Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20
I told you to turn your
face to me, Hatun.
I told to turn your face, Hatun.
Terken Hatun.
If you have finished seeing our
Sultan, come in front of the tent.
My Sultan.
Allah is the greatest!
They've turned this place into
a bloodbath. We need to retreat.
But the documents are there!
Don't mind the documents. If we
die, we can take nothing ever again!
Save yourself! Let's go.
Sabbah and Markus have gone.
Go after them right away! Come on!
He wrote down every state
secret he has learned, and hid them.
That bastard
Thank Allah got them before
the infidels got them.
Our swords say the
last words in these lands!
You will all learn it!
Until things calm down, you
shouldn’t have left the palace.
What if someone harms the baby you carry?
How can we give the account of that?
How kind of you to worry about
us to this degree, Zubeyde Hatun.
I'm worried for the state.
And you are the family of our Sultan.
That's the reason for
your worth. And that's it.
I think of our state
and out of respect for
your position, I stay silent.
For now!
I don't need my
position against you.
Do your best.
Now, since you saw
our Sultan, you can go.
If you remove, his head just
because he spitted on you, all
the effort you showed for
our cause would be for nothing.
And these are important
people for Crusaders.
We need to
interrogate them first.
Come on, we will take the Counts
and the documents to the palace.
Send news to the tribe,
the mission is accomplished.
When our Sultan opens
his eyes, the first thing
he should hear should
be the good news from us.
Come on!
When I learned Terken
left the palace and came
here, I saw the danger,
and came here right away.
I'm glad she didn't see you.
If she learns this secret
It would bring great
catastrophes, may Allah protect.
Call the doctors quickly, Hatun.
-Thank Allah.
You are awake.
Thank Allah, my Allah did not let you
die by the hands of the treacherous enemy.
Allah Almighty bestowed me with
days to take our revenge, before I die.
I saw my father Alparslan in my dreams.
He talked about our Prophet PBUH,
his friends, and the Sanjac of Tawheed.
It should be raised
stay on the skies, and never fall.
All the world has swore to make us fall.
Every treacherous one has made an
oath to tear that blessed Sanjac apart.
But we won't fall.
That Sanjac will bring
order to the whole world.
How is Kamac? And my soldiers?
They are fine, thank
Allah. Head Doctor,
Turna Hatun, and all the
healers of the tribe worked hard.
And they healed all of them.
I saw Basulu here.
Her face was right in front of me.
She was looking at me with worry.
I saw her in my dreams
before too, but this time
It was too real to be a dream.
You were in a difficuft situation.
You were both wounded and poisoned.
You thought you saw
such thing with the effect
of your situation and the
medicines they gave you.
You should have rest.
It’s not the time to rest, Zubeyde.
Prepare me now.
There are things that
the enemy has to pay for.
When did you come here Isaakios?
I came here when Livia told me
that the Seljuk would set an ambush.
Did you give the documents to the Counts?
We couldn't resist the ambush.
The Seljuk killed the Count's
soldiers and seized the documents.
Damn it! Everything was dependent
on those documents for me!
I broke the agreement I made with
Meliksah I was relying on those documents!
Moreover, Meliksah is still alive.
Where is Count Albert?
I told him to escape
from the scene of the fight.
He'll be at our meeting
point if he could make it.
If something happens
to him, the Emperor,
Christian Kingdoms and
the Pope won't forgive us.
These all happend because of you, old fox.
Nothing you promissed hapened.
Did you use us?
Did you sell us out for the Seljuk?
You can't separate your friend from
your enemy because of our rage.
At such a time when we should be
united against our enemy more than ever
are you trying to make
me your enemy too?
Hasan Sabbah kept all his
promises to us, Isaakios.
Hasan Sabbah kept all
his promises to us, Isaakios.
He gave the documents to the Counts.
What does it change, Markus?
The Seljuk has the documents.
Meliksah will attack us
harder to take his revenge.
We'll go and wait for the Counts
to arrive at the meeting point now.
You should pray that
they wouldn't get caught.
Get ready! We'll set out!
May I come in?
Come in.
May Allah protect your health
and our state, my Sultan.
There is news from Hace Hadrath.
The documents belonging to our
state have been taken from the enemy.
Count Albert, who come
to get the documents,
and the other Count
next to him were captured.
They are being taken
to the palace now.
Count Albert
the most feudal lord of the Frank
lands, the key to the Crusaders.
I'll find Sabbah and Markus who
planned these evil traps against us first.
Then I'll destroy them all.
May you live long, our Sultan!
May you live long, our Sultan!
May you live
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May you live long, our Sultan.
Our enemies.
tried to destroy us
with their filthy traps.
But they don't know that
is the Best of those planners.
Thank Allah
we have survived.
it's time to make them all pay.
it's time for a new awakening.
The ones who delivered
us this great sanjak
didn't just give us a sanjak
they gave us spirit.
It is that spirit
that keeps us
strong on our horses
that gives us strength to move
that helps us move forward
.and makes our swords sharper.
I swear to Allah that granted us
to hold these swords
that these swords we hold..
will not be down until
we destroy those who
are against Allah's cause.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live Iong, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your swords rise to the skies.
May you live long, our Sultan.
May your sword
.never be rusty.
May your great horse move fast.
May Allah grant you all that you wish.
Damn it. What do you mean
they captured Count Albert?
The other Coun was with him.
Only they were captured.
And they had a big chest with them.
So they have the state documents.
But Count Albert is more
important to us than them.
If Meliksah makes him talk we're done.
Where is Markus now?
I don't know. I haven't seen him.
If he’s alive he must be at
the meeting spot of the counts.
He's probably waiting for the
counts to come like an idiot.
I'll go there and tell
him what's happened.
And you will let the spies know.
They will figure out where they took the
Counts and what will be done to them.
The war on Zubeyde Hatun
has started. Taculmulk.
We need to make a move
that will show our power
and make them know who we are.
Make the necessary contacts.
Thank Allah.
My Sultan.
You've brought
our state happiness.
Our palace is lively again my Sultan.
Thank you my girl.
Where are Tapar and Hace?
They haven't arrived my Sultan.
Tell them to come see me when they do.
