Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e20 Episode Script

How Long Has This Been Going On?

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
You're good, Adrianne.
I have to give you that.
I try to be good.
Negatives in here?
Prints, negatives, audiotapes.
That's what I like about working
with you, Mr. Borgman.
The money is always so fresh.
Needless to say,
you will keep this
in the strictest confidence.
Surely, you know by
now that's my specialty.
Thanks for the extra job.
Whenever you need
me, you know where I am.
Hope everything
works out all right.
(engine starting)
Mrs. Borgman?
Yes? Why did you block me?
I think you might
want to see this.
This is disgusting.
I can make others.
What do you want, money?
Can you imagine the scandal
if the newspapers
ever got ahold of this?
How much?
I assume you plan
to blackmail me.
(chuckles) You get
right to the bottom line.
I like that. Well, how much?
Contact me tomorrow.
What's that supposed to mean?
There's someone else involved.
(laughs) Of course.
And move your car!
MATTHEW: But I love
the view out that window.
Well, someone
likes the view inside.
A woman has been
taking pictures of us
through that window.
She showed me one of them.
She wants $25,000,
or she's going to
go public with them.
(sighs) I feel so stupid.
How could we have
been so careless?
We couldn't keep
it a secret forever.
What are we going to do now?
The moment of truth.
I only know one thing.
I love you.
I want to be with you.
Darling, I know, but
do you realize what this means?
I don't care.
I'm willing to commit to us.
It feels so right.
It's not going to be easy.
No no, it's not.
I'll need a few days
to work things out.
However long it takes.
I'll be there.
(shouting playfully)
it off, pass it off.
JAKE: Good steal, there you go.
(whistle blowing)
JAKE: All right,
guys, that's my team.
All right!
Listen, tomorrow's
the game, right?
KIDS: Yeah. Okay.
Now, I want you to
get a good night's sleep.
9:00 is the curfew.
If I catch any of
you out swinging
from chandeliers
or singing in bars,
I'm going to have your
butts, you hear me?
(laughter) Okay.
See you guys tomorrow.
Go get your shirts on.
Get some water, okay?
Don't be late for
the game, all right?
Sorry, but I feel a little
one-on-one coming on.
Yeah, not today.
Come on, what are you, chicken?
Last time, I embarrassed you.
Yeah, you sure did.
Styles challenges Hammond.
He doesn't accept the challenge.
Styles on the backboard,
goes up for two.
(imitating crowd roaring)
The crowd, ladies and
gentlemen, they're nuts!
Yeah, not today, Jake.
Come on.
What's wrong with you, Matt?
You look like you lost your
best friend what's going on?
There's nothing wrong.
I'm-I'm tired, that's all.
I'm just tired.
Jake, uh, there's
(laughs) There's
nothing wrong, pal.
All right?
Okay, if you say so.
Appreciate you asking.
Hey, no problem.
Okay, see you tomorrow?
Yeah. All right.
We're going to
win tomorrow, huh?
I think so, what do you think?
I think so hey, why
don't you clean up
around here, do something.
I am, I am. Get out of here.
I'll see you later I'll
see you tomorrow, right?
Yeah. Okay.
NELSON: You know,
my dear, I've been thinking
about where we
might go for a vacation.
There's always London or Paris,
but then I thought perhaps you
might like something, uh,
a little more off
the beaten path.
I would suggest, however,
we go someplace civilized.
uh (sighs)
This is the most difficult
(clears throat)
I've fallen in love.
I'm sorry, but I have
to tell you the truth.
I've met someone.
It just happened, I
I never thought that it would.
With whom did you fall in love?
Matthew Hammond.
Are you out of your mind, Diana?
You fell in love with a priest?
You know what you're saying?
He's going to leave the church.
We plan to be married.
It's impossible.
Nelson, you can't tell me
that this comes as a
total surprise to you.
Our-our marriage
has been nothing more
than a convenience,
we both know that.
