Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e21 Episode Script

Special: Appendix, The Beginning of Everything

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Dr. Kang Dong-ju?
Is this the result of Dr. Nam's case?
-Good work.
-Thank you.
I'm glad that the operation is over.
You two received letters.
This is for Dr. Nam.
And this is for Dr. Kang.
Which one of you will
open your letter first?
Are you leaving just like that?
Dr. Nam? Dr. Kang?
Dong-ju, what are you up to?
Can't you knock?
What's that? Is it a letter?
It's nothing.
I'm off to the Intensive Care Unit.
What was that?
It looked like an air mail.
In fact, it was from the US.
From the US?
Did he receive a letter from the US?
Why did he hide it?
Did you see which city it was from?
I didn't have the time
due to other letters.
There was one from the Supreme Court too.
-It was for Dr. Nam.
Did the court finally make its ruling
for Dr. Nam's case?
It was about seven years ago.
A 10-year-old girl died
on the operating table.
She had elbow supracondyle fracture
and died of fat embolism.
Her parents sued
the anesthesiologist, Dr. Nam.
He lost the first trial,
but the ruling was overturned
in the second.
That's why it was taken
to the Supreme Court.
Right after the accident,
he quit Geosan Medical Center
and started working as a freelancer.
Then he came to Doldam Hospital
at President Yeo's suggestion.
He then brought Teacher Kim here,
and Teacher Kim brought me here.
And Ms. Oh brought me here.
I didn't bring you here. You followed me.
I see.
In the end,
Teacher Kim and you
came to Doldam Hospital thanks to Dr. Nam.
Then he met you.
Didn't you know that?
Know what?
The first operation Teacher Kim
performed at Doldam Hospital
-was on you.
We have a patient here!
Please come this way.
-This way?
Be careful.
-What should we do?
-What's wrong?
There's no doctor on duty now.
I can perform the operation myself.
Have you assisted on one before?
I'm sorry, but I've never
assisted on one before.
Then please, prepare normal saline
for hydration.
-And call Dr. Nam.
-Yes, Doctor.
This is Teacher Kim speaking.
We have an emergency patient
who needs a surgery.
Myeong-sim, I really need you here.
Can you please come?
Okay. Please come right away.
It was the beginning
of Teacher Kim's and my career
at Doldam Hospital.
There is a beginning to everything.
And behind every beginning,
there is a cause and motivation.
It can be from myself
or from someone else.
Once it begins,
it creates direction in life.
And through the journey,
it creates a form of life.
The beginning of everything.
Could there be any fate
or coincidence stronger
than that?
It's been a while.
Why How?
This place has a charm of its own.
I thought it would be old and empty.
I've been hearing news about you
since the end of last year.
I heard about
the artificial heart transfer surgery too.
Then I found out that you are
here at Doldam Hospital.
Have you been well?
Do you still have these?
Yes, I've been listening to them.
Music is very funny.
It turns back the time.
Doesn't it?
When did you come back?
It's been about three years.
No, it might be four.
I've grown old, haven't I?
You look the same.
You look pretty cool.
I know you're lying,
but it still sounds good.
Although, I hear that's a sign of aging.
What's this?
Do you brew your own coffee?
Yes. It's like a habit.
What? A habit?
You hated these things.
Did I?
Watching movies, going to restaurants.
You especially hated sitting at a cafe
and chatting,
but here you are
making coffee for yourself.
-Was I like that?
-My goodness.
You always gave me a hard time
during our dates.
I can write a whole paper on it.
Was I like that?
That laugh is new too.
Anyway, what brings you here?
I'm sure
you didn't come here to see me.
There is this Chinese-Korean
in this volunteer group I'm involved with.
I see.
She has pheochromocytoma.
She was diagnosed while she was being
treated for malignant hypertension.
I want you to do her surgery.
That's not a difficult surgery to do.
You should ask the doctor
who gave her diagnosis.
she's HIV positive.
Aren't you eating?
I'm not.
It's been three minutes.
What's with him? I wonder what happened.
He's been moping all day long.
