The Flash s01e21 Episode Script


Increased intellectual activity.
Stress level's rising.
- What's the problem? - I can't be certain yet.
Give me audio contact.
Pull the trigger, Alpha.
Pull the trigger now.
That's a direct order.
L Damn it.
All right, close it down.
This is Dr.
The training exercise is now terminated.
Will that be all, Dr.
Rossick? Yeah, Frank.
Thanks a lot.
What happened? Well, I think she was confused by the moral decision she was forced to make.
"Moral decision"? What the hell are you talking about? Alpha can make choices.
Sometimes they bewilder her.
I don't want her to make choices.
I want her to take orders and kill who I tell her to kill.
You see, that's just the point.
You asked her to commit murder.
Rossick, she is supposed to be the ultimate covert assassin.
This project cost $30 million, and you're telling me it doesn't work.
Calm down, Powers.
She'll just take a little fine-tuning.
We'll be operational by the end of the week.
You had better be.
All right, everybody, just leave her in the lab and you can go.
We'll start over in the morning.
- Good night, doctor.
- Good night.
Ernest, I've forgotten my briefcase.
I'll be right back.
Alpha? What are you doing out here? This is Dr.
We've got a level-four emergency.
Alpha One has just escaped.
She may be armed.
And she is definitely dangerous.
- Apocalypse Wow? - It's a new club that just opened up.
Sabrina's throwing a charity bash there.
It's gonna be wild.
- You gotta come.
- I don't know.
It doesn't sound like my kind of place, you know? - Can't I just make a donation? - No.
- I haven't even got a date.
- It's no problem.
I called up Tina.
You're supposed to pick her up at Star Labs at 8.
- What, are you my social director now? - Hey, somebody's gotta do it.
- Well, we can stop by for a few minutes.
- Great.
Do me a favor, though.
Try and dress a little hip, all right? It's party time.
Barry, you look like an undertaker.
Thank you.
Listen, Tina, I'm sure you're just as excited about this evening as I am so we'll just stay long enough to make Julio and Sabrina happy then sneak out the back, all right? - You're gonna hate me but I can't come.
- What? I'm sorry, but my experiment's gone wrong.
- So you'll do it again tomorrow.
- No, Barry, I can't.
No, I am not gonna leap into disco inferno alone.
Barry, I can't.
I have to do the experiment tonight, finish the report and have it on the review committee's desk by 9 a.
In the morning.
Believe me, I'd rather come out with you than work all night.
Yeah, right.
What are all these old research papers doing out? I'm leaving now.
Is there anything else you need? Oh, no, thank you.
Oh, Alpha, this is Barry Allen, a friend of mine.
Barry, this is Alpha Webster.
She just started as our new lab assistant.
Alpha, that's an unusual name.
They call me Alpha because I was the first.
- The first child in your family.
- In a way.
Do you know what these are doing out? I'm sorry, I was trying to organize your files.
That's okay, I have my own filing system, thank you.
I'll see you tomorrow, then.
- Good night.
- Bye.
Don't you think you should be going? It's nearly 8:00.
Hey, what about Alpha? - Do you think she's free tonight? - That is not a good idea.
- Why not? - She's very bright but a bit damp in the personality department.
All business.
I know you're gonna meet a lot of beautiful young women there.
No one with less than 12 earrings or more than a monosyllable.
Well, here's mine for the evening: - Out! - All right.
Really, it's greatly appreciated.
We won't forget it.
Thank you.
Come on, man.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Barry! Hey, don't you know that black is out as a fashion statement? Haven't you heard? It's back in, man.
Yeah, very, very in.
- Where's Tina? - She couldn't make it.
Introduce yourself to the bartender.
Tell him you're a friend of mine.
He'll point out all the available chicks.
- Money for the homeless.
- Is that good or bad? Come on! There she is.
There's too many people on this street.
We'll let her get around the corner before closing in.
We don't wanna cause a scene.
