Voyagers! s01e20 Episode Script

Jack's Back

Help me, he's going crazy! Help me! What do you want with Jack the Ripper? I wanna capture him.
You're a reporter.
I'm Nellie Bly.
Why don't you become Sherlock Holmes and find Jack the Ripper? I put an ad in the London Times daring him to meet me tonight.
She's meeting me.
Winner take all? No! BOGG: We travel through time to help history along, give it a push where it's needed.
Bogg! BOGG: When the Omni's red, it means history's wrong.
Our job's to get everything back on track.
(OMNI dings) Green light, kid! We did it! (CLOCK CHIMING) (DOOR OPENS) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) (PLUMMETING) You okay? Where'd he go? Who? The guy I fell on.
I bounced off him, turned around, and he was gone.
Just disappeared.
JEFFREY: Hey, is she okay? Looks like she fainted.
I Maybe that guy that was here Where are we? (BEEPING) November 19th, London, 1889.
I say, hello there! Everything all right? I think the lady here fainted.
I think she was attacked or something.
Attacked? By whom? Well, I really didn't get a good look at him.
We sort of dropped in and he just disappeared.
He had to go somewhere.
Here, hold that please.
She'll be all right.
But I suggest we get her off the street.
An American woman reporter has no business being in this neighborhood.
How do you know she's an American? And a reporter? The cloth of her coat, naturally.
American coarse wool.
My lamp, please.
She's obviously only a working woman, and her clothing is business-like and made for hard use.
To be on this street at this time of night is not something a tourist would do.
Rather, someone looking for a story.
She carries a note pad and pencil, hence a reporter.
It's elementary, really.
(MOANS) I've taken a flat in Baker Street.
I suggest that we carry her there and see if we You're not carrying me anywhere.
You see? An American.
That's one out of two.
My dear young lady, as a doctor of medicine and a subject of the crown, I can tell you that you are in no condition to be wandering dark streets frequented by Jack the Ripper.
Jack the Ripper? Of course, Jack the Ripper.
What do you think I'm walking around here for, my health? Where's my gun? BOGG: What do you want with Jack the Ripper? I want to capture him.
Find out who he is.
Get his story.
You're a reporter.
Two out of two, Bogg.
My boy, it was elementary.
I'm Nellie Bly.
So you're that hotheaded headline grabber from New York.
The one who risks her life to live through the situations on which she's reporting.
It's the only way to get to the bottom of a story.
I seriously doubt that.
And while committing yourself to an insane asylum Or what was it? Working in a vile New York sweat shop may seem romantic to you, I assure you, meeting Jack the Ripper would get you nothing but dead.
I think that about does it here.
We've had enough excitement for tonight.
Let us take the young lady back to my flat.
Oh, I'm not about You're still a bit woozy, Miss Bly.
Who are you? Dr.
Arthur Conan Doyle, and I can help you if you'll let me.
It's just a few streets from here.
Shall we? JEFFREY: This is great! This is just how I pictured it whenever I read Sherlock Holmes' adventures.
His adventure.
I haven't been able to write for a year.
It would seem A Study in Scarlet will be the great Sherlock Holmes' first and last foray into the unknown.
No, it can't.
Sherlock Holmes is my favorite mystery detective.
Mine, too.
Why do you think I come up to London and set up a flat like this? For inspiration? Of course, for inspiration.
Personally, I can't stand the clutter.
I had hoped that by living like Holmes, I might be able to break this damnable writer's block and write him.
Hasn't helped, huh? On the contrary, it's worked beautifully.
It has proven without a doubt that I should give up writing and concentrate on what I do best.
Practicing medicine.
Phineas Bogg? You must be joking.
Why would I do that? Oh, come on.
You know darn well that I'm trying to break Phileas Fogg's record of around the world in 80 days.
It's being carried by all the papers.
Phileas Fogg? Character in the book by Jules Verne.
