Wishbone (1995) s01e20 Episode Script

Mixed Breeds

Funding for Wishbone, provided by annual
financial support from
PBS viewers like you.
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's this your dreaming of?
Such big imagination
on such a little part.
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
It kind of seems familiar
like a story from
a book, shake a leg now
Wishbone, let's wagging off the
tail, sniffing out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on, Wishbone.
Watch the story, Wishbone.
Watch the story, Wishbone.
Watch the story, Wishbone.
Watch the story Wishbone
It's gotta be around here somewhere.
Oh, hey, boom.
Hmm, I know I left it
down in here somewhere.
Maybe it's over here.
Found it!
One slightly used mud ball!
Whoops, uh-oh, I'm busted!
Well, it's been a good life.
That's a good dog.
Yeah, Jamir did the sweetest
when a dog in all one world.
Yeah, Javier.
What? Wanda?
Are you okay?
I don't know who that was,
but it was not Wanda Gilmore.
This behavior is very mysterious.
Reminds me of another strange case.
The strange case.
case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
was first written as a novella
or short novel in 1886.
Our two-faced tale begins on
the foggy streets of Old London.
John Uttersson, a respected
lawyer guy around town
and his friend, Richard Enfield,
were taking a quiet stroll together.
What is it, Enfield?
Why would man you look positively vexed?
Perhaps I am. It's just
I remember this door.
From another night.
Passing by it now stairs the most
unpleasant memory, I'm afraid.
Of what, dear friend? Do tell.
Well, it was a few weeks ago.
A cold, black winter night.
I was on my way to dinner,
and I stopped to buy a flower.
I say.
Here and now.
A most faultless act.
A most thoughtless act. Poor child.
And what was the name of this fellow?
Ah, as I later learned,
a Mr. Edward Hyde.
Now you appear vexed.
My dear Enfield, our mutual
friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll,
has recently drawn up a will, leaving all
his earthly possessions to this Mr. Hyde.
Why would he leave everything
to such a scoundrel?
Okay, how is she? Is she back to
normal? I mean, as normal as she gets?
All right, Wanda. Now
tell me your big secret.
Aha! I knew it! There's
a secret involved.
Last night, I went to
Pepper Pete's Pizza Parlor.
They were having a special
on their vegetarian double
cheese with anchovies, and
I didn't want to miss that.
Smart move. Never pass
up a pizza opportunity.
Plus, they were having
their annual talent
show, and I didn't want
to miss that either.
Ooh, live entertainment, and anchovies.
Did you take Bob Pruitt?
No, I went alone.
Bob doesn't like anchovies,
and I don't think
he would enjoy a talent
show at Pepper Peets.
Well, why not? It sounds like fun.
Well, he likes more intellectual
forms of entertainment.
He always invites me to poetry readings
and lute concerts, that kind of thing.
Well, yeah, but you like that, don't you?
Well, sure, but sometimes
I just want to cut
loose and do something
a little less grown-up.
Oh, hi, Miss Gomor.
Mm-hmm, I don't.
Well, anyway.
Hi, Miss Gellmore.
Hi, David.
So, go ahead.
Oh, anyway, it turned out to be
a good thing that I went alone.
Why is that?
Because you got to eat all the pizza.
I was enjoying my pizza,
watching the usual talent show
fair, a baton twirler, a
tap dancer, a ventriloquist.
And then he took the stage.
Oh, he was a rock and roll sensation.
And here's the good part.
He was looking straight at
me during his entire song.
He practically sang
the whole thing to me.
Oh, Wanda, that's so exciting.
Did you meet him after the show?
Well, I didn't actually meet him,
but at the end of his performance, he
jumped off the stage and tossed me his
sunglasses, and then he disappeared.
Oh, what do you think it all means?
I think it means he likes me.
What's his name?
His name is Lou Dublin. Naturally, he
won first prize at the talent show.
And here's the good part.
Pepper Peeds is having him back for an on
- course solo performance tomorrow night.
Ellen, I have to be there.
Oh, of course you do.
So we'll all go together.
You, me, Joe, David,
Sam, my treat, of course.
Wanda, it's a school night.
Oh, please.
I'm just so nervous
about seeing him again.
Um, well,
Well, all right, but we have
to make it an early night.
Right, of course.
Thank you so much.
Any kind of pizza you want, you name it.
Hey, wait a minute.
Aren't you supposed to go out
with Bob Pruitt tomorrow night?
Oh, right, the poetry reading.
Well, I'll just have to cancel.
We'll see you tomorrow night, then.
Say, seven-ish?
Sounds good.
Well, until then.
Rock and roll.
Uh, one, uh, um, that's the broom closet.
I knew that.
Oh, my.
We'll even bring home some
pizza crust for Wishbone.
She say what I thought she said?
Wow, she must really like this guy.
I hear that free pizza.
I better make sure she
gets home all right.
Oh, wow, this is a surprise.
A rose is a rose, and these are for you.