Where'd she go? She go inside? - Sorry.
- Hey.
Alpha, right? - And you're Barry Allen.
- You have a good memory.
Listen, why don't we go try to grab a seat, huh? - All right.
- All right.
Excuse me.
What do you think the odds are of us running into each other tonight? Two million seven hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty to one based on the most recent population of Central City.
Wow, you really do have a memory.
I've memorized the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Webster's Dictionary the complete works of William Shakespeare and 613 other books.
- You're not serious.
- Yes.
Where I used to live, after everyone left, I'd stay up all night and read books.
- Trouble sleeping, huh? - No.
I don't need to.
- At all? - No.
It's such a waste of time.
Oh, here.
Quick, grab these.
There we go.
One night I read a book about the Civil War.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln freed all the slaves? - Well, I heard a rumor.
- That's when I realized I didn't want anyone telling me what to do or locking me up.
I wanted to make my own choices.
I mean, if people can be free, why can't I? - Right.
- It's all for a good cause, folks.
So dig deep.
Remember, the more it hurts, the more it helps.
Thank you, sir.
Very kind.
Oh, very generous of you.
Thank you.
Help the homeless.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
- Would you excuse me? - I see an old friend.
- Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Something for the homeless? - That's the best you can do? - Hello, Fosnight.
Hey, Allen.
Sharp threads.
Didn't anybody tell you that black is out? - You care to make a little donation? - To whom? The old hustlers' home? Excuse me, miss.
Would you make sure the committee chairman gets this? Thank you.
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't run you in.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Look, Barry, you let me go, and I'll owe you one.
A big one.
You know my marker's as good as gold.
All right, but this is the last time, okay? - Next time I have to book you.
- You won't regret it.
Anytime you need anything, give me a call.
The same thing goes for you, honey.
Any friend of Barry's is a friend of mine.
What are they doing? I have no idea.
- I can't keep up with all the new dances.
- Looks like fun.
Come on.
Well, actually I'm no good at - I like this.
- Where did you learn to do that? - Are you a professional dancer? - I've never danced before.
What? Help for the homeless? What, are you kidding? Come on.
There she is.
Let's go.
Move! Go! Move! Out of the way.
Alpha! - Are you in trouble? - It's just that - All right.
Time to come home.
- What's going on here? Stay out of this.
It's none of your business.
- Hey, buddy.
I happen to be a cop.
- You want to stay healthy? Back off.
- Don't make this difficult.
- I don't want to go.
It's not up to you.
Come on! Hey! Don't shoot! - Who are you? - I'm not telling you squat.
"National Scientific Intelligence Agency.
" I've never heard of you.
What's going on here? This is government business, pal.
You better cut me loose right now.
I don't think so.
We can get her address from her application but if the NSIA's involved, she's in serious trouble.
- Who are they? - They're a top-secret government Someone's jimmied the security system.
Barry, what is that? Come out, Alpha.
- You've been shot.
- I'm all right.
What are you? This is incredible.
A synthetic humanoid with artificial intelligence.
Who created you? I was built as part of a secret project by the NSIA.
My name isn't Alpha Webster.
It's Alpha One: Artificial Lifelike Prototype Humanoid Android One.
I got the name Webster from the dictionary.
What are you doing here? I ran away.
The purpose of the project was to create robot intelligence agents.
Androids that could be programmed to kill particular targets.
The theory was that droids are stronger and smarter than humans and virtually unstoppable.
Only, I was created with the ability to make decisions and I decided I didn't want to kill.
I wanted to be free.
So those people who are after you Want to take me back and reprogram me.
Why did you come to Star Labs? Why apply for a job here? Part of me was designed by you, Dr.
- That's impossible.
- Three years ago, you worked with Dr.
Jason Rossick on a robotics project for the government.
That's right.
The idea was to build robotic limbs for handicapped people.
There were problems, and I left the project.
Last year, Dr.