BOGG: Jules Verne? He traveled around the world in 80 days.
The French guy? I met him once.
Pulled him out of a brawl in Montmartre.
I doubt that.
He's over 60 years old.
Hey, Bogg, do you think he named the guy after I guess he had to.
Anyway, I'm not getting anywhere in this bed, so if you gents will excuse me There now, Miss Bly, drink this and try and lie back quietly for a few moments.
Impossible, of course.
You've plenty of time to catch your boat or hot air balloon or whatever it is you're traveling in.
It leaves at midnight, but I'm not going to be on it.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It was just a stunt for some worldwide attention.
I'm glad you admit it.
Look, I'm the best reporter in my country, but over here, most of the papers won't even run my stories.
Maybe it's my pride.
I need to feel appreciated.
I don't know.
But I've always wanted something that would make the foreign press stand up and take notice.
And now I've got it.
And it's not just a stunt, but something that could do people some good.
And I've got to get back out on that street to do it.
Why? So you can meet up with Jack the Ripper again? Of course.
That was my plan.
I was trying to get him to attack me.
Now I've heard everything.
Perhaps her condition is worse than I thought.
It may be funny to you, but I succeeded tonight in doing what Scotland Yard and London's finest couldn't.
Narrowly escaping murder? Luring the Ripper out of hiding.
Six murders in six months and then nothing.
He disappears.
I should think that would be good riddance and we should leave it that.
Fine, you leave it.
But if you think I'm going to pass up this story, you're crazy.
I'm going to catch him.
How? By appealing to his pride, his conceit.
As soon as I got here yesterday, I put an ad in the London Times daring him to meet me tonight at the scene of his crimes.
You succeeded.
Wait a minute, Dr.
Doyle, I think she's onto something.
Tell us all you remember.
So you can steal my story? No, so we can help you.
You may be able to lure him out of hiding but you're not going to be able to catch him alone.
Well, I had just passed the Cock and Crown Pub, which I knew was the area where Ripper is believed to have spotted his victims.
Big Ben.
I remember hearing it strike 9:00.
(CLOCK CHIMING) I turned this corner into a dark street.
There was mist under the street lamps.
The street looked empty, but I had this peculiar feeling I wasn't alone.
When I got about halfway, I thought I heard footsteps closing in behind me.
I stopped, listened, no one was there.
I started walking again.
Have you ever entered a dark room and had the feeling you weren't alone? That someone, something was in there with you? That's the way I felt.
I knew there was something behind me on that street.
I wanted to scream but all I could do was go on.
Then I heard them again, the footsteps.
They were real and they were closing in.
I stopped, pulled out the gun and turned.
There was no one.
I felt cold all over.
I turned again and he grabbed me.
I struggled and fainted.
The next thing I remember is Mr.
Bogg standing over me with you and the boy.
Did you see the face of the man that attacked you? No.
All I saw was his black cape and some kind of shiny Watch with a DOYLE: A shiny watch with a what on it? Nothing.
There was nothing on it.
Doyle, would you mind terribly leaving the room? I think I would like to rest.
Of course.
That's the first sensible thing you've said all night.
Gentlemen? You feel better, Nellie.
We'll help you catch that boat.
NELLIE: Thanks.
I'll brew some tea while we wait.
Look, the way I see it, we got two problems.
Jack the Ripper was never caught.
After his sixth victim was found no one ever heard from him again, right? JEFFREY: Right.
So we've got to get Nellie to forget this Ripper stuff and complete the rest of her trip like she's supposed to.
JEFFREY: And Doyle's got to break his writer's block and get back to writing Sherlock Holmes.
Nellie ought to be a snap.
All we gotta do is keep her up here until her boat leaves and stick her up.
Doyle, now he's gonna be trouble.
Wrong, Bogg.
What do you mean, "Wrong, Bogg"? Doyle's easy.
He's in the apartment.
And where do you think Nellie is? Looking for Jack the Ripper.