Everyone back to your duties.
Each of you will tell me what
has happened while I was gone.
As your order, my Sultan.
You and Sencer are a distant.
I carn feel it.
Don't think that
because I am his mother,
I will protect him.
You are like my child
to me, just like him.
We are distant because
I was heart broken.
But the reason was
because I am too fragile about our love.
Now I don't know what to do.
our fears go against the truth of love.
It wears us down.
Our made up fears
almost takes away our happiness.
However, love, that causes all of this
will over come it.
You don't have mother to
hug you
to listen to your troubles give you guidance when you need to.
I know.
But in my heart
I will always have room for you.
If you need me, my arms
will be waiting for you.
Don't forget.
Hace Hadrath.
Our Sultan was waiting for you.
I guess you got the documents of our state.
Thank Allah, we didn't return empty-handed
from our campaign, Taculmulk.
Better late than never.
And we can surely explain
why it was late, Taculmulk.
What are these documents?
Our Sultan wanted me to report what
hapened in the palace during his absence.
That's good.
I wish you had written that
you broke the ambush Sencer
prepared and caused our
soldiers to fall as martyrs.
I'm sure our Sultan
wants to know it above all.
My Sultan. Melek Tapar and Hace
Hadrath had brought the Counts.
They are waiting to come in your presence.
My Sultan.
My Sultan. My Atabey.
Was there anything against
the captive law on the road?
There wasn't.
I know.
Capturing a person like me
gave you a great deal of pleasure.
And you will take a bigger
pleasure, when you kill me.
So, I'm ready to die.
Don't expect anything else from me.
If you wasn't ready to die
you wouldn't be in our land anyway.
Which one is worse?
Being killed by your enemy
or, being kept as a
captive until you die?
Every moment you hold me in your hands
means worse than dying to me.
It's a torture for me.
Let me save you from that torture.
Tell me where Markus and
Sabbah are and I will set you free.
I don't know.
Are you saying this by risking staying
in the dungeon for a lifetime?
The crusaders, kingdoms
and emperor and even
Pope is making an effort for me.
He'll surely save me.
Okay, then.
You are my captive now.
Let's see who will be able to save you.
The Counts will be taken to Sahdiz Castle.
Take them to the dungeon for now.
My Sultan.
Why are you sending them,to, Sahdiz Castle?
Albert is right.
They'll surely come to save him.
Let him hear we’ll take the
counts to Sahdiz Castle, Hace.
Let it be heard immediately, so that
Markus and Sabbah fall into our trap.
Neither Markus nor Sabbah are alone.
One of them is the
pioneers of the crusaders
and the other one is
the leader of Batinis.
The sound of the blow
we are about to hit them
will be heard from Constantinople
and Fatimi Cairo at the same time.
You took the documents of
our state at the right on time.
If you were any more later
it would be taken by the crusaders.
My Sultan. We could have
gotten them much sooner.
Yet, Taculmulk made a great mistake.
He broke the ambush
Sencer set around the vault.
Therefore, the crusaders
made our soldiers martyrs.
So, we could take them a day later.
bring Taculmulk in my presence.
Count Alber still hasn't come.
I sure he got into trouble.
You are right, Prince Izakios!
While you were waiting here,
the Seljuk captured Count Albert.
Damn it.
If Meliksah makes him talk
all our big plans will be failed.
Instead of destroying Turks
with the crusader armies
they will destroy us!
Sabbah. You said you had a
shadow in the palace. Send him orders.
He should kill County
Albert before he speaks. 
Sir, we learned what
Meliksah will do with the Counts.
They will be taken to Sahdiz Castle.
All important prisoners are held there.
I know that castle.
The road to thaf castle is
by the sycamore forests.
They won't take that road.
That is the open road
that leads to Shahdiz.
But the Seljuks
will take a lesser known path, by
the Sarp Mountain, to stay out of sight.
Isaakios, I must not be seen.
Give me your soldiers. I will set
up an ambush by the mountain road.
I will save our counts.
Take them all.
But do not return empty handed.
Kill Count Albert if you cannot rescue him.
He must not be left to the Seljuks.
MelikShah will surely
..make great preparations
after all that's happened.
I will increase my strength
against anything that may happen.
I will do my best to
find out about what
MelikShah will be preparing for.
Why did you disband the soldiers Sencer
had stationed for the ambush in Karatepe?
My soldiers were martyred because of that!
My Sultan, we received
news in your absence.
It said that the Christian warriors
will be going the other way.
So I did what I must.
The news were false.
Your job is to know the truth from lies!
If Sencer's ambush was
up in the wrong place.
wouldn't I be chastised for
not doing anything, my Sultan?
Am I at fault because I did
what I must for the state?
You still make excuses to cover
up your mistake. Shame on you!
This shame
is for your incompetence.
You will be punished.
You have been dismissed from council.
You have been demoted.
Out of my sight!
As you command, my Sultan.
Take the counts to Shahdiz, Sencer.
The trap we will set on the way
will be imperative in
catching Markus and Sabbah.
Be very careful.
Yes, father?
Have you spoken to Sencer?
When will he come to ask for your hand?
Is there something wrong, daughter?
No father.
Sencer is out on an important mission.
I will speak to him when he returns.
Good. We must not keep good things waiting.
I would be very happy
to see you get married.
InshaAllah, father.
Get your sword and go back to your duty.
Know that
the reason for letting
you go back to your
duty is not just making
it to the ambush in time
but it's always keeping your
brave temperament, no matter what.
Always stay loyal to being brave.
Thank you, my Sultan.
From now on, my heart, my soul
and my sword is yours.
It's not time for defense but attack.
May your swords be sharp.
Our enemies will feel the
shadow of our swords on them.
Those swords
will blow on Marcus and Sabbah first
and all Christian
warriors and Batinis later.
Son, may you have a stronger faith
and a sharper sword now.
Sencer, come with me.
There is something private
I need to talk to you.
Hadhrat Melik.
Wait in the yard, Arslantas.
Our secret
is known by Zubeyde Hatun.
She found out when she paid a visit
for Bashulu Hatun when she was injured.
She knows every detail.
From now on
whatever happens, it
will all be for the best for us.
