell you to find
 new connections to
strengthen us, Taculmulk?
Zubeyde Hatun crossed the
line with the thing she did
but you are still scared
and stay where you are.
Zubeyde Hatun told me
to stay in the palace, too.
Did we make an effort
to make you an Emir in vain, Taculmulk?
You will find a way!
Our time to make a move
has come. Don't you see it?
I can't bear losing power anymore!
Make such a move that
show her who you really are
and disgrace her by
making her lose her reputation.
What you do is up to you.
For she forces us to
stay in the palace, then
we find a way to teach
her lesson accordingly.
know what move I should make.
Don't you worry.
He has swellings on his neck.
His body is fighting with the poison.
Obviously, he reacts
to the poison like this.
Efruz Doctor. Give me my book.
His pulse is so weak.
He breathes intermittently.
The poison must be
clang to the lungs strongly.
We need to clean his lungs from the poison.
He must have been exposed
to the poison via breathing.
Shortness of breath.
Yellowing in the face.
Swelling on the neck.
What is it, daughter?
The symptoms are apparent but.
I couldn't figure out
the kind of the poison.
Then, we can't find an antidote.
Isn't there any other solution, daughter?
Isn't there any other way to handle this?
All of our soldiers, who went after the
crusaders in Karaorman, fell as martyrs.
The crusaders will try to enter the vault.
We shouldn't stop now, Hace.
I'll go after and stop them.
Karatepe is so vast.
How are you going to find them there?
I saw Sabbah there, while I was
searching for Arslantas mother.
Most probably, the vault
is somewhere around there.
I'll position the soldiers and make
them set ambushes everywhere
Our Sultan risked his life to prevent the
enemies from taking the secrets of the state.
won't let the enemies take
the information of the state.
I'll won't return without
taking his revenge, Hace.
Hace Hadrath.
We've investigated the
symptoms of the poison.
Yet, we couldn't figure out its kind.
We need to find its kind to prepare
an antidote. We need an expert doctor.
There is only one solution remaining.
There is an expert doctor known as Tabip
Bartu, living around the Zagros Mountain
in the north.
He must be the only
one, who can know the
kind of this poison
and find a solution for it.
Melik Hadrath, take your
soldiers and go to Tabip Bartu.
We need to prepare the
antidote before it is too late.
Take Turna Hatun and Head
Doctor with you. Come on!
Turna Hatun.
Let me stay in the tribe. So, I can
take care of the other poisoned soldiers.
You set an ambush around the
location I told you in Karatepe.
We can't let the enemies take our secrets.
We will be waiting for the
news you will send us here.
Take Arslantas with you. Come on!
They are hiding it from everyone,
but Sultan Meliksah is about to die.
This is the perfect time to use it and
gain a good reputation for ourselves.
What is my duty, Emir Hadrath?
You are one of the strongest and
respected commander of the army.
You will come to the palace
and say that you want to
see the Sultan, otherwise,
the soldiers may start an
Then I will come and calm you down.
Zubeyde Hatun and all
the palace will see my might.
Also, Zubeyde will look like she is
incapable of managing the palace.
Don't worry, Emir Hadrath, no
one can dare to do anything to me.
I will make so much noise that everyone
in the palace will understand who you are.
You have been sulking
since you have arrived.
And you left the other night.
What's going on?
I have nothing to talk with you about.
What do you mean you don't have
anything to talk with me about?
I deserve knowing the reason behind it!
Don't bother speaking.
You should have thought of that
before getting intimate with that girl.
Which girl? What intimacy
you are talking about?
Don't deny it Sencer.
I saw you entering
that girl's house at night!
She helped me while I was
fighting the Batinis at the inn.
So I accompanied her until her
home so she wouldn't get attacked.
And when some noise came
from her home, I went to check.
That’s all.
And you are accusing me of betraying you,
without asking me first, nor listening to me!
What would you think
if you were in my shoes?
lf I were in your shoes
 I would think that you wouldn't
betray me, and ask about it to you first!
Because I trust you.
But it looks like you don't
trust me in the slightest.
Don't call me Sencer!
While I'm dealing with all these troubles,
I was thinking of marrying you!
And you were thinking these about me!
I wouldn't leave the path of
righteousness even if I was about to die.
If you don’t know that about me,
that’s your mistake.
We applied the medicine
my daughter Livia brought.
Your wounds will heal soon, my son.
But we need to get rid of
that wound in your hand.
If Sencer sees it one day,
he might recognize you from it.
And there is only one
way to get rid of that wound.
We need to burn your hand.
Be patient my son, Sencer did this to you!
