Enheraf (2022) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

I swear I told you the truth.
Come in.
This was found at the crime scene, sir.
All right.
You may go.
Remember this?
Remember this?
Remember this, Talaat?
Remember what you did?
You're a liar, a deceiver and a cheater!
You're a home-wrecker!
We were born to make mistakes.
This isn't the end of the world,
and even if it was!
So what? To hell with it!
Just don't
Don't die too soon!
Even if you have one hour
left to live, live it!
Don't let your guilty
conscience kill you.
I didn't kill him.
She got executed.
She got executed.
She got executed.
I want you to die standing!
Hey, lady,
where is the SD card?
Will you get it
or let me slit your throat?
I told you everything.
Let me go already!
I will, Mr. Salem.
Good evening, professor.
My name is Samar.
You don't know me,
but I know you very well.
Hello, Samar.
What is this about?
You were my teacher at university.
You were one of the best professors.
I'm not a young girl,
I used to study
at the blended learning center.
I'm so grateful to you.
Hey, Samar,
I don't know what to tell you.
Thank you.
This phone call came on time.
I'm a popular influencer now.
My page has five million followers.
And I know
I know how you were wronged
on social media.
That's why
-I want the truth to come out.
-No, Samar, please. I'll pass.
I'm done with social media.
I decided not to speak out at all.
No, professor,
I owe you a big favor,
and I have to return the favor.
Very well.
Very well, Samar.
Nice to see you, Samar.
Nice to see you too, professor.
I'm so happy you agreed to meet me.
The pleasure is mine.
That's nice of you.
May I have a cup of water?
Of course. Just a second.
-There you go.
-Thank you.
I saw your page, by the way.
It's amazing,
you have thousands of followers.
Is being an influencer your job?
Yes, professor.
I'm making a lot of money out of it.
Through the sponsored posts I make.
How peculiar!
Life changed a lot, Samar.
Look, to be absolutely honest with you,
I agreed to do this interview with you,
but I don't want
to talk about this at all,
not through social media
or any other means.
Why not, professor?
What's broken can be mended.
Nothing can be mended
in this day and age.
Moreover, how can you fix all that?
Will you restore my reputation
Get me my job back
or give me back my home and wife?
I cannot bring these back.
But I can send you to them.
Who are you?
Who are you
and what do you want from me?
Untie me.
I'm here to fulfill my promise to you.
To restore the right violated.
Untie me!
What right are you talking about?
Untie me!
This is Shahd's right
whom you destroyed.
You know nothing!
You know nothing!
What's wrong?
What is it, Hor?
Are you okay?
It's nothing.
It was just a nightmare.
-It was just a nightmare.
-It's okay.
Get back to sleep, honey.
Yesterday was really hard for me.
It was my first time meeting
a patient with Alzheimer's.
I studied this,
but I don't know why I felt that way.
The man is in his seventies.
He came with his son.
He says he used
to be an important pilot,
and whenever he travelled,
he'd come back with a new wife.
Can you believe a guy like this
with this many adventures
woke up one day
only to forget everything.
He forgot about his son and career.
You know?
I'm so scared.
While he was at the clinic yesterday,
I was listening to him,
and I was supposed to reassure him.
But deep inside me, I was terrified.
Scared that one day,
I'd wake up to find myself alone,
unable to remember anything.
I'm talking to you by the way!
I'm listening to you, honey.
You were even talking
about the pilot with Alzheimer's.
But you're not paying attention.
I am, honey.
I'm just good at multitasking.
Yes, Abeer.
Where did you go?
I had somewhere to be, Mom.
Somewhere to be?
So you're not at work.
Listen, do you know anything
about Shahd's story?
What story?
The police took her and her brother away
as murder suspects.
Everyone in the neighborhood
is talking about this.
Murder? How can Shahd
commit murder?
Where did you hear this?
Everyone is talking about this, and I
heard she killed you know who.
Ameer? Really?
Why are you surprised?
Listen, something feels off to me
because you and Hor have been
meeting with Shahd regularly lately.
What's your business with her?
Surely you know her secrets.
Even if she did it, she wouldn't
expose herself and tell us.
Wait. Let me call Dr. Hor
to know what this is about.
I'm sick of you and Hor,
you're both unbearable.
Listen, don't be long
because Shahd's issue rattled me.
Ok, Mom. Have some
pumpkin seeds meanwhile.
Just knock it off.
See you.
What is this nonsense?
This is what you get for having kids!
Good morning.
Someone looks energetic!
Not really. I have no energy at all.
I was up all night.
What is this about?
What's keeping you up?
Shahd did not kill Ameer.
Neighbors saw her in the neighborhood
at the time of the murder.
Perhaps she hired someone.
I don't think so.
Anyway, you can ask his lawyer about
this. I called him, he's on his way.
Talk to him. I have somewhere to be
and I'll be right back.
Where are you going now, Sherif?
I'll tell you later.
-I'll walk you out.
Wait up.
Where do you think you're going?
Come here. I was calling out to you
all this time and you didn't respond.
I didn't hear you.
It's okay, dear.
Say, don't you want to eat?
You've been playing all morning.