That stupid girl's gonna get herself killed.
Do what you can with Doyle.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Nellie! Nellie! BOGG: Nellie! Please, help me.
Help, bobby.
(PEOPLE CHATTERING) MAN 1: Looking for some company? WOMAN: You're in the wrong end of town, sweetie.
Oh, alone she is now.
Missy, what can I do for you this evening? A bobby.
I need a bobby.
I'm a bobby.
Me too, ducky.
MAN 2: We're all bobbies here, love.
Even me, for a lady.
(ALL LAUGHING) What do you want a bobby for? You can read about it in the papers tomorrow.
BARTENDER: Isn't she the feisty one then? Where I can find one? Oh, right here.
No, no, no, missy, it's the truth.
He always stops in here around 10:00 for a smoke and a pitch.
He should be here in 10 minutes.
Nellie! Hi.
Excuse me.
Nellie, didn't you hear me calling you? Why'd you duck out like that? I said I wanted to help you.
Well, if you really wanna to help me, you can buy me a cider.
Are you kidding? We're not staying here.
Yes, I am! Hey, if the lady wants to stay she can stay.
And she don't need your company.
The lady's with me, all right? (MEN LAUGHING) DOYLE: That girl! In such a hurry.
Didn't even say goodbye.
I wonder what her rush was.
Off to get her story, I suppose.
I can't say I don't envy her a bit.
It would be wonderful to have the urge to pick up a pen.
(SIGHING) All this inspiration and nothing in here.
Had to have been something in there to create Sherlock.
Oh, there was originally.
But I'll tell you, it's almost as if he demanded to be written.
Demanded? During the process of creating him, the images came so hard and fast it was all I could do to get them down on paper.
I began to feel he was almost impatient with my slowness.
"Come on," he seemed to be saying.
"I've got things to do.
" There.
Perhaps that's my problem.
I'm talking about Holmes as if he were a living, breathing person.
He always has been for me.
Me, too, I'm afraid.
It's as if I've created a character more intelligent and alive than myself.
I'll tell you, he terrifies me.
He scares you? Intimidates is more the word.
He intimidates me terribly.
But that's silly.
I mean, he came from your mind.
You created him.
But every time I try to write, I feel him breathing down my neck.
I end up thinking, "Sherlock, what would you say? "Sherlock, is this too easy for you? "Sherlock, is that case worthy?" But you are Sherlock.
I mean, he is a part of you.
Look, I saw you collecting clues tonight at the scene after Nellie was attacked.
Isn't that something Sherlock would do? I suppose.
We do both have a curious nature.
You have a curious nature.
You gave it to him.
I try to believe that, but he just overwhelms me.
Then let him.
What? Let him overwhelm you.
I mean, we've got a perfectly good case right here in front of us.
Worthy of him.
Why don't we bring the Sherlock out in you? Why don't you become Sherlock Holmes and find Jack the Ripper? Look, Nellie, what if I told you I knew for sure you'll never find the Ripper? I'd say you were lying.
In fact, he could be in this pub right now for all we know.
That's a pretty good reason for us to get out of here, don't you think? No.
That's exactly why I have to stay.
Of course.
DRAKE: The evidence that I produced proves that Phineas Bogg has purposely disobeyed all rules and regulations of the voyager code.
BOGG: Your evidence isn't true, drake.
He's the kind of voyager that weakens our ranks and is guilty as charged.
Look, Drake Drake, that's just one more lie.
Voyager Drake has managed to make a career out of it.
I do hope defense council understands that she will be held responsible for these accusations.
I'll be proud to.
JUDGE: These pages are a record of the prosecution's habit of falsely filing documents and tampering with the Omni memory recorder in order to convict innocent voyagers.
Why, Drake? Why? Because it had to be done for the cause.
The only cause you ever served was your own.
And why would you be foolish enough to keep this incriminating evidence? One day those words will vindicate me and all the work that I've tried to do.
