The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e20 Episode Script

Game Night

(opening music playing)
(music ends)
(sighs) Another game night at Mickey's.
Ugh, where we play the same
boring game every week.
And Mickey always wins.
Just once, I want to win.
(all sigh heavily)
Well, let's just get this over with.
MICKEY: Who's ready for game night?
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen,
to a game night you won't soon forget.
Where the board is life-size
and you are the pieces.
Mickey, what is all of this?
Amazing, right?
I was gettin' tired of that same old game,
so I thought I would spice things up
a little bit.
So, how do you win?
Well, the first one to reach the end wins.
Other than that,
the only rule is to have fun.
Let game night begin!
One, two, three.
(gasps) Oh, my! (giggles)
Oh, boy. Snake eyes!
-(electric whirring)
DAISY: All right!
-(electric whirring)
-Ooh! Pie.
Hey! Gimme some of that! (grunts)
Oh, boy! I'm winning!
In your face.
(upbeat music playing)
(music continues playing)
(music ends)
(all groaning)
I don't know how much more
of this I can take.
DONALD: You're telling me.
Come on, gang.
There's only one round left.
(nervously) We're still laughing,
right? (chuckles)
Uh, Mickey,
I think we're getting a little ti
(all yelling)
-What we're trying to say is
-(all yelling)
-What I mean is
-(all yelling)
Mickey, we've had enough of game night!
I know, it's terrible!
(all yelling)
Well, I quit.
But you can't quit. None of us can.
The game won't end until someone
crosses the finish line.
Well, who's it gonna be?
Okay. Okay. I'll do it.
Oh, honey, you never win.
If anyone it should be Mickey.
He always wins.
Well, don't just stand there.
(chuckles) Let's win this thing!
ALL: Yeah!
(Goofy yelling)
(mechanical whirring)
Protect Mickey!
(all whimpering)
-MICKEY: Minnie!
-(Minnie shouting)
-(Daisy yelling)
-DONALD: Daisy!
Dang. I was rootin' for ya.
We're so close, Donald.
The finish line is right in front of us.
Donald? Donald?
MICKEY: (echoing) Donald? Donald?
DAISY: Oh, honey. You never win.
GOOFY: And Mickey always wins.
DAISY: You never win.
GOOFY: always wins.
DONALD: Just once, I want to win.
-Everyone loves Donald
-Brave and handsome Donald
WALT DISNEY: During the last few years,
we've ventured into
a lot of different themes
and we've had the opportunity
to meet and work
with a lot of wonderful people.
I only hope that we never lose
sight of one thing,
that it was all started
DONALD: By a duck!
I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win!
MICKEY: (shouting) Donald?
-Mickey! Take my hand.
It's me they want.
(dramatic music playing)
Come and get me!
(music plays quietly)
For Mickey!
For game night!
(music ends)
Gosh, I'm sorry, gang.
I was just trying to spice up game night.
I guess I went a little overboard.
You know, it wasn't so bad. (chuckles)
(laughs) Yeah! It was actually exciting.
(giggles) Yeah!
(gasps) Am I hearing
what I think I'm hearing?
You guys want to play again?
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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