Diana, there is
absolutely nothing wrong
with our marriage.
Isn't there?
You hadn't even noticed
I had fallen in love
with someone else.
I did notice.
I just didn't want to face it.
I am going to call the lawyers.
What about me, sweetheart?
You have the newspaper
and the corporations.
What's going to happen to me?
I'm sure that the lawyers
can work out something.
What about the years
that we've had together?
Doesn't that count
for something?
No, huh?
Well (sighs)
I guess I really
shouldn't complain.
We've had a hell of a run.
To the good times.
(glasses clink)
I am sorry, Nelson.
(choking): Nelson
(Diana groans)
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm sorry it had
to end like this.
(dog barking in distance)
This is Father Hammond.
Hello, Father.
This is a friend.
I'm with Mrs.
Borgman at the moment
at the beach house where
the two of you have a meeting.
Who is this?
We've been here talking
and discussing what the
two of you are going to do.
I think Mrs. Borgman
would like you to join us.
(coins clatter in slot)
Yes, hello Integrin Security?
Yes, I'm terribly
sorry to bother you,
but I'd like to report what
appears to be a prowler
on the property at, uh,
76 Coast Point Drive.
Yes, yes, I'm a neighbor.
Oh, dear God, no.
Okay, freeze!
(indistinct chatter)
I want this whole area dusted.
Did Monsignor Hammond say
what he was doing
kneeling over the body?
He said he didn't want
to answer any questions.
They said he was
pretty overcome.
Where is he now?
They took him
down for questioning.
Jake, wait a second, will you?
(calling): Listen!
Everybody, may I
have your attention!
I have known Diana
Borgman for over ten years.
She was one of the
most compassionate
and caring supervisors
this city has ever had.
Now, this is a top priority case
all the way down
the line, and I'm going
to be at your
throats, all of you,
until we find out who did it.
Mr. McCabe, it
seems a priest did it.
We don't know
that for sure, do we?
A couple of neighbors
identified Monsignor Hammond
as the man they've
seen coming here three,
four times a week. There could
be a hundred reasons, Derek, okay?
Ah, Jake, look at facts
You're saying that Matt
and Diana Borgman
were lovers, right?
Look, let's just say McCabe?
(mouthing words)
Let's go, Jake.
(garbled radio transmission)
I guess you want me
to believe that Matt
planted that bug in there?
Of course not.
But it does mean someone
else knew about them.
And thank you
for the kind words.
Forgive me, J.L., this all
happened so suddenly,
and now there's so much that
requires my personal attention.
Would you like some coffee?
No. Thank you very much.
(sighs heavily)
You know, Diana was
a very special woman.
We sometimes fought over issues,
but she was always
a dear, dear friend.
Yes, I know that.
Nelson, I'm going to have to
ask you some personal questions.
If it's about an affair that
the police say my wife
was having with Monsignor
Hammond, I don't believe it.
It's just too incredible.
Then you had no idea?
Of course not.
His fingerprints were
all over the beach house
where we found her.
We have witnesses who
saw them together there.
Did you know that
she leased the house
two months before?
No, I didn't.
You know, you live with
a woman long enough,
and you, uh you think you
know her better than yourself,
and then something like this
When was the last
time you saw her?
Oh, last night.
We had dinner
together here. Alone?
There were no servants?
Diana must have dismissed
the servants for the night.
We were planning our vacation.
Decided on the South of France.
And after dinner?
After dinner, Diana
had some work to do.
I was tired, so I, uh
I took a sleeping
pill and went to bed.
The next thing I knew,
it was morning and, uh,
the police were here.
The neighbors near
the beach house
said they heard the
car just before 10:00.
You must have gone
to bed quite early.
As I said, I was very tired.
Well, I'll keep you informed
as things progress.
Now you've got to
talk to me now, okay?
You've got to tell
me what's going on?
