Ghost Force (2021) s01e21 Episode Script

Cyclopee / Gmagicard

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
You'll learn the corridor
is not a trash dump!
You're not leaving
until my office is shipshape!
What a creep!
Man, I thought school
would never end!
- I seriously need to chill.
- Oh, me too.
Hey, you guys wanna train
with a ghost simulation?
Not my idea of chilling.
Let's grab a bite at Roland's.
Or prep for tomorrow's test.
It'll be quicker
if we study together.
Hello? Kids?
Get to the lab, now!
What's the emergency, Ms Jones?
This is huge!
After months of research,
I've finally found a way
to improve Glowboo's features!
- He's upgrading as we speak.
- Glowboo's features?
- What can he do now?
- Let's see.
He's waterproof up to a depth
of 10,000 metres,
his solar Boo energy
is stronger than the sun,
and he can talk in 58,
no, 59 languages!
Oh! I can't wait
to see him in action!
Sweet, you're gonna be a force
to reckon with, Glowboo!
I wish I could speak Spanish
or anything else.
You have outdone yourself,
Ms Jones! Give me five!
So, what're we gonna do
once Glowboo's up and running?
He'll be one of
the most ultimate superheroes
New York's ever seen!
So, who wants to check out
his new features?
- Bring it!
- Then right this way!
- What's up with you?
- Think about it.
With an army of super-Glowboos,
is Ms Jones gonna need us?
Huh? Of course she will!
You do realise that Glowboo
is here to protect us, right?
- (Crash)
- (Gasps) Oh, no!
- Aaah!
- Boo!
Aaah! Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Show and tell's over, kids.
We got a ghost on the loose!
I've run in to this type before.
It's a level-5 Cyclopy that can
copy everything it sees.
Nice. I'd pass a lot more tests
if I was allowed to copy.
- (Laughs)
- I'll interrupt the upgrade.
- We can run it again later.
- No! He can sit this one out.
We've got this.
OK, but call for backup
if there's trouble.
Got it, Ms Jones!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
- Boo!
- (Screaming)
- (Laughs)
- There's our freaky phantom!
- (Laughter)
- Fractal power!
Everyone out before it copies
the encyclopaedia section!
Not the encyclopaedia section!
This ghost is in the Boo cap!
Ha, ha!
- (Gasps)
- (Laughter)
Keep your hands and eye
off my sis!
Flexy power!
It stole my move!
That means
it can even copy Boo energy.
We should call for backup.
Why? That floating unibrow
just got a bit bigger.
- We can deal.
- I'm with Liv.
Let's flip that eyeball's lid.
- (Laughter)
- (Screaming)
Take cover!
Cyclopy's power
comes from its eye.
- We've gotta shut it somehow.
- I'm on it.
Yo, Boo-ball,
Flexyboo slinging is my move!
I didn't mean it literally!
Spectral gate!
Close your eye
for a big surprise!
Fractal mace!
Nice save, Myst. That was close.
- We can't let it get away!
- Wait! We need Glowboo's help!
We we're totally rocking this!
Are we? Cyclopy's
copied Fury's Boo energy
and my double mace.
That ghost is maxed out!
I'm calling Ms Jones.
Don't you get it? Ms Jones
will replace us unless we prove
we can do this without Glowboo.
Myst, I really don't think
that she'd do that.
- But
- FURY: Guys? Where you at?
Cyclopy's doing a drum solo
on 5th Avenue!
- My brother needs us!
- Don't let it copy your powers,
- or we are ghost toast!
- I'm not gonna let that happen.
- Ooh!
- Ah!
You finally showed up
for our drum circle! Gah!
- (Laughter)
- Oh, no!
Myst! What are you doing?
Saving your butt!
I didn't have much of a choice!
Flexy shield!
I'll be fine, but I'm benched
for now. My Boo energy is over.
This mission's getting too hot.
You call Ms Jones or I will.
All right!
(Sounds fearful)
- Uh, Ms Jones?
- What's your status?
Uh We're gonna need backup.
Glowboo's just finished
his upgrade. He's on his way,
- all new and improved!
- I bet he is. Aaah!
Ha, ha!
Hola, ni hao and namaste, Myst.
- What is that?
- It is one of my new functions.
Now tell me, how may I assist?
Boo-dazzle that ghost.
Initiating Boo-dazzle.
I am going to need your help,
My My help?
Ever thought about
getting sunglasses?
Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
That ghost was one of a kind.
Ha, ha! Excellent work, kids.
It's mainly thanks to Glowboo.
He did all the work.
So, I guess that means
we're pretty much obsolete
now that Glowboo can go solo.
Remind me who found Cyclopy's
Achilles' heel?
You're as valuable a member
of the Ghost Force as Glowboo!
- All of you are.
- Hey, Ms Jones,
all this greyed-out stuff?
Those are features
I haven't decoded yet.
