The Longest Promise (2023) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 20=
Young Lady, are you awake?
Her Highness is waiting for you.
All right.
Tell Mother
I will be there soon.
Yes, Young Lady.
Probably she's going
to persuade me again.
(This is it. I was blindfolded.)
(Because I was inside my own spiritual.)
(Naturally, I wasn't able)
(to drive her away
with spiritual power.)
(how did she intrude there?)
What's wrong with you?
I know you're diligent.
But you look somewhat gaunter now.
Did you stay up all night yesterday?
I'll go and get you some snacks.
Is it because the residual power
of Gong Shang still left?
Plus, our spiritual powers
are mutually connected.
So she accidentally intruded there?
However, given her current ability,
she shouldn't be able to achieve that.
Have you reflected
on your mistake last time?
I failed my task last time.
Please forgive me, Your Highness.
General Qing, you're not young.
You should
decide on marriage now, right?
Elders of the Azure Clan and I
are very concerned about you.
Recently, the Crimson King
has been seeking a marriage alliance
for his only daughter, Princess Zhu Yan.
Princess Zhu Yan
is a lady of your age
and after your heart.
You should propose marriage to her.
Your Highness.
Why did you bring this up
out of a sudden?
Both of you are of marriageable age.
Is there any problem with that?
you've failed your task.
This time, you must make amends for it.
I hope that you won't let
the Azure King and me down again.
I heard that you were close
with Princess Zhu Yan
when you were in Jiuyi Mountain.
Do you loathe her?
It's not that.
But Princess Zhu Yan and I
Though the Crimson Residence is located
at the Western Huang
and lacks in strength,
however, Princess Zhu Yan
is the sole trueborn
of the Crimson King.
She will ascend to the throne one day.
Both of you are of similar rank.
She can barely be considered
a compatible spouse with the Azure Clan.
The marriage alliance
between the two clans
is deemed a good thing
for the Azure Clan too.
Princess, General Qing is here.
General Qing, it's been a while.
What brings you here today?
Consort Qing just arranged
marriage for me
with Zhu Yan.
I heard that you're marrying
Prince Shi Yu soon too.
Are you here to offer
your blessings too?
I came here to ask you.
Do you truly accept
the marriage arrangement?
Even I know that Prince Shi Yu
likes Princess Xueying,
who's your little sister.
So what?
None of the noble descendants
have a say in their marriage.
Zhu Yan and you're going to engage too.
Is it because you like her?
General Qing, you like me.
Don't you?
You know that?
I've known it all along.
Be that as it may, you should be aware
that for people
who come from a humble origin like us,
love isn't something we should ask for.
I don't seek love but interest.
As long as the marriage
can get me closer to my goal,
I will do it.
So, I advise you
to think the same way too.
Marrying Zhu Yan
is a good thing for you, General Qing.
You come from a side branch
of the Azure Clan
and come this far
because of your own desperate effort.
Zhu Yan is the only daughter
of the Crimson King.
With her assistance,
perhaps you might aspire to the throne
of the Azure King in the future.
I don't want to listen to this
and I don't care about them.
I'm here to ask you
Hold it back.
You should know my answer.
Point taken.
I shouldn't have asked.
Please take care of yourself.
I shall take my leave.
(If there's a next life,)
(we're not born in the noble clans,)
(perhaps we can be together)
(and enjoy our lives leisurely.)
(And maybe)
Greetings, Your Majesty.
Be at ease.
Your Majesty.
I have an important matter
to discuss with you.
Do you?
Is it a discussion
or you've already made the decision?
I dare not.
But I notice
that the state affairs
have been keeping you busy.
Hence, I'd like
to share your worries
about family matters.
Yu has come of age.
It's time to arrange a marriage for him.
Hence, I've chosen
Bai Xuelu, the Princess of the White Clan.
I wonder if you're satisfied
with this choice.
Of course.
Bring the Princess
of the White Clan here.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Bai Xuelu,
the Princess of the White Clan,
is indeed a beautiful and virtuous lady.
I believe
you will approve of her
after meeting her.
Your Majesty,
two princesses of
the White Clan are here.
