Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e21 Episode Script

Against Corps Rules

What are you doing?
You know you're not supposed to be outside!
I was always very frail
ever since I was born.
I'd never even run.
Just walking was a struggle.
Until Master Muzan appeared.
You pitiful thing. Let me save you.
My parents weren't happy about it.
Because now that I'd acquired
a strong body,
I could never expose myself to sunlight,
and I had to devour humans.
What have you done?
What on earth have you done?
Long ago, I heard a wonderful story.
There was once a father who died
trying to save his drowning child.
I was deeply moved.
Such astounding parental love.
And such a bond, as well.
This father who drowned in the river
had fulfilled his role as a parent.
And yet,
for some reason, my own parents
My own parents
tried to
kill me.
All my mother did was sob,
never lifting a finger to protect me
as I was about to be killed.
They must've been imposters.
The bond between us wasn't real.
She's saying something.
So, she's still alive?
for not giving you a strong,
healthy body. I'm so sorry.
Those were my mother's last words
before she died.
She died.
It's all right, Rui!
We're going to die with you!
I was so enraged
that he'd tried to kill me
that my father's words
went over my head.
But in that moment,
I realized that he meant to die with me
to atone for my sin of having murdered another.
It was a genuine bond.
And that night,
I severed it
with my own two hands.
Even so,
Master Muzan gave me
words of encouragement.
It was all your parents' fault
for refusing to accept you.
Take pride in your own strength.
I had no other choice
but to look at it that way.
I couldn't bear the weight
of what I'd done.
Even knowing that I only had
myself to blame
Every single day
I missed my parents so much
that I could barely stand it.
Even after creating a fake family,
the feeling of emptiness
wouldn't go away.
Since I was the one
with the most power,
there was no one who could protect me
who could shield me.
The more powerful I became,
the less I remembered
about being a human.
And I was losing sight
of what it was that I wanted to do.
Seeking a bond
that I could never claim for myself.
Even though it was
simply out of my reach
no matter how I strained
to get my hands on it.
That small body
is giving off the scent of a grief
too overwhelming for him to bear.
So warm.
Hands as gentle as sunlight.
Now I remember as clear as day.
What I wanted was to apologize.
I'm sorry.
I was I was to blame for it all.
I hope you can forgive me.
But since I've killed scores of people,
I'm going to Hell, aren't I?
I can't go to the same place as you, can I?
That's not true.
We'll be going together even if it's to Hell.
No matter where you go,
we'll be with you.
It was all
It was all my fault!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Don't waste any sympathy
on a demon that devoured humans.
It doesn't matter if it looks like a child.
It's still a hideous monster
that's lived for decades.
To avenge the people who were killed,
to make sure there are no more victims,
of course, I'll bring my blade down
on any demon's neck without mercy!
But as for those for whom
being a demon meant despair,
those who regretted their own actions
I will never trample over them!
Because demons were once human, too!
Just like me, they were human, too!
Please step off him!
They're not hideous monsters at all!
Demons are hopeless creatures!
They're tragic creatures!
Oh my
Why would you get in my way, Tomioka?
After telling me that we could never
be friends with demons
How should I put this?
That's exactly why
no one likes you, you know.
Man, this antidote
of Lady Kocho's is effective!
That's right. And she prepared it
after one look at this situation.
She's truly amazing.
That goes for him, too.
Oh, that guy?
Because he defeated that demon,
it slowed the circulation
of the poison just a bit.
All right! This should do it!
Looking good!
Chances are, they'll all pull through.
Still, I'd like to wrap things up quickly
and leave this place
as soon as possible, wouldn't you?
Yeah, me, too.
I mean, this place really, really stinks!
All right, Tomioka,
please move out of the way.
I'm not
I'm not disliked by people.
Well, I'm sorry. You haven't even realized
that people don't like you, then?
That was uncalled for.
Please forgive me.
Little boy!
What you're protecting there is a demon.
I don't want you to get hurt,
so please move away.
Y-You're mistaken!
I mean, you're not mistaken, but
she's my kid sister!
She's my kid sister, so You see
Is that right? Poor thing.
In that case,
I shall use a gentle toxin to kill her,
so she won't suffer, all right?
