365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e21 Episode Script

Hyeong Ju and Ga Hyeon Find out Who the Real Culprit Is

(Episode 21)
It might sound crazy,
but I'll do everything I can
to not see you lying here.
- Sun Ho. - It's Detective Park Sun Ho
whom you had saved.
He's the culprit.
If you die like this, I'll kill you.
Hyeong Ju.
I seriously won't die.
Hey, Ga Hyeon.
What brings you here without a call?
I got worried after what you said on the phone.
I heard you met Ms. Lee.
I'm fine.
I wasn't really expecting anything.
I see.
It would've been better if she remembered anything.
You're right.
Okay, then. Go in and get some rest.
How could you believe
what I told you that easily?
That we were killed by a serial killer.
There's no definite evidence. But why did you believe me?
Hyeong Ju.
Sun Ho wasn't here, was he?
Did he contact you in any way?
I brought him here.
Ga Hyeon, are you okay?
Hyeong Ju.
I'm all right.
You were right.
Sun Ho
Sun Ho
killed those people.
It's not too late for us to right the wrongs.
You're still a detective.
It's way too early to give up.
Do you also think
Hyeong Ju is the culprit?
I trust him no matter what anyone says.
Hyeong Ju said
the culprit seems like someone who knows him.
How can he
It's because of me.
Your life is also in danger because of me.
So this is why I end up killing you.
So everything was planned?
All these people died
because I brought him back to life?
Corporal Jin Sa Kyung.
Where's Detective Ji Hyeong Ju right now?
We're doing our best to look for him too.
You know this isn't the time to show your comradeship, don't you?
You're getting married next month.
What did you and the captain of Regional Investigation Unit discuss?
You didn't tell him where Hyeong Ju is, did you?
Hey, Soon Woo.
We're obviously helping a criminal take shelter.
We're detectives,
and this won't end with a simple disciplinary action.
So that's why
you told Captain Jung everything?
I know
where Ji Hyeong Ju is.
I thought you should know before Captain Jung does.
I'm sorry.
- Yes? - Captain Heo.
This is Hyeong Ju.
I couldn't wrap my head around some things you said.
Did you really save each one of those people
to reset?
I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Hyeong Ju told me already.
That he came back a year
from the future along with you.
Detective Ji said that?
I have a good imagination, so it wasn't that hard to believe.
By any chance,
did he tell you the reason
behind his decision to reset?
"The reason"?
It was a very important reason.
It's something you'd be interested in too.
What I am interested in is
the fact that everyone who reset with Hyeong Ju
doesn't seem to be irrelevant to me.
So that's why I have a feeling
that you may know what my future holds.
The future?
From my experience,
there was no one who overcame their destined death.
Not even one.
That means
you'll be safe
until everyone else dies.
That's all I know.
Right, one more thing.
What is this?
Let's call this your fate.
You'll find out soon.
It always happened.
Do you think it'll work?
I'll have to try.
I have no other choice.
this could be why we went through with the reset.
this had to happen.
There was no one who overcame their destined death.
Not even one.
Hyeong Ju.
Detective Ji.
Maru, let's eat.
Come here.
Let's go for a walk.
Darn it.
Hey, Soon Woo.
Hey, what's going on?
I have no idea.
Did he not tell you anything either?
He was determined to catch the real culprit,
so why did he turn himself in?
Did he really do it?
You took those photos, didn't you?
Mr. Hwang agreed to testify against you
regarding your request.
You can easily become a suspect
with the photos in that USB.
They're proof that you were present at the crime scenes,
so you'll be suspected as an accomplice at the least.
Do you think Ms. Lee Shin will still have your back then?
The killer could've seen you.
You could've died.
What does she have on you that you're going this far?
If you can help us,
we'll be able to
get rid of Ms. Lee Shin and the killer as well.
I beg you.
Ms. Song.
Why did you have to make things so complicated
if you were going to turn yourself in anyway?
Thanks to you, the chief may have to make
a public apology, do you understand?
Since we've come to this, let's pick the easy way.
