The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

(Episode 20)
Are you Chairman Joo Dan Tae?
You are under arrest for
embezzlement, investment fraud,
and violation of the
Capital Market Act.
- Arrest him.
- What's going on?
What is going on?
What are you doing?
Why would I commit embezzlement?
I have never broken the law.
- Take him away.
- Who sent you people?
Who ordered you to do this?
You're making a mistake!
Wait. Chairman Joo. What is
going on? Investment fraud?
Attorney Lee, find
out what's going on.
You can hire dozens of lawyers.
Just get to the bottom of it.
- I did nothing wrong!
- Chairman Joo.
Dr. Ha. Where is Dr. Ha?
Is Su Ryeon behind all of this?
Do you have proof?
Why are you arresting me?
You sold Logan Lee's name
and gave false information
to the investors
to receive investments.
Why would I sell Logan Lee's name?
He's my partner for
our casino business.
Call Logan Lee now.
You can ask him yourself!
Were you looking for me?
Logan. Logan!
I'm glad you're here. There seems
to be a misunderstanding.
Please sort out
this ridiculous situation.
You still don't get it now,
do you, Mr. Joo?
I'm the one who reported you,
Mr. Joo Dan Tae.
What? What did you say?
I am the one who reported you
to the police.
You used my name
to receive an investment?
You knew how to speak Korean?
I want him to be punished strictly
according to the law.
I have never been involved
with him
for any type of business.
No, no. Logan.
What are you saying?
We even signed a contract.
I even set my Myeongdong land
as collateral to make a casino
Will this be enough of an answer?
What is this? What
I'll soon find out whether you're
someone who'll take my hand
and go far or grab my ankle
and hold me back.
Or I could be the one to present
an unpleasant surprise.
This is
I told you, you were up
for an unpleasant surprise.
You jerk!
Let go of me.
Grab him! Grab him now!
He's a swindler.
He's the real crook!
Let go of me. Hey, Gu Ho Dong!
- Chairman Joo. Don't say anything!
- Grab him. Let go of me!
- Grab Gu Ho Dong.
- Take the Fifth!
That punk. You jerk!
- Let go. He's the swindler!
- Don't say anything!
Don't let him get away!
Gu Ho Dong!
I'm sorry for calling so suddenly.
You were the only one to ask
for a favor.
I never imagined you'd ask me
for a favor.
I always thought
you were living an elegant life.
How did you get into this mess?
I lived with a monster
all this time.
I'm sorry for calling you
for something like this.
I leeched off you for five years
before graduating.
And you even paid for my tuition.
I'm glad I can finally pay you back.
Thank you.
What is going on?
Why are we going to
the broadcasting station?
I was waiting for you.
I have something urgent to tell you.
Do you know Mr. Jung Doo Man
of Happy Future Party?
No. I don't know him at all.
I knew it.
There's a rumor going around that
you and Mr. Jung
are having a secret affair.
What are you talking about?
Why would I meet someone like him?
I found out the reason today.
You asked me to find Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung's mom, right?
Did you find her?
I opened Joo Dan Tae's safe
in his office today
and found this photo.
Don't be shocked.
She is the one who gave birth
to the twins.
I can't believe it.
How could this happen?
Where is she right now?
Welcome to "Reporter Kim's Eye".
Chairman Joo, the owner of
the biggest investment company
in Korea, J King Holdings,
has been arrested for embezzlement
and investment fraud.
He used a casino business
to attract huge investments
in order to raise his stock prices.
The Public Prosecutors' Office
carried out a search and seizure
of J King Holdings' office located
in Yeoksam-dong
and summoned the people concerned
for an investigation.
"Reporter Kim's Eye" will focus on
this incident today.
The video of Chairman Joo
of J King Holdings
and Director Cheon
of Cheong Ah having an affair
- is going viral on the internet.
- These two crossed the line.
They were caught in a villa
Sir, is Chairman Joo
really done for?
Will he get arrested?
Then what will happen
to my Myeongdong land?
If the owner is arrested,
it's as good as trash.
Sell everything before
the stocks plummet.
Meanwhile, Cheong Ah Foundation is
being investigated
for fabricating grades
and entrance exam irregularities.