He made me hurt you with my own hands.
But I will make him pay for
everything he has done dearly!
Now our time to enter the vault has come.
Taking the state secrets of Seljuk will be
the greatest punishment we will give them.
Seyuduna Hadrath. Efruz Hekim sent word.
Meliksah is taken to Kinik Tribe.
He is not dead, but
he is in a dire condition.
Melik Tapar and Turna Hatun went to find
someone called Doctor Bartu, for the antidote.
I know him. He lives in Zagros Mountains.
But that antidote shouldn't be found!
Send word to our servants
hiding in the forests.
They should ambush.
Tapar and Turna. ft
They should kill them,
and also Doctor Bartu.
Sencer went to Karatepe with his men.
They are going to increase the number
of soldiers, and prepare for an ambush.
It looks like he is going to prepare an
ambush for me, in the place he saw me before.
Damn it, that's the right place.
Was all our struggle for nothing?
Since he is preparing an ambush for us
I know how we are going
to get rid of that ambush.
Send word to the palace, and make
it look like it was sent by their spies.
Tell them that Sencer is taking
the soldiers to the wrong place.
And the warriors that are going to the vault
have been seen in the opposite direction.
What will happen then?
Since Nizamulmulk is not in
the palace, it will go to Taculmulk.
And he, to get a good
reputation, and catch the soldiers
and also to not leave this to
Sencer, will do what's necessary.
Our Sultan is nowhere to be found.
The soldiers under my command feel uneasy.
Where is Emir Taculmulk?
I will talk to him.
We sent you news, commander.
Don't raise your voice in
the courtyard of the palace.
We assure the peace of this
state and everyone in this palace.
If we feel uneasy, nobody can be at peace.
Emir Hadrath
The commander may make
a scene at any moment.
Don't worry, I'll make him calm down.
With the help of Allah, we are able to
suppress the unrest going on in our state.
How can he act so rebellious and
presumptuous in such a difficult time?
Zubeyde Hatun. I'll take care of it,
don't bother yourself-
Stay back.
How dare you come to the
palace and raise your voice?
The reason for our daring
is our rank, Zubeyde Hatun.
We command the most
important soldiers in the palace.
We want to know what
happened to our Sultan.
It is the state that gives you your rank.
How dare you question the state
that you're under the protection of?
If there is anything that you
need to know, well tell you.
Now, take your soldiers
and go back to your duty.
I don't think you understood
me, Zubeyde Hatun.
People say that the
Sultan is dead.
If if he's alive, we want to
see him as soon as possible.
If there is a contrary situation,
we will appoint the Sultan
whom we want to lead us.
Who are you to
threaten the state that feeds you?
Who are you to
say that you'll appoint
the Sultan that you choose.
I am one of the most important
commanders of this state.
Are there no men in the dynasty
that we're talking
with the Head Hatun?
We talk about these things with men
not with a hatun.
Hatuns and men are equal in this state.
Don't worry.
Men would also do what I'll do now.
What would they do?
They would make you pay for
being this much
rebellious, not with words
..but with blood.
This sword..
carries the power of Sultan Meliksah.
Whoever tries to rebel..
..will be punished with that power.
Is there anyone who considers himself
superior to the sword of the state?
Is there?
You should know that
Sultan Meliksah is alive.
Even though he's not here,
his shadow is everywhere.
From now on, whoever attempts to rebel
will be suppressed
by the sword of the state.
As your order Zubeyde Hatun.
The shameful behavior of these soldiers
is your fault.
What kind of a leader are you?
You can't even rule 3 soldiers.
And on top of it all, you
ask for the safety of Isrpihan.
I was going to calm them
down Zubeyde Hatun.
If you were a good leader
they wouldn't be this
shameless in the first place.
After they did that
 it doesn't matter if
you went there or not.
Look at me.
If anyone
ever comes to the gate
of the palace acting filthy
if anyone
ever dares to belittle
Sultan Meliksah's reputation
you will pay for it.
 I won't do it with words
I will do it with my
sword as I did to that dog.
They say Sultan was
hurt badly in the battle.

He didn't come to the palace.
If he was alive, why wouldn't
they bring him to the palace?
Are they hiding the fact that he died?
-Don't speak bad things.
We have to ask about this.
If the Sultan is alive we must know.
If he's dead, we must ask
them to do what's necessary.
-He is right.
-He's right.
If they are lying to us
let's raise all the
people and let them know.
Peace be with you.
-Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you Efendi.
What's the matter?
Why are you raising the people?
Our Sultan is hurt.
But, he's not around.
Maybe they are hiding from us that he died.
We must ask about it.
