The Flash s01e20 Episode Script

Good Night Central City

Don't move a muscle, or I'll come back in there.
Freeze! Drop your weapon.
Harry, you again? Come on.
How many times we gotta do this, huh? You're a bad boy, Harry.
Use a gun, go to prison.
- You guys need any help? - Hey, it's all right.
We got him.
We're old buddies.
Come on, you know the routine.
Hands behind you.
Come on.
- Another rough night, Murph? - Oh, boy.
Three days without sleep.
I even tried what you suggested.
You know, counting sheep.
Last night at dawn, I had 2300.
You counted 2300 sheep? Well, actually, I counted their legs and divided by four.
Boy, maybe I should ask him what his secret is.
He's not asleep, Murph.
- Well, you can do the honors.
- Thank you.
So, what's he so happy about, huh? No rigor.
Poor Harry.
- You know this guy? - Only by reputation.
As a not particularly gifted B-and-E and stickup man.
Did go to school with his cousin.
What did he die of? Beats me.
They just brought him in.
I'm taking him off to the pathologist for slice and dice.
Hold it.
It looks like the kind of thing some doctors prescribe for their patients to induce endorphins.
Helps people quit smoking.
Think it worked on Harry? Oh, gotta go upstairs.
Do me a favor and close him up when you're through, huh? You got it.
Well rest in peace, Harry.
Come on.
Oh, come on.
Come on.
Harry, wake up.
- Roger, I was just dreaming about you.
- Listen, we gotta be really quiet.
I was dreaming I was dreaming that I was trying to pick the lock at the Taj Mahal.
And then And then - Man, I've been shrink-wrapped.
- We gotta get out of here before someone comes in.
Put this on.
Come on.
Put this on.
Come on.
It worked.
Roger, it worked.
- You're a genius! - Yeah, well, maybe.
This thing that put me to sleep, that's the key.
All you gotta do is make it bigger.
We could sing our own lullaby to this whole city.
Come on.
Look, this has been going on for three weeks, all right? My credit rating is ruined.
I'm being hounded by collection agencies.
No, you listen to me.
This is Barry Patrick Allen from Central City, not to be confused with that deadbeat Barry Peter Allen from Centerville.
You'll get back to me? But Hello? Damn! I don't believe these people.
- Financial hell week, eh? - May they strangle in their own red tape.
Well, Garfield's on his way up with a guy from Internal Affairs who wants a look at our recent files.
- Our recent files aren't filed.
Yeah, and we're also behind on that stack of evidence-analysis requests.
- I thought you were - I would have but I had this emergency DNA profile for Homicide.
Which I have to hand-carry downtown right now.
Good luck.
You'll pay for this.
Just catching up on some work.
This is Jack Farrow from Internal Affairs.
How do you do? We got a problem with the Harry Milgrim case.
Harry Milgrim.
Got the file right over here.
- Milgrim's gone.
- Oh, yeah, I know.
It's too bad, isn't it? In spite of the fact that he really was a No, I mean, he's gone.
- Gone? - His body disappeared last night.
- Well, what happened to it? - Oh, that's a good question.
A man dies in custody, the department is responsible.
But we don't even know what killed this guy.
Well, he's bound to turn up.
- Isn't he? - You were the last person signed in to see him.
- It's not like he was going anywhere.
Well, something happened, didn't it? I'll expect to hear from you on this soon.
What did the morgue say? The attendant on duty is like a monkey with its paws over its face.
Didn't hear anything, see anything.
Just says you were the last to see Milgrim.
There's something else I need to talk to you about.
Personnel got a letter from a credit company about your debt.
- They want to attach your wages.
- Well, it's a mistake, lieutenant.
- It's some kind of computer error.
- Well, that's good.
Try to clear it up.
It looks bad.
And I need you to look into this Milgrim business and notify the next of kin that the remains were misplaced.
- But, sir - Today.
Farrow wants to climb the career ladder by stepping on my back.
Help me get him off.
Did I look that dead? Yes, absolutely.
Vital signs so slow they mimic death.
Do you know how much money we're going to make off of this? Sure.
Just think of what you can do with it.
Long space voyages, life extension.
Right, right.
But first things first.
Research requires funds, am I right? - You're right, Harry, but this - But nothing.
Did you ever have any luck with any of those grants you applied for? Anybody ever listen to you at a university or a corporation? - No, Harry.
