Fruits Basket Anime Series (2002) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.
Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.
Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.
You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.
Ayame-san has come over.
Pardon me.
I am the hostess in charge of the Sohma Hot Springs Inn, who has already appeared once before.
Today, the production staff has asked that I introduce Master Ayame, and so, bearing up under my own shame, I am here.
I beg you pardon, that it should have to be me, I beg your pardon.
Note Note What could this be? Uh-huh, we've already started Oh, no! It's true! W- w- what shall I do!? Let's see, my narration script is right, um Oh dear, my script is scattering about! M- Master Ayame is waah! I am sorry I am late! I am so~rry that I have spoiled, aaah, the young master's introduction!! Those of you at the television studio, I am so~rry! Everyone in your living rooms, I am so~! Very sharp! They are, aren't they? Not to worry, Yuki! I brought one for you, too.
As luck would have it, I managed to transform it into an even more brilliant store than it was before.
As large as the world may be, I doubt that there could be any store quite as marvelous as I'd sure like to go have a look.
What did you just say? I'd like to see with my own eyes how wonderful a store it is.
Listen to this, 'Gure-san! Yuki our Yuki has expressed, with tears in eyes, that he so badly wishes to come to my store! Huh? Is there any day that could be better than this one? No, there is not! Oh, I can't sit still! Listen to this, 'Tori-san! Yuki our Yuki has Cut it out! No, no, I am just so honored! By all means, "Welcome!" You may come as soon as this Sunday! Tohru-kun, by all means, you come too! One who would be a princess must, after all, always stand by her prince! Which means, you are more than welcome not to come, Kyonkichi-kun! Huh? What are you talking about? What is this look of dissatisfaction you have? If you like, here is a card, especially for you.
Get out of here, you sicko! This is wonderful! For Yuki-kun to meet Ayame-san halfway on his own! For some reason, he appears to be turning pale About my brother Y- yes? From now on, I need to Yes? even if it's just a little bit at a time, I need to understand him better.
I've been thinking that I should become someone who understands people better Honda-san, I wonder if you would come together with me.
This means that Yuki-kun has made a considerable resolution.
Very well, I will help him out! Yes! As long as I'm not in the way, I will accompany you! Thanks.
Not at all! Besides, I've always wanted to go see it.
Earlier, I heard from Hatsuharu-san that the store sold clothes for nurses, and stewardesses, and maids Nurses? Maids? What in the world? I hope he doesn't further misunderstand him.
And so, the next Sunday, I, Honda Tohru, accompanied Yuki-kun on a visit to Ayame-san's store.
This appears to be the right store, huh? So it would seem.
The sign has a very charming design on it as well.
The suspicious nature of that sign only invites new anxiety.
It's a handicrafts shop? I'm afraid we're closed today.
Mine, about shortening this hem Yu~ki~! Something's coming Something something inexplicable Excuse me, excuse me.
I had an order to shorten the skirt on that wedding dress.
You're sure that's okay, fitting it on a man? Of course, since the one who wants it done is himself a man, after all.
They wear them? Men? Every person has a secret garden, or two, or three, which they cannot tell others about.
So then what kind of store is this? The answer is quite simple.
This store is for customers who come seeking custom-made clothing, as easily as if they were customers who had come in seeking to buy simple handicrafts.
Of course, I, as the shopkeeper, personally make all the clothes that I receive orders for.
No matter what the design may be, there isn't anything that I can't handle.
This is just one example of what the finished products look like! This is what Hatsuharu-san was talking about, then? Incredible! Incredible, Ayame-san! Indeed, I am! I am incredible! How about it, Yuki? You don't have to be shy about raising your voice in praise, too.
W- why are there just those kinds of clothes? Because they are the most popular! My number-one seller is the maid outfit.
Popular? That's right! Perhaps, Yuki, it might still be difficult for you to comprehend, but these are all for male romance!! From maids to nurses, waitresses to stewardesses, secretaries, lady doctors, teachers and sailors, policewomen, lawyers, elevator girls, department store girls, cat-ears, bunny-ears, leopard-ears I cannot list them all, but men carry them in their dreams, seeking romance.
Surely there is no crime in seeing the dreams they carry with them through into reality, is there? The craving to peek in at a woman taking a bath is also a kind of romance.
But that is a crime! This sounds like it's going to be so much fun! Here he suddenly said that today we'd be closed, so I wondered what was happening It turns out his younger brother was coming! Mm-hmm, from outward appearances, he looks just like the Shopkeeper, doesn't he? Pleased to meet you, younger brother.
I am Kuramae Mine, one of the employees here.
I make clothes, too.
Nice to meet so then, those clothes is that the store uniform? No, it's not.
I'm wearing this because I like to.
Cute, isn't it? It's most adorable! Today I decided on the maid outfit, but depending on the day, which is to say, my mood, there are various other costumes that I change into.
