Vinland Saga (2019) s01e19 Episode Script

United Front

Hey! Are you okay?
Who's that?
He's big.
What about the duel?
What did he say? Duel?
Duel? This isn't the time to be sleeping!
He got up!
He's still alive!
Looks like you can still fight.
I'll give you a minute to recover.
Don't underestimate me! Come on! Attack me!
No. I can't fight you when you're like that.
Shut up! I don't need your sympathy!
I was right. See?
Hey! Old man! Stop!
Let him do it. Someone, bring a chair.
Let me see.
Stay away, baldy! Go treat your own wounds.
Just let me see.
Don't touch me!
Don't get so mad. It's a bad habit of yours.
Use your head.
What do you think you should do right now to win?
I haven't had that much fun in a long time, Thorfinn.
I'll tell you, just like I promised.
About your father,
You know who the Jomsvikings are, right?
Thors and I were both commanders.
Thors was particularly strong.
The Jomsvikings don't accept average warriors.
Thors was so good that they nicknamed him
"The Troll."
Their leader, Sigvaldi, liked him and gave him
one of his daughters.
She's your mother, Helga.
The leader of the Jomsvikings is my grandfather?
That's right. He's also my older brother.
In other words, that means I'm your great-uncle.
He's related to the captain? No way!
Our last battle was the Battle of Hjörungavágr in Norway.
We lost that battle.
During the naval battle, Thors fell into the sea
and didn't come back up.
I cried.
I wanted to beat him someday. With my own hands.
But Thors wasn't dead.
The last time I saw him was in Jomsborg.
987 BC
It was three months after his funeral.
Then he got scared and peed his pants.
The patrol just left. Let's go.
Are you guys thieves?
Did you know this house belongs to Thors,
a leader in the Jomsvikings?
I usually leave thieves alone, but
I just lost one of my friends.
I've been in a bad mood these days.
Thors? You-- What?
Come on! Where have you been?
We held your funeral!
Okay, okay. Calm down, Thorkell!
Sorry for making you worry.
It's Helga!
What's wrong? You guys are both dressed
in shabby clothes!
Excuse me, Uncle Thorkell--
I knew it! You'd never die over something
as little as falling into the sea!
Excuse me, Uncle. We--
Have you seen my brother yet? No?
All right! I'll go wake him up for you.
Listen to me.
Okay! Let's catch up inside.
What's wrong?
I'm not going to see the leader.
We're leaving here.
To do what? You can leave tomorrow!
You just came back.
I'm leaving
this town and the Jomsvikings.
Please forget that you saw me tonight.
What? Is this a joke?
Just pretend that I'm dead.
Please, Thorkell.
I don't understand. What are you talking about?
I've decided.
I'm not going to fight anymore.
I said I don't understand!
You're not scared because you almost died, right?
My brother is considering you as his successor.
You're tired, right? Just eat something
and go to sleep for today.
Now I understand.
I understand what a real warrior is.
So, I can't stay here anymore.
You know the rules, right? Anyone who leaves without
the leader's permission will be sentenced to death.
This is the capital of warriors.
You don't know how to do anything except fight.
Where are you going?
Somewhere, but not here.
It'll be okay. Stay back.
Take care, Thorkell.
Where's your sword?
I don't need it.
When I woke up, Thors was already gone.
Fifteen years later, I found out that
Thors had really died.
I thought about him for 15 years.
I realized that whether the body is still alive
or not doesn't matter.
What's important for a warrior is where their soul is.
His soul had gone somewhere far away.
I don't understand it yet.
Somewhere I can't reach yet.
Somewhere, but not here.
He probably became a real warrior there.
Thorfinn. How did he spend his time in Iceland?
Tell me.
I don't want to.
I told you what I know!
Shut up! I don't care.
You cheapskate! It's not that you don't want to tell me.
You actually don't know.
I can tell by looking in your eyes. You don't have
that same mysterious sparkle he does.
What did you say?
You didn't learn anything from Thors.
And you're embarrassed that I'd find out, right?
Let go! I'll kill everyone starting with you!
You'll lose if you fight like you usually do.
Whether you win or lose will decide whether I live or die.
That's why I'm going to tell you
how to defeat that monster.
Don't bullshit me, baldy!
If you knew how to beat him, why didn't you fight him?
Battle isn't the same as Shogi.
It's not over just because you beat their captain.
But this is different. He said if you win, he'll let us go.
He values honor. He'll keep the vow he made
before the duel.
Remember the reason you fight.
It's to beat me in a duel, right?
Let me be your advisor, just this once.
So that the two of us can survive this situation.
I wanted to see the captain's duel.
If I die, I want to die in a duel with the captain, too.
I'd be proud in Valhalla.
He's on a different level. I bet he's a reincarnation
of Thors, the god of lightning.