The future shall judge me as a hero.
Until then, you'll deal with the judgments of this tribunal, and they shall be harsh.
This court has no hold on me.
Bailiff, stop that man.
Hey, wait a minute, you're not going anywhere.
Stop him.
DOYLE: I say, Watson, this is interesting.
Come, have a look.
What do you see? JEFFREY: Dirt.
Dirt now, previously mud.
To be precise, clay-based mud.
The type found on the threshold of the Cock and Crown where the pavement's been torn up.
Is that where you got it? Why would I do that? I scraped it from the footprints found at the scene of the crime.
It means our man left the Cock and Crown just before attacking Miss Bly.
But how can you be sure that the footprints were his? There were no prints other than the victim's, yours and Mr.
The fact that the attacker's prints only lead to the crime and Mr.
Bogg's only lead away from it, I have not yet been able to deduce.
When you came upon Miss Bly, did you notice anything? Not really.
It was pretty dark.
Also extraordinary were the samples found from both yours and Mr.
Bogg's prints.
Yeah? Why? Sand.
Sand totally alien to England, to this part of the globe.
Yes, I'd place it somewhere in the northeastern segment of the Sahara.
I'm afraid it's got me stumped.
Well, he No, no, no, don't tell me.
I'll get it eventually.
I doubt it.
What about this? Oh, careful, dear Watson, careful.
One must be careful with the evidence.
Obliterating even the tiniest impression could destroy vital information.
Fascinating, eh, Watson? Fascinating.
A gentleman, by the look of this.
And one who carries a very sharp knife.
You got that from this? It's quite elementary.
Here, look again.
See this indentation? Mmm-hmm.
It's from a holder further augmented by the fact there are no teeth impressions.
The affectation of a gentleman, perhaps a bit of a fop.
Notice the clean slice.
It was nipped with a well-honed blade.
Not a penknife.
No, something fine, a professional instrument.
A scalpel, maybe.
The doctor in you, Watson.
So it's all falling into place, then.
Our gentleman took Miss Bly up on her challenge, had a leisurely smoke at the Cock and Crown, and once she passed the pub, left in pursuit.
A cold-blooded man I'd say, continued to smoke during the attempt on the young girl's life.
Elementary, Watson.
And now for a closer look at those odd shoes of yours.
(CLOCK CHIMING) Now, I better move on.
It's been over 20 minutes.
That's 20 minutes too long.
Now let's get out of here You said he'd be here in 10.
Oh, it ain't my fault, missy.
Who'd be here? Sometimes when he's running behind he passes us by.
Moves on up to the Boar's Head on Bleecker.
Now who's he talking about, Nellie? You meeting somebody here? That's right, mate.
She's meeting me.
Watch it, Alf.
He's a big one.
For one.
But not for all of us.
I've a feeling we shouldn't have stopped for cider.
Winner take all? MAN: Get him, boys! BOGG: Nellie! Police! Bobby! MAN: Someone calling? NELLIE: Help me, please! He's in the pub, hurry.
Who is, miss? Hold it right there, gents! Great timing, Nellie.
All right, miss.
Which one is he? There! That one.
The one in the middle.
That man is Jack the Ripper.
All right.
Get him out.
We'll be going upstairs with the bloke.
I say, Watson, the deeper I delve, the more baffling these shoes become.
Why, this is a piece of quartz.
The variety of which, I believe, is found only in the most remote reaches of the South American jungle.
A sequoia pine needle.
My boy, you do get around! How? Well, you see No, no, no, don't tell me, don't tell me.
I'll get it.
Scotland Yard.
I say, what's going on here? This young lady here accuses this gentleman of being Jack the Ripper.
What? Can you believe this? Nellie, I was just Don't play innocent.
You attacked me once tonight.
And when I left this apartment you followed me to the Cock and Crown to finish me off.
I was trying to help you.
To my grave.
You were afraid I'd turn you in and I have.
