Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e20 Episode Script

The Law of Conservation of Romance

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
"The first
successful artificial heart
replacement surgery in Korea."
Why are you here?
I thought it was a party
for the artificial heart implant.
I should be here.
We are the heroes
and heroines of this surgery.
What's the meaning of this?
So what?
-Are you trying to fight me?
-What's wrong?
Are you scared?
The way things are turning out
seems to be serious.
I agree.
It seems Teacher Kim will
pick a fight with President Do.
Do you think I should call the police?
Keep quiet, you two.
Excuse me.
Teacher Kim, go get them!
I'm watching you.
I just said hi.
It's a surprise that you are here,
Anyway, I'm glad you came.
You made an appearance at this party
because you want to get credit
for the surgery.
I will give you credit for that.
What nonsense is this?
We don't need to fight anymore.
I'm still the top figure in this hospital.
you are the best surgeon who is back
after many storms of life.
Moreover, you have
successfully performed
the heart surgery on the chairman.
Now that the dramatic conditions
are all set,
we are just ready to go.
Act wisely. You should
pursue symbiosis instead of division.
Symbiosis, my foot.
Do you even know what symbiosis means?
It's a win-win situation.
It's like killing two birds
with one stone.
you should make a decision
for both our sakes.
But you will keep
all the birds to yourself.
It means extinction, not symbiosis.
Then again,
you're not the only scumbag here.
I am also a scumbag for closing my eyes,
closing my ears, and shutting up
for you to live a comfortable life.
-What did he say?
-Who is that?
Please watch your language, Bu Yong-ju.
This is a public place.
Until now,
I thought it's the best for me
to stay away from guys like you.
I thought you would
fall in grave peril after a while.
I wanted to not care.
I thought I'd just live my life
instead of caring about yours.
I was too tired to do that,
and I was also busy
making a life for myself.
That's why I shut my ears
and closed my eyes
about the things you have done.
That's why I stayed silent and ignorant.
I don't think I can let this go on.
That's why
I won't do that from now on.
If you won't,
what can you do?
Something I couldn't correct 14 years ago.
Let's start from there.
Do you think you can tie me down
with these documents
that have no legal power?
At least it can work as an obstacle
for you to be reappointed.
Morally and ethically.
Are you scared now?
Trauma center.
Is that all you want?
-Once I become reappointed,
I will seriously consider
turning Doldam Hospital
into a trauma center.
I'll get all of my connections
and see if you can get
any government support--
Do you not even understand
what I'm saying?
How dare you try to bargain your way out?
Isn't this what you want?
That's why you're threatening me.
You leave me speechless.
Do you know
what kids nowadays
say about guys like you?
Dead end.
It means you got no way out.
So what do you want?
-What is going on?
-Did he just shout at him?
Tell me what you want.
shut up
and step down quietly!
Don't stay in your post in such disgrace.
Then clean up
after yourself.
Your artificial heart
replacement surgery was the best.
I really respect you.
Will you return to Geosan Medical Center?
Doctor, may I get an autograph?
Forget about it.
-I have to go.
-Can I take a picture with you?
I have to go.
No, I have to go.
-Just one picture.
-Let me go.
My goodness, move.
-I respect you, Doctor.
Everyone, move away.
I'm fed up with you.
How can you do this to me?
This is what justice looks like, you scum!
What did you say?
You scum!
Oh, no.
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim.
What's the case?
Oh, Dr. Yun.
-Mr. Nam.
-It's been so long.
-Dr. Kang is here, too.
Is someone hurt?
He's the chief surgeon of Doldam Hospital.
He hurt his head and hand
at the celebratory event.
I see. This way.
This is how far we go.
Oh, it's not our hospital. I forgot.
Aren't you Dr. Yun?
Hey, Dr. Lee.
-It's been a while.
-What brings you here?
Well, it's
This is Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
An ice sculpture came down on him
and he hurt his head
and his hand.
Let me take a look.
His head injury isn't too severe,
so let's take an X-ray of his wrist first.
Don't you know him?
He's Dr. Kang Dong-ju.
He used to be a surgeon here.
I think I heard of him.
You're two years junior, aren't you?
Let's get that X-ray first.
-Mr. Nam, please proceed it.
Where's that patient?
President Do, please.
Why don't you take a CT scan and an X-ray
of your shoulder and head?
I'm fine. Get to the treatment.
Yes, sir.
Never mind, get out.
-But you're bleeding, President Do.
-Forget about it and leave!
Everyone, please leave.
Give me your hand.
I'll disinfect the area first.
Teacher Kim.
Are you okay? Are you awake?
Teacher Kim.