Rossick went to work for the NSIA.
He's the one that designed and built me.
- Alpha, may I take an x-ray of you? - Of course.
I'd like to see what they've done to my work.
Okay, just lie on the scanning table so I can record your image.
You still haven't told us why you're here.
Because there are certain circuits inside me that I want to alter and I need to access Dr.
McGee's research.
What circuits? Someone's at the main entrance.
- Yes? - Dr.
Colonel Powers, NSIA.
I have a federal warrant to search the premises.
- Powers? What do you want? - This is a matter of national security.
Either you open this door, or we break it down.
Wait a minute.
I'm working on an experiment with toxic chemicals.
I have to make sure the lab's not contaminated.
You've got 10 seconds.
What has Christine Powers got to do with this? She's in charge of the project that developed me.
- Do you know her? - Unfortunately.
She was the NSIA coordinator on a project I worked on with Jason Rossick.
She's ruthless, cold and dangerous.
She's the reason I left the robotics project.
She wants to take me back and erase my memory circuits.
It'll be as if I die.
We're not gonna let that happen.
You've gotta let them in.
- They have a federal warrant.
- Hide in the storage room.
Let's go.
Search the building.
Well, well, Dr.
It's been a while.
Not long enough, Powers.
- What's back there? - A storage room.
- I'll check it out.
- I demand to know what this is all about! We're looking for a woman named Alpha.
We know she just started working here.
We also know you were with her earlier this evening.
You were seen dancing together in a club.
As far as I know, dancing's no threat to national security.
If you know where she is, you'd better tell me now.
- We can't help you.
- What's your interest in her anyway? - We want to talk to her.
- I remember how you talk to people.
As I recall, your way of asking questions needs some social refinement.
I don't have to justify myself to you or to anybody.
There's nobody back there.
I've got a word of advice for you, McGee: - Stay away from me on this one.
- It's clear back there too.
Let's move out.
She's gone.
Must've climbed out a window.
Barry, whoever or whatever she is, she needs our help.
I know.
I'll search the streets.
Hey, hey, check it out.
Hey, old man.
Out kind of late, ain't you, grandpa? Look, fellas, I just want Now give me your wallet, and maybe I won't slice you up like a loaf of bread! I don't have any money.
- Too bad.
- Let him go.
Look at this.
I think I'm in love.
- I don't wanna fight you.
- Who said anything about fighting? Come on, honey.
We'd better not let them find us here.
Look, I got a place nearby.
This used to be a nice neighborhood.
Man, those punks really clipped me good.
I'm sure glad you came along, kid.
- What are these? - Cards.
You know, poker, blackjack, like that.
Where you from, the center of the Earth? Cards.
You ever hear of three-card monte? You got any money? Figures.
Okay, look.
That's the queen of hearts.
Find the queen.
Beginner's luck.
Let's try again.
- How'd you do that? - My optical circuits are equipped with x-ray vision.
- Yeah, right.
Look, kid, if you got x-ray eyes what color undershorts am I wearing? Red.
Look, I gotta go out for a little while.
You make yourself at home, okay? And don't go anyplace.
I've been all over the city.
I can't find a sign of her.
I found something.
I've been studying Alpha's x-ray.
It's incredible.
Electronically, biomechanically, she's a miracle.
Except for this.
- What is it? - It's a ball of plastic explosive in the middle of her memory circuits.
- A bomb.
- What's it doing there? - I think it's a self-destruct device.
If anything goes wrong, she could be destroyed.
She was here trying to find a way to disconnect it.
If Powers thinks she'll lose Alpha, she may press the button.
A bomb like this could kill a lot of people, Barry.
Tina McGee.
- It's for you.
- Me? - Hello.
- It's Fosnight.
- I been calling all over trying to find you.
- What's so important? I told you I owed you one.
You know that skirt you were with at the club? Yeah, I can't find her anywhere.
Yeah, well, she's with me.
