Theodosia (2022) s01e20 Episode Script

An Impossible Choice

Previously on Theodosia
Grandad says the Egyptian
legends are all true.
Aapep is trapped inside
the Great Pyramid.
The pyramidion is
holding the key.
Most unfortunate what
happened to your father.
Thank goodness you're
nothing like him.
Theodosia and Henry are
lucky to have you here.
What is that?
Don't you know an Egyptian false
or 'ka' door when you see one?
It seems like a sort
of portal or a gateway.
Another chamber
for you to explore.
Breathe easy. There's not
a lot of air to go around.
Hey, cuz, we need to talk.
That's Granny's necklace.
What are you doing?
That dancing spell?
That was you?
Amazing what you can do with a
magic flute in the right place.
At least it finally got the pair
of you two dancing together.
Call it my birthday
present to you.
Nigella, we trusted you.
That might have been a mistake.
But you're Nigella, you're
one of the good people.
The Serpent on her
wrist says otherwise.
No, you can't be after the
key to Aapep's dungeon.
What could you possibly
want with magic like that?
Let's think
Power, strength
The chance to put people like
the great Lady Throckmorton there
in their place. What's
she ever done to you?
Plenty. But what matters
right now is getting that key.
If you free Aapep, you won't even
realise what's going to happen.
Chaos will come.
The old order will
be overturned.
The strong will succeed.
I will succeed.
Sorry, cousin,
Aapep must be freed.
You wish.
I'm guessing you're
going to try and stop me.
Too right she is.
Nigella, you are under control
by the Serpents. I can help.
Controlling me?
You know, I really
am fond of you.
Remember all the fun we used
to have when you were little?
All those games?
Funnily enough, I don't remember
playing "Knock out Granny
"and steal her
necklace", do you Henry?
See? You're smart
and funny. I like you.
But I'm not so fond
of your family.
Especially dear
great-auntie there.
Family's supposed to be
there for you, isn't it?
Where were they when my dad
got in trouble with the law?
They threw him out,
afraid of a scandal.
Didn't you ever wonder
why I stopped visiting?
The Serpents cared, though.
They took me and my dad in.
They looked after me
after he was gone.
Where were all of you?
Nigella, if that's what
happened, I am so sorry.
But you cannot want this.
We can fix everything.
Sorry, cuz. That's
not happening.
Theo, you have to stop her.
Hear me, ancients. Ra,
god of all that is light.
I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
I might not have magic,
but Aapep does.
And there's something the
Great One wants you to see.
Miss Krait. Are you there?
We can't shift this door.
Help. Miss Krait.
Nigella. No. You can't do this.
She is doing it!
Someone here gets it.
And if you want to stop me, you'll
help me open that pyramidion.
Now. Do it yourself! I would
if I could, believe me.
But that lock requires
magic to open.
Real magic.
Like Theo's.
There has to be another way.
My parents are in Cairo.
If you let Aapep out, they'll be
right there. Your parents, too.
Oh, believe me, if Aapep gets out
everyone will know about it
..soon enough.
But at least my way,
Theo's parents get a chance.
Fine. I'll do it.
It's not like I have much
of a choice anyway, is it?
Good for you, cuz.
Aapep wouldn't like
it if you attack me.
No, Will, stop!
You win.
The key to Aapep's prison.
Thank you.
No, Nigella, wait My
parents are in danger.
We're all in danger now.
Is it me, or is it getting
kind of stuffy in here?
Yes, it is rather.
I'm sure Miss Krait will
be back soon enough.
Though Though?
..I don't even know where
here is and how we got here.
All I remember is Miss
Krait leading us and then
Same here.
Total blank.
Too much desert heat, I guess.
Maybe there's something
in here we can use to
Oh, the colours!
So fresh.
Ali, we must be the first
to see them in 4,000 years.
Careful, darling. Careful.
Save your breath. Don't
want to be the last.
We can be careful and
keep looking, can't we?
This place, it's incredible.
Fling wide the gates.
It's no good, I
can't get it to open!
Get what to open?
Theodosia, is that you?
What's going on?
We have to get her
out of here, fast.