No, no!
- Eun Byeol.
- No!
- No!
- Also, an anonymous informant
has requested
for a reinvestigation
of the death of Min, who came in
first place in Cheong Ah's 2020 exam.
We also received information
that Min suffered from
severe bullying from the students
of Cheong Ah
and was a victim of severe violence.
What's interesting is that
all of the assailants
are living in Hera Palace,
the symbol of wealth in Gangnam.
They were apparently known as
members of "Little Hera Club"
and used their influence at school
to get what they wanted
- all this time.
- What if I get expelled, Mom?
I was accepted
because of Ms. Cheon too.
Don't worry. You have me.
Wait! Listen to me.
What in the world are you doing?
No, Mom!
Let go!
Darn it! Let go of me!
- Take them away.
- Let go!
- Let go of me!
- Mom!
- Let go.
- Mom!
- Dad!
- Mom.
What happened to Chairman Joo?
The investigation will take longer
than expected.
They took all the secret ledgers
in the office
and there's nothing we can do.
I should've prevented this
from the start.
Everyone at Hera Club
has been arrested too.
I think they'll investigate
Min Seol Ah's death as well.
The police raided Hera Palace
and the place is a mess.
The police?
Ro Na. My daughter.
The police reopened
the case regarding
the death of Min at Hera Palace.
They're closing in on those who
entered the building that day.
Police is especially looking at
her contact history
- within days of
- Is this the end?
They're focusing on Min's
whereabouts days prior to her death.
The police is highly suspecting
foul play and murder
- It was clearly
- It was clearly
- a coerced confession
- a coerced confession
- under duress.
- under duress.
If you have thoughts
of your own, say something.
Why should we be here
for questioning?
Shim Su Ryeon set this up to gain
an advantage in her divorce.
The two are preparing
to go to court to get divorced.
The bottom line is money.
The family is so filthy rich,
so Shim Su Ryeon
is desperate to get leverage
on her husband.
Why else would she have
locked us up
and threatened us?
What else could I've done to live?
I had to say
what she wanted to hear.
Don't you think?
- Shim Su Ryeon's out of her mind.
- Why should we be questioned?
Is there proof that
the dead girl is her daughter?
You're suspected of taking bribes
and doing favors
for students for years.
Will you say anything about that?
Mr. Prosecutor.
I'm rich.
I could spend 100,000 dollars
every month until I die
and still have a fortune left.
So why
would I accept a subpar student
over some chump change?
My pride wouldn't allow that.
I wonder who the whistle-blower is.
Is it Gu Ho Dong?
I can't confirm anything.
He's the only one
who'd talk such nonsense.
But that fool
is a fraud who took a job
under a false identity.
He's trying to slander my foundation
under his alias Gu Ho Dong.
How will you explain
how your daughter was accepted?
We obtained originals of
her performance test and scores.
We even have the file
you falsified yourself
in evidence.
Is this what you call a scandal
behind an entrance exam?
Classical music students
are chosen according
to future potential.
We listen to their voices
and pick those who have
most potential to improve.
A minor mistake that day
isn't a reason to drop a student.
Is this what you call evidence?
Do you know the amount of harm
you caused my foundation?
I will make an issue of this.
I'll sue for slander
and compensation.
What are you painting, Mom?
The house I'll live in later.
Isn't it pretty?
I prefer apartments.
Still, if you move, I'll move too.
I'll stick to you
for the rest of my life.
Even after marriage.
I pity Mom so much.
Why are you here?
How dare you?
I was worried about you.
How two-faced.
You did that
when you're worried for us?
You reported Dad, didn't you?
Are you trying to ruin our family?
Are you pleased to get your revenge?
Your dad
is paying the price for what he did.
That's only right.
I'm sick of all that
right and wrong.
Are we really a family?
Shouldn't a family cover-up
for each other's mistakes?
Do you only value
your biological daughter and not us?
We're your kids too.
You were our mom!
Was it all a lie?
No. No, it wasn't a lie.
I swear that I never once thought
you weren't my kids.
If you really thought
we were a family,
you couldn't have done this.