Will you tell the secret to our Sultan?
That's what we've decided on.
We will talk to you one last
time and tell it to our Sultan.
We came to that conclusion
before our Sultan was injured.
Christian warriors
Byzantines, Batinis
The big war is coming.
the letter from the
brother of our Sultan, Tekis
gave me second thoughts whethen
to tell the secret to our Sultan or not.
The situation of the royal family
and while our state,
and our Sultan
is fighting all
I think it's best to sit on the secret.
I think you've thought well.
Because the recent occurrences
also made me think.
It is good to be on the same page with you.
Zubeyde Hatun
you might see me as a threat
to Melik Berkyaruk's future.
And maybe you don't want
my mother in the palace either.
But please know that
my mother or I
have no interest in the palace,
in the throne or in anything.
You carry the same royal blood as my
son Berkyaruk, from the same father.
I have accepted you as my
son like every other child
in the royal family.
Berkyaruk is not your Melik
but your brother.
What I want from you
is for you to help your
older brother when he needs it.
MelikShah's sons must be firm like a fist.
I can be brother and a companion
to anyone who stays on the Straight Path.
As long as my brother Berkyaruk stays on
the Straight Path, I will be on his side.
In my dreams
when I saw Basulu next to me
I felt her love and warmth again.
That's called yearning, my Sultan.
What if she came up to you
in the flesh, and told you
she kept her love for
you hidden for years
what would you do, my Sultan?
Would you be angry at
her depriving herself
from you for years, or
would you hold her?
She would be mad at me
for not seeing our son
Ahmed all these years.
I would think what
answer to give her first.
A mottled falcon in being a Sultan
a savage eagle in being a warrior
a nightingale that seeks
its rose in being a lover.
Rose sorbet
..will compensate for the rose's
taste and smell in its absence.
Whenever I think of the rose
I feel the thorn of its
absence in my heart.
even if I could sniff
the rose for a moment
it is worth suffering its thorns
for the rest of my days.
"I can neither consent to touch you.
Nor can I properly breathe without you.
My problem is a novel one.
I can't talk to anyone else.
It is a slovenly poison that
I cannot get enough of"
They tended to our wounds.
The fed us, gave us water
The could have killed us but
they showed us hospitality.
The Turks are using compassion
skillfully like they use their swords.
Are you praising the enemy in
the dungeon of the enemy, Albert?
Were you deceived by their actions?
Of course not.
I'm sure they are doing all this
to win us over and make us talk.
But we w&h'tjet that
I hope our men do their best to save us.
Your time here is done.
We are going to Shahdiz.
That doesn't mean anything for us.
our most beautiful places will
always be a dungeon for us.
That's because of the black
curtain in front of your eyes.
You should count yourselves
lucky our Sultan didn't execute you.
Take them.
The soldiers the Emperor sent
..will first clear out
the Muslims that intend
to break the line from
Kuvel to Constantinople.
That way, we will
have a stronger back.
We will have tlie power
of the navy with us.
Before, it was ineptness of Andreas
that encouraged
MelikShah to besiege Kuvel.
If the oncoming army succeeds, it will
be a big blow on MelikShah's expectations.
Even the Turkish beylics
in Ariatolia will feel the blow.
While MelikShah was dreaming of taking
Queli and marching down to Constantinople
he will barely hold on to Anatolia now.
The army will come
victorious soon, rest assured.
You've been ambushed, Sencer.
We won't let you have the Counts.
The hyenas are all over the bait.
Gut them all!
We won't leave you to Turks even
if we can't save you, Count Albert.
You cowards.
Tell me where Marcus is.
I don't know.
Sultan MelikShah does
not repeat his quesions.
In the quiet part of the
forest that stands over the hill.
We will separate into two groups.
Sencer, you will lead one group.
We will raid Marcus's stronghold.
As you wish, my Sultan.
Come on, my brave warriors!
Take the Counts to the dungeon.
Sultan MelikShah
you risked yourself to save me
even when my friends
intended to kill me.
But I'm not going to give
you the information you want.
Was it worth all that sacrifice?
I didn't save you to use you.
You are our prisoner.
It is our law to take care of you
until you are given a verdict.
It is worth every
sacrifice to save our law.
For years, you have stood
with him in every trouble.
Is that how he pays it back?
Turn away from you as soon
as Zubeyde Hatun comes?
If he does this
while I'm pregnant
I wonder what will
happen when I give birth.
Zubeyde Hatun has a son.
She keeps shoving it to my face.
And me?
I don't even know if it will be a girl
or a boy.
he has a Hatun who has
been with him for years
and a sweet daughter.
For him to take interest in us
maybe you should
have been a boy too.
Look what happened to your mother.
Look and take a lesson.
We are close to his place.
We will walk on foot from here on.
The hounds of Marcus'
We are on the right path.
My Sultan.
There is no sign of
Marcus and his men.
We have killed
what was left of them.
We are close to his place.
We raid soon.
It is obvidus this is their place
but they have all ran away.
They have turned the middle of our
home into a Christian stronghold.
no matter where run off to
even if you go to the depths of hell
I will find you and Sabbah.
I will get our revenge.
The man we're after
is no ordinary bandit.
He is the head of
Christian warriors here.
We will cut that head
so that it will be a lesson
for those who follow him.
Spread out and look for marks.
We go back to the palace, Tapar.
My Sultan, I'd like to go back
to the tribe if you'll allow me.
I couldn't take care of the tribe
ever since Korkut Ata was martyred.
Good thinking.
Kinik Tribe is important for us.
Bring this Christian hideout to the ground.
Our enemies will come
together and strike us harder.
Your responsibilities will
increase reqarding this matter.
I wait your orders, my Sultan.
Summon the private soldiers
who come from the Kinik Clan.
And have them settle in the Kinik tribe.
Kinik tribe will be the headquarters
of the private soldiers from now on.
The most important striking power
of the state will take action from there.
As you command, my Sultan.
When Kinik tribe will
be of such importance
Togan cannot handle being the Bey.
He is not qualified enough.
I think that
being the Bey of Kinik
tribe would suit you.
Your consideration brings
me honour, my Sultan.
But I have never thought of it before.
Togan has the blood of the Beylic.