- Who cares about you? - You do, Harry.
- Right.
But we can make a legitimate business out of the sleep inducer.
Don't even think about that now, coz.
You never had any problem accepting money from those other jobs we did.
And just remember one thing.
You are in as deep as I am.
If I go down, you go down.
I know.
Yeah, so stop griping.
This thing, it's gonna make us big.
All you gotta do is lay back and enjoy the ride.
- Yes? - Roger.
It's Barry Allen.
Can I talk to you for a minute? Sure.
Up the stairs, first door on your right.
Just get in here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I don't think you remember me.
- Barry Allen from Central High? Yeah, yeah.
We spoke for a couple minutes at the 10th reunion.
I remember you.
We were in Science Club together.
Well still at it, I see.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, what's this? Oh, it's, you know, nothing important really.
You know, just some stuff.
Rog, I think your mice have had it.
Well, nobody lives forever, right? That's That's a combination wiper-defroster unit.
You see, the wipers are internally heated.
Yeah, but they overheat.
There's some microchips that don't I'm sorry.
I'll have this under control in just a minute.
Don't worry.
Don't panic.
I never got the bugs out of it.
Well what's that? It's a washing machine for human beings.
It really conserves a lot of water.
- I could use one for my dog.
- Sure.
Listen, Roger, I hope it's not too painful for you but the reason I'm here is to talk to you about your cousin Harry.
- You heard what happened? - Yeah, I'm with the police department.
Crime Lab.
And I don't know how to say this, but the morgue lost Harry's remains.
Lost them? Yeah.
I was wondering if there was anything unusual in Harry's medical history.
Like narcolepsy or catalepsy.
You mean, where someone appears to be dead and then wakes up.
Harry never had anything like that.
Why? You think Harry's still alive? I don't know.
It's weird, though.
Well, if you find out anything, call me at the station, all right? Yeah, sure, I will.
And please let me know anything that you find out.
Yeah, I will.
- Nice to see you again.
- Yeah, you too.
- I almost died in that thing for real.
- He's with the police.
- Now the cops are on to us.
- Oh, bull.
Sure, they had to investigate, but they got nothing.
You worry too much.
Puffer-fish toxin can used to create so-called zombies a form of suspended animation.
I don't think there any drugs involved here, Tina.
He had this clipped behind his ear.
- It's warm.
- Yeah.
There's a very subtle vibration.
Not much to see, though.
A sealed transistorized piece.
It's humming.
It's quite nice.
- Are you all right? - Yes, I'm fine.
What was that? - This did it.
- It's not the object, it's the rhythm.
Well, I guess your inventor friend is really on to something.
Hey, what's that? Don't be nervous.
It'll work like a dream.
Wait a minute We have an agreement.
No violence.
Then I won't have to use the gun, will I? - So let's go, before we get made.
- All right.
These earplugs will filter out the signal.
Attention, all units in vicinity: Central City Savings, 400 block North Chandler.
Silent alarm activated.
Possible robbery in progress.
You see, even he's not immune.
No! - Are you crazy?! - No violence! Now, that's the deal.
That's for us.
We gotta get out of here.
If you think I'm leaving empty-handed, you're out of your skull.
What are you doing? Harry, come on.
Come on, please, Harry! Harry, please.
Let's go.
We gotta get out of here now! - Harry, please! - All right, get the machine.
- Barry, what happened? - Why, everybody passed out.
- Well, what was it, knockout gas? - I don't know.
You were out too, Allen? - Of course.
- It's funny finding you here, isn't it? What were you doing in the bank? I heard the call, I was in the vicinity, so I responded to see if I could help out.
- You got a problem with that? - Just tell us again what happened.
- Here's the files.
- I looked in the window and I saw the two suspects.
I entered the bank to try to make an arrest and passed out cold.
These the guys you saw, was one of them Harry Milgrim? - The last time I saw Harry, he was dead.
- Oh, yeah, but you knew he was still alive.
- What are you talking about? - Isn't that Harry Milgrim? - Yeah, that's Harry.
- And this is you, right? These pictures were taken within a moment of each other.
What? Harry must have been hiding.
Why would he hide? You're plotting with him.
- You wanna make a formal accusation - Allen is in debt up to his ear.
That's a computer error! Allen knows these guys.
