Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

(Two love rats make a perfect match.)
(He's a jerk, he doesn't deserve it.)
(Forget it, Guo.)
(Hsu Tae-lun is banned from the game.)
(We will no longer see him.)
(Thanks to you.)
(You're a really mean bitch.)
Are you okay?
Did I ruin him?
If you had known,
then why would you
have done it in the first place?
Cheng, why are you here?
What's going on?
Didn't they bring you an umbrella?
I hated her at first.
But now I think
she's also sad being a fan at the same time,
though she is annoying.
Whether it's Hsu Tae-lun,
or us,
if we don't care about
the feelings of those who like us
and do whatever we want.
Finally, we will get exposed and destroyed.
When I think about it,
I feel that maybe our industry
doesn't deserve
to be liked by others.
It's not that bad as you thought.
(I don't remember from what time on,)
(there's been a saying
in the e-sports circle that goes,)
("This e-sports doesn't believe in love.")
Do you want to give it a try?
Try what?
(But you are an exception.)
=Falling Into Your Smile=
=Episode 21=
Would you please play by the rules?
I can't take it anymore with you
talking the talk but not walking the walk.
How many times
will you get tired of this joke?
I'm telling you.
This time, I am not afraid.
Where are you going?
Sit back down.
What are you doing?
I didn't say anything,
why would you act like that?
Did I ask you to marry me on the spot?
Don't talk nonsense.
Lu Sicheng, I should tell you.
You're not supposed to confess your love
to someone with that kind of tone
and such an expressions.
Even the peacock
flaunts its tail during courtship.
How can you be like this?
What have I done?
You're too fierce.
Then you'll agree
if I'm a little more gentle?
You see?
You're silent now.
I really want to pull
Jian Yang and Hsu Tae-lun out
and beat them up.
How is this related to them?
Find a mirror and look at
how horrible your expression was just now.
I wanted to wait a little longer
to confess to you at least after
we win a championship or something.
But now
I've seen your face like this,
I know I'm screwed.
If another one like Hsu Tae-lun shows up,
I don't have to wait until the finals
before you have already
been converted to Buddhism.
After all, there are so many scumbags
in this industry.
Unlike me.
I'm a good guy.
How about waiting until
we get the championship
in the national finals?
The right time,
the right place, the right people.
I think that's a good idea.
It's time for you to take your medicine.
Do you have any principles?
Back when you asked me last time if I was
fearless and perfect,
I already said I wasn't.
If I'll end up seeing
the woman I love go to become a nun
for sticking to my principles,
then why should I stick to my principles?
To screw myself over?
it's my one-sided love.
You never liked me.
Then why did you ask me
not to meet my blind date,
pretending to sound like a jilted puppy
behind the chair?
I'm going to be rejected then?
I wouldn't dare.
Then it's a yes?
I see.
You just simply want to be beaten up.
You see!
That's the tone I mentioned.
The tone of the captain.
The tone of the team leader,
the tone of a father.
Whatever the tone is,
it doesn't sound like
a boyfriend's tone anyway.
I'm not saying you're my boyfriend.
Why are you smiling?
Hold back your smile.
Hold it back
Whether I sound like a boyfriend or not,
how could you know
if you haven't given me the chance.
Stop shaking my hands.
A 20 something man
acting like a spoiled child.
That's cheating.
Think about it.
You have two hours
by 9 p.m.
Why 9 p.m.?
Because that's the time I'll decide
whether I will be able to
have a good sleep or not tonight.
Dry your hair before you catch a cold.
We have an interview later.
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
Tong Yao, calm down.
They seem not to be communicating
at all whatsoever today.
Do you think they're having
an internal conflict?
If that's true,
we don't even have to do the interview today.
We can easily write
three columns out of this topic.
Hello, everyone,
for our next interview,
we have
Chessman and Smiling from the ZGDX team.
So the first question for you is,
what is your opinion on
South Korean foreign aid
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League
You can't lump all of them together.
There are good ones as well,
such as the jungler in the FNC team
and the shooter in YQCB,
as well as other foreign aids in other teams.
It's a band-aid at best
and a way to get a quick result.
South Korean aids did bring with them
many new tactics and ways of gaming,
which are worth learning.
However, in order to strengthen our arena,
we can't be overdependent on foreign aids.
So what's the solution?
Because I heard that
there was a boycott of
South Korean foreign aid among you guys.
So I want to ask you,
what is your attitude towards the boycott?
It is nothing like a boycott.
We need to strengthen regulation.
It's mostly up to the club.
It all comes down to conscientiousness.