- Greetings, Your Majesty, Consort Qing.
- Greetings, Your Majesty, Consort Qing.
Your mother suggested you
take a consort.
You may choose your principal wife
between them.
Why are you hesitating?
Choose the lady you like.
Choose one out of two.
How hard can it be?
Are you sure I can choose myself?
If you don't,
your mother will step in.
I'll choose.
I choose Bai Xueying to be my consort.
Please grant my wish.
Good. Very good.
I've heard
that both of you are on intimate terms
and you met a lot in secret.
Those rumors seem to be true.
This is marvelous.
I will grant your wish.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Get up.
Life is short.
You shouldn't refrain from yourself
and devote yourself all
to being with your loved one.
Failing that,
you may end up
like a living dead.
I was born into a cold imperial family.
I wasn't given a chance
to stay with my beloved one.
How pathetic.
you're luckier than me
as you can be with your loved one.
Do cherish her well
and don't let her down.
Yes, Father.
Brilliant, Your Majesty.
I didn't know
there was such a story behind this.
I almost shoved the wrong pair together.
You may leave.
Qing Yun.
Stay here.
Your Majesty,
what's the matter?
I think there's something
you haven't told me.
If you don't,
I'll let it pass.
Now that Yu has chosen his wife.
I implore you
to appoint him as the Crown Prince.
I can have someone issue a decree
to confer the title
of Crown Prince on Shi Yu now.
after this,
you should stop harassing
the person in Jiuyi Mountain.
Please forgive me, Your Majesty.
You're wise.
Xueying, you're finally back.
I've cooked
a precious bird's nest for you.
Come on.
I've heard about it.
Good job.
Though it's just an engagement
and the wedding
is still a few days away,
His Majesty is a word of his man.
You shall wait for the decree
of your conferment.
I carefully picked
this precious delicacy
and cooked it for two hours.
This is such great news.
I suppose Father
has a lot to say with Xueying.
I shall take my leave first.
Congratulations, Xueying.
Come on and have a taste.
This is your favorite bird's nest broth.
Come on, Xueying. Have a taste.
Are you laughing out of frustration?
Of course not.
Do you believe in destiny?
I'm predestined
to be the Empress of Kongsang.
His Majesty has already
appointed Princess Xueying
as Prince Shi Yu's consort.
That day, Priest managed to escape
the dragnet cast by Consort Qing.
I knew
he's of immeasurable prowess
that beyond our expectations.
However, when Consort Qing
presented Shi Yu,
who's an easier path before,
I couldn't bear
to leave the initial choice behind,
but I had to.
But the current situation
is right up my alley.
Prince Shi Yu
was appointed as the Crown Prince.
So what?
He's merely a good-for-nothing
who failed to escape a marriage.
He won't achieve anything big
despite the conferment.
I no longer have to hesitate.
This must be the guidance from heaven.
Shi Ying
is my only path.
Young Lady.
Didn't you say
that your Master
is the former Crown Prince?
Now that His Majesty
has appointed a new Crown Prince.
It should be bad news.
Why do you look happy instead?
My master never cares
about the position of the Crown Prince.
He's happier
if no one brings up the past ever again.
Concerning the latest conferment,
no one will bother him with that again.
And Master
won't be worried
if I'll be dragged into trouble.
Forget it. You don't have
to know about this.
Her Highness is urging you
to have dinner.
All right.
Oh, Yufei,
have you received any letters
from Jiuyi Mountain?
Young Lady.
It's only been just over a month
since you returned home.
You've already sent thirty batches
of our local specialties over.
Yet there's been no replies
from Jiuyi Mountain.
Do you think
it's because
Because Priest
doesn't like the gifts you sent?
It's impossible.
hasn't replied to me
because he's in trouble now
and he doesn't want me to get involved.
As of now,
a new Crown Prince is designated,
probably he won't have any worries.
he's already
on his way to Extreme Wind City.
I might be able to see him
tomorrow or the day after.
Wishing Tree.
I'm here again.
Why is there a barrier here?
Why is it blocking me?
Let me in.
(Why are you stopping me?)
(Let me in.)
(Let me in.)