Out of where? What
is this place?
Does anyone else have an answer
other than Grandad's secret room?
Cos I've got nothing. What
are you going on about?
She brought me here,
said you were all
hiding it from me.
What? We didn't mean to.
We definitely did.
This room. These artefacts.
In Harold's own
museum. How could you?
Please, we have
things to worry about.
What are you blathering
on about, child?
Who took my necklace?
I was struck.
There's been foul play.
Where are you going, Granny?
The police. The police
must be informed.
The last thing we need
here are the police.
Yeah, but what about
Nigella? And Aapep.
Don't worry about
it, I'll sort it, OK?
I'll use every ounce
of magic I have in me.
But Henry, leave it.
Theo started this.
She can stop it.
Come on, let's get your gran.
Saf, please, I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry, you
make this right.
I will, I promise.
OK. First we need to get
to Egypt. Come on, Will.
Hey, what is it?
That's it. That's
our way to Egypt.
We've got to stop her
from using that phone.
OK. Look, you follow
her. I've got a plan.
OK, telephone cable.
Telephone cable.
Look, that Ka door nearly turned
me and Henry to stone, remember?
Besides, I thought
the magic was broken.
No, I reckon I can fix this.
I just need to get some
extra gear from my room.
And some
desert-friendly clothes.
What about all that sand
trapping your mum and dad?
Do you have a spell
for that, too?
I I'm working on.
It's OK. You don't
have to do everything.
I've got an idea. Meet
me back here in five.
OK, great. Thanks, Will.
We'll put this right.
Nigella won't know what hit her.
Aapep's hour approaches.
It does indeed.
The Great One will soon be free.
And the girl? Don't
worry about her,
she's got plenty to deal with.
You've done well, Miss K.
Thank you. But I'll
take it from here.
It's time for the
way to be opened.
It is time for the
Great One to rise again.
There, that bandage should do.
What on Earth do you mean I
shouldn't phone the police?
There's been a
burglary, or worse.
Worse. So worse.
And it's nothing the
police can help with.
Why ever not?
Because magic.
Kindly endeavour to
make some sort of sense.
Because magic is real and it's all
over this building and right now
Theo's trying to stop the most
dangerous thing in the world
escaping and save her mum and dad,
and then my parents are in danger
Magic? Danger?
The stuff of nonsense.
Oh, I never took this kind
of foolishness from Harold.
I'm certainly not going
to take it from a child,
even if she is a
princess. Really
What are you doing?
I shall inform your uncle!
That should do it.
Hello, operator?
Oh, the heavens,
I've been cut off.
Nice one, Henry.
Is this another of
you children's pranks?
I thought all this
ridiculousness was behind you.
Seriously, no pranks involved.
You were lying to me.
To everyone.
Ah, maybe another time.
No, stop right there, man.
I have a use for you.
I want you to go down
to the stores at once
and catalogue the
finds in the new room.
I'm sorry, the new what?
There is another
room in the museum,
something neither my
husband nor anyone else
chose to inform me about.
And it is full of artefacts.
I want them dealt with!
Right. A brand-new room.
Just popped out of
nowhere, did it?
She hit her head.
Surprised it made a difference.
What are you muttering about?
Go down to that room
while I get the police.
The police?!
Don't worry about her Ladyship.
I can deal with her.
Well, someone needs to.
Now, now, your Ladyship.
You just sit here and
don't worry about anything.
Princess Safiya
will look after you
and I'll go see about
this new room of yours.
There has to be a
spell here somewhere.
"Spell for making your enemy's
hands smell of camel dung."
Right. Not what I want.
And now to contact the police.
But the phone's out.
I have legs, don't I?
A brisk stroll will
aid in my recovery.
Here we go.
Hear me, Ancients.
Vigilant Sia, Guardian
of the First Gate.
Let the Desert Protector unlock
the gate to the arrival of Ra.
Swallower of Sinners,
God of the Second Gate,
let me pass the Lake of Fire.
Mistress of Food, Guardian
of the Third Gate,
let me cross the Lake of Life.
Let me carry the
ropes of the gods
to the fourth gate
What the? This has got a
magical mix-up written all over it.
