All That Glitters (2023) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

Are you willing to go to prison for me?
What are you doing?
I had won S$600,000
I saw that I was on a roll.
So I decided to stake all S$600,000
to win S$1,2 million.
In the end
Now, come out.
Come out!
Don't let me see you again.
Get lost!
Here to tender your resignation?
Give it to me.
I'm not resigning.
I thought the old man
had made it clear to you.
You should know the consequences
of staying in the company.
I know.
Then why are you not resigning?
I won't make my buddy
take the fall for me.
You're a talent.
I had big plans for you.
To continue to scam others for you?
You call this a scam?
Tell me how many businesses out there
make good honest money.
Everyone is thinking about
how to make money.
We are no exception.
Next to banks which repackage
toxic bonds and sell them to investors,
we are considered angels.
Bankers who hatched those bonds
get paid yearly bonuses
to the tune of tens of millions.
When the financial crisis happened,
banks collapsed.
Investors lost all their money.
Did you see any bankers taken to justice?
Yes! But they were just small fry.
Just listen to yourself!
The investors placed their money with us
because they trusted us.
Some had tapped into their life savings.
Some wanted it as their retirement money.
What's going to happen to them now?!
Getting worked up won't solve the problem.
Why worry for them?
They'd have learnt a lesson
from the failed investment.
They'll wise up.
Families will break up because of this.
That can't be helped.
Did anyone have them at knife point
to make them invest the money?
We all have to answer for
our own decisions.
Can you make those who made a killing
return us the money?
We can't, can we?
One man's gain is another man's loss.
That's a free economy for you.
Can I make a request?
Say it.
The money belonging to the retirees
and small investors
Return it all.
You're the COO. You can make that call.
I can make that call?
Finance won't take orders from me.
My hands are tied.
Jasmine! Thunder makes the call
when it comes to the company's finances.
Carry out his directives.
Get it?
Yes, got it.
All good?
I prepared a copy for you.
I don't wish to defy my old man's order.
Sign the resignation letter.
I hear you're getting married.
Congrats! This is a gift
from my old man and me.
Two first-class air tickets
plus a three-week hotel stay.
This is the best time to visit Japan.
Happy honeymoon.
After Thunder leaves,
clear out the office.
Shred all the files.
Yes, got it.
I'll be away for a while.
I know
Calm down.
We'll keep you updated.
That's all I can do for you.
Thank you.
Bro Musen, it's chaotic out there.
Stay calm.
How can I be calm? Don't you hear?
The phones are ringing off the hook.
We're all pacifying the clients.
I know that.
Then tell me what I should do.
The clients want their gold back.
They didn't receive any dividends
this month.
I've informed Finance
to expedite the payment.
Thunder, I can't issue the payments.
The company account has no money.
I'm sorry.
I lost your S$200,000.
So what did you learn from it?
To never gamble again.
You can never win by gambling.
When I won S$100,000 once,
I felt that I was on a roll.
All the bets I placed won me money.
With a windfall of S$100,000,
I felt that I could win a million bucks.
Then I started losing money.
The more I lost, the more I gambled.
I wanted to win the money back.
In the end, I lost all the money.
So the conclusion you drew was,
never gamble?
Then why do so many people gamble?
Gambling offers a glimmer of hope
where the poor can become rich overnight.
It's like drugs - it is addictive.
Even if someone loses their last penny,
they can't seem to stop it.
Gambling is definitely
a lucrative business.
I want you to manage
the online gambling site.
I invested in two casinos overseas,
I have a floating casino too.
We're in the midst of
launching an online casino.
It'll be based in the open sea.
I want a trusted aide to assist me.
What is it?
Liu Mu came to see me.
He updated me about
the company's situation.
You two are good brothers indeed.
I'll take the fall for him.
Did he ask you to do that?
He said he wouldn't resign,
but would face the music.
-Isn't that a good thing?
-But he's my
If you work for me,
I promise you'll enjoy riches.
But if you wish to be the loyal friend
who serves time for your brother,
I'll respect your decision.