If our Sultan had died you'd
have heard about it already.
Without making sure of that
you will try to intrigue
the people is that so?
And in these hard times?
This is our right as the people.
The duty of the state and
the Sultan is to be just
to spread the religion,
to support the weak
stand up to the cruel men
and to provide safety and welfare.
Which one of those has our
Sultan and the state hasn't done?
They did all of them perfectly.
Then why do you think
you have the right to rebel?
you are trying to involve the people
to cause harm
You will cause the lives of many
innocent people to get hurt.
You make people
think you are good,
but actually you are dragging
everyone to harm's way.
But Efendi-
Our Sultan
represents the state.
As long as he doesn't go against
Allah's laws, you can't cause discomfort.
This would be going against Allah's law
and to causing
harm to all the people.
He's right.
-He's right.
is not about dragging your
muslim friends in harm's way
but inviting them to
peace through reason.
We have to have the capacity
to separate good from bad.
On top of Batini trouble
we're going through doesn't suit you to
cause chaos because of this.
He's right.
We must pray for our state's
welfare and our Sultan's health.
We must do our duties.
Attempting to do
anything other than those
would be causing harm
and going against
Allah's will.
He's right.
We were going to harm's way.
You guided us Mudarris Efendi.
May Allah bless you.\N-May Allah bless you.
The crusaders will
probably attack from here.
You will wait in the south,
we will wait in the north.
If there is a battle
we'll let the other know.
Crusaders must fall into our
trap in one of our ambush.
No matter what, don't leave your spot.
We won't. Don't worry.
Brave men. Let's go to our spot
You and Sultan will pay for your insults.
We'll see who will be punished for what.
Come in.
Emir Hadrath there is an urgent news.
You must see it.
Look what Sencer did!
He positions the soldiers
in Karatepe as he wants!
And they face them to the wrong direction!
What does he think who he is!
What do you order us to do, Emir Hadrath?
Should we leave this job to a warrior,
while there is a great Emir is ready here?
We both kill the soldiers trying to
enter the vaults, and find that vault.
Then, everyone will see who Taculmulk is.
Gather the soldiers.
We are going to Karatepe!
You great plane! Who knows how old you are!
Who knows how many
calamities you witnessed!
Yet, old age found you, too, huh?
-Peace be with you
-Peace be upon you.
Are you Tabip Bartu?
I am Tabip Bartu. Who are you?
I'm Melik Tapar, the
son of Sultan Meliksah.
Melik Hadrath. How can I help you?
Our Sultan is in the
claw of a heavy poison.
They poisoned his breathe.
His face is all yellow.
His heart pulses so weak
It is as if there is a
mountain on his chest.
He can barely breathe.
He feels nothing.
So to say
he is like a dead one.
We couldn't figure out
the kind of the poison.
Is the color of the blood blackish?
It is blackish.
It is Karabogan poison.
Nothing is written about it.
Even the writers say
nothing about this poison.
This poison kills gradually.
This poison is made of siyahban weed.
And we need siyahban weed for the antidote.
We need another two ingredients
to finish the antidote with siyahban.
Mandrake and wolfsbane.
We have mandrake and wolfsbane but
I have never heard of siyahban.
It's not widely known. There is so few
people making poison with siyahban.
I know where we can
find siyahban very well.
Come on, then. We need to prepare
the antidote, before it is too late.
Or, Sultan will die. Let's go!
They've reached Tabip Bartu, before we do.
But we will take them down on the road.
They won't be able to
prepare that antidote.
Meliksah will die today.
Do you think Taculmulk can draw
back the soldiers Sencer positioned?
I know Taculmulk very well.
He'll certainly do it to prove himself.
And there won't be any Sultan
to punish his blindness, too.
You are so sure that Meliksah will die.
What if he survives thanks to the antidote?
I clamped Meliksah in such a way that
while they are going
after the antidote
my man beside Meliksah will
do the necessary thing to kill him.
Obviously, the poison causes fever.
We need to decrease his
fever with vinegar water.
Yet, we don't have any vinegar.
Go and find some vinegar, Hatun.
Or, our Sultan's fever might increase
and suffer a seizure, Allah forbid.
I'll be right back.
Even if they find the antidote, you
won't be able to be saved from this poison.
Stop there!
What are you doing there?
I thought he was whispering something.
Yet, it was only a meaningless grunt.
You wait outside!
I still remember the day you
were born, like it was yesterday.
That day, the doctors
have said that you would be
a strong, and brave man,
to your father Alparslan.
You joined castle conquest at the age of 9.
And you became the Sultan
of the world at 18 years old.
So much time has passed.