What's going on now?
Why can't I enter this fantastical realm?
Young Lady.
Young Lady.
Something bad has happened.
Young Lady, wake up.
Someone came for a marriage proposal.
It's the Azure Clan.
Marriage proposal?
What are you talking about?
What? Marriage proposal?
Yes, Young Lady.
Please put them inside.
Come on, follow me.
Come this way. Hurry.
General Qing.
Greetings, my lord.
Greetings, my lady.
Please drink some tea, General Qing.
Thank you, my lady.
Qing Gang.
Why are you here?
Princess Zhu Yan.
It's been a long while.
Yan'er, speak gently.
Behave yourself.
Don't embarrass yourself.
I apologize, General Qing.
We've overly pampered Zhu Yan at home.
But don't worry.
Before she gets married,
we'll teach her etiquette.
Getting married?
Please don't be.
Princess Zhu Yan and I
had already known each other
when we were in Jiuyi Mountain.
We're close.
There's no need to be so courteous.
It's good
that you've become acquainted.
It'll be more comfortable for you
to get along in the future.
That's right.
Since you haven't been meeting
each other for some time,
you should spend some time alone
to catch up.
The weather is good today.
Take General Qing
to the garden for a walk.
Yan'er, come on.
The nature of this marriage
is that Consort Qing intends
to win the Crimson Clan to her side
by sacrificing your happiness
as well as mine.
How could you accept
this without a squeak?
As the kin of the Azure Clan,
I shouldn't defy
the order of the clan chief.
Have you ever thought
that your obedience
is actually harming yourself
and me too?
We're buddies.
It's absurd
that we're about to get married now.
As long as you disagree,
I can return to report to duty.
But I'm afraid
the Consort Qing will have other plans.
Consort Qing is hard to deal with.
But instead of worrying about this,
shouldn't you be concerned
about your negligent decision
will leave you with regrets
in your life?
I do hate Bai Xuelu.
And she's not a good match for you.
But you like her.
If you like her,
how could you give up on her easily?
Don't mention her.
Did she reject you?
So, you turn to me
after you become disheartened?
Well, I promise you.
I'll marry you.
Good. Come on.
Look at me.
Can you imagine
that we're going to live together
for a lifetime?
You can't, right?
Me neither.
That's why I say,
life is never going in the way we want.
When we confront pressure,
we should bravely fight against it
for our loved ones.
Otherwise, it's all in vain.
Qing Gang, you're a dignified man,
yet you're not as good
as a woman like me.
You're right.
Thank you for enlightening me.
I'll return now
and tell Consort Qing
I can't obey this order.
That's right.
But the thing can be more complicated
than what you imagine.
If the marriage alliance fails,
I'm afraid Consort Qing
won't give up easily.
I can handle it.
(In time,)
(this strange huge tree will wither,)
(and then my spiritual barrier)
(may return to peace.)
Wishing Tree.
You look like Master.
When he's deep in thought,
he always frowns.
(What's going on now?)
(Last time,
the residual power of Gong Shang)
(has depleted,)
(and I completely expelled her)
(from my spiritual barrier.)
(How could she come in again?)
I didn't have a chance
to take a closer look at you.
You're a dead ringer for him.
Your eyes are moving.
Wishing Tree, thank you.
I've seen the Illusionary Master again.
Wishing Tree.
Why did you wither
just after a few days we met?
Your branches have fallen off.
(How did she manage to come in here?)
I'll see you as my Master.
Here, give me your hand.
promised me
you would come to see me.
But you never show up.
Do you want to break your promise?
Now tell me what many spankings
you deserve.
You can hit me
three times.
All right?
If so, as your teacher
As your disciple,
I'll hit you three times.
You must remember this well.
This is so fun.
I'm going to do things
that I wouldn't dare to do to Master
on the Illusionary Master.
Illusionary Master.
My master never laughs happily.
Can you laugh?
You're not an illusion?
You're Master.
Are you him?
It's an illusion.
I know you're an illusion.
That's great.
I thought you were him.
Master will never laugh like this.
Do you know?
I like the illusion
in this fantastical realm.