Where am I?
We came to Geosan Medical Center's
emergency room.
You got hurt because of the ice sculpture.
I applied an ice pack
because it's really swollen.
I have the result of his X-ray.
-How did it turn out?
-How did it turn out?
Wait outside the room.
-Teacher Kim.
-Teacher Kim.
I will hear the result. Step outside.
How did it go? How's Teacher Kim?
We just got the result of his X-ray,
but he wants us to wait outside.
But you can't leave him alone in there.
You should hear the result with him.
That's what I wanted to do,
but he doesn't listen to me.
I guess it will take a while.
I think you should go for dinner first.
-Okay then.
-Don't be absurd.
How can we eat dinner
when someone is injured?
He doesn't look good.
Is something wrong?
-Dr. Yun.
Ms. Jin.
I saw you came here with Dr. Kang Dong-ju.
Right. I work with him at Doldam Hospital.
I see.
You suddenly disappeared
after the accident five years ago.
I've been wondering about you since then.
I have
been doing pretty well.
I met nice people at a good hospital.
I even met a nice mentor.
And you met Dr. Kang again there. Right?
All the nurses in the emergency room
knew that
Dr. Kang had a huge crush on you.
I got a call.
Is he your son?
He's five years old.
He looks like his father.
He must be so cute.
He's only five years old.
I want you to be happy.
I hope you are happy, too.
I want you to come back
to Geosan Medical Center.
Despite all that happened,
I bet you've learned a lot
by taking part in the artificial
heart replacement surgery.
That's enough.
-Come back to Geosan Medical Center.
-I think
I'm very lucky
that I'm your son.
I was proud
to be called as your son
rather than my name.
Your name gave me
good qualifications.
After I was transferred
to Doldam Hospital,
I was called by my name
for the first time.
At first, I was confused
and felt bad about that.
Your name didn't work there.
I felt that way at first.
But it made me
see who I really am for the first time.
I could see what my life was like
without your name.
I realized what it was.
What are you trying to say?
I want to
live up to my name for a while.
I want to be myself.
Not your son.
I want to live as Do In-beom.
Are you saying
you want to stay at Doldam Hospital?
Yes, I am.
Stop talking nonsense and come back.
I won't do that.
Are you
trying to
disobey your father?
I'm just saying
everything in my house is my business.
Make sure to take anti-inflammatory pills.
Come over here now.
This is good.
Pizza tastes pretty good with beer.
I'm glad you like it.
Don't worry about Teacher Kim.
Being worried about him
wouldn't make things better.
How can I not worry about him?
He's a surgeon, and he hurt his wrist.
It won't be a big deal.
Don't worry. Let's just eat.
That's what I'm saying.
The power of optimism.
Skipping a meal is no good
for people at our age.
Your blood sugar will drop,
and you will have a nervous temperament.
Try this. It's pretty good.
By the way, it's taking quite a while.
I know. Do you think it's serious?
What do you think?
It's taking so long.
-Is it that bad?
-Do you think so?
Did you see that? He's a neurosurgeon.
I did. Was there an orthopedist, too?
Yes, there was.
Why were they here?
-Is he seriously injured?
-Don't say that.
I'm sure it's just a simple contusion.
-Excuse me.
-Excuse me.
How is Teacher Kim?
Is his wrist okay?
Go ask him yourself.
I'm not supposed to say
anything about a patient.
Do we have a patient early in the morning?
We have an emergency patient.
He's looking for Teacher Kim.
He says he's a singer.
Singer who?
He says his name is Nam Jin or something.
Nam Jin?
Is Nam Jin in our hospital?
Who's Nam Jin?
Well, I'm not sure.
How may I help you?
Are you Teacher Kim?
No, I'm not.
But I'm also a chief surgeon.
May I take a look at the patient?
He's a bit shy.
It has to be Teacher Kim.
I'm just as good as Teacher Kim.
-Let's take a look.
We'll wait around until Teacher Kim comes.
Is it really that singer, Nam Jin?
Nam Jin?
-Is the singer Nam Jin here?
He's asking only for Teacher Kim.
He's here, right?
This is Teacher Kim.
-May we see the patient now?
-Oh, it's you.
Please do take a good care of him.
Hey, Teacher Kim is here.
I thought it was Nam Jin.
I look just like him, don't I?
He's Nam Jin's cover singer,
Neom Jin.
His illness kicked in again
while he was doing a show.
My gosh.
It's the famous Teacher Kim.
I went into a relapse.
I can't even sit right anymore.
My goodness.
What is it? What's your illness?
Look at me.
I'm sitting on my side.
I'm suffering from hemorrhoids.