Earlier today,
he was looking at some letter.
Could it have been bad news?
A letter?
It looked like an air mail.
In fact, it was from the US.
We have huge news.
Do we have a patient?
It's a woman. There's a woman.
-A female patient?
-No, not that.
There is a woman here
visiting Teacher Kim,
and she is absolutely gorgeous.
-A gorgeous woman?
A woman who is beautiful beyond words
is sitting right there
in Teacher Kim's office.
I thought we were eating.
Is it so weird that
a woman's here to see him?
I can't see her face.
Something is definitely going on.
It's a call from Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim?
I didn't get one.
-We're called to President Yeo's room.
-President Yeo's room?
-I'll be back.
-Dr. Yun.
Over there.
HIV positive?
HIV means
she has AIDS.
She has high blood pressure,
so if she isn't operated on immediately,
it'll be very dangerous.
She asked many hospitals
to conduct her surgery,
but was declined everywhere
for many reasons.
That's how she ended up here.
I think we should decline it too.
She has AIDS.
What if the word gets around
about her surgery?
No patient would
ever come to our hospital again.
An AIDS patient is still a patient,
Manager Jang.
This is nonsense, Teacher Kim.
President Yeo.
I also agree
with Manager Jang, Teacher Kim.
We won't do an open surgery.
It'll be through a laparoscope.
We'll put on a shield mask,
and we'll be extra careful.
There will be no problems.
No matter how careful we are,
accidents are bound to happen.
What if we stab ourselves
with a needle while drawing her blood?
You can't get scared over things
that haven't happened yet.
How will you treat patients
with that mindset?
Then let me tell you about
the things that will happen.
If we operate on an HIV patient,
we'll have to sterilize
the entire operating room
which means one of two rooms
can't be used all day.
What will you do with
the patients during that day?
With your logic,
this patient can't be treated
anywhere in this country.
Above everything,
your wrist concerns me more.
If you'll use a laparoscope,
you have to use more muscles
on your fingers and hand.
That's for me to be concerned about.
President Yeo, this surgery can
only go forward with your permission.
Please say yes.
We can't do this for
the sake of our patients.
No. Never.
President Yeo.
It's taking longer than I expected.
What could they be talking about?
How did it go?
Bring the patient here early tomorrow
and all the image data you have.
We will decide on a date
as soon as possible.
It's all because of her.
Teacher Kim's judgment was clouded
because of that woman.
-Manager Jang.
-It's the only explanation.
Teacher Kim even has an injured wrist,
so how can he operate
on a patient with AIDS?
Manager Jang.
Please go and persuade Teacher Kim again.
I don't think Teacher Kim
made a wrong decision.
-Ms. Oh!
-Even President Yeo approved,
so stop it already.
Don't you think we should stop him?
No matter what we say, he won't listen.
Like you said, Teacher Kim
still has a wrist problem.
If you are so worried,
say that you'll do it instead.
You are better at laparoscopy than I am.
Are you kidding?
I won't even enter the room.
I won't take such a risk.
What's the matter?
I'm sorry. I'm just tired.
What was the meeting for?
It was about a patient with HIV.
She has pheochromocytoma.
Teacher Kim
wants to operate on her
as soon as possible.
I see.
What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?
A little bit.
I don't feel good today.
I think I need some rest.
I'm going home early.
Ms. Oh, is the rumor true?
Will an AIDS patient be operated here?
Everyone's slightly on edge
because of the rumor.
What did you say?
He's operating on a patient with HIV?
Yes, Dr. Song.
I don't think I can do that.
He's unbelievable!
Ms. Oh, I think they are here.
It's the patient with HIV.
What should we do, Ms. Oh?
What do you think?
Like I said,
she is exceptionally beautiful.
Stop it.
This way.
It's all right.
Is that Lee Yeong-jo?
What's the matter?
-Do you know her?
-Of course I do.
We went to medical school together.
Is she a doctor?
She was a general surgeon like me.
She was so hard-core about her work.
I heard she went abroad to work
with Doctors Without Borders.
-When did she get back?
-Is that so?