I don't want to see you. Get out.
Get out of our house!
- Get out!
- Seok Kyung, get a grip.
Say something, Seok Hoon.
Can you understand her
or what she did to us?
Why did you come here?
You knew it wouldn't end well.
I'm very sorry for you both.
it was something I had to do.
Only then could I forgive you
and go back.
I know I'm the reason
of your reckless behaviors.
And that penalty.
I'll pay for it
for the rest of my life.
Until I die, as your mom
You can let that dead brat
call you mom.
We need time.
We're trying to understand you,
so leave for now.
I'm here, so don't worry
too much and leave.
I will take good care of the kids.
Thank you.
If something happens to them,
please call me.
I will.
Ro Na.
Ro Na. Bae Ro Na.
What are you doing here?
Where's Ro Na?
Ro Na.
Where's Ro Na.
Did you do something to her?
What do you think I did?
Su Ryeon!
If you so much as touched her hair,
I really won't let it go.
What will you do, then?
Will you kill me too?
I see you value
your daughter's life.
Tell me. Where is Ro Na?
Seol Ah said you were nice
and was grateful toward you.
When she was abandoned by
the only person she trusted,
did you stop to think just once
how she must've felt?
I'm a thousand times
more disgusted
than when I thought
Seo Jin had killed her.
Nothing happened to Ro Na, right?
If something
happens to her, I'll die.
I'd rather you kill me
and leave her alone.
You need to feel
what it's like to lose a child.
Isn't it only fair for you
to go through the same thing?
Su Ryeon. It's all my fault.
I did it, so please
leave Ro Na alone.
She didn't do anything wrong.
My daughter is my life.
I was drunk
and out of my mind that night.
I wasn't in my right mind.
The day you told me
Seol Ah was your daughter,
that's when I remembered.
I couldn't believe what I'd done.
It's true, please, believe me.
Turn yourself in.
- What?
- Admit to what you did
- and pay the price.
- What about Ro Na, then?
Must she be branded
as a murderer's daughter for life?
No, no.
That will kill her.
You know very well
what Ro Na's like.
So why did you do such a thing?
Why did you do something you can't
turn back for a spot in Cheong Ah?
Su Ryeon. Seol Ah's already dead.
The living must go on.
I'll be really good to you.
I'll make it up to you
and Seol Ah for the rest of my life.
Please, Su Ryeon.
Is it okay for the rest
to just move on?
Is it over if you just cover it up?
Is that why you sided with Dan Tae?
How could you betray me?
How could you?
I will expose
the whole truth.
The fact that Seol Ah had a mom too.
I'll prove it.
Su Ryeon. You can't, please.
I beg of you.
Ro Na can't find out. Please don't.
Give me some time.
I'll send her abroad
so she won't find out.
Then I'll turn myself in as you say.
I promise. Please, Su Ryeon.
Please, help me.
Ms. Shim, I got the ice cream.
Mom. What are you doing?
Ro Na.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
I was so worried.
I left my phone at home.
What's up with you?
Can you tell me?
No, it's nothing.
Go to your room and rest.
I'll explain.
Your mom can't seem
to tell you herself.
Su Ryeon.
Stop it.
I get it. I'll do as you say
So please, please stop.
Don't. Stop here.
You'd better
keep your word.
I have to go.
Mom, are you okay?
I feel a bit dizzy.
I need to get some rest.
Mom. Did you see the news?
Hera Palace was turned upside-down.
Min Seol Ah, the girl who
got into Cheong Ah in first place.
Apparently, she died in Hera Palace.
It was possibly murder, not suicide.
I don't know what's going on.
We lived in her apartment
for a while.
Mr. Joo, Ms. Cheon,
even Jenny and Min Hyuk's parents
are all being questioned
by the police.
I need some rest.
What should I do, Ro Na?
If I turn myself in,
the whole world will come for us.
It's all over.
Mom ruined your life.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School
Performance exam, 2020)
Is it true Ha Eun Byeol
got in illicitly?
She well and truly
ruined her entrance exam.
The mom who shielded her
is being grilled by prosecutors.
Is this how
she'll get kicked out? Oh, dear.