And there's something weird about her.
- Where are you? - My apartment.
912 Stone Avenue.
I'll meet you out front.
I'm on my way.
We've got a location.
I need an ETA on Omega's arrival.
Sergeant Powers, Dr.
Rossick and Omega left about 15 minutes ago.
They should be in Central City within the hour.
- You made good time.
- Where is she? Down here.
Alpha, Tina and I want to help.
- We know about the bomb inside you.
- Bomb? Did I hear "bomb"? - That's why you came to Star Labs, right? - Yes.
You were trying to disconnect it.
But it's wired directly into my memory circuits.
And if the bomb's not removed properly, it'll detonate.
Excuse me.
Detonate? Allen, what the hell's going on here? Fosnight, Alpha's not exactly what she seems.
- She's a robot.
- A robot? Yeah.
No, no, that's gears and levers and built like a ringer washer.
- Alpha's built like a - Woman.
That's the idea.
Listen, come back to Star Labs with me, all right? I know I'm human but trust me.
- All right.
- Okay.
- Thanks, Fosnight.
- Yeah, sure.
No, it's You humans are very strange creatures.
The more I learn from you, the more you puzzle me.
- In what way? - You have the greatest gift the universe has to offer, life, and yet all you seem to do is complain and argue and fight with each other.
Barry! It paralyzes the nervous system.
Don't make us hurt you, Alpha.
We just wanna reconstruct some of your circuits.
Take me back and make me a machine? - You are a machine.
- No.
- I'm alive.
I'm a woman, just like you.
- I hardly think so, Alpha.
Why did you make me this way? Why did you make me feel and think and respond? We can discuss this back at the lab with Dr.
- I'm not going with you.
- Listen to me, Alpha.
You're expensive equipment.
We'd rather have you back in one piece.
But if you walk away from me, I will push this button and you will be nothing more than a handful of nuts and bolts.
Run! Stop her! Let's get him inside for questioning.
The residual effects of the paralysis should wear off in about an hour.
- Did you find Alpha? - No, but Omega's here.
Let me introduce the next generation in our android series: Omega.
Faster, stronger, smarter.
And he lacks the annoying habit of making his own decisions.
Powers, I protest.
Omega isn't ready to be field-tested yet.
Yes, well, you're not running this project, Dr.
I am.
And unless you'd like to be reassigned to Antarctica I suggest you cooperate.
Omega, find Alpha and bring her back.
I'm always fascinated at how pliable and fragile the human psyche is.
- What's wrong? - I don't know.
It's some kind of a seizure.
- His heart's racing like a train.
- Look, help me lift him up.
We can't have him dying till he tells us what we need to know.
This should help you burn the drug out of your system.
Now I've gotta find Alpha before Powers and her men do.
Well, if another android can track her, she must have a signal we can lock on to.
The problem is how to isolate it.
Fosnight, I'm glad you're here.
I needed to borrow your tools to make an adjustment in my optical circuit.
Oh, my God! Allen was on the square.
You are a damn machine.
Please don't be frightened.
I'm not.
It's just so - Better? - Yeah, better.
So who are these people that are after you? - They work for the government.
Hey, say no more.
Anybody being chased by the feds is okay in my book.
Look, you gotta get out of town, kid, and fast.
- You got a car? - No.
- And no money either, right? - No.
All right, we gotta figure out a way to get you some cash real quick.
I got it.
You know that trick where you see through the cards? - Could you do that again? - Of course.
My emergency fund.
You pulled me out of a real jam, so I figure I owe you.
- I don't understand.
- You will.
You ever hear of something called poker? Let me tell you all about it.
Remember these? There's 52 of them in a deck.
There's four suits: Clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades.
Gentlemen, the name of the game is five-card stud.
Let's play cards.
It's Fosnight.
I gotta talk to Joey C.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but you got an empty chair at the table? Come on.
You're a little out of your tax bracket, Fosnight.
Deal them.
