Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

(The jungler Dragon from DQ.Five)
(dated a woman other than his girlfriend.)
(The jungler Dragon from DQ.Five)
(dated a woman other than his girlfriend.)
(Dragon wasn't wearing the same clothes
while live streaming)
(as in the photo at all.)
(So the person who was caught
on camera this morning)
(is definitely not Hsu Tae-lun.)
Watching a movie?
You must have mistaken someone else for me.
(At 2 p.m. at Wantai Cinema,)
(I ran into Smiling and Chessman.)
(What's going on between them?)
(They went to see the movie alone together?)
(Isn't that the same time)
(that the person being suspected
as Hsu Tae-lun)
(went to see that movie?)
(The background in the photo of his back)
(is also Wantai Cinema.)
(On the wall…)
There were indeed a few people
who came in the dark
after the movie had started.
As for who they were,
why don't you go ask him yourself
if you're so curious?
(Watch out, Dragon.)
(Your secret is about to be revealed.)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 20=
The combat gains ratio
on the field is now 7:5.
ZGDX is economically ahead of DQ.Five
(by nearly 1,500.)
(This doesn't make sense.)
(Today's Dragon seems to
have no strategy at all.)
All he sees is the middle lane.
All he ganks is the middle lane.
This is not Dragon we seemed to know.
(After clearing the monster,)
(he appears in the grass
in the upper part of the middle lane)
(at a completely impossible)
(and implausible time,)
(preparing to gank Smiling
for the fifth time.)
(He's crossed the line.)
I knew it.
Is the opponent's jungler
going to live in our middle lane?
Is there gold in the middle lane?
Yes, come and take a look.
Jungler and support, roam.
So noisy.
(Hakurou's ultimate skill)
(fixed Yamakaze under the turret
for a few seconds,)
(long enough for him
to take all the damage from the turret.)
You can even hit him from this angle.
(He keeps attacking Yamakaze.)
The opponent thinks that it's enough
to suppress our middle lane.
Don't forget that our ADC
on the bottom lane can also carry.
Cheng's performance could totally get on
the top of the list of heroes
saving damsels in distress.
(So far in the game,)
(Chubby and Chessman)
(on the bottom lane
have started to destroy the turret.)
(Smiling is controlling Shiro Douji.)
(She just replenished a wave of soldiers)
(while Dragon controlled Yamakaze
and has arrived at the middle lane again.)
(Dragon's Yamakaze rushed out
from the grass,)
(flying with a second skill.)
(At the same time,)
(Smiling didn't hesitate to
instantly flash back to the turret.)
(The opponent directly followed
in a teleport.)
Tong Yao, your equipment isn't right.
There is not enough damage. Withdraw.
(It handed over the first skill
to deal a quick set of damage,)
(and slowed down Yamakaze
in front of the turret with the third skill.)
(Yamakaze directly flashed onto Shiro Douji,)
(using the ultimate skill and
then a combo-move to kill Shiro Douji.)
(I feel that Smiling)
(must be nearly going crazy right now.)
I told you I should take Yuki Onna this time.
Hsu Tae-lun
can't get enough today, can he?
He keeps ganking.
(I feel like he is just taking it
out on Smiling.)
(I'll be honest with you.)
(I think this is already a bit rude.)
(I really don't know)
(what DQ. Five actually wants to do.)
After watching the game for over 10 minutes,
I've only seen one thing,
that they want to kill Smiling.
They have to kill Smiling.
They insist on killing Smiling.
I think you shouldn't talk too much, Dudou.
(Don't say that I didn't warn you.)
(And don't ask me why.)
(Go look at the comments of the DQ.Five fans)
(on your blogs later.)
(You will know why.)
K, come here.
Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming now.
(Don't go to the middle lane.
We have no vision.)
(K's Kairaishi)
(has already been waiting in ambush
in the river-way of middle lane…)
I'm coming.
(in case Yamakaze ganks Smiling again.)
(He started the fight anyway.)
(Hsu Tae-lun completely ignored Kairaishi,)
(taking a surprise move towards Smiling.)
(At the same time, DQ.Five's Zhou
has also arrived at the middle lane.)
(Dragon killed Smiling.)
(But he was also easily killed)
(by K's Kairaishi.)
Is it worth it? One for one.