I hated how
she acted like a princess.
Her social media
and personal details got hacked.
I bet she can't show her face again.
Over 50,000 people signed a petition
to have her expelled.
Get Ha Eun Byeol's out!
(Reference Room)
How many times must I say?
There was a party that night,
and that's where we all were.
For a short while
I saw about 20 people that day
with golf bags in our elevator.
How many hours
do you keep a person here?
You created a paper company
to launder your slush fund.
This document is from Logan Lee.
He gave it to Mr. Joo himself
when he visited J King Holdings.
Mr. Lawyer, as you know.
this isn't a question that
you can answer in his place.
I know, but
Did you accept money or valuables
from parents in return
for accepting a student?
What's this doctored file
we found on your computer
about the entrance exam scores?
I never made such a file.
Then who made this?
I have no idea.
(Suspect Interrogation)
Why was it found in your office
if you never made the file?
I never saw that document before.
Sir. You've been at work
for a long time.
How about a break?
You did well, Ms. Cheon.
Get a good night's sleep.
I'll prepare
for the next round of questioning.
You did well too, Mr. Park.
Dr. Ha's also
at the police station
giving a witness statement.
I'm tired. Let's go home.
Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol?
Eun Byeol. Eun Byeol!
Eun Byeol. What's wrong? Eun Byeol!
Eun Byeol! Wake up! No!
Eun Byeol!
Oxygen saturation's falling.
Eun Byeol, you can't die! Eun Byeol!
If you die Mom will die too!
Are we there yet? She's dying!
Eun Byeol!
- She overdosed.
- Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol! What's wrong with her?
Eun Byeol! Eun Byeol, Mom's here.
Eun Byeol. Eun Byeol!
Why is she so cold?
Hurry, do something.
She's so cold.
- The rate's going too fast.
- Intubate!
200 joules. Clear.
- Not yet.
- 250 joules.
250 joules. Clear.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
She's back.
Eun Byeol.
Ms. Cheon!
Where are you?
Where are you right now,
Shim Su Ryeon?
Cheon Seo Jin.
Please stop now.
Please stop.
I'm begging you.
Please save
my daughter Eun Byeol.
I really didn't kill your daughter.
I know
you didn't kill her.
What is it?
I'm sorry sir.
Someone's blocking the car.
What do you want?
I waited to ask you for a favor.
You knew it?
Then why are you doing this?
do you think that makes you
You disrespected Seol Ah,
confined and threatened her,
and even made a fake will
to insult her death.
On top of that, you even had
an affair with my husband.
Before my two eyes.
What's so unfair about everything?
You're willing to keep going?
My daughter almost killed herself!
Will you be satisfied if she dies?
That's your problem.
Didn't you bring all of this
upon yourself?
Please stop.
Please stop now.
This is a problem between us adults.
Do you have the right
to hurt my daughter?
Did you have the right
to hurt Seol Ah?
Your daughter will suffer
just the same as her.
I have no intention of stopping.
I'll submit all the evidence
I gathered to the police
and even if they refuse,
I'll keep trying again and again.
I'm willing to do anything
to prove your sins.
If you really want to protect
Eun Byeol,
admit to your sins
and receive punishment.
Step down as the director
and never teach again.
I can't do that.
Do you know how I got that position?
That's all I have!
You still can't give up
that position?
Even when your daughter is dying?
Is your ambition and greed
more important than your child?
Stop blabbering.
What do you know?
You'd better get a grip
if you want to save your child.
You're a mom too.
Give up everything
and pay for your sins
for you and Eun Byeol's sake.
If you don't, I don't care
if Eun Byeol gets hurt or not.
Fine. Go on and try it.
Let's see who wins in the end.
I won't let you have your way.
Is that so?
Oh. I almost forgot.
I'm sorry for revealing the video
of you
and Joo Dan Tae's affair.
I know it's over between you two.
I guess I was thoughtless.
You didn't know?
Joo Dan Tae has already fallen
for Oh Yoon Hee.
That's nonsense.
Why would he fall
for a wench like Oh Yoon Hee?
Do you think you can fool me
with your rubbish?
Do you still trust Joo Dan Tae?