I'll grant you your wish and fire Thunder.
You'll be the Chief Operating Officer.
Think it over carefully.
Tell me when the black ball goes in.
-Morning, Auntie Bee Hoon.
-Auntie Bee Hoon.
-Have some bee hoon.
How much is it?
No need. Let it be my treat.
We cannot accept that.
You are also running a business.
-Tell me how much it is.
-No need to pay me.
-I came to thank you.
-Why are you thanking me?
Your future son-in-law
invested in gold for me.
It made me a few thousand dollars.
Auntie Bee Hoon,
did you receive the payment?
It was transferred
to my account yesterday.
All right. Got to go back to my stall.
Enjoy the bee hoon. Bye.
-Thank you.
She made a few thousand dollars.
But she did not even throw in
extra ingredients.
She was grinning from ear to ear just now.
You even told me off
for referring customers to Musen.
Okay, I won't be a busybody again.
Morning, Auntie.
-Morning, Musen.
You're early. The bridal shop
isn't open yet.
I can't wait to see you in a bridal gown.
-Have you had breakfast?
-Let's have bee hoon together.
-Two kopi-o to go.
-Coming right up.
Uncle Egg and Auntie Vegetable
should have received the funds too.
Remind them to check their accounts.
Sure. I'll let them know.
They said you'd told them
to withdraw their investments.
How come?
The outlook is not going to be good.
Best to keep their money with them.
They can invest
when something better comes along.
Coffee for you?
Yes. I want lots
and lots of condensed milk.
Why do you want it so sweet?
I want to be filled with sweetness
from head to toe.
Mr. Lin.
Our groom has been left
stunned by the bride.
Mr. Lin, isn't the bride very pretty?
Yes. She's very pretty.
Ms. Li, let me bring you a necklace.
Zhenting picked this dress for me.
She said the simple design suited me.
What do you think?
You look very pretty.
What's wrong?
I'm thinking, we rushed into a decision.
Let's give it further thought.
Kopi Gah Dai.
So, what's with you today?
I'm okay. Why that question?
Something is troubling you, right?
On our way to the bridal shop,
I had to repeat myself
before you responded.
You don't usually have an opinion
when it comes to my dressing.
But you were so keen to see me
in the bridal gown.
You wear a bridal gown
once in your lifetime.
Of course I care.
What's more,
it's a secondhand bridal gown.
It's been worn before.
Only the model wore it
at the bridal exhibition.
It's only been worn once.
I'm okay with it.
Yes, it wasn't an issue.
But now,
I feel that you've been shortchanged.
You don't normally care about such stuff.
You're the laidback type.
This is so unlike you.
Maybe you don't know me that well.
I know you only too well.
You're keeping something from me, right?
Li Zhenyu, don't be so presumptuous.
Like I said, I am okay.
I'm sure you're not okay.
It's just over the bridal gown.
If you don't want to hear my views,
you can decide for yourself.
Why let me tag along?
If you love that gown so much,
let's go buy it.
Let's go.
Kopi Gah Dai, what's with you?
Why are you being unreasonable?
I'm being unreasonable?
You kept asking if I was okay.
I already said I am okay.
You're the one ruining the mood
by keep saying nonsense things.
You don't wish to marry me?
So you don't wish to marry me.
When did I say I didn't want to marry you?
Your tone gave you away.
-You sound ill at ease.
See? You're being presumptuous again.
First, you said I wasn't okay.
Now, you're saying I'm ill at ease.
Where are you going?
I'm going back.
If we keep arguing, it'll only sour ties.
You were right.
I don't want to get married.
I lack the faith.
I'm not confident of being a good husband.
I'm not confident of
taking care of you for life.
-Lame excuses.
-Yes, they are lame.
Would you rather I admitted
I've fallen for another woman?
That's a worse excuse.
I'm sorry.
I'd rather that you got mad at me
and hated me for this.
Miss, what would you like?
Iced lemon tea, thank you.
I was talking non-stop all morning.
