ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e20 Episode Script

Adopt a Jackal

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
- Huh?
- [jackhammer pounding]
- [screaming]
- [pounding]
How's it looking?
Do we need more smash?
I don't know.
Check the blueprints.
Hmm M-O-R
[Slithe] Who gave
the blueprints to Jackalman?
More smash! More smash!
This hole needs to be deeper if
we're going to plant our seeds.
Once we plant the Seeds of
Plun-Darr terraforming will begin.
We'll make Third Earth exactly like
our beautiful Planet Plun-Darr!
[laughs maniacally]
The ThunderCats! Why can't they
just mind their own business?
Well, we Mutants won't go down
without a fight,
yes. [laughs]
- [beeping]
- Huh?
Back. Come back.
Now cut the wheel!
No! You have space!
[sighs] Where did you learn
to park?
I didn't.
You said you knew how to drive.
Parking is the opposite
of driving.
Grr, Vultureman!
Crush the ThunderCats!
[Vultureman] Okay, boss.
Hey, thanks. Uh, there we go.
You missed, genius.
Uh, sorry, I pressed
the wrong button.
How did you get in here?
Catch me and find out,
slow pokes.
- [clanging]
- Remind me which one it is?
[Slithe] The Smash button!
Eject? Okay.
[all gasp]
Hey Slithe, I think
the ThunderCats are here.
Do you? Good thing
I've got a remote control.
You think I'd let an oaf drive my
vehicle without some kind of override?
Man, I wish
I'd thought of that.
- Guys, we have to get out of here.
- [all trembling]
Don't unbuckle your seat belts!
That's not safe.
Gotta stop it! Gotta stop it!
- [computer] Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash!
- Oh, that cannot be good.
There. Finally parked.
[Cheetara] Lion-O look out!
I can't control it! It's gonna smash.
[all groaning]
Another scheme foiled!
Get in the car, doofuses.
We'll get you next time,
[all cheering]
Tygra, can you believe you told me not
to hold my sword while I was driving?
[imitating car]
Oh, hey, what do you guys think
these things are?
Seeds of Plun-Darr, eh?
I'll take them back to my lab and figure
out what those Mutants were up to.
Good job, everyone!
You should all be proud
to call yourselves ThunderCats!
[all cheering]
Oh, no! I got in the wrong car!
I'm stuck with the ThunderCats!
Okay, don't panic
I just gotta get outta here
before they notice.
Oh, no! I forgot
to get outta here!
Uh, hey guys can I talk to you
in the other room for a minute?
How long has Jackalman
been here?
We need to capture him
before he attacks us.
I don't know, Tygra,
I think he just got confused and
came home with us by accident.
Yeah, isn't he the dumb Mutant?
Or, you know,
the dumbest Mutant?
He's probably all mixed up. Maybe
he thinks he's a ThunderCat now.
- [both] Aw!
- I don't have the heart to tell him he's not a ThunderCat.
Look at him! I bet he can't even
think and breathe at the same time.
Hehe! They think
I'm a ThunderCat!
I've infiltrated their base and now I'm
an undercover [gasping for air]
Now I'm an undercover agent.
He's a Mutant.
He's probably scheming
against us right now.
- [both] No way.
- Scheming, scheming, scheming Oh!
He didn't catch it.
What's the matter, boy?
Can't you catch?
That's okay.
He's still a good boy.
Aren't you? Who's a good boy?
- What do I do?
- [barking]
- What should we call him?
- His name is Jackalman.
- How about "Jackal-O"?
- Or "Jackaltara"!
His name is Jackalman. And I'm like
99.9% sure we've heard him talk.
- [barking]
- [object smashes]
[chuckles] He's a troublemaker,
but you have to cherish
these years.
Hey, little buddy, how'd you
like to come to my lab?
I'm looking at
the Seeds of Plun-Darr.
[giggles in thought] Yes.
Take me to the
Seeds of Plun-Darr, fool! Ow!
He really doesn't know
how to catch, huh?
Whoa! Vultureman did some serious
gene editing to these seeds.
Good thing we stopped Slithe
from planting them. Right, boy?
Uh-oh! Come on, buddy!
The Wolo Village
is being flooded!
We have to help, ThunderCats.
What do you say, boy? Are you ready
to go on your first adventure?
- We can't bring Jackalman!
- Sure we can.
I got a leash.
And, uh, here's some
plastic baggies.
Let's roll!
Alright, everybody,
the dam is sealed!
Now we just gotta save
some Wolos! Hop on you guys!
