Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e20 Episode Script

Hitsuyôna koroshi

How scary.
This is most likely a spell
that slices through objects.
The spell itself is a simple one,
but I can't see its trajectory.
It's impossible to dodge all of them.
What's wrong?
You're not going to come after me?
I may have lost control of myself a bit.
The range of your magic
is about five meters, isn't it?
That's correct.
So, what are you going to do about it?
Shall we go back to firing basic magic?
No, there's no need for that.
His magic has
absolutely no class, is cowardly,
and is only meant to bring him victory.
That girl who is fighting Wirbel
is probably going to get killed.
Well then
A saturation attack?
How can she handle this much
offensive magic at once?
What are you thinking,
relying on a brute-force attack?
You have absolutely no class!
I can't keep up.
I can't move my body.
I can't control my mana either?
A powerful restraining spell, huh?
If he can use something like this,
why can't he catch a Stille himself?
Well, I guess it's useless
unless he can actually find a Stille.
My magic can restrain
whoever is within my sight.
As long as I keep my eyes on you,
you won't be able to move.
In your current state,
I can kill you with ease.
And it seems he was going easy on us.
If he really wanted to kill us,
he would have restrained us
during that surprise attack.
This is your last chance.
Leave the Stille behind and go.
Oh, how boring.
I was looking forward to
fighting him to the death.
In the end, all he wanted to do
was extort the Stille.
Wait a second.
Why do you have to make that order?
You can just take the Stille
away from me while I can't move.
So it doesn't work unless
my entire body is within view, huh?
No wonder you don't use it
against multiple people.
- You aimed for my eyes, didn't you?
- It's logical, isn't it?
if I were you, I would've aimed for
the neck to kill my target.
Then the battle would be over.
You could have done that too.
There were people who acted like you
on the battlefield too.
They were all perverts
who enjoyed killing.
I'd better kill you here.
Have you ever killed women and children?
You think I haven't?
What kind of horror did you experience?
Are you trying to buy time?
Fine, I'll play along.
The Northern Magic Corps is
a group of mercenaries
specializing in fighting demons.
But in an emergency,
we also fight international warfare.
People are well aware
of their own weaknesses.
Forcing women and children
onto the battlefield is diabolical
but also a very common act.
It's not "horror."
That's everyday life in the north.
Is that so?
That's enough.
You're not going to kill me?
In my opinion,
the type of magic one specializes in
greatly reflects their life and character.
This magic,
which restrains the target's movements,
makes it seem like you want to
delay their death.
I see
So that's why you played along
with my tactic to buy time?
How surprising.
Your hands are stained with blood already,
but you still wish to be human, huh?
That's right.
This is the time I need
to find my resolve to kill.
But you know, little girl,
I may hesitate and waver,
but I've never failed a necessary killing.
Goodbye, little girl.
Don't move, please.
Are you serious? You took down Ehre?
I didn't sense her presence at all.
I'm surprised. You're able to
make your mana disappear completely?
You must be the one who caught the Stille.
We were just lucky.
We happened to find the Stille's nest,
and she had learned the spell
that captures a bird from her master.
You can capture anything,
but it seems you are really unlucky.
Seriously. I'm out of luck.
You were fighting Ehre, weren't you?
What did you do with her?
I killed her.
The conditions to pass
the first stage of the exam were
to have a caged Stille in your possession
by sundown today
and to have all party members present.
We've lost.
I'll be leaving.
Weren't you going to kill me?
We are officially disqualified.
Killing you is unnecessary now.
Feel free to aim for my back.
It will only turn an unnecessary killing
back into a necessary one.
- Mistress Übel.
- I know.
You're a good liar.
Let's go assist Master Land while we can.
I'm sure he's fine.
Four-eyes seems to be quite the trickster.
The game's over.
That's amazing.
You controlled countless
steel flower petals with precision
and slipped through my defense.
But I bet it's self-taught.
Self-taught people
tend to neglect the basics.
Before I fight against
someone I don't know,
I always remember to observe first.
I know your weakness very well.
I'm pretty sure I'll win.
You're quite the chatterbox.
How do you plan to win without
using your dominant arm?
If you won't surrender,
I will cut your head off next.
Like I said,
I'm just observing before I fight.
I bet you're not good at mana detection.
Phantom magic?
I actually exist,
so it's more like my clone.
Since when
From the beginning.
From the moment the first stage began.
I don't trust others.
"Killed her" my ass.
That bitch lied to me like it was nothing.
Hey, wake up, Ehre.
You ran out of mana? How lame.
Weren't you top of your class?
I was beaten by her sheer amount
of ordinary offensive magic.
I couldn't keep up with it all.
You don't believe me, do you?
No, I do.
You're an idiot for fighting her head-on.
You should have been able to win.
But if she can do this much
with just ordinary offensive magic,
that woman must be quite the monster.
Let's go. We'll meet up with Scharf.
Wait, I can't walk.
Don't transport me like I'm cargo.
Give me a piggyback ride!
Why do I have to do this?
Do you sense Scharf nearby?
He's on the other side of that thicket.
Hey, Scharf! Help me carry Ehre
Wirbel, please give me a piggyback ride.
I'm all numb and can't move.
Damn it! Why is this happening?
What is this sound?
It must be the sound of rain.
It started raining outside of the barrier.
It's like a representation
of my mental state.
