The Assassins (2024) s01e20 Episode Script

The Prayer Caller's Son

Just like Al-Sabbah could create
a dream of heaven for his followers
Just like Al-Sabbah could create
a dream of heaven for his followers
He was able to create the ugliest
nightmares of hell for his enemies
Hassan, the strong
and outstanding
It's me who loves you
I must be closer to
you than your own self
Who managed to whisper in your
brain and play with your dreams
Entered Yahya's mind
and manipulated him
My goal will always be
to get you into heaven
And I will spend all my
energy to achieve this, Yahya
Yahya was inside the
castle for killing Hassan
But he became a follower
and a fighter for Hassan
But he became a follower
and a fighter for Hassan
The preachers are anxious
About the two who came with you
Your task is to observe them
And submit a detailed report to me
A spy on his friends and brothers
Our master's command
Soliman Taifour
Over time
Hatred began to grow
between Barzak and Zaid
Watch your tongue, Zaid!
Our master Al-Sabbah is not insane
When he gathers us together and looks
at us while smiling, then he is insane
The jealousy of Joseph's
brothers crept into their hearts
And the pre-existing evil
And the pre-existing evil
Started emerging
Hassan is playing everyone
Like pieces on a chessboard
Episode 20
"Son of the Muezzin"
What's the name of the
girl who knows Yahya?
I will obviously kill her
But I thought I'd tell you first
She should remain alive
She will remain alive?
Did our master order this?
When did we start asking questions?
I just need to understand
Keep your eyes on her
And wait for orders
The love of Alinar
and the leader Barzak
An exciting story to be told
Love in the castle
What's really exciting Is you going
too far in speaking with me
I hope you keep to your limitations
I'm a forgiving person
I'm a forgiving person
And I understand emotions and love
The words you say do not indicate
That you understand these things
I'm just doing my job and task
Transmitting information
And receiving orders of our master form him
And Mr. Zaid Bin Saihoon
Keeps interrupting me with his
anxieties that don't concern me
Which means your heart
cannot accept being my residence
My heart?
What do you know about
me to speak of my heart?
What do you know about
me to speak of my heart?
You don't know me.
If you truly knew me
You would know that I am heartless.
Long ago, I forgot
what that word means.
Excuse me.
It will accept.
It will definitely accept.
Why did we enter the castle?
To become followers of Al-Sabbah?
Blessings of God on him.
Then why did we enter?
You're done, Yahya.
Delusions have taken you, and
Al-Sabbah has played with your mind.
Delusions have taken you, and
Al-Sabbah has played with your mind.
But we will continue.
And without you.
Be careful.
If you choose to this path,
I will report about you.
Because that is what
was asked of me.
Do you have something to say, Zaid?
I have a request for our master.
Zaid bin Saihoon makes a
request without permission
I want to get married.
You want to get married?
It's as if I'm asking for
something extraordinary.
No, it's not extraordinary, but
I didn't expect
this request from you.
Who is the bride?
Who is the bride?
There are no women in Almut
Castle suitable for marriage.
Only the heaven virgins.
And they are not
for marriage, Zaid.
The virgins trainer.
You want to demolish
a carefully built system
in Almut Castle?
She is not one of the virgins.
She's in charge of them.
And I want her.
I assume you know
your request is rejected.
I assume you know
your request is rejected.
You should know the answer.
And it's strange
that you're asking.
My marriage to her
won't change anything.
Only I decide whether it
will change things or not.
You made a request.
And I rejected it.
So, will I live like a
monk in Almut Castle?
You live with your honor.
You live recognizing the responsibility
of being the first follower of Al-Sabbah.
And if marriage is
so important to you.
Wait until we wage a war.
And there will be war captives.
Then, I myself will
choose the bride for you.
Your desires are increasing.
And they are not suitable
for a believing preacher.
So, heed my warning.
Hold it!
Leaving needs a permission
After your permission
Try to increase sessions of
meditation, reading, and silence
And try to reduce eating
So your soul
clears, replenishes and listens
You may leave
Come here!
Do not leave or attend his council
Do not leave or attend his council
You hate him
He killed your
brother and will kill you
My brother was wrong
And I won't do the same
Even if you did, he will kill you
He's insane and he will kill us all
He's not insane
He is the Imam and
he does what is best
He's deceptive
And deceives everyone
Sometimes I see him as kind
And reading in the Quran and crying
He cries because
of his excessive sins
This is humbleness
If you are going to him
Then I am not your mother
Then I am not your mother
I'm now torn between you both
Who is the criminal
who killed his son?