I didn't kill her, Jake.
Matt, I know that.
I want to know what
you were doing there.
Someone called me,
asked me to come.
Uh-huh. Who?
I don't know.
What did he say?
That it was an emergency.
I should come right away.
How'd you know where to find it?
He gave me directions, Jake!
Matt, the neighbors saw
you there before last night.
They must be mistaken.
You're the world's worst liar!
Will you tell me the truth?
What was your relationship
with this woman?!
Diana Borgman
and I were friends.
I saw her on committees
and in different social
Oh, come on, Hammond,
don't play me like this!
You know what the cops think?
Let me tell you
what the cops think.
They think that
you two were lovers.
Oh, come on Jake!
That's nonsense!
Why would I want
to kill the woman?
You wanted to
break it off, she didn't.
She wanted to go public. That's
what they think. That's not true!
That is not true! All right,
then what's the truth?
Tell me what the truth is.
I am telling you.
How many times
How many times have I come
to you and spilled my guts?
You've always been there for me.
Now we don't have time
to play Twenty Questions.
I want to help you, but
you've got to help me.
Jake, there's a difference
between your coming to me
to confess something and my
confessing something to you.
There is a difference.
Jake, listen to me.
Diana Borgman
and I were friends.
She was a wonderful
woman, and now she's gone.
Please, I'm asking you,
just leave it at that.
It's not going to be that easy.
I think it's just terrible
what happened to Mrs. Borgman.
You have my deepest sympathies.
I don't want you
coming around here,
you understand me? No,
no, we have something
we have to talk about in
private. Not here and not now.
It has to do with the
job you hired me to do.
I'll be back in the office
in a couple of days.
We can talk then.
You see most
people don't realize it,
but surveillance is a
very seductive thing.
You get to know the
people you watch.
It's very intimate.
Your wife led a fascinating
life, as you know.
Adrianne, I paid you
extremely well for a service.
You did it, it's done.
It's like walking out
of a movie in the middle.
What does that mean?
I like to stay till the end.
I gave you the tapes
and the pictures,
but the affair
was still going on.
I couldn't stay away.
So, last night on my own time,
I was watching
things unfold a little,
and what do I see?
Mrs. Borgman's car
coming down your driveway.
Only she's not driving,
you are.
That's quite an
imagination you've got.
(chuckles): And I
put a tail on you.
All the way to the beach.
And you know the rest.
I look at our new
partnership in two ways.
The short-term goal is a
quarter of a million cash now.
And the long-term goal
an executive position
at the newspaper,
with a nice office, great perks,
and a long, fat contract.
I want to work very
closely with you, Nelson.
Very closely.
J.L.: Believe me
Jake, I understand
you're really good
friends, but I talked
with Father Hammond, too.
Priest or no,
that man is not
telling the truth.
He was obviously having
an affair with Diana Borgman,
but he won't admit it.
And what else won't Father
Hammond admit? J.L.,
I've known him
since we were kids.
He's the last person in the
world that would kill anybody.
You know, that's the
interesting part about this job.
Once you think you know
people, someone comes along
and throws a curveball
the size of a cow.
Speaking of curveballs
Why is it every time
he comes in and looks
like that I get worried?
Flash Diana Borgman
wasn't killed at
the beach house.
The lab guys are convinced
she was murdered someplace else.
Why? What are they basing it on?
Well, she didn't have any fibers
from the rug at the
beach house on her shoes,
indicating someone
killed Diana Borgman
then moved her body
to the beach house
where Monsignor Hammond
would obviously be blamed.
Derek, it doesn't prove
anything either way.
But it does make me want to
take a look at the other players.
I think I may have someone.
At least someone
with a the motive.
I, um,
spoke with a
member of the law firm
that represents the newspaper.
It's a lady She
owed me a favor.
Borgman will
get all of his wife's
estate, including the newspaper.
What would happen if
she had divorced him
for Father Hammond?
