Thunderbirds (1965) s01e20 Episode Script

Move and You're Dead

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Where is it? Where is it? Ah! Beautiful.
Just beautiful.
There she is.
She's arrived.
Move in and tie up alongside.
- What do you think, Bonson? Why? - I don't know.
I just don't know! - Fuel tanks? She was petrol-driven.
- Maybe.
There's no sign of Blacker.
I've got to get down there.
He could be trapped and I need those papers.
You'll have to work fast, before the police get here.
Get on to them.
Explain things.
You know, enough to keep them happy.
I don't want the boat touched.
Understand? Right.
The tanks are fixed.
Good luck, Bonson.
- 'Can you hear me, Tetland? ' - Yes, Bonson.
Strength 2.
- How does it look? - 'Bad.
There's a hole in the hull.
'I'm looking in the cabin.
'I've found Blacker.
He's dead.
' Poor chap.
No-one could have survived that explosion.
There's more to it, Tetland.
Blacker was shot five times.
There are some unusual cartridge cases.
There can't be more than a dozen guns of this calibre around.
- Maybe it'll give us a lead.
- 'That's not our problem.
' We must find those papers.
Then our job's finished.
Tetland, we're too late.
The papers have gone.
That explosion was no accident.
Hurry along with that test, Brains.
Alan will be out for his swim soon.
Ah yeah.
His presence in the water would ah upset the sonic beam.
(Splash) Sorry.
I didn't know you were working.
Ah just conducting a little experiment.
Poor Brains! Hold it.
It's John calling from the space station.
Yes, John.
I've had a call from a guy named Bonson.
It's kind of unusual.
'Let's have the details.
' That's the point.
He says if we don't help, the whole world could be destroyed.
'That's quite a statement.
' 'Give me the details and tell him we'll send an agent to contact him.
' 'Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Nice airport.
'I hope you've had a pleasant flight and that we'll travel together again.
'Please extinguish your cigarettes and fasten your seat-belts.
' Thank you for meeting me at the airport, Parker.
- Is the yacht ready? - Yus, m'lady.
I anchored it off the Spanish coast.
She won't be seen until you give the word.
(Lady Penelope) 'I must make a tele-call.
' (Whirring bleep) - Hello.
- (Foreign accent)'Listen carefully.
' Who is this? 'I am an International Rescue agent.
'You must do this.
At midnight you will drive to the Forest of Dean.
'There's a clearing 3km within the perimeter.
Wait there.
' How will I know you? You never will, Mr Bonson.
Now please repeat your instructions.
I need more to go on.
'How do I know I can trust you? ' You don't, Mr Bonson.
It was Y0U who asked US for help, remember? - If you prefer, we'll forget it.
- 'No.
' Sorry.
I have to be careful in my job.
'So do I.
' So do I.
Now please repeat the instructions I gave you.
I'm to drive to the Dean Forest at midnight and wait in a clearing.
(0wl hoots) (Starts engine) Dear me, you are impatient, Mr Bonson.
Switch off the engine.
(He switches engine off) Move a muscle and I'll blow off your head.
Do not turn around.
Remain as you are.
Tell me why you need International Rescue.
I'd better start at the beginning.
A British agent collected plans for a nuclear device from a scientist living in I can't say where.
If the plans were in the wrong hands, the whole world could be in danger.
- And that's what's happened? - Yes.
I was to rendezvous with my colleague on his yacht.
It was destroyed before I got there.
- And no trace of the plans? - No.
My colleague was murdered before the explosion.
I see.
How was your friend killed? He was shot five times by a Henretta 45 Supermatic.
Not a very common weapon.
- Go on.
- Well, that's it.
We've got to get those plans back.
You realise it is not International Rescue's policy to involve itself in politics or police work? I know.
But you have advanced equipment.
- The lives of millions depend - Careful, Mr Bonson.
Keep your head.
Don't move again.
I'm sorry.
