Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e20 Episode Script

The Power Within

[intense ominous music]
It works!
[lightning crackling]
Come on!
Beatrix got
her MergeQuake weapon online?
She's gonna destroy us all.
[gasps happily]
The Empress has such
incredible flare
for the dramatic!
You're gonna be destroyed too,
you washed-up clown!
Oh. It appears I did not think
this whole thing through.
It's not over yet, Rapton.
Yeah, not sure
what you know about Ninja,
but we never quit.
[tense music]
[lightning crackling]
Empress, you don't want
to do this!
[Zane] If you continue to use
that weapon,
you will push the MergeQuakes
to the tipping point.
It'll create
an unstoppable MergeQuake storm
that will destroy
all of reality!
Lies! You just want
my power for yourselves!
But my destruction of you Ninja
will be legendary!
-[power whooshing]
-[Nya grunts]
And all you traitors
to your Empress,
you are no better
than the Ninja!
No one will rule this kingdom
but me!
And I will destroy everyone
who stands in my way!
-[Lloyd] Move!
Behold my true power!
[maniacal laughter]
[citizens screaming]
The Empress has lost it!
[woman screaming]
[woman] She's the real traitor!
[citizens screaming in panic]
[Kai] Beatrix has really
gone off the deep end!
What do we do?
[Beatrix laughing manically]
What we do best.
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[lightning crackling]
[intense battle music]
[power whooshing]
[Zane grunts]
[Arin grunts]
[Wyldfyre] Eat flames!
[gasps, yelps]
Wyldfyre! No!
[rapid blasting]
-[Kai grunts]
Her fate will be all of yours!
Blasted out of existence!
[Lloyd] We gotta get
that weapon from her!
I got this!
[Arin screams]
Never thought I'd say this,
but thank you, dragons!
Come on!
It's safer in the bunker!
[metal creaking]
[grunts, yelps]
I cannot determine how to get
in her proximity to disarm her.
We don't have to
get close to her!
I just need a burst
of Elemental Power from Riyu,
and I can dismantle
her weapon from here.
[soft screech]
Let's do our thing!
[Beatrix laughing manically]
No! Not Riyu!
[power crackling]
[suspenseful music]
You finally figured out
how to do object spinjitzu?
I'm not sure.
I just know after losing
Wyldfyre and Riyu,
I couldn't lose
someone else I really love.
[grunts angrily]
[furious scream]
She is pushing us dangerously close
to the tipping point.
[lightning crackling]
[alarm blaring]
[Ras grunts]
[energy crackling, blasting]
[Kai] This is for Wyldfyre.
Eat flames!
[yelps, grunts]
[furious scream]
[Kai yelps]
Kai! No!
Come on, let's take her down
like a dragon!
Since when are you
on our side?
The world ending can change
a man's attitude, young lady.
There's no way
to get close to her!
Yeah. That's why I called in
something that might help.
Remote autopilot.
This is why you're the leader.
[intense battle music]
-[Nya and Rapton yelping]
[Rapton screams]
[Beatrix groans]
[Arin screams]
[groans, screams]
Ana! Ana!
Mom? Dad?
You see now
I was right about Imperium?
You have to get to safety!
This is too dangerous!
No, you need to come with us!
What? I-I I can't!
I have to help stop the Empress!
She's going to destroy everything!
No, you need to trust the Empress!
She wouldn't do any of this
without a reason!
Didn't you see the video?
The "reason" is that she's evil!
That video has to be fake!
Our Good Empress
would never do those things!
We've missed you, Ana!
Don't abandon us again!
-[Beatrix battle cries]
[soft emotional music]
I didn't abandon you,
you abandoned me!
I thought I had
to prove myself to you,
but you should never
have to prove your worth
to your own parents.
You're young and naïve, Ana!
Just come back to your family!
I have a new family now!
One that loves me
for who I really am!
[intense battle music]
Eject! Eject!