I'm sorry I asked you out
when you were so busy.
No worries. I could tell
you wanted to talk to me urgently.
Is something the matter?
Tell me.
Is the company in some kind of trouble?
Bro Musen told you?
No, he didn't.
But I could sense it.
Our company has folded.
Our customers' gold deposits are all gone.
The sum involved is tens of millions.
The land investments overseas
also ran into problems.
The interests promised to clients
also terminated without notice.
But Auntie Bee Hoon and the rest
all got their money back.
They also received the interest earned.
Well, Bro Musen paid them
out of his own pocket.
He also borrowed money from me.
It all happened without warning.
We weren't able to answer to our clients
I was on the phone all morning
bearing the brunt of the clients' anger.
Some of them even said
they had made a police report.
Sis Zhenyu.
I'm very worried about Bro Musen.
Like you, he's also
on the company's payroll.
Things aren't that simple.
As the company's COO,
he is responsible for
the company's operations.
In fact, the CPIB already
summoned him in for questioning.
Let me start then.
You may move in here anytime.
I had wanted you to lease it out for me.
But this is a new condo.
If it's leased to a bad tenant,
it'll be a shame
if they mess up the place.
Discuss it with your mom.
Move in with your family
and lease out your family home.
This is just my suggestion
I'll leave it to you to decide.
Can I still move in here?
This condo was bought under your name.
So it belongs to you.
We've broken up, right?
Take it as my compensation to you.
That's very generous of you.
I should do that for you.
I've fallen for another woman.
I've let you down.
The girl you fell for
must be very attractive.
Honestly speaking,
she isn't as pretty as you.
But she's very sexy.
Very liberal.
And very gentle.
And obedient.
She doesn't defy me.
That's a lot to ask for.
That's already quite a list.
I see.
I am not sexy, gentle or obedient.
Don't take it the wrong way.
I was fickle and couldn't resist
her charms.
I gave in to temptation.
I have a roving eye.
Since you put it that way,
I have nothing more to say.
Let's end things amicably.
We are both adults.
We need not turn into enemies.
We can still be friends.
I want to return something to you.
Where did you get this sum of money?
This was the betrothal gift from you.
Jiahui says gold prices have been good
I got her to sell it for me.
Don't interrupt. I'm not done talking.
I got a property agent to sell this condo.
I just got her call.
A buyer has offered a good price for it.
It's a profit of a few hundred thousand.
Once the sale is finalized,
I'll transfer the sale proceeds to you.
Why are you doing this?
Isn't the wedding already off?
But I don't expect you to pay me back.
It's neither your money nor mine.
The money
Hand it over to CPIB.
Let them decide what to do with it.
Hopefully, it'll mitigate your offence.
You can stop pretending.
You did a bad job of pretending
to have two-timed me.
Though I can't see your acting,
the way you said it felt very fake.
It was Jiahui.
Jiahui spilled the beans, right?
Don't blame her.
The cat would get out of the bag anyhow.
I'd find out eventually.
I've done you wrong.
You warned me about this more than once.
But I didn't pay heed to your words.
What's the point of saying that now?
This is all my own fault.
I was too full of myself.
I believed that though
I had little schooling,
I didn't think I was inferior to graduates
or overseas graduates.
In fact, I outshone them.
I took a simplistic view of things.
I felt that nothing was out of my reach.
my greed got the better of me.
I was obsessed with becoming rich.
I wanted to get on the golden path.
It was all my own doing.
I should have listened to you.
I should have heeded your advice.
I've let you down.
I've let us down.
If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.
Lin Musen.
Lin Musen.
Lin Musen!
Why are you running away?
Running away is not the best solution,
Lin Musen.
The wedding is still on.
You're not shaking me off yet.
I've collected the bridal gown.
The wedding must go on!
No matter what happens,
I, Li Zhenyu, will be your wife.
I'll wait for your release from prison.
Be it one year, two years,
three years, four years
or five years.
I am yours, I am going to stick to you.
Lin Musen.
Lin Musen.
