Firebuds (2022) s01e20 Episode Script

Shelter Island/Escape from Shelter Island

(alarm ringing)
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl, yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come and here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
BO: Shelter Island.
Three days of heavy rains
have caused flooding in the countryside
around Gearbox Grove.
Folks are fleeing to higher ground
at this recreation center,
where firefighters
are helping the evacuees.
Come on! Right this way, folks.
Plenty of room for everybody.
-Oh! There's Dad!
-And Mom!
I hope those evacuees are okay.
It must be scary
to have to leave your home like that.
I wish there was some way
we could help them too.
This is Marina Ramirez reporting live
for Channel 7 News. More after this.
Want a tour of Motopolis?
Oh, I love this commercial!
DUKE: Some buses give tours on land.
Some boats give tours on sea.
Duke the Duck Bus does both!
Let Duke the Duck Bus's family
take care of you.
Here comes the best part.
BOTH: Who can you count on ♪
Over land or sea? ♪
You can count on Duke the Duck Bus ♪
That's me!
Well, that's gonna be stuck in my head
for the rest of the day.
Not me. I don't get songs
stuck in my head.
-It's a gift.
-(doorbell rings)
Hi, Chef Al, Chef Fernando.
I thought you might drive by.
I already packed a box of food
and booster shakes.
(chuckles) You know us too well.
Thanks, Beth.
What are you doing here, Chefs?
We're collecting food to cook up
for the evacuees at the rescue shelter.
-Here you go.
-Oh! Can we come and help you?
-Yeah, can we?
We do have a lot of folks to feed.
You can go, if it's okay with your mother.
Well, I believe in helping people
whenever we can,
but is it safe for them out there, Chefs?
Oh, yes. The storm's passed.
Dad is there, remember?
Ah, right. Okay, you can go.
BOTH: Wee-oo!
You are now food first responders.
VIOLET: Why are we stopping at the cafe?
Because many hands make the load lighter.
And here come those extra hands now.
Firebuds, this is Chef Pavani.
So these are the famous Firebuds
you told me all about.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
-This is my vroommate, Fran
-Fran's the name, food's the game.
You buy it, I'll fry it.
We serve healthier food too.
S'all good. You had me at "food."
Speaking of food,
we better get to the shelter.
All right, let's roll, Firebuds!
(sirens blaring)
Hit the sirens, turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewin'
And we gotta make it right ♪
We're gearin' up, we're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the ♪
(music stops)
Oh, my goodness!
I know! It's flooding fast.
If you're trying to get to the shelter,
you're gonna have to wait
until the water goes down.
Now, we gotta dash.
Vanessa needs a recharge.
So, how will we deliver the food now?
If only we could drive on water!
Who can you count on ♪
Over land or ♪
No! It got stuck in my head!
How did this happen?
So much for your gift.
But, you know, Duke the Duck Bus
could carry us across the water
to the shelter!
Duke from the TV commercials?
Yeah! We can totally count on Duke!
Boom! His place is just over those hills.
I'll start cooking on the way.
JAYDEN: Here we are, my buds.
Are you sure this is the place?
Yeah. Pretty sure.
Hello, customers!
You picked a great day to take a tour
'cause my schedule is wide open.
Actually, we need your help.
Help? Ugh. Turns out,
my schedule's all filled up!
-This is an emergency.
We have to deliver food to a shelter
that's been surrounded
by flood water, like an island.
Shelter Island.
Let me get this straight.
You want me
to cross flood water full of junk
that could scratch up
my brand-new paint job and custom canopy?
It's too dangerous out there.
My other billboard already broke off
and floated away.
But on TV, you said
we can count on Duke the Duck Bus.
Mr. Duke, I have a feeling
somewhere inside of you,
there's a hero.
Well, then, tell him to get out.
No free rides.
No, I mean, you can be that hero,
if you look out for others
and not just yourself, you know?
Oh. Well
Honey bun, if you help out
those folks today,
just think of how many of them
will wanna take your tours!
More tours, you say?
Well, hot cog, you got a deal!