Nellie Bly has taken Jack the Ripper off the streets for good.
Oh, boy.
Inspector Lestrod, Miss Bly here tells me you two gentlemen were at the scene of the crime and might be able to provide some corroborative evidence.
And he was very anxious to see you.
That's because he's innocent.
The boy is right, Inspector.
This is not your man.
And may I ask your name, sir? Doyle.
Arthur Conan Doyle.
Doyle? He's a writer.
He wrote A Study A Study in Scarlet.
Yes, I know that book.
That made Scotland Yard look like a bunch of ninnies.
Which is precisely the way they will look if you insist on convincing an innocent man.
Well, since the facts prove his guilt, you must be basing your judgment solely on appearances.
I am.
Well, appearances can be deceptive.
On the contrary.
It is often the observation of the outside which provides the solution.
For example, Inspector, I see by your hat that you are a bachelor, your parents are alive, that your mother is a generous woman and your father is a wealthy self-made man.
Am I accurate? Completely.
All right, how did you do that? Elementary, really.
Your hat has a fine layer of dust on it.
House dust.
Of the type that a wife would routinely brush off for her husband.
A bachelor.
The hat is also of a quality far above the rest of your clothing.
Why? Watson? It's a gift.
Must be a gift.
Very good.
From whom? Only someone's mom would give him a hat.
So impractical, mum.
(CHUCKLING) Hey, Watson, not bad.
All right, then, all right.
Just get on.
Tell us, how do you know my parents are still alive? And that my father was a wealthy, self-made man? Simple matter of deduction, my good man.
Were your parents dead, you would have inherited some of that wealth which was able to afford a hat like that.
The rest of your attire would be of equal quality.
That your father is a self-made man is obvious.
There are only two reasons for a man to withhold his wealth from his son.
Watson? One reason is they didn't like him.
But I don't think that's it.
Because if they didn't like him, they wouldn't have given him the hat.
Which leads us to the final reason and deduction that Inspector Lestrod's father believes hard work is the only way to wealth.
The way he acquired his.
Bravo, Doctor, bravo.
Very amusing.
But then we're not here to try me, are we? No.
We came here for Jack the Ripper.
Well, don't look at me.
I'd like to get to the bottom of this, too.
And we shall.
Inspector, allow me to present the evidence which shows Mr.
Bogg's innocence.
Watson, the cigar.
There you go.
Thank you.
This was found at the scene of the crime.
The people I came upon didn't smoke.
Well, Miss Bly doesn't smoke and young Jeffrey doesn't smoke, but he could.
But he doesn't.
(SNIFFING) Smoke free.
(SNIFFING) No nicotine stains on the hands and smile, Mr.
Clean, white teeth.
This man does not smoke.
The cigar could've been dropped earlier this evening by someone else.
I doubt it.
The cigar was still smoking.
The dampness of the street would have doused a cigar very quickly.
I believe it was held by Miss Bly's attacker.
Let us see if we can prove this further.
Bogg, Miss Bly.
What is it? We are going to reenact the attack.
Your gun, Miss Bly.
Here Mr.
Bogg, hold this.
Now, Miss Bly, how close was your attacker when you turned around with your gun? Just a few feet away.
He was practically on top of me.
Oh, come on, will you give Doyle and me a chance? When she turns around, grab her.
Place one hand on the gun, the other on her neck.
That correct, Miss Bly? That's right.
He took the gun away.
Very well, my dear, you may begin.
Hold it! NELLIE: What does this prove? If he's doing what I think he is doing it could prove the attacker was smoking that cigar.
I understand why you want the Ripper but I can't understand why you want it to be me.
Come here, Inspector.
There! A burn.
Where the ember knocked the sleeve.
I see that.
So? It's just been made.
Would you remove your hand, please, Mr.
Bogg? BOGG: But that mark wasn't.
It was made earlier this evening by Miss Bly's attacker.
