Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e20 Episode Script

Shinko Ryu's Revived! Show of Evil, Ultimate Killing Technique!

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Mr. Yutaro!
Revival of the Shinko style
Show of Evil, Ultimate Killing Technique!
Kill him!
I saw it with my own eyes
the reason he became a legend
However, the tides are
rather fast around here
Even he cannot return alive.
Farewell, Battousai.
Dear Ken still isn't back?
If only I had gone with Kenshin earlier
Dear Ken?
I'm back
What happened?
Miss Megumi
take care of Mr. Yutaro
This boy has a high fever
He almost drowned.
I managed to get the
water out of him, but
He won't wake up, that he will not
All right, leave it to me!
What happened?
You're soaked!
I'm all right
I'm sorry I made all of you worry.
What the hell happened?
Someone of your
caliber in this condition
No matter what happens, I will protect
Mr. Yutaro and Miss Kaoru, that I will
You always worry about others
You always risk your life for others
Kenshin, you idiot
Our battle against the
government draws near.
When it happens, this
mansion will become our castle.
What in the world is in the works?
Who are all of these people?
Everything is Lord Raijuta's
doing, and Lord Yutaro has allowed it.
There is no need to worry.
H-However, where has
our young master gone?
Please tell us!
Isn't there something strange going on?
You're all too noisy
Young Master is safe
Distance yourself from
this mansion for a while.
Mr. Himura will save us.
All right, Yutaro
Swordsmanship is
making the choice
between killing
and being killed.
Now, you are one of my students.
You are no longer a child
Rumors about the Shinko Style
started immediately after the revolution.
Since then, the Meiji government
has kept an eye out for them.
But that's pretty reckless
Swordsmen trying to create a kingdom
with only their killing techniques
The feelings of former warriors
who cannot throw away their swords
I can understand some of
what they are going through.
However, this battle full of bloodshed
I must return and try to
convince them to stop, at any cost!
What are you talking
about, with a wound like that?
Yeah, and do you think they would
listen even if you talked to them?
One fault that you have
is that you try to put
everything on your own shoulders!
I don't want you to
forget that I'm beside you.
I'm here, too!
Don't laugh!
Everyone, these are hot-spring
pastries, a specialty of this area.
Please, try them.
Oh, pastries!
I'll have some!
Where are Miss
Megumi, Ayame, and Suzume?
They all went to gather medicinal herbs.
That's what happens when you
put so many in your mouth at once.
Young Master!
You're awake!
He doesn't look so pale anymore.
Is this your house?
Under these circumstances, I
would like you to stay here for a while.
It looks like you saved me
But, I'm going to go
back to Instructor Raijuta!
Wait, you blockheaded fool!
What was that?
Although I would love to kick you out
Kenshin said that he will
never let you go back to Raijuta!
A wooden sword is only a toy!
Instructor Raijuta told me!
Only a real Japanese
sword can heighten one's spirit!
Instructor Raijuta, eh?
He is an ideal man!
Get out of my way!
No way!
If you want to go, you
have to defeat me first!
With that Japanese sword!
All right!
It's a duel!
Young master!
I'm going to be serious!
You don't care if you die?
Come on!
Young Master!
I guess the only thing
Raijuta taught you is how to lose!
Shut up!
I'm not done yet!
Don't sneak away on us!
If you want to go, you have to
defeat me first, fair and square!
Got that?
I haven't really lost yet
You lost.
Well, they say that when a
man loses it's a part of growing up.
Don't touch me!
That wasn't just bad luck.
It looks like Raijuta didn't even give
Mr. Yutaro one lesson, that it does
How did you know that?
Hey, would you like some lessons?
Some lessons in the
Kamiya Kasshin Style, that is!
Kasshin Style?
Watching you just
makes me itch to teach!
So proud and honest
Your eyes tell me you'll commit to
swordsmanship with all your heart.
With your lessons
will I become stronger?
You will become stronger.
I'm sure of it
All right!
Give me lessons!
I'll be able to beat
him within three days!
Are you serious?
Nothing beats a bath!
I won't run away!
I will defeat you!
I will leave this house
with my head high!
L-I just showed myself to him
Start swing practice!
This is easy!
How is this?
Oh, that was not good at all!
What was wrong with it?
Listen up.
Kamiya Kasshin is a sword
style that protects people.