(Wounded the enemy by 1,000
and damaged himself by 800.)
(I think DQ.Five wounded the enemy by 800)
(and damaged himself by 1,200.)
Dragon just got addicted to
ganking Smiling.
Yes, it's true.
(Now twenty minutes)
(have passed in the game.)
(ZGDX has pushed up to
the base turret in the middle lane.)
Cheng, I'm on. I'm in a good position.
(K starts the team fight first.)
(Smiling slowed
the three opponents in a teleport.)
(An ultimate skill blew up the opponents.)
Come on, come on.
(Smiling was constantly ganked
in the previous stage.)
(She can't output severe damage now.)
- We can do it.
- Up, up, up.
We can take the fight this time.
- Don't retreat, don't retreat, go.
- We can make it.
DQ.Five wants to take the fight this time.
(They're on.)
(All skills are taken out)
(on Cat and Smiling.)
Cat was killed.
(Chessman has got a good chance
to attack at this point.)
(Chessman is now attacking
like crazy in the back.)
(One, two.)
(Still going on, still going on, three.)
(Four! Nice! Ultra Kill!)
Awesome, Cheng.
(Yamakaze, Yamakaze has come back to life.)
(Can you turn the tables, Yamakaze?)
(Yamakaze is rushing out.)
No, guard the base. Guard the base.
Why do you keep chasing her?
(Perfect Power)
Guard the base.
(This is a bit too much, isn't it?)
(The enemy is already destroying their base)
(while Dragon is still)
(persistently killing Smiling.)
It seems like killing Smiling
in the middle lane
(is more important
than his own base in this match.)
(Yes, ZGDX has no more obstacles
at this point,)
(dismantling the opponent's base methodically.)
Nice job!
(Let's congratulate ZGDX again)
for winning the game!
What's going on in their heads?
Ask them.
It's so baffling.
What the hell was Hsu Tae-lun doing?
K, what do you think he was up to?
I can only see that
he wanted to kill Tong Yao.
I really didn't see anything else.
Could he really have bought
what Tong Yao said during the live streaming
and so was taking revenge?
I heard that you didn't help him to clear
his name and were also sarcastic.
I have no obligation to help him lie.
Good point. A liar doesn't grow any taller.
No way He did that kind of thing
in an official game.
How could your teammates agree?
What's wrong with losing a little group game?
DQ.Five is a four-preserving-one team.
Four Chinese in the team protect one Korean.
I really want to laugh.
That's sarcasm.
You're the best at being sarcastic.
I'm really impressed with you.
I'm going to the bathroom.
We'll play four-preserving-one
in the next match.
I'll play anything.
If he keeps ganking me like this,
I'll still get killed even
if I take an ultimate tough Shikigami
and ambush in the middle lane
toughly equipped.
As long as we can win the game.
If he still lives in the middle lane
like that next time,
would one of you please report him
after the match
for foul play?
Nice! I thought she was gonna cry!
Me too.
I think she's just mad.
Are you going in or not?
Yes, yes, let's go.
Hello, Jinyang.
(I'm so angry, Yao.)
(I just saw that bastard
Hsu Tae-lun bullying you.)
(I'm so angry.)
(What kind of behavior was that?)
(Does he have any professionalism at all?)
I'm really speechless.
That Hsu…
I'll talk to you later.
What's up?
Can't I come to you for nothing?
Your Chinese is quite good.
But you can't.
The other day on the air,
why did you say such embarrassing things?
Why didn't you just deny it?
I can say anything I want to.
Besides, it's good that I didn't reveal you.
So you did that to get back at me
in today's game?
Because I was
not happy.
Your team lost the game because of you.
I don't care.
They won't object either.
I've taken them to win many times.
It's no big deal
that I do whatever I want once in a while.
And I can do more.
I can even lose to you soon too
in the next game.
But you have to promise me.
Be a good girl.
Who are you looking for?
Lu Sicheng?
Don't look.
Your teammates are in the lounge.
No one will come to your rescue at this time.
I don't need any rescuers.
You're not sick, are you?
My mom said that
disease comes in from the mouth.
What's going on?
Look in the mirror.
You're as pale as a ghost.
I'm fine.
What's going on?
How did Hsu Tae-lun hurt his hand?
Will it affect the game?
How could you say you're fine?
Why are you making eyes at
the jungler from the other team?