When Mine wears her glasses, she is extremely popular with the male customers that come in here.
What about you, Yuki? How do you like Glasses Girls? Glasses Girls? There are so many among the general populace now.
It's not altogether that rare any more, is it? Oh? Judging by the look on your face, it's not too bad, huh Yuki? Indeed, Yuki, glasses, and glasses on young girls, have been a male romance passed down to us since long ago, .
It is the romance of the Showa! It is a significant costume, as history will attest! What other clothes do you have? Huh? Other clothes? I'll wear anything! After all, there basically aren't any costumes that I do not like.
Oh, but I do prefer blazers to sailor uniforms, with checkered pleats, and I prefer navy kneehigh socks to loose ones.
And for a nurse, I don't go with white or pink, but instead a pale aqua, or a bright green, something refreshing, like what a dental hygienist might wear, but without a nurse's cap.
And as for a stewardess, rather than have the more popular [beep.]
, I'd go instead with the [beep.]
Detailed Illustrations Prohibited And as for a stewardess, rather than have the more popular [beep.]
, I'd go instead with the [beep.]
Ah, and of course, for waitresses, [beep.]
! On that point alone, I am on the side of the majority.
With the cuteness of those frills, and the worked-out shape of the apron, you just have to fall in love with it! Now that I think about it, I might say that I'll wear anything, but there are quite a few things that I am particular about, and maybe I am a bit on the fussy side.
That is fine.
It is those particulars that support convention, as well as create for us an even better tomorrow.
Yay, I've been praised! I've been praised by the Shopkeeper! I praised you! I praised the employee! But still, the nurse should be white, shouldn't it? I think having [beep.]
instead of [beep.]
is wise, but if you take it one step further, I think a [beep.]
would make it perfect.
The [beep.]
has an oddly-shaped collar on it, I don't think I can agree.
It's the collar that makes the point! It's just so stoic, like that I like stoic too! But that collar, together with the scarf? I wouldn't call that stoic, it's more like Let me tell you something.
There's more to socks than just loose and navy kneehighs.
Imagine, if you will, white socks, that come to a height only halfway up the calf, and the way they are stretched in order to do so.
Shopkeeper, you're behind the times! What are you talking about? "Learn what is old to know what is new.
" Not forgetting to learn new things by studying the past at all times is more important than anything! Yes, Shopkeeper.
Yuki kun! By the way, I've been wondering this for a while, but who is she? R- right! Pleased to meet you! My name is Honda Tohru.
Tohru-kun-chan, do you have any interest in clothes like this? Would you like to try something on? Wouldn't you? You would, right? Hmm, looks like she's started in Let's go have you change, okay? Mine has a habit of wanting cute girls to change their clothes whenever she sees them.
J- just a moment please, Kuramae-san! Younger brother, what would you like Tohru-chan to put on? I would surely go with something neat and clean No, I mean that's not what I meant, please hold on! Mine, don't you think that that one would be just right in this case? That one, sir? What do you mean, that one!? That one is so charming! What do you mean, that one!? Come along, Tohru-chan! I can't wait to see you change into that.
All we can do is leave her in her custody.
Not to worry, she is Mine, after all.
It's not like she's taken her to eat her.
What do you mean, that one!? This is your hostess.
I am terribly sorry for upsetting the opening of the show.
Bearing with my embarrassment, I have come forward once again.
As it happens, since Kyo-chan's appearance this week is so extremely brief, the staff asked me what I would think about creating a "Kyo-chan's Corner" segment.
As such, I edited together some of Kyo-chan's notable scenes with the VTR.
I put my heart into making sure that you would see Kyo-chan at his coolest.
Hey, so where are these cool images of me? Don't "Ho ho" me! And besides, this part only has images of the Hostess, doesn't it? I am so~rry! I will do it over! I will make my part shorter! - I am so~rry! - I'm saying we don't need anything of you, Hostess.
Sailor uniform, sailor uniform, the Onigiri Alien in a sailor uniform That should do it.
Now, the two brothers should be able to talk to each other for a while.
Perhaps it's none of my business, but since we have the opportunity would you play along? So that's what is going on? Yes! Okay.
It would be nice if they can talk without getting into an argument.
Oh, no, arguments are the best! It proves that they are understanding each other, you see? The thing that the Shopkeeper fears more than anything else is "nothingness," after all.
Ah, though I do hope they will avoid arguments that turn to bloodshed.
It won't do to get blood on the merchandise.
It is precisely because people understand each other that they argue Now, now, let's put that aside.
How about we get you changed right away? We're really going to change my clothes? Yes, we are! I am so~rry!! I am sorry that I am appearing again! What's worse, I was only laughing there! I am so~rry!! I hear from 'Gure-san that you're going to be the student council president, aren't you? I can't help but plainly say that you have indeed been influenced by me, as your older brother, huh? That's not it at all.