A smoker and someone four inches shorter than Mr.
That man is also in possession of Miss Bly's pistol.
If you search Mr.
Bogg, Inspector, I will assure you, you will find not a thing.
Admit it, Nellie, you were wrong about me.
One cigar burn doesn't prove you're innocent.
You could have dropped the gun anywhere.
And what about the other evidence? What about that thing on your belt? BOGG: This? She saw that on her attacker, Mr.
Can I see it? Please be careful with it, would you? It's my grandfather's.
The V.
I saw a flash of silver and that V.
And then I fainted.
INSPECTOR: V? Like you saw on this one? Yes.
And the cape.
The attacker wore a cape just like his.
Wait a minute, this cape is not mine.
Look, the clasp broke when I grabbed him.
Could be, Mr.
But can you tell me why there was only one set of footprints leading to the crime and then again just one set leaving? And can you explain how you just appeared, and how your attacker just disappeared? Doctor? I'm afraid the only person with that answer is Mr.
What if I told you that device can make you appear and disappear? It sounds mad, but it would explain it.
It is mad.
Utter nonsense.
Take him to the Yard.
JEFFREY: No, you can't, he's not the Ripper.
And you, son, I'd like you to come along with me.
I think I'd like to question you some more.
No! He's innocent.
WOMAN: They say it's Jack the Ripper.
That's right.
He's in there.
I heard one of the bobbies say it.
The gallows is too good for him.
Well, I'd like to see him swing.
Yes! String him up! String him up! String him up! Hang him! To the graveyard with him! Don't worry, Watson.
I'll think of something.
Give it that old Sherlock try.
LESTROD: Come on, son, get inside.
Tomorrow morning the papers will proclaim, "The Streets Are Safe Again.
" How can you be so sure? I thought we just proved that.
What we proved was that most of your evidence was circumstantial.
I couldn't explain one or two things.
Pretty big things.
You know, I remember reading about you, Nellie Bly.
About how you exposed the terrible treatment of the mentally ill, and about your stories ending the awful abuse of the kids working in the factory sweat shops.
Wait a minute.
The thing that impressed me most about you, the thing I really, really respected was how you got to the bottom of your stories.
How you dug your facts up.
How you'd go to any length to expose the truth.
Now that Nellie Bly was a good reporter.
A great reporter.
I admired her.
And this Nellie Bly? This one's stunting.
Going for the obvious, for what's fast and easy.
For what'll grab the headlines, huh? She says she's out to serve the public, but she's really just out to serve herself.
And I really am sorry.
Oh, I'm not Jack the Ripper, Nellie.
But he's out there.
You ought to be more careful.
Take care of her, Doc.
(CROWD CLAMORING) Straight to the Yard.
(CLOCK CHIMING) Well, Miss Bly, it's a quarter past eleven.
In one night you've done what Scotland Yard and the entire London police force couldn't accomplish in a year.
You captured Jack the Ripper.
Have I? Or was it just a stunt? Well, you seem to have convinced Inspector Lestrod.
Your boat leaves in 45 minutes.
Shall I escort you? Yes.
But not to my boat.
Then where? To the Cock and Crown.
(MAN YELLING) I don't understand it.
How could she have seen the Omni before she passed out? DRAKE: Phineas Bogg.
It's been a long time since we met last.
BOGG: I could've gone a few more centuries without seeing you, drake.
A lot has changed around here.
It looks like a new Omni.
Model 3-1650, silver case, open-time calibration, state-of-the-art.
JEFFREY: Bogg? Bogg? You okay, Bogg? Another Omni.
What? The guy I landed on just disappeared into thin air, right? Yeah.
What if he used an Omni? But Nellie said she saw a flash of silver.
That's right.
And the only person I know that has a silver Omni Is Drake.
DRIVER: Get up there! Go on! DOYLE: We'd better hurry, Nellie.
Bogg is right.
These streets are particularly dangerous for you and me.
