Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e21 Episode Script


(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 21)
Why is the paper still blank?
I don't know what to write.
Just write down what you worry about the most.
There should at least be someone you worry about the most.
This is going to be a tough battle.
We might not return alive if we go.
Just write down what you want to say to them.
Xu Qin.
If you receive this letter,
then I
I might not be alive anymore.
After being apart for so long,
I've matured a lot.
But I still haven't learned how to say goodbye to you.
I have no worries.
I don't have many regrets.
Only you
make me feel secure and warm.
The thought of you
gives meaning
to my future.
The cold and hot weather aren't torturous.
Guns and bullets aren't terrifying.
I want to be someone who can stand next to you
and make you happy.
Song Yan.
Song Yan.
Song Yan.
Song Yan.
If that day doesn't come,
I hope you know
that there was someone in this world
who tried his best
to be with you.
Don't move.
Your wound might rupture.
You're really lucky.
If it didn't take the bullet for you,
the bullet would have hit your artery.
Then you won't be lying here.
She's quite pretty.
Is she your girlfriend?
I've never heard you mention her before.
Who is she?
She's the one I'm going to marry.
When I become successful,
I'll go back and marry her.
You did well this time.
The team has rewarded you with second-rate merit.
Once you recover,
you'll be promoted.
You can marry her in style then.
If that day comes,
I'll run to you in the light,
hold your hand,
and share all my glory and pride
with you.
I'll stand proudly in front of your family
and tell them
I want to be with you.
After today,
we can't see each other often anymore.
Xiao Qin
is not who you think she is.
She's just looking out for you.
You misunderstood her.
She's concerned about you.
Don't sleep when you're angry.
If you sleep when you're angry, it'll bottle up inside you
and you'll be silly the next day.
If you have anything to say, just say it.
Vent it to me.
Just vent it.
The current time
is 10:21pm.
It's 27.7 degrees Celsius.
Is Qin Qin back?
She has an appointment today.
I'm going out.
Don't wait for me for dinner.
Yan Chen.
Come on.
Do you still remember her?
She's the Gu family's daughter,
Xiao Man.
Last time,
I asked you two to meet,
but you didn't show up.
Shouldn't you
apologize to her?
I'm really sorry, Ms. Gu.
I had an urgent meeting last time.
That's why I canceled it.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I know you're usually busy with work.
Where are you going?
I'm going to an art exhibition.
Why don't you
take Xiao Man with you?
Thank you.
Please wait a moment.
I heard you're good at golf.
I'm just so-so.
You're too modest.
My mom doesn't praise
that many people.
Thank you.
It's not really my favorite hobby.
By the way,
are you a doctor?
I'm an emergency medicine doctor.
I'm quite busy with work.
I don't have much time for myself either.
It's good to be busy.
It's fulfilling.
In our industry,
most of the kids inherit their father's business.
You're in a completely different line.
That means you're very courageous
and have a strong personality.
I'm not as good as you think.
I think
Mrs. Meng already told you about me.
But I still want
to formally introduce myself.
I'm Dong Jia Nan,
28 years old.
I graduated from a Business School.
Now, I'm running a multi-channel network company.
I like sports,
skiing, and diving.
I don't have any bad habits.
My mom likes you.
She wants you to marry into the family
and enjoy life.
It's best to give birth to a son.
As for me,
I think you're really my type.
Most importantly,
the two of us are compatible
in every way.
We're compatible in terms of qualifications,
but not in terms of personality.
What do you mean?
I'm really sorry.
I already have a boyfriend.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
I'll go first.
But I
Take your time.
I'm going to the restroom.
How much is this painting?
I'm not a staff member now.
I'm already off work.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
Mr. Meng, do you want to buy this painting?
Don't you think it's a good idea?
Memories should be kept in your heart,
not hung on the wall.
This painting
looks beautiful on the surface,
but it's a regret in one's heart.
Look at the green plum on this tree.
It tastes sour and bitter.
They're childhood sweethearts.
They probably
missed out on each other.
You interpreted
the joy in childhood as a sad story.
Maybe I'm a bit pessimistic.
People who are nostalgic
usually don't live a happy life.
Why do you say that?
Maybe his memories were too sweet,
so he wants
to bring back the good memories of the past.
But he also knows
that if you miss out on something good,
you'll never get it back.
He understands that things have changed.
He knows that the memories he brought back
would only leave him with regrets
and vague recollections.
Now that you've said that,
how can I buy this painting anymore?
It's up to you.
I wouldn't buy it if I were you.
After all, this painting costs 80,000 yuan.
It's too expensive.
Is it?