A sword
that protects people?
The desire to protect your
loved ones becomes power.
My loved ones
It's no good to just get angry
and swing with all your strength.
Got that?
Try it.
I will
become stronger!
Yes, that's it!
Oh, he's doing pretty well.
Pretty well doesn't cover it.
He has quite a bit of
potential as a swordsman.
You're breathing is
different than before.
Ready, go!
Thanks, I've had enough!
He's much better than I had expected
Kamiya Kasshin Style, huh?
I didn't think
I didn't think it would feel this good!
I've never felt this before!
and that is the sum of my plans!
The strongest men in the world
It is now time to regain
pride that has been lost!
Only our swords will make us immortal!
Stand up!
You are the elite!
Fight and win!
The kingdom of our ambition!
Hey, breakfast!
I'll eat, too!
The one I caught is
the biggest one after all!
Brother Yuta's is the biggest.
You're kidding!
What's wrong?
I was thinking it was pretty rowdy
It's different from my mansion.
But, something like this
might be good once in a while.
Brother Yuta, your fish is done!
Here you go.
What's wrong?
It's not poisoned or anything.
I've never caught and
cooked my own fish before.
The same goes for splitting
wood or cleaning the floor
or watching someone
eat with no manners at all
Are you trying to pick a fight?
It's been stuck in my head for a while.
I'll say it now
If you weren't there, Kenshin
I would be dead by now.
And I wouldn't have
gotten lessons from Miss Kaoru.
thank you.
I've decided that
your courage, Kenshin
will become a part
of my swordsmanship!
Don't you think Kenshin is
much better than Raijuta after all?
That's different.
Instructor Raijuta trusts me.
He even made me a
member of the Shinko School.
I will become stronger, and repay him!
Damn, I should have
brought the wooden sword.
After all, I'm
challenging Yahiko again tomorrow!
Let's go get it, Brother Yuta!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Yahiko, you're not going
to come keep an eye on me?
You go get it if you want to.
I might run off, you know.
You're not the kind of
guy to break a promise.
You won't sneak
away before you defeat me.
Let's go!
He's a good kid
I agree, that I do.
I just pray that Raijuta realizes
how wonderful a student he is
from the bottom of my heart.
Hurry, hurry!
Hurry, hurry!
Oh, Mister!
Excuse me, I am
Muraki, the chief of police.
I came here from Tokyo upon hearing
that Mr. Himura is here right now.
Kenshin is still at the river.
And you?
Are you a member of this household?
No, I live near here.
I'm Yutaro Tsukayama.
Then it's you
from that mansion
that's in the middle of it all
You escaped the
commotion and came here
What are you talking about?
Did something happen to my mansion?
Please, tell me!
What, the army?
They seem to have
caught on to our activities.
Someone claims they saw squads of
gunmen gathering one after another
Shit, it's earlier than we planned!
I'm fine with it!
Greet them well!
Blow them apart!
Show them our strength!
Show them that
trained swordsmanship
is stronger than their weapons!
It is finally the
beginning of our kingdom!
A special army squadron is
attacking the Shinko School members?
This is top-secret information
that we can't leak to the press.
You know that the government
has been keeping an eye on
the Shinko School, right?
It has been decided that we will
finish them here, once and for all.
Is Lord Yamagata of the same opinion?
He heard that you, Mr. Himura, had
made contact with the Shinko School.
He eagerly awaits your opinion
that is why I am here.
Opposing them with brute
force will only stimulate them
and there will definitely
be unnecessary bloodshed!
Kenshin, it's an emergency!
We can't find Yutaro anywhere.
Did you tell Mr. Yutaro something?
Uh, um, it's not that
I told him everything
What's wrong, Kenshin?
Can it be that
No doubt about it.
He went back to the
mansion, that he did.
You can't come through here!
This is an order from the government!
Did something happen at
the Tsukayama mansion?
You don't need to know.
We have evacuated all
the inhabitants in this area!
All right!
Instructor Raijuta
Have you tasted enough of
the Shinko Style's strength?
the strength of the sword?
Don't falter!
Get ready to fire!
Guns won't do any good!
Not against this attack, the Izuna.
All of this fighting
Stop it!
We will switch to
bombardment from the outside!
Carry out the injured!
Request more units!
Please tell me
what's going on
Instructor Raijuta!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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