Vinland Saga (2019) s01e20 Episode Script


Thorkell's using it as an excuse.
That's the only reason I can think of.
But, Floki,
-the reports from Derby--
-The left flank is undermanned!
Don't underestimate a force of 500 soldiers.
We're talking about Thorkell's army!
If the reports are true,
then your actions will be disrespectful.
It's impossible.
His Highness Canute can't be alive
and with Thorkell as one of his followers.
It's impossible!
Hey, Floki! Want to fight? I'll fight you.
Restrain yourself, Thorkell.
I thought I sent a messenger several days ago
to notify you of my return, Floki.
Do you always greet your guests
with spears in hand?
No, of course not
Askeladd! Why are you here?
Are you deaf?
I'm asking you whether you're going
to draw your bows against a member
of the royal family of Denmark.
We Jomsvikings received an inaccurate report
that an enemy army was going to attack
I apologize.
Notify the king
that I shall be at his hall by evening.
Make sure you report accurately.
What in the world happened?
He's a completely different person.
Everyone, listen to me while we walk.
We must not strike yet.
I don't have many allies within this army.
If we strike now, they'll label us as traitors.
We need time to prepare.
Thorkell. You betrayed them once,
but you're still popular among the warriors.
Spend time with the leaders
of all the clans
and mend ties with them.
In other words, are you telling me
to go drink as much as I want,
and that you'll pay for it?
As long as you invite the other leaders.
Now, go.
What a wonderful order!
I'm so glad I decided to follow you.
-Let's go!
Askeladd. Come with me to see the king.
I want to hear what you think of him.
And about the future.
How will we achieve it?
I think an assassination would be best
in the short run.
Your brother, His Highness Harald,
is far away in Denmark right now.
This is a good opportunity.
If the king passes away right now,
then command of the army in England
is going to pass to you.
However, if we do so, we must hide
the person responsible for it.
In the future, I'll assign you with other tasks
in addition to being a guard.
I'm counting on you.
Don't give me orders.
I never said I decided to work for you.
Please forgive him for his impertinence.
I'll make sure I instruct this idiot properly.
must be watching us, even as we stand here now.
People losing friends,
and parents and children killing each other
He must be looking down on everything
from up high in heaven.
I'll never forgive him.
I'm going to create paradise on earth.
A peaceful and prosperous place.
A utopia for those who go through
suffering in their lives.
I may not be able to achieve it in one generation,
but I'm still going to take
the first step.
I'm sure that God will cherish me
and summon me to his side.
in that moment I will tell him:
"We don't need heaven, nor its trials, any longer.
Our paradise is on earth."
We're going to take back what we lost.
I'm willing to turn into a demon
if that's what it takes to do it.
I will help you,
Your Highness.
Welcome back.
I'm glad, Canute.
Thank you for your kind words.
I lost the soldiers you had entrusted to me.
Your words are more than I deserve.
Come closer.
What do you think, Thorfinn?
Yeah, they're there.
About 20 of them.
There are some up high too. Archers.
Your Highness. It's an ambush.
It seems that the king
knows about our intentions.
What's wrong? Without further delay, come closer.
You two.
You must not draw your swords, no matter what.
He who draws his sword first loses.
That's the type of fight this is.
My eyes have gotten used to the darkness.
If I get a little closer,
I'll be able to see the king's face.
If I can see his face
Right there is fine. Kneel down.
His eyes are tired.
Is this who
the king of the Danes is?
What happened to Ragnar? I don't see him.
He died. In Mercia.
I see. That's too bad.
He was a loyal subject.
In normal circumstances, we should be
celebrating your return with food and drink.
I wanted to speak with you once informally.
Canute. Only you. Rise.
Walk ten steps forward.
You face has changed
in just a short time.
You look like me when I was young.
you must understand what's in my heart.
You're a troublesome child.
I never imagined you'd become
just like me, even in that regard.
grow up watching what their parents do.
Do not blame yourself.
Long ago, when I was young,
I drove my father, the former king, out of this country
and seized this crown.
I did it because I believed it was the best
thing to do for the kingdom.
The former king was cruel, but he was also a coward.
The world would sink into chaos if someone
like him had the crown.
How can he say that when he's surrounded
by this many guards?
Shut up. He'll hear you.
So, you decided not to keep up the pretense,
Your Highness?
Don't forget you're surrounded by the enemy.
I thought that I had done something great,
and that I could do great things.
Until I put this on, that is.
This crown
has its own will.
Once you wear this crown, you can command
a thousand ships and 10,000 men.
You can take all kinds of treasure from distant lands.
A power like that of the gods
is bestowed upon you.
However, Canute,
the king isn't the one who uses that power.
That power is used by the will of the crown.
Do you mean
the crown ordered you
to kill me?
There are only two things that the crown
orders the king to do.
It orders him to use his power,
and to increase his power.
Resistance is futile.
The crown does not want you.
I'll give you part of Cornwall.
Live your days in peace there
while reading the Bible.
If you refuse, then you'll die here.
