Lastman (2016) s01e20 Episode Script

Tu pourrais me passer la moutarde

Vaylor and Scott, aka the Undertakers.
Such a shame for the sport!
Since deaths on the ring
are considered accidental,
this duo sees this as a loophole
to murder their opponents.
This is so far removed
from the spirit of the sport.
There's a spot for you in my graveyard.
Can you pass me the mustard?
24 hours earlier.
Come on, people!
Give me your money!
Bets are off soon.
Just give me your dough!
Don't look at me like that!
I'm not dead! I'm not dead!
Hey, will you stop being a pussy?
I'll play your turn, OK?
Your turn. My turn.
Your turn. My turn.
Your turn. My turn.
Your turn.
See that? It's easy.
Is it money you want?
I can earn lots of it.
I can get you as much as you want!
For once, your power
won't be used for gambling.
It's never a gamble with me.
Let me go,
and both of us will make
You have a major gambling problem.
You should see this
as an opportunity to take a break.
Your hook!
Your hook Duke! That's a shit hook!
OK, time for a break!
Duke, focus. Richard,
what's with the hand wraps?
I lost one, I don't know where it is.
Does it matter if they don't match?
It's not allowed, dumb-ass.
Is this funny to you,
You've been plateauing,
and that's sad.
Let's get back to it. Focus!
And if you don't belong here,
get out!
Duke, wake up!
Get your head in it.
That's better, Richard. Keep it up!
There you go.
Keep pounding!
Yeah! That's it!
Yeah, right there!
Harder! Oh!
- Are you thinking about the fight?
- No.
We shouldn't have done this.
I don't want to fuck up.
Try to survive tomorrow's fight.
Hi, it's Tallulah,
leave me a message
and I'll call you back.
Vaylor and Scott,
the Undertakers.
Such a shame for the sport!
Since deaths on the ring
are considered accidental,
this duo sees this as a loophole
to murder their opponents.
This is so far removed
from the spirit of the sport.
There's a spot for you
in my graveyard.
Not a bruise
Not a single bruise
Oh my!
Aldana and Diamond get the victory
due to an incident at the first arena.
My arm! I can't find my arm!
It's kind of a lucky break.
Nice work, Prezic!
You were really helpful
to one of my friends.
Here you go. You need it.
You'll be here for a while.
I'd like to keep my lucky streak going.
That's much better! That's it!
Nice one! Jab!
Excellent, Diamond! Keep going!
Your turn, Richard!
Aldana, you son of a bitch!
You're the one who should've died!
Don't move, asshole!
To Richard and Duke
going to the quarter finals!
Hello sir! Would you like
to buy lottery tickets?
Richard? Are you OK?
It's weird.
I keep winning those scratchers.
I can't believe my luck.
They must've messed up at the printer's.
And that's another 100 Dolls!
Wait, no!
I lost!
It was too good to be true.
You lost?
Listen to me, Richard!
Lock yourself in and don't get out.
You hear me?
Don't touch anything,
don't talk to anyone!
This picture raises many questions
about Richard Aldana's private life.
Your match has been rescheduled!
- What?
- It starts in two hours!
Hurry up!
Duke's already waiting for us.
What's this now?
Do you have anything to say?
Did Richard ever act inappropriately
with other kids?
What? Are you out of your mind?
You're completely
He's a cheater, pervert and pedophile
Why did they release Aldana
from jail again!
The fight is about to start.
It can't be easy for him to focus.
- Come on, Richard!
- Punch him!
there's a Kinglet in the arena.
Tell me exactly where he is.
Richard's in danger.
Near the north gate.
He's watching the fight.
Can you pass me the mustard,
Oh shit! I messed up!
Your turn!
Hey, I'm over here!
To be continued
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