He went to school with the cousin.
- He was in the loft with Milgrim.
- I didn't know Harry was in there.
Which leads me to believe Allen freed Milgrim and did the bank job with him, both times using the sleep gimmick.
But somehow Allen got left behind when the alarm suddenly went off.
Why don't you get some coffee, Farrow.
- He's out of his mind.
- Look, you take it easy, Allen.
Farrow finds a bad apple in our barrel and that makes his career.
Now, I want to believe you.
But is there anything at all you want to tell me? I think it's fairly clear where I stand on this, lieutenant.
I am innocent! All right.
- I want you to take couple days off.
- Lieutenant! I want you out of harm's way.
We should've cleaned that bank out.
All we got was a taste.
It was just a random event.
The Flash can't be at every bank during every robbery.
I had my way, that's the last time he'd be anywhere.
I don't wanna talk about that.
Now, if we wanna expand, we gotta find some help.
Let's see if we can get a pro for our team.
Hey, Harry.
I heard you were dead.
Then you just saw a ghost.
- You understand me, Fosnight? - Sure, Harry.
I'll send you a wreath.
Stan Morse.
- This is my cousin Roger.
- I got your message.
I ain't interested.
- Why not? - Am I ever interested in your schemes? Do yourself a favor, pal, stay away from the Loksh.
Well, it's your loss, Stan, you don't want in on it.
Plenty of other guys would be interested in working the sleep angle with us.
Smarter guys.
Come on, Roger.
Hey, wait a minute.
You did this? - Guilty.
- You better be.
I swear, Harry.
None of your antics.
So you want in or not? Step into my office.
There you are, miss.
Hey, hey, wait a minute.
What is that? Oh, this is great.
Look at this! Roger, Roger.
Look! We better get out.
- We gotta go now.
- Come on, Roger, live a little.
Harry, we got enough.
Come on.
- Harry! - You know, he's right.
Your problem is, you never know when to get out.
Let's move it.
I might have to go through a departmental hearing.
I can't believe they're raking me over the coals.
- Barry, if you've done nothing wrong - Tina, technical innocence isn't enough.
When you're a cop, a shadow of doubt is too much.
The only way I'm gonna clear my name is by solving this case.
And it all hangs on this damn thing.
Anything new on it? Yes.
I don't think the mechanism itself is very important.
But the sound has to correspond with a combination of brain waves that brings on a coma.
What I have to do is isolate that combination.
Well, it's just a sound.
You should be able to block it with earplugs, yes? Not ordinary earplugs.
You could still feel it through bone conduction.
But there is a more dangerous problem.
If the brain function drops to this level for too long, then you'll die.
Well, those people in the bank were all right after they woke up.
They weren't unconscious long enough.
But if these thieves keep using this device, sooner or later, somebody is going to die.
Thank you.
I've asked to be kept informed if there's any more news.
There is.
Another slumber robbery shocked the city.
This time, thieves made up with loot to the tune of $ 20 million according to authorities.
In related news, we've received a report that Police Officer Barry Allen a forensic specialist, who was present during the robbery is being questioned in connection with it.
Authorities are calling this a bizarre incident Now Farrow is using the press to plead his case.
I've gotta put a stop to this.
- Where are you going? - Visit an old classmate.
Now, that's my version of a sleeping machine.
Swede, round up the boys.
Hurry up.
Those won't be the only cops nosing around.
So, Stan, take a look.
This is where it all started.
With a big signal, we could take down a lot of things.
With a booster attachment, we could have as big a signal as we want.
Right, Roger? Right.
It's in here.
We can get into places we couldn't get into before.
- I mean, we could sack - The whole town.
You like it? Good night, Central City.
- What an idea.
- We're only as big as we want to be in life.
So are we ready, Rog? No.
I'm sorry, but the game is over.
- Hey, what are you talking about? - The mice.
The mice are dead.
So? Now you can afford to buy new ones.
You don't understand.
I was testing the sleep amplifier on the mice and it killed them.
- So what? So if it's left on long enough, it'll kill people.
Oh, yeah.
So, well, we'll just turn it off before anybody gets hurt.
No, no.
It's way too risky.
I won't be responsible for murder.
Look, don't we have enough? All those diamonds.
- I knew it.
- Look, look.
Just give me one second.
- Give me that damn booster.
- No.
Harry, put that away.