You proved those doctors right.
You have always stood
against troubles strongly.
What can this poison do to you now?
Wind can only take the
dust off of a mountain.
You will get up again, Meliksah.
And stronger than ever!
One of your sons went after your antidote.
And the other son is after the
enemies to take your revenge.
May their struggle give you strength.
Do not give up your soul before
you reunite with your son Sencer.
And leave me with
this heavy burden.
Hace Hadrath, there is
no news from Melik Tapar.
It's almost evening
Where are you Tapar?
Where are you?
Are you sure that we can
find siyahban root here?
It grows in secluded places, Melik
Hadrath, I have found one here before too.
It's there.
Not those, pick up the ones
with the yellowed petals.
Those are the effective ones.
We will mix the siyahban
herbs with other herbs.
One mandrake, and half
of a wolfsbane.
And a quarter of siyahban,
the amount should be precise.
And most importantly, for it to be
effective, its colour should be
You bastards!
They killed doctor Bartu!
How are we going to make the antidote now?
We have no other choice now, Turna Hatun.
You will prepare the antidote
together with the head doctor.
You have to do it now, doctor
Bartu told you the amount.
We have to prepare
this antidote tonight.
Todayis the day you
show your skills as a healer.
Then let's not be late, we will prepare
the antidote for our Sultan, no matter what.
Come on.
This is Emir Taculmulk.
What is he doing here?
Emir Hadrath.
I was looking for you. You've
laid an ambush in the wrong place.
Take your soldiers, we'll
go where I'll take you.
How, Emir Hadrath? We were told that the
soldiers are going to pass through here.
I was told the opposite.
Do what I order you to do!
Sencer told us to stay in
our places no matter what
Who is Sencer? Do you think what he says
is more important than my words, you fool?
Gather your soldiers in ambush now.
Just leave a few soldiers here. Let's go!
Get out.
Where is Taculmulk taking
the men I placed to ambush?
We should stop him now.
We can continue our way to the vault now.
You should wait around the vault.
I'll go in there alone.
You should wait around
the vault. I'll go in there alone.
What if you don't come back?
I don't need any enemies
other than the Seljuks.
Let's go then.
Emir Taculmulk!
-What do you think you're doing Taculmulk?
-Be respectful!
The soldiers are
deployed around Karatepe.
I'm an Emir. Do you
think you can question me?
Of course I do.
I placed these soldiers there.
I planned it.
Know your limits, tribesman.
News came to the palace
stating that the warriors
would come from the opposite
direction of where you put them.
That's why I took the soldiers.
You should have taken other soldiers
with you. Why do you take my soldiers?
I'm correcting your mistake! An Emir
like me operates the soldiers, not you.
We left a few soldiers there.
Do you think a few soldiers can
handle the Crusader warriors?
Is this your military foresight?
What happened to you?
The Crusaders ambushed us.
They slaughtered us all.
Because of you
This happened because of you!
If you hadn't taken the men I
assigned, we would have prevented it.
Because of you, our soldiers were
martyred and they entered the vault!
We need to go to the place of
the ambush immediately. Let's go!
Get on your horses now!
I am holding the downfall of Seljuks.
Our great lord. Finally.
Here are the documents
that will end Seljuks.
We did good Seyuduna.
From now on, Seljuks can never win.
Will yous send a copy
of these to Constantine?
I'm not going anywhere. They will come.
Our men Mathias
will send word to Christian's
great count Albert and other counts.
They will come with their soldiers.
In light of these information
we will start the attack.
Right away.
Okay. Good.
I will have Selemzar at the end.
And I will have my claim later.
As soon as Sencer knows about the raid
..he will trace us and find us.
We must split up in 2 now.
To trick them.
Me and a few of my men will come with you.
The others will go another way.
They are all martyrs.
Look at the traces Bozkus.
It's not because of the enemy.
This happened because of your neglect.
Don't touch him.
Don't you dare cross the line tribesman.
What will you do?
Kill me?
Cut my throat if you are brave enough.
These soldiers are
martyrs because of you.
They must've taken the
documents of the state by now.
I did my duty. Their job
was to battle with the enemy.
They will be martyrs if they can't kill.
This is how it is.
What kind of a filthy man are you?
This is more than neglect.
This is betrayal.
I will make you pay for your betrayal.
There are traces.
Pray that I have to follow them.
But after I take revenge for
my Sultan I will deal with you.
-Where have you been?
Where is doctor Bartu?
We found doctor Bartu
but the Batinis shot him.
We lost him.
It's all his fault.
As long he is out there we can't rest easy.
He will keep watching us and ambush us.