That's how you use the term "making eyes"?
I'm clearly glaring…
Forget it.
Just play the game first.
Explain clearly after we get back.
Otherwise you won't be entering the base.
As for the last two positions,
choose Ibaraki Douji and Yuki Onna.
(Onmyoji Arena)
All right.
Let's go.
Now that players
from both sides have chosen their
list of shikigamis for the second game.
(ZGDX's topsolo, Cat)
(has taken Kuro Douji.)
(Jungler K has picked Ibaraki Douji.)
(The midsolo Smiling has picked Yuki Onna.)
(Shooter Chessman is using Chin)
(while support Chubby is Ichimoku Ren.)
(Looking at DQ.Five now.)
(The top lane is Hannya,
the jungler is Mannendake.)
(The middle lane is Higanbana,
the bottom lane is Youko,)
(and support, Ebisu.)
The battle is about to begin at any moment.
Let's wait for a while
before going into the game.
(is already waiting in ambush
in the grass in the middle lane.)
(Will this game be a repeat of)
(the last game?)
Why is it starting again?
Yes, what's going on?
(But it's obvious that Smiling's Yuki Onna)
(is being much more self-aware
and is only replenishing the soldiers under the turret.)
(Mannendake has no chance.)
Chubby, follow me.
Roger, go.
(Dragon's Mannendake was caught by Chessman)
(while anti-jungling.)
(He seemed to be trying to fight.)
(Mannendake has turned in his flash.)
(Could they still be planning to chase?)
- What's going on?
- What's going on here?
I don't know.
(The two shikigamis on the bottom lane
have started to wander towards the middle lane.)
(Chessman went to the middle lane
in the early stage.)
(Has he ignored the line?)
(We should know that
the shooter's development)
(is crucial.)
(Ambushing Smiling's Yuki Onna
in the middle lane)
(turns out to be nothing.)
(He's gone back to the bottom lane
to continue to develop.)
(At this time, Dragon
has come out of the jungle.)
(He came out just after Chessman left.)
(At this moment, Lu Sicheng and Chubby
are immediately rushing back to the middle lane)
(to surprise him.)
(Yuki Onna isn't dead yet at this time,)
(and is making a skill instead.)
(ZGDX's Chessman and Chubby)
(have arrived at the middle lane.)
(Killingspree )
(He's killed Dragon and Zhou)
(with a set of skills,)
(completing a Double Kill.)
It's too late! It's too late!
Come to the monster for a team fight.
Gather here.
I'm here.
- I'm coming.
- I'm coming.
Check if the opposite jungler is here.
(Now both sides have reached level 15)
(and have arrived around the monster
at the same time.)
- Controlled.
- There is a fight happening.
(At this moment, Dragon)
(suddenly went around
to the back row of ZGDX.)
(Smiling in the back row is in danger again.)
(Chessman and Chubby both went up together.)
(The team fight continues.)
(Dragon is dead again.)
(Now it's a four-on-five situation.)
Thank you, Cheng, for saving my life.
Cheng, Cheng, Cheng.
(No more suspense in this game.)
(ZGDX is about to destroy their base.)
Cheng! Cheng! Cheng!
(Cheng, hit the turret!)
(Taking advantage of this ace,)
(ZGDX is now attacking
the base methodically.)
(Chessman isn't hitting the turret.)
(He stands under DQ.Five's base now.)
(Five, four, three, two, one.)
(Mannendake has been revived.)
(Chessman isn't hitting the base)
(but is rushing into
the opponent's base instead.)
(What did I just see?)
(Dragon was killed by Chessman
inside the base.)
(Cheng is teasing them.)
Our Cheng is on a killing spree today.
He pounced into the base
like a tiger leaping at its prey,
and beat Hsu Tae-lun to a pulp.
"In me the tiger sniffs the rose".
(I was talking to you about the tiger.)
(Why did you mention some roses?)
Go away.
We can see he isn't even hitting
the base anymore.
As soon as Dragon's Mannendake was revived,
Chessman killed him once more.
This is revenge for what happened before.
(Let me tell you.)
(If I were Smiling,)
(I would have been moved to tears, you know?)
(I'm so touched indeed.)
(Such a good Chessman.)
(Such a good captain.)
(What more could I ask for?)
