The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e21 Episode Script

Miuke sakusen

What's wrong, Lihaku? Concentrate!
Right. Sorry.
You're cleaning?
You don't need to do it yourself.
We can ask someone else
What if we ask someone,
and they swap out the medicine?
In the court medical office,
there were some physicians
whose salaries were cut
because they failed to manage
the medicine properly.
You have to clean up
before it gets too humid.
You'll regret it later.
Yes, ma'am.
We're almost done.
Sweets are the best for when you're tired!
This guy is super rich, huh?
You can rarely find sweet potatoes
at this time of year.
And he uses paper for plates
like it's nothing
-This is some nice paper.
-Can you tell?
My family back home organizes
the whole village to make these.
They're purveyors that make paper
for the court!
-Impressive, huh?
-Yes, that's impressive.
I wonder if he can get me
a friends-only discount.
Back then,
the more paper we made, the richer we got.
We did a lot of exporting
to other countries,
so I could get all the sweets I wanted
when I was a kid!
ever since the previous emperor's mother
forbade cutting down trees,
it didn't go so well.
We started using other materials,
so trade started to fail.
Our family was blamed for this.
We ran out of money, so
my older sister went to the rear palace.
When even my younger sister offered to go,
I decided to come here instead.
There are never enough eunuchs,
so we got paid more that way.
In the end, I never did see
my older sister.
He's had more struggles than I thought.
Excuse me. I'm here to finish cleaning.
Oh, it's you, miss.
I got a letter from my younger sister.
The court might stop using our paper.
True, this isn't high quality enough
to be used in the court.
Losing the title of court purveyor
could really impact sales.
I wonder why.
They worked hard so that
they could make more paper than before.
Did they cut down on some the steps
to be able to make more?
We'd never do something like that!
We started having cows handle
some of the labor.
We haven't changed materials
or the process at all.
I guess we won't be cleaning today.
Unlike some low-quality items
you can find in shops,
there are no impurities,
the fibers are crushed down evenly,
and the thickness is even.
The problem is the scuffing
on the surface, and
the durability!
And what is the process?
It's just regular paper-making.
But we have our own special way
of crushing materials
and creating the glue
Oh, this is all I can say.
So even he doesn't overshare
trade secrets.
Do you use special water too?
Yes. We draw spring water
so that the glue hardens properly.
It's to maintain a certain level
of humidity.
I can't say any more than that.
Cow Spring water
Lightning bolt!
Do you simmer rice-soaked water
to make the glue?
No, we mix flour and water.
Otherwise, it won't harden properly
Miss, will you forget what I just said?
And where do you keep the cows?
I don't know about those details.
I see.
Here you are.
Arrowroot tea?
Miss, you messed up the measurements.
It's stuck to the cup. I can't drink it.
I'm sorry.
I'll tell you how you can drink this
more easily.
Will you follow my steps?
Lick your spoon, and mix.
You repeat that many times.
Isn't this bad manners?
-Hey, the thickness is gone.
Arrowroot tea and glue are similar,
don't you think?
They're not dissimilar.
Maybe once you mix in saliva
the glue won't be thick anymore.
You're exactly right.
What are you saying?
This quack is really dense.
Cows have a lot of saliva in their mouths.
Maybe you could check
where the cows are drinking water.
I have to write to my sister!
I'll be going now.
I'm back.
Hey, Maomao.
I got a message for you to come
Where is the meeting place?
How much does it cost to
buy out a courtesan?
I thought this was about Suirei.
He's truly an incompetent dog.
Listen to this, miss!
I went to the Verdigris House
and heard one of
the Three Princesses is being bought out!
That's why he's worried about
Big Sis Pairin.
There's a huge range in prices.
What's the highest price?
All right, I'll tell you.
Market price can change,
so it's only a general estimate.
I want a straightforward answer.
How much?
It's hard to say.
Prices are decided by how much
the courtesan would make at the brothel
if she weren't bought out,
with some extra money added.
Sometimes, they will even
double the price.
If Big Sis Pairin were to be bought out,
there are two candidates
who are old regulars.
The first is an Old Master
of a merchant family.
He's a good-natured old man who continued
to come even when we were struggling.
Another is a high-ranking official
who is her regular.
He's still young, in his early thirties.
Apparently, they're very compatible
in bed,
but a point of concern is how tired
he looks the next day.
Considering the kind of life
she'd live after being bought out,
neither is perfect.
Tired? What do you mean?
Big Sis Pairin is known
for not only being good at dance,
but for always winning in bed.
When she feels unfulfilled, she will
try to seduce anybody and everybody.
She's a nymphomaniac.
The people who took care of me
at the Verdigris House
until Old Man took me in
were Grams and the Three Princesses.
And Big Sis Pairin,
who had the special condition of being
able to breastfeed
despite never having her own children,
is the closest thing I have to a mother.
I'm not sure what Big Sis thinks of this,
but when I think back to those days,
I feel a wasted potential.
She's a woman with a lot of lust,
but she has just as much
maternal instinct.
But what?
Sir Lihaku loves Big Sis
while fully understanding what her job is.
He is an incompetent dog,
but he's an earnest man,
and he's a lovable idiot
who's working to climb the ranks
for a woman.
And, he has a lot of stamina.
He's not a bad candidate to buy her out.
Sir Lihaku.
