365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e20 Episode Script

Ga Hyeon Finds out Who the Culprit Is

Sir, Ko Jae Young had gone missing three days ago.
I think they kept it a secret in case the reporters swarmed
around them when they found out that he was missing.
Ji Hyeong Ju didn't call you either?
Darn it. I don't know what he's thinking.
We should've reported this
to the internal inspectors during Bae Jung Tae's case.
Look what happened to him in the end.
But Corporal Ji doesn't have any motive to kill Ko Jae Young.
He had to wait until the hypnosis to reveal the real culprit,
so he could clear his suspicion about the recording file.
He could have killed the victim
because he was scared that he would be exposed.
- Hey, Jin Sa Kyung. - I'm frustrated too.
Shouldn't he at least call us?
We need to know what's going on if we're going to help him.
If you know,
will you really help him?
(Nam Soon Woo and Jin Sa Kyung, Sunday, January 12, 2020)
- Soon Woo. - Hyeong Ju, where are you?
I have a favour to ask you.
Hyeong Ju.
Soon Woo?
Hey, you can't be here.
If you don't arrest me, you'll be suspended.
I did come here alone. I'll be okay.
Sun Ho.
How did you find this place?
I found this from the list of closed buildings the city manages.
This area will be redeveloped, so there are no houses here.
And no one will come here as well.
What's your plan now?
We must catch the real culprit.
He knows me. That's why he lured me into his trap.
He even knows my phone number.
You could have made a statement at the scene.
Why did you run away? You really messed this up.
If I get caught now,
some people will be in danger.
What? What are you talking about?
My goodness. Why don't we let him get some rest today?
Get some rest.
It's me. Open up.
- Sun Ho. - Hey.
You scared me.
I brought some stuff
you might need.
And you should use this for now.
I need to reach you somehow.
Hey, you. What did you ask Soon Woo to do?
Is that a lead to catch the culprit?
It's a copy of the forensic report.
(Forensic Report)
We found that at Bae Jung Tae's house,
but not at the scene where Kim Se Rin was killed.
If I found anything, I was planning to confront Ms. Lee Shin
- and make a deal - I visited her already.
- You did? - I had to save you somehow,
so I was hoping she'd explain everything to me.
Gosh, she wasn't easy.
I don't think she'll spill that easily.
Oh, right.
The handcuffs that were around Ko Jae Young's wrists
were mine.
- Really? - Yes.
That means the killer not only knows me
but is around me as well.
None of the detectives
on that list were from our station.
And someone who has ties to Bae Jung Tae
- Sa Kyung is the only one. - That's absurd.
Didn't you say you received a text?
Let me look into that number.
I might be able to find a lead.
You don't need to say that.
I bought some bread.
Actually, I wanted to buy you a meal.
(Forensic Report)
"Alpha-terpinyl acetate".
(Terpinyl Acetate)
(Components of Cardamom)
(Components of Cardamom)
Sir. Sir.
- Ga Hyeon. - Hyeong Ju.
Take care of him for me.
- Hyeong Ju. - Are you okay?
Yes, thanks to you.
What happened? Did you lose him?
Is he the killer?
I think so.
My goodness.
Does that mean I almost died?
Did you take those photos
in the USB?
What photos?
Why would he?
A small box was found in Bae Jung Tae's house.
And there was a USB inside.
There were crime scene photos
of all the people who had died.
And we found traces of cardamom in that box.
It's a type of spice that you enjoy.
Sir, what is this?
It's a type of spice called cardamom.
Adding a bit of this to your tea will enhance the flavour.
I did leave that box there.
I have nothing to do with the photos or the USB drive.
How could you?
I'm sorry.
Ms. Lee Shin was even aware of Ko Jae Young's voice recording.
Since when have you been fooling me?
The day after Ms. Lee Shin came to my café,
I had visited Zian Clinic.
I wondered which one of you would come and beg.
But I didn't expect it to be you.
But then again, the fear of death
has nothing to do with your age.
You're wrong.
I've always wanted to die.
The only thing I worry about
is how my wife will live after I die.
I came here to find out
when I'll die.
If I were to tell you,
would you do anything?