It seems that this four-preserving-one lineup
wasn't to give up their
own midsolo to protect the shooter,
but Lu Sicheng, the shooter
went to protect the midsolo with the support.
Didn't you bully our midsolo?
Then I will return the favor.
An eye for an eye.
Let's congratulate ZGDX
for winning the fifth match
of the group game.
Hello, Tong Yao.
Hello everyone, I'm Tong Yao.
You were constantly targeted
in today's games.
Are you angry?
At first, I was a little angry.
Then I wasn't angry anymore.
We won the game.
It's the same for anyone to carry the game.
Besides, anyone in a strong team
should be able to carry.
We should be able to depend on anyone.
Liners at different positions
come to carry in every game.
That's good.
Today your teammates
employed the four-preserving-one tactic
to protect you as the middle lane
and won the game.
Do you have anything to say about this?
Cheng's Chin is very capable.
Remember to ban him next time.
So, do you think
the extreme tactics
used by your opponents against you
Or at least worked at one time?
I think
that with the two remaining lanes
being more advantageous,
it's not going to work by targeting me.
My teammates are no cowards either.
ZGDX is a triple core team.
I believe if any one of them
gets economically advantageous,
he'll be confident enough
to take over the rest of the game.
Do you agree with this kind of attitude?
What's going on?
Your questions today are scaring me.
I don't know
if it's the opponent's tactics
or the player's personal thoughts.
But I think as the core of a team,
he's supposed to be
responsible for his teammates and team.
That's the most basic thing, right?
Rumor has it that it was about the previous
incident of Hsu Tae-lun
dating a fan.
Some comments you made
during the live streaming
have led some people to think it's true.
Do you think it's related to that?
I don't know what I said.
if there is nothing wrong
with the person himself,
nothing and no one
can put him into a state of adversity.
I believe
Hsu Tae-lun himself also knows this.
Why are you here?
Give me the microphone.
Smiling is just
answering your questions.
I sincerely hope that everyone here
can report the truth.
I don't want her to walk out of this door
only to find that
what she said has been completely distorted.
I know that some media outlets sometimes
try to take things out of context
to get attention.
But this is about the reputation of a player.
Please be mindful
about what and how you're gonna write.
Let's go.
Thank you.
Lu Yue, we agreed to play a father-son game.
Let's solo.
I'd like to have RIO, the iced kind.
K's treat.
Why should I?
Because you won MVP.
Smiling also won MVP.
Smiling was docked two months' salary.
They let me win MVP
just because they want to
gossip about me and Hsu Tae-lun…
Let's go.
Think before you speak.
At halftime,
I met Hsu Tae-lun in front of the bathroom.
He asked me
why I didn't help him to clear his name
but said something ambiguous
to trap him instead
when I was asked about
the movie theater thing
during the previous live streaming.
What did you say?
I own my own mouth.
I say what I like to say.
Good point. And then what?
Then he asked me if I would shut up
if he let us win.
We could win the game with our own ability.
Why should he let us win?
I said no.
Then I bit him
and ran away.
I ran away.
The previous sentence.
I said no.
The second sentence.
I bit him.
You said you wouldn't let me hit people.
I can bite then, can't I?
It's not like I'd bite him to death.
So when the second game started,
Hsu Tae-lun had gauze on his arm
because you bit him?
That's right.
Stand here and don't go next door.
Don't open the door for her.
What's wrong with her?
She looked for something
to eat in the trash can.
I asked her to stand outside
to get rid of the smell.
Trash can?
Is she that unhygienic?
Just pretend he didn't say that.
She just made Cheng angry.
(Roly Poly)
Chubby, open the door for me.
I can't help you.
Mr. Lu's takeout.
Give it to me. Give it to me.
It's such a hot day.
What are you doing out here alone?
Feeding the mosquitoes.
Thank you.
(Two choices.)
(Sent to Lu Sicheng)
(Either let me in)
(or I'll be bitten to death
by mosquitoes outside)
(while you'll be starved to death inside.)
(Make the choice yourself.)
Your takeout is ready.
Please count them.
That's fine, thank you.
I'll take this.
- This is for you. Here you go.
- Thank you.
What's this? A burger?
A burger.
I'll get you a coffee.
Okay, thanks.
A hamburger.
I didn't order yours.
No, I saw it.
Take it outside to eat.
