Enheraf (2022) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

Look, Shahd,
people have believed me,
and all I ask of you is confirmation,
nothing more.
This means that you want
me to show up live
and say that you did nothing
and that you were wronged it.
Exactly, that's exactly what I said.
look my dear,
this is 50 thousand pounds,
and tomorrow you will have 150 thousand,
just as we agreed,
And it's like we never met,
as if nothing had happened,
this is 50 thousand pounds,
and tomorrow you will have 150 thousand,
just as we agreed.
And it's like we never met,
I have been trying to call you
since the morning
and your phone turned off, Malak,
Is it possible
to call me back when you can?
the students made a collective complaint
saying that they refuse
to have a professor
accused of an ethical issue teach them,
I think you should take a break
until the results of the investigations
come out.
You still didn't say anything about
Shahd's issue, Abeer.
What do I say mom?
everyone is talking about her,
She wanted to kill herself
Don't be cunning with me, girl
I ask you about you and Dr.Hor,
what is between you two and that girl,
what is there between you?
She is a pathetic girl, mom
I took her to sit with Dr. Hor, maybe
she can help her to get her right.
What can you do for her,
she is a stupid girl,
so any other girl would have taken
revenge on this man and killed him
after what happened to her.
Not all people are like you, sweetheart,
you take your right by yourself.
Pray for her, maybe Dr.Hor can help her.
And you have finished treating
the lunatics
in this country and their problems,
and you are now solving
the problems of the women.
Oh, these Arabic movies
that make you think
that I work in the psychiatric hospital.
Yes, I love the old Arabic movies,
especially the movies of Ismail Yassin
in particular.
May god help the psychiatrists
with what they face.
There is no difference between
them and their patients.
Well, be careful, I've only been
dealing with lunatics for a while.
Oh my god,
I am afraid that one day I will wake up
and find that you have hurt me,
-what happened to you girl.
In the name of Allah the merciful.
In the name of Allah the merciful.
I'm really afraid of going crazy and
making me crazy with you.
-Stop you made me scared, girl.
Hor, what are
you thinking about?
No, I don't think of anything, my dear
Tell me what you did at school today?
It's okay, uh, I forgot to tell you,
I met a girl named Salma.
Good and what else?
Nothing else, she is the one who
came and set next to me
and talked to me about the picture
I put on Instagram
while I was wearing the patinage.
That is it.
She told you that she loved it and that
she wanted to play together, right?
Yes, but you know, I feel scared
because she is very good at patinage
and she can play with it well,
while I can't even walk with it,
I am afraid when we come to play
together that she will make fun of me.
Don't worry, I'll stay with you
until you're just be like her.
What is that? you put on
your cloth and going out?
What can I do, I have to, the case
must be delivered within 48 hours.
What is the news of the case?
The lady we are looking for
is not completely easy
and we shouldn't restrict
all these crimes against unknown
and she remains free and
kills people one by one.
Who are you talking about?
No, my dear,
we are not talking about anyone.
What are you saying
in front of the girl?
I'm sorry, but you are who asked me.
Sherif, I appreciate that this
case preoccupies you
and takes all your thinking,
but you can leave it,
leave it to anyone else
who can solve it,
Habiba and I,
have no one but you,
I feel afraid for you, Sherif.
You are right, my love
I think just like you,
may God protect you for me.
Come on, I have to go,
Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself too.
It became clear to me that what your
honor said is true, sir,
I make sure everyday that she is Hor.
And the most important thing
to me is the evidence.
It is not logical to know that
we have known her
without having the evidence that
leads her to the gallows,
otherwise our efforts
will be in vain, Sherif
This is what makes me have
patience with her, sir,
I don't want to rush,
and when the lawyer comes,
she takes an acquittal for
not substantiating the evidence.
The most important thing when
you are looking for this evidence
that there is no further murder,
Where is she now?
At home, sir.
It is good that you are in control
of her phone,
but make it legal,
I don't want any loophole against us.
Don't worry, your honor, the prosecution
has been on my desk since yesterday.
This is the most important thing.
Didn't I tell you that Shahd's video
this will achieve great success,
it is close to achieving 15 million
views also,
the hashtag of Al Hakika Al Yawm has
become trend number two,
after the hashtag of Ameer Adel
the criminal.
Yes and all channels
broadcast our video.
In the past we used to take work
from the channels,
now they are taking it from us.
Yes, but I ask you about something,
which side are you on?
when we were with Shahd, I felt that you
were very sympathetic to her,
and when we were with Dr. Ameer,
I felt that you were his lawyer.
so what?
I don't believe he or she,
I don't care about either of them,
I'm only interested in one thing,
which is the views and the trend,
numbers that can be counted
as making money,
but the case in itself,
I don't care about.
Good night honey, let's go to sleep.
How about you sleep next to me today?
I still have work, would you like
to be smart, and I don't?
Of course not, I want you to
be smart and superior.
My love.
-Good night.
-Good night.
The number you dialed is
closed or unavailable,
press number one to send mimi call.