I'm your family.
- Give me it! - No.
You shot me.
I told you, Roger.
- Stay away! - You're hurt.
Roger, what happened? Are you all right? - We've gotta get you some help.
- Barry, I thought I saw something else.
I must have been hallucinating.
They wanna do big things.
They wanna use my machine on the whole city.
Just hold on, Roger.
He must have been waiting for us.
It's the only way he could've jumped us like that.
He's fast, all right.
Never even saw him.
Let's see.
"Barry Allen, 270 Edgemore Avenue.
" Hey, wait a minute.
This is the cop they talked about on the news.
They think he's involved.
This is perfect.
- Barry! - Lieutenant.
- Roger's been hurt.
- He's dead, Barry.
He was killed with this.
It was in your hand.
- What? - What happened here? It's obvious.
Allen knocked off Braintree to silence him.
You wanna read him his rights, or do I have to do it? Barry, I just want you to know that all the guys are with you on this, okay? A hundred percent.
There's no way we believe these bogus charges.
If you say you're innocent, that's good enough for us.
Thanks, Murph.
- You are innocent, right? - Yes.
Okay, okay.
You have a visitor.
You can talk, but don't talk too long.
Otherwise I'm in big trouble.
Okay? Ms.
- Barry, what are they doing to you? - It's a frame, Tina.
The guys with the machine murdered the inventor and made it look like I did it.
- But how could anyone believe that? I found a good lawyer, and he'll able to help you.
I can't worry with that right now.
First I have to find Harry Milgrim and his pals.
I've been working on the computer simulation.
No human could survive exposure to the sleep signal for more than two hours.
I've isolated the sound pattern and I'm working on the earplug filter, but l Lieutenant, listen to her.
Harry's machine is going to kill people all over town.
Are you sure you don't want to tell me something? Yes.
I've told you everything.
- It's your share of the diamond-center job.
- What? Found it in your bedroom closet.
- The blue one goes where? - No, no.
The red one, the red one.
Yeah, I know it's the red one, but where does it go? Oh, yeah, that's it.
- Is this thing gonna work? - I'll stake my life on it.
You are.
We all are.
Hey, lighten up, Stan.
I wired it just like Roger's note said.
This will patch the sleep unit into all the old air-raid sirens throughout the city.
And we can control it by this from wherever we are.
I bet they haven't tested these sirens in over 20 years.
I checked the panel.
Those circuits are hot.
And those horns were built to last.
They'll be heard all over town.
When I hit this button, it's lights out.
Go ahead, lock her up, Swede.
- What's that? - I had the Swede here set up a lock.
If a security patrol comes by, they won't have time to break in.
Good thinking, Stan.
Yeah, I thought so.
How many ways do you want me to say this? They stole my keys when I was unconscious.
You'd do yourself good if you'd tell us where the next score is gonna be.
If I knew, I would tell you.
Roger said something about knocking out the whole city.
Oh, the whole city.
Putting a room full of people to sleep is one thing.
- But if you expect me to believe - Damn it.
Why take the risk? Just let me out, and I'll help you find out what's going down.
It's a stupid bluff, Allen.
I'm not buying it.
Unbelievable! - Is that the guy, the witch-finder general? - Yeah, that's him.
Nobody I can talk to believes this jerk.
Look, we're all rooting for you, all right? This is a nightmare.
I think I'm awake.
But a lot of people won't be shortly, and they could sleep forever.
You're not the only one worried.
They beefed up patrols.
Everybody's looking out for Harry and that other guy.
- Is there anything I can get you? - How about a cake? Put a file in it.
- Yeah.
Well, you hang in there, man.
- Yeah.
Where else? Hey, Mingo.
Any chance at calling out for a pizza? Oh, bless you, sir.
Thank you.
When did you discover you had a vocation, Fosnight? - Stop persecuting me.
- I will as soon as you give me answers.
So, what's the problem, Allen? You're afraid of the cops? I don't get it.
Has the world gone crazy? How about Harry Milgrim coming back from the dead? That's crazy.
He's crazy.
He's doing a job with a real hard case, Stan Morse who used to not even talk to Harry.
- I want to find them both.
You want me to rat out Stan Morse, huh? Who's gonna pay for my funeral, the police benevolent fund? If you don't help me, there's gonna be a lot of funerals.
Heavy death toll.