You know you've made a mistake now?
Yes, I know.
What should you do the next time
when you encounter such a situation?
Turn around and run,
call the police and call for help.
Call who?
Okay, okay, I know.
Call who?
Sit down and eat.
This guy is so mean.
Why do you keep staring at him
with such a focus?
You Why are you here again?
Because you need me.
What's so great about this guy?
What do you know?
He is the Chessman
who can carry on the gaming field.
He's so handsome in his promotional photos
that he could enter the entertainment industry.
He doesn't talk much in the studio
and is occasionally ironic with his fans.
My idol, he has no flaws.
He is proud, conceited, and bitchy
with habitually indifferent expressions.
He has countless tricks.
When he's in a good mood,
he'll tease his teammates.
When he's in a bad mood,
he'll be so cold to others.
Whenever he doesn't play,
he won't wash his face or shave.
Obviously, he has a lot of clothes,
each piece of which is very expensive.
But he likes to wear the big shirts
bought by Chubby for 39.9 yuan
on Taobao with free shipping.
If you still want to listen,
I can go on talking.
I won't listen to you.
Did you grow up eating tissue paper?
I just put a new pack here yesterday.
Today it's gone.
How can I wipe my ass?
It seems that your idol also has to
go to the toilet himself.
Even so,
even if he loses his idol's halo,
he's still very attractive to me.
If you even think he's cute
holding up his pants in search of tissues,
cursing and swearing.
Then you're in big trouble.
We're going.
To where?
To show Biscuit the life of an aristocat.
Get in.
I'll drop you off on the way.
Where are you going?
To wash my car.
Didn't you just wash it
the day before yesterday?
Get in.
Put your seat belt on.
Don't go anywhere. I'll pick you up later.
(Playful Pet Hospital)
Hello, welcome.
Hello, I have an appointment today.
My tail phone number is 0305.
Do you know how sad I am?
Every night
I have to rely on sleeping pills
to fall asleep.
Can you…
I know you.
You're the midsolo of ZGDX, right?
I saw you at
the flower and bird market that day.
I was with Tae-lun.
What happened to the kitten?
It might be cat fever.
And there are too many people at the base,
which has caused it
to become nervous and so on.
I really shouldn't have taken it
to the cinema that day.
Tae-lun doesn't have time to take care of it.
So he asked me to bring it to the vet.
But I have to go to the office
to clock in later.
Can you take care of her for a while?
I'll be back in 10 minutes to pick her up.
I'm counting on you.
Good girl. Come on.
If you didn't want to keep her,
then why did you buy her?
Tong Yao.
Did you hear what Hsu Tae-lun said
during the live streaming?
I did.
Is it worth it?
(Blood smear report form)
What's wrong, kitty?
So soon?
Why do you have Hsu Tae-lun's cat?
I just met Hsu Tae-lun's…
You know who.
She brought her cat to see a vet,
saying it seems to
have some kind of cat fever.
But I saw the test results say
it's just a common cold.
How many games would I be banned for
if I abducted someone's cat?
Are you crazy?
I want to commit a crime.
You stole the…
Keep your voice down.
If the shopkeeper hears you later,
he'll think I really do want to do something.
This is already someone else's cat.
I know.
I can't really steal it.
Your cat is already well.
Look at how much the cat hates you.
Let's go.
Smiling, thank you
for taking care of her for me.
Let's go.
She's not going to send the cat
back to the DQ.Five's base, is she?
Hsu Tae-lun's fans
seem to like that cat.
I think she will send it back.
Don't tell me
you're going to steal it from the base.
Don't even think about it. Let's go.
Yeah, she got the shot.
I asked the staff this afternoon
to take her to get the injection for me.
(It's okay, it's okay.)
(It's not the cat fever.)
It's just a cold.
(She's much better now.)
I'd have liked to take her myself.
But I had a training match this afternoon.
I won the training match.
(Who was I playing with?)
(I won't tell you.)
Yes, Jiaqi likes her too.
We raise her together.
He's not as good as that idiot Li Hengshuo.
Good girl.
What's wrong with you?
You hate him but you still want to watch him.
Get out of the way.
Don't turn off my live streaming.
Although I hate him,
that doesn't stop me
from watching him in live streaming.
This man is full of lies.
Someone who can lie whenever he wants.
How rare is that?