Without self-discipline,
the club can't regulate anything either.
one more thing I'd like to mention here,
is that this has nothing to do
with having foreign aid or not.
The same things happen
among domestic players as well.
Then we will move on to your opinion
on the relationship
between players and their fans.
As we all know,
the player Hsu Tae-lun was recently
exposed by a female fan
who once had
an improper relationship with him.
It's subtly co-existence.
Keep a proper distance.
As a person interfering
in someone else's relationship,
whether it's a he or a she,
they're all unforgivable.
While as someone's fan,
he or she has to be fully aware
of whether they are having a prejudice
towards their favorite players.
It can be quite a scary thing
that is not advocated
to turn your simple, pure desire of love
into horrifying possessiveness.
It looks like Smiling
has taken quite a different angle
in looking at this as a girl.
But after hearing what you've both said,
do you mean to say that people in this circle
have flawed ways of life
in some way or another?
I mean, people are young,
and they tend to be easily misled
if they are exposed to
negative aspects of society too early.
Like students
who've just started attending school
and often made their teachers angry.
Hopefully they can have more self-restraint.
I don't know about any of that,
but I myself don't have
a problematic lifestyle anyway.
I am someone you can trust with your life.
So being faced with
both the light and the dark sides
of the circle coexisting,
I have a question for you two.
Have you ever thought about
starting a relationship
with someone inside this circle?
Why not?
I don't know.
That's all for today's interview.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
Do you think
there is some chemistry going on
between Chessman and Smiling?
What do you mean?
Do you remember Chessman once said
that he likes girls
who can outperform him in e-sports?
Now that you mention it,
there does seem to be a connection.
Right, isn't there?
Let's get everything ready
after we go back.
Once they make an official announcement,
we can grab the headline.
- Let's go.
- Go.
You have two hours
by 9 p.m.
Which floor?
The 46th.
Is that you?
The worst job
should be done by the man.
In fact, Tamamo-no-Mae to me
is like a kind of belief.
How about fostering a new belief
with the determination to win?
Let's go.
The whole world can see
that you lose on purpose.
I don't want you to go.
Come on, Smiling!
I knew that Lu Sicheng likes you
without a doubt.
He must have let you win intentionally.
Do you remember Lu Sicheng once said that
he like girls who can
outperform him in e-sports?
Eat after you put on your slippers.
One last question.
Are you just mad at me,
and that's why you've been ignoring me
for the past few days?
It's because I am afraid
that I would be too soft-hearted.
(ZGDXLu Sicheng Chessman:
#Highlight# 08:45 p.m.)
The Beijing time right now is
I didn't know you could tell the time.
What's your answer?
Think twice before saying.
Is this
Although DQ.Five's base is a bit far away,
I still managed to
get the kitten back here.
Beijing time 20:59:30.
If I am still single after 30 seconds,
I am going to take the kitten away with me.
Why don't you also hug me?
What are you looking at?
My kitten and my girl.
Why can't I look at them?
Who is your girl?
You are not a decent man
to take a kitten as a hostage.
All is fair in love and war.
If it were not for the kitten,
how would I be able to hug you?
Hey, girl.
Biscuit's got a brother.
Are you crazy?
What time is it?
Girl, big news.
I am gonna tell you within 20 minutes.
I won't say a thing
if you are one second late.
Okay, okay, okay, I got it.
Big news?
I smell a sense of gossip.
Let's put on a carroty lipstick.
Is this the big news you are talking about?
This kitten looks a little familiar.
I know what you wanna ask.
I am also aware
that it is my right to remain silent.
But anything I say
can and will be used
as evidence in court of law.
This kitten
is exactly the one
that the scumbag Hsu Tae-lun
raised with his mistress fan.
That's it?
As Hsu Tae-lun was banned from the game,
he was not in any mood to raise a kitten.
So our captain
brought it here from DQ.Five.
I don't know if he paid or not.
It all happened last night.
I have a name for it.
It's called Scallion.
Because it is also my kitten.
And so this is the problem.
Why would a kitten have two owners?
The answer is,
there is an indescribable relationship
between me and my captain.
That's exactly how it is.
That's it.
Excuse me?
You and who, Chessman?
Don't be so loud.
Other people don't know it yet.
What a girl, Mulan.
The enemy is still there
and the great e-sports cause
is yet to be realized.
And you've gone and slept with General Lu?
Not yet, not yet.
I haven't slept with him.
You scheming girl!
You regret it, huh?
Keep your voice down.
when are you going to test for
your post-doctorate of Tsinghua?