In two to three hours it'll be sundown
and the first stage will end.
We have two members out of commission.
We can't steal
a Stille in this state anymore.
We've failed this exam for sure.
But you're still going to help us?
You must be very kind.
I wouldn't mind
abandoning you two right here.
- Don't leave us.
- Stop crying. Act like a man!
Is that kindness
also the reason why you fight demons?
You saved my village too.
Don't be stupid.
Why would I risk my life out of kindness?
Humans fight for their own desires.
I had an ulterior motive.
In my hometown, I had a crush.
It was exactly 29 years ago.
Demons were becoming more active
in the northern lands,
so she and her whole family
ran away to the central lands.
I was a dumb little kid,
so I tried to act cool.
I'll kill every one of those darn demons.
So come back to this village when I do.
I was about four or five years old.
I don't even remember her face or name.
- What a fool.
- I know, I'm a fool.
I have to go back by sea again.
I get really seasick, you know.
Want me to refer you to my grandfather?
He's a first-class mage,
so you can go by land
Hey, Wirbel.
- What's wrong?
- Look.
You've got to be kidding.
What was all that work for?
It took way too long
for my luck to turn around.
Frieren, that girl hasn't made any move.
An elf, huh?
She must be a capable mage.
I'm sure Laufen's magic
won't work on her again,
if she sees it even once.
But once is more than enough.
This isn't a fight to the death.
- She disappeared!
- Frieren, the Stille!
It was taken, huh?
What interesting magic.
It's pleasant inside the barrier
even when it's raining.
You were the proctor
for the second stage, weren't you,
It appears you've let many promising
examinees die yet again, Genau.
Don't make me laugh.
If they were promising,
they wouldn't have died this easily.
Plus, the value of first-class mages
makes it worth it.
You should know that.
Still, it's mean-spirited of you
to choose a prey that can't be detected
by mana in an exam for mages.
Whether you capture it or not
depends on luck.
Fighting over the bird is just a pretense
for a battle royale.
Luck is part of one's ability.
Plus, some of them seem to have
captured a Stille without using luck.
Sundown is in three hours.
The battle will get intense from here.
Who do you think will make it?
I'm sure a third of them will pass.
Denken will definitely be one of them.
His abilities are on a par with
that of a first-class mage.
Why would an old man
only interested in wealth and power
take this exam now?
Is he after the privilege?
Who knows?
He is up in years already.
He must have his own reasons.
Hey, the magic that
she just used right now
was Jilwer, right?
It's folk magic from
a mountain tribe in the southern lands.
Yes, that's right.
- Jilwer?
- Magic that lets you move at high speeds.
In that case,
you two should have stayed hidden.
All she had to do was
run away with the Stille.
Laufen is still inexperienced.
She left too many traces of her mana.
You would be able to
track her down easily, Frieren.
In fact, you must be
rather annoyed that we're holding you.
You know about me?
There isn't a single mage in my generation
who doesn't know your name.
It's my first time
seeing you in person, though.
But I knew the moment I saw you,
that you were the mage
of the party of heroes, Frieren.
- She's famous?
- She's a legendary mage.
I had an inkling that it was her.
Elves really don't age, do they?
So, in the end, you're going to
challenge us head-on?
You were spying on us
the whole time, weren't you?
I expected you to use more dirty tricks.
Well, this is dirty enough.
While Denken stalls you,
I will kill either one of those brats.
I see.
If we lose a party member
and fail to meet the requirements,
we will have no choice but to give up.
Interesting. Why don't you try?
- Lawine, he's strong.
- I know.
Stop it, Richter.
As long as we can stall them,
that's enough.
We can win this.
Denken, I thought you would be
a more ruthless and cold person.
Aren't you an Imperial Mage?
I'm sure you've eliminated
more than enough political enemies.
I just don't think that becoming
a first-class mage is worth
killing someone over.
I can agree with you on that, at least.
A first-class mage
is nothing more than a title.
It's not worth it in my opinion.
Don't tell me you don't know about
the privilege?
Half a century ago, the founder of
the Continental Magic Association
who reigns over all of mankind's mages,
suddenly came into the limelight.
That is the Great Mage Serie.
She is still pursuing mages like those
who were refined during the long war
against the Demon King's army.
That is why she has
promised a privilege to those who
rise to the rank of first-class mage.
She will bestow upon them
one spell of their choice.
Serie is a living grimoire who knows
almost every spell that has existed
in the history of mankind.
She is the closest existence to
the Almighty Goddess.
You can attain an enormous fortune,
heal a serious illness,
or even gain tremendous power.
Being bestowed
with whatever spell you desire
is any mage's dream come true.
People are very simple.
Because of that, first-class mages are now
a group of monsters
who make you doubt if they're human.
That is how valuable it is.
I see.
That's ridiculous.
Denken, people like you, who don't care
about the privilege, are the minority.
Let's begin.
Denken, stall her for one minute.
That'll be enough time
for me to kill both of them.
Don't make me repeat myself, Richter.
They're just two brats.
You only have to
put them to sleep for three hours.
- Babysitting them should be easy.
- Denken
I will take her down.
- That should be enough.
- You old fart.
Young ones are just too hot-blooded.
- How immature.
- A spell of your choice?
- But he has his guard down.
- Come on
- What a show.
- I know!
- It's Frieren.
- That old man.
In the world of magic, heaven and earth
can be turned upside down.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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