Now what will happen?
How will we make the antidote?
Doctor Bartu told me how to make it.
We will have to do it.
We have no choice.
Okay then. Hurry up my girl.
We have to make the antidote
until nightfall and save our Sultan.
Go on.
Efruz Hekim.
You are not needed you can leave.
I can stay to help Turna Hatun.
There are more patients at the hospital.
You must leave.
Take those crusaders dogs down.
Where did they take the state information?
We don't know about it.
We didn't see or hear.
So, you didn't see or hear.
If you also didn't see or hear,
I'll carve your eyes out.
If you know and don't
talk, I'll cut your tongue.
Tomorrow! They'll do it tomorrow!
I don't know. There is
only one person I know.
They'll make everything through him.
Who is he?
Who is he?
Mathias. He is the key person.
Trader Mathias.
Where can I find him?
I don't know his location.
But I know from whom I could learn.
We'll raid Trader Mathias and his men.
We need to stop them, before
they reach the information.
What should we do with them?
Do what we need to do
in return of our martyrs.
I have good news, Nicolas. Markus
got the state information of Seljuk.
God Almighty.
Finally, you give us the
fate of Seljuk to our hands.
Send news to Count Albert and
his men immediately, Mathias.
Make sure they come to the
meeting point with their soldiers.
When Count Albert receives these news
he will turn here into hell.
-With his soldiers?
-Yes, with his soldiers.
We will start to use those
information immediately.
We will attack without losing time.
The situation of Meliksah
worried all Seljuk even now.
And see it, when he dies.
Seljuk will be destroyed.
He spent his life fighting with us.
The shadow of his sword and the sound
of his armies were always in our ears.
But it will all end soon.
Meliksah will be erased from this world.
Isn't the antidote still ready?
We are working on it, Melik Had rath.
Our Sultan's pulse is so slow!
Make haste! Come on!
We've done everthing
Tabip Bartu said, but
siyahban cannot be powdered easily.
We need to carefully
crush it not to lose its effect.
His breathing is weakening.
His pulse is about to stop.
We are losing the Sultan.
Be quick, doctors! Or, my
father will die! Come on!
Give him the antidote, if
it is ready, Turna Hatun.
Let him drink
without losing time!
Come on, daughter. Be quick.
The amount should be precise.
And most importantly, for it to
be effective, its colour should be
Give me that.
We did everything he said, but
I'm sure he was about to tell
us to mix it until it turns to red.
Come on! Come on!
Now, it's done.
Move! Let me!
My Allah. Our Sultan, who
fights against the heathens
is in need of the
healing you bestow now.
Bestow him healing with
your Shafi name, my Allah.
Sultan Meliksah is the
only protector of Islam world.
Don't let the Islam world be
alone and without its protector.
Don't let the ones, who
want to attack our lands
the traitors and heathens, who want
destroy our state and country, my Allah.
We are the flag bearers of the blessed
crescent under the shadow of our Sultan.
Don't let the crescent be defeated
against the cross, my Allah.
May our cause, state and our
Sultan be everlasting, my Allah.
I sent the news to Count Albert
and the other Counts with him.
They will be in the valley
with their soldiers tomorrow.
Finally, the day we've
been waiting is coming.
When we give these
information to the Counts,
the lands of Seljuk will
turn into hell tomorrow
His soldiers made an uproar in Isfahan.
And if we turn here into hell,
the chaos will spread everywhere.
And for Meliksah is on his death
bed, no one can stop the chaos.
As long as Meliksah doesn't lead them
we need to use every opportunity.
We will deal another blow to them now.
Prince Izakios will break the
agreement he made with Meliksah.
And this will cause
them to lose reputation.
What if Seljuk
..march to Kuvel Castle?
When everywhere is in chaos,
they can't dare to take such an action.
The army, which doesn't
have a leader, moves nowhere.
And only Meliksah can prepare the
army for an attack to Kuvel Castle.
Besides, you should trust
the documents we have.
We will ruin them thanks
to these documents.
Set aside marching to Kuvel Castle, they
won't even be able to leave their palace.
I'll make them pay dearly
for what they did to me.
You need to discard Seljuk now, Prince.
When I get stronger by taking Selemzar
there will be only you and me.
The wines you drink
is the messenger of a coming victory.
Tomorrow Tomorrow,
the fall of Seljuk will come.
Soon, you will drink blood
of Turk just as we drink
the victory wine! To the victory!
A few irregular soldiers provoked disturbance
in the absence of our Sultan today.
Yet, Zubeyde Hatun put them into order.
The people, army and enemies must know that
our Sultan is healed as soon as possible.