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Who is the devil of the castel?
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Someone is claiming to
be a friend of Omar Khayyam
He requests to meet
our respected minister
Bring him
A friend of Omar Khayyam,
my name is Sahban, he knows
May God honor
our respected minister
Imagine, my lord
I wanted to visit my friend
Omar Khayyam in prison
They insult me and hit me
So what should I do!
Come to the minister
of the sultanate
He will uphold my
rights and allow the visit
Omar Khayyam is
a dangerous prisoner
Merely requesting to visit him puts
you personally at risk of imprisonment
Omar Khayyam is dangerous!
He used to go
to the sultan's palace
Why did you turn against him?
Because of his stubbornness
Anyway, I have warned you
If you insist, I can send you now to
console him in his cell, but don't go
If you insist, I can send you now to
console him in his cell, but don't go
Why should I leave, my lord?
I just wanted to visit him
because he's my friend
But why would I be imprisoned?
Tell me about the people who come
to your spa and their conversations
What's mostly talked about
these days at your place?
Because you know, my lord
A human must gossip to live
What do they gossip about?
In the last time
Our Sultan
Spoke to our Master the
Minister, what did he say?
What business is it of yours
what the Sultan said to me?
You person with a loose
tongue and lack of manners.
What the Sultan says to
his minister is a secret
The same topic
spa talks between the
customer and the massure
Is a secret
Someone who's naked and
I'm massaging him, my lord
Shall I expose him!
A real friend of Omar Khayyam
What is this wisdom and philosophy?
What is this wisdom and philosophy?
You must be rewarded
Flogged 80 lashes and his spa
house shuts down for a month
I have a loose tongue, my lord
- I'm sorry, my lord
- Take him away
My lord, I have a loose tongue
And also 80 lashes, why?
I'll die by twenty.
Wait, soldier
What about Omar Khayyam?
In prison
Until he obeys the order and
hands us the map of Almut Castle
Omar Al Khayam's imprisonment
is not comfortable for me
Omar Al Khayam's imprisonment
is not comfortable for me
What will people say?
How can someone of his stature
be imprisoned during my reign?
My lord's era is an era of power
And Omar Khayyam
is really arrogant
And with your permission, I prefer
to break his haughty spirit firstly
Are you an enemies?
God forbid
It's just disciplining a person who
thinks he is above the Sultanate
Discipline shouldn't increase
Or else it turns into resentment
My lord's command
Within days, he will
be in your great court
I hope so
Though I don't think he
would be happy in our court
As long as you are our minister
Alamut Castle must
have its own currency
We won't continue dealing
with the currencies around us
We must have our own Dinar
Buy and sell with it
And what's the profit?
Power and respect
And being different
But minting is costly
But minting is costly
Special factory and
kilns and a lot of work
And with the highest gold ratio,
our Al-Sabbahi Dinar will be!
And for this to happen we must impose
taxes on everyone around us
Everyone passing between the
Crusaders and the Seljuq state pays
And vice versa
And from their gold,
our new currency is minted
Our master's orders
That's the financial part done.
And to balance
inside the castle
We must attend to the spiritual
side of the young martyrs.
This aspect needs
a lot of stimulation.
This aspect needs
a lot of stimulation.
The preachers spend with them every
day an entire hour of spiritual training.
Worships and self-discipline are
a basic thing, Zaid.
But reading,
Reading is very
important, Bin Saihoon.
Let's start with Encyclopedia
of the Brethren of Purity
Then the book, Mind
Rest, by al-Kirmani.
Then my book in Theologies.
That's when the believer
is ready for the secrets.
I was born in family
among Sunnis.
Then I became
Ismaili by my mind.
Then Nizari.
Then Nizari.
And I'm still on a
spiritual journey.
From one sect to another.
The castle is full
of important books.
We'll choose the chapters and sections
that increase the faith of the believers.
You know, Zaid,
Killing an oppressor.
Is a great thing.
But what's greater is
leading him to our beliefs.
Shahdezh Castle is the
closest one to Isfahan.
And now the owner
of the castle is dying.
And our beloved one is the
one who will seize the castle.
