Rita Rocks (2008) s01e20 Episode Script

We Can Work It Out

Hey, baby.
Hey, sweetie.
Ooh Steak for dinner.
Has someone finally learned how to treat her trophy husband? (laughing) We are having dinner with a very important employee from Bed & Bath Max tonight.
It's a special occasion.
No offense, honey, but having spent time with those people, I'm sure I don't want to spend time with those people.
No, trust me.
There is one person that you enjoy talking to.
In fact, you may even want her to stay for dessert.
Danielle from Kitchenwares? No.
No, not Danielle from Kitchenwares.
Me, honey! Me, me.
I got offered a promotion at work today.
To store manager.
Oh, my God, that's fantastic! Thank you! They called me into the office today and I thought I was being laid off, like they did to two other people this week.
So, I had my whole, "You know where you can stick it," speech ready, which I quickly amended to, "You people are like family to me.
" Huh.
Yeah, I mean, there's nothing like money to make you sit on what you really think.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
So, they need to know by tomorrow morning.
Do you think I should take it? Do you want to take it? Well, yeah, I mean, it's a great opportunity.
You know how I always say, you know, "I can't believe that idiot got that job.
" I could be that idiot.
Honey, you know what? No one deserves to be that idiot more than you.
Thank you, sweetie.
It's good to hear you say that, too, because it would mean going from part-time to full-time, which would mean a lot of adjustments around here.
It's all right.
It's all right, 'cause we will all pick up the slack and work really hard.
Girls! Get back in here.
We heard the words "work" and "hard," and we're just not into that.
What you didn't hear is that your mother got offered a promotion, and if she takes it, you can add the name "store manager" to the list of all the other charming names you call me.
If we're going to be rich, can I have a pony? Or-- and this is going a different direction-- we could pay bills.
So, now you're my boss at home and at work? Why don't you get a job teaching at my school and ruin my whole life? See, honey, now you've gone and blown your birthday surprise.
Girls, girls.
Come on.
You're being selfish.
Lay off your mother, so she can concentrate on my steak.
Where are we on that, by the way? Okay, well, I guess it is official.
I am going to be the new store manager of Bed & Bath Max.
Only 738 people in the country can say that.
Well, 740, if you count Puerto Rico and Guam.
RITA ROCKS PRODUCTIONS, LLC Leslie, I need you to price those silverware trays ASAP.
Kevin, I need you to help a customer with a mattress pad.
Okay, why is it taking you two hours to do a bath ensemble display? Rita, I am an artist.
I need fresh.
I need surprise.
I need pow! If you need a paycheck, I'd match the soap dispenser to the trash can and get a move on.
Look at you.
First week in management and suddenly you're Evita.
I'm sorry, what was that? You want to do inventory all weekend? I'm sorry.
I couldn't hear.
What was it? Come again? Have I mentioned how much I love your hair? Hmm Thank you.
I love being on the receiving end of a good suck up.
Hey, Mom, I'm done with my shift.
See you at home.
Is there anything I need to know? No, there was just an accident in the diaper station in the ladies' room.
So gross.
And Linda went home early because she had a weepy eye from the down pillows.
So gross.
Oh, then, sweetie, I'm going to need you to stay another hour and cover her register.
Oh, but, Mom Honey, I'm not going to give you special treatment just 'cause you're my daughter.
But I'm supposed to pick up Shannon for you.
Drive safe.
WOMAN: Say, who's the manager around here?! I am? Yes, you are, girl.
Look at you! All managerial with your clipboard and your flame-retardant jacket.
So cute.
Aren't I? I'm telling you, carry this thing around, people listen to you.
College degree costs $100,000.
Clipboard, $4.
Same effect.
Okay, listen.
Get ready for your day to be made.
Our band just got a spot in the downtown music festival.
No way.
The coordinator liked our demo? And the discreet-yet- revealing blouse I wore when I dropped it off.
The purple top? That thing is magic.
I know.
Right? Anyway.
Band practice tomorrow at 5:00.
Oh, I can't do 5:00, actually.
I got to close out.
So what? Pretend you're sick and leave early.
Yeah, but then I'd have to report myself to myself and that would just be awkward for both of us.
Okay, what about tonight? Oh, I can't.
I got a managerial seminar, which is just ridiculous.
I mean, I'm a mom.
I already know how to give orders and have nobody listen to me.
Rita, we got to practice.
We're not naturally talented enough to just show up and nail it.
Well, one of us is, but the rest of you really need to work on it.
All right, all right.
Maybe I could switch things around.
Maybe I can get Bob to close out and put Carol in his section.
No, she just got out of anger counseling.
I don't want to put her in Cutlery.
Ooh, anger counseling.
Yeah, those things are mandatory.
So I've heard.
(clears throat) Bye.
Ooh, Kevin, Kevin.
How do you feel about doing a double shift tomorrow? Same way I felt about doing my prom date, but I'll go through the motions.
Okay, guys.
For this festival gig, I think we need a signature bow.
Okay, all right? How about this? All right, all right? We're finished with our set.
Right? Everyone's applauding.
Clap, clap, clap.
