Firebuds (2022) s01e21 Episode Script

The Super Safety Show/Job-O-Rama Day

(alarm rings)
-BOTH: Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To all our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash ♪
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
BO: "The Super Safety Show."
There. That looks great.
Now let's hang the award right next to it.
Watch out!
Sorry, Bo. But we've gotta practice
our indoor rescue drills.
You know the treehouse
isn't big enough for that.
Ooh, are you hanging up
the award the Mayor gave us
for saving those folks from the flood?
Yup. This award changes everything.
What does it change, exactly?
Yeah, it's not like the Mayor
is gonna pick up the phone
-and call us for help.
-(phone rings)
Firebuds Command Center.
Of course, Mayor.
Sure, I can put you on video.
I have an important mission
that only you can complete.
-A fire?
-An accident?
A bad guy on the loose?
A safety presentation at your school.
-You got it, Mayor.
It'll be the best safety presentation
that Gearbox Grove Elementary
has ever seen.
I knew I could count on you.
I'll stop by later to watch.
Thank you, Firebuds.
You heard the Mayor, she's counting on us.
This can't be just any safety show.
It's got to be a
BOTH: Super safety show!
It's time to see
the coolest kids in school
-do the greatest stunt ever!
-That's right!
With Rod's new Super Hopz hydraulics,
we can jump over anything.
Like this wee-hicle Tom.
Um, it's Tod actually.
Wowie-zowie! How high can you jump?
I bet we could jump up
to the roof of the school.
-Higher even.
Iggy and Rod can do anything.
-Yes we can, Tim.
All right, everyone,
Rod and I will now use
our Super Hopz to jump
(squeals) It's the Firebuds!
(upbeat music plays)
The flood heroes!
(tires screech)
-Hi, Mr. Wexell.
The Mayor called
with some wexcellent news.
The Firebuds are going to do
a safety presentation for us
after school today.
Not just any safety show, Mr. Wexell
a Super Safety Show!
Firebuds rock!
-Whoa! (chuckles)
Okay, kids. Time for class.
Aw, we were just about
to show everyone our new stunt.
Well, then why don't you and Rod
perform your stunt
at our Super Safety Show?
And share the attention with you? No way.
-You know what?
We should do our own show.
A stunt show.
Yeah, that would be way cooler
than their Super Safety show.
It'll be a Super Duper Stunt Show!
-It already has a better name!
-You said it, Rufus.
That's not even close.
But we'll have to do a super duper stunt.
A bigger, higher jump
than the school roof
with a flip.
Where ya gonna find a roof
higher than the school's?
I know just the place.
ROD: The old firehouse?
It looks kinda rickety.
Pfft. It's solid as a rock.
Now let's go tell everyone
about our Super Duper Stunt Show.
(engines rev)
(indistinct chatter)
Get ready. The Super Safety Show
will begin in five minutes.
Or you could all come right now
to see our Super Duper Stunt Show.
What makes it "duper"?
Iggy and Rod are gonna do a stunt
nobody's ever seen before
Yeah! At the old firehouse.
-Come on, let's get truckin'!
I'm going to go outside
and wait for the mayor.
Be wexcellent!
Welcome to the Super Safety Show!
(all gasp)
Where'd everyone go?
I don't know, but the show
must go on. Piston
Who here is ready for some safety?
We are! Woo!
Right this way, everyone.
You're gonna want to see
this stunt from the balcony.
Smush, this old firehouse
is fabu-luscious.
If you like dust. This place
needs a good cleaning.
Uh this ramp doesn't seem very stable.
It's fine, Ted.
It's still Tod, but if you say so.
And now! Our Super Duper Stunt Show!
Using Rod's Super Hopz,
we'll jump to the very top of this ramp
And do a flip on the way. Boo-ya.
(chanting) Ig-gy! Ro-od!
(all chanting) Ig-gy! Ro-od! Ig-gy! Ro-od!
Excuse me, I can't see
(chanting continues)
Ig-gy! Ro-od! Ig-gy! Ro-od!
That's better.
All right, Rod, let's get hopping!
(engine revs)
Oh, yeah!
BOTH: Yes!
-What a jump!
You guys rock!
(all gasp)
No! The ramp broke off the balcony!
What are they gonna do?