Can you move?
Make yourself move
even if you can't move.
Take your sister and run.
Sorry for the trouble!
Thank you very much!
Isn't that against the Corps rules?
My whole body is aching! It's so painful!
I want to scream from the pain!
Deal with it!
Deal with it! Deal with it! Deal with it!
Deal with it! Deal with it! Deal with it!
Does this mean I'll have to quit
the Demon Slayer Corps?
Even if she's my sister,
there's no way they'd let one of their
swordsmen travel with a demon!
I see you're dead serious, Tomioka.
Who would've thought
a Hashira would ever defend a demon?
Whether you're dead serious or not,
I'm not going to join you
in stalling for time.
So, good day to you.
Is that your attempt
at catching up with me?
I don't mind you trying to stop me,
but don't forget about the other one!
Don't stop running!
Keep moving!
You gotta run as far away as you can!
Not good!
What happened?
It was all I could do to just keep running!
A Demon Slayer!
Run, Nezuko!
Run! Make a run for it!
Don't get caught no matter what!
She shrunk and turned into a child.
All she's doing is running away.
Not a single attack.
But why?
No need to ponder.
My only job is to slay
this demon as I was told.
Are you listening, Tomioka?
Since the purpose of my attack was to slay
a demon, and therefore justified,
I don't believe it could be
construed as a violation.
But what you're doing
is against the Corps rules.
You're preventing me
from slaying a demon.
Just what are your intentions here?
Don't you have anything to say?
This is your final warning.
Give me a reason at least.
If I'm remembering this right,
it was two years ago.
Please don't start some long, rambling
story from that far back in time.
Are you just being spiteful?
Are you perhaps still angry
that I pointed out how people don't like you?
Message! Message!
I have a message from headquarters!
Tanjiro and Nezuko are to be taken into custody
and brought back to headquarters!
Tanjiro and the demon, Nezuko,
are to be taken into custody
and brought back to headquarters!
Tanjiro, dressed in a checkered haori,
with a scar on his forehead!
Nezuko, a demon girl
with a bamboo muzzle!
Bring them back! Bring them back!
Are you Nezuko?
Bring them back! Bring them back!
Tanjiro, dressed in a checkered haori,
with a scar on his forehead!
Nezuko, a demon girl
with a bamboo muzzle!
Bring them back! Bring them back!
He has a scar on his forehead.
All right, take him into custody.
Look. His jawbone seems
to be broken, doesn't it?
I feel bad about tying him up.
Wh-Who the hell is this?
I don't know.
A demon? Couldn't be, right?
Is it a human?
He's wearing our uniform trousers.
Oh hey, this is a mask! He's a human!
All right, let's bring him in.
This guy's really banged up!
Why's he strung up like this?
There was nothing I could do
On my own, I couldn't bring down
even a single demon!
You know what?
Maybe I'm not that strong.
They wrapped us up like mummies.
Who are these people?
They seem to be cleaning up
this place really efficiently.
And that girl there
Isn't she the girl from Final Selection?
She has the same kind of hair ornament
as the lady who wrapped us up.
Should we bring them
to the Butterfly Mansion, as well?
Yes, bring all of the wounded to our place.
I'll be hunting down
the demons in the area
so you can work without any worries.
Come to think of it,
I've heard about them.
The cleanup crew, the Kakushis.
The unit that cleans up after
the Demon Slayer Corps battles demons.
They say that most of its members are people
who have no swordsmanship skills.
It's daybreak.
Wake up.
Hey, I said wake up!
Wake Hey! Hey you!
Come on, you! Come on!
Are you gonna sleep all day?
Wake the hell up, will you?
You're in the presence of the Hashiras!
Lately, we've been teaming up
on missions quite frequently, right?
Can you at least answer me please?
Or are you perhaps still angry
that I pointed out how people don't like you?
Don't you have anything to say?
Time for a Taisho secret.
Apparently, Kocho can't stand cats or dogs
or any kind of furry creature.
You finally open your mouth,
and that's the first thing you say?
You didn't deny it,
so does that mean it's true?
People don't like you
because of that lack of tact.
- People
- "do like me."
Any answer but that one please.
Next, Episode 22,
"Master of the Mansion."
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