But you MUST help.
Those plans must be recovered.
- You are our only hope.
- I'm leaving now.
Do nothing.
Say nothing.
I shall contact you.
Now, remain as you are for ten minutes, then return to your hotel.
(Parker) The lady said don't' move! Where to, m'lady? To the yacht, Parker.
By the way, that was excellent shooting.
- Tea, m'lady.
- Thank you, Parker.
When we drop anchor I want you to go ashore and contact the local newspaper offices.
M'lady? Tell them that fashion model, Gail Williams, has arrived on her yacht and that she's going to expose the murderers and saboteurs who destroyed that vessel yesterday.
May I ask who Gail Williams is, m'lady? How silly of me.
Didn't I say? I am Gail Williams.
One lump of sugar today, Parker.
So, she's going to track us down.
Well, we'll see about that! (Starts engine) This hanging around's getting me down.
This place has been bottled up since we blew that yacht.
I know.
How do we get past these patrol boats combing the area? Karl will figure a way.
Ah, here he is now.
- What's new, Karl? - That is.
What does it say? You know we don't understand the lingo.
Some dame is trying to track us down.
- Who is she? - A fashion model.
Is that all? She just ain't in our league! Not so fast.
That report says how many shots were fired, and what kind of gun.
Karl, this is serious! So is what we're going to do to Miss Clever Gail Williams tonight.
She's going to die.
Er you rang, m'lady? Yes, Parker.
I'm expecting a visitor.
- You may have the evening off.
- But, m'lady After that story, is that wise? I said you were excused, Parker.
You'll go ashore and enjoy yourself.
Understand? Well Monte Carlo ain't far from here.
A night out could be very profitable.
That's settled then.
- Well, enjoy yourself, Parker.
- Yus, m'lady.
(Bleeps) Go ahead, Penny.
Good evening, Jeff.
Everything is arranged.
If the bait's been taken, we'll have the plans by midnight.
You won't do anything dangerous, will you? Stop worrying, Jeff.
Just be ready for my call.
We'll be waiting.
Be careful, Penny.
Dear Jeff.
I'll be perfectly all right.
(Hums tunelessly) # The man who did the bank at Monte Carlo # I'll be off then, m'lady.
Very well, Parker.
Oh, just one moment.
What's in that case? Eh? Who? Case? Oh er you mean this one, m'lady? Yes.
That one.
Er well I thought I'd take it, you know Just in case I won at the Casino.
You know Somewhere to put all that money.
how they got in there?! Parker! Yus, m'lady.
(Chuckles) 0h, she's a one, she is! How she expects me to keep my hand in, I don't know.
I suppose I'll have to go to the Casino after all.
I think everything's ready for my guest.
I hope Parker cleared his stuff away.
(Hum of engine) I think I hear a boat.
The fish has taken the bait sooner than I expected.
Good evening.
Do come in.
So nice to have visitors.
Huh? Oh! Yeah! Now get this, lady.
This gun is loaded and I don't mind using it, see? Come on, you.
'You're going for a little boat-ride.
' I'll be with you in a moment.
I hope you're not superstitious.
That's seven years' bad luck.
Move! And cut the chatter! Good.
I'm ready now.
Will you take my arm? Hold your tongue! Just move.
And fast! Down the gangway to the boat.
Hurry! What are these quaint little buildings along the coast? - Mmm? They're boathouses.
- My, this is a deserted area.
where one was, would one? It don't matter to you.
The pleasure cruise is over.
Soon this little box of tricks is going to blow you sky-high! How interesting! How does it work? Oh, it's real clever.
We detonate it from our sub, so when you die, we're in the clear.
Fascinating! I suppose the waiting is a kind of morbid pleasure for you.
Not at all.
The delay is all part of the plan.
at the bottom of the sea, because if we move, the patrol boats will pick us up on their radar.
In 90 minutes' time, a patrol boat crosses this bay.