How long has it been?
-How long?
-It's been about two to three years--
No, not you.
This guy. You have a bad case of jaundice.
He's always been that yellow.
-He's born yellow.
-Haven't you been
very tired recently?
Well, my job itself is
something that's restless
and something very tiring.
Excuse me for a second.
Can you look above?
When did you eat last?
I had some bread and milk yesterday night.
You idiot.
This is all
because you had too much banana milk.
Other than that. What else did you eat?
Just water.
I was out of my mind because he was
very hurt since this morning.
Ms. Oh.
Can you take his blood test?
Also, take an X-ray, an ECG,
and a CT scan of his abdomen.
-Wait, me?
I'm more concerned about--
No, we'll see the result
of your blood test first.
We'll talk after that.
-And Dr. Song.
You can take that Nam Jin guy.
Wait, was it Neom Jin?
This is annoying.
My goodness.
-Follow me.
I'll be back, then.
-My gosh.
Excuse me, take a look at me.
What are you doing?
You've been doodling since this morning.
I'm drawing a picture.
-A picture?
I used to be a webtoon artist.
I thought I'd draw
at least one more cut
while I have the strength.
I don't know when I'll die soon.
So I don't know
what my last webtoon will be.
Chairman Shin, are you up?
-How are you feeling today?
Oh, very well.
Good, very good.
We'll move you to a regular ward today.
My goodness. That's good news.
You know what?
What about that young man?
Is he waiting for a heart implant as well?
Yes, but
he can't get an implant right away.
Why not?
Most patients with cardiac failure
due to dilated cardiomyopathy
tend to have pulmonary hypertension.
In that case,
there's a high chance the implant
will fail. So we put LVAD on them
to drop their pulmonary hypertension.
Then he can do that. Can't he?
Why is he still there?
The surgery costs a fortune.
Not everyone is like you.
It's not a surgery everyone can receive.
Sir, the patient has a side effect.
-What did you give her?
Doctor, I can't breathe.
Give her 7L of oxygen
and hydrate her with a full drop.
Let's check her vitals.
It's 100 over 60, pulse 110.
Can you breathe in?
Give her 0.3ml of epinephrine.
Peniramin and dexamethasone,
one ampule each.
-What is it?
-A side effect of diclofenac.
She's not in shock,
but she really can't breathe.
Ma'am, can you open your mouth?
-Prepare intubation just in case.
It could have been really bad.
Did you treat the patient?
I did.
Dr. Woo. Did you check for her allergies?
Yes. I think so.
You think so?
If you did, you did.
If you didn't, you didn't.
Do you have any allergies or side effects?
I never even catch a cold.
I did check.
Are you sure?
Yes. The patient said
she doesn't have any allergy herself.
Then why didn't you put it in her chart?
I was about to do it.
I asked her to do something, Dr. Do.
How can you become a doctor
when you don't know the basics?
If you've seen a patient,
you should write it down first
before you give an order.
You don't even remember
what you just checked.
She's more flustered
because you're cornering her.
Don't do it, In-beom.
Stop it.
What does that look like?
Is that pancreas head cancer?
What kind of a surgery can you do now?
Whipple's operation?
From the head of his pancreas,
we'll cut through biliary tract,
gall bladder, and duodenum at once.
This is the essence of general surgery.
Have you done it?
I've assisted it a few times
before I passed the board.
Do you want to do it?
What about you?
It'll be another two to three weeks
until my wrist is fully healed.
No, I think it can take
a bit longer than that.
As you can see from his blood test,
his jaundice level is too high.
You're right. It's over ten.
I don't think we can push back
his surgery for more than a week.
I will guide the surgery.
Do you want to do it?
Or should I let In-beom take it?
I'll do it.
I'll give you three days
to get ready. That's all.
Teacher Kim.
Doesn't it seem like
he's hiding something?
Hide what?
He did say his wound is
a simple contusion.
But I'm afraid
it may be a bit more severe.
You think?
-I'll get that, Teacher Kim.
Did you want to see this?
Did Chairman Shin
move to the regular ward?
-Yes, he did.
Make sure you check in on him often
and see how he does.
Yes, I will.
Well, anyway, Teacher Kim.
-Can you turn the page?
Did patient Jung Jin-yeong's infection
get treated?
The infection is not getting
any better because of the tube.
The fever even went up to
38 degrees yesterday.
I see.
-Teacher Kim.
-I'm okay.
You keep staring at my wrist.
It's okay.
Can you tell me how serious it is?
-I can't.
-Teacher Kim.
If I say it's okay, it's okay.
Do you understand?
Is it okay?
Do you think
my wrist will be fine?
