The Assassins (2024) s01e21 Episode Script

Brothers till Death

Dreams of heaven
and nightmares of hell
Dreams of heaven
and nightmares of hell
Didn't affect Yahya.
He's using Hassan
Al-Sabbah's method.
He seemed to be with Hassan.
But inside,
Meet me after midnight
So I can tell you
the madman's plan.
A Seljuk soldier is waiting for the
moment to take revenge for his parents
And end the evil of
Hassan Al-Sabbah
But Al-Sabbah was reading
and perceiving All Yahya's plans.
Hassan Al-Sabbah knows
you and deceives you.
And was waiting for the day he
would turn him into one of his believers.
Stick with the one who's
goal is to bring you to heaven.
And when the moment came
the three friends decided to get rid
of the castle's sheikh and his arms.
Hassan was waiting for him
To put him through another test.
A hard test.
Episode 21
"Brothers to Death"
I've never put a guard or doorman
to separate me from the believers.
You must not be believers.
Maybe you entered the
castle with an incomplete faith.
Maybe you entered the
castle with an incomplete faith.
It's not a disgrace.
The disgrace is if your faith
does not complete here.
And maybe you entered the castle
not knowing who is Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Your assumptions painted
him as a brutal killer.
Even though I'm a simple
man who stands for justice.
Your ignorance about
Hassan Al-Sabbah is possible.
But it needs to be corrected.
Right now, right here, Yahya.
You will know the poor Hassan Al-Sabbah
who is stirred by nothing but justice.
You will know the poor Hassan Al-Sabbah
who is stirred by nothing but justice.
And he hates nothing but betrayal.
Tell me Yahya,
What is the
punishment for betrayal?
The punishment
Is mercy.
And as the one in charge
I sentenced them
to death with mercy.
And mercy, is for them
to be killed by their friend.
So, Yahya!
Will you kill the
first Soliman or Tayfour?
I know the moment is tough.
Both of them are your beloved.
But both are traitors.
But both are traitors.
Who will you kill first, Yahya?
It's you that I will kill, Sabbah.
The task just got easier.
Loyal Barzak
Made it easy by
leaving only Tayfour.
Made it easy by
leaving only Tayfour.
Kill him.
Why, Yahya?
Why did you let Zaid hasten
and kill him instead of you?
But I was confident
that you would kill him.
If it wasn't for your nobility and your
appreciation of friendship, You hesitated.
But hesitation is acceptable.
From the first day
you entered the castle,
I bet you'd be loyal.
Get rid of your friends' bodies,
and throw them off the castle rooftop.
Of course you know
They can't be washed or have
a funeral prayer said over them.
They can't be washed or have
a funeral prayer said over them.
They died thinking
you're a traitor.
May God have mercy
on your parents, Yahya.
You were supposed to die like Naz.
But unfortunately,
Fate has decided
you continue living.
I don't know.
You still have life.
You still have life.
What I know about you
is enough to kill you.
But, I don't know why
this hasn't happened.
And here we have
no choice but to obey.
I want to die.
Life and death here
are not up to you.
It's not your right to die
Or to live,
Unless an order has been given.
The fierce attacks of the Crusaders
have reached the borders of Levant.
We always have priorities, Barzak.
Toppling the corrupt
caliphate comes first.
The Crusaders are
just obvious enemies.
The Seljuks and Abbasids
are the most dangerous,
The Seljuks and Abbasids
are the most dangerous,
And when empowerment occurs, and
the will of God and our master is revealed,
Then there will be no
Crusaders or anyone else.
Because we can defeat
any enemy at any moment
With divine support.
They will persecute us
And convince the people
we are against religion,
That we're fighting the Abbasid
caliphate and ignoring the Crusaders.
Either way, they will lie about us.
What's important is
your heart, Barzak.
Your heart should be
certain you're in the right.
What differs a Crusader and the rulers
of Baghdad and Isfahan who infidel us?
What differs a Crusader and the rulers
of Baghdad and Isfahan who infidel us?
Nothing at all.
The problem is, the
French Crusaders,
Have asked more than once,
To pass by the Alamut castle
peacefully with their troops.
So what?
They pay gold,
They pass.
So that's the only condition?