Do you hear the clapping in the air?
That's the sound of you
getting slapped in the face.
I actually didn't know this would happen.
It was yesterday
when we suddenly got on the topic.
And my captain
honey dicked me with the kitten.
I couldn't help but say yes in the moment.
But we are currently still on probation.
My captain says
practice is the sole criterion
for testing the truth.
What truth?
It's that he is a good man,
different from Hsu Tae-lun,
and so on.
Can you two
date with each other in a normal way?
It's fine if it's a secret.
But now what? An experiment?
Will you be able to return it
if you are not pleased?
Three months trial period.
Five years nation-wide guarantee.
Well then, enjoy your trial.
Then we can't have a drink together,
how about next time?
We can play a training match together
when you're available.
We don't have a curfew,
let's talk again tomorrow morning.
Who are you talking to?
A normal social contact.
The shooter from next door.
Is he a normal social contact?
You have no idea
what an epic thing your fans did at the airport,
carrying a light board
that has your name on it
on the first day
when Hierophant came to China.
What were you so happy about just now?
You don't read any books or the newspaper.
After what happened with Hsu Tae-lun,
and we stirred it up
during yesterday's interview.
The current public opinion is that
inside the professional circle,
none of us can regulate ourselves properly
whether we are from home or abroad.
And the country is now asking clubs
to strengthen management.
I was just asking Hierophant,
if he wanted to have an old-fashioned duel,
like having a drink together?
He said they are grounded.
The club now closes its door after 10 p.m.
and allows no one to go out,
unless there's a group activity,
otherwise you can only order take-away food
even if it means starving to death.
This kind of thing can happen?
Are they pushing it too far?
No wonder Ai Jia has become
so self-restrained
and has stopped going after Jinyang.
Now that our neighbors are on the move.
We cannot afford to lag behind.
Don't we have access control for the base?
Our team members are more self-disciplined.
We don't have to do that.
What self-discipline?
Just now, your shooter
was asking another one out for a drink.
Let me go.
Let me go.
Lu Sicheng, let go.
Tong Yao.
Come and see whether your kitten is hungry.
Let me see.
Let go of me.
Lu Sicheng.
I won't.
You've caught a cold?
Are you hungry?
Are you hungry?
Let's have a look at your little belly.
Are you hungry?
(Your hands are so soft.)
(Lu Sicheng)
(Even the cats are living a better life than I am.)
(To Lu Sicheng)
(The cat can cuddle its wife to sleep.)
(Biscuit has been castrated.)
(Even a castrated cat
can cuddle its wife to sleep.)
(Scallion is also a boy.)
(Even a castrated cat)
(can cuddle its castrated wife to sleep.)
(While you,
only have the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(It's all thanks to Hsu Tae-lun.)
(All the Onmyoji Arena Pro League clubs)
(are now having their own forms of overhaul.)
(YQCB was the first to have the rule)
(that team players are not allowed
to go out alone after 10 p.m.)
(What's the difference
between this and staying in a prison?)
(Once the base door is closed for the night.)
(and everybody's got some exercise books
for college entrance exams,)
(we can easily)
(have people admitted to Tsinghua
or Peking University in a matter of minutes,)
(let alone win the Championship.)
(Actually, it's not just
a South Korean foreign aid issue,)
(it all comes down
to the person's character.)
(It's not like)
(everyone would sleep with their fans.)
(Isn't the midsolo Ai Jia in YQCB)
(a perfect example?)
(His girlfriend often shows up in the base.)
(And she is not a staff member there.)
(She looks nice, though.)
(- His girlfriend? Who is his girlfriend?)
(- It looks like she used to be his fan as well.)
(- Did you see the gossip post?)
(- Maybe she is dependent on Ai Jia.)
(It's all here.)
(Have you ever seen
YQCB midsolo Ai Jia's story?)
(Did he really sleep with his fans?)
(Just came across the e-sport player
Smiling, Aico and an unknown girl.)
(Looks pretty intimate.
Did she make herself his girlfriend from a booty call?)
(A beautiful young lady driving a Porsche,
spotted at YQCB's base gate.)
(Are current e-sport players so rich?)
Oh my God.
(Why is Jinyang involved in this?)
(He is definitely sleeping with his fans.)
(Good news, though, she looks good.)
(A girl with long legs, no wonder.)
(She is all Chanel.)
(Even the purse is a limited edition.)
How much does Ai Jia have to spend
on such a girlfriend?
(Ai Jia lives on soil and drinks tap water)
(just to be able to sustain
his jobless girlfriend.)