So that, the chaos stops immediately.
Turna Hatun. How is our Sultan?
He is still same.
We have nothing to do but wait and pray.
I wonder what Sencer did.
Did he learn where the state
information would deliver?
For there is no news
he must still be after them.
If there is an incident,
he will let us know, too.
His duty is difficult now.
The vital burden of the
state on his shoulders now.
While I'm dealing with all these
troubles, I was thinking of marrying you!
And you were thinking these about me!
I wouldn't leave the path of
righteousness even if I was about to die.
If you don't know that
about me, that's your mistake.
I wish we had raided there
and had made Nicolas talk.
Why do we still wait for him?
If there will be a chaos inside, he
might try to run by exploiting the chaos.
So, that's why we'll capture him outside.
We can only learn
where Mathias is from him.
I wonder how our Sultan is.
InshAllah, they healed him.
What we need to do is take the state
information and our Sultan's revenge now.
We will make our best
effort for our Sultan, warriors.
Sahbender Nikolas.
This is the end of your game.
You will tell me where Matheas is.
I don't know where he is.
Take these thugs down!
Did you think you could escape from me?
Tell me where is Matheas.
How can I know where he is?
Do you think I'm following every merchant?
Why did you run when I
asked about Matheas then?
I got scared when you came like that.
Do you think I'm not aware of your games?
Matheas is not a merchant.
He is the courier of the gold you
are going to give to Crusaders.
How? How can he do
something treacherous like this?
He knows where the state secrets are
going to be given, and who will take them.
If you hide his location from me, you
will be accepted as his partner in crime.
Then I won't leave you to the
executioners, and I kill you myself.
Enough, I'm not his partner in crime.
I will tell you where he hides.
Tell me.
He is staying at the
inn on the western road.
Do you believe that I'm
not his partner in crime now?
It's not that easy.
You saved your life for now, but
after I take care of him,
your turn will come too.
I learned where Matheas is.
Balaban, call two soldiers, so
they can take him to his place.
But they should stand
be on guard in front of it.
If he tries to do something
treacherous, they should
And we will go to the
inn at the western road.
We will capture Matheas and
learn who is he going to speak with.
Come on.
Zubeyde Hatun, an urgent letter
that you need to see has arrived.
Who sent it?
Sultan Meliksah's brother Tekis Bey.
"Sadly, I heard about my
brother Meliksah's situation."
"In an unfortunate situation,
the crown heirs are known."
"Do not allow anything
^unexpected to happen."?
"May Allah give health to my
brother. Alparslan's son Tekis"
And now we have Tekis to deal with too!
When Meliksah got in a bad situation,
he started to fly over us like a vulture!
My Allah, give us strength.
Where are you, Meliksah?
Where are you, the Sultan of the state?
Get up, and teach those
impudent ones their place!
"In an unfortunate situation,
the crown heirs are known."
"Do not allow anything
unexpected to happen."
Did you say Sencer?
Our Sultan is at Sencer's tribe.
That's what I said.
No news has come until
this time, mother.
What if something bad
happened to my father?
Come in.
Gevher? Why did you come here at this hour?
I feel suspicious, Terken Hatun.
There are still no news from the tribe.
As the Sultan's Hatun, even
you don't know how our Sultan is.
This silence scares me.
What do you suspect?
I suspect that our Sultan is dead.
What if our Sultan died and
they are hiding it from us?
Allah forbid.
If something like that had happened..
we would have heard it.
Zubeyde Hatun is making
preparations outside, just in case.
If our Sultan dies, she will
immediately enthrone Berkyaruk.
The reason she doesn't
want us to go out of the
palace must be because,
she wants to make preparations
I expect that woman to do anything.
Then, we'll clear up the
suspicions in our minds.
I will
go to the tribe tomorrow.
I will see Meliksah's
situation with my own eyes.
Zubeyde Hatun didn't let you go before.
I don't need anyone's permission.
While my men is on his deathbed
 I won't wait for Zubeyde's permission.
Let's see if there a game of throne
or something else we don't know.
We heard that Sultan
Meliksah is in a very bad state.
Maybe he's dead.
But you're hiding it in
order to prevent chaos.
Under these circumstances,
the agreement we made with him can't
continue to be implemented.
Thankfully our Sultan is alive.
We would know if he wasn't.
We are here to check if the
terms of the agreement are met.
That agreement can't be broken
without the will of our Sultan.
Even if your Sultan's will is not dead
is on its deathbed.
If there is no Sultan..
then there is no agreement.
I'm stopping the
construction of the masjid.
I won't take extra Muslim traders anymore.