She would have
retained everything.
The only thing Borgman
has is an employment contract
as publisher.
Now, he controls the
whole shooting match.
I want the prints, the
tapes and the negatives.
And my contract?
As we discussed.
I'm sure it is.
I just know this
is the beginning
of a mutually
prosperous relationship.
There's no negatives.
Those negatives are
my life insurance policy.
I just paid you a quarter
of a million dollars.
I want the negatives!
Don't worry,
(doorbell ringing) they're hidden
away in my safe deposit box.
Nancy, get the door!
I've about had it
with this attitude.
Hello. Mr. McCabe, come on in.
J.L.: Thank you, Raman.
I hope we're not
interrupting anything.
No, not at all.
Hi, Adrianne, how
are you? (laughs)
Long time, Jake. Yeah.
We worked a few cases together
when I was a freelance P.I..
NELSON: J.L. McCabe,
Adrianne Conroy.
Ms. Conroy has just accepted
a position as special security
consultant with the newspaper.
Needless to say, we're
beefing up security around here.
You've got yourself
a real pro here.
Nice to see you're
working your way up.
I always try to do my best.
We came by
to update you on
the investigation.
I appreciate that.
Unfortunately, we couldn't
dig up enough evidence
to hold Father Hammond.
So, we're gonna have
to broaden the investigation.
Adrianne, um
is there anything
you can tell us
about Mrs. Borgman's murder?
No, not offhand.
I thought working
for Mr. Borgman,
you might, uh, might have seen
something that could help us.
I'm sorry, uh,
I think I'm still in shock.
I, uh, was thinking
about going over
to the beach house
and taking another look around.
Why don't you come with me?
Nelson, I think that's
one hell of an idea.
Frankly, any little bit
we can get will be helpful.
Can't think of a
better use of her time.
Come on, let's go.
(door closes)
there's something
that's bothering me.
Now, you told me Diana
dismissed the maid that night,
but she said it was you
who told her she could go.
I don't remember.
Perhaps it was Diana
who told me to let her go.
Why is that important?
Maybe it's not.
I'm just a stickler
for detail, that's all.
You can release
my wife's murderer,
and yet you bother
me with these things.
You'd be surprised how
many times a little detail,
the smallest slipup will
give away a murderer.
Well, I think
perhaps I'd better go.
Did Borgman say special
security consultant?
You must be
pulling in the dough.
Well, I'm not driving a
money machine like this.
How'd you pull that off?
I've done a lot work for
the newspaper off and on.
Oh, now you're gonna tell me
you're a big time
reporter, right.
Spare me. (laughs)
Not really.
All reporters play by
the rules too much.
Borgman needs the rules
bent every now and then.
So, you do black
bag jobs for him, right?
Oh, I've always hated that term.
Yeah, but you love the money.
The lab guys have
been all over this place.
Well, another set
of eyes can't hurt.
Remember that date
we had last Christmas?
I remember.
The worst date I
ever had in my life.
Well, I thought it had a
nightmare quality to it,
didn't you?
You're being generous.
You know, I thought
it was all your fault.
(laughing): Is that right?
Oh, yeah. And
here all this time,
I thought it was you.
Adrianne, you little devil.
Let's talk about what
you just put in your purse.
I don't know what you mean.
Dump your purse on the table.
Jake Do it.
Jake! On the table.
Come on, give it to me.
Let's see what we've got here.
It's what I thought.
We've been wondering
who had Diana Borgman
under surveillance.
When I saw you at
Borgman's today, it all clicked.
I just found that thing. Yeah,
it's amazing how
you went right to it.
Styles, I'm not doing anything
against the law.
Well, what do I know?
I'm just a cop.
Come on, let's go.
To see the Fatman. Come on.
It's a joke, Styles.
Well, McCabe's not laughing,
I'll tell you that much.
It's a waste of all our time.
You know it.