Then I do this.
(imitates gun firing) Let's just try it, okay? All right, clap, clap, clap.
Then (imitates gun firing) Okay, a little feedback.
I can appreciate that.
How about we practice some new songs before we practice bowing? She's right.
Bowing is not the priority.
What are we going to wear? Hey, guys.
Sorry I'm late.
I got stuck on a toilet seat conference call.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We all know you're a big, fancy executive now.
Yeah, yeah, the glamour never ends.
Today I got the key to the corporate jet.
Oh, no, wait, that was the key to the supply closet.
Also known as my office.
Guys, I think before we get started, we should discuss our new rehearsal schedule.
I figure, a couple of hours three nights a week, for the next two weeks.
Three nights a week? Really? Oh, yeah.
You're right.
We're not that good.
Four nights a week.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I barely had enough time for this rehearsal.
I I-I know, Rita.
I get it.
But for a band like ours, this is kind of a big deal, and we really need to bring it.
No, you're right.
You're right, you're right, you're right.
I can do this.
You know, I can make, you know, the work thing, the kids, you know, the rehearsal thing-- I can make it all work.
I just need to rearrange a few things, like how long it takes the Earth to spin around.
Okay, so, real quick, remind me again what song we're working on.
"We Got the Beat.
" We stopped practice at 6:02 last Thursday, having successfully completed the bridge after the second chorus.
I've always considered myself band secretary.
Since nobody else wants that job and there's no such thing, it's all yours.
Hit it, Kip.
Five, six Five, six (phone rings) Sorry, guys.
I am not going to get it.
I'm just going to get it-- it's work.
I'm so sorry.
Hi, it's Rita.
What? Oh, you're kidding me.
No, no, I'll be right there.
Guys, I am so sorry.
The alarm is going off and I am the only one with the reset code.
Apparently, without me, the entire dust ruffle industry would come to a screeching halt.
(clearing throat) Practice was abruptly adjourned at 6:36 p.
, signed Owen Delgado Jr.
, band secretary.
Okay, got to get to work.
Everything under control? Yep, girls have been woken.
Backpacks have been packed and lunches bagged.
Did you walk the dog? No.
But messes have been cleaned up, so you wouldn't have known if you hadn't asked.
Works for me.
Honey! A protein bar and a juice box for lunch? You might as well send them to school with a Starbuck's card and a pack of smokes.
What are you talking about? It's complete nutrition, all wrapped into one bar.
Now, with 30% more calcium.
And 90% less effort.
All right.
I'm ready to go to school.
Honey, what are you doing dressed in your karate gear? Daddy said I could.
Jay! Yeah, she's got karate after school, right? So why should she have to come all the way back home to get changed? It's more efficient this way.
What if she spills something on it, gets it dirty? Hence the protein bar.
No spillage.
Do you not see the master plan here? Honey, go change into your regular clothes.
Told you, Daddy.
Jay! What? Honey, I was doing all this to save you a little extra time.
Look, you got to realize, just because things aren't done your way, doesn't mean it isn't right.
You're going to have to realize that's exactly what it means.
Why are you guys dressed for work? Honey, it's a school day.
What? Dad, you were supposed to wake me up! I did, an hour ago.
You only woke her once? She's a teenager.
Her natural state is hibernation, like a bear.
Now I have to choose between my hair routine and my face routine.
This is a catastrophe on so many levels.
Jay! What was I supposed to do? You have to poke her every five minutes until she wakes up or yank her out of bed.
You do that every morning? Yes, in addition to making real lunches and real breakfasts and not sending Shannon off to school dressed like she's going to fight ninjas.
All right, all right, look, honey, if we're gonna make this work, you're gonna have to cut me some slack, okay? The world isn't gonna come to an end if everything isn't perfect.
Okay, you're right, you're right.
If you're gonna step up, I have to learn to step back.
All right.
I got this.
It is covered.
All right.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm gonna need some bread, some lunchmeat, some mayonnaise! Move, move, move, move, move! (plucking chords) Oh Huh? (laughs) Are you impressed? Look who's on time for the rehearsal for the festival, and I bought you all donuts.
Ooh! Well, not bought it.
Stole them from the break room, but enjoy.
Way to stick it to the man.
Even though now you are the man.
So, clap, clap, clap, I sink to one knee, point to my Creator, and you release the balloons.
(laughs) No one's gonna forget that.
No one's ever gonna remember it because they're never gonna see it.
Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.
All right, all right, I know I've missed a few rehearsals.
No need to be snarky about it.
No, I mean, seriously, look what a cat dragged in.
I think it's still twitching.
Oh, it's just one of the dog toys.
All right, I'm just glad we're all finally here, so let's nail down this sucker.
All right, let's do this.
All right.
(guitar playing off-key) Wow, that that sounded horrible.
(laughing): You guys were way off.
We? No, uh, three on, one off.
We changed the key.
When? (clears throat) Three days ago at 5:07 p.
You know, if you're not gonna make it to rehearsal, the least you could do is read the minutes.
All right, relax, Madam Secretary.
I can learn the new key before the festival.
Rita, it's not just this song.