And I order you to leave
this castle immediately!
This is treachery!
The agreements are valid while
the rulers who seal them are alive.
If there is no ruler,
there is no agreement.
If you exceed your limits
I'll do my duty again
and make you pay for it.
Sultan Meliksah won't
leave this unpunished.
He should stay alive first.
We'll see what happens then.
Sultan Meliksah will come
here again and make you kneel.
But this time, he'll make you kneel
not for obedience but to take your head!
Banish them from the castle!
Our warriors are
impatient to attack the
Seljuk lands as soon
as possible, Count Albert.
After the information
Markus will bring tomorrow
we'll do more than
they imagined, dear Count.
My warriors!
Tomorrow we will have the most secret
and most important
information of the Seljuks.
After we get those information, we
will attack the Seljuks in the heart!
When the Seljuk gets destructed
all Muslims will be destroyed.
When the Seljuk collapses,
Turks will be erased from the earth!
Anatolia and Jerusalem will be ours!
Our churches will rise
instead of their mosques!
And instead of their flags
our crosses will wave!
Victory! Victory!
You will not pass away
without seeing Ahmed Meliksah.
Then the secret will be revealed soon.
At that time
maybe you will never forgive me.
So be it.
I'm glad I could reach
out and hold your hand.
I don't care if I die.
Since you closed your eyes
everywhere is surrounded by dark clouds.
Wake up now Meliksah.
With your eyes made of flame
 light the way of the weak.
Destroy the cruel.
Wake up for ours sons Meliksah.
Wake up for your state
you tried hard to uplift.
Wake up Meliksah.
You are put into darkness.
Now it's time to find your light.
I am struggling
in darkness
with traps and ambushes, father.
How will I find my light?
You will find it in your heart
in your consciousness
and you victories and goals.
This is where battle
of Malazgirt took place.
After I hit the infidel with my sword
you took the sword yourself.
Remember son.
After becoming Sultan..
didn't you conquer
Mekkah, Medina and Jerusalem?
Anatolia was taken with your effort.
Didn't you hit Mediterranean with the
Turk's sword and conquer many places
You kept the promise you made me.
Our borders are spread
across the world now.
These victories
always lit your path.
you will walk in the
light of your glories.
Here is your horse that you
rode to the battles with your
enemies and complete your goals.
Now ride it son.
Ride it and rear up.
Where is
..our target my Sultan?
When the eagle sat on top
of the tower at Berzem siege
it showed us the target.
Now this eagle
will show you the target.
We passed all Anatolia.
You unlocked the gates to there.
And thank Allah, I was
the one to conquer it.
Anatolia is so important that it's like
the shield of the world of Islam.
From now on, any tribe,
Beylic and state that will
be established in
Anatolia, will be established
But your duty is not over yet
You need to surpass it.
Where, father?
we are fighting to serve the cause
of Allah, not just simply ruling the world.
We are struggling to be the one
our great Prophet has foresaw.
"Constantinople will be
conquered eventually"
"The commander to conquer it,
is a beautiful commander"
"The army to conquer
it is a beautiful army"
You will struggle to be the commander
that our Prophet has talked about.
This struggle will give
the necessary strength
and light to you, for
you to come out of the
That's all the struggle is for.
To be the one to accomplish the
blessed deed our Prophet has talked about.
To see the Muslim Turks' Sanjac
on the walls of this city one day
and hear the adhan of Mohammad there
that's all my struggle is for.
My son, know that this
conquest will be achieved
by the Muslim Turks with
the permission of Allah.
You have taken Anatolia, and made
our borders reach Constantinople.
Constantinople's conquest
will be done thanks to you.
Get up for this, my son.
Come out of the darkness.
Your goals are the strongest
light that will lead you.
If you fall, the Muslims
will fall into despair too.
Get up for the Muslims that wait for you.
Get up to destroy your enemy,
whose goal is to destroy the our religion.
Where are you going, father?
My heart has been cold in your absence.
You warmed it.
Don't go.
Stay with me for
a little longer.
Your sons, whose hearts are cold
in their father's absence wait for you.
I have left a son like you behind me.
You have made me proud,
and made me rest in peace.
You will leave sons like you behind you
We have a sacred Sanjac that has passed
from me to you, and from you to your sons.
That Sanjac needs to
continue to rise in your hands.
And when the time
comes, Berkyaruk, Tapar
and Ahmet will take
this Sanjac from you.
Get up, for the Sanjac
you will give to them.
Sir, Counts have arrived at the valley.
Get up, we are leaving.
You have fallen into my claws, you bastard.
The state secrets, where
are they being taken to?