-Doctors Without Borders?
-She was very famous.
She and Teacher Kim were a famous couple.
What? She and Teacher Kim
were in a relationship back in college?
Teacher Kim.
Okay. I will be right there.
Come in.
It's 220 over 120.
Her blood pressure is very high.
-What's her prescription?
-Beta-blocker and CCB.
Even after two types of depressants,
it's still too high.
How many hospitals have you been to?
I visited five different hospitals
and called more than that on the phone.
Does she speak Korean?
Yes, she does.
Your blood pressure is too high.
It's still high despite the depressants
which is very dangerous.
You should have an operation as soon
as possible. Is that okay for you?
-Ms. Oh.
Please check the OP lab
and have the operating room ready.
Also, computerize all the image data.
Do you want to come with me?
It will be okay.
I will be here until
the operation is over.
The situation is more
serious than I thought.
If any blood vessels
in the brain ruptures,
-our hands will be tied.
-I know.
Thank you, anyway.
For rushing the surgery.
I just did what I had to do.
You don't have to thank me every time.
You always say that.
I can't believe you remember.
So I will perform
the operation this afternoon.
I'm not designating
anyone as my assistant.
I'll take volunteers instead.
Which one of you will join me?
I'll do it.
By the way,
is your wrist really okay to do this?
I can perform the laparoscope if you want.
I'm trying not to move my wrist
as much as possible,
but I have no choice now.
Make sure to put on two pairs of gloves
and have disposable
surgical instruments ready.
-I'll do that.
Call me when you are ready.
If you're unlucky,
you will be infected with HIV.
-Aren't you afraid?
-Not really.
I don't think I'll be that unlucky.
Did you rest well last night?
Yes, I did.
I'm just asking,
but are you angry at me?
Why would I be?
Did you do anything wrong?
I kind of think I did.
No, you didn't.
Dr. Yun.
We have a JS patient in bed number five,
and it's killing me.
It's been idling for the past ten minutes.
Really? I'll take a look.
Hello? Honey, it's Mom.
Yes, I'm fine. I'm good.
I miss you so much.
Really? Did you enter the drawing contest?
I'm so proud of you.
I will work hard and earn a lot of money
so that I can buy you
the piano and books you like.
Be nice to your grandma, okay?
Dr. Do.
Who is she talking to?
It seems she's talking to her daughter.
I don't think she knows
about her mom's illness though.
The most dangerous moment
of this surgery is when
we take out the cytoma.
Do-il, if you can
Don't worry about it.
I'll hold onto it no matter what.
There won't be any problems
if we manage that.
Teacher Kim.
The patient is in the operating room.
I'll get ready.
-Let's go, Dong-ju.
-Get ready.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim, I want to talk you
out of this one last time.
Please stop right here.
I just would like to advise you
to not put this place
in a dangerous situation
because of your personal relationship.
Please don't do this surgery.
If it wasn't Yeong-jo
who asked you to do this,
would you have agreed to it?
You wouldn't have.
That's right.
I asked him for a personal favor.
If I hadn't, the patient would
have died a miserable death.
That's why I contacted
my boyfriend from ten years ago
to ask for this favor.
Is that bad?
I'm not saying it's bad,
but she is HIV positive.
I know.
It's scary to perform a surgery
on an HIV patient.
But do you know what's scarier?
Your prejudice.
I can't blame you for being careful
of the unknown dangers.
But neglecting your duties
because of those dangers,
is even worse.
Please don't think of this
as a situation to avoid.
Consider this from a bigger picture.
I ask of you, please.
This isn't necessary.
In that case, I'll get going
since the patient is waiting.
We'll catch up after the surgery.
Hello, this is Doldam Hospital,
emergency room.
-Teacher Kim.
It's a gunshot patient.
We'll get him to the hybrid room.
Please hold on.
He was shot while hunting for a boar.
-Was it a shotgun?
-That's right.
-It's 90 over 40, pulse 140.
Set up IV lines and execute a full drop
of normal saline.
File two pack of RBC
for an emergency situation
and give him tetanus vaccine.