I can feel the warmth
and heartbeats.
you're just an illusion.
My master
will never allow me to hug him.
Illusionary Master.
Can you sit with me for a while?
Will you?
Come with me.
Please seat.
Illusionary Master.
Do you know?
My parents are forcing me
to marry someone.
They asked me
what kind of man I wanted to marry.
What kind of man do I want to marry?
I first saw Crown Prince
when I was little.
And I thought
he's the guy with the most dashing look.
Afterward, I met with Master
and I thought
he's a clear moon in the sky
and an immortal shrouded in light.
And these two perfect men
turn out to be the same one.
after meeting such a man
who lacks nothing in the flesh,
I'll have high expectations, right?
Tell me.
Can anyone be compared to my Master?
Wishing Tree,
you're blooming with red flowers too.
There are two colors
of flowers at the same time.
That's beautiful.
Wishing Tree,
please keep blooming
until the day my master
comes to fetch me.
You must bloom until the day
my master and I grow old.
All right?
This is beautiful.
♪Time flows by for a single glance♪
♪Drained completely
from foolish infatuation♪
♪Blaming the twists and turns of fate♪
♪Attract the preference♪
♪It will be hard to meet again
once leaving♪
♪Can't give up my deep feelings♪
♪Only be blamed for the fate♪
♪How can I spend the rest life
with missing feelings♪
♪Carving vows upon♪
♪The vast expanse of the boundless world♪
♪If destiny is hard to change♪
♪Vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
♪Concealing deep feelings♪
(Shi Ying.)
(You shouldn't let her)
(to enter your spiritual barrier again.)
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
Regarding the Ice Clan's assassins
at the Nvluo Creek,
my bird has brought back some clues.
Among the three Sorcerers
turned up that day,
the sturdy one with two blades
didn't die under the Celestial Assault.
Instead, he went back to Jialan
to report to Consort Qing.
But I've lost his trail again.
The survivor
should be the chief
of the Ten Sorcerers, Wu Xian.
The Ten Sorcerers
are led by Wu Xian.
If Wu Xian doesn't die,
the nine can resurrect
even though they die.
I can't believe
he managed to survive
the Celestial Assault.
This is indeed suspicious.
Ice Clan launched an attack
on the Emperor's Valley
and Nvluo Creek,
I believe the Azure Clan
is behind these too.
But I have no idea
what kind of deal they have made.
Azure Clan provided Ice Clan
with convenience into the Kongsang.
While Ice Clan helps Azure Clan
to eliminate the major threat, that's you.
If the Ice Clan
intended to kill me,
they could send out the Ten Sorcerers
and both Zhu Yan and I
wouldn't stand a chance to survive.
But they didn't seem to kill you.
What exactly do they want?
This matter is serious.
I must get to the bottom of it.
Especially the identity of the Sage
Wu Xian mentioned that day.
We must look up this clue.
But where should we start with?
Jiuyi District.
This is a place
the Ice Clan can't avoid
when they enter the Emperor's Valley
and Nvluo Creek.
I guess the people in the district
must have seen them.
It seems that Wu Xian left these
when he fled in a hurry.
This is the map
around Jiuyi Mountain
and Nvluo Creek
as well as the solution to the maze
outside the Emperor's Valley.
Could it be that there's a turncoat
in the mountain from the Ice Clan?
This map contains many details
that an ordinary cultivator
of Jiuyi Mountain wouldn't know.
You're right.
I don't even know
about this shortcut.
Is it the High Priest
Don't be absurd.
Why not?
I've been perching on Jiuyi Mountain
for thousands of years
and I've been to every corner of it.
But I didn't know about this shortcut
and the person did,
unless this map is left by someone
who has deep connections
with Jiuyi Mountain in the ancient past.
This scroll looks new.
Don't tell me the person
who created this scroll
has lived longer than me
and this person has a pair
of exceptionally keen eyes.
Isn't that the immortal?
The one who gave Wu Xian this
might be the Sage.
Chong Ming.
Rally all the birds
to search around the realm
for the whereabouts of Ten Sorcerers.
We must find the Sage
as soon as possible.
All right.