The younger brother is one who is raised by watching his older brother from behind, indeed.
I told you, that wasn't it, didn't I? I became the president because I didn't want to.
What do you mean by that? That's an utterly incomprehensible act.
It probably would be, to someone like you, brother.
But the way I see it, just as this store is incomprehensible to me, the way you and I think is just too different.
In the end, it might be that we fundamentally won't get along too well.
Hmm, that does stand to reason.
Don't go acknowledging that so cheerfully! However, you must not be discouraged! The journey of a great distance begins with the first step, and you cannot be reluctant to put some effort into it! Brother, you have to put a little effort in, as well! I beg your pardon! I may not look it, but I am a thoroughly hard worker! No matter what I do, I work at it steadily although, sometimes I proceed with delicacy in mind, and other times, I take drastic steps but it is because I have stacked everything up that I have come by the glory I now have! What am I supposed to do? Like this? I'm sorry.
I got so happy in spite of myself It's because you get so angry because you turn back other's emotions It's not as though you've forgotten, right? How cruel I was how insensitive I was to your pain Your hand which for the first, and last time, you reached out with you reached out with, seeking help your trembling hand and how I shook you off so easily.
It's not as though you've forgotten right? For my part, Yuki, I neither liked nor disliked you.
It's almost as if your existence was nothingness.
Now, having met you, Yuki, when I thought about taking the same attitude with you for the first time, I became frightened.
Being treated indifferently makes you feel so lonesome, huh? And now even though I may understand that, it's too late.
However, Yuki you did indeed look at me you did indeed hear my words, and became angry and you are now sitting there like that, trying to understand me.
Even if we do not get along even if we do have our differences that's okay, isn't it? I'm sure that there are things I have that you do not, and there are things you were born with that I do not have.
I think that the kindness that you possess is something very precious.
And, Yuki you must also revere the unique, royal, noble charisma which I have! Yeah, I know, I know, all right! So then, who is this person? That's it! Shopkeeper, am I interrupting your conversation? Oh, you're finished with the changing, right? Well then, slip on out here! You heard him, Tohru-chan, slip on out here.
Keep it moving, already! W- what do you think? Excellent! Tohru-kun, you should indeed go with pretty and innocent with a white dog in tow, and a white lace parasol! Drinking black tea, reading a collection of poems, near a white window, with white lace curtains! What are you doing, Yuki? You go ahead and raise your voice in praise, too! What's this, what's this? Here a woman has dressed herself up so adorably, and you're not good for anything, huh? In that case, allow me to offer her a kiss of joy! Don't do that! Wow, I've been hit! Yeah, you have been hit, indeed! Still, Tohru there is incredibly endearing! That was amazing work! I give you my praise! It is an honor! So, Shopkeeper, were you able to have any exchange with your brother? That's a good question.
I'm not sure.
In the end, I may again be the only one who felt happy about what happened.
Honda-san I was able to understand one thing about my brother.
My brother, apart from everything else, uses too many uncalled-for words and actions.
And so long as I won't accept that he's just that way, in that regard, I'm only going to get caught up by his pace, and the only thing we're going to accumulate between us is fatigue.
Somehow, now that I've said it, I'm starting to feel sad But even so I'm glad that I came.
I was able to see you, Honda-san, looking as lovely as this, and all No! Not at all I'm not the least um Don't hide Romance, huh? Right now, the emotion that is beginning to grow within your heart is indeed the romance of a man.
Man is, after all, a creature that can be shocked by a single change of costume.
It's all right, I understand, I understand.
I dub this wonderful day to be a day of commemoration, honoring Yuki's romance Cut it out! They're arguing, after all.
Well, I guess we warmly keep watch over them.
And so what happened, you might ask.
With Tohru-kun in her adorable dress, it turned out to be a day of commemoration for Yuki's romance! Medical chart a day of commemoration for Yuki's romance! Medical chart Oh, 'Tori-san, you just imagined Tohru-kun in her dress, didn't you? Medical chart We cannot have that! But still, it's only natural.
Medical chart All innocent, with a white dog in tow, and a white lace parasol, with black tea Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.
Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.
La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life Say, after I came all this way to meet you, can't you even say one word of thanks? U- um? Would you be so kind as to at least take a guess concerning someone who came to meet the likes of you, such as I have, Would you be so kind as to at least based on your experiences up to now? He's one of the Sohma zodiac You're so dim, you dumb chick! Hiro, what are you doing here? Do I have to be doing something? Am I no good if I'm not working? Are you trying to say that people who have a low productivity don't have enough value to be living? You know that's not what I'm saying.
I asked you nicely, so answer me nicely! So, what now? Do I have to answer anything that's asked to me nicely? Do I have to say something, even if I don't want to? You pedantic little kid! How dare a knapsack-wearing filthy little brat like you!
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