This is a living textbook
which teaches us that
men in the e-sports industry
are not desirable.
What crazy talk is that?
Men's mouths, ghosts of deception.
Just cause you can't meet a good one
and you start talking nonsense here.
What do you mean I can't meet a good one?
I should be to blame?
Then tell me.
How many good men are there
in the e-sports industry
who are good at playing games,
handsome and also patient?
The kind who don't cheat or screw around.
There are.
Me. Want to try?
What are you talking about?
What's going on?
I'm just saying it.
Look at you, so easily fooled.
Can you just say something like that?
I can say whatever I want.
Do you think the captain
has been acting strange lately?
For example?
First, he went out on a movie date
which was almost unprecedented.
And then he also flirted in public.
He's been going out
and washing his car a lot.
Now that you mention it,
that the captain has been acting
really weird lately.
Isn't that right?
Is that so?
Which part do you think is odd?
The captain
has been drinking water a lot lately.
(Men in the e-sports industry, eww.)
(I just want to have some peace
and quiet for a while.)
Hsu Tae-lun is in trouble.
Look at this.
(The fact that Hsu Tae-lun is cheating
on his girlfriend has been confirmed.)
(Hsu Tae-lun cheats fans with pictures
approving the truth.)
(Scumbag, liar.)
(Buy it, buy it.)
(In your name: Maybe I'm)
(dispensable to you, is that right?)
Who is this "In your name"?
(DQ.Five jungler has been proved
to have slept with his fan.)
(The kitten I bought from the flower
and bird market today.)
(I'm happy.)
(It seems as if there is a bond and a trust.)
Who is this "In your name"?
Could this be the fan
who was "you know" by Hsu Tae-lun?
She even bought him clothes.
How come no fans buy me clothes?
Because you don't have fans.
But I have you.
- Guo, are you crazy?
- You don't deserve to be a fan of Dragon.
Are you crazy?
Then who is this Guo that gave a Like
to "In your name"?
Who else could it be?
It's surely "In your name" too.
Hsu Tae-lun brags every day
in the live streaming
about how well
he and his girlfriend Ning Jiaqi get along,
and shows love on Weibo.
I wonder which time
became the last straw that crushed the camel,
with the girl becoming so furious
that she just made a combo move
with a directional blast
and killed him full-blooded.
Why are you guys so gossipy?
He also said that other teams
are losers in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
I feel like I've been alluded.
I beat him up
in a training match last week.
K dominated him in the jungle
and made him tremble.
He now tells me that the other teams
are losers in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League?
I really can't tolerate this.
It's true.
There is a new piece of information.
Go ahead.
I am a staff member of DQ.Five.
All righty.
is in the charge of South Korean men.
His teammates dare not say no to him.
In fact,
when they played against ZGDX last week,
any fool would know other teammates
couldn't gain the upper hand
if he ganked like that.
But still, he did it.
Because the one who sleeping-with-fans
hates ZGDX's midsolo
for not helping clear his name
that day about the movie theater thing.
Why does he hate her so much?
It's because the players of their club
are too obedient to him.
He thinks that all Chinese people
are like that.
Once a person finally stood up against him,
he wasn't used to it.
Let me see.
We can't just put the stereotype
on all South Koreans.
There are also good South Korean players
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
Hierophant, Kim Eun-seok.
And Li Hengshuo. They are all good.
This kind of thing
is directly related to
the discipline of the club.
I think whether it's a full Chinese team
or one with Korean supporters,
(Obviously, I'm doing my best.)
you have to follow the rules no matter how capable you're.
(Not as good as she is or is she just destined to be a mistress?)
DQ.Five did play well in the spring playoffs.
(Guo: Scumbag!)
But that was just a flash in the pan.
From the moment
their club started to acquiesce
to Hsu Tae-lun's misbehavior,
it was already screwed.
DQ.Five isn't
the only club
where the management can't even suppress
the say of the main South Koreans
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
If this kind of evil culture is not curbed,
Onmyoji Arena Pro League
will really be screwed.
It's over.
It should have been regulated long ago.
If the domestic clubs
can reflect on the problem of Korean aids,
the fact that he was exposed as a scandal
won't necessarily be a bad thing.
This industry should have been
cleaned up long ago.
What a great sense of justice.