Your Supreme Majesty,
Chong Ming and I
have discovered some clues
about the whereabouts of the Ice Clan
in Jiuyi District.
I suspect
that the person who knows
all secret realms
is the Sage behind the Ice Clan.
What do you say, Your Supreme Majesty?
there are some mythical creatures
who've been living
for thousands of years
like Chong Ming
and has joined the Ice Clan.
Now that the trickiest and
the most sinister Chaos
in the mountain has been subdued by you
and it won't be able to rise again
in a hundred years.
This matter remains mysterious.
You should keep investigating.
There's one more thing.
Consort Qing has ordered Qing Gang
to propose marriage to Zhu Yan.
If you think this is inappropriate,
I can stop their marriage
with an excuse,
saying that their star signs
are in disharmony
and might bring harm
to the two clans' fate.
What do you think?
I have no interest in worldly matters.
The union among the six clans
don't concern me.
Now that Zhu Yan has left,
I'm not concerned about
who's she going to marry.
But you
look more concerned about this.
Do I?
This is the spiritual power I extracted
from my barrier
during cultivation.
As expected, it belongs to you.
I've been curious about
how Zhu Yan managed to intrude
into my barrier several times.
So, it was you
who enhanced the residual connection
of Gong Shang
with your spiritual power.
Why did you do so, Your Supreme Majesty?
It was me.
Because both you and Zhu Yan
were being alone together
and were willing
to risk yourselves for each other.
That's why I became suspicious of you
and wanted to test
your faith in cultivation.
Zhu Yan and I
are disciple and mentor.
Your Supreme Majesty,
please don't presume.
But what are you afraid of?
If you have no feelings for Zhu Yan,
why are you afraid
of meeting her in the dream?
The reason why I asked Zhu Yan to leave
because I want to cut ties with her.
If you insist on doubting us,
I'll erase all memory
and spiritual power
that are related to her.
I'll cut ties with the past
and start my cultivation anew.
I'll withdraw my spiritual power.
From now on,
she won't intrude
on the barrier again.
If you still hear her voice,
you may drive her out.
I shall take my leave.
Priest is so resolute.
If so, your plan
His suppressed emotions
might explode one day
and jolt him into worldly desires.
And all of the occurrences
will be beneficial to his cultivation.
Didn't you realize something?
He's able to bring the spiritual power
out of the barrier.
He has made a lot of progress
in such a short time.
The light leaking through cracks
is the most precious one.
(Great couple)
What are you writing early
in the morning?
Desirable marriage?
Great couple.
Don't you think you're too cruel?
You know that she's not willing
to marry Qing Gang.
She's opposed to marriage
because she still thinks of coming back
to Jiuyi Mountain.
But if she have any connection with me,
both she and the Crimson Residence
will be dragged into trouble.
This wedding congratulatory letter
is meant to severe her thoughts
and urge her to move on.
don't you really
want to see Zhu Yan again?
(Desirable marriage)
Detachment in the mountain
while attachment in the mortal world.
Qing Gang is an upright man.
As her master,
I'm reassured
that she can marry Qing Gang.
Greetings, my lord, my lady.
It must be a tired journey
to travel from afar.
Where's my master?
Did he send you over?
Are there any letters for me?
Did he say
when he will come to pay a visit?
Upon knowing your marriage
with General Qing,
Priest sent me over
to deliver congratulatory gifts
and a letter
to celebrate your union
with General Qing
and wish you all the best.
Did he wish me good?
These are his congratulatory gifts
and a letter.
Please have a look.
(Desirable marriage and great couple)
How can this be?
He knows that I have
no feelings for Qing Gang.
Why did he congratulate me?
Keep your manner in check
before the divine envoy.
Are you sure
this is directly from him
and not from someone
who acts on his behalf?
Priest wanted me
to relay a message to you.
Tell me quickly.
Priest said,
"I dedicate myself to cultivation,
leaving worldly matters behind.
Ice and fire are incompatible.
Please don't dwell on the past."
What does that mean?
(To: Shi Ying)
He hopes
you can embrace the joys of mortal life
and forget about what has happened
in the mountain.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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