When I watched dramas as a kid,
I wondered
what kind of person
would buy a painting from a gallery.
Now, I've seen them.
I get it.
What you're trying to say is
this painting isn't worth it.
Not really.
To ordinary people,
it's not worth it indeed.
But to you guys,
money is just a tool.
You do something or buy something
just because you can.
Like you said,
money is just a tool.
I also have unfulfilled wishes
and regrets in my heart.
There you are.
I've been looking for you.
Are you looking at this painting?
What do you think?
It's okay.
I've never liked looking at paintings since I was a kid.
I find it really boring.
Let's go shopping.
I want to finish this exhibition.
All right then.
Enjoy your exhibition.
I'll go shopping.
Get in.
Thank you.
I'll take you to the nearest MRT station.
Put the seatbelt on.
Their absence at the station
still makes me a little sad.
What did I tell you before?
It's impractical.
They all have their own jobs.
How can they cooperate with you
at the station for a long time?
Wait, wasn't I trying to promote
the medical development of our fire station?
If it doesn't work, I'll keep checking and studying
if there's a possibility
of adding more medical staff.
Look at you.
You just won't give up.
Don't say that.
Our linkage mechanism
is already established.
It's considered a small accomplishment.
Jiang Yu.
I admire
your optimism.
I admire your optimism too.
You won't be able to see Dr. Xu for a while.
When the time comes,
let's see if you'll still be happy.
You're such a nag.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Something is stuck in my teeth.
The team leader is over there.
- Come on. - Let's go over there.
Dr. Xu, let us join you.
Have a seat.
Dr. Yang.
We have the same food.
Do you like pork trotters too?
It's delicious.
Do you want the hospital to be reorganized?
It's rare for us
to have a meal together and chat a bit.
Do you have to talk about such a grand topic?
Do you like being a doctor
because you think your effort is commensurate
to what you get in return?
Or is it mostly out of professional pride?
I was just thinking
of organizing my answers
to your last question.
Why did you change the question again?
I'm sorry.
Which one do you want to answer then?
I don't want to answer any of them.
Dr. Yang.
I know what you want to ask.
You want to say
that a career is a career.
Who wouldn't want that?
Look at us.
We work our butts off every day.
We just earn
so little money.
I got a PhD in school.
Do you know
how much my salary was
the first year I was here?
The salary doesn't matter.
What matters is that I'm tired.
The workload is too much.
I get anxious when I'm tired.
Tell me.
How many times have I been criticized this month?
It can't be helped.
There are too many patients.
Medical resources are limited.
We can't just leave them to die.
That's why
I get mad easily,
but my anger is gone quickly too.
It can't be helped.
Our line of work
concerns life and death and care.
It's not the same
as an ordinary profession.
By the way, Dr. Xu,
I'll answer your second question.
Do I feel a sense of honor?
Of course I do.
I save lives and help the injured.
Why can't I have a sense of honor?
When I travel
and my companions find out that I'm a doctor,
do you know how envious they are?
It's true.
I'm so proud of myself.
Very proud.
Don't you think
that honor is also a burden?
It requires you to be selfless
and sacrificial.
I'm willing to do that.
The sense of honor
from pulling patients back from the brink of death
is something
that can't be compared to anything else.
I know.
You don't understand.
I get what you mean.
I just don't quite like this kind of viewpoint.
They say a thing has its worth.
But I think a person has their worth.
The need to measure the value of a person
with his profession
and not just fill him
with selflessness and love.
It would be too sad
for the person in question.
I don't like it.
And from another perspective
Dr. Xu.
I didn't mean to make you look bad.
Let's eat.
(Xu Qin)
(Xu Qin)
(Xu Qin)
called the wrong number.
Is that so?
I meant to call Jiang Yu.
I dialed the wrong number.
Jiang and Xu
should be far apart in the contact list.
Must you have such a quick reaction?
I have a high IQ, okay?
You have a low EQ.
I've had a low EQ for a while.
Can you not be so bold and confident?
Did you call
just to tell me
that I have low EQ?
By the way,
let me ask you.
Have you finished
the joint team's interim report?
I already gave it to Jiang Yu.
Is that so?
I'll go find him then.
Okay, I have to go.
Song Yan.
Excuse me.
Don't look on. Thank you.
Don't look on.
Da Peng, Pi Pi.
Ma'am, don't move.
You'll hurt your finger this way.
Sir, look.
It's already so swollen.
If we don't cut it,
it won't come off anymore.
Ma'am, stop trying.
Cut it.
Cut it?
If you cut the ring, I'll have to pay for it.
You're partly responsible for this,
you know?