We charge them a
tribute as per God’s law.
And whoever is
late in their payment,
There's no preventing one of our
fighters killing one of their leaders.
After that, they won't delay in
paying the tribute again, I assume.
May God honor our master.
Some people give their
whole lives to find themselves.
And some fears
To pay the price
And lives and dies
without knowing himself.
And Sheikh Ghazali
spent 11 years
until he knew himself.
And who is the true
Ghazali, our master?
Ghazali the jurist, the
knowledgeable teacher
who used to teach in Isfahan?
Or the Ghazali who sits before us
a Sufi and calm?
We are pleased with
God's conditions for us.
The summary of my journey.
I deserted the love of Salma
and Layla in a far palce.
I returned to my first
home accompanied
I spun for them delicate yarn
But found no fabric for my spinning
I broke my spindle
Omar Khayyam!
The days and nights have passed, and
your place in my heart is still the same.
What have the days
done to you, Omar?
Played with me as a
stick plays with a ball.
Played with me as a
stick plays with a ball.
Okay, we will leave, master.
Oh my son!
Welcome, the honorable scholar
and exquisite poet Omar Khayyam.
Open your chest and
your heart to him.
master, he's a poet
who speaks blasphemy.
I swear, son, once upon a time
in front of great scholars, your Sheikh
Ghazali cleared me of such an accusation.
I cleared him a long time
ago with logic and faith.
But after my journey
no one knows who is higher
in the sight of our Lord.
I was just checking on your return and
to meet this creature full of tenderness.
I was just checking on your return and
to meet this creature full of tenderness.
Because he gives me hope that the
Creator's mercy is greater and supreme.
And that is enough for me.
Excuse me.
Where are you going?
Where does the ball go
when hit with a stick!
To the world, master.
I fihgt it and it fights me.
Pray for me.
May God enlighten your heart
and insight from any darkness.
Sit down, my son, sit down.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful, and with His help, we
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful, and with His help, we
seek assistance, and prayer and peace
be upon the most honorable of messengers.
We start our lesson today.
Here they are!
We repeat our request for
our caravans to pass safely.
And we've informed you before
that passing has a price.
It's clear that they are not
appreciating the situation.
And the price asked is excessive.
And the price asked is excessive.
If we value ourselves properly
the price would be nothing
less than the king's throne.
I will deliver the message
as it is, but be aware.
We can pass at any
time without permission.
My soul is a sacrifice to the
holder of the paradise's key.
I want you to focus on your
studies and knowledge more.
Memorize, read, and fast more.
I do that, and I've
read many books.
You need to start reading
selected and specific books.
The time for reading
everything is over.
You should start reading books
that benefit Hassan Al-Sabbah's son.
And prepare yourself for
the position that suits you.
Set a specific time every day.
To sit with Zaid Bin Sayhoon.
To sit with Zaid Bin Sayhoon.
He will teach you and
guide you to useful books.
And another time to
sit with Barzak Amide.
He will teach you other
arts of warfare and so forth.
And at the end of each week, you
sit with me to review what you learnt.
And I will tell you poems.
I didn't expect you to like poetry!
My son, my friend is Omar Khayyam.
Come on, Barzak.
Know, Hadi, that there is
no life without knowledge.
What is the destiny of death?
And what is paradise?
A man is composed of the
physical and spiritual world.
The physical, the body, is formed of four
humors: yellow, black, blood, and mucus.
At death, the four humors
return to their superior nature.
As for our spiritual part, it purifies by
worshiping and avoiding desires and lusts.
As for our spiritual part, it purifies by
worshiping and avoiding desires and lusts.
And the soul returns to its original
home, which they call paradise.
But regarding the story of
Adam and Eve in paradise.
The story of Adam and
Eve is a symbolic story.
To know that we were
created in the best form.
Then we sinned and repented.
Then we were purified and died.
And we returned to the ideal world.
Which is paradise.
The one I'm most sad about
in this castle is you, Hadi.
Youth is the age of
adventure and madness.
And you're imprisoned with us here.
It's fate.
And surely someday, I will
have a life outside the castle.
Imagination is the
prisoner's sustenance.
And since I'm a prisoner like you.