Then go check for yourself.
You left Eun Byeol like that
just for a jerk like him?
I pity you, Cheon Seo Jin.
Get rid of
Shim Su Ryeon.
What did you say?
You want me to kill Shim Su Ryeon?
Shim Su Ryeon isn't
someone you should underestimate.
No, she already has
too much power in her hands.
What do you mean?
Logan Lee was the one
who was helping her.
She joined hands with Logan Lee.
I checked with my own eyes.
I know. He's the one who reported me
to the police.
I'm so furious I found out too late.
Yet you won't do anything about it?
Shim Su Ryeon is really
a terrifying woman.
This fight won't be easy.
You must stop it now. Or else,
you and I are both done for.
But can I ask why?
Why are you so desperate
to kill Shim Su Ryeon?
I'm just curious.
That's because
Su Ryeon found out
about our relationship.
She even knows I'm helping you
right now.
We have no choice.
She has lost her mind.
She's even threatening Ro Na.
She might get both of us arrested
for embezzlement.
I won't let them get away with it.
Shim Su Ryeon
and that punk Logan Lee.
Su Ryeon now thinks
you and I have become one.
She thinks we're both her enemy
she must get revenge.
We can't just sit back
and do nothing.
Don't worry.
You've fallen in danger
while helping me.
Of course, I'll protect you.
Leave Shim Su Ryeon up to me.
It won't take long.
Oh Yoon Hee!
Explain why you're here with him.
Tell me!
What were you doing with him?
- Let go!
- What are you doing?
What's your relationship with him?
Did you sleep with him? Did you?
Did you sleep with him?
Tell me yourself. Tell me now!
Take your hands off my woman!
What did you just say?
How could you do this to me? How?
You deceived me?
You said it wasn't Oh Yoon Hee.
How dare you fool me?
How dare you?
Stop it!
I'm sick and tired of you.
Do you even have the time
to be jealous right now?
Go and protect your foundation
Stop being so clingy!
Joo Dan Tae. You scum!
Get up. Let's go.
I said I'm not going.
How can I go to school
when our family is a mess?
Listen to me.
This is more serious than you think.
I'm your guardian as of today,
so just do as I say.
Why are you the guardian
when I'm here?
Are you okay, Dad?
Everything is okay, right?
Will our family be fine?
Is what they said on the news true?
I'll take care of that,
so don't worry about it.
Get to school.
You must stay more confident
in this type of situation.
Show them that no one
can mess with us.
I don't care about anything else.
I don't care who you meet
or how much you're criticized.
But I can't tolerate
with our family becoming poor.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
Is this why they say
"Birds of a feather flock together"?
How brazen of them.
If it were me, I'd be so embarrassed
to come to school.
- Their parents are nasty too.
- How despicable.
My goodness, you give me the creeps.
You really came to school?
His sense of shamelessness
is scaring me.
Look at this dude.
How dare you block my way?
Why? Do you have a problem?
Hit me then.
Hit me. Go on.
Hit me.
Seok Hoon, you know
how to control your temper now.
I saw the news yesterday and
your family is about to be ruined.
His dad is a total swindler.
He even had a nasty affair.
What will happen now?
Will you and Eun Byeol
become sisters?
"Joo" Eun Byeol?
Hey! Stop it.
I know. Aren't you guys our friends?
We already have enough
to worry about.
You really must be worried.
Since the news said
Min Seol Ah was tormented
by you and your parents.
Look at Ha Eun Byeol.
She's too embarrassed to come
to school.
Shut your mouth!
You piece of trash!
You little
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
- You piece of trash!
Stop it!
How brazen.
Do you think you guys did
nothing wrong?
You looked on and did nothing
when they were the assailants.
Now that the situation has changed,
you're bullying them?
You guys are the same.
Hey. Are you trying to protect
Seok Hoon since he's your boyfriend?
Ro Na. Seok Hoon's era is over.
Why don't we go out now?
Don't we look good together?
Don't we make a good couple?
Hey, stop it!
You wench!
Come over here!
What are you doing
at this sacred school?
They picked a fight
and threw trash at us first!