What are we gonna do? We can't get down!
And it's even dustier up here
than it was down there.
(grunts) Whoa!
-I can't move.
The ramp's too unstable.
We need to call for help.
Ooh! Maybe that old siren still works!
(siren sounds)
-Stop, drop and
Is that a fire alarm?
Sounds like it.
But where is it coming from?
Ooh, maybe it's coming
from the old firehouse.
Iggy and Rod are putting on
a Super Duper Stunt Show.
So that's where everyone went.
If they're cranking the siren,
they must be in trouble.
Then we've gotta help.
Carly, you and Harry go tell
Mr. Wexell what happened.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
(upbeat music plays)
-Look, the Firebuds are here!
We're fine, we don't need any help
-(both gasp)
Hang on! We'll get you all down.
Huddle up, Firebuds.
Who's got a plan?
We can tie those ladders together
to make a ramp to the balcony.
But it'll be too steep
for the vehicles to drive down safely.
Ooh! I could put my J-Catch
at the bottom to soften their landing.
And while you do that,
Flash and I can stabilize the ramp
so Iggy, Rod and Tod can get down.
Then let's get rescuing.
(upbeat music plays)
(ladder creaks)
You can drive down the ramp,
we're holding it steady.
Just go slowly.
Uh, okay
Rod, after Tod gets off the ramp,
you can drop onto it.
You just need to go slowly
so nothing else breaks.
Wowie-zowie! Super cool rescue.
Super Duper Duper cool!
We're not gonna let you
out-"duper" us, Firebuds.
Everyone came for our stunt show,
and that's what they're gonna get.
Hey, everybody!
We're about to perform
the most super duper
duper, duper stunt you've ever seen.
Hit 'em with a swing-flip, Rod.
-No, don't flip, it's not safe!
-But it'll look awesome!
ALL: Ahh!
I can't hold it, Bo!
-It's gonna collapse.
Everyone go outside! Now!
-BOTH: Whoa!
(sighs) I sure hope
this isn't the safety show.
They're okay, they just fell
into the basement.
But how do we get 'em out?
Let's all look around
for a way to climb out of here.
"Climb"? (scoffs)
I can just use my Super Hopz
to hop on out of here.
Great idea, Rod.
But what about us? (sniffles)
Oh hey, Tyrone.
His name's Tod, and you
can't just leave him here.
-Why not?
-Because he's your friend.
And you might wanna start
treating him like one.
I'm sorry, little dude.
Listen, I think I know a way
we can all get out of here.
Flash is strong.
If Rod gives him his Super Hopz,
Flash can jump out,
and then pull the rest of us up
with his hose.
And then you'll get all the
attention for saving us.
This isn't about getting attention.
It's about working together
to help each other.
Look, Iggy, I don't care
who gets the attention.
We gotta do this for Tod. It's Tod, right?
All right, let's do it for Tod.
We can help out anyone in need ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
Gotta stick to a plan
Where we all lend a hand ♪
'Cause we're stronger than ever ♪
When we work together ♪
Yes, we're stronger than ever ♪
When we all are working together ♪
Firebuds, you have once again
gone above and beyond to save the day.
Well, Mayor, we couldn't have done it
without Iggy and Rod's help.
(chanting) Iggy! Ro-od!
(all chanting) Iggy! Ro-od! Iggy! Ro-od!
Uh, thanks, everybody.
But the Firebuds helped too.
The only problem now is what
to do about this old firehouse.
It's clearly a safety hazard.
Well, Mayor, we could use a meeting place
that has more space.
Like a Firebuds headquarters.
-It'd be perfect.
And my dad's a carchitect.
He could totally fix it up.
And we'd be closer to town, in case you,
or anyone else, needs our help.
Hmmm. Okay, if your parents
can fix it, you can use it.
-We better start planning.
Now let's go see
that safety show I was promised.
Our new headquarters. Isn't it beautiful?
It sure is.
BO & FLASH: Wee-oo.
VIOLET: "Job-O-Rama Day."
Uh, where are Mr. Wexell and Ms. Coolidge?
(dance music plays)
Ready for a project ♪
Sure to make your spirits fly? ♪
Vroom-mates get together ♪
Pick a job you'd like to try ♪
One that both of you
Someday want to do ♪
You'll present on it tomorrow ♪
For the class to view ♪
Jobs? You mean like what our parents do?