Wouldn’t it be inappropriate
for me to be the head?
It is not just appropriate
to inherit the Bey
title, you know that.
Besides, you are from the
Kihik tribe, you have virtues
you know your laws
and most importantly,
you are qualified.
Difficult days are ahead.
You must accept greater responsibility.
You are worth, not running
around with a few men
but running a tribe
and a headquarters.
It is time, Sencer.
You must pick up the Beylic sword.
I am a ghost that terrorizes
in your lands, MelikShah.
You cannot see me
unless I want you to.
You hid me with you in such a
difficult time, my brother Einar.
I promise you, our
revenge will be very bitter.
I will avenge our hideout too.
MelikShah set up a trap inside the
trap. We couldn't save the counts.
What now?
MelikShah's next move will be huge.
We didn't run out of moves either.
I will send a word to
my shadow in the palace.
Whatever MelikShah is
planning, we will know beforehand.
Taking Shalamzar is now
more important than ever.
We will hit a blow on MelikShah's
preparations by taking Shalamzar.
Speed things up
and take that place, Faysal.
Ilteber hindered us by not
giving Turna to me, father.
As if that wasn't enough,
he will give her to Sencer.
If Sencer gets Turna
we can forget about Shalamzar.
Do your best and try to prevent
Sencer and Turna's marriage, son.
I will do whatever is necessary.
I had already grew them distant.
Now I will grow them
even more, distant.
My Sultan.
What is it, Hace?
Prince Isaakios
took advantage of you being
ill and broke the agreement.
He stopped the construction of the masjid
and dismissed our soldiers from Queli.
That infield Isaakios..
where does he
get the courage from?
As a matter of fact, we have
another news, my Sultan.
A big Byzantine army ported in Black Sea.
They raided Hopa and Shavshat
and slaughtered the Muslim population.
What are you saying, Hace?
They are clearly reinforcing Queli.
The Turkmens in Anatolia
Saltukids, Danishmendids, Mengujeks
They were all commanders
of my father Alparslan.
My father ordered them
to make Anatolia home.
How can they not protect those lands?
They have been dealing with
their own problems, my Sultan.
For that reason
they want to stay in peace with the
Trabzon Governor Theodoros Gavras.
Didn't we let them know there
would be a Christian attack?
How can they not take it seriously?
Is it time for peace when
we should be fighting?
So, Queli is getting stronger.
It seems that
it is time to take care
of this once and for all.
I want the number of
men, catapults and swords.
I want Hayyam and Isfizari.
Queli is the head of the snake that
streches out from Constantinople.
We will cut that head and
waltz to Constantinople.
They now have control over Black sea line
that connects Queli with COnstantinople.
They will stack men in Queli now.
This large campaign
with the help of Anatolia Beylics
will be the first new step
towards the big western conquests.
The catapults are not
enough for Queli walls.
We need catapults that can throw
bigger rocks from further away.
This catapult
is the same one Sultan
Tugrul used in a castle siege.
It has 15 wheels, it
is pulled by 400 men.
It can throw rocks that
weigh at least 200 oka.
We will make a bigger
catapult than this.
My Sultan, we would
need very good materials
for such catapults.
For the wheels and its parts
we need to bring
in i special steels.
Besides, we also need big springs.
But we need to let a spring
sit for one year to use it.
There is no way we can
make catapult springs.
Don't we have the necessary
steel in the army warehouses?
The explosion of the steels that we
brought before, made things harder for us.
We can bring in the necessary steels
from Yemen, Damascus and Herat
but that would take a lot of time.
Some of the supplies needed to manufacture
the springs used in the large catapults
must be bought from Bulgar lands.
We do not have that much time!
Acquire the steel required and
begin the production of these catapults!
This task is yours, Tapar.
Acquire the supplies needed,
wherever they may be found.
Yes, my Sultan.
start your observations in the observatory
to determine the optimum day for conquest.
We will give you a date
when we achieve results.
You may leave for now.
The Turkmen in Anatolia
Danishmends, Saltuks
and Menguceks, send word to them, Hace.
They must speak their inner struggles.
The infidels are coming together.
I want them here to ensure unity against
the Byzantines and the Christian armies.
If we do not explain
the danger all of us face,
they will not understand.
We had send support to
Caka Bey for shipbuilding.
What does he report?
My Sultan.
Caka Bey, Conqueror of Izmir, has
carried our borders from Izmir to Galipoli.
With our support, he
keeps building warships.
Send word to him.
He shall prepare for the invasion of
Lesbos, Rhodes, and Chios Islands.
He shall take those islands
from the Byzantine Empire.
We will give him all the support he needs.
All the islands in the Adalar (Aegean)
Sea shall belong to the Turks.
Mediterranean and Adalar (Aegean) Sea
will be closed off with our swords.
The Byzantine Empire will receive
no support from Frankish lands
through the sea.
On land
and on sea
we will be the nightmare of infidels.
As you wish, my Sultan.
I will gather the Beys in the
Bey tent tomorrow, InshaAllah.
We will talk before the Bey election.
Someone must be the new Bey.
I have something to
say on the matter, Tolga.
Yes, what is it?
Our Sultan wants all the private soldiers
from the Kinik tribe to settle here.
Our tribe will also be
a headquarters.
It's an honour for our tribe.
It is.
And he has stated his
opinion on the tribe Beylic
He wants the new Bey
to be me.
I do not wish to oppose you.
I want your support.
As our laws dictate
as the son of a Bey, to
be the new Bey is your right.
But this will not
like the old tribe anymore
It will grow, and gain importance.
The Batini, the Byzantines, and the
Christian warriors will target this place.
It will be much more
difficult to manage this tribe.
That is why
our Sultan has asked me to
step up, and become the Bey.
But your consent is important.
This Beylic, this banner
this tent
have been given to us by my ancestors.
They were left to my father.
Now, it's my turn.
But one deserves all these
by being loyal to the cause.
You have shown the meaning
of the cause to me today.
And since our Sultan agrees
then you deserve to
be Bey more than me.
I do not want this for myself
but for the future of
this tribe and our cause.
By leaving beside what
you want for yourself
you have shown that you are
worthy of your ancestors' blood.