Oh, yeah, we're saved!
- Uh-oh!
- Gotcha!
- [all] Help!
- Sky Lion-o!
Hey, what about us?
No Wolo left behind
on my watch.
- Alright! Yeah!
- Nice job guys.
That little boy is about
to be sucked down a drain!
Help! Help!
I'll save him.
Gotcha! Now to paddle out.
Made it worse. Uh
"Righty tighty, lefty loosey."
- Uh-oh!
- [both] Help!
Jackal-O! Save them!
Lion-O, for the last time,
Jackalman is a Mutant.
Oh, no, if I don't save them,
they'll know I'm not a ThunderCat
and I'll never get
the Seeds of Plun-Darr!
- [water gurgling]
- Oh, thanks, Jackal-Tara!
- [gurgling]
- [all gasp]
[all gasp]
[all cheer]
[all cheering]
You did it, Jackal-O!
Who's a good boy?
Who's a good boy?
Me? A good boy?
Good boy, I say! Good boy!
Time for more good deeds.
Oh, no!
[man screaming]
[all] Yay!
Jackal-O! Save them!
Here you go, Jackaltara.
Gotcha a little present
for being so good.
Can Jackalkit
sleep in our room?
Nah, let Jackalthro rest.
He's had a big first day
as a hero.
- [both] Aw!
- You'll see him tomorrow.
Say goodnight to Jackaltara!
- Goodnight, Jackalthro!
- Goodnight, Jackalkit!
I wonder if I'll ever
get to be a Mutant again
A Mutant once more ♪
A Mutant again ♪
With enemies like these ♪
Who needs a friend? ♪
A friendship's
Not in my repertoire ♪
They say the world's
Full of evil ♪
I wonder
Where all of them are? ♪
A Mutant again ♪
A Mutant once more ♪
I know I've done good ♪
But I'm bad to the core ♪
Like the darkness
Lying under the stars ♪
I used to have dreams
About evil ♪
I wonder
Where all of them are ♪
I knew he was
scheming against us!
And he can talk.
He can sing!
He sure can!
I wish there was a way to get him back home
without letting him know we were on to him.
I don't want to
hurt his feelings.
His feelings? He's a Mutant!
So? You became best buddies
with Mumm-Ra that one time,
and none of us gave you
a hard time about that.
I was
I was under mind control.
- Sure you were.
- Hmm
I have an idea!
Panthro, where are those
evil Seeds of Plun-Darr?
Oh, man, I gotta get those Seeds
of Plun-Darr and get outta here.
Hey, Cheetara, do you have those Seeds
of Plun-Darr we took from the Mutants?
Why, yes! Here they are.
Whoops! Butterfingers.
- [gasping excitedly]
- You're so clumsy.
Why don't you just pick
them up with your feet?
Hey, what's that?
Ha-ha! I did it! I did it!
I did it!
Hey, where's Jackalkat?
Turns out he was a bad guy,
so we gave him the Seeds of
Plun-Darr and let him go.
[spits] What?
[engine revving]
- [Jackalman] You guys! You guys!
- Jackalman? You're back.
- [giggling]
- Welcome back.
- Aw.
- Where were you?
I was with the ThunderCats!
I was so scared, I thought
they were gonna eat me!
I'm so glad you're okay.
[both crying]
Wait, hold on. Jackalman
thought we were gonna eat him?
You guys! You guys!
Look what I brought.
The Seeds of Plun-Darr?
Excellent work, Jackalman!
Now the evil terraforming
of Third Earth can begin!
That's our cue.
No! We're too late!
You've defeated us, Jackalman!
[whispering] Nice one, Lion-O.
[laughing] It's time
for Third Earth to be reborn!
Huh? One Plun-Darrian tree?
Has someone been messing
with these seeds?
I don't know
anything about that!
Looks like my genetic
modification did the trick.
- Great plan, Lion-O!
- Yes.
It looks like the Mutants win,
thanks to Jackalman!
- But it's just one tree.
- Which will grow!
Third Earth is doomed to
become a new Planet Plun-Darr.
In a couple centuries,
give or take.
Curse you, Mutants!
So, we did it?
[all cheering] Yay!
Seriously though.
Do the Mutants think the ThunderCats
are trying to eat them?
Because that's new and weird information
that I feel we're just glossing over.
Who knows
what they think, Tygra.
All I know is that for once,
it feels good to lose.
We're gonna come back later
and destroy that tree, right?
Oh yeah, it's an invasive species.
It's gotta go.
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