[Arin and Lloyd yelping]
[both grunt]
This ends now, Ninja!
[energy crackling]
[intense momentous music]
What's going on?
Ana? You have Elemental Powers?
I do.
And my name
is Sora!
[power whooshing]
You will never stop
-[Beatrix screams]
That's for Riyu.
You did it.
I knew the Elemental Power
was yours this whole time.
You were right.
I thought I needed Riyu.
[sobs softly]
That little dragon was a hero.
[Zane] I don't mean to interrupt,
but the Empress has caused us
to reach the tipping point.
The world-destroying
MergeQuake storm
is already begun.
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
-[storm rumbling]
[rifts rumbling]
[lightning crackling]
-[Ninja grunts]
-[dragons roar]
[Arin grunts]
The Crossroads!
My home is
being ripped apart, again!
We know how to stop this.
We have two
Dragon Energy Cores with us,
we just need
[groans in effort]
[engine failing]
[intense suspenseful music]
[groans in effort]
Your arrival is unwise!
Why are you not flying
on your dragon?
'Cause she's a little bit occupied.
[power surging]
[Arin] Did you know
Zanth could do that?
[Sora] Nope!
Looks like the hero dragon
of Djinjago has hidden talents!
[Zanth growls]
[all grunting]
[engine whirring]
[heroic music]
Never forget Lobbo!
I got your back, Lobbo!
[car screeching]
The ice Ninja Zane?
Are the Ninja really back?
[scared barking]
Who's a good boy?
[rift cracking]
Mom? Dad?
The Spirit of the Temple said
we need to unite all three Cores,
but the third one's back
at the Monastery,
there's no time to get it here!
It is already on the way.
[Mr. Frohicky screaming]
[Mr. Frohicky] I am not prepared
to drive in these conditions!
Look out!
[Mr. Frohicky screaming]
Did I bring the thing
to the place?
-[Lloyd] Yep.
Still the best Assistant Keeper
of the Monastery ever.
[sighs in relief]
All three! Great! Now what?
Just put them together, maybe?
Ugh! Why didn't they come
with an instruction manual?
Like all things
involving Source Dragons,
the details we have
are stunningly vague.
The Source Dragon
-That's it!
-[rumbling in background]
Lloyd, you're the Conduit!
If these Cores were made
with the Source Dragons' power,
then you might be able
to process their power.
We don't know
what that would do to Lloyd!
[suspenseful music]
[lightning crackling]
I have to give it a try.
If it's the last thing
I ever do.
[Lloyd exhales deeply]
[deep breathing]
[groans in concentration]
I There's too much chaos,
I can't focus.
I can't do this.
If you were me or Sora,
what would you tell us?
Ninja never quit.
[Master Wu] When there is
no calm outside of you,
you must find the calm
inside of you.
[momentous music]
[power blasting]
[power whooshing]
[hopeful music]
What happened?
You saved the world.
[Lloyd groaning]
[Arin and Sora] Riyu!
Uh, where's my hug?
[Wyldfyre grunts]
-[Kai chuckles]
-I'm good at dragon hugs.
What happened?
I thought we were goners!
The Ninja saved us!
It's true, they're really back!
[crowd exclaiming happily]
Do we take these things
back to the Temple now?
No. I have a better idea.
[dramatic music]
[elevator whooshing]
[Source Dragon] The Conduit.
Why have you returned?
To set you free.
[Source Dragon]
Your intention is noble,
but freeing me could destabilize
the very cosmos.
That was before I had these.
They were made
from Source Dragon Energy.
They stabilized the MergeQuakes.
So I think they could stabilize
the after-effects of your release too.
[Source Dragon]
Gifts from my kind
to the first spinjitzu master.
Do you not know
what you could do
with the power
contained in those items?
I'm not sure I really understand
what they are.
[Source Dragon]
As all elemental powers
come from my kind,
you hold in your hands
their condensed power.