(What a poor man.)
(Jinyang, are you all right?)
(I became the victim of being misled.)
(You might be furious at seeing this,)
(but my suggestion is,)
(don't go to the E-sports Industry Farm
and bother yourself arguing with them.)
(Women are horrible.)
(Glad Cheng is still single.)
(Hope no other girls)
(would affect his professional status.)
(Everyone, please do me a favor)
(and stay away from him.)
(What should I do?)
(For the first time,
I feel like publicly announcing)
(my normal and pure relationship)
(is even harder than
winning the world championship.)
(Girl, as a professional e-sport player,)
(it's better to stay single
for the rest of your life,)
(or else your relationship)
(might make your family suffer.)
Let me tell you all something.
You can eat whatever you want,
it's only death we are talking about here.
But you can't say whatever comes to your mind.
That is going to
turn an innocent boy to a single man.
You are being haters you know?
All right, all right, stop bickering.
What's wrong with me having a girlfriend?
The keyboard that
I use is a present from my girlfriend.
I chased her as my girlfriend a long time ago
during the city match.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I chased her.
I chased her.
Let me emphasize it
three times for the important things.
I chased her.
You have got tons of pictures already.
If any one of you has spotted
in one of those pictures
that there was a sense of admiration
for me in her eyes.
Let me know,
and I will sincerely say thank you.
What's wrong with me having a girlfriend?
We won't face relegation with or without her.
Who the heck is stirring this up?
Are you proud
that you don't have to face relegation?
What's the fuss all about?
Aren't you ashamed
that your enemy team is also hearing this?
(No avoiding suspicion at all.)
(- This girl is literally taking the bull by the horns.)
(- I like it.)
(I want to sing a song for you.)
(Her legs are so long.)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh Can you raise me, Ai Jia?)
(Why would a professional player
fall in love with anyone?)
(I want to sing a song for you.)
I know you are all very interested in me
and some have a particular problem with me.
I have also seen all the sincere blessings
under the comments area.
Here is my response.
RV's shoes are not fake.
It's me who took all the efforts of
carrying them back
from different exclusive shops.
stop digging at all the small gadgets.
Check this out.
This is the present my dear Ai Jia
sent to me during the last Double Eleven.
From today on,
no matter how hard the road ahead is,
I will never look back.
Take your time.
Don't listen to her.
Do you have any idea how much that car costs?
How could I afford that?
I can't afford that. Not a chance.
Seriously, I am not lying.
Don't you know how much that car costs?
You can search on Baidu by yourself.
I, how can I afford that?
(Tong Yao)
(Others go around the gossip.)
(But you are not the same,)
(you go for it head-on)
(and dominate that gossip)
(by taking over their right of speech.)
(Taking the lead by yourself.)
(That's my amazing girl!)
(To Tong Yao)
(Please call me the Queen.)
(Lu Sicheng)
(Are you sleeping?)
- No.
- That's a present.
Let's go up.
(Lu Sicheng)
(Did you miss me?)
(To Lu Sicheng)
(Bro, five minutes ago.)
(We were sitting next to each other,
playing video games, all right?)
(I miss you so much.)
(Are you playing He Shuhuan?)
[A man who claims to be loyal but struggles between two girls.]
(Or Hong Shixian?)
[A man who cheated on his own wife with his wife's best friend.]
(I am playing Yongqi.)
[Little Swallow's boyfriend in "My Fair Princess".]
(Little Swallow, are you thirsty?)
(Reply: I am good and not very thirsty.)
(But I am feeling a bit throwing up.)
I am going to
give a bottle of water to Tong Yao.
Strike him.
Wait, wait for me.
What is this?
I told them I was going to
get you some water.
You are quite smart.
Did you miss me?
Now everyone knows that
the Onmyoji Arena Pro League clubs
are having major leadership reshuffles.
I heard that quite a few people
including those in the leadership of DQ.Five
had all been replaced.
Isn't that a good thing?
No, not at all.
It's gone too far.
Even the normal relationship
between players is being regulated.
They said my friend Jinyang relies on Ai Jia
and that her showing up in the base every day
affects Ai Jia's training.
She is literally a coquette.
Doesn't your friend drive a Porsche?
How long would Ai Jia have to save his money
to afford that?
Well, they don't know.
Then why are you mad at me?
All right.
Look at this.
Women are horrible.
Glad Cheng is still single.
Hope no other girls
would affect his professional status.
Everyone, please do me a favor
and stay away from him.
You do know that fans' comments
don't represent their stars' opinions, don't you?
You are being unfair to me.