Show me the way!
I knew we could count on Duke.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That current is swift.
Nobody mentioned a current,
especially a swift one.
-Does it matter?
-Of course, it matters!
It's gonna be that much harder
to avoid things
floatin' in the water
that could scratch up my paint job.
Am I gonna have to take all of you?
'Cause that's a lot of trips
back and forth.
Just think of all the hungry people
we're feeding!
And all those tours they'll take.
Okay, fine, let's do this.
I just gotta remove my bench seats
to make room for ya.
All aboard!
You should go first, Chef Fernando.
All right. Here we go.
Whoa, look at that!
I wish I could be a car boat.
(groans) Three seconds in,
I've already got a ding.
This better be the last
Oh! Not my brand-new paint job!
Whoa! Whoa!
Not my custom canopy!
That's it! I did not sign up
for this river of chaos.
Nope. Being a hero just isn't worth it.
-What are you doing?
-Why are we going backwards?
Sorry. I just can't risk
gettin' any more scraped up.
I gotta look out for number one,
ya know? Me.
But your commercial says we can count
on Duke the Duck Bus. That's you!
(sighs) Not today, it isn't.
Ay! What are we going to do now?
Not give up, that's what!
That's right. Huddle up, Firebuds!
We could try using my J-Catch.
If we inflate it, it should float.
And then we could carry
the food trucks across one at a time.
But the J-Catch doesn't have a motor,
so how are they gonna steer?
Hey, if this pan can fry an egg,
it can paddle a raft.
What about you, Fernando?
Oh, yeah! Just gotta warm up! (groans)
Just gotta (groans) Oh, yeah.
All right, then. We have a plan.
Then say goodbye to the J-Catch
and hello to the J-Raft.
But how is Fernando
going to drive onto the raft?
PAVANI: With these.
Hmm. Duke left his seats behind.
But they'll make a great ramp.
BO: I'll go with you, Chefs.
Don't forget your life jackets.
-Watch out for that sign!
Phew! That was close!
(all grunt)
It's okay. I'll just push us off.
-We sprung a leak!
-Can you plug it up?
-Por supuesto!
(air squeaking)
But now that I can only paddle
with one hand,
we're just going in circles!
AL: And the raft is still deflating!
VIOLET: They're in trouble!
PISTON: I'm getting dizzy
just watching them.
Maybe I can reel 'em in with my J-Hook!
Please, please, please!
JAYDEN: Bo, grab the hook!
(sighs) I'm sorry, Chefs.
I wanted to help so much,
but all I did was get you in trouble.
Maybe Duke was right.
Maybe we should've just looked out
for ourselves.
(vehicle approaching)
'Scuse me, I forgot my
Hey, what did you do to my benches?
And what are they doin' out there
on that flimsy raft?
Finding a way to feed those evacuees
any way they can.
I don't get it.
Why would they do somethin' so risky
for a bunch of strangers?
Because that's what heroes do.
They look out for others.
Not just themselves.
Look at that billboard!
-It's headin' right for the raft!
Brace for impact!
(engine revving)
Mr. Duke!
Who can you count on ♪
Over land or sea? ♪
You can count on Duke the Duck Bus ♪
That's me!
Man, I just got that out of my head.
Who wants a free ride?
I knew you were a hero
deep down, Mr. Duke.
Nah, you're the real heroes.
I'm just clearin' the way for ya.
(engine revving)
Thanks for the ride,
but would you still be able
to bring the others across
after you drop us off?
-Why wait till after?
-(horns honking)
I called up the whole Duck Bus family.
Darla, Derek, Doris, and Uncle Dan.
(horn honks)
You sure you don't want me
to fry that in a little oil, hon?
I already got a full tank,
but thank you, anyway.
Thanks, Firebuds!
I'm all fueled up.
I can touch my hood with my tongue! Watch!
I'm sorry your paint
got scratched, Mr. Duke.
And your canopy got torn.
It was a beautiful canopy.
You know what? That's okay.
Looks aren't everything.
I whipped up a mango booster shake
just for you, Duke.