Lin Musen.
Lin Musen.
I don't know how long
the sentence will be.
I don't wish to hold you back.
Even if it is only for a day,
I want to be the one you love the most.
Mom, stop looking downcast.
Sis won't be happy if she finds out.
Well, she can't see my face anyway.
You know how sensitive Sis is.
Watch what you say.
Sis has especially sharp hearing.
Don't you worry about that.
I don't even dare let out a sigh.
We all give off vibes.
Even if you don't sigh, Sis can sense it.
Then what do you want from me?
You're going to be a mother-in-law.
Be happy about it. Smile.
What can I be happy about?
It's all over the papers.
Everyone knows he's a con man.
Many people fell victim to his scams.
He was used.
Then why him of all people?
He was of use to them.
Never mind that.
I'm only worried about your sis.
You studied law.
Tell me, will he have to go to prison?
If he is charged
and found guilty
A jail term is for sure, right?
It'll be many years behind bars.
See? He'll be much older when he's out.
He'll have no future to speak of.
I don't get why your sis
wants to marry him.
True love is invincible.
Yeah, right.
What is love? Can it bring food
to the table?
Will it give you a worry-free life?
Why did your sis sell
the gold bars and the condo?
But I think Sis is doing the right thing.
She's a very kind person.
If you tell her to keep the gold
and move into the condo,
I bet she'll have nightmares every night.
You've always said we gain peace and joy
in place of ill-gotten gains.
Peace and joy indeed.
Newlyweds move into a new home.
But he's living at someone else's place.
It's not just any person.
Bro-in-law and Jiahui are cousins.
It's normal for a family to live together.
Your sis and you practically
sing the same tune.
Come on, give me a smile.
You're a grown man.
Stop preening in in front of the mirror.
Move aside. It's my turn.
What are you doing?
I'll be served tea
by my granddaughter-in-law
I need to doll up for the tea ceremony.
Well? Pretty?
You remind me of that actress
from the movie A Chinese Ghost Story.
You are the wicked tree demon.
How dare you.
Just joking, Grandma.
You look ten years younger.
Very pretty today.
You look so handsome today.
Grandma, you don't just
look ten years younger.
You look 20 years younger.
Hear that? Learn from Liu Mu.
Liu Mu.
You're a good kid, I've always
seen you as my own grandson.
I'm so happy to see you
getting married today.
Zhenyu is a good girl.
Cherish her.
Thank you.
Grandma, let's do a selfie.
What "fie"?
It means a photo of ourselves.
Look over there.
1, 2, 3.
Sis Zhenyu, you're the prettiest bride
I've ever seen.
I wish I could see myself.
Any girl would feel
the most blissful and beautiful
when she puts on a bridal gown.
From the time I was a child, I've been
imagining what this would be like.
But too bad that I can't see.
I'm sorry, Sis Zhenyu.
I'm fine.
They say that imagination
is the most beautiful.
I use my imagination.
Bro Musen is so lucky to have you.
He lost his parents at a young age.
My parents also mistreated him.
He's going through a rough patch now.
If you had left him,
he'd be having a worse time.
You two must be blissful.
He also has you by his side.
He's said this to me more than once.
You're the only family he has left.
You've helped him and us a lot.
Thank you so much.
We want to thank Susakong too.
Sis Zhenyu.
You look very pretty today.
Thank you.
Sis Zhenyu, Susakong has proposed to me.
Really? Congratulations.
We're happy that Bro Musen and you
will be moving in with us.
This gives us a good reason
to cohabit now.
Thank you.
Jianzhi is a scumbag.
He hasn't appeared
since your case became public.
He's not around
on your wedding day either.
Some kind of brother he is.
We agreed to share
the good times and bad times.
-It's your happy day
-He sent me a message.
What did he say?
He said he'd be away with Richard
on a business trip.
So he wouldn't be back in time.
Richard Mo got you into this fix.
Why did he still go on a trip with him?
I'll teach him a lesson when he's back.
Maybe he isn't aware.
About what?