Adrianne, you want to
make it easy on yourself,
learn how to bend a little.
You've got a lot of
nerve bringing me in.
Oh, I don't think so at all.
What possible reason
could you have for holding me?
Well, tampering with evidence,
obstruction of justice,
accessory to murder,
and that's just off
the top of my head.
Who are you working
for, Ms. Conroy?
I believe who my clients
are is privileged information.
Come on, you're
not a lawyer, Conroy.
You're nothing more than
a sleazy private investigator.
There is no privilege.
You'll have to take
that up with my lawyer.
My advice is to tell me
everything you know
Now, before it's too late.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Yes, you do.
You're playing with fire.
Nelson Borgman hired you
to spy on his wife, didn't he?
Isn't it your turn to come
in and play good cop?
Hey, fellas, I know all
the games, remember?
Now, either charge me
or I'm walking out of here.
(whispers): I think you're
in way over your head.
If I were you, I'd make a deal.
You offering complete immunity?
You help us, we help you.
That's the way it works.
Look, I'm not
admitting anything.
Let me think about it.
I'll let you know.
Fair enough?
You've got 24 hours.
I'll call you.
24 hours.
(door closes)
Do you mind telling me
what you're doing here?
How did it go with Styles?
It was a setup!
He caught me trying
to tie up a loose end
at the beach house.
What loose end was that?
They know I had your
wife under surveillance.
They're trying
to tie you to that.
You didn't tell them anything?
No, I didn't tell them anything.
I stonewalled for
the time being.
I have a solution to this.
I take a trip
An extended trip.
Hmm, to say, Brazil?
You'd do that for me?
For a price.
Then a lump sum
payoff of my contract.
What about my negatives?
I told you, they're safe
in my bank deposit.
No, I don't think so, Adrianne.
I did some checking.
It seems the bank has no record
of a safe deposit
box in your name.
Strange, isn't it?
I used a different bank.
Why would you do that?
Is this what you're looking for?
I just have one more
question, Adrianne.
Where's your camera?
I just want to make
sure there's no film in it.
Where is it?
It isn't here.
(screams and groans)
Small world.
Thought that was
your car downstairs.
Ah, yes.
Um, actually,
I'm a little worried.
I had an appointment with Ms.
Conroy, and she never showed up.
She doesn't answer her phone,
or the door, for that matter.
Don't touch anything.
She's dead.
JAKE: You must have scared
him off, and he ran out here.
Damn it! I said
don't touch anything.
What was she doing with that?
I don't know.
Looks like she was
trying to blackmail him.
So he killed her.
The tragedy of the last few days
cannot be ignored.
Today, I stand before you,
before God,
as a priest in His holy church
for the last time.
(congregation murmuring)
MATTHEW: I freely
confess to you that I have
broken my vows,
and sinned against
God's commandment,
but not against my faith.
God is just and merciful,
and although I
although I cannot
fulfill my commitment
to serve His church
I will continue to serve Him.
Pray for me?
(organ plays hymn)
I saw you come in.
I'm glad you were
able to hear that.
Matt, um
there's been a problem.
Uh, I want to give you
time to call a lawyer.
For what?
I'm sorry, but I'm
I'm going to have to
arrest you for murder.
my turn to confess.
I was having an affair
with Diana Borgman.
Why did you wait till
now to tell us, Matt?
I was trying to keep her name
from being dragged
into a scandal, Jake.
There's also the
church to consider.
When was the last
time you saw her?
her that afternoon.
What happened?
Diana told me about a a woman
who was threatening
to reveal our affair.
Seems she had a picture of us.
This the one?
I don't know.
She said she tore it up.
Where did you get this?
Found it under
Adrianne Conroy's body.
What else happened at
the beach house that day?
We decided that I would
resign from the priesthood,
and Diana was going
to leave her husband.
She was going to
tell him that night.
Maybe she told
him, and he killed her.
Why are you holding me?