Decoded? Aren't you
the one who made Glowboo?
An old friend of mine
designed him.
And I still have
a few of his notes to decipher
before Glowboo
can reach his full potential.
You mean Glowboo
can become even more advanced?
Just don't get a big head,
- Huh?
- Whoa!
I guess there're still
some bugs to be corrected!
(Lively music-hall tune)
So cool! Florio the Magic Man's
show is finally in town!
My mind is literally gonna be
blown away by his new tricks!
They might be mind-blowing,
but they're still just tricks.
But you'd never know how
he does 'em with his mad skills.
I'm sure I could figure it out.
I'm a keen observer.
- (Chuckling)
- And poof! It's disappeared!
Professor Pascal?
- What are you doing here?
- Hello kids!
I'm a member
of the magician's guild,
and they hired me
to entertain the audience
while they wait
for the main show.
- Wanna see a trick?
- Totally!
So, Mike, think you can
figure out the trick?
- Of course!
- Pick a card, any card,
and give your friends a peek.
Now place your card on the deck.
And Abracadabra!
Wait. Mike's card
was a seven of clubs.
Which has vanished
before your very eyes!
- Woof!
- So
how'd he pull that one off,
I don't get it. I had my eye
on it the whole time.
I bet you hid it up your sleeve!
There's gotta be some
kind of gizmo under the table.
Sorry, Mike,
but magic defies all logic.
- Huh?
- Whoa!
- Huh?
- I'm pretty sure
that's not part of the show.
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
Has the show already started?
Let me guess, you are calling
about the ghost of the day?
Meet GMAGIA, a level-fiver
who loves to merge!
So, Boocap it before it happens!
Glowboo will assist you.
I mean, after he finishes
making my smoothie.
More prunes, Glowboo!
I think we got this.
Right, guys?
I don't get it. How'd that card
just vanish into thin air
when Professor Pascal
did his trick?
I was watching it.
It didn't even budge.
- Aaah!
- The magic show's over.
We've got a real trickster
to deal with now.
Wait. If the card didn't budge,
maybe it's still
in Professor Pascal's deck!
Pick a card, any card,
my good sir!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Oh!
- (Laughter)
- Ah!
- A ghost!
Ho, ho, ho!
- Aaah!
- (Laughter)
So, what's the plan, Myst?
I say we jam its hat. That's
where it deals its cards from.
- Wait. The cards are my proof!
- Proof of what?
The ghost merged
with the deck of cards.
So if it deals a seven of clubs,
that proves that my card
was still in the deck!
- This is not a good time for
- Watch out!
Aw, man, that's all we need!
Try jamming its hat while
I handle the balloons,
- er, people.
- On it, sis!
I'll pop right back for you!
Er, bad choice of words.
Cover me, Krush!
Ace of hearts. Five of spades.
Four of diamonds.
Seven of clubs!
Here it is. I knew it!
Krush! What are you doing?
That was a seven of clubs!
- Ho!
- Huh?
- Ho, ho!
- Aaah!
- Ow!
- Oh, no!
Ho, ho, ho!
You OK, Fury?
Activate emergency protocol.
He's after Glowboo,
come on, guys!
Dude, we almost had that ghost
wrapped and Boo-capped.
- Why didn't you cover me?
- Sorry. It was my bad.
- But I was right!
- About what?
Professor Pascal's trick!
The seven was in the deck!
Dude, this has got to stop.
We need your head in the game,
and I don't mean card game!
Oh, hold up.
We had a plan, Krush.
Why are you so obsessed with
figuring out the trick anyway?
Because that's my thing!
Andy's the funny one,
you are the bravest and me
I'm supposed to be the official
brainiac of the crew.
- Huh?
- I'm sorry,
but I've gotta
figure out that trick.
- It's really important to me.
- OK,
but you can't always
figure something out right away.
The answer will come to you
sooner or later.
I'll figure it out eventually.
For now,
let's capture that ghost.
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Let's boo out!
Spectral gate!
Fractal mace!
- Ah!
- (Laughter)
Your turn, Myst!
- Aaah!
- Myst!
Don't overthink it, bro!
It's just magic!
- Uh-oh!
- Abracadabra!
It's my turn, Houdini!
What happened?
Status update.
Currently craving carrots.
- Well done, dude!
- Boo-yah!
A time-out in the Ghost Cloud
should dampen your magic show.
So, figured out
the magic trick yet, Mike?
I still don't understand
how he did it,
but I'm working on it.
Well, take your time.
You've got plenty now!
Oh! I could sure go for
a cookie. Anyone want one?
One? No thanks.
But two, you bet!
That's it! Professor Pascal
didn't pick up just one card,
he picked two!
Watch. Say I tell you that I'm
taking the top card of the deck,
but I really take
the top two cards
- and line 'em up together.
- I can't believe it!
He actually figured it out!
Of course he did, he's
our official brainiac, remember?
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