I know.
maybe it suits you better to be a single man
who only knows how to play video games.
If you happen to fall in love with anyone,
you will no longer be the Mr. Right
for so many girls.
Why not?
Why do I feel that it's so hard
to fall in love with you?
At worst, we don't announce it at all.
Isn't what we are right now good?
I am not going to push you.
After all, I broke the rule first.
I have been thinking about who you are,
you don't need this
even more than I don't need it.
But that doesn't mean I will regret.
If you have any complaints, throw them at me.
It's me who brought you in
and I will be responsible
for you till the end.
You are at most just an accomplice.
What makes me an accomplice?
You are too good at playing games.
And you are overly serious
about this profession, which is cute.
Such behaviors are very seductive to me.
Are you up to something dirty?
Wanna solo?
Solo the whole night?
What are you talking about?
Get out.
Tong Yao.
Good night.
What took you so long to send her some water?
She fell asleep after texting on WeChat.
And it took me half a day on the door
until she opened it.
How dare she
make our captain carry the water for her.
Exactly, God knows who spoiled her.
She is so daring.
♪Push me and I'll give It right back♪
♪You know that I love it like that♪
♪Push me and I'll give It right back♪
♪You know that I love it like that♪
♪We better move move move move move♪
♪You know the vibe
when we get into the groove♪
♪Push me and I'll give it right back♪
♪You know that I love it like that♪
Isn't she Smiling?
Are you Smiling?
This arena is so remote.
I really appreciate your efforts
to make it here.
No, it's fine.
Are you playing today, Tong Yao?
We are the second to play.
I am here to watch YQCB especially.
After all, they are our
most competitive opponents currently.
I just saw that
somebody put Cheng's light board
next to that of Hierophant.
That's a bit too much, huh?
I knew what you were doing
the moment I saw it.
Can I have your autograph?
Great, thank you.
Well, can we take a picture together too?
But when you post it,
remember to beautify me as well.
Can I take a picture with you, Smiling?
- It looks so good.
- Here.
Thank you.
Why are you here?
To watch the game.
Why are you so serious now?
I have figured it out.
As long as Ai Jia is playing,
I will attend whenever I am available.
And I'll not just attend,
but also sit in the first row.
I need to let those misled people
see how long my legs are.
You can't get over with that, can you?
I can tolerate a while
for the sake of peace and love,
but the more I think about it,
the angrier I become.
Isn't she Ai Jia's girlfriend, Chen Jinyang?
How daring is she
to come at such an intense time?
Wouldn't she worry
that this might affect Ai Jia's performance?
Don't worry, I got you.
Shut up, you've got nothing.
It's you?
Yes, it's me.
(ZGDX Smiling Fight)
What a surprise.
We had never imagined that
the famous Smiling
would be standing next to us,
and help us
diss the sexists that look down upon girls.
I was thinking at that time,
who is this brave girl,
and I'm almost becoming one of her fans.
Exactly, yeah.
We were all thinking,
and regretted that we didn't value the time
you were sitting next to us.
We didn't know the time for us
to make up for it would come so soon.
Yeah, yeah.
Smiling, here you go.
This time, it's free again.
We will always be there for you.
(This physical sense that I can also have fans.)
(Ah, ah, ah.)
(You make me so full of myself.)
It will be the best if all of you can stay.
We decided to stay after meeting a player
that deserves to be pursued and loved.
You guys go on talking first.
We will keep distributing these in the back.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Go, go, go.
- Bye.
What a scene, girl.
Let me tell you a joke.
You've got me.
The fans are making me feel so great.
Smiling like an idiot.
(I met fans in the front row.)
(There're so many of them)
(as well as my own personal fans as well.)
(Some girls who previously decided
to leave the industry of e-sports)
(got back because of me.)
(And they were wearing wrist bands
to support me.)
(I couldn't believe)
(they were actually coming back for me.)
(I took a pictures with them.)
(I saw it.)
(You're just saying that)
(I saw what you saw.)
(Raise your head.)
Here comes your husband.
He's worried about you and so has
made a special visit here to watch over you.
It's unlike that fool of mine,
who is now enjoying his time
with his teammates.
It's Cheng.
What a bargain to buy one ticket
and see another one for free.
Lu Sicheng.
He's so handsome.
We really earned it today.
(Why did you pretend not to see me when)
(I saw you and waved to you?)
(Are you blind?)
(Mind your language.)
(Send to Rabbit Tightly Holds the Carrot)
I am going in.
(Stop flirting around)
(when I am not watching you.)
(Not even with girls.)
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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