I don't know!
You can no longer escape from me.
Tell me
The Christian counts came
with their soldiers.
They would give Bahram
to Count Albert there.
-ln Kizil Vadi.
That's where they are now.
I was going to go there.
Now I will go there instead of you.
I will take Sultan
Meliksah's revenge to them
as I brought you.
Count Albert and his warriors
must have arrived already.
We cannot attack
them with this few men.
Send news to Hace, Balaban.
We'll meet on the road.
We need to attack them before
they get the information.
This war isn't just the
Seljuk's war, soldiers
 it's the fight for survival
of whole Islam world.
We'll turn that place into a bloodbath.
And we'll drown our
enemies in that bloodbath.
Let's go.
he knows where Matheas is.
I had to tell him.
Obviously, he will learn where Count
Albert will receive state information.
We need to send them news and tell
them to change the meeting point.
Wait, Livia.
Sencer put men
in front of the door.
That's why I couldn't go
out and send them the news.
So, you'll keep your eyes on us, Sencer.
I'll send news with another men.
Send news to Isaakios immediately.
They should come to help quickly.
Ever since I learned
how our Sultan is
I look up at the sky and think
..but everything is ambiguous
as the state of our Sultan.
InshAllah he will get better
with the help of Allah.
We will reveal the secret then.
Nothing will be the same anymore.
Our hearts were graves filled with secrets.
After the secret is revealed, there
will be a new awakening, Hace.
Is your heart ready for that?
My heart beats together with this state.
You should have asked
me if the state is ready.
However, there has
been nothing like this
which I can't see and know its beyond.
O traveler of the right
path, don't despair.
Don't quit yourself, don't be desperate.
Take a trip to your heart
just like holy people do.
You're the one who sees the truth,
don't fall for the beauties of the world.
If your heart beats
together with the state
then why do you care about the
world, Hace?Turn into your heart.
When your heart asks what
will happen in the end of this
be sure that everything will be fine.
It is enough for you
to listen to your heart.
There are news from Sencer, Hace.
He learned where the state
information will be hand out.
He's waiting for
us near the valley.
Get the horses ready.
We will go as soon as possible!
We need to take the documents
before they are handed out.
Where will they take
the documents, Sencer?
To Kizil Vadi.
The Christian Counts and soldiers
are there. They will take them.
There's a bigger threat than we think.
We'll attack them like a thunderbolt!
Let's go, soldiers!
Let's go!
Welcome, Terken Hatun.
Our Sultan is in the tent of the healer.
Thank you.
The great warrior Markus
It's nice to see you.
It's nice to see you too, Count Albert.
It is especially pleasing that we
came together to destroy the Seljuks.
The leader of the
Batinis, Hassan Sabbah
We heard how you became
the nightmare of Seljuks.
It would be an honor to ally with you.
The important thing is not the alliance
It is to do what's necessary.
It is to capture Seljuks
and bring the state down.
We will do it with the information in here.
These are such information
that It will destroy
 not only Seljuks but all of
the states that can replace it.
So we will destroy
the Turks order of state
that existed for hundreds
of years, is that so?
Eventually, you will take Jerusalem
and we will take these lands.
We will build our own state.
Then let's reveal these documents.
And erase the Turk's state
from the face of this earth.
They are as important as you say.
We will destroy the Seljuks with them
and all of the Turks.
My brave warriors.
We are holding the heart of the Turks.
Cut it with your swords.
Are you ready to shed blood?
We are ready.
We will take down their state.
We will cut off their flags in Jerusalem
and put Christian flags instead.
We will attack with revenge.
We will destroy the most important
leader of Turks Meliksah.
What is it?
Sencer. He knows you're here. Leave now!
Get the documents.
We'll leave here quickly.
You were in the state for years
but you didn't understand
one thing Sabbah.
Our shadow is a nightmare
and our sword follows the cruel.
When the head falls, the sword will fall
and the shadow disappears.
Meliksah fell. You will be destroyed too.
Our Sultan is alive Sabbah.
We sharpened our sword for his revenge.
We will kill all of you for his
one drop of blood. Attack.
You called me angel.
Look your angel's here.
Open your eyes.
My heart's Sultan.
Your state has scorched our hearts.
We long for
your eyes
your one word.
Without you, my heart will suffer Meliksah.
How is he Katun?
How is he Hatun?
He will be better in no time InshAllah.
What are you doing?
What are you up to?
I said what are you up to?
I am making medicine.
Aren't there palace doctors for that?
Sultan's Hatun is speaking.
It's disrespectful to turn your back.
Show me your face.
I said show me your face.
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