-We also need 50mg of pethidine.
Sir, calm down. We'll treat you.
Please calm down.
Let me see your wound.
My goodness. How many wounds does he have?
They are spread all over from
his thigh to left abdomen.
-I count at least 20.
-Bring FAST.
There is fluid in his abdomen.
I see some organ damage too.
How are his vitals?
It's 100 over 70, pulse 120.
Then take a CT scan and
bring him to the operating room.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Everyone has protective goggles on.
Are you wearing disposable gowns?
Make sure you wear two layers of gloves.
After the surgery,
this room will be sterilized
and shut down for 24 hours.
We'll start anesthetizing you.
Think of this as a nap.
Please give 120mg of propofol
and 40mg of rocuronium.
This disposable laryngoscope isn't so bad.
It's pretty bright too.
Most of them are disposable nowadays.
Do you remember how a group of infants
were infected because of a laryngoscope?
They import equipment that comes
in contact with patients,
but mark them as equipment used
for observatory purposes.
Right, I heard you got a letter
from the Supreme Court.
-Was the ruling in your favor?
But it doesn't feel good
even though I won the case.
It's a relief though.
Dr. Kang, I heard you got
a letter from the US.
-Didn't Dr. Yun ask about it?
She heard it too.
Dr. Nam, it's Teacher Kim.
Dr. Nam, did you anesthetize the patient?
Yes, I'm finished. You can come in now.
Why? What's wrong?
We just got a gunshot patient.
He has at least 20 shards in his body.
Dr. Kang.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
-Why don't you come on out?
-What is it?
-You take this gunshot patient.
Find out the locations with the CT scan,
take him to surgery, and remove them.
Bullets are made of lead,
so his organs may melt down.
So, don't delay the surgery and
get them out as soon as possible.
But I have never dealt
with a gunshot wound.
That's true.
You haven't done pheochromocytoma
with a laparoscope either.
No, I haven't.
What do we do?
I'll go in with you.
I've dealt with numerous gunshot patients.
I was in a disputed territory
where I had gunshot patients
come in almost every day.
I'll assist and guide him.
Okay, then.
I'll get to the pheochromocytoma case.
Take good care of him.
I will do my best.
Me too.
Why are you here?
I'll hold the laparoscope.
I think I'll be able to use my wrists
better than you right now.
Have you ever operated
on a pheochromocytoma patient?
I'm not lying this time.
May I do it?
The CT scan shows a total of 14 shards.
Five in his abdomen
and three in his pelvis,
and the rest are in his thigh.
That's what you see
on the CT scan and the x-ray,
but there may be more. Keep that in mind.
Sure. Let us begin.
We'll start with the abdomen. Scalpel.
One more.
Let's begin.
Hold this.
We'll put in three more trocars. Scalpel.
Let's see.
I found one.
Forcep, please.
Count them.
We should cut this bowel.
Well, it's
It's lodged near the artery.
-Get ready to tie it.
-You are the assistant here.
-Okay. I will keep that in mind.
GIA stapler.
Specimen out.
Babcock forceps.
One more.
GIA stapler.
-Is that five?
-It's four. We need one more.
I think there was one around the kidney.
Teacher Kim's first love?
Yes. I wonder if you know anything about
how they met
and why they broke up.
I don't know much.
I'm well aware of their history.
Bu Yong-ju and Lee Yeong-jo
fought at every opportunity.
They squabbled over nothing
every time they met.
They would even get physical
during some of their fights.
We thought
one of them would die soon.
But then at some point,
they were madly in love with each other.
I'm experiencing deja vu.
I know a couple who are just like them.
By the way
Why did they break up?
First, they drifted apart after
Teacher Kim left for Cleveland.
Then Lee Yeong-jo went abroad to work with
Doctors Without Borders.
That's how things ended.
I see.
Out of sight, out of mind.
I will ligate adrenal vein.
Black bovie.
You should be careful.
This is the adrenal artery.
One more.
The blood pressure may drop rapidly,
so don't panic.
Is her blood pressure okay?