The X-ray shows that the bones
are knitted together well.
All you need is rehab exercise.
can I work as a doctor?
Is it really okay?
If I say it is okay, it is okay.
Let me see.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. Take your time.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry, Teacher Kim.
It's okay. Stay calm.
Are you okay?
I said it's okay.
Okay. I understand.
You can go now.
-Teacher Kim.
After I get on
the emergency medicine board,
can I work with you at this hospital?
We will talk about that
after you get on the board.
It's done.
Can I work at Doldam Hospital now?
Teacher Kim.
I'm thinking about getting
on the double board.
What do you think is better for me?
GS or CS?
Stop being silly
and stick to your job.
Finish it off.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
I guess cardiothoracic surgery
would be better. Don't you think?
Just stay focused.
I'll choose cardiothoracic surgery.
Why are you doing this every time?
I'm doing this because you are being mean
to her every time in front of patients.
Do you think I'm doing this for no reason?
I just want to teach
my junior doctor a lesson.
If so, you can do that in private.
Look at you.
You are trying to lecture a doctor.
I can lecture a doctor
if he does something wrong.
-What did you say?
-Stop it, Mr. Park.
What are you doing?
Why are you two having an argument?
Are you having an argument with him?
What's wrong?
What happened?
I feel so uncomfortable around him
that I can't even do my job.
He doesn't allow me
to teach my junior doctor.
He doesn't follow my order.
And he even lectures me
about the way I work.
Did you do that?
He keeps bullying other people
whenever he has a chance.
Is that true, In-beom? Did you bully him
whenever you had a chance?
Why did you do that?
Look. I did that to Dr. Woo, not you.
Dr. Woo?
To put it crudely,
it's none of your business
even if I bully Dr. Woo.
Are you her brother or something?
Or her boyfriend?
that's not true.
-What do you think you are doing?
I'm saying there's no need to fight,
but he keeps provoking Dr. Do.
I guess there's something going on,
don't you think, Ms. Oh?
I think so. What do you think that is?
I'm sorry.
Do you like Dr. Woo by any chance?
What did you say?
What? That's not true.
There is nothing going on
between Mr. Park and me.
Then why would he
get all worked up at In-beom?
-Don't you think that's weird?
I'm not sure.
Well, do you like In-beom?
Are you in a love triangle?
I can't believe this.
That's ridiculous.
Then why are you
picking on Dr. Woo
about every single thing?
I'm just doing the same thing
for you and Dr. Yun.
That's just my character.
That's what I do.
So, are you saying that you don't
have any feelings for Dr. Woo?
I don't have any feelings for her.
She's not even my type.
I'm telling you. That's not true.
-Are you sure?
-I'm sure.
In fact,
I like someone else.
Someone else?
-Who is that?
-Who is that?
It's a surprise
that you have an ideal type.
Who is your type?
You don't want to know that.
Gosh. Just tell me. Who's that?
Yun Seo-jeong.
Dr. Kang Dong-ju.
I see.
What did you just say?
Are you kidding me?
Seo-jeong, I need to talk to you.
Okay. I have something to tell you too.
I found out whom In-beom likes.
Who is that?
It's you.
He is out of his mind.
I also figured out the person
whom Yeon-hwa likes.
Who is that? Is it In-beom?
-Is it Mr. Park?
-It's you.
Do you think it can be a problem for us?
No. Not at all. What about you?
Me neither.
Okay then. I should go.
I love you.
President Do.
The figures are all good.
You may be walking
out of the room next week.
I heard you picked a fight
with President Do.
Is that why you hurt your wrist?
You sure find things out quickly.
Is it that hard for you
to settle your scores with him?
You two are old enough to stop that.
Haven't you had enough of it?
It's not about my personal feelings.
It is a matter of right and wrong.
Are you saying
you are right and he's wrong?
It's not that who's right and who's wrong.
I'm just saying
there are things we should do
and we shouldn't do
as a doctor.
Chairman Shin, President Do is here.
What brought you here?
There's something
I'd like to discuss with you.
Chairman Shin, I should be going now.
What's the matter?
-What are you doing?
-Please help me, Chairman Shin.
You're well aware
of how much I sacrificed
for Geosan Medical Center.
I have been more loyal
than anyone else
to you and the foundation.
-President Do, listen.
-It's not fair.
The evidence of the ghost surgery
that Yong-ju showed
doesn't have legal force.
Besides, there's no way
he can prove that it's true.
Whatever he tells you,
it's all a false accusation.
Everything he says is
his suspicion, assumption,
and speculation.
Listen to me.
Teacher Kim didn't say anything to me.
What are you talking about?