An enchanted moment.
You know, I know I know I said that I
was going to be free tomorrow and night.
Well, anyway, my point is, I just that
something really unexpected
has come up and
I'm sorry.
Oh, no, no, no, no, you go on.
Go ahead.
Well, I just can't make it.
You can't make?
Uh, well, fine.
Uh, life's little soap operas.
Hi, Mr. Pruit.
Hi, Mr. Pruit.
Well, that is fine. That is just fine.
What's wrong with him?
I don't know.
Don't know.
Don't wake up, sleepy, Ed?
I don't want to go to school.
Hey, this is not like me at all.
I'm usually the first one up.
Awake all night, sleeping all day.
I did know better.
I'd swear I was turning into a
A cat! Oh, no! I've got kidding cooties!
Oh, this can't be! Let
me see you in the mirror.
My eyes are betier. My nose is
shorter, and I've got more whiskers.
Is this really me? Or am
I becoming someone else?
Utterson was worried about
his old friend, Dr. Jekyll.
Let me ask you a question, Jekyll.
As your lawyer and your friend,
I want to know why you're leaving
everything in your will to this Mr. Hyde.
I know that it distresses you.
I've heard some very unpleasant
things about Mr. Hyde.
Dear friend, I cannot change the will.
But Hyde is a truly evil person.
It makes no difference.
You do not understand my circumstances.
I am painfully situated, Utterson.
My situation is very strange.
Jekyll, you know me. You can
trust me. Let me help you.
My friend, this is very
good of you. And I cannot
find words to thank you
for your concern, but
Is Hyde forcing you to put him in the
will? Is there blackmail involved?
Otters, to put your good heart at
rest. I will tell you one thing.
The moment I choose, I
can get rid of Mr. Hyde.
I give you my word.
upon that? You're sure
there's nothing I can
do. Nothing, my friend.
You must excuse me,
Utterson, but the hour
is late, and I still have
some work to do in my
laboratory. Can you let
yourself out? Well,
certainly. Good evening.
Hmm. Something here is
definitely not right.
Mr. Prud is never this late.
All right. Let's all turn
in our books to page.
76 of the great poets to begin
with the chapter on Robert Frost.
Mr. Pruitt, we already finished
the chapter on Robert Frost.
Oh. So we did. So we did. Right. Right.
Well, then let's go to the next chapter.
Page of 189.
Poetry of Ogden Nash.
I think we did that last week.
Well, then.
Since the class seems to be so
well-versed with every great poet
in this book, there will be a
surprise examination tomorrow.
I suggest you all spend the
remainder of this hour studying.
That's a
It's not like Mr. Pruitt at all.
But he's never pulled a
surprise exam on us before.
Say goodbye to pizza, I guess.
Well, we still have a while
before we have to leave.
Let's all stay together.
How could an all-around nice guy
like Mr. Pruitt change overnight?
Just ask Henry Jekyll.
I've got to find out what Hyde is up
to and what he wants with Dr. Jekyll.
Dr. Henry Jekyll believed
that man was not truly
one, but truly two, a
mixture of good and evil.
He was experimenting with a way to
separate his evil side from his good side.
So, he mixed up a chemical
recipe that transformed
him into the purely evil
guy named Edward Hyde.
If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be
Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek.
What do you think of this one?
Leaves quite an impression, doesn't it?
It does leave an impression.
Um, Wanda, this isn't what you were
wearing the first time you met him, is it?
Oh, heavens no.
Well, then tonight, why don't you
just dress as you normally would?
You know, just be yourself.
Ellen, what's so special?
about me? Well, a lot,
obviously. Bob Pruitt
likes you for who you are? Bob Pruitt is
stuffy. No, my dear, tonight I must dress
to impress. He's the
king of rock and roll,
and I'm his queen. Wow,
a whole new sight of
Wanda has been unleashed!
Why am I scared?
What's everybody at then?
Anyone who fix me with
me with an unkind eye,
walks away with a bloody lip.
That's right?
Back to your pathetic,
business, the lot of you.
Here, barkeeper.
Cask of your finest ale.
On the double.
I'm sorry, Mr. Hyde, Hyde, I won't.
You remember what
happened last time? You're
a menace, Hyde, and
you're unwelcome here.
Now, I'll suggest you leave it once.
Do you now?
Well, then, I'll leave. I'll leave.
I'll leave this place a shambles!
Now see here.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Here, who made this mess?
Edward Hyde.
And it's not the first time either.
Usually a certain Dr. Jekyll comes
round later to pay for the demo.
So, Dr. Jekyll pays for
the sins of Mr. Hyde.
And now it's time to
play poetry for pizza!
Two roads diverged and a wood.
And I, I took the one that's traveled by.
And that has made all the difference.
Okay, name that poet.
Come on, Joe, New England
poets for ten points.
Come on, you guys. Robert Frost.
I knew that, I think.
Okay. Try this one.
I'm nobody. Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
I'll give you a hint.