If the captain is Thors, then does that mean
Prince Canute is Freyja?
She's a goddess!
It's a reincarnation of Freyja!
Take this!
Does that hurt, Thorfinn?
Why don't you just forget about Askeladd and surrender?
You bastard!
Don't run away!
You don't know when to quit!
Look at you! Fight to the end with pride!
Are you trying to disgrace the name of Thors?
Bear it for now, Thorfinn.
Get him to come closer.
Was it the Battle of Maldon?
It was a fierce battle.
Even Thorkell was severely wounded.
It was only a moment.
It was only a moment, but I saw it.
I saw the moment that Thorkell the Invincible collapsed.
That was good. Make him think that you've used up
everything you got.
What's wrong, Thorfinn?
Are you tired of running away now?
I'm so disappointed.
I thought you had more spirit in you.
You're in a good spot. Good job, Thorfinn.
That was over fast.
He ran away the whole time.
That's right, Thorkell.
Come finish him off.
All that's left is
for you to let your guard down for a moment.
His weakness is
You idiot! You don't have a weapon!
Thorfinn! On your right!
Kill that kid!
Die, kid!
Stop, you fools!
You bastards How dare you humiliate me!
How dare you tarnish my duel!
Asgeir, you
What about your honor as a warrior?
I don't care if you hate me for it.
I'm going to kill that kid.
If you want to kill me, then kill me!
But you must live!
No one else
could unify these 500 beasts!
Stop right there.
You must not fight anymore.
Whoever dies in this fight
will die in vain.
They've been annihilated Askeladd's army has been
You're alive!
Who are you?
How can you kill each other without end?
Don't you tire of it?
I don't care if you're royalty.
You have no right to spoil the duel.
Stay back, little girl.
It doesn't look like a duel anymore.
If you're a leader, you should show your men
pride and honor.
Silence! I don't need you to tell me what I already know!
Let Thorfinn go. I lost this duel.
Captain! You haven't lost! We just got in the way!
Shut up, you idiots!
I lost. I should preserve my dignity.
Do as the captain commands.
That was unpleasant.
I've been alive for 50 years, but I've never
had a day as bad as today.
Hey, baldy! Let's get away right now!
If you want to go, then go. I'm staying.
What? What do you think I went through all that for?
Just shut up and watch.
So? Who do you think you are, prince?
Did you just stroll over to break up the fight?
I wish to have your sled and your supplies.
And Thorfinn and Askeladd are my followers.
I'm taking them.
Are you stupid?
What kind of a hunter would let his prey get away?
You intend to use me to bargain
with King Sweyn.
Is that what you're thinking?
Yes, prince.
You're bait. You're a hostage.
And you're a source of money.
Forget about the prince! Don't get greedy!
Just watch!
Stay back, lout. I won't run away.
You matured a lot in a short amount of time.
What happened?
I found Ragnar's corpse in the village
I stopped by yesterday.
I have no value as a hostage.
The reason being
my father
doesn't love me.
My father is going to give the throne
to my brother Harald.
I'm just second to my brother.
However, that caused the vassals to start fighting,
and endangered the foundation of the kingdom.
My existence
is a source of distress to the king.
In other words, King Sweyn is hoping that I'll kill you?
It'd be better to have me die in battle
than to assassinate me.
It would allow my father to avoid killing his own child.
If I did let you go right now, where would you go?
To the main camp in Gainsborough.
To fight my father, the king.
You think you can win? Congratulations.
I'm doing what should be done.
My life isn't valuable anyway.
I've seen lots of men who said
they didn't care about their life.
But most of them cry and beg for their life as soon as
they get hit, even if it's just a light punch.
You're just like them, right?
I hate that look in his eyes. I've seen it before.
What are you looking at with those eyes?
What happened? They got quiet.
Even I have one thing I regret.
I regret not following Thors back there.
If I had followed him then,
I would have learned
the secret to being a real warrior.
Well, I'm going to end up fighting King Sweyn anyway.
All right! I've made my decision.
I'll help you fight.
I'm going to follow you.
I'm going to watch what you do from now on,
and who you'll become.
But if you do anything soft, I'm going to kill you.
Good. From today on, you, too, are one of my followers.
Then what about us?
Well, the captain says he's going to follow him, so
What's wrong with him?
What's he still doing here?
Your Highness Canute.
I'm the one who killed Ragnar.
Please kill me.
if you let me live,
I shall help you,
even if it costs me my life.
Work on his behalf, too.
That's how you shall mourn his death.
If you want to come with me, then come.
We're going to drag King Sweyn down from the throne.
What are you doing? Don't copy me.
I'm not. I'm the one who became his vassal first.
Anyway, let's be friends.
I killed most of your men,
but it's water under the bridge, right?
Letting it be water under the bridge
is the only thing you can do.
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