DRIVER: Hurry up, get on now! What's Drake doing here? You don't think he could be the Ripper? No, that's not his style.
But fouling up history for revenge is.
So that's why he's after Nellie.
To make sure she wouldn't complete her trip.
Yeah, and he wound up with me as a bonus.
And if I got to Nellie like I think I did, she's on her way to the Cock and Crown.
Start screaming.
What? I gotta get to Drake before he gets to Nellie.
Start screaming like I'm beating you or something.
Help! Help me, he's going crazy! Help me! Louder, keep it up! JEFFREY: Ow! He's hitting me, help me! Whoa.
Inspector, Inspector, the boy's yelling his head off in there.
What the devil's going on? All right, son! Well, open it! JEFFREY: Help me, he's hurting me, help! Go, Bogg! Go after him! (WHISTLE BLOWING) Get after him! Yes, sir.
MAN: Hurry up now.
Hurry up! Come on! I have that feeling again.
Someone's behind us.
DOYLE: There's no one there.
No, stop.
I could have sworn.
No, you're right.
There is someone back there.
Hurry, Nellie, run! Hurry, Nellie, up to your left.
DOYLE: There he is.
I see him! Here.
Up here.
Nellie! Nellie! Wrong alley, Miss Bly, Dr.
This one's a dead end.
Come out, Miss Bly.
I'm only trying to return your gun.
Don't you believe me? He's up there, off to the right! DRAKE: You know, Miss Bly, I can't believe my luck.
Nellie Bly, Arthur Conan Doyle and Phineas Bogg.
Three birds with one stone.
Now don't misunderstand me.
I'm not your Jack the Ripper.
My life is dedicated to ruining history, not people.
You, Miss Bly, were just a piece of history to obliterate.
Nellie! But when my friend Bogg showed up, the stakes changed.
There you are.
Now where is the good doctor? Here! NELLIE: No! Don't! Help! Someone help! Now, you get your gun.
No! Oh, no, Bogg.
It's not that easy.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) Hold it there! That's quite enough, Mr.
Bogg! Thought you'd come back and finish Nellie off, did you? Bogg! On the contrary, Inspector, Mr.
Bogg saved Miss Bly.
Is that true? Yes.
Yes, it is.
But there's only you and Doyle in this alley.
Who did he save you from? From the man who attacked me earlier tonight.
The one I mistook for Mr.
Well, where is he? I can only report what I saw, Inspector.
And what I saw was a man who disappeared.
DOYLE: There! I've got it! Sahara sand, South American quartz, sequoia needle.
There's only one way you could have picked up all these on this shoe.
How? A visit to the Royal Zoological Gardens.
Correct, Watson? You amaze me, Sherlock.
Forget, Sherlock.
That came out of Doyle's head.
That pipe-smoking aristocrat's never going to get the best of me again.
For the last time, Nellie, the answer is no.
A short interview is all I'm asking.
Now, I saw that man touch his device and disappear.
You've got one, that means you can disappear.
Nellie, there you go telling stories again.
Have you ever seen me disappear? Who are you? What do you do? Look, Lestrod was able to delay your boat an hour.
If you don't leave now, you could blow the whole record.
You're not going to tell me, are you? No.
After all we've been through, you'd deny me an exclusive? Absolutely.
Then can I do one thing? That depends.
That you can do.
Thanks for keeping me in line.
Ambition's fine, as long as it doesn't get in the way of reporting.
Hear, hear.
Thank you, Doctor.
Bon voyage, Nellie.
Say hi to Jules for me.
Doyle, can I make you some tea? (DINGS) Maybe help you out with some of the Watson stuff? Hey, come back in a month or so.
You can be the first to read it.
Forget it.
Huh? I already have.
JEFFREY: If you wanna learn more about Arthur Conan doyle or the Sherlock Holmes stories, Nellie Bly or Jack the Ripper, take a voyage down to your public library.
It's all in books!
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