That's not true. Seok Kyung grabbed
her by the hair first.
Quiet down!
The school is
chaotic enough already.
Who told you to fight like this?
Get back to your classrooms. Now!
Get going!
Joo Seok Hoon, Joo Seok Kyung,
Yoo Jenny, Lee Min Hyuk, stop.
You can't just leave like this.
Aren't you going to clean up
this trash?
We didn't do it.
They threw the trash at us.
We're victims.
How dare you talk back
to your teacher?
You all get two penalty points.
Also, clean the bathrooms
after class today.
Bae Ro Na. Why are you staring at me
like that?
Aren't you friends with them?
Come here and pick up the trash.
You know
that you're the worst, right?
Eun Byeol.
Mom won't go down like this.
I promise I'll rise back up.
You trust me, right?
Are you listening to me?
My daughter, Eun Byeol.
You should get up
and eat something nice with me.
I'll make pasta and wait for you.
- Search thoroughly!
- Yes, sir!
Where's the guest in this room?
He already checked out.
Go to the airport right away.
Yes, sir.
Catch him and bring him to me
at all costs!
Yes, sir.
Did you take all my stuff
out of the hotel?
Good work, Mr. Hong.
I'll see you in the US.
You should be careful too.
It seems like Oh Yoon Hee told
Joo Dan Tae about our relationship.
She had nowhere else to go.
Did you report Oh Yoon Hee
to the police?
She promised
she'd turn herself in today.
Do you think she'll keep
that promise?
She'll never turn herself in
up to her.
I will keep
the promise I made with Seol Ah.
Let's go to the States together.
The only thing left is for you
to become happy.
I promised Seol Ah
that I'd make sure her mom
becomes happy too.
I can't leave.
Joo Dan Tae is after you right now.
You shouldn't be here
at least until
he's punished by the law.
Then what about
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung?
I'm their mom.
Do you think
they want you as their mom?
There are things you can't change.
Didn't you know you wouldn't be
able to go back to them
the moment you decided
to avenge for Seol Ah?
I can't leave my children
in his hands.
It's a plane ticket for tonight.
I've prepared everything.
You must not put this off
any longer.
I told Hye In
that you're coming too.
Thank you.
I mean it.
I'll wait until you come.
I won't leave alone.
I'm so tired.
You told us not to worry.
What is all this?
I can't believe I got investigated
by the cops.
I'm the most honest
and just woman ever.
You're the exact opposite of that.
Why are you taking it out
on my husband?
He even bought you hangover soup.
We all got investigated all night.
Gosh, I don't even have the strength
to keep my eyes open.
And I helped you get summoned
as a witness.
I don't get why you're so angry.
Did you do something
that we don't know about?
Why were you so intimidated
in front of the police?
It was so embarrassing.
Watch what you say.
I wasn't intimidated.
I'm a lawyer for goodness' sake.
I'm already pretty upset
that I had to get investigated
by the police.
Min Hyuk shouldn't have hung around
with those terrible kids.
Not a single person in our family
is capable of
doing something so horrible.
Are you blaming this on Jenny?
Then do you think
it was Min Hyuk's fault?
How dare you!
What are you all staring at?
You're being too obvious, you know.
What? Is it your first time
to see a celebrity?
Our names made it
to the top real-time search list,
and our faces came out
on every news channel.
We've become celebrities now.
We'll only end up embarrassing
ourselves here. Let's go.
Honey, you must be tired.
You're here.
Where's her mother?
She went to take care of something.
What does she need to do
when her daughter is in this state?
They washed out her stomach,
and her pulse and breathing
are back to normal.
Shut your mouth
and just go to your boss.
I'm sorry, Eun Byeol.
I'm sorry I wasn't there
to protect you.
I'm sorry, Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol, are you awake?
It's me, your dad.
Can you recognize me?
Eun Byeol, why did you do that?
Why would you that to yourself?
Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol?
Of course.
I'll make sure not to ruin
the reputation of our foundation.
You trust me, right?
It'd be great
if you show the prosecution
that you're strongly against
the investigation.
I'll call you again.
How can you be here right now
after what happened to Eun Byeol?
Are you blaming it all on me?