He doesn't know that I'm in trouble.
Pah! Your case is the talk of the town.
It's in the papers too.
How can he not know about it?
Stop it. I'm getting married today.
Enough of this unhappy talk.
Zhenyu is a dependable one.
You're in trouble now,
but she still wants to marry you.
If it was another woman,
she'd have left you.
Oh, yes. You're getting married today.
No unhappy talk.
Here comes the bride.
What are we still waiting for?
Let's wait a while longer.
Sis, are you sure you want
to marry that scumbag?
Weihao, you're no longer a kid.
Can't you be more sensible?
Spare a thought for others.
I don't want Sis to marry
that kind of man.
Mom, why didn't you stop her?
Weihao. Don't worry.
I know what I am doing.
I also know what I am going into.
I'm sure I'll be happy.
Hey It's your wedding day.
Let me open the car for you.
I'll drive you to the venue.
Make your own way in.
I'll wait for you in the car.
I'm getting married today.
But my two best buddies won't be there.
Are you going to do this to me?
I'd love to be there. But I swore that
I'd never appear before Xiaomei again.
Otherwise, may thunder
It's your big day.
No inauspicious talk.
You're getting married. I'm happy for you.
I'm not there in person,
but you're in my heart.
No matter where I am,
I'll always be rooting for you.
You've not got over Xiaomei?
Of course I've got over her,
I'm already seeing Hua.
I moved on long ago.
That's good. Let's go.
Hang on
8:08 a.m.
What about it?
I got a fengshui master
to pick the auspicious hour.
The fengshui master we got to know
when we worked as movers?
Yes. He knew you were getting married,
so he offered his services free of charge.
He said to start the car
at 8:08 a.m. sharp.
That would give the newlyweds
good fortune.
Liu Mu, what you need
most right now is good fortune.
Let's wait then.
You are a pretty good driver.
I thought of asking you
to get a taxi driver's license.
But you always get left and right wrong.
You driving a taxi may not be a good idea.
I know.
I had a meal with Boss that day.
He mentioned you.
You're welcome to go back anytime.
But I know you don't wish to go back.
You know me best.
But in the face of reality,
we have to give in sometimes.
You may not enjoy
going back to your old job,
but it beats starving.
Teach Muay Thai at Susakong's gym
as an assistant whenever you can.
When more students know about you,
you can be a coach yourself.
Land a better offer
while taking up what's available.
-Why are you calling me names?
You're in trouble
but you still look out for me.
What are brothers for?
I'm looking out for myself actually.
Do well in your job,
you'll provide for me when I'm released.
That way, I won't have to go hungry.
You won't be jailed.
The culprits should be held to account.
Boss Mo and his son should be
sent behind bars.
Thanks, bro.
It's about time. Let's go.
What's going on now?
Mr. Lin Musen,
we're investigators from CPIB.
Please come back with us
to assist in investigations.
Jintiao, everyone is waiting for you guys.
Where's the groom?
He won't be coming.
He got arrested.
Bro Musen has been arrested.
Liu Mu wants me to pass this to you.
I think we've shaken them off.
I thought we'd be doomed this time round.
Liu Mu, I sound learned, don't I?
I actually used the word "doomed."
I did learn something
from the period dramas.
Looks like the police took a wrong turn.
No way.
How come?
Haven't you noticed?
We've been driving on a straight road.
There's no wrong turn to make.
You're right. I don't see any slip road
I didn't have to make
a left or right turn.
The police couldn't
have made a wrong turn.
Step on it.
Calling HQ.
Suspects' vehicle WDJ2668
is driving towards Jalan K351.
Please set up a roadblock.
I I see a roadblock ahead.
We cannot get arrested.
No escape for us now. Pull over.
Murder is a death penalty.
I killed someone, but you did not.
You'd just get a few years behind bars.
I don't want you to die!
If you don't stop the car, you'll die too!
Stop the car!
Liu Mu.
Are you crazy?
Liu Mu, are you okay?
Watch out.
Subtitle translation by: A Han
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