Really, child. Do
get out of my way!
What on Earth?
The door's disappeared.
Uh, typical.
Open the way and let
me follow the path.
Well, that totally didn't work.
I'll go again.
Hey. Anyone out there?
The door's vanished.
Henry? Where are you?
I'm in here.
What did you do? Me? Nothing.
Has to be a Theo special.
Look, get me out of
here. Shut up. Rude.
No, no. Someone's coming. You've
got to be quiet, like, right now.
Who are you talking to?
No, no, no.
No-one takes that
dratted machine anywhere.
Last time it got out it
destroyed half of the museum.
Now, put it back at once.
But I At once!
Hear me, Ancients. Vigilant
Sia, throw wide the doors,
open the way and let
me follow the path.
Yes! Seventh time lucky.
So, why don't you sit down?
We've got a lot to talk about.
Clive! What?
Would you like to
see a magic trick?
Look. It's the King of Hearts.
No. Certainly not. I want you
to put that contraption back.
Hello, Clive.
What's the matter with you?
You're half
jack-in-a-box, you are.
What do you want?
That's a very good question.
And I'll give you the
answer any second.
I'll bet what I'm going to say has
got something to do with Granny.
Well, if you ask me, her Ladyship
has gone completely potty.
Secret rooms. Hidden artefacts.
Next thing you know,
she'll be telling us
the whole place is cursed. You
know, I would not be surprised.
There's something here
about a magical flail.
Made by
The chap who designed
the Great Pyramid?
That's what it says here.
And, look, there's something
here about a ceremony.
Filling the flail
with Ra's light,
so it may battle Aapep.
Myths are so vivid.
They make you want to
believe they're true.
What I'd most like to believe
is Miss Krait's coming back.
It's getting kind
of hard to breathe.
Definitely a trifle stuffy.
It's OK.
It's OK.
She'll be back.
Stiff upper lip and all that.
You're so British sometimes.
I get it from my mum.
Still, I'm sure we'll be out and
enjoying tea and cake in no time.
OK, maybe too British.
Bring me to those who bore me.
Help me guide them to safety.
For this, oh, Sia, I thank thee.
All set?
This should help with the sand.
When have Henry's
inventions ever let us down?
Actually, don't answer that.
Actually, no, this is
exactly what we need.
You can do this, Theo.
I can? Stop Aapep from escaping?
Rescue my parents?
You'll find a way. You're
Theodosia Throckmorton,
smart, brave and fierce.
Sure you've got
the right person?
OK. Smart, brave and fierce.
Like a tiger. Raar!
Right. OK,
we need to touch here and here.
Cool. This time, let's do it
without anyone turning into stone.
Well, by the time that happens,
it'll already be too late.
Anyways. C'mon, we've
got my parents to rescue
and an ancient evil
to stop. Ready?
Let's go!
Well, not quite spot-on.
Come on, help me with this. Mum
and Dad can't have much time.
Hey. Hello, hello.
Are you OK?
Are you all right?
Just needed a little shut-eye.
Been a strange kind of day.
It certainly has.
Discovered two amazing chambers.
Just a pity we got
stuck in one of them.
Wonder what the kids are doing.
Probably leading my
mother a merry dance.
Sounds like them.
Just so long as they're safe.
Yeah, they're safe.
I love you, darling.
I love you so much.
You mean to say it's all true?
Theodosia's powers?
And Harold was part of it, too?
I'm sorry.
So, Alistair's really in danger?
And Henrietta, of course.
We're all in danger.
But Theo's going to
make it all right.
She'd better, anyhow.
You will be free
soon, Great One.
And then we will
build a new world.
In the name of Aapep,
Great Snake of Chaos,
Sun Devourer,
Lord of Nothingness!
Why is nothing happening?
What have you done wrong?
You have to be more
patient, Miss K.
Chaos is coming.
Chaos is coming.
Mum?! Mum, can you hear us?
We're coming, OK?!
Go. I've got this. But
I'll make sure your
mum and dad are OK.
You have to stop Aapep.
OK. But please, help them!
Mr and Mrs Throckmorton.
Oh, no. Please, no!
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