Do you admit to the murders of Bae Jung Tae and Ko Jae Young?
Detective Ji Hyeong Ju!
What are Ji Hyeong Ju and Shin Ga Hyeon scheming?
You must know.
Tell me. Why did he turn himself in?
I I don't know.
I don't know anything about this.
Did Ms. Lee Shin contact you by any chance?
I was wondering if Ms. Song reported to her.
Something happened to my wife, so I had to hurry to the sanitarium.
I'll contact you later.
It's nothing serious, right?
I'll have to see. We'll talk again.
(I'll have to see. We'll talk again.)
(Ji Hyeong Ju, 32 years old)
(Ji Hyeong Ju, 32 years old)
(Shin Ga Hyeon, 28 years old)
They're the only ones left.
We found these cuffs at the crime scene,
and they turned out to be yours.
We've also confirmed that you used this burner phone
to contact Bae Jung Tae and Ko Jae Young.
There was also the text about how they lured you.
You were the first one to find
Bae Jung Tae's body and report it.
Perhaps, this could be a fabricated scenario as well.
Conclusively, we found these wounds
on their stomachs.
The NFS believes
it was the same killer.
Is that what you think as well?
Do you think it's the same killer?
Do you think this is a serial murder?
Are you asking me?
If we overcome our fate,
how will it benefit you?
You always said that.
"I want to see you overcoming your fate."
"That's why I gave you another chance. "
Is fate already decided,
or can it be changed?
That's why I decided to experiment.
What if I bring back the dead
and reset the time?
Why did you take things so far and do this with us?
It's a real drag to bear through
a time without any hope.
I needed something fun to do to live through this boring year.
I realized there are people who suffer more than I do,
so it was comforting too.
You were so desperate to save someone,
yet I didn't know how you could be so cruel to us.
At first, I didn't get it,
but everything definitely makes sense now.
You didn't reset the time for your child.
You already know that.
It's because of you, who can't bear to live on
after the death of your child.
You keep running away back in time,
into the past.
It's time for you to be honest with yourself.
Young, are you still mad at me?
You didn't keep your promise.
You said we're going to ride on a train.
I wanted to keep my promise,
but we couldn't go because you might get sick.
I'm not sick at all.
I want to ride on a train.
We have to go to the hospital tomorrow.
As soon as you get well,
we can ride a train every single day.
You're lying.
You always lie.
I don't like the hospital.
I'm not going.
Then will you continue to be sick?
You'll break my heart.
Mom, are you heartbroken?
No, I'm fine.
I only live for you, Young.
I don't care
no matter what anyone says,
as long as you can stay here with me.
I'll live through this.
I'll make sure I live through
this time.
This is everything I can do for you.
Please do keep your promise.
Thank you. Thank you, Detective.
Thank you so much.
What's going on?
He was caught by aerial patrol on the highway.
He said he made a mistake while looking at the GPS,
so we let him off with a warning.
Why? Do you know him?
- Get back to work. - Yes, sir.
Let's call this your fate, Mr. Park.
You'll find out soon.
It always happened.
Hey. Where are you going?
To meet Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon.
I was wondering if she knows anything about this situation.
Do you want to come along?
- No, go ahead. - Okay.
I thought you would know
what Hyeong Ju is up to.
He's not a guy who'd kill a man.
He even ran away to catch the real culprit.
Why is he suddenly doing this?
You know something, don't you?
Ga Hyeon, we need to know what's going on to help.
He said the evidence
that can catch the culprit is in the police station.
That's why he has no choice but to get in there himself.
The evidence? What is it?
Ko Jae Young's phone.
He said it should be in the evidence room.
Ko Jae Young always had a headphone on.
And Hyeong Ju said
the headphone wasn't found on the scene.
What does that have to do with his phone?
His headphone has
a GPS tracking device
that's connected to his phone.
If the real culprit has his headphone
or hid it somewhere,
we can find where it is.
Then he could've just asked us.
Why would he come himself?
Because of reasons I can't share.
(Evidence Room)
Hyeong Ju.
How did you find this place?
(Episode 22 will be aired shortly.)
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