No matter what it may be?
Did she say you'd die today?
No. She didn't tell me.
She said she'd tell me when the time comes.
What did she make you do?
She wanted me to tell her how the rest of us were doing
and the things we talked about.
I thought telling her those things
wouldn't do you any harm.
We've gone through many things together.
It was
really painful for me.
I had no idea
she made me deliver such gruesome photos.
I don't care if I die tomorrow.
I'll stop informing her.
Please keep doing it.
tell us
whenever she makes you do something.
That is,
if you even consider us your friends.
She isn't the one
who's sick.
(It hurts.)
(Lee Young, Mommy)
You want her to be discharged?
Yes, I think this place will be better for Young
than the hospital.
Yes, ma'am. I'll do that.
It's her daughter.
She's been resetting
because of her sick daughter.
I'm sorry for putting you in pain again.
I'm sorry for getting sick again.
(Late Lee Young)
Let me
join you, Young.
I got the cause of death for Ko Jae Young.
(Autopsy Report)
He bled to death.
His left lung was pierced
by a knife as wide as 3cm.
And the killer twisted the knife.
It's the same MO from Bae Jung Tae's case.
And we got Bae Jung Tae's blood on the murder weapon?
The killer stabbed Ko Jae Young with the knife
he used to stab Bae Jung Tae.
Does it mean it was done by the same guy?
It's a serial murder?
That's the direction the RIU is taking.
That means Ji Hyeong Ju
just became a serial killer.
Hyeong Ju.
Come on in.
You're staying here? What about the food?
Well, you know
Take a seat.
The air in here is pretty bad,
but I can't open the windows.
Even before we catch the culprit,
you might die from an illness.
Even if I die,
I'll make sure to catch that jerk. Don't worry.
You can't freely move around because you're a wanted suspect.
I must use fate.
That jerk
will probably come after us.
We will end up meeting him
even if we don't try?
I really hope I'm next.
Hyeong Ju.
Our fate today will affect our fate tomorrow.
I'll make sure to catch the culprit,
so it doesn't come to that.
Well, whether you catch him or I do,
we'll catch him pretty soon, then.
(Missed call, Choi Young Woong)
Hello, Young Woong.
Really? It would be mean a lot to me.
Okay. See you soon.
I think I might be able to find the detective
who was in contact with Bae Jung Tae.
There was a detective who came
to Young Woong's school and asked about Choi Min Ho.
He's going to meet with the teacher who talked to the detective.
Could Bae Jung Tae
and that detective be related to our case?
As soon as Bae Jung Tae got out of prison,
he told Ko Jae Young that Choi Young Woong was Choi Min Ho.
How do you think he found that out when he was locked up?
So you think that detective must have done his legwork.
Yes. It's still a possibility.
I'll check on it and call you back.
Thank you for your time.
Can you recognize
the detective that came to the school among these detectives?
Yes, Ga Hyeon.
The teacher said he wasn't
on the list of detectives I showed him.
I see. Right.
It's hard to recognize someone just by looking at the photos.
We rarely get a lead that way.
Don't let it discourage you.
Okay. I'll call you again.
Go home before it gets dark.
Okay. I will.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
Ga Hyeon.
Did something happen?
What's wrong?
The detective that went to Young Woong's school
I found out who he is.
Who is it?
It's Detective Park.
Sun Ho?
What are you talking about?
On the day he came to the school
He was on crutches.
The detective was on crutches.
We kept questioning
why there hadn't been
any murders for seven months.
Hold on, Ga Hyeon.
This is an awful joke you're making.
Young Woong's teacher
identified him too.
I'm sure of it. It was this detective.
- Let's go. - Three.
Let's take 1 more. 1, 2, 3.
- Did you get it? - Hyeong Ju,
can you smile a bit?
Yes. Why are you so grumpy?
- Look at him pretending to be cool. - You need to show this.
- The autograph? - Yes.
Let's take another one.
- All right. - Smile.
Okay. Smile.
In 1, 2, 3.
That was great.
I'm sure he's mistaken.
Why would he do that? Sun Ho is a detective.
Hyeong Ju.
The culprit is a detective too.