Do you think
you didn't do anything wrong?
Eun Byeol
Eun Byeol won't talk.
She's awake?
She's regained her consciousness,
but she won't say anything.
I think she has psychogenic aphasia.
It's probably temporary
since she just woke up.
Don't worry.
I'll have her receive treatment
once I deal with the foundation.
I'm busy. You should go.
Seo Jin.
Please get to your senses.
How can the foundation matter
in this situation?
It matters.
Eun Byeol will get better
once everything returns to normal.
She'll go to school,
eat well,
and fervently practice singing.
I trust my daughter.
I'm going to make her quit school
and take her to my hometown.
I don't want to be the director
of Cheong Ah Medical Center.
You two-faced jerk.
You always act just
and conscientious.
But stop being so pretentious.
You denied having done anything
to Min Seol Ah
when the cops asked you about her.
You obviously don't want
to end up becoming a criminal.
You're no different from
the other Hera Club members.
No, you're even worse.
You're so quick to condemn others,
and you only care about
the well-being of yourself.
Stop acting like
you care about Eun Byeol.
I'm the only person
who can protect her.
Yes, that's right!
I'm surprised
you didn't know that earlier.
That's exactly who I am.
But I won't give up on Eun Byeol.
I won't let you raise her anymore.
Hello, sir.
It's me, Cheon Seo Jin.
I called to ask you for help.
The irregularities
regarding the foundation
Please help me out.
It's me, Yoon Hee.
Is everything okay?
I was getting worried
and was just about to call.
What are you going to do
about Su Ryeon?
I'm so nervous.
Who knows what she might do?
Why are you so nervous?
I'm Joo Dan Tae.
She tried so hard to destroy me,
but see? I'm fine.
Su Ryeon will never
be able to beat me.
Don't worry and just wait.
Is this Unit 4502? Please come down
and take your parcel.
I'm busy right now.
I'll go pick it up later.
Ms. Oh Yoon Hee, I'm calling
from Gangnam Police Station.
What's the matter?
You must visit the station
to answer some questions
regarding J King Holdings.
Okay, I will.
You have until today
to turn yourself in.
If you don't, I won't
be able to guarantee anything.
You need to feel
what it's like to lose a child.
Isn't it only fair for you
to go through the same thing?
Aren't you ready yet?
I don't intend to forgive you.
Hurry up
and go to the police station now.
(Su Ryeon)
If you refuse to cooperate,
Ro Na will end up
just like Seol Ah.
Please don't do this.
If you do anything
to my daughter,
I swear I won't stand still.
With classical singing
in the very center,
- we are learning
- Ro Na! Ro Na!
Are you okay?
Nothing happened, right?
What's the matter?
Why would I not be okay?
Is Ro Na's mother crazy?
What's wrong with her?
Ms. Oh, you can't just
barge in here during class.
Ro Na and the kids
had a fight,
but I didn't hit or scold her.
I'm sorry.
Mom, what's the matter?
You told me
that everything was okay.
Why would you come
all the way to school?
You're embarrassing me.
I'm sorry.
I must've been out of it.
I just got really anxious, you see.
Don't ever come home alone
after school, okay?
Don't meet anyone.
Don't go to the academy either.
Come home right after school.
Mom, are you going somewhere?
Is it because of Ms. Shim?
I don't know what's going on,
but can't you just apologize?
She seems so sad these days.
That's none of your business.
Just worry about your own mother.
To be honest,
I had a really hard time
when I quit school,
and I even thought
of committing suicide.
A car was speeding toward me,
and I didn't want to move.
Ro Na, are you okay?
Ms. Shim saved my life.
She gave me a tight hug,
and it felt like
she was telling me
to stay alive no matter what.
So if you did anything wrong,
just apologize to her first.
Do me a favor.
Mom. Mom!
(Seoul Gangnam Police Station)
What am I thinking?
I need to get to my senses.
You have until 6 p.m. today.
I won't wait any longer.
Su Ryeon.
(My friend)
(My friend)
(My friend)
(Ms. Yang)
Ms. Yang, what's the matter?
Ms. Shim, the chairman
took the kids to his study again!