As soon as we came in,
you tried to sell her a ring in the wrong size.
Let me tell you.
You have to take full responsibility.
This lady asked to wear it herself.
We have CCTV footage.
Mom wanted to wear it herself.
Look at you.
We're here to accompany our son
to buy three gold jewelry for his future wife.
You're so reckless.
Why did you wear a ring?
It's over 10,000 yuan.
Look at you.
you're thrifty.
You're not interested in these fancy things at all.
Why did you suddenly
wear a ring today?
Now, what?
You can't take it off.
It's 10,000 yuan.
Young man.
This is your mom.
As you can see,
she's in a lot of pain.
You decide.
Should I cut it or not?
Is it really impossible to remove it?
If we could,
we wouldn't cut it off.
Don't be sad.
Don't feel guilty.
This has nothing to do with you.
I believe that what you've done for this family
is already 10,000 times more than this ring.
Cut it.
Cut it now.
- Come on, Mom. - Ma'am.
Mom, let's cut it.
Ma'am, don't be scared.
Should we use a smaller one?
Here, give it to me.
Ma'am, relax.
- It's okay. - I'll help you.
Tell me if it hurts.
Here, hold onto this.
Okay, slowly.
Ma'am, tell us if it hurts.
Okay, ma'am. Relax.
Okay, ma'am.
My mom's hand
won't have any problem, right?
Now, you feel bad for her.
Take her to the hospital.
I'm sure she'll be fine.
I'll pay the bill.
You get the bill.
- I'll go with her to the hospital. - Sir, please pay here.
Good job.
Pack up.
Thank you, Yang Chi.
I'd like to discuss something with you.
This ring is so expensive.
It's such a waste to cut it.
Can you talk to the company
to melt this ring,
then make a necklace pendant or something
and give it to them?
There's even a diamond on it.
It'll surely look nice.
I'll talk to the company.
Thank you.
Give me your contact number.
When the necklace is done,
ask your mom to pick it up.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Command Center.
We've taken the ring off.
Requesting permission to return.
Copy that.
Let's go.
There's no bleeding.
Make sure the skin is aligned.
Keep the drainage tube open.
Yes, Dr. Xu.
(Branch Director's Office)
Dr. Xu.
Please come in.
I saw you observing my surgery earlier,
so I wanted to ask
if you have any comments
or advice for me.
Your advice is very precious to me.
Your skills are perfect.
I have nothing to teach you.
But you
still have a problem with me,
You always give me the feeling
that you treat your patients like a rabbit
in an experiment.
Dr. Xu.
I've always known clearly
where our differences lie.
But I think
it's just a difference of opinion between people.
It's harmless.
You think it's harmless?
You and I
have different views on medicine.
But we have the same goal.
We just need to save people.
You think
a doctor must have heart and feelings.
But I don't think so.
What's wrong with dealing with problems
with a calm attitude as an outsider?
This is nothing more
than a difference of opinion.
A doctor is a human.
Dr. Xu.
Do you still remember
the vow you made
when you initially chose
to study medicine?
"I will consciously uphold"
"the dignity, sanctity,"
"and noble traditions of medicine."
"I will give human life"
"the greatest respect,"
- "equality, and benevolence." - I memorized it.
Xu Qin.
Your biggest problem
is that you lack
basic belief in your profession.
You've ignored the oath of a doctor.
That's why
you can't feel the honor and tradition of medicine.
But it's precisely because
you're such a talented surgeon
that I
feel so heartbroken.
Yang Chi.
I heard this place's Dirty Bun is really good.
It's also famous on the Internet.
You punk.
Eat, eat, and eat. All you do is eat.
Let's try it.
It's too expensive.
It's no big deal.
Just think of it
as a reward
for accomplishing the task.
Yang Chi.
It's on me.
Thank you, Yang Chi.
Thank you, Yang Chi.
Yang Chi, Chief.
Thank you.
Not bad.
It's really good.
But it's too expensive.
It's over 20 yuan each.
Isn't that robbery?
Everything is expensive nowadays.
Jiang Yi.
Jiang Yi.
Class Monitor.
You've been firefighters
for over eight years, right?
Are you planning to stay
or change careers?
No. What's wrong with asking?
Tell us.
You don't want to answer?
If they don't want to talk, I'll say it for them.
Jun Ping already told me.
He's surely not leaving.
As for Jiang Yi,
I don't know.
After all, he's always had a dream of repairing cars.
He wants to be a mechanic.
Stop talking nonsense.
Don't listen to him.
That was years ago.
What was the plan then?
After completing my military service,
I'll go back to my hometown and open an auto repair shop.
My mom wasn't well.