Ameer, I don't know what to tell you,
you called me a lot recently
and I can't answer and talk,
I'm sorry, I can't continue my life
with you at all,
this matter is much bigger
than me and you, Ameer,
please find out how
the divorce procedures are done
and I will make my father talk with you.
Shahd, Shahd
-Look what happened,
Ameer, wrote that he will be appearing
on an important live broadcast shortly.
What will he say again?
I don't know but maybe,
wait it's starting.
In the name of Allah and Muhammad
the Messenger.
Good morning.
Good morning.
What did you drive Habiba
to school?
What is that, How did you know?
Normal, this is her school time
and you are abroad. I can conclude
that you drove her.
Did you forget that I am an officer and
this is my profession?
No pasha, I didn't forget that you
are an officer for sure.
Anyway, I called you for two reasons,
the first is to apologize to you.
Well this is good, and what is
the second reason?
The second reason
is that I have finished my work
and don't want to go home,
I will send you a location and we will
meet there, ok.
Ok, I'll start moving now, if you're
going to be late let me know, Sherif.
Well, come on, see you there,
Don't even say that I deprive
you of anything.
This is a very, very nice
surprise, Sherif.
Social media talks a lot about
that doctor who was killed yesterday.
Yes, that's right, I know Shahd that
the problem happened between them,
as she is Abeer's neighbor
in the neighborhood.
Lord, Shahd turned out to be
like the devil.
Don't be unfairness with her, Sherif.
she is good person.
Good person, that's what we thought
just like you.
When the doctor was killed,
Wael brought her
because she is the first suspect in
the case because of what happened.
Of course, she denied the murder,
but she confessed the whole truth.
What truth?
The baby died and you
had severe bleeding,
and the only solution we have so that
you don't die too
is to remove the uterus.
Thank God for everything.
Believe me, this is so much better than
anything else that can happen.
the most important thing is that
you are in good health.
Thank God
Thank God
The agreement between Ameer and Shahd
was that he would pay the checks
and 200 thousand pounds
when the baby getting birth,
but what happened made
the agreement change.
What does this mean,
that means we won't gain anything.
You are the one who always
spoils everything.
I know that I am the one who always
spoils everything, I am sorry,
but listen to me, Shahd.
Now we can take any money from him.
Listen to me, my sister.
-How did you know my address?
-I want 200 thousand.
For any reason, 200 thousand.
For our agreement
that you didn't complete.
We agreed with each other that you give
birth to the baby and take the money.
The baby who died,
my son who died because of you,
you want money for any reason, Shahd,
isn't that enough,
the many receipts
I paid you isn't enough,
and the expenses I paid for
the past nine months,
-isn't that enough.
-And then.
They started thinking about how
to blackmail and take money from him.
I thought that when you went home
to him, he would be afraid of scandal.
What is he afraid of, I told you
that he fired me,
he didn't even give me 200 pounds,
Well, let's make bigger scandal.
This means that that the suicide was
a hoax, don't say that.
This exactly what happened.
They thought that if they made a normal
video and upload it online,
no one would notice it,
and they said, no, we are gonna
make this suicide video,
so the press
and people will talk about it,
and everything will happen,
and this is exactly what happened.
But if she falsely claims against
him, as you say,
she will be afraid to go to file
a report and the prosecution,
and she has no evidence against him.
No, she didn't go to the prosecution,
but the prosecution is the one who
went to Shahd.
A security apparatus monitored
the video that were broadcast online,
They watched the video,
moved, and started the investigation.
But why did Ameer deny in
the investigation that he knows her?
Because his friend Yaser is smart,
he said that there are no witnesses
or any contracts
to prove the truth of this talk.
So there is no case for lack
of evidence.
ask me now what is the problem of
man from us,
the greed
when he has overcome a big problem and
God has stood by him
and he returns again to his evil.
That's what made her make
the second video, right?
Shahd and Max felt that
the gain would be lost from them,
so they called him and told him
"give us the money,
and we will show up in the video
and talk about you well,
deny what was said before,
and make your biography good."
Look, Shahd,
people have believed me,
and all I ask of you is confirmation,
nothing more.
This means
that you want me to show up live
and say that you did nothing
and that you were wronged it.
Exactly, that's exactly what I said.
look my dear,
this is 50 thousand pounds,
and tomorrow you will have 150 thousand,
just as we agreed,
And it's like we never met,
as if nothing had happened,
Ameer didn't know that he
was being betrayed,
they asked him for money
for that video.
Someone like Ameer will pay them
and finish it off.
He thought like that,
but his friend Yaser
He told him don't pay,
they only bargain with you.
They felt that their dignity was hurt
and published the video and waited
for them to negotiate again.
Why didn't he negotiate with them
and end the matter?
What is he going to negotiate for?
He felt that he drowned,
everything was lost and there was
nothing to negotiate for,
he remained that way
until he died as you saw.
I swear with god, what I told you is
exactly what happened.
Come in.
They found that necklace at
the crime scene, sir.
You can go
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