What is the ghost surgery
and what doesn't have legal force?
Did you
do something illegal? Did you?
Tell me right now!
To Doldam Hospital!
It feels so nice.
Everyone, may I have your attention?
This is a very happy event
for Doldam Hospital.
We gathered to celebrate
the successful heart surgery
of Chairman Shin in hopes of
continued success of our hospital.
Please drink as much as you want
and enjoy yourselves.
-Was it nice, President Yeo?
-It was perfect.
That was exactly what I wanted to say.
I wish all of you health in this new year.
Let's make it work.
To all of you.
Here is your budaejjigae.
When did you cook all this?
You made fried chicken,
seasoned sea snail, and jokbal.
I cooked the budaejjigae myself.
As for fried chicken,
seasoned sea snail, and jokbal,
I got them delivered from a restaurant.
So they would taste good.
-Thank you for this.
-Thank you.
-Thank you for this.
-Thank you for the food.
If you need a digestive medicine,
just let me know.
I prepared this
for our female staff members.
Here you go, Dr. Yun.
This will help you become prettier.
Thank you, Manager Jang.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Manager Jang.
You're welcome.
That's very thoughtful of you.
Why is Teacher Kim not here?
Is he not coming?
-I forgot about him.
-Oh, my.
Please call me when we have
an emergency patient.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
You got me good.
Wouldn't you say so?
Let me ask you just one thing.
Why are you living like this?
A talented doctor like you
working in such a remote area,
trying to open
an unprofitable trauma center.
Gosh. President Do.
How many people do you think
die on the street while
wandering around to find a hospital?
Most of them are the poor and vulnerable.
-Do you even know that?
-So what?
Opening a trauma center here
wouldn't make any difference.
Anyone within one-hour distance
from this hospital
would never die on the street again
while looking for a hospital.
That's inspiring.
But one person alone
can't change the world.
Are you being a doctor
to change the world?
I'm not.
What did you say?
I am doing my job as a doctor
to save other people.
To a person who is dying,
I'm the only hope at that moment.
If I step back, that person would die.
If I don't give up
and try a little bit harder,
that person would live.
That's crazy.
I can't believe
you have such an idealistic dream
at your age.
People call that swaggering.
The fancy word to describe it is
How many doctors would
agree with that rubbish?
How many doctors would
stay at this hospital
where they work so hard
and get paid so little?
I believe
that there are more young doctors
who want to become a good doctor
rather than a doctor who runs after money.
Oh, right.
That includes In-beom.
The law of conservation of romance.
-All right.
Everyone, please pay attention.
I will sing a song for you.
Go, Dr. Yun!
All of you, step forward.
There are things that most people
believe don't exist
even though they know of their existence.
My goodness.
Still, they hope someone could
preserve those things.
They're beautiful values.
Those who know how to have fun
are good at their jobs, too.
You're right.
By the way, it's not hectic today.
I was worried they might page us.
Don't say such a thing.
It might come true.
Hello? Oh Myeong-sim speaking.
I understand.
A bus got rolled over on Route 36.
It even caught fire.
More than ten people were injured.
Gosh. Seriously.
President Yeo, are you going, too?
Gosh. I can't believe this.
Six patients will be transferred
to our hospital.
Two of them have burn injuries.
The rest are severely injured
with possible multiple fractures
and intestinal injuries.
Stay focused, everyone. Okay?
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
Life is about turning
into different roads.
Whether you want it or not,
you have to face the reality
which is placed in front of you.
Patient coming in!
You can't find the right answer
every single time.
But Teacher Kim
always said this.
Do not give up asking the questions
about why we live and what we live for.
The moment you give up on that,
the romance in life ends.
That's what he said.
Mr. Jung Jin-yeong?
Who are you?
This is sent from a sponsor
who wants to pay for your talent.
Pardon? Pay for my talent?
Your sponsor is willing to pay
for all of your LVAD operation fees
in return for your drawing.
Does that
Does that mean
I can live?
If the surgery goes well.
There once lived
a very rich man in Namdaemun
who had the most cash in the country.
He was cold-hearted,
and he never knew to share.
He was also known as Scrooge of Namdaemun.
People who wanted to borrow from him,
and people who borrowed from him,
all hated that man.
He was only concerned
about money, money, and money.
He was a miser who only cared about money.
One day,
he was haggling a guy
to pay him back what he owes.
Suddenly, his heart failed
and he collapsed on the street.
None of the people around
stepped up to help him.
Except for
one righteous passerby.
No one else stepped up.
Teacher Kim.
Do you remember who the righteous man is?
The sunlight is
very nice.
It's been a while.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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