Thundercats (1985) s01e20 Episode Script

021 - Return to Thundera

Make way.
Make way for Lord Slithe and his high evilness, Mumm-Ra.
This had better be important, Slithe to summon me here in the dead of night.
It is important, most important.
By the black obelisks.
- What is it? - The Warbot, Mumm-Ra.
The most awesome invention of Plun-Darrian science.
There was no time to build it back on Plun-Darr but here on Third Earth, it stands complete ready to destroy those accursed Thundercats in their very lair.
I see.
But what can it do that my powers cannot? A demonstration? My pleasure.
But you will need more than making Frogdog into a statue to defeat those feline heroes.
Rest assured, Your High Horribleness its arsenal of weapons will bring us the final triumph over Lion-O and his loyal Thundercats.
Forward to Cats' Lair.
Go! The time capsule.
To think it came all the way from Thundera, our home planet.
Aside from us, it's all that's left of our beloved Thundera.
The Thundera I hardly knew.
How does it work, Panthro? It's a hologram.
A perfect model of Thundera.
- It's beautiful.
- Incredible.
It's just as I remember it.
I fought that caveman for this capsule.
Don't see why I can't try it out.
Where? Where am I? That city, it looks like the image the optocrystal projected.
Only even more real.
It is real, Lion-O.
You have traveled back in time and space.
You are home again on Thundera.
You? Here? How? I am the spirit form of Jaga.
I can be anywhere, and I am always near you.
I can hardly believe it.
It's just as I dreamed it would be.
It may not be as you imagined it, Lion-O.
Take care that your dream does not turn into a nightmare.
- What is happening here on Thundera? - Simple, Lion-O.
You have traveled back in time and space back to the day before the destruction of the planet which was once your home.
Can't sleep.
My cat sense tells me something's wrong.
Where is he? Not on watch.
That's unlike him.
Great Jaga! What is that? - What is it, Panthro? - Whatever it is, it's big.
Heavily armed, coming straight for the lair.
Range seven-niner-zero.
Closing rapidly.
Mountains of Thundera.
Look at this, Thundercats.
- A giant robot.
- Yeah.
A nightmare version of that reptilian rascal, Slithe.
Lasers fire! Panthro, Tygra.
Where is he? He abandoned his post.
He wouldn't have done that.
Something must have happened to him.
We've got to act fast.
Let's give that big buster a taste of the ballista.
Fire and ice, a double discouragement.
It's got plenty of defenses.
Let's try again.
That thing's got an answer for every gimmick you threw, Panthro.
I'd like it better if Lion-O were here.
Where is he? Halt.
Who comes? - Lion-O, lord of the Thundercats.
- Lion-O? Any fool knows old Claudus is lord of Thundera.
I am his son.
Let me pass.
His son is but a boy.
Take him! I have little time.
Let me pass, or I shall use my sword.
A sword against ray pistols? This Plun-Darrian is mad.
Have I not seen that very blade carried by wise Jaga? You have.
It is the Sword of Omens.
Now, let me pass.
But whoever you are you will not come out alive.
We have orders to leave at the next tremor.
The Eye of Thundera protect you.
Kano, no, stop! Kano, it's me, Lion-O.
Kano, you old saber-toothed beauty.
You remember me.
Oh, you want me to follow you.
Lead on, Kano.
Do not waste what little time remains, Claudus.
Give us what we came for.
You Mutants are on a useless mission.
I have no plans.
You lie.
I lost my sight fighting your evil empire.
Do you think I fear two such as you? You cannot see, but you can feel.
Even if the old fool has the plans, they will perish with him.
Kano, you have brought a friend to aid me.
- Who are you? - I am Lion-O, your son.
You cannot be.
Lion-O is a mere boy.
You are a grown warrior.
Claudus, Thundera is doomed.
You must leave.
I cannot leave.
Jaga's ship is on the launch pad.
It will take my son and the Thundercat nobles to safety.
But its gyrostabilizer is faulty, and I must boost their guidance system from here.
But you, how will you escape? A gravity capsule hidden nearby, if there is time.
What those Mutants were looking for.
Plans of a Plun-Darrian war robot.
Copied by one of my spies.
They might prove useful in another world another time.
I thank you for your help.
May my son, Lion-O, grow up to be as brave and noble as you and carry on the sacred code of Thundera.
- Justice, truth, honor, loyalty.
- Justice, truth, honor, loyalty.
The tremors grow worse.
Go, while you still can.
Farewell, Father.
The Warbot, it's coming closer.
Lion-O, help! Magnetos that hold on stone.
Another Plun-Darrian brainstorm.
Pry them off, Thundercats.
The Lair head's being torn off.
Quick, get below.
The robot, drilling a way inside.
Never thought I'd live to say this but Thundercats, stand by to abandon Cats' Lair.
What? Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! - Lion-O, where were you? - What happened? No time to explain.
Stand back.
Lion-O, the robot feeds on energy.
Sends it back at you.
Not this time.
Sword of Omens, give me power beyond power.
You drove it back, Lion-O, but it will attack again.
Not if I can face it on open ground, Panthro.
Ready the ballista.
Thanks for the catch.
Lion-O! He'll be stomped flat.
What's this? The Warbot is down.
All circuits dead.
It cannot, must not be.
But it is, Slithe, you bungler.
Those Thundercats have defeated your puny efforts once again.
Only I, Mumm-Ra ever-living source of evil, will defeat the Thundercats because only I have real power.
Magical, mystical power.
My father, Claudus, gave me the secret of the Warbot.
An absorber disk under one foot to receive the cosmic rays Slithe energized it with.
That reptilian villain never dreamed anyone would learn about it and short-circuit his super-weapon.
That's twice Claudus has saved us.
First when he guided our ship from Thundera and now by giving Lion-O the plans of the Warbot.
I should have saved him.
I tried, but he wouldn't leave.
No, Lion-O, there was nothing you could do.
No one can change history.
We can only learn from it.
And we've got a few lessons to learn from that Warbot.
It came within an inch of destroying us.
Let's get to work before those Mutants launch another attack.
Claudus, my father, wherever you are my thoughts and love go to you.
May we meet again somewhere in time.

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