Be sure that
no rank or office can
make you greater than this.
My Sultan, Zubeyde Hatun and
Isfizari would like to meet you.
Zubeyde Hatun and Isfizari?
Let them in.
What is it, Zubeyde?
My Sultan, I heard that we need
good steel and large springs
to build the catapults
that are heeded for conquest.
These can be found in the lands
over which Berkyaruk rules over.
Berkyaruk has taken advantage of the good
steel and the large springs when he went to war.
I described them to Ustadh Isfizari.
He has confirmed that the
supplies are the ones we require.
Zubeyde Hatun is right, my Sultan.
The steel and springs she has
described are just the ones we need.
Then, let the preparation begin.
We shall ask Berkyaruk for the supplies.
If you'll allow it
I'd like to handle
this matter personally.
I will send Berkyaruk an appropriate
letter, and prepare security precautions.
The steel and the springs
are vital for conquest.
Are you sure you can
handle such a responsibility?
The Hatuns of the dynasty have always
prepared and managed caravans like these.
I’m sure you already know.
I have taken on such responsibilities
already, when I was with Berkyaruk.
Do not worry.
I came here to lighten your load.
You should not have to busy yourself
with transportation and security.
The task and the responsibility are yours.
The first step towards our great
alliance is yours to take, Emir Taculmulk.
For years, you have been
overlooked and insulted.
If MelikShah's preparations succeed,
you will not be rewarded for it.
NizamulMulk and Sencer will be.
We must stop that, so
that we can rise instead.
If you're useful to me
we will work together for
a long time, Hasan Sabbah.
Tapar, my son.
For the conquest, steel
and silk are needed.
I have spoken to our
Sultan, and received a decree.
Your brother Berkyaruk's
lands will supply us with these.
I have sent a letter to him.
Thank Allah.
I wasn't sure how to deal with that.
You have taken a weight off my shoulders.
Good night.
I must congratulate, Zubeyde Hatun.
She succeeds on such tasks.
She was always like this.
But you must know that this will be
a win for your brother, Berkyaruk.
What do you mean?
You must show yourself during the
preparation for the conquest.
You must even lead the conquest,
get the greatest of victories.
These last few days, your
uncle Tekis is being mentioned.
That's not a good sign.
Do not fall behind anyone
in the dynasty, Tapar.
This conquest is vital for our future.
Zubeyde Hatun is doing everything she
can for the preparation of the conquest.
She is providing supplies
from Berkyruk's lands.
She is trying to curry
favor with the Sultan.
That is exactly why, Taculmulk.
she must fail at this.
Go, find out.
Which way will they use for the supplies?
What kind of precautions did she take?
Disrupt the supplies from reaching Isfahan.
As you command.
those supplies are vital
for the conquest of Queli.
Once Zubeyde Hatun
is thoroughly disgraced
once MelikShah becomes
furious with her
she will drown in her arrogance.
I know what to do.
Don't worry, Terken Hatun.
We have men that are capable
of doing everything you ordered.
Now is the time I need you, Hasan Sabbah.
My Sultan, the ambassador of Melik
Tekis is in the palace as per your order.
He is waiting for you to a ccept him.
Hadhrat Sultan MelikShah..
I bring greetings and wishes
of health from your brother.
If Tekis wishes me health
why did he go out of
bounds when I was poisoned?
He tried to take the reign when
my situation wasn't even definite.
Melik Tekis wanted to remind
his right over the throne
as a member of royal family.
So he waits for my death.
I did everything he wanted.
If he doesn't get his wits about him
I will disregard our brotherhood
and do what is necessary
for the order of the state.
Where is he now?
Near Nishabur, hunting.
Is he intimidating me by
coming near Nishabur?
Tell him quickly
that he can go back to Belh
or unless he revolted
he can come before
me and state his loyalty.
I will tell him of your command.
The rest is up to Melik Tekis.
If it wasn't a rule to
not kill the messenger
I would have sent my
order with your head.
It is not up to Tekis
to decide on my order.
Get him up.
Take it to Tekis.
If he keeps up his revolt
he will know what my answer will be.
Get him out of my sight!
Do you see that, Hace?
While I try to establish unity among us
and this is what my brother does.
Melik Tekis has always been
a rebel in nature, my Sultan.
InshAllah he will abandon his nature soon.
Did we send word to
the beylics in Anatolia?
I did, my Sultan.
They will all come before you tomorrow.
The Christians outside
and the disorder among us
We need to be one to stop them.
So, this is the route
the special materials
will take that Zubeyde
Hatun ordered, Taculmulk.
Very good.
You have given us the
best fruit of our alliance yet.
what happened to you?
Our ambush was broken.
MelikShah responded to
our trap with another trap.
He destroyed my hideout
and killed all my men.
Arid he still has the counts.
That's what happened.
And I have very important news
from my shadow in the palace.
MelikShah is bringing in special
materials for strong catapults.
He announced the route
the caravan will take.
It seems that they are
preparing for a big campaign.
Sabbah, if MelikShah
gets those materials
he can destroy Queli
and take Constantinople.
We need to get those
materials at all costs.
My Sultan.
My glorious daughter, what
do you want to talk about?
I wanted to remind you
of us, since you haven't
seen us in a while, my Sultan.
I wanted to show
myself to you.
What are you saying, dear?
You have a Hatun there too,
my Sultan.
And she is pregnant.
She is miserable.
Nobody asks about her.
We live like we are
abandoned in the palace.
Do you have no pity on her?
Know your place!
How can you talk to me like that, Mahmelek?
Don't you know the
problems I deal with?
Do you think I have time
for others and not for you?
Then, while the others
are always with you
why can't my mother be with you?
Clearly, others have privilege over her.
If my mother gave birth to a boy
or if I was a boy,
that wouldn't happen.
My Sultan, Mahmelek is clearly
disturbed by the recent events.
Stay out of this, Zubeyde.
buried two sons
from your mother.
I held your mother
even , tighter each time.
Don t you know these that
you are being ungrateful how?
Your brothers are having it rough.
Even I am giving them a hard time.
But you
I raised you the best way possible.
I made you my precious.
Did I ever hurt you?