It's dropping too rapidly.
It's 110 over 70. It's dropping rapidly,
but it's okay for now.
I will keep checking on it.
-Please continue.
Black bovie.
Dr. Kang. It's from Teacher Kim.
How is it going?
We are looking for a bullet
around the kidney.
I found it.
It's right next to the kidney.
He got a slight injury here,
but it'll be okay if we stop the bleeding.
How many bullets did you pull out?
We pulled out
all five bullets from the abdomen.
He survived by good luck.
No large veins were ruptured.
Keep up the good work.
I got it off. Hand me the bag.
-It's done.
-Specimen out.
No bleeding found.
Okay. It's very clean.
Well done.
Stay focused until the end.
I will put in the drain line
and finish it off.
How is it going?
I'm taking out
the eighth bullet from the pelvis.
I will put in the drain line
and go over to the thigh.
Can you do that without
an orthopedic surgery?
I don't think any bullet is deeply lodged.
Also, we can't send him
to another hospital like this.
There's no time to care about
who studied general or orthopedic surgery.
We have no choice but to go on.
Is that how things are done there?
We don't have a CT scan
or an x-ray over there.
We have no other choice
but to open them up.
If there was a military unit around,
we borrowed a metal detector.
You used a metal detector to find bullets?
Gosh, that's a good idea.
Dozens of people die there every day.
Whatever it is
We just do our best at the given moment.
There's no such thing as respect for life
or human dignity there.
We just try to hold out every day.
That's all we care about.
Can you believe how different it is
even when we're living in the same era?
-How many do we have now?
-We have 13 bullets.
This makes 14 which is all of them.
I will finish up then.
Vicryl number three.
Good stitching.
You must have learned it from Teacher Kim.
I picked it up from him.
In that case, you are a good student.
Thank you.
How about a cup of coffee?
-That'll be nice.
-All right.
Here. Try this.
It's nice.
At the last place
I went for volunteer work,
a bomb exploded.
All my colleagues died there.
Oddly enough,
I didn't cry though.
I was
just angry.
Why is this happening to me?
What did I do wrong?
I grew tired and scared of people.
I know I had good intentions at first.
I think
I'm lost.
If you were lost,
you wouldn't have
brought the patient here.
That was
just like an old habit.
That's what I used to do,
so that's what I did.
I thought I should do that, at least.
I missed you.
What about you?
How are you doing?
-Are you doing well here?
I don't know.
Going to the movie theater,
going to famous restaurants,
and drinking coffee
with a woman I love like this
I was a jerk who thought
it was a waste of money and time.
Still, I turned out all right, didn't I?
Is that so?
I think you're right.
Do you need it?
Can I borrow it?
Why did we
let those days go by?
Cheer up, Seo-jeong.
You can do well.
Be simple. Be cool.
-What are you doing?
-I was
I was waiting for you.
-I have something to tell you.
So do I.
I have something to tell you too.
-What is it?
-Shall we
go on a date?
Did you say date?
-Let's go.
Here. Let's put
Teacher Kim's name in the picture.
I'm glad you're here.
Please take a picture with us.
-I don't want to.
-Please, just once.
-One, two, three.
-You asked her
-to do this, right? Don't.
-No, I didn't.
-Take it at a good angle.
-Okay. At a 45-degree angle.
One, two, three.
Let's take one at the stairs.
One, two, three.
-Manager Jang, please join us.
-Can I join you?
One, two, three.
The color of your phone is very pretty.
Try to look intelligent.
Dong-ju, I like your pose. Here we go.
Ready. In one, two.
That's great.
-Are you taking a picture of me?
-One, two, three.
-Yes, stand with him.
Ms. Oh, I want to take a picture of you.
Please don't do this here.
Please take a picture with us.
One, two, three.
-Thank you, everyone.
-No problem.
Seo-jeong, why are you doing this?
Let's move to the next place.
President Yeo,
please take a picture with us.
One, two, three.
-This place is perfect.
Isn't it too dark here?
The picture still looks great.
One, two, three.
Take a look at the pictures.
