Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e20 Episode Script


Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are always
by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Imitates explosions ]
Oh, no!
Now back on the road.
Now spin cycle.
[ Imitates revving ]
Knight and Steed
have returned!
[ Whinnies ]
Maney and I found Sailor Boy
in the far west of the creek,
his jacket in the clutches
of a vicious thorn bush.
Sailor Boy survived.
The bush did not.That's cool.
We were playing
with the racecars,
but the batteries died,
so now they're JP-powered.
Turbo jump!
[ Whinnies ]
[ Sighs ]
P-P-Perfect parkin'!
Oh, hello, there, Maney.
Uh, uh
H-Hey, JP. I, uh
I think I --
I like, um
You like what?
I-I-I like horses!
I think you'd make
a great horse! [ Gasps ]
[ Whinnies ]
Wow. Nobody's ever told me
I'd be a good anythin' before.
[ All neighing ]
Okay, now that we've all
warmed up our horse vocals,
I hope you're all ready
for Trot Day!
I love trotting!
I'm so ready to trot!
Yes, Melissa, we know.
I want to see some high
knee kicks today, girls.
I'm lookin' at you,
Oh, yeah, sure, but I've decided
I'm a pretty old horse,
so my trot may look more like
a walk, like most of the time.
JP, w-what are you
doing here?
What you said
got me thinkin'.
I looked real deep inside
myself and you were right.
I was born to be a horse.
Check it.
[ Grunting ]
[ Gasps ]
Neigh-excuse me?!
[ All whinny ]
What are you
doing here?
I invited him,
JP wants to be a horse
like us.
This isn't a game, you know.
It's a lifestyle.
Many have tried
to be a horse,
but few have the heart
of a horse.
Yeah. Kids normally get tired
of being a horse, but not us.
If you want to be
a Horse Girl,
then you got to have
horse in your blood!
Are you willing to show us
your blood?!
Wait! Please!
Can't we just give him
a chance?
I'm serious about this.
I'll do whatever it takes
to embody the equine lifestyle.
[ Snorts ] Fine.
I guess you can trot with us
for a while.
What's a trot?
I suppose you two
wanna be horses, too?
Oh, nah, we're --
we're just along for the ride.
This is bumpy!
To be a horse,
you have to be powerful.
But also graceful.
And most importantly, you have
to answer the call of adventure!
[ All neighing ]
Whoa. JP.
Ugh, not majestic.
I'm okay.
Craig broke my fall.
[ Chuckles ]
JP is so funny.
Horses aren't supposed to be
Rodeo clowns are funny.
And horses kick them
in the face!
Okay, snack time.
I got the choco roll hookup
for all of us.
Coo?Oh, Mortimer.
I'm sorry. I didn't actually
pack anything for you.
[ Bird screeches ]
Aw, yeah, I'm so hungry
I could eat a horse.
First of all,
how dare you.
Second of all, horses don't
have hands, they have hooves.
Oh, uh
[ Squish! ]
[ Grunts ]
All right, it's time
for dressage practice.
Oh, good. I'm really good
at puttin' on pants.[ Chuckles ]
Dressage is like a dance
competition for horses.
And Mackenzie
is incredible.
Your hooves.
Just imagine my hand
is a tiny horse
and I'm using
my tiny hooves.
[ Gasps ]
I have to say, Kelsey,
this is one of the best dressage
routines I've ever seen!
That's right, Craig.
It's also
the only dressage routine
I have ever seen.
So, is Maney
your mom-given name?
it's short for Mangerine.
Oh, I like that.
Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Horses don't scream.
Maney, what did you think
of that trot-halt-trot
that I added?
[ Giggles ]
When do you think
my horse teeth'll come in?
Can I go next?!
No, let's see what
our new neigh-borcan do.
[ Snorts ]Uh, mehehe?
This should be rich.
Uh, I don't know how to do
any of that fancy footwork,
but I do know
this lil' thing.
Hit it!
Now, this is a dance
I made up
when I had a bee stuck
in my shirt.
It goes a little something
like this.
Now, stick out your arms
like you've got long sleeves ♪
Wave 'em around just like me
Don't be shy, just get funky
And do the JP
-Come on, guys!