This poet lived in Amherst,
Massachusetts, and didn't get out much.
Emily Dickinson?
That is correct!
You got it, Joe.
Oh, it's time to go.
pizza time.
Already, but we hardly even studied.
Well, we can just bring
our books with us.
Yeah, I'm gonna get a super jumbo.
See you later, Wishbone.
Pizza and poetry.
Mmm-mm! I like it.
Hey, don't forget me
when it's leftover time!
Oh, there's pizza.
Some pizza.
Oh, that looks good.
Wanda have some pizza.
Oh, save some for me, will you, Ellen?
I'm too nervous to eat.
There are children among us, Wanda.
I offer no guarantees.
Sunset and evening star.
And one clear call for me.
May there be no moaning of the bar
when I put out to sea.
Here's one.
There's a certain slant of
light on winter after me.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the
moment you've all been waiting for,
let's give a big pepper peach welcome for
the exciting song stylings
of Mr. Lou Dillon!
Well, looky, what the dog dragged in.
Come in, darling.
You're looking beautiful
tonight, and I mean that.
Would you run in there and
give me a double everything?
Oh, I saw you here the other
night, didn't I, darling?
I never forget you.
Well, I'm a puppy dog for your love.
You need me holler up to the moon above.
I come running, because I'm
a puppy dog for your love.
Like it. Like it.
Oh, many babies.
They'll make me whine me whine.
Oh, ooh.
Just get into my puppy eyes.
Can't you see them shine?
Look at you.
I'll be a goodie.
A new puppy dog for you.
You're a little cold.
I'll catch you.
I will just smile.
Can't you get me fucking for you.
You, you, you, you, you.
Mr. Pruitt?
Hey, Wanda.
Wait, Wanda.
Wait, Wanda, wait.
Wanda, please, let me explain.
That was a very cruel
thing to do, Bob Pruitt.
That was a very cruel
thing to do, Bob Pruitt.
I was going to tell you, really?
After I had thoroughly
embarrassed myself?
Oh, Wanda.
I didn't dream.
in a million years, you'd be
at the contest Tuesday night.
Well, I was.
Yes, you were.
And the moment I saw you, I
couldn't take my eyes off of you.
Well, of all things, Bob
Pruitt, king of rock and roll.
About a month ago, I saw an ad for
a contest here at Pepper Peat's,
and I had done some singing in
college, and I thought it would be fun.
And what do you know? I won.
What do you know?
But it's been rather difficult.
I was up all night rehearsing.
I was late for school this morning.
I've hurt my shoulder permanently
from doing this a thousand times.
Well, why didn't you just tell
me about this double life?
I was going to. I really was.
But I was afraid.
Of what?
That you wouldn't like playing
old Bob Pruitt anymore.
Oh, Bob, you silly goose.
Oh, you silly goose.
have to do is be yourself.
Doggy bag! Oh, boy! I've been
looking forward to this all night.
Okay, look cute. Look cute.
Just a hint of anchovies. I love that.
All it took was one slightly embarrassing
moment to reveal Lou Dublin for
who he really was. In this
strange case of Mr. Hyde,
though, it took something
a little more drastic.
Murderer! Murderer!
Who was it, Miss?
I've seen him before. He's a
monster. His name is Mr. I.
Where did he go?
He ran down the street and screwed
off into the black door there.
Enfield. But you constable!
It's Jekyll's house!
Why? It's Jekyll's house! Enfield!
I fear we've arrived too late!
Has Hyde struck again so soon?
No. Henry!
Perhaps this explains everything.
In the letter, Jekyll
explained how his experiment
had turned into an ugly
battle with himself.
Jekyll had unleashed the evil
hide and then lost control of him.
And he couldn't get rid of hide
without getting rid of Jekyll.
My friend, you created
your own worst enemy.
I wish I had been here to help you.
I wish I had been here to help you.
Good morning, everybody.
Sounds like everyone is ready for today.
I am too.
You see, last night, three of my
students were seen at a pizza parlor,
carrying with them their poetry texts.
I switched medication and gave
me an idea for today's test.
A taste test.
Today we will examine the
beauty and perfection of
Pepper Peat's specialty of the house.
I've ordered pizza for everybody.
Way to go, Mr. Crewit!
Okay, no problem.
I'll just cover this up before she
notices, and everything will be back
Wishbone! This is a disaster!
Now that's the one to Gilmore, I know!
Dirt Digger?
You do flower
That's me!
Well, at least things.
Things are back to normal.
Where are you going?
You can.
You can sniff out wishbone books and
other great things to read at your
Funding for Wishbone books,
provided by annual financials
support from PBS viewers like you.
You say you want something to do?
Well, try this.
Gather up your humans,
put them in the car,
and hi-tail it to your local library!
There's something for the
whole family at the library.
Adventure, comedy, mystery.
So hi-tail it to your local library.
It's a family thing.
Only if you want to book on the
top shelf, bring someone tall.
And I get some assistance here.
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