You could choose to be an astronaut ♪
Or dance ballet ♪
Choose any job you wish on ♪
Job-O-Rama Day! ♪
When it comes to jobs for us ♪
We know our heart's desires ♪
Flash and I both cannot wait ♪
To one day fight some fires ♪
Could we talk about
How to put them out? ♪
Zoomin' off to rescues
Ev'ry time we hear a shout? ♪
That would be superb
But it is not for us to say ♪
The choice is yours to make on ♪
Job-O-Rama Day! ♪
Man, this project sounds like ♪
It's too awesome to be true ♪
P and me, we've always known ♪
The job we wanna do ♪
Buildin' high-tech tools ♪
That are super-cool ♪
And makin' sure that people ♪
Follow all the safety rules ♪
What you dream is sure to make ♪
A "wex-cellent" display ♪
Choose any job you wish on ♪
Job-o-Rama Day! ♪
But I just don't see
What I should choose to be ♪
A medic like my mami? ♪
Would that fit me to a T? ♪
Or mechanic like my other mom ♪
Is that the job for me? ♪
Helping cars and helping folks ♪
Both fill me up with pride ♪
So how oh how do I decide? ♪
Tomorrow's coming quick ♪
So there can be no more delay ♪
It's time to choose a job for ♪
Job-O-Rama Day! ♪
What job will you choose for ♪
Job-O-Rama Day! ♪
Oh, Axl, I don't know
which job to do our project on.
-This is some Job-O-Rama drama.
-VIV: Job-O-Rama?
In school, I did an epic project
on being a mechanic
I replaced my teacher's spark plugs
in 30 seconds flat.
That's why I became an EMV,
so I could fix up injured vehicles.
I want to help injured vehicles!
Okay, we'll do our project
on being an emergency mechanic like you.
-I'm down with that.
-Really? Can I help?
-Of course.
Well then, go have your snack
while I get the workshop ready.
I'm so glad we sorted out what
we're doing for Job-O-Rama Day.
Oh! Job-O-Rama Day?
Ay, you should've seen my project
on being an EMT when I was in school.
I gave my teacher a full body cast.
And now, I help people
feel better every day.
Wow! (gasps)
We should do our Job-o-Rama project
on being an emergency medic like you!
-Oh, cariño, that means so much!
Ooh, I could help you.
-I'd love that!
-Uh, Violet
I'll grab some medical supplies
and meet you two in the backyard!
Violet! You just told both your moms
we'd do a project about their jobs,
but we can only do one.
I did? (gasps)
They were both so excited I forgot!
-What do we do?
-BO: Violet, Axl,
check out our Job-O-Rama project.
How's your project going?
Violet told both her moms
she would do the project on their job.
Yeesh, that's a five-alarm problem.
-Which mom did you tell first?
-Mama Viv.
Then you should probably
do the project with her.
But I don't want to hurt
my other mom's feelings.
I'm sure she'll understand.
Although she does look pretty excited.
-Uh oh.
It'll be okay, Vi.
-Uh, Mami?
-I had the best idea.
We can paint a backdrop
of an emergency room and
(happy sob) Sorry, doing
this medic project with you two
is the highlight of my whole year.
Now what did you want to tell me?
it's the highlight of our year too!
Mami Val, I need to talk
to Violet for a minute.
Why didn't you tell her
we're doing the project with Mama Viv?
She said this was the highlight
of her year.
She'll feel terrible
if we don't do it with her.
-(both gasp)
Sorry about that!
We're just setting up
my J-Laser security system.
One of the lasers keeps misfiring.
-How's your project going?
-Which one?
She told both her moms
she'd do their jobs.
Oof. Well, there's gotta be one mama
who cares more about it than the other.
That's the one you should go with.
Then we'll just have to tell Mama Viv
we're doing it with Mami Val.
Let's get this mechanic
project party started, y'all!
I gotta say, working
with you two kiddos on this
is a dream come true!
-Tell her.
It's a dream for us too!
-Problem not solved.
Not even a little bit.
Whoa, sweet hubcaps, Iggy.
We're gonna be hubcap designers one day.
-We're here!
Which mom's job did you choose?
-She didn't choose.