And our beloved one is the
one who will seize the castle.
This castle is a few
steps away from Isfahan.
Allahu is greater!
This is great news.
Whatever support they need,
We are ready.
Everything in its time.
So we've reached the last
point of our sacred meeting.
Sending a list of the
great disbelievers to hell.
We are in a truce with Berkyaruq.
Barzak Amide,
The good guardian.
Who always believes in
the appearances of things.
Breaking the siege is
like a snake retreating.
To correct its position
and attack again.
Our difference with the children
of Malik-Shah in all things.
Will make us vulnerable.
They all might
attack us all at once.
Let the martyr youth get ready.
And prepare new, painful strikes.
It's time for the chosen one
to enter the dream of heaven.
The list includes the minister Taj
Al-Din, state minister of Seljuqs.
My soul is the ransom
of the key holder to heaven.
And Fakhr Al-Din,
son of Nizam Al-Mulk
Fakhr Al-Din, I said not to get out!
Fakhr Al-Din
Are you still worried about me?
How? I am the son
of Nizam Al-Mulk
His prestige has grown and
he still holds a special stature
And of course, he wants
to revenge his father's death
I think it's fair that we
send him to his father in hell
Fakhr Al-Din has grown up now
And he's trustworthy of the elite
I have guards and weapons
I have guards and weapons
You rest and don't be afraid
The Keeper is our God
You just
Ensure and safeguard your weapon.
And the day will come when I
bring you Hassan Al-Sabbah's head
And I swear his
brain will be my dinner
Long live our master,
the keyholder of heaven
And thereafter the Mufti of Isfahan
My soul is a sacrifice
for the keyholder of heaven
And the last thing, burning
the Grand Mosque in Baghdad
Baghdad Mosque?
They say Sabbah's followers
are burning mosques!
These are not God's mosques
Do they teach our teachings there?
Do they mention our Imams there?
They insult them
And they call us
infidels and rebels
So, burning the mosque is a
great thing, and its reward is greater
And the youth who will carry out
this mission will have a very high status
Our master's order
Our master has chosen
you for a holy mission
It's the holiest mission
For a believer of Alamut Castle
To burn Baghdad mosque
Is this a question
or a protest or anger?
A question
An order that needs understanding
Haven't anyone taught you that a
believer in Alamut Castle doesn't ask!
It's not an objection, our master
It's not an objection, our master
But Soliman and I
are still inexperienced
It's not necessary, Tayfour
It's not necessary
And we will discuss it
But the most important
thing is not only obedience
The most important thing is faith
Meaning obedience should
be with acceptance
And love
And also appreciation for the task
And we are all love,
obedience, and appreciation
We'll see
Get ready
Yahya now seems like one
of his real followers, Tayfour
The minister, the Mufti, and
the son of Nizam Al-Mulk
It's a black day in
the country's history.
The act of Hassan Al-Sabbah
I no longer believe that all
of this is the act of one man
I no longer believe that all
of this is the act of one man
As if every devil commits a crime,
we attribute it to Hassan Al-Sabbah
Same age as the suicide
youth with the same dagger
And the same way of killing.
With the same cry of death
Maybe there are a thousand people, and
they all end up being Hassan Al-Sabbah
This is strange
What is this crazy idea?
Which doctrine?
And which religion?
And what, master, is the outcome after your
journey with knowledge and then solitude?
If the world is
The path
Then the first condition is to purify
the heart from anything other than God
And what is the key to the path?
Immersing yourself in
the remembrance of God
And the end of the path
Is to fade away
in the presence of God
Is to fade away
in the presence of God
Oh master
These are honorable
states and stations
And the world ,as you can see,
Is full of conspiracies,
intrigues, sects and tribes
Where's the salvation?
Love amongst people
Love is the cure for souls
And to renounce the ego
Because ego is a misconception
Beware of yourself
May God preserve
the world around you
May God preserve
the world around you
Are you sure they
told you set me free?
Instead of being
wrong and getting hurt
The minister was
killed by the esoterics
And the Sultan has
ordered your departure
Go to your house and rest
And forgive me
Your status is high
And what is your fault?
Me and you are the same
We are imprisoned
in the same prison
My dear beloved
Nothing kept me away from you
Except for the beatings and torture
I missed you in
my prison, masseur.
Me too, I swear
Even though nothing but
troubles come from you
I missed your charming
- What is this?