J.L.: Well, the police
have it figured another way.
After Diana was killed,
Conroy continued
to blackmail you,
so you went there to
get the pictures back,
and you killed her.
That's just not true.
That's not true. That
Jake, this is crazy.
I know. I know.
I haven't killed anyone.
You find anything yet?
Just this part of a negative
they found in the
enlarger over there.
They also found two empty
boxes of high-speed film.
Yeah? So what the
hell does this mean?
We only found
one empty film can.
Find the camera?
No. We looked
all over the place.
We couldn't find it. We
looked in her car, but
Film's got to be in
the camera, right?
We looked in her car,
we looked in the darkroom.
Jake, we tore this place apart.
It's just not here.
What are you looking for?
I'm looking for the, uh
I saw it here.
Did you take anything
out of the purse?
No. Why?
You're sure?
Sorry to interrupt, J.L.
This won't take a moment.
Understand you have
some, uh, new evidence.
No. Where did you hear that?
I run a newspaper, remember?
Damn it to hell.
I told that young reporter
of yours not to say anything.
Is that it?
It's a blowup of
some torn negative
we found in Conroy's apartment.
Who is it?
We believe it's Father Hammond
carrying Diana up
into the beach house.
Any other photographs?
No. This is all we've
been able to find so far.
We think he must have taken
the rest when he killed Conroy,
but we're still looking.
If we had the complete photo,
you can say good-bye
to Monsignor Hammond.
As it is, I'm this far
from nailing him anyway.
Well, I, uh, can't tell you
how relieved I'll be when
this nightmare is over.
You know one thing
I don't understand?
If Father Hammond killed
Diana somewhere else,
why would he carry the body
to a place that will
incriminate him, huh?
I don't know.
Better ask him.
Thank you, J.L., for
doing such a a fine job.
I owe it
to Diana.
(door closes)
Oh, yeah, he was
a really big guy, too.
Oh, he had a beard
and everything.
Oh, he comes up to me, you
know, and he kind of looked around.
He said, "Look, either
you're gonna buy it,
or you're gonna get out."
And he kind of laughed,
you know, like
he's intimidating me.
I'll get back to you.
Hi. Can I help you?
Yes, to pick up
a camera, please.
Pick up a camera. Okay.
Looks like, uh, we got
this one in yesterday.
Uh let's see.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This one was
jammed up pretty good.
Uh, we couldn't even
get it open, though.
I'm sorry, but I don't think
we're going to have it
ready till about Wednesday.
It's all right. That's okay.
I'd like to have the
camera now, please.
(laughs) But we
haven't fixed it yet.
It doesn't make any difference.
I'll take the camera now.
Yeah, sure.
Sure, whatever.
Okay, claim
Here we go.
There you go.
Have a nice day.
(shop bells tinkling)
Don't bother.
We took a look at that film.
There's nothing on it.
Well, then, I'll, uh,
see you around.
You might need these.
Mr. Borgman,
Adrianne had that receipt
when I took her downtown
to police headquarters.
I saw it.
From there, she
went directly home.
So, the question is,
how did you get that receipt?
Unless, before you saw me,
you were in her apartment
and you killed her.
(wry chuckle)
I want to talk to my lawyer.
You can do that downtown.
JAKE: Okay, get him out of here.
I just wanted to thank you all.
I'm glad everything worked out.
Come on, I'll walk you out.
You okay?
I'll survive.
So, what are you
going to do now?
I don't know, Jake.
I haven't made any decisions,
but, uh, there's
still plenty I can do.
You, uh, still owe me
a game of one-on-one.
(laughs) JAKE:
Oh, I wouldn't laugh.
If you think I'm going to be
easy on you, you're wrong.
I'm going to be in your face.
You win one game,
all of a sudden,
you're unbeatable?
You'd better be ready.
Oh, don't you worry
about me, buddy boy.
(elevator bell dings)
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