Don't come to me with
poisonous words like these
when I'm dealing with
what I am dealing with.
Don't make me hurt
you, and upset me.
Don't make me hurt you and upset me.
I don't feel well.
I'm here to get some medicine.
What is wrong?
Ever since I came here,
I have these blackouts.
How can I put it?
I have butterflies in my stomach.
Do you have a medicine for that?
Just spit out what you want to say.
You are mad that
Sencer took me home.
But I can't blame you.
I wouldn't like seeing the man
I love around other women.
The reason he went into my home that day
was the noise that came from inside.
He just wanted to protect me.
But nothing happened between us yet.
I mean, he told me, I could go
to him if I ever need anything.
You think you are mocking me, but
your hints have no value on my level.
I have no time for your
entertainment either.
Now get out of here
and if you ever
feel courageous enough
to come here and talk to me like that
I wouldn't think twice
to empty out the poison
that goes around in your veins.
So, Sencer protected you that night.
Nothing happened between you yet?
So? Could you grow them more distant?
I have injected such a
poison in Turna’s heart
it will turn into a thorn ivy
and separate Turna and Sencer forever.
We will finally have
Turna and Shalamzar.
What did they talk about?
Did you hear?
"I have injected such a
poison in Turna's heart
it will turn into a
thorn ivy and separate
Turna and Sencer forever."
Thank you.
I am always at your order.
She thinks I will buy her
poisonous words once again.
But Sencer and I
know how to cut down
your thorn ivies.
Our ancestors say:
"A horse dies, the ground stays.
One dies, his legacy stays."
Korkut Bey has gone to the other
world like many of our brave men.
He left his legacy.
The new Bey
will keep up his legacy.
Kinik means
effort in every way.
The bey who will take
over the Kinik flag
shall make our tribe
and our blood great.
The sword of the mighty Quds
conqueror Atsiz Bey's sword
..will be given to him.
The flag Hadhrat
Omer (RA)
planted in Quds
is protected by Kinik Tribe.
The Bey who will protect that flag
will have to work for
Allah's blessing at airtimes.
One that would make
Qur'an his guide and his torch.
I wanted beys to gather before
the election and say their piece.
So we would know
who wants to take on
this ordeal.
So that the law and the
tradition is carried out.
Everyone shall know
that l am a candidate
for Kinik's Bey title.
you are a purebred Kinik.
It is your right.
You know your law
you are virtuous
and it is your right.
You feed the hungry, you
give clothes to the poor.
It is your right.
Of course, the final
decision belongs to beys.
When we have Korkut Bey's son
is it right for Sencer
to be a Candidate?
I have waived my right.
I support
Nothing more needs to be said.
Is this a game, Togan?
We are electing a Bey for the Kinik Tribe.
How can you give over the Bey
title, like you are giving it to a friend?
You could have at least made
way for your uncle Alptekin Bey.
Don't you know my uncle has
had a bad blood with my father?
He won't come here.
And the way I see it, Sencer is
more qualified than anyone else.
Nothing more needs to be said.
You bring evil words to the election.
If you care so much about the law
then you know what happens to
those who bring evil words to election.
You've heard the Bey.
Togan is also willing.
Besides, I have been
ratified by the Sultan.
From now on, in
the Kinik Tribe
we will grow even bigger.
...and we will train private soldiers.
That is why I want to become the Bey.
If you think you will be
a better Bey tan me
you must say so here.
The final decision will
belong to the Beys.
Shame on you.
You are a traitor to your blood, you cannot
even protect the tribe of your ancestors!
Who are you calling me a traitor?
That's enough, Togan!
A man who speaks such foul
insults, have no place in this tent!
Before we have your head by law
leave this place.
Leave the tent!
Malice has been
driving out of the tent.
We have gotten rid
of malignant thoughts.
We don't have to wait any longer.
Let us elect our Bey.
Hadhrat Sultan MelikShah!
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
My Sultan, the arrow that represents
our unity and loyalty to you
Since the decree for the Anatolian Conquest
has been issued, Malatya, Tokat, Kayseri
Niksar and the surrounding area has been
conquered, and have become Turkish lands.
They are under your control.
May your swords be sharp, and your
victories lasting, Danishend Ghazi.
Erzincan, Kema, Divri and the
surrounding areas have been conquered
and have become Turkish
lands. They are under your control.
May your Swords be sharp, and
your victories lasting, Mengucek Ghazi.
Erzurum, Bayburt, and
the surrounding areas have
been conquered, and
have become Turkish lands.
They are under your control.
May your swords be sharp, and
your victories lasting, Saltuk Ghazi.
Lands from Konya to Iznik
are yours to control, my Sultan.
May you live long,
Ebul Ghazi Hasan Bey.
You have been loyal our decree.
You have made us proud.
All of you
have been victorious
in your conquests 
and made Anatolia into our home.
Know that
those who shy away from unity
will be broken.
if we stand together like this
we will be strong
we will not be broken.
My Beys
I wanted us to get together
and strenthen our unity.
The Christian warriors and the
Byzantines are preparing for invasion.
All our lands from Anatolia
to Quds are in danger.
Byzantine Empire made a peace
agreement with us, my Sultan.
That agreement
was onlt to stall you.
While you honour
the agreement
they will strike us
when we least expect it.
From now on
it is not the time
for peace, but for war!
Until cruelly is wiped
from the face of the earth
We will not accept peace!
You are our Khan, our Hakan, our Sultan.
You have opened the gates of
holy war for our generation.
We await your order.
Until our Da'wah
rule the whole world
the world will be in darkness.
we will save the
world from darkness!
Issue a decree to all the
Oghuz Clans in Anatolia the tribes, to the Beys.
They shall all be ready.
We have started our
preparations for war.
We will grow our army.
We will give our soldiers
the greatest weaponry.
It will all be ready soon.
I give these banners to you.
When you raise them,
we will know it's time.
Any hand that can hold a sword
shall gather under your banner.
When we raise these banners
our armies shall rise against
the Byzantine and
the Christian armies!
There is pain in solitude
and benediction in unity!
From now on
we are united!
For the infidels have united against us!
In the world, there is
only us and the infidels!
This war
is the greatest war
ever to take place
between the Truth
and the false words!