We stayed up late
prepping both presentations
and keeping both moms from
telling each other about 'em.
But you can only present one.
I know. But this way,
we didn't have to hurt anyone's feelings,
and now we can just choose
one job to present.
It's not like my moms
will be here watching.
-VIV: Guess who's here?
I got off work to see your presentation!
I'm gonna grab a seat. Good luck, kiddos.
Welp, at least now we know
which presentation we're doing.
Hey-o! The Job-O-Rama
presentations will now begin!
First up is Axl and Violet.
(deep breath)
One day, Axl and I
want to be emergency mechanics.
Woot! That's my girl!
Can you lend a wheel, Ms. Coolidge?
I can lend all four.
One way an emergency
mechanic helps vehicles
is by fixing their brake lines,
because if your brake lines
don't work, you can't stop.
To show you what I mean,
I will now cut Ms. Coolidge's brake line.
Violet, Mami Val is here.
No! I mean, no way we're gonna stop
until we fix that brake line.
Axl, we need to switch
to Mami's medic project. Fast!
But then Mama Viv will see.
Not if you radio the Buds
and ask them to distract her.
On it. Come in, Buds, we need your help.
Ahem, Violet? Is everything all right?
Everything's great!
Just getting ready to fix up those brakes.
BO: We gotta distract Violet's
mom so she can switch over
to their medic project for her other mom.
Ooh! I know the perfect way
to distract her.
(moans) I'm not feeling well.
Is there a mechanic in the crowd?
Flash? What's wrong?
I can't steer straight Whoa!
And while we get ready
to fix up Ms. Coolidge,
let's take out our bandages!
Oh, bandages! We worked
on this part together.
May I borrow your arm
to bandage, Mr. Wexell,
for the next part of my presentation
on being an emergency medic?
Medic? But I thought you were
Great! Here we go!
You're fine, Flash.
Probably just Job-O-Rama jitters.
Now let's get back to Vi's presentation.
Mom alert! She's coming back!
JAYDEN: Don't worry,
Piston and I have commenced
Operation Distract Mami Val.
All right. I mean, all is right with you
and we can go back to fixing
Ms. Coolidge's brake line.
Oh! No brakes, remember. I can't stop.
So let's replace that brake-line!
I guess technically, the knee-bone
is connected to the thigh-bone,
but it's a little more
complicated than that.
Can we go over this
after Violet's presentation?
Wait, where's the funny bone?
PISTON: And what is that connected to?
Buds, we couldn't hold her.
PISTON: Mama Val is headed back!
(all gasp)
Violet, what is going on?
They're both here. What do we do?
Okay, presentation over. Thank you.
-I still have no brakes!
What is this thing?
-(gasping and quacking)
We gotta save 'em, Buds!
Jayden, you and Piston
shut off that laser field.
Bo, you and Flash put out that fire.
Then Axl and I will lift the
diorama off Ms. Coolidge.
(both gasp)
I'll get it!
Way to save the day, vroomie!
Now let's fix those brakes.
It's not responding to the J-Pad.
The only way to shut it down
is through the control panel!
But it's surrounded by lasers.
Yeah, that probably
wasn't the best place to put it.
I got an idea, P.
-Our hubcaps!
Deflect the lasers.
You got it!
(all cheer)
There you go, Ms. Coolidge.
Your brake line's all fixed.
BOTH: Violet? What are you doing here?
I came to see our project. What?
Mom, Mami,
I couldn't choose between your jobs.
I love helping cars and people.
and I love you both so much
and I didn't want to hurt
your feelings and
(sighs) I'm sorry
I caused all this trouble.
It is quite a kerfuffle
but, kiddo, we had an amazing time
doing these projects with you.
And seeing you up there
fixing and bandaging,
and then rescuing, was incredibly cool.
But you could never hurt our feelings
by what job you choose,
so long as you love what you do
as much as we love what we do.
And we'll always support
and love you no matter what.
I love you too!
Okay, now this is the
highlight of my year.
Well, Mr. Wexell and I
have never had a student
present two jobs before
and small fire catastrophe aside,
my brakes have never felt better.
And I must admit that
was one wexcellent rescue.
I agree. But the next Job-O-Rama for you
is going to be fixing up
the mess you made.
We're on it!
(closing theme plays)
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