At the right moment we detonate the bomb.
The patrol boat comes inshore to investigate the explosion.
You die, and we will escape.
I see.
Oh! - Are you going to tie me up? - You bet! I don't mind, really, but may I fix my face before I die? It's in SUCH a mess.
Ha! You dames slay me! Always thinking about your mugs! OK, go ahead.
I got time.
(Bleeps) (Mr Tracy) 'It's Lady Penelope.
' On emergency code! Scott, switch the signal to my desk.
OK, Dad.
She's through to you.
Held captive Boathouse Submarine Must stop it.
The bay next to yacht.
Bomb! That'll do! You've prettied yourself up enough! Would you mind not tying the knots too tightly? I'm very delicate.
Shut up, or I'll gag you, too! (Scott) What the heck could have happened, Father? I don't know, Scott.
It looks like a control panel.
It could be the controls of a boat.
Penny said she was in a boathouse.
She said something about a bomb.
The visuals are still working, so presumably the sound's still on.
I'll turn the level up.
(Mr Tracy) Not a word.
- I don't like it, boys.
- Why don't we try to contact HER? The wrong person might get the message, then she'd be in mortal danger.
Let's use the code signal.
It's meaningless to anyone else.
(Mr Tracy) Right.
If anybody else is in there they wouldn't notice anything.
Let's use contact code 5.
(Faint tapping - like Morse code) Hey, what's that noise? - Noise? I can't hear anything.
- A tapping noise.
(Scrapes chair) Hold it, Father.
I heard something.
It's stopped.
It must have been rats.
These places do have them.
I mean, you must have some friends.
- Are you trying to be funny? - No, not at all.
'I was trying to explain the noise.
'Do you think those rats will leave the boat before the bomb goes off? ' So now we know.
Penelope's trapped in a boat that's going to blow up.
What a situation! It's not too late.
We know that one of the murderers is still aboard.
He'll need time to get clear.
Scott, off you go.
You know where.
Yes, Father.
They've got a submarine standing by somewhere.
We need Thunderbird 4.
Get moving.
Lady Penelope's in real trouble.
You'll have to move faster than ever before.
(Virgil) We understand.
OK, sister.
- This is it.
- You're not leaving? I was just beginning to enjoy your company.
So long, lady.
You've got about an hour left.
- All set, Gordon? - FAB.
Let's go.
Would you like coffee while you're waiting? Thank you, Tin Tin.
Waiting's the worst part of the operation.
I saw Virgil and Gordon fly off.
I wish we knew more clearly what they'll find when they get there.
International Rescue from Penelope.
Jeff, are you receiving me? (Muffled voice) That's funny.
I could swear I heard something.
From the monitor, yes.
Penny! The boys are on their way to you.
'Come in, Penny.
Can you get any closer to the transmitter? ' Jeff, there's a submarine in the bay.
(Muffled voice) Penny, can you get any closer? I can't hear you.
All right, then, Jeff.
Here goes.
- Mr Tracy, what was that? - I don't know.
Maybe Penelope's trying to tell us something.
Whatever she's doing, I hope the transmitter can stand the treatment.
It should do.
The transistors a-are very small in Lady Penelope's compact.
That accounts for the bad reception, but they are e-extremely robust.
I wish I knew what she was trying to tell us.
Everything's fixed.
Boy, could that dame talk.
And was she a cool one! All we've got to do now is wait for the patrol boat to cross the bay.
That gives us 40 minutes.
the boat and that dame go sky-high! - Base from Thunderbird 1.
- 'Loud and clear, Scott.
' - Any more information? - 'Not a thing.
' Penelope's trying to contact us but she can't get near enough to the transmitter.
(Faint voice) Hold it, Scott.
Come in, Penny.
You're still very far off.
You've got to trace the submarine.
The bomb is controlled from there.
It's no use, Penny.
I can't make you out.
'You'll have to get closer.