My Great Allah!
For Your cause
we wish to fight the infidels.
May our hearts
be one on our path,
in our cause, and in our hearts.
May our unity last!
May the crescent be
victorious over the cross!
May cruelty be wiped from the face
of the earth. May Islam rule the, world!
All the Beys here have a
right to become candidates
for Kinik Beylic.
Does anyone else wish to
become Bey, apart from Sencer?
Actually, I was going to be a candidate.
But, I listened to Sencer
And I thought that
Sencer would be'a
better Bey for our tribe.
I am content
with Sencer being the Bey.
-We are content with Sencer being the Bey.
-We are content with Sencer being the Bey.
Hands, hearts, ideas.
all of them agree with
you being the Bey, Sencer.
It is time for you to
accept this responsibility.
Sencer, you are Bey from now on.
You will walk the path of a Bey.
Beys are guided by
the words of Allah.
May the Great Quran be your guide.
May many brave fighters and greatest
of lands be united under your banner.
May the holy banner of Quds erected
by Hadhrat Omer (RA) on Quds
be a heritage from
you to your successors.
As long as your hand holds
the sword of Atsiz Bey
may the world
have no place for cruelty!
May many great victory
be yours.
Now you will show the law
of the tribe to all, Sencer Bey.
Men of Kinik.
Hatuns of Kinik!
Hear, hear!
The vote has ended!
Our tribe has a leader!
We have a new Bey!
May the new Bey
of Kinik tribe
bring us many victories!
It shall be known that
I am not the owner
of this tent
or this tribe.
I am only the guardian
of our laws and our banner,
handed down from Oghuz Khan.
We will work together
to keep them safe
and leave a greater heritage
to those who come after us.
It is my decree that
the hungry shall be fed
the poor shall be given alms
and the orphans be looked after.
Send messengers to all the Oghuz Beys.
Notify them of our Beylic.
Until the blue sky comes down
until the ground swallows everything up.
no one will be able to tarnish our laws!
Kiniks, the Clan of the
rulers of the world
will ensure that greatness of Islam
and the laws of the Turks
will last forever!
Sencer Bey!
Long live Sencer Bey!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live Sencer Bey!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live Sencer Bey!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live Sencer Bey!
May your sword touch the sky!
May Allah keep you
from shame, my son.
May you bring great victories,
like your ancestors.
Thank you, mother.
We are under your command, my Bey.
We are under your command, my Bey.
We are under your command, my Bey.
-We are under your command, my Bey.
-We are under your command, my Bey.
I arrived here on a happy day.
May your Beylic be auspicious
Sencer Bey.
Very well, very nice.
The supplies also contain
springs for the catapult.
Their loss will destroy MelikShah.
Reconstion of these springs
will take them at least a year.
So, this attack has
stalled them for a year?
We will keep MelikShah's
gift in a more secure location.
With this, we can make great
weapons to destroy the Seljuks.
MelikShah will go mad
when he hears this.
And this is only the
beginning. MelikShah
destroyed my hideout.
I will destroy his armies.
He took our most valuable counts.
So, I will give him no quarter.
The reason I came here
is to tell you about
something I learned.
Neither of us are to
blame our argument.
Livia phayed us, she did this.
She tried to drive a wedge between us.
My doubts weren't for nothing.
How do you know that, Turna?
I am angry with you
because you did not trust me!
I was dealing with
so many problems
and you accused me of such a thing.
I've been through so much, too, Sencer.
But I hid them from you
so that you wouldn't worry.
Faysal wanfed to marry me in
return for clearing my father's debts.
What are you saying, Turna?
How can that be?
My father was forced to accept.
I got sick from sadness,
I was bedridden.
That's why my father changed his mind.
Don't worry, Turna.
From now on, neither Faysal
nor that girl can trouble you.
They can only be a
speck of dust on our love.
Go to Shalamzar,
and begin preparations.
I will come to ask for yourhand today.
The Bey tent will be our home.
And when the time comes,
I will make Faysal pay.
Yes, my Bey?
Have one of our Alps escort
Turna back to Shalamzar.
Yes, my Bey.
The hunt is over
and the bird has been caught, men.
Be a wolf in the hunt
so that you can think
and act like one.
You have demonstrated Melik
Tekis famous wolfhunt here, too father.
But, my uncle MelikShah
when he finds out we were
near Nishabur, he will be furious.
What will our stance be
against him from now on?
When the wolf pack is hungry
they form a circle
and start turning.
When the weakest among them
falls down
the other wolves
eat the weak wolf.
A dynasty is a feast for wolves.
The weakest will fall
and the strong wolf will eat him.
That is the law of being a wolf.
Hadhrat Melik.
Sultan MelikShah
has warned you
to return to Nishabur.
He shall return
immediately, or make a visit
to show his loyalty to him.
He sent you this.
What does my uncle need
by sending you that string?
He is saying that he will use it execute me, if I disobey him.
He thinks I'm doing
this fort the throne.
When he hears the real reason,
let's see what he will say?
Let us march
to the palace.
Be more careful when you throw
one of your poison herbs again.
If you take on the wrong target
she will turn around and destroy you.
What are you saying?
Do you think I don't know
what you're trying to do?
Nothing can stand
between Sencer and me.
What are you saying?
I don't understand.
I'll explain more clearly.
Tell your co-conspirator Faysal
that the jig is up.
Don't get your hopes up.
Sencer Bey is going to
ask for my hand today.
We will be married soon.
Sencer Bey?
Sencer Bey, Bey of the Kinik Tribe.
From now on, speak properly.
when you address him.
The whole world knows
that MelikShah
seeks to take Queli
and march towards the
heart of Christiandom
But he doesn't know that
he will die in the land of those
who have the fire of
Christianity in their hearts.
You came here for blood and revenge.
We won't let the Turks pass
until your last drop of blood!
-War and revenge!
Sencer and Turna did not fall for
the trap that would separate them.
He will ask for her hand
in marriage today.
He ruined all our traps.
And we have had a blow
from where we least expect it.
He became even more
powerful with his Bey title.
If he gets Turna, we can
forget about Shalamzar.
What will we do, father?
Sit on our hands?