We have to learn three more in a week and a half.
Why can't we just play our old songs? Because this is the song list that they approved.
Again, if you read the minutes I don't think we're ready.
Maybe we should just play the next festival.
Next festival? I have, like, 150 Facebook friends coming, three of which I actually know.
so I invited everyone I used to work with to show them how I reinvented myself.
Oh, by the way, you're all gonna have to help me get into some leather pants.
Rita, Rita, we can't pass this up.
We didn't form this band just to play for each other.
I don't know.
Kind of thought we did.
Okay, maybe it started out that way, but then we started getting gigs.
This gig could lead to others, but we're not gonna get any of them if you're not here to practice.
Yeah, we worked really hard on this.
And I don't work hard on anything.
Guys, I I totally get it, you know? This band means the world to me.
I mean, practicing with you guys is like the highlight of my week.
It's just with the new job, I just don't have any more time for rehearsal.
Okay, I don't-I don't mean to pressure you or anything, but where does that leave us? I don't know.
Let the record show everyone registered sadness.
(sighs heavily) (clears throat loudly) (yawns loudly) What?! Oh, this restless legs.
Sorry-sorry I woke you.
That's okay, as long as Salma Hayek is waiting for me when I go back to sleep.
Now that you're awake, quite by accident, something I want to talk to you about.
Do you want do you want something to help you sleep? No, no, I'm not in the mood for your high school football story.
Okay, you're being mean, so this must be serious.
Oh, you know me so well.
I'm just, I'm confused what to do about the band.
You know, Patty, Kip, Owen-- they all want the band to be something more than just us playing in our garage, which I do, too, but with my new job, I honestly don't know how.
Well, have you thought about going back to work part-time? I like my new job as manager.
I'm good at it, you know? Plus, with no college degree, I don't know how many opportunities like this I'm gonna get.
Okay, so what are you gonna do? I don't know.
I Maybe I should just give up the band.
Seriously? Honey, you love that band.
I know, but I can't keep asking them to work around my schedule.
It's not fair.
And I can't ask any more of you.
You've been so great.
So that that's it? You just you've made up your mind? I guess.
I mean I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's over.
I'm sorry You know, I wish there was something I could do.
Well, maybe there is.
I could use a little more shut-eye.
Tell me your football story.
That-that-that story is very exciting.
(sighs) It was a cold Saturday morning Mm 30 seconds left on the clock.
We're down by two on the Panther's three-yard line.
Looking at me was the meanest, meanest linebacker I'd ever seen in my life.
(whispers): So I get the snap Hup! Good, huh? Hup! All right, all right.
Here we go, here we go.
Big time, big time.
Wonder when that is coming down.
Good Morning, Mom.
All right, what is going on? Not that I'm complaining.
Don't stop.
Please, don't stop, but what is going on? Well, I was thinking about the conversation we had the other night about how you're so overwhelmed, so me and the girls spent the last two days perfecting the new and improved morning routine.
Now with a hundred percent more effort.
And we're real happy to do it.
How much are you paying them? The amount's not important.
Look at this.
Real lunches, real breakfasts, the kids are awake, properly dressed.
Just like the families in commercials.
I always wanted one of those! Gosh, I've got, like an extra hour.
I could I could what I could go to the gym and work out or I could take this plate of bacon back up to my room.
Yeah, that's what I'll do.
No, no, no, not so fast.
There's someplace more important you have to be.
I knew it.
That's what this is about.
I'm being wife-swapped! Not-not-not exactly, no.
Hey, hey.
They're here.
Huh? Honey, I'm not a machine.
(coughs) Oh, hi.
What are you guys doing? We're here for rehearsal.
What? Now? We had a little talk with Jay.
And we are not gonna let you give up on your dream, even if you think you have no other choice.
That's right.
This is just not a band without you.
And it's not just because this is your garage.
And we are gonna help you get your groove back, even if it means us coming here every morning and jamming in our jammies.
So, wait, you guys don't mind getting up this early? Nah.
I figure I'll have plenty of time to sleep in school.
Besides Jay promised us bacon.
Guys, I don't know what to say.
You guys are so awesome.
I know this is a huge sacrifice.
I appreciate it so much.
If you did, you'd appreciate that emotional moments make me uncomfortable.
Okay, I just One more thing.
I just I want to say you're my best friend.
I love you, love you, love you, love you! You said that kinda fast, so I'm gonna have to paraphrase you in the minutes.
Should we, like, group hug or something? No, let's just play the song.
("We Got The Beat" playing) See the people walking down the street Fall in line, just watching all their feet They don't know where they want to go But they're walking in time They got the beat They got the beat They got the beat Yeah They got the beat We got the beat We got the beat We got the beat Everybody, get on your feet We got the beat We know you can dance to the beat We got the beat Jump back Get down Round and round and round We got the beat Ah We got the beat We got the beat Whoo, whoo, whoo We got the beat We got the beat Whoo Yeah, we got the beat We got the beat We got the beat We got the beat We got it, we got it Yeah, we got the beat We got the beat Yeah, we got the beat.
We got the beat.
Captioned by Media
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