I always escape to imagination.
So, will I stay here all my life?
All of us.
The castle is Hassan Al Sabbah's
throne and the grave of his followers.
Yes, but I am his son.
I will be his successor.
So what?
If being a king over the dead
brings you joy, then you are great.
Who are the dead?
All of us.
That's why fantasy
is the escape.
And how do you
escape to fantasy?
That's the secret of
Zayd Bin Sayhoon.
And to tell you a secret, I
must make you pledge an oath.
So the secret remains a secret.
A man's word is a pledge.
And I believe you.
I believe you, Hadi.
And this is the door from which I
escape to the world of fantasy.
wine is prohibited religiously!
That's in the mortal world.
But in heaven, there is
wine, virgins, and everything.
By drinking this,
you can enter
the world of fantasy.
Master, wine is prohibited!
Why say wine?
Let's call it
the juice of paradise.
Let's call it
the juice of paradise.
My father would
kill me if he finds out
And he'd kill you.
Your father denied me
the plant of paradise.
So all I had was to escape
to the juice of paradise.
We forget Hassan
Al-Sabbah and his castle
And escape with Zayd Bin
Sayhoon to the world of fantasy.
The time has come for
us to end their existence.
We'll start with the closest.
The castle on top of
Isfahan, where Bin Al Hafez is.
The castle was built by your
great father, Malik-Shah, on the hill.
Before it was taken over
by the Esoteric, Bin Al Hafez.
That's why I'll start with it.
We will destroy
one castle after another.
Until we reach their biggest
devil's castle, Bin Al-Sabbah.
God's victory to our Sultan!
God's victory to our Sultan!
Find out where they get food
and drinks from and cut them off,
Until hunger and
thirst dominate them
and our soldiers surround
them with death.
Yes, my lord!
I will be with you in the siege.
We received from our sources
that the arrogant Seljuk Sultan
has decided to attack Bin
Al Hafez's castle near Isfahan,
He's also burnt the crops
that used to supply them
He's also burnt the crops
that used to supply them
and starved them.
Here, we will act
with all our might, Barzak.
Defending the believers everywhere
is what we will be asked
about before our God and our Lord.
And I myself
will choose those who
will rescue our brothers.
Increase the preaching day
and night among young people.
Open the books,
read, and teach them
that our belief is the truth
and the path of true guidance.
Now please leave me alone, it's time for
me to talk to the heavens.
I asked her for a kiss
and I got one.
After steadfast refusal
and sheer exhaustion.
I said, oh tormentor of mine
- grant me another one.
- My lord Al-Hadi!
Why do you look so exhausted?
Because I was just
in the world of fantasy
Every time, you pass by
Zaid bin sayhoon and not me.
Every time, you pass by
Zaid bin sayhoon and not me.
Because he has the juice of paradise
that takes me to the world of fantasy.
But you are always scowling, gruff
and never take me to paradise.
- Come with me.
- No, leave me. I'm fine.
- Come with me.
- Leave me!
Stay away from me!
Stay away from me!
Have you lost your mind!
You throw water on Al-Hadi
bin Hassan Al-Sabbah!
You throw water on Al-Hadi
bin Hassan Al-Sabbah!
If he saw you like this,
he wouldn't throw water on him
- He'd carry out punishment.
- Why? What did I do?
Because you're drunk
He wouldn't
spare you the lashes.
He won't lash his son!
Hassan Al-Sabbah killed his son
Your brother!
I'm not drunk! You're a liar.
I'm a liar.
But I still won't
let you be a drunk.
I'm not drunk!
So, let's go to our
lord and he will judge.
No please don't do that.
I don't promise!
But I promise you, I
will defend you in every way.
No, don't tell him.
Zaid did this!
I promised him to keep it a secret.
Go back to your bed.
- You won't tell my father?
- Go back to your bed!
My son, Al-Hadi, is drunk?
Zaid bin Sayhoon intoxicated him?
Yes, my lord.
Keep Zaid in the dark about this.
But please don't
be harsh on Al-Hadi.
And why the harshness?
Harshness is always
the last resort.
I sent him to Zaid to teach
him knowledge, and he gave him wine.
How then can I punish Al-Hadi?