' This is most strenuous.
Here goes.
Come on, Penny.
Come on.
Father, I'll be at the danger zone in 15 minutes.
'Keep Thunderbird at maximum speed.
' FAB.
Well, it's now or never.
Why, Penelope! - Are you all right? - At last! Those killers are hiding out in their sub.
They must be stopped.
- Where are they? - 'I'm not sure.
' This bomb goes off as soon as the patrol boat comes into the bay at 10pm.
Then they escape with Bonson's plan.
I'll tell Scott to prepare his sonar equipment.
Base from Thunderbird 1.
Approaching danger zone.
Time 9:40.
(Mr Tracy) 'Proceed with sonar sounding.
' Base from Thunderbird 1.
Sonar soundings operating.
Reading negative.
(Mr Tracy) 'Widen the area of search.
You've got to locate that sub.
' FAB.
I'll cover the area in a widening circle.
I hope we have enough time.
'Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1, what is your ETA? ' Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2, 'FAB.
Try and make it sooner.
' 'Penelope from International Rescue.
Scott's trying to find the sub now.
' Good.
'Virgil and Gordon are minutes away.
'Don't worry, Penny, we'll get you out of there.
' (Bleeping) Ten minutes, then that patrol boat comes across the bay.
Then up goes the boathouse, Gail Williams and all.
Suppose the patrol boat doesn't investigate? It'll pick up the sound of our motors.
Stop worrying.
The cops will go.
That bomb is powerful enough to interest anyone.
- I guess you're right.
- 0f course I am.
Aren't I always? (Steady, continuous bleep) Calling Base.
I've got her! (Mr Tracy) 'Great work.
Contact Virgil.
You have seven minutes.
' Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1.
Submarine located.
Approaching danger zone.
About to launch Thunderbird 4.
' - Take up your position, Gordon.
- Sure thing.
'Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1.
' Submarine located at area 243, reference 19, chart 9.
- That's the best I can do.
- 'FAB.
' How long have we got? 'Five minutes.
' Operating sound scan, Scott.
(Rapid Bleeping) Got her! Range 400 yards.
Scott, I've ascertained the danger zone.
Proceeding at full speed.
'FAB, Gordon.
' That sub must be paralysed before the patrol boat gets here.
You have four minutes.
Three minutes before the patrol boat comes along.
Firing paralyser now! Hey! What was that? What's going on? I've started drilling, Scott.
(Scott) '25 seconds.
' What?! I'm through! Now the tranquilliser.
(Hiss of gas) Uh quickly oxygen masks I I I must get to the detonator.
The bomb must fire the bomb Gordon's knocked those guys out.
The patrol boat's in the bay and nothing's happened.
'Thank heaven.
' 'I hope Penny's 0K.
' I'll tell you in a minute or two, Father.
You knew those murderers would try to kill you.
You sure took a chance.
It's what makes life interesting - the uncertainty.
I just hope Gordon can find the plans.
Hey! Yeah, I reckon this is what we came to rescue.
It looks intact.
I guess Penelope can put Mr Bonson's mind at rest.
'Leave your car and go to the large tree at the edge of the clearing.
' Keep looking straight ahead.
Now return to your car and be very careful.
You know what will happen if you move, Mr Bonson.
Yes, I think so.
On behalf of my chiefs, I'd like to thank you.
On behalf of International Rescue, I accept thanks.
One last warning.
If you attempt to trace me or my organisation, you will find severe opposition.
I will not say further than that.
- '0me, m'lady? - Home, Parker.
By the way, how did you fare at the Casino? - 0h, I er lost, m'lady.
- 0h, dear.
How much? Well er it's a bit difficult.
Now come on, Parker, you can tell me.
Well, it wasn't so much "how much" as "what" I lost.
You're being very mysterious.
What did you lose? Well, I got a bit carried away, I thought I had a system Parker! WHAT did you lose? Er Well Your yacht, m'lady.

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