I know that. I know,
but even if every detective in Korea is a suspect,
Sun Ho would never be one.
Bae Jung Tae
was murdered on the day when he was no longer a suspect.
Ko Jae Young
had gone missing
on his way back home after the questioning.
And on the day when his body was found,
the culprit sent a text message to you.
The culprit knew exactly how the investigation panned out
and the relationship between you and Ko Jae Young.
Someone so close to us was able to do all of this,
but because we trusted him so much
and he was so close to us,
- we didn't even suspect him. - Ga Hyeon.
This isn't a webtoon.
You can't just force the story for the sake of finding the culprit.
I hope I'm imagining things too.
I hope I'm imagining however I want
because I'm desperate to catch the culprit.
Sun Ho
is like a family to me.
He's not someone you can just accuse of being a murderer.
Hyeong Ju.
It's a trap.
He probably called the patrol division after luring me in.
We didn't receive any reports.
The closed buildings are being inspected.
They found it on their patrol.
I found this from the list of closed buildings the city manages.
This area will be redeveloped, so there are no houses here.
And no one will come here as well.
Hey, why are you wandering around?
If you need anything, just call me.
Sun Ho.
How could you believe
what I told you that easily?
- What? - That we were killed
by a serial killer.
There's no definite evidence. But why did you believe me?
I still can't fully believe it.
We can't call it a serial murder because
a few common items like a phone and gloves disappeared.
Who would believe that?
I'm just saying I'll believe you because you said so.
Sun Ho, let me borrow your car.
My car? Why? There are checkpoints
all over the city to catch you. Where will you go?
I just need to meet someone.
Give me your car key.
If you get caught, say that you stole it from me.
(Detective Park Sun Ho)
(Detective Park Sun Ho, Slide to Answer)
But can't you just check the security footage?
Sadly, that was when the cameras got changed,
so there's no way to prove your innocence.
I fell asleep on my way down from the mountain.
Then I heard two women in a fight.
I left the park after she did.
What brings you here?
Excuse me. Is there Mr. Choi Hyun Woo?
That's me. What is this about?
Detective Ji.
Detective Park asked me for a favour.
He said it was a simple accident, but an innocent woman
was in a tight spot because she didn't have an alibi.
I know how that feels because I had been falsely accused.
So I just made the report as he asked.
He didn't commit suicide.
Given the circumstances, it wasn't an accident.
Are you saying he was murdered?
The owner of a store nearby testified
that Cha Jeung Seok purchased charcoal briquettes from him.
It's been a few years
since we stopped selling charcoal briquettes.
I would've remembered if a detective came.
Why did you come here? What if I wanted to call the police?
Who is
the culprit?
I think you already know the answer.
I guess you didn't have the courage to ask him yourself.
That's right.
It's Detective Park Sun Ho
whom you had saved.
He's the culprit.
But Sun Ho died.
- But - It was actually quite easy.
You just had to avoid the place on the day of your deaths.
Are you Mr. Cha Jeung Seok?
Where are you taking me?
What happened?
Did you really think I would save you one at a time?
It was quite simple as long as I took care of one culprit.
You know Ji Hyeong Ju?
And I know a lot about you, Mr. Oh Myung Chul.
I know that you're going to kill Ji Hyeong Ju today.
But do you know what true revenge is?
If you just kill him,
that's too easy.
Making him suffer in pain
until his last breath
is true revenge.
But someone said
the killing would be too easy.
It's better to let you live in pain until the day you die.
That's true revenge.
Until my fifth reset, Oh Myung Chul was trying to kill
But he failed every time
and was arrested by you.
And all I did was just twist that fate.
Thanks to Oh Myung Chul,
I was able to undergo the reset with you all.
Everything was planned from the get-go?
Are you telling me because I saved him
people died?
Is that what it is?
Why on earth are you doing this?
You have a child whom you must save.
You know first hand how painful death is.
That's why I gave you all a chance.
I wanted to see if anyone would be able to
change their fate.
Now that you know who the culprit is,
you just need to catch him.
I'll keep watching to find out
who will survive in the end
and if changing one's fate is possible.
Isn't that Detective Ji?
That's him.
Stop right there.
Detective Ji.
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