Say, what would you like to eat?
Panini or spaghetti?
I'll get you whatever you want because
you're a good, well-behaved boy.
When was the last time
you saw Ameer, Maître?
A week ago, I guess.
What was he like?
He was very depressed.
He didn't want to see anyone.
Did people visit him?
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I was the only one
who's been visiting Ameer lately.
But he told me about a female influencer
who wanted to interview him
whose name is Samar, I guess.
It is Samar.
It's getting out of hand, Zainab.
They're giving me a hard time.
I have no energy left.
It's too much.
Yes, I'm going back home.
I'm done with that.
let's go.
-Where is your brother Omar?
-He was on the swing.
-That one?
-Yes, that one.
Have you seen Omar?
-What's wrong, ma'am?
Everything is wrong! My son
was just here and he got kidnapped!
By God if you don't find him,
I'll make your life hell!
Hor, wake up.
Good day.
Good day.
What time is it?
It's way past ten.
Why didn't you go to school?
Why didn't you wake me up?
It's ok, I thought I'd let you rest,
and I also wanted us to spend
the entire day together.
Since we're home,
let's have some breakfast
-and I'll sit with you as you study.
-I can study on another day.
No, you can't do that.
You want me to be upset with you?
No, I don't.
I don't want you to be upset.
-Let's have breakfast.
I'll make you a delicious breakfast.
We'll see.
I don't know why you ordered a spicy
meal. Since when do you like spicy food?
See? You burnt your tongue.
I really like spicy food.
Since when do you like spicy food?
You're acting strange, Mido.
Eat your food, darling.
If you finish your plate,
I'll get you ice-cream. Ok?
-But I don't want ice-cream.
-What do you want?
I want to watch an animated film
in the movie theater.
What? You're really going
to drive me mad today!
Whenever I take you to the movies
you keep complaining
saying: "Mommy, I'm bored. I want
to go home. I want to play video games."
You'll really drive me crazy.
Let's go now.
-Finish your plate.
-All right.
Ma'am, is that your son?
I don't get it.
What do you want?
I want to know
whether he's your son or not.
Of course he is.
How dare you say that?
You must be mad or something.
Get away from here, please.
-I'm sorry, ma'am. The thing is
-What did I say?
Go away! You don't want what you said
to be the reason for losing your job!
What's that for, ma'am?
I apologized to you.
Go away already!
Unbelievable! This is very strange.
What's wrong with these people?
Why did you claim to be
my mother when you're not?
What are you saying, Mido?
I am your mother.
Come on, eat your food.
Eat. Those people are mad.
I found the kid.
Finish your food.
My darling.
See? The quiz was hard.
No, the quiz isn't hard.
You didn't study or prepare for it.
This'll make me upset with you.
Hor, math is my least favorite subject.
And to prove to you
that the quiz was hard,
Jimmy who is so good at math
and loves it
-didn't get a full mark.
-This isn't about Jimmy,
this is about you.
Moreover, who is Jimmy?
My classmate.
I cannot tell Sherif about your grades.
Just promise me you'll get
a full mark in the next quiz.
Do you promise?
I promise.
We'll see.
Yes, Abeer?
Come again?
I'm on my way.
What is it?
Don't worry, dear.
It's work-related.
Hit the books,
I'll only be gone shortly.
Go on now.
What do you want from me?
I did not kidnap any kid!
That's my son Mido!
You know, I'll just take
my son and leave.
-Give him to me!
-What the hell? Are you mad?
Order, please!
Please report this!
My son is being taken away from me!
Sir, my son was at the swing
when this woman kidnapped him.
An hour and half later,
the security officer found her
at the food court with my son.
Yes, that's true.
Everything she's saying is true, sir.
What is this nonsense!
That's my son!
-Give me the boy. Give me my kid!
-Get off!
What you're saying doesn't
make any sense, Sanaa.
What is it, Abeer?
You scared me.
Help. A woman kidnapped
a kid from the playground.
How does that concern us?
Upon searching her bag, they found
the clinic's card so they called me.
It turns out she came to us once
and stopped coming.
-Remind me of her.
-Look, that's her complete file.
-Mrs. Sanaa, I remember her now.
-That was quick.
-You think I'm like you? Move it.
-That's my son!
-Peace be upon you. Sanaa.
-Peace be upon you too.
-Help me, Dr. Hor!
They want to take Mido from me.
Please, help!
Calm down, dear.
That's my son Mido.
Please help me!
-Calm down.
-She's mad. She wants to take the kid.
It's okay. Calm down.
-Hello, ma'am.
I am Dr. Hor Elwan.
Nice to meet you, doctor.
We're very sorry to disturb you.
Not at all.
I'm just here to fix the situation.
Mrs. Sanaa is one of my patients.
She's taking the kid! Help me!
This is the death certificate
of her son Mido.
He died a month ago,
and he was at this cute kid's age.
I understand.
I want my son back.
Come on now, Sanaa.
-Let me take care of this.
-Will you take the kid or not?
-I'll do whatever you want.
-All right.
A child snatcher is what she is!
Please help me!
Help me, Hor!
Please settle down.
She's a child snatcher.
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