How then can I punish Al-Hadi?
And what about Zaid bin Sayhoon?
Let him enjoy and play in
the gardens of Hassan Al-Sabbah's tests.
And prepare for
the journey of jihad
with Yahya.
Excuse me, my lord.
Execute the order.
Commander Yahya!
May I ask a question?
As you are one of
the oldest mujahideen in the castle.
We miss the jihad.
When do the chosen ones go for jihad?
When our lord permits it
Do we enjoy before
going out for jihad
Or after we
enter the castle directly?
Are you longing for
jihad or for enjoyment?
We just took
a long time training
Believers in Alamut Castle do not ask.
Believers in Alamut Castle do not ask.
Did you take a long
time when you entered the castle?
I apologize, our Commander
Yahya, my friend didn't mean.
There are no friends here.
Believers here surrender
their souls
and be fully prepared
for our lord's permission.
Continue what you were doing.
I did not see you last week.
I was busy with my lessons.
Nothing should be
more important than me.
What lessons kept you
away from your father?
A lot!
Prophetic traditions,
sharia, and spiritual sciences.
Spiritual sciences!
Spiritual sciences!
Teach me then.
You know everything.
Who said?
We all learn.
First, come give your dad a hug
because he missed you a lot.
Your smell is peculiar.
If you weren't my son, I would
say your smell is like wine.
God forbid!
I can't imagine that
you know what wine is
not drinking it!
If a man loses
faith, he loses his honor.
Strong faith
creates a strong man
and faith needs intelligence,
wisdom, and caution with people.
All people, even myself.
Be careful from me.
You should always try to
be faithful, strong, and honorable.
You should always try to
be faithful, strong, and honorable.
Excuse me, my master!
Take it easy!
Hassan Al-Sabbah is on the way to us.
News about the Seljuk army
said it's huge.
The supplies of food and drink that are
between us and Isfahan have been cut off.
There are still
some secret passages
from which we can get some supplies
and there's storage.
regardless the supplies
there's faith, my lord.
But faith
needs good planning.
I want that as soon
as the Seljuk army arrives
the messages between
us do not get cut off.
sent requests, messages, and bargains.
As long as messages are increased
the siege period
will be prolong.
And this leads
to alternatives and solutions.
When God grants us victory
I want the fate of
Bin Al-Hafez to be terrifying
to shake the owner
of the Alamut Castle.
This vile keeps sending
messages and requests.
What kind of requests?
A promise to surrender.
If we agree to
a truce for a week.
A truce!
- There will be no truce.
- My lord!
It's just a truce!
This is after your approval of course.
If we could defeat them
and achieve withdrawal without war
and without any of
our soldiers getting hurt
- it would be better.
- I want you to beware of his deception.
And his ambiguous words.
And if there is a trick,
And if there is a trick,
I don’t mind if we lose
any number of soldiers.
To reclaim the castle.
Sure, my lord!
But this should be the last resort.
We are the strongest
and waiting is not in our favor.
So, we'll wait.
What if my patience runs out?
Before your patience runs out
The body of Bin Al-Hafez
will be stuffed with straw
and be burnt in the
largest squares of Isfahan.
And his ashes will be
fed to every follower of his
before he's killed.
before he's killed.
I have chosen you
for a different mission, Yahya
You're a knight!
And a knight does not
execute an ordinary mission,
but is sent on a mission
that fits his knighthood.
You'll be at the head of a group of the
guerrillas to save our faithful brothers
You'll be at the head of a group of the
guerrillas to save our faithful brothers
In Bin Al-Hafez's castle.
If you return victorious,
you'll have a great honor.
And if you get martyred,
you'll have a greater honor.
Sure, my master!.
You will have ten believers with you
under the leadership
of our beloved,
Zaid bin sayhoon.
Sure, my master!
Excuse me, my master, Zaid.
Why are you doing this?
You send me on a mission with
someone whom I have to take revenge?
He won't touch a hair on your head.
Want to get rid of me?
I am bigger than to plan
a trick to kill you, Zaid.
Okay, what's your goal?
None of your business.
Either you follow the order
or declare your
disobedience to me now.
And if I refused?
And if I refused?
That's your right.
I obey you, my master.
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