[Lloyd] Elemental Powers
come from you?
[Source Dragon] Of course.
I am one of the seven
Source Dragons.
Where did you think
Elemental Powers came from?
Yet you wish to sacrifice
such power to free me,
a being you do not know?
It's the right thing to do.
[Source Dragon]
Perhaps he was right about you.
Who was right?
[Source Dragon] This dragon
with you, who is it?
Oh, this is our friend, Riyu.
I told him I was coming here,
and he seemed excited
to meet you.
[Source Dragon] You are
a very special creature.
I have come to a decision.
I accept your sacrifice,
[momentous music]
[power whooshing]
Perhaps we will meet again
before the end of this cycle.
[bright music]
[soft screech]
[groans in effort]
Hold up, Riyu!
I know you're just trying
to help me with a little boost,
but I need to train
to do this myself now.
I figured out what was
holding me back
from my true potential.
Some part of my mind thought
if my own parents didn't think
I was worthy,
then I must not be.
Thanks, but now that I know
what the problem is,
I'm trying to work through it.
If I hit my true potential once,
I know I can do it again.
Great throw, Arin.
Sure, if I was just
trying to hit the melons.
But I'm trying to give
what I throw spinjitzu power.
And you don't have the same
panicked emotions you had earlier?
What good is a power
if I can only use it
when I'm terrified?
Ninja aren't supposed
to be scared.
That's not true.
It's natural to be afraid
for the people you love.
You lost a lot in the Merge.
It'd be strange if you weren't worried
about being left alone again.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Don't fight how you feel.
Try to use those feelings
for something positive.
Ninja never quit.
Ha! Can you top that?
Does a swamp dragon love moss?
Okay, that was
undeniably awesome,
but now let's talk precision.
What's pre-cis-ion mean?
That I'm perfect and have
nothing left to learn?
No. It means
with time and practice,
you'll get even more awesome
than you already are.
Hold on a second.
The cans I hit burned to ash,
but yours melted.
Does that mean
I get more points?
No. But it might mean
that maybe we don't have
the exact same powers.
-[oven dinging]
-[gasps, squeals]
They're done! All right!
[Nya] And Cole said
the earth was "screaming."
And then, Master Wu's ghost
called to him.
That makes three of us
who have had
ghostly communications
from Master Wu.
We might have stabilized
this new world,
but I have a feeling
we're only beginning
to unravel the secrets
that it holds for us.
Do I hear "celebration pies"?
[both gasp]
[Nya hums excitedly]
-Oh, yay! Yay, yay, yay!
-Here you go.
[Kai] Oh, they smell so good!
[overlapping chatter]
[Sora] You've really outdone
yourself this time, Arin.
[bright hopeful music]
[Percival] Everyone will get
a voice in New Imperium.
Let's figure this out
as a group,
the way the Ninja do.
If we learned anything
from Sora,
formerly Ana of Imperium,
it's that positive change
is possible.
You're nothing
but a failure, Jordana.
You'll never be as good
as that cursed Ana.
[Ras] No. You'll be better.
Everyone tried to drain
that Source Dragon.
Only you succeeded.
My work set off a chain reaction,
almost ending the world.
Your work was perfect.
It was the Ninja that ruined it.
But do not worry,
my master has more plans.
Ha! What plans?
The Empress disappeared!
Just like I plan to.
Beatrix was not my master.
She was only a tool.
I thought I could use her technology
to find other Source Dragons,
but she proved unreliable.
However, there are other ways
to achieve our goals.
I've spoken to my true Master
about you, Jordana.
True Master?
You are the only one
in the kingdom
who has shown real ability
to aid in my Master's plan.
The raw Source Dragon Energy
you drained,
did you hold any in reserve?
With that raw energy,
we can unlock forbidden secrets.
Dark powers the world
has not seen in centuries.
And no one, not even the Ninja,
will have a chance
of stopping us.
Are you coming?
[suspenseful outro music]
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