I wanted to go back and spend more time with her.
Logically speaking, the most suitable job
for firefighters
is actually fire safety management
in a corporation.
That's the best.
But there are too many talents now.
If you don't have connections,
you really can't get in.
But it's fine now.
There was a reform.
Not only can we stay,
but the pay is much higher too.
And I've worked here for so many years.
I have the experience.
I want to stay too
and continue contributing
to the station.
We're all lucky.
We get to enjoy the benefits after the reform.
So tell me,
will I leave or not?
You're right.
if Jun Ping doesn't leave and you don't,
then let's all not leave.
Let's stay together for the rest of our lives.
Let's eat.
To the Fire Department's reform.
- Here, cheers. - Here, cheers.
Stop thinking about it.
Dr. Xu will definitely object to it.
What will I object to?
The hospital just issued an urgent notice
for a fire drill.
All we need to do is hold a towel, cover our noses,
and bend while going downstairs.
But Dr. Xu,
you've been chosen.
For what?
To play a medical staff and a patient.
And you're the one left behind
after the trapped people
get rescued.
(Based on the lots drawn, Dr. Xu Qin will be the doctor trapped)
Why was I chosen?
Maybe you're the one
who looks the most likely to be left behind.
That's because our team leader
is very competent, good at her job,
and also quick-witted.
I'll play this role then.
How could you say that?
What's the matter with you?
Why do I get the feeling
Dr. Xu is not unhappy?
Can't you tell
what she's feeling?
Doesn't she look the same whether she's happy or not?
(We'll go when there's a report, we'll move once we hear about it)
- Good morning, Dr. Xu. - Good morning.
Good morning, Dr. Xu.
- Good morning. - We have a fire drill today.
Hurry and get changed.
- See you later. - See you.
The fire drill is about to begin.
Relevant medical personnel in the general ward
from the 5th to 7th floor, please get ready.
- Other - Sir.
- We're conducting a fire drill. - Dr. Xu, ready for the fire drill?
We have to go and get ready.
Dr. Xu.
Good luck with the fire drill.
There will be firefighters.
- You have to go and get ready. - Let's go.
- Hurry up. - Hurry.
- Come on. - Be careful.
- Cover your mouth and nose. - This way.
- Evacuate in an orderly manner. - This way.
Cover your mouth and nose.
- Evacuate in an orderly manner. - Slowly.
- This way. - Watch your step.
- Come on. - Isn't this just a drill?
- They're making it such a big deal. - Take care of yourself. This way.
That's right.
Go down from there. Yes.
Come on. This way.
It's quite fun. It's like acting.
Come on. Slow down at the back.
Come on.
Walk in front of me. Hurry.
Be careful.
"Since the fire is too big,"
"a doctor is trapped"
"in the Dispensing Room next to the nurses' station"
"and can't break through."
"She can only wait for help."
I'm a doctor.
What am I doing in the Dispensary Room?
This is obviously a minor person's role.
So what if I'm left behind?
It's peaceful.
That was fast.
(Emergency fire drill)
(Fire Department)
Squad One, set up the ladder.
Squad Two, evacuate the people.
Squad Three, put out the fire inside.
- Got it! - Yes!
Get ready to put out the fire. Be quick!
Spread out on the 5th to 7th floor.
This way.
What are you doing?
What are you doing here?
Come on.
If there really was a fire,
I'd be dead by now.
I thought
at least one firefighter
wouldn't leave me behind.
Why aren't you running?
What are you doing here?
It's a fire drill.
I'm the one left behind.
If this were a real fire,
you would have found a corpse by now.
If you don't call for help,
who would know you were here?
It's in the drill plan.
There's a person trapped in the Dispensary Room.
We don't know.
There's no specific location.
It doesn't say to call for help.
After hiding in the restroom for so long,
I finally avoided the fire drill.
Me too.
What are we having for dinner?
(Take care of your body, pay attention to your health)
Now that you've found me,
can you rescue me now?
The fire has been burning for half an hour.
No one can save you.
Stay here.
How do I get out then?
Wait for the ladder truck.
That's right.
The one with a steel platform like a crane?
It's a rescue platform.
In front of everyone,
I'll be transported down like cargo?
That's what you get for having a bad attitude.
- Run! - Run!
- Hurry! - Help!
It's an earthquake.
The epicenter is a bit far from here.
But it can't be too far.
How do you know?
The epicenter is always bumpy and then shaky.
From a certain distance,
you can only feel the shaking.
Chief, there was an earthquake!
Is everyone all right?
- We're fine! - We're okay!
Fall in.
- Yes! - Yes!
(In-Patient Department)
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