How much do you get paid as a salary?
How is this relevant?
About 800 silvers?
-Hey, now.
-1,200 silvers, then?
About 1,000 silvers a year, it looks like.
-It's not enough?
-Not at all.
You'd want at least 10,000 upfront.
-Ten thousand?
A cheap courtesan would be 400,
but one of the Three Princesses
of the Verdigris House
would be at least 10,000 silvers.
Ten thousand
If I were to scrounge up 10,000,
would I be able to buy her out?
You mean, would you get ruthlessly
rejected by Big Sis?
It can't be helped.
Sir Lihaku, can you take off your clothes?
I won't get rejected
if I take my clothes off?
The only thing I'm certain of
is the kind of body
Big Sis Pairin prefers.
And your bottoms too.
-Do I have to?
-You have to.
Once you strip, raise both hands
to your shoulders
and make a fist, please.
Like this?
Big Sis has an appetite
and would eat anything,
but she does have personal taste.
This is impressive.
Now, lower your arms and make a fist.
Like this?
He's a military man, so he's well-trained.
His muscles are impressive.
Maybe it could work.
Up next
Please take off your last article
of clothing!
You two, what are you doing?
How do you do,
Sir Jinshi?
What were you doing?
Beautiful people are scary
when they get mad.
I don't know what to tell you.
I was called upon, and was
providing advice about something.
Why was that man making that pose?
It's nothing suspicious.
I was just studying it closely.
You were studying it closely?
Yes, I was just looking.
-For what purpose?
-Why do you ask?
To determine
if he has a favorable body type,
the easiest way is to
look at the real thing.
A favorable body type?
Appearances are only a part
of what makes a person,
but the more favorable, the better.
I was going to check
his most important area
to determine how to convince Big Sis
And how was his appearance?
He had a well-balanced body.
He looked to be a diligent man
who trains without rest every day,
and I'm sure he's one
of the most skilled soldiers as well.
You can see what kind of person someone is
just by looking at their body?
Lifestyle habits are visible
in someone's body.
If you're an apothecary,
clients often don't share their lives
with you.
It's an important skill.
So you could figure me out
by looking at my body?
Could it be,
he's jealous of Sir Lihaku?
What a proud man.
He wants to show off
and say he's more beautiful!
I know he has a beautiful body.
It was more muscular than I expected.
There's no point in me
looking at your body.
Unfortunately, I don't think you'd
pair well with my Big Sister.
What am I doing?
Pairin might be getting
bought out at this very moment!
But I have no power to do anything
right now!
What's going on?
If I remember correctly,
his name is Jinshi.
Some rumor him to be the Emperor's lover.
Thanks for entertaining my maid
the other day.
It was nothing.
I heard that
you're in love with someone right now.
Did that girl tell him?
Is that why he's smiling so much at me?
He's already been called
the most beautiful person in the country
at his young age.
If he's a lover for royalty,
it must sound silly to him
to buy out a courtesan.
It's fine if he makes fun of me.
But if he's making fun of Pairin,
then I won't keep quiet.
If he means to insult her
Twenty thousand.
If I offered to loan you money
to buy her out, would you accept?
What do you mean by that?
I mean exactly what I said.
I'm very grateful for your offer,
but is this something you can say
to an official who you've never met?
My cat is very suspicious, you see.
But she's helping you with your problem,
and she's assessing
whether you're a worthy partner
for her sister.
So you're saying,
if your cautious cat trusts me,
you know I'm a principled person
Did I say something to upset him?
I heard about you from your acquaintances.
You're the son of a regional official,
but I'm sure you struggled with
becoming a soldier in the capital.
I heard that an observant soldier
saw your potential, and appointed you
to lead your squad.
Yes, sir.
He saw through the official explanation,
which is that the squad leader quit.
I'm sure it's normal to want to
befriend a talented official
with a lot of potential.
Even so, 20,000 silvers
is too high a price for the return.
I only really need half,
or even a quarter of the offer amount.
I'm honestly very happy
that you see my potential,
and to be frank,
your offer is extremely tempting to me.
Even so, I can't accept your silver.
For you, it might just be a courtesan,
but for me, she's the only woman I want.
If I want her as a wife,
but can't buy her out with my own money,
how can I call myself a man?
I see. I'm sorry about that.
-I might want
To talk to you at a later date.
Would that be fine?
Yes, sir!
-Sir Jinshi.
Looks like there's no need to worry.
What the hell was that?
What should I do?
I guess I can start
by showing off what I can do
at the next training session.
Or maybe, I'll ask for more work.
No. All right.
I don't know when I'll see her next,
but I'll write to her.
I shouldn't just buy her out
without telling her.
I'll ask how she feels.
Maybe she'll respond
with social pleasantries.
I'll just have to believe in them
to work hard every day.
I'll just walk the path
I chose for myself!
Grams is saying a whole bunch of things,
but I intend on working for much longer.
I'm still waiting
for some prince to come for me
and take me away.
That's what I thought.
As long as Big Sis Pairin likes him,
he doesn't need to pay 10,000 silvers.
All he needs now is luck.
That man came again to discuss
buying out a courtesan.
I think that's what caused
the misunderstanding.
"That man"
Sir Lakan.
I looked all over for you.
Sir Lakan, the meeting is about to start.
A blue rose.
What is that?
Next Episode, "Blue Roses."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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