We didn't run out of solutions.
That marriage will not happen, Faysal.
Sencer and Turna will never unite.
We will terrorize their
happy day with death.
What happened to the steell Zubeyde
brought over, Taculmulk?
Is there no word?
Don't worry, Terken Hatun.
It is only a matter of time
to hear about the news
we've been waiting for.
Terken Hatun.
Yes, Zubeyde Hatun.
Mahmelek has uttered some
words to our Sultan today.
But those words
are not words that could
come out of Mahmele'k's mouth.
What are you trying to say?
I know you put her up to this.
I wouldn't mind if, you
set her up against me, but
you are sowing discord
among a father and a daughter.
Shame on you.
How is that any of your business?
Is Mahmelek your daughter?
No, she is mine?
If she makes a mistake,
it's up to me to fix it.
Everything that happens
in this palace is my business.
Our Sultan is occupied
with many problems.
Don't make him deal
with your own ambitions.
Each of us took on
responsibilities in these trying times.
Just don't hinder anybody.
Zubeyde Hatun.
Zubeyde Hatun
there was an ambush against the steel
and silk caravan that Melik Berkyaruk sent.
The soldiers that escorted the caravan
and caravan workers were martyred.
And the materials?
-Do we know what happened to them?
they stole the steels and the silks.
How could this be possible?
Those materials
..were very important for Queli.
The security of caravan was your job.
How will you
explain this to Sultan MelikShah?
And you were talking bad about me.
You taking on responsibility
hurt our state very deeply.
Both you and the
state came off worse.
After this incident
I doubt
Sultan MelikShah
will trust you again.
You will drown in your
arrogance, Zubeyde.
Good job, Taculmulk.
This incident
will diminish Zubeyde's power
and Sultan's trust for her.
From now on, she can't take on us easily.
My Sultan
Melik Tekis
is coming to the palace.
What do you think you're doing?
As per law, no group of soldiers can
enter Royal city apart from Sultan's men.
You are talking to Melik
Tekis Know your place.
And Sultan MelikShah made this law.
If the law is broken, we will do what is
necessary, Hadhrat Emir. That's our orders.
- I want Ahmed and two men with me.
Others will wait outside.
Open it.
How can we ask for a
marriage in short notice?
You could have waited one day.
We could have made better preparations.
One needs to rush a good deed, mother.
We are preparing for the wedding.
Thank you.
My Hanim.
Sencer and Basulu Hatun are here.
How do I look?
You shine like the moon,
like the day, Turna Hatun.
Every shape of you is
shining for Sencer.
Don't worry.
The day I met Sencer was
the happiest day of my life.
Now today, the day of our
first step towards marriage
is the happiest of my life.
May Allah give you no problems, InshAllah.
Come on.
My beautiful daughter
this was your mother's.
I promised her I would give this to
you when you were getting married.
That day is upon us now.
The day you are flying away
is upon us, my Turna bird.
How will I cope with your absence?
Come in.
Hadhrat Emir.
I brought your syrup.
I know you have an overflow of
feeling because of Turna Hatun.
It would be beneficial for
you to take your syrup early on.
Thank you, Efsus.
Welcome, Melik Tekis.
What is it, Nizamulmulk?
Did you get promoted
to host after 30 years?
Since you must have
been lowest of the low
that you couldn't see
how far up I have come.
You couldn’t speak up like this
during my father Alparslan's reign.
My brother spoiled you.
Or else, you wouldn't
dare talk like that.
The source of my nerve
is the state.
The state?
You are forgetting about the days
you ran from the Ghaznavids to us.
You learned
about the meaning
of "state" thanks to my
grandfather Cagri Bey
and my father Alparslan.
We taught you!
Now do you want to teach us?
It is my job to teach
to those who forgot.
Cagri Bey and Sultan
Alparslan taught me that.
I was in this state
before you were borrn.
I carry the blood that
established this state.
When my great great grandfather Selcuk
Ghazi planted the seeds of the state
your ancestors weren't on this world.
Now go be a teacher
to the sons of Sultan.
You are not my
atabey, nor my Hace!
And I am not the son of
Sultan that you trained.
My name is Tekis, son of Alparslan!
Remember that the next
time you are talking to me.
Tell your boys to get my horse.
Father, they are here.
They are waiting for you.
Did you give llteber the poisoned syrup?
I did. He drank it all.
Then let's hear the dreaded
screams of death.
What is going on, Turna?
My Sultan.
My Sultan
I came to you as soon as I heard.
did you come to beg
for your mistakes again?
I wanted to tell you my mind.
Wheneyer you create unrest and
speak you remind, you want something.
I have given everything you wanted.
Do you still want more?
Don't act like I'm asking
for alms from you, brother.
Whatever I took
I took for it was my right.
What right do you speak of?
You are here
to calculate your
standing in the dynasty?
You are here in my throne
city with your soldiers.
I've been patient so long,
since I am your brother.
From now on
I will show you
the fury of a Sultan.
I have tolerated your Sultanate
because I have respect to you as a brother.
Incidents haye occured in the palace,
that should have never occured.
The leader of the Batini hid
right here in the palace for years.
How can that be?
Is that how you
protect the state
left to you by my father, Alp Arslan?
If you think of our father so much
you should have been
a son worthy of him first.
 If my father could see
what you're doing here
he would not even
look at your face.
I do not report to you.
The state belongs to the dynasty, brother.
It is my right ask you what is going on.
Let's forget that for now.
My mother, who has been
in the palace for forty years
why has she been
sent away?
I'll tell you what happened.
My mother was poisoned in the palace.
There are plots going
around, in the Harem.
Shall we not ask that too?
The investigation regarding
that matter has been completed.
The guilty parties have been found out.
Did you handle the
investigation, NizamulMulk?
They poisoned you, paralyzed you.
The palace is out of control.
Know your place!
We are united
against the enemy,
fighting day and night!
Wo are here to sow seeds of discord!
No, brother.
I am here to
tell you what is really going on.
When my nephew Tapar
when he was just a child, his
mother Bashulu Hatun, passed away.
And yet
you have another, hidden son
from Bashulu Hatun.
You have hidden this
son from everyone
who is he?
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