Can I ask you what you're doing?
I told you that we're on a date.
What is it?
Why are you taking pictures with me?
I have decided
to let you go.
But then,
I realized that I don't have
many pictures with you.
We never went on a proper date either.
That's why.
are you letting me go?
I saw your letter.
I didn't mean to.
I found it inbetween a book.
You don't need to worry about me.
Look at Teacher Kim and Dr. Lee Yeong-jo.
They deeply care for each other,
but respect each other's lives.
I think we can do the same.
This is driving me nuts.
You don't have to feel that way.
I'm really okay. I mean it.
That letter
Did you read all of it?
I just saw the name of the hospital
written on the envelope.
Why do you ask?
Here. Read it.
Not that part. Under that line.
-It says, "Sorry."
-That's right.
Right? Can you see that?
What's this?
Did they
-turn you down?
-Yes, they did.
Oh, my.
Have you been turned down?
-That's awesome.
-What? Awesome?
I hid it because I was embarrassed.
I didn't want to tell you
because I was embarrassed.
You jumped to conclusions
and decided to let me go.
are you not leaving?
That's not it. You can't leave, right?
I wouldn't have gone alone
even if they had accepted me.
Why would you send away someone you like?
You should either go with me
or make me stay.
if we pursue different things,
we could part from each other.
How much longer do you
think you're going to live?
We have only a few decades.
Why would we part from each other?
If that would be good for the sake of us,
I could do that.
You are so old-fashioned.
That's how people thought
in ancient times.
You're the one who's old-fashioned.
Young people these days
would call you controlling.
Have you not heard the song,
"Beautiful Restriction"?
As far as I know, that's an old song too.
I'm disappointed.
-I love you.
What did you just say?
You obviously said something.
-I didn't hear it clearly.
Can you say that again?
I didn't say anything. Did I say sorry?
No, not that one.
-Dr. Kang?
-Not that.
-I heard an L-word.
-Come on. I didn't catch it.
-I didn't say anything.
-I'm serious.
-I'll tickle you.
-It's nothing.
-Come on.
-Sorry. I said sorry.
-Say that again.
We have a patient!
My head hurts!
It hurts.
-Dr. Jung.
To the hybrid room.
Come this way.
One, two, three.
-Jeong Hye-ja's guardian. This way.
how did you and Teacher Kim first meet?
Can you keep a secret?
Of course.
-At the police station.
At the police station?
Oh Myeong-sim.
I know it's hard,
but how can you slap a patient
across their face as a nurse?
My goodness. Should I be patient
with a guy who feels me up?
Being a patient isn't an
excuse for everything.
-I never did that!
-You did so!
-Do you have evidence?
-You felt me up!
-Where's your evidence?
-You did it!
Sir, I understand but it's a bit too much.
You can't go around punching people.
What can you do?
These two bullies were
taking money from this one kid.
How can I let that pass?
Is this what the world has become?
Okay, then.
Why did they beat you?
They asked if I had money.
Hey! This guy is in a situation.
-Look over here.
-Will someone shut him up?
I think that guy is really dead, sir.
Hey, you.
Wake up. Sir.
Blood. He's bleeding.
You and you. Let's move him.
Who are you?
Are you a doctor or something?
I am a doctor. So let's move him.
-Yes, Doctor.
-Be careful.
Slowly. Put him down over here.
Do you have a first-aid kit?
Bring the first-aid kit.
Bring some gauze. Hurry!
What's going on?
It's not a gauze,
but I have a handkerchief.
I need to stop his bleeding.
Take that off.
-Press on his wound.
If you don't repair him soon,
he'll be in danger from
excessive bleeding.
Where's the nearest hospital?
The hospital I work in
is five minutes from here.
Does it have a suture set and loupe?
Can I conduct an arteriorrhaphy?
If you are capable
of doing such a surgery,
yes, it's possible.
I am capable, of course.
What's your name?
I'm Oh Myeong-sim, a nurse.
-Who are you?
-I'm Teacher Kim, a doctor.
Oh, Teacher. Sure.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Hyelim Park
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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