This is weird.
I feel like I'm in Dr.
First they talk about civil defense, and now you talk about death tolls.
Civil defense? That might just make sense.
Oh, and drop the habit, all right? You're not the religious type.
Oh, Barry, I finished the earplug that should filter the signal.
Where are you? The corner of Waterman and Fourth.
I think the sleep signal is gonna come over the civil-defense sirens but I don't know where the control station is.
Can you punch the map up? I could try.
Hey, Allen, wake up.
I wanna talk to you.
I'll take a plain one.
Yeah, give me a couple too.
Maybe the nitrates will knock me out.
So I've been going to this doctor.
He specializes in insomnia and winter depression.
Says I gotta just change the hour I go to bed.
Move it up an hour every night.
That might work.
- Yeah, but it takes a month, you know? - Thanks.
By that time, I'll be having dinner at breakfast and the late show will be the kids' cartoons.
Thanks, Murph.
I paid last time, you know that? What's this? Little late for a delivery, isn't it? I don't like the looks of this truck.
How about you? This is Officer Bellows.
We got a strange one on Fifth and Western.
Checking it out.
Is this beautiful, or what? Hey, we better get ready.
We want to get in before the stores close.
- Yeah, we got a couple cops coming.
- Well, let's go say hello.
Hey, guys.
- What's going on, huh? - Good evening, officers.
Good evening.
- Haven't I seen you somewhere before? - Oh, I can't imagine where.
Well, how about a mug shot? Come on, you got any ID? Harry? You must be dreaming.
I don't believe it.
I want the report on my desk by tomorrow morning at 9:00.
Hey, Allen got out of the lockup! - please report to the corner of Fifth and Main.
Robbery in progress.
The suspect is requesting to see you Tina.
No! Barry, I've got it.
Barry, are you there? My regards to the sandman! All right, boys, let's fill our pockets! Barry? Hey, hey.
We'll do that later.
Just roll this thing out of the truck.
Let's go.
Why wait? We got all the time in the world.
Blow the damn thing open now.
There's somebody walking around out there.
That's impossible.
One for each time zone.
"Looters on Western Avenue.
Only 10 minutes before sleepers start dying.
See map.
Sirens controlled from location circled.
Good luck.
" Come on.
Come on.
We don't got all night.
There's no more room in the truck? - Help me get some of that crap out.
- Hey.
- Or maybe we should steal - Harry, Harry.
We're coming to the end of the festivities.
I want to be gone when they wake up.
The night is young.
These people aren't going anyplace.
Hey, Harry! Did you hear what your cousin said about his mice? Who cares about his mice? Mice don't live long anyway.
- What, you gonna kill all these people? - You're breaking my heart.
Listen to me, Central City has a mint.
Harry, we'll take our act on the road.
We'll do them all.
It has a gold reserve.
It has a financial district stuffed with negotiable securities.
This is why I never wanted do jobs with you.
Because you're a wacko! You know what I mean? You're a flake.
Oh, you think so, huh? All right.
Anybody else wanna give me an argument? Hey.
Wait a minute.
It's not working.
Go to sleep! Wait! No! Not my face! What the hell is going on?! I'm running late, Harry.
Why don't you ride with me.
Murphy! Come on, Mom, five more minutes.
What the hell? What happened? That sleep machine came on and knocked us out with all these other people.
Why? I haven't slept for three days.
Why didn't you let me sleep? What the hell was that? What? Look, I'm telling you, Allen is not in the cell.
All right.
All right.
Let's have a look.
Mingo, Schultz, come on.
What? Harry Milgrim.
I did it.
Harry Milgrim.
TKO of an entire city.
Who can say they did that? Nobody can take that away from me.
They'll be telling my story for years.
Barry Allen has taken a powder.
All right, come on, let's go.
You see, it's open.
Lieutenant, what's all the noise about? Mingo, get this thing open.
Milgrim, you tell them how Allen was in this from the beginning and how he killed your cousin.
- What, this bozo? He didn't do a damn thing.
It was me.
I did it all.
A cop on my trail.
So, what do I do? I frame him.
A criminal mastermind.
That's what I am.
Allen, what are you doing in Harry's cell? - Get out of there! - Yes, sir.
Harry, we reserved your room for you, pal.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
All right, Allen, get back to work.
Say, Farrow, do I still get my last meal?
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