Our hero.
Aw, well
And when all this is over,
I'd be happy to take a tour.
Oh, they'll be plenty of time for that.
-(happy quacking)
-After everyone gets fed.
It's just like the commercial says,
"You can count on Duke!"
That's me.
(happy quacking)
FLASH: Escape from Shelter Island.
(weehicles laughing)
Chef Al, Chef Pavani,
thank you for feeding all the evacuees.
I never would've thought
a flood could get so high
that a rescue shelter
would become an island!
I'm just glad we made it across the water.
Thanks to the Duck Buses and Firebuds.
Aw! We're just doing what
any food first responders would do.
So now that the rain has stopped,
I guess we just have to wait
for the flood waters to go down?
The flood waters aren't going down!
This bench was above water
when we got here.
Why is the water still rising?
That's a good question.
Chief Faye, let's check the news.
You got it, Chief Bill.
I'm standing outside Gearbox Grove,
where the storm has stopped,
but rainwater rushing down
from the mountains
is making the flooding worse,
with no end in sight. (gasps)
If the water keeps rising,
it'll flood the shelter!
Then we have to get everyone
off this island, now!
I appreciate you and your family
helping us evacuate the shelter, Duke.
Hey, you can always count
on Duke, Darla, Derek,
-Doris, and Uncle Dan.
-(horn honks)
All right, fam,
we got a bunch of trips to make,
so let's get floatin'.
I'm going to go get the next group.
We can take care of that
for you, Dad. Come on, Buds!
Ooh, that's not good.
Come on, kids. Time to wait
for the Duck Buses by the water.
According to my calculations,
the water will flood the shelter
before everyone leaves!
(gasps) You mean there's no way
we can save everybody?
There is always a way.
Last year, we were bringing food
to people after a forest fire,
but there were many more folks
than expected.
Then, we remembered we had passed
a community garden on the road.
So, we went back,
asked if we could use their vegetables,
and, voila, we cooked up
a pot of vegetable stew
big enough to feed everyone.
That sounds delicious, but I don't see
how extra veggies are gonna help us.
Of course not! But if you get creative,
you will find a solution. Because
ALL: There is always a way!
Okay, let's think, Buds.
What are other ways
to get across the water besides on a boat?
A helicopter?
-A bridge?
-A catapult?
I don't know about a catapult,
but if we can build a bridge
Build a bridge?
How are we supposed to build
a whole bridge in time to save everyone?
We can build a bridge by getting creative,
like Chef Al said.
If we take apart those bleachers,
the Duck Buses can line up in the water
and hold the planks in between them
And create a bridge
for everyone to drive across!
Okay, everyone, line up here.
(weehicles excited chatter)
-It's too wobbly!
How about I go with you?
-Yes, please!
All right, kids, let's roll.
Now, we're cooking!
That bleacher bridge is better
than butter on biscuits!
All right, who's next?
(music playing)
(sirens blaring)
(music continues playing)
Okay, everyone has crossed
but us and Toro.
I just measured the water,
and it's rising even faster!
We have to hurry!
You Buds better get goin', then.
What about you, Mom?
I gotta make sure everyone else
is safe first, then I'll go.
Don't you worry, I'll be there in a flash.
You can lead the way, Mr. Toro!
All righty, then. Follow me, kiddos!
Oh! He's heavy.
Better let Toro cross
before all of you get on the bridge.
Copy that.
Wha Gee, willikers!
-(all gasp)
Any way you can lighten
the load, big fella?
I could take out my spare tires.
They weigh a ton.
That ought to do it!
(chuckles) Much better. Here we go.
Phew! Thank you kindly.
All right, he's across. Let's go!
You comin', Mom?
I'm right behind you, baby.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Too heavy!
-What's happening?
-I'm too heavy for the boats!
I have to get off the bridge.
-No, Mom!
-I'll be all right, Flashy.
-Keep going!
-Bo, I can't leave her behind.
Then I'll go back with you.
We can figure out another way
to evacuate together.
-Yeah, we'll stay too.