That's right, do the JP
So you're not a JP,
you're a Kyle ♪
That's okay,
just wave your arms freestyle ♪
I am movin'
all over the place.
Do the JP
Come on,
everyone watching at home.
Get up and dance along.
It's real easy to
Do the JP
That is not how horses dance!
I knew you'd be
a great horse.
T-That means a lot
comin' from a --
a genuine equine
such as yourself.
[ Chuckles ]
I feel like I messed up, though,
a couple times back there.
I mean, Mackenzie
seems kinda mad.
You're just different.
Wild! Untamed!
[ Whispers ]
Should we leave?
[ Whispers ] Don't dismount.
You'll ruin the moment.
I've wanted to hang out
with you for some time now.
I-I-I'm happy
I fin-finally can.
Yeah, this is so fun.
I wanna do this
every day.
[ Humming "Do the JP" ]
I feel great!
I slept standin' up last night!
Hold your horses!
You've had your fun, JP.
But if you want to keep
galloping with the herd,
you'll have to go through
the horse rite of passage --
the horse course.
[ Both gasp ]
Mackenzie, JP isn't ready
for the horse course.
It takes weeks
of training
and -- and he's only been
a horse for one day.
I don't know if Marie
has even --
You don't have
to do this.
The course is hard, even for
a stallion like yourself.
Those are the rules,
but JP can always tuck his
pony tail between his legs
and go home,
that's if he even has a tail.
I accept the challenge.
Here we are, Kelsey.
It's a beautiful day
for a horse course.
Yes, Craig, but this test
ain't no trot in the meadow.
The jumps are high
and the stakes are even higher.
The horse course
starts here.
First, you must execute a
dainty hop over the small jump,
then a trot through the puddle,
pay respects to the dignitaries,
and finally, clear a totally
regulation-sized high jump.
Finish the course
without failing a jump,
and you'll officially
be one of us.
You have until Melissa finishes
drawing a horse with her mouth.
So be fast 'cause she's got
it down to a science.
I know you can do this, JP.
Good luck.
Ready, Melissa?
[ Muffled ] Ready!
Yeah! JP!
And he's off
to a strong start!
You know,
it's hard to believe
he only became a horse
yesterday, Craig.
Wow! So elegant.
So untamed.
That was hardly a trot!
[ Grunting ]
M'lord, m'lady, m'baby.
What are all those dots?
[ Muffled ] Spots!
Melissa, it doesn't
need details!
He's entering
the home stretch, folks.
He's just got to clear
the final high jump.
Hurry up, Melissa!
[ All gasp ]
[ Grunts ]
[ All gasp ]
JP, can you get up?
No.His horse leg is broken!
We have to put him down
like in the movies.
Melissa, no, not again.
Well, he can't be
a horse anymore anyway.
He lost the course!
Mackenzie: No, he didn't.
Because II sabotaged it!
[ All gasp ]
I just wanted him
to fail the course!
I didn't think
he'd get hurt!
[ Grunting, snorting ]
JP gave everything he could
to be a horse like us
and this is how
you treat him?!
I'm sorry, okay?!
I-I just --
You just what?!
I just --
Everyone was having more fun
doing horse stuff
JP's way.
I was worried that
if he joined us,
he'd change our horse
way of life forever.
And then you wouldn't
need me anymore.
Oh, Mackenzie,
of course we need you.
We wouldn't be
The Horse Girls without you.
I mean, sure,
you can be bossy sometimes,
but I know
it's just because
you want to bring out
our fullest potential.
Maney, Maney, I'm sorry,
but I don't think I wanna be
a horse anymore.
But I thought you were
having fun as a horse.
I thought we were gonna be
horses together.
Of course I had fun.
I was hangin' out with you!
But I don't belong
in the meadow.
My heart's just not as into it
as you guys.
And let's be honest, you got
the best horses right here.
Besides, I realize now that
I'm neither boy nor horse.
I'ma truck!
My hooves be wheels!
My tail, a tail pipe!
My farts -- terrible
for the ozone layer.
But I hope that we can
still ride together
every once in a while.
[ Snorts ]
Of course we can.
All right, fellas.
It's a long drive home,
and I'm gonna need a push.
[ Both groan ]
Group nuzzle!
[ All whinny ]
[ Both grunting ]
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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