After investigating,
player Hsu Tae-lun has committed
serious disciplinary offences.
(244 messages from 4 contacts)
(First, in the match
between DQ.Five and ZGDX,)
(the player was seriously negative
in the game.)
(Second, Hsu Tae-lun
has a disorderly personal life,)
(which has greatly affected
the image of the e-sports industry,)
(causing bad social influence.)
(According to the game rules of)
(the Onmyoji Arena Pro League,)
(the player will be banned for one season,)
(Tae-lun, you must cheer up.)
with a fine of 10,000 yuan.
(At the same time, due to mismanagement,)
(DQ.Five club will be given
a serious warning,)
(with a fine of 100,000 yuan.)
(Congratulations to our DQ.Five
for their victory!)
(Let's invite their captain, Dragon)
(to share his experience in the game.)
It's a great honor
for our team to win this game.
I would like to thank not only my teammates,
but also
a special someone.
Because of her,
our team was able to
gradually grow up.
And I hope that this person can
accompany us all the way.
Well said.
Love you.
Love you.
Let's go, guys.
Tonight is on me.
Let's go, let's go. Great.
- Let's eat.
- Let's go.
(Happy Birthday, Tae-lun.)
Do you like it?
It's good.
Can I take a picture with you?
Let's take it with my phone.
Come on.
Come on, smile.
Three, two, one.
Let me have a look.
I'll send it to you next time.
I'll blow out the candle?
(Are you okay, Guo?)
(Your blogs have been deleted.)
(Are you going to quit the industry?)
(I don't understand why you did this.)
(I thought we agreed)
(not to make these things public.)
(Hsu Tae-lun is banned from the game.)
(You're the one who betrayed Hsu Tae-lun.)
(Thanks to you.)
(You betrayed us too.)
(You're really a vicious woman.)
(Forget it, Guo.)
(If I had known he was like that,)
(I wouldn't even have been his fan.)
(This week is his last game in China.)
(Are you coming or not?)
Stop it.
Miss Tong Yao,
You must have had a hard day.
Thank you.
Everything's ready inside.
This way, please.
The interview hasn't started yet.
Why don't we go inside and sit for a while?
The interview hasn't started yet?
With Hsu Tae-lun's scandal…
I'll go get something to eat.
I'll be back later.
Okay, I'll give you the umbrella.
Okay, thanks.
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
Are you okay?
I was too greedy.
At first, I just wanted to
look at him from afar.
Gradually, I wanted to go out with him.
Then I started to be dissatisfied and picky.
I became irritable, anxious and hysterical
because I couldn't get him.
Did I ruin him?
If you had known,
why would you have done it in the first place?
Why are you here?
The interview was suddenly changed
to a double interview.
So here I am.
What's going on?
Didn't they bring you an umbrella?
Yes, they did.
Something unexpected happened.
I gave my umbrella to someone else.
Where's the interviewer?
Not here yet.
I just saw fans at the gate.
Looking at those fans,
I felt uneasy.
Why do you think they came?
What are they looking for?
The hero in their hearts?
Or their own imaginary persona?
In fact, those people on stage
are not as great as they think they are.
Some of them may even be
worse than themselves.
What's wrong?
I should be asking you this question.
I just saw that girl.
The one who was with Hsu Tae-lun.
I hated her at first.
But now I think
she's also sad being a fan at the same time,
though she is annoying.
always like to think too much of
the people they like,
whether it's Hsu Tae-lun,
or us.
Disregard the feelings of those who like us,
do what we want to, do as we please,
be exposed,
and get destroyed.
When I think about it,
I feel that maybe our industry
doesn't deserve
to be liked by others.
It's not as bad as you think.
At least our teammates
are doing pretty well, right?
They're all at the base all day.
It's almost like the ZGDX base
is a monk's temple.
You can't just overthrow
a bunch of people
for the sake of an individual.
It's not fair.
And I've already reminded you.
I'm a good person.
But the way you think now
makes me feel worried.
Before I've had time to confess,
you've already become disillusioned
by this industry.
That's a problem.
There are still many good men
in this industry,
rich and handsome,
who plays games well
and doesn't sleep with fans.
There is also someone
who treats the base as a monk's temple,
and is almost ready to get up
every day to recite the sutra.
I'll ask you the same question as before.
Do you want to give it a try?
Try what?
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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