- What?
Were you scrubbing
the prison?
Let's go to the spa
- Let's go
- Let's go, lower your hand
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
We enter the castle
to kill Al-Sabbah
Only to find ourselves among his
soldiers who will burn the mosques
It won't happen
The lover forgot everything
Forgot his parents and
became a toy of Al-Sabbah
My closeness to Al-Sabbah is what
made me know the place of his chamber
him, Zaid and Barzak
And to know the places
we will escape from
What are you guys doing then?
They had doubts about
you from the first moment!
You're either a traitor or insane
I'm not a traitor, Tayfour.
But eyes are on
us at every corner.
And the wall has a thousand ears.
Meet me after midnight.
Meet me after midnight.
To tell you the madman's plan.
Life passes,
In a day and a night.
In a day and a night.
Like water in a stream,
And wind in the desert.
Never cry over the
sorrow of two days,
The day that passed,
And the day that has not come,
Between me and myself,
there's a fierce war.
And only you, God, can solve this
I wait for forgiveness, but I am,
Ashamed of you
knowing my bad deeds.
Zaid bin Sayhoon is a puppet,
In Hassan Al-Sabbah's hand.
As Hassan lets go, Zaid
becomes a close friend.
As Hassan pulls, Zaid bin
Sayhoon is an obedient slave,
A stone from the castle stones,
Hassan Al-Sabbah steps
on it, And touches the sky.
Hassan Al-Sabbah steps
on it, And touches the sky.
Does this heart deserve to beat,
And in love's fire, to burn.
What a wasted day that passed,
Without me loving and desiring,
Don't assume that I fear time,
Or dread death when it comes,
Death is inevitable,
I don't fear ruin.
Death is inevitable,
I don't fear ruin.
But rather, I fear
missing the opportunity.
Barzak's chamber is at the end Of
the back hallway behind the grain room.
Hassan's chamber in the
building opposite the judgment hall.
And Zaid, I'm more entitled to him.
We're destined to be killed anyway,
But death, after killing
them, is an honor.
What about the guards
of their chambers?
What about the guards
of their chambers?
Barzak's chamber is unguarded.
But Hassan's chamber,
Has about one or two,
But from the fiercest
castle soldiers.
I can handle those guys
Timing is crucial,
Now it's time for rest.
We owe you, Yahya.
We thought you were a traitor.
Meet you in Heaven.
Of course, you know
about the conspiracy.
And you knew your traitor
friends Who wanted to kill us.
So you said you'd come
warn Zaid bin Sayhoon,
Your beloved.
Betrayal is very ugly, Yahya.
At first, when they said that three
entered the castle seeking my protection,
At first, when they said that three
entered the castle seeking my protection,
I was suspicious,
But thank God, the
traitors are two, not three.
You're a very loyal
young man, Yahya,
And I love you,
Come with me.
How was your feeling when you
entered The dream of paradise, Yahya?
A feeling beyond
description and imagination.
I am here, no dream
that repeats twice.
I am here, no dream
that repeats twice.
In the dream of Paradise,
You can see all the loved ones.
You're an orphan.
Father or mother?
Haven't you seen your father, may Allah
have mercy on, in the dream of Paradise?
Or your mother.
Hence, they are definitely in
hell because they are not believers.
And you are in the dream of
Paradise, you can't see them.
So, who did you see?
What I saw is indescribable.
That's the correct answer, Yahya.
Bring the traitors.
I have never put a guard or doorkeeper
between me and the believers.
You are surely not believers.
Maybe you entered the
castle with incomplete faith.
It's not a shame.
The shame is that, your faith
Does not complete here.
And you might have entered the castle while
you do not know who Hassan Al-Sabbah is.
Your assumptions portrayed
him as a fierce killer.
Even though, I am a simple
man who seeks for justice.
Your ignorance about
Hassan Al-Sabbah is possible.
But it should be corrected.
Here and right now, Yahya.
You will know the poor Hassan
Al-Sabbah, who is moved only by right.
And who hates nothing but betrayal.
So tell me, Yahya.
What's the punishment for betrayal?
The punishment.
The punishment.
Is Mercy.
And as I am the ruler.
I sentence them
to death with mercy.
And the mercy is for them
to be killed by their friend.
So, Yahya!
Do you kill Soliman First or Tayfoor?
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