-Us too.
Bo! What are you doing?
Firebuds never leave a vehicle behind.
(engine revving)
The flood's getting worse!
This way, kids!
Come on!
We can still take the kids across
on our backs!
What about my mom?
I just don't see a way to get her across.
Maybe she'll be okay up on the roof?
Listen, I know things look bad,
but it's like Chef Al said,
there's always a way.
When rain was falling
The folks at the shelter ♪
They needed something to eat ♪
We didn't think
We could get 'cross the river ♪
How could we pull off this feat? ♪
Then Duke, that old Duck Bus
He came back to help us ♪
And even brought a whole fleet ♪
Then the flood water
Kept rising and rising ♪
We soon would run out of land ♪
Though it seemed like
We had no way to get out ♪
We still came up with a plan ♪
A bridge made from bleachers ♪
Would save all the creatures ♪
And guide all our friends to dry land ♪
When you've got problems, and ♪
You cannot solve 'em, then ♪
Get creative, let your mind play ♪
Just look around
A path will be found ♪
Because you'll see
There's always a way ♪
Oh, yeah, there's always a way ♪
Okay, let me think.
Ooh, I have an idea!
We can turn my mom into a boat!
How are we gonna turn
a fire truck into a boat?
Well, here, let me tell you
What I'm thinkin' ♪
Those basketballs
Will keep her from sinkin' ♪
All we gotta do is tie 'em on ♪
To make Mom a raft
That we can float upon ♪
That sweet parachute will be our sail ♪
And the ladder'll be our mast ♪
Then we catch the wind and grab a rail ♪
'Cause we're gonna be goin'
Oh, so fast ♪
Now, that's what I call getting creative!
Let's roll, Firebuds!
When you've got problems, and ♪
You cannot solve 'em, then ♪
Get creative, let your mind play ♪
Just look around
A path will be found ♪
Because you'll see
There's always a way ♪
Oh, yeah, there's always a way ♪
Oh, yeah, there's always a way ♪
I always did wanna try sailing.
Okay. Flash, Piston, Axl,
you get on the Duck Buses.
Violet, Jayden, and I
will go with Aunt Faye.
Bo, promise me
you'll get my mom across safely.
I promise, Flash.
-(Bo grunts)
-FAYE: Ahoy, mateys!
Y'all ready to set sail?
Off we go!
I looked up how to sail,
and it says to let it out
until you catch the wind, then pull it in
until you start going
the direction you want.
Hey! Look at me go!
She's floating?
Is it just me or are we getting closer
to the water?
It's not just you! We're sinking!
Duke, you gotta come pick up the kids!
BOTH: What?
No. There's always a way.
Gotta find a way.
Wait. I have an idea.
Maybe Toro's tires can help Mom float!
On it!
Bo, you and Violet need
to help secure the other two.
Are you still sinking, Chief Faye?
No, I'm not. I'm floating!
I'm a fire boat for real!
(horn honks)
Genius idea, Flash!
(all grunt)
Told you I'd be right behind you.
I'm so glad you're safe.
Thank you for spearheading the evacuation,
Chief Bill and Chief Faye.
And thanks to you too, Duke.
Making a bridge out of bleachers
was just brilliant!
Happy to do my part, Mayor,
but the bridge was the Firebuds' idea.
And I wouldn't have even gotten
off the island if it weren't for them.
Hm. Is that so?
We're here today
to honor six young heroes,
known to many of you as the Firebuds,
who bravely helped evacuate
an entire rescue shelter
and saved our fire truck chief.
They showed resourcefulness
and courage, but above all,
looked out for others before themselves,
which is why I am proud to present them
with our town's highest honor,
the Gearbox Grove Medal of Service!
(cheering and applause)
All right, Bo!
That's my baby.
I have to ask, how did you come up
with such creative solutions?
Well, Mayor, it wasn't easy,
but we remembered that
no matter how bad things get,
there's always a way,
especially when you got
your best buds to back you up.
Firebuds forever.
-ALL: Firebuds forever!
-(sirens wail)
(closing theme)
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