Seok Hoon! Seok Kyung!
(Su Ryeon)
The receiver cannot be reached.
Please leave a message
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon, are you okay? Su Ryeon.
What? Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon. Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon, wake up!
Su Ryeon, don't die!
No, please! Don't die!
Please don't die!
My goodness, what happened?
- My gosh, what's going on?
- Did someone get hurt?
You're under arrest
for committing murder.
You may plead the Fifth, and you
have the right to an attorney.
And you may request the court to
review the legality of your arrest.
Ms. Yang, what happened?
Ms. Shim
Take her.
Did you kill her?
You killed my wife?
How in the world could you do this?
Hurry up and take her away.
- Mom.
- Mom.
- Get off me!
- Mom!
- Mom.
- Mom.
- Mom!
- Mom.
- Mom.
- Let me go!
- Mom.
- Mom.
Will you please let go?
Get off me!
- Mom!
- Mom.
- Mom.
- Mom.
- Mom! Mom!
- Get off me!
- Calm down.
- Mom!
- Calm down!
- Mom!
Calm down. Calm down.
Calm down.
There was a murder incident
at the penthouse?
How could something like that
happen in Hera Palace?
Is this a lie?
Is that Is that really Su Ryeon?
My goodness, what is this mess?
Isn't that Oh Yoon Hee?
No way.
Wait, so she killed Su Ryeon?
That crazy witch!
She's not even human!
I can't believe this.
Search the entire place.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Look at how she photoshopped
her face into the family photo.
She was a complete stalker.
This is creepy.
Gosh, what is all this?
Look at all these
expensive bags and clothes.
There's a knife missing.
It's the one that was used
to kill the victim.
Take it as evidence.
Who are you people?
- Are you Oh Yoon Hee's daughter?
- Yes.
What are you doing at my house?
What about my mom?
Where is she?
We repeat the announcement.
Please come to Gate One.
(Sir, you need to see this.)
Your attention, please.
Korean Airline
Another horrible incident occurred
at Hera Palace,
the most expensive apartment
in Gangnam.
Shim got murdered in her penthouse,
and Oh, another resident
of the apartment, got arrested.
Shim, the resident of the penthouse,
died at the scene
due to excessive bleeding.
I was on my way home
after grocery shopping,
and I saw the woman
from the 45th floor
using a card key
to enter the penthouse.
I thought something was strange,
and I suddenly heard
a scream inside the house.
I ran inside, and Ms. Shim
She's the one who killed her.
I saw it.
I saw her stabbing Ms. Shim
with a knife.
I was preparing to get divorced
with my wife.
My wife was seeing another man
and in order to go to the States
with him,
she kept demanding a divorce.
But once Oh Yoon Hee found out
that we were getting a divorce,
that's when her obsession started.
She called me continuously
as if
she was my wife.
And she even sneaked into
our bedroom one night.
I was so shocked.
Are you talking about this?
Oh, yes.
I installed a CCTV in our bedroom
because we had many valuables,
and she was caught on tape.
She was wearing
your late wife's dress?
Were you ever threatened directly?
Oh. She even said this to me.
I recorded it just in case.
I waited to ask you for a favor.
Get rid of
Shim Su Ryeon.
Why were you so fixated
on killing Shim Su Ryeon?
Because you wanted Joo Dan Tae
and the penthouse?
Did Joo Dan Tae say that?
Did he tell you
that I wanted to have him?
We have clear proof.
We found your fingerprints
smothered all over the knife
used to kill Shim Su Ryeon.
This is your knife, right?
Answer me, Ms. Oh.
Did you kill Shim Su Ryeon
with this knife?
We even have a witness,
so it's no use to deny it.
I killed her.
What? What did you say?
I killed her.
hated Su Ryeon
to death.
(The Penthouse)
Oh Yoon Hee killed Su Ryeon?
I admit to all my charges.
Mom Mom!
Dad, are you really okay with this?
I'm just trying to return everything
back to its place.
I envy Chairman Joo and Seo Jin.
What are you talking about?
Be more specific!
Su Ryeon told me everything
before she died.
It's truly amazing.
The skies will eventually side
with the rich.
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