Did the crown make you say that too,
-Your Highness?
-Your Highness!
I humbly ask you to let me speak.
State your name.
I'm Canute's follower,
Askeladd, son of Olaf.
With all due respect, consider whether your actions
are in line with the will of the crown.
His Highness Canute
stole Thorkell and the military power he commands
away from London.
If you become the king of England,
then London will have no choice but to surrender.
The wealth of London will become yours untouched,
Your Highness.
His Highness Canute
is the one who made the sacrifice
for this great achievement.
Is it not unreasonable to punish the man who rendered
such distinguished service?
Your handling of this matter
would deeply trouble
your generals when the time comes
to divide the new territory.
Please reconsider this matter.
You're a man who's good with words.
Askeladd. "The one covered in ashes"?
That's your nickname.
Tell me the name that your father gave you.
I'm only known as Askeladd.
My father didn't give me a name.
You must be the child of one of his mistresses. No
You must be a child he forced one of his slaves to have.
What's going on?
I've never seen Askeladd get so mad.
You have a good follower.
It is just as he said.
I have to reward you.
I am leaving for York tomorrow.
There, I shall throw a banquet.
I shall give you your reward there.
My blood froze just now, Your Highness.
What are you so worried about?
As you already know, the king
doesn't have enough justification to kill me right now.
He's the man who they call the wise king.
As long as we don't do anything reckless,
it's safer to lie within the king's bosom.
Then that's all the more reason to refrain from
provoking him like you did just now.
It's nothing of consequence.
King Sweyn is a slave to the crown.
The power of the crown.
I will show him how to use it.
I must be wary of him.
All right! Don't be shy!
This is all on His Highness Canute!
Long live the prince!
-That's his 57th glass!
-He's a monster!
Hey! You've been drinking a lot. Who are you?
I don't remember inviting you here.
I'm Willibald. Did you forget me?
-Your beard is gone!
-You look so young. How old are you?
I'm 23.
-No way!
-You're in your early 20s?
All right! It's my turn next!
The captain is up now!
You're behind by 58 glasses!
What a strange man.
He does whatever he wants,
but no one hates him.
So? What do you think?
Do you think you can kill him? The king?
It's going to be difficult.
That's what I'd say.
I got the impression he's a smart man.
He's discerning, and he's a man of action
who can make the first move.
When he saw that we wouldn't buckle under his threats,
he switched to a different strategy.
I would say he's skilled in war.
No wonder he's the king of the country.
He's a tough opponent.
Even if we're planning to kill him someday,
I guess now's not the time.
Let's submit to his wishes for the time being
while we wait for our chance.
Your Highness! Your Highness!
I'm so glad you returned safely!
Do you have any idea how much I, Gunnar,
worried about you?
I apologize that I was unable to greet you at the castle.
I just returned from a foreign country.
I always believed you'd return, of course!
Oh, is this gentleman over here your new follower?
Can you introduce me?
This is Ragnar's brother, Gunnar.
Please become acquainted with each other.
I'm Askeladd, son of Olaf.
Oh, you look like a dependable character.
I'm Gunnar.
By the way, Your Highness
that plan from a long time ago
The prospects look brighter now.
I'm talking about the Duchy of Normandy.
I wanted to talk to you about it later
with my brother.
Ragnar is dead.
Sorry for making you go through all that trouble.
And I'm not going to go into exile.
-Your Highness? What did you say?
-I'm sorry
to put you to the trouble of
running around to the other countries.
I just picked a fight with King Sweyn.
-Please help me.
-My brother
Your job is to keep an eye on the king
and report back to me.
Choose soldiers who you trust.
Your Highness! You must not talk about that
in a place like this!
I don't care. This is actually a good place
to talk in secret.
Your Highness
You've changed.
Of course I've changed.
I must change everything.
Gunnar's no good.
I don't think he's as loyal to the prince
as he says.
How wonderful that you're so devoted
to staying prepared.
Doesn't your right arm hurt?
I see. You're going home?
I know you said you don't care,
but we did betray you.
I don't know how I can face you anymore--
I got you!
And look what happened to my brother.
I hope Bjorn's wounds heal.
Atli! And you still call yourself a Viking?
I can't believe I had such an honest man working for me.
Bjorn's not going to last long.
The wound reached his intestines.
Thorfinn is the only one left from among my men.
It's the perfect time for making a fresh start.
A bracelet?
It's gold. Take it.
What? I don't need it! There's no reason for me to take it.
Just take it.
There's no such thing as having too much money
while traveling.
Sorry. I appreciate it.
Hey! Are you going to give it to me or not?
I have one condition.
Never pick up a sword ever again.
Swords don't suit you, Atli.
Raise some sheep, get a wife,
have a kid, and die in your bed.
If I see you on the battlefield in the future,
I'm going to kill you,
even if you're on my side.
Okay. I understand.
-What's that?
It's something important.
It's pretty.
That's too expensive! Give me a discount.
Show me some younger women!
-Bring the younger women!
-Any takers?
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