Actually, it's a friend who wants to play.
Well, as long as he's got you for a reference.
Vernon, are the cards stuck together? Her name is Alpha.
A very wise man once said that poker should not be played with women in the house.
- Vernon, are your fingers busted, or what? - Get modern, Joey.
Or you afraid maybe she'll flatten your wallet? Hey, I don't mind taking money from a broad.
Sit down, sweetheart.
Gold's 100, blue's 500, green's a grand.
How many you want? - That's all you got? - That's all she'll need.
Deal the lady in, Vernon.
Fosnight, you're making me very nervous.
There it is! A faint radioactive trace from Alpha's power source.
Where is she? - Hotel Infantino.
I'm on my way.
- Barry, wait! I'm getting another signal.
Identical to Alpha's.
It's Omega.
He's closing in on her.
Three nines.
Just a minute.
That's the eighth hand in a row that you've won.
Do you know what the odds are against that? If you give me the data, I can calculate them for you.
- What? - Relax, Joey.
- It's a friendly game.
- I'm being friendly.
I just wanna know how come she manages to win every hand.
I can see through the cards.
What? You have two kings an ace, a jack and a four.
She's a good guesser.
Come on, Joey, it's just a little joke.
It's a gag, that's all! - Is there something wrong? - Nothing a little cement couldn't cure.
Answer that.
I'll take care of this worm.
- Alpha, I'm here to take you back.
- I don't wanna go.
I'm taking you back.
No, you're not.
- Police! Nobody move! - Look! It's the Flash! Come on! Come on! What the hell is going on here? Okay.
Let's do this one more time.
- You are not a human being? - That's right.
I'm an android.
- A what? - An android? A synthetic human, like in all those stories by Isaac Asimov? Yes.
You read Asimov too? - Oh, I love Asimov.
- Bellows, do you mind? - You're a robot? - Just like the one you found in the hotel.
That was some kind of goofy mannequin without a head.
- It was a robot too? - Yes.
And I'm the Tin Woodsman, and this is Munchkinland.
Bellows, call County General and ask them to send over a psychiatrist.
How about a mechanic? Maybe she's just a quart low.
- Lieutenant, she's telling the truth.
- Allen.
What do you know about all this? That she's exactly what she told you, an android created by the government.
She escaped because she doesn't want to be used as a weapon.
I think you better tell me the whole story.
From the beginning.
That won't be necessary.
Lieutenant, I'm Colonel Powers, NSIA.
I have a federal warrant remanding this woman into my custody.
I think you'll find everything's in order.
You can't turn her over.
They wanna reprogram her.
There's nothing I can do.
It's a federal warrant.
- It's the same thing as murder.
- Stay out of this, Allen.
- All right, Alpha.
- No, I won't go! Alpha! We know your destruct frequency.
We have another transmitter.
- You're coming with us.
- Let's go.
Let me make something clear, Powers.
I don't like government-intelligence types or the way you walk over the law.
You or your people so much as commit a traffic violation on the way out of my city, I'll throw you in jail! You understand? It's been a pleasure doing business with you, lieutenant.
Come on.
You should have seen her eyes when they were taking her away.
It was like watching a person who knew she was going to die.
Barry, we've got to do something.
Legally, Alpha may be government property, but I know she's alive.
She has feelings, emotions.
They're just gonna kill her.
We can't just stand by.
It's not that easy, Tina.
They're holding her inside an NSIA facility.
They've got more security than Fort Knox.
Even I can't get past it.
Maybe you could with a little help.
First, we have to isolate the decision-making circuits and then, disconnect them.
This should be a good place to tap into their system.
You were right.
They've got an incredible security system: Electrified fences, mines, laser beams.
You're never gonna get through that.
Then what do we do? Maybe I can penetrate their security computer.
The problem is in the decision-making circuits of the main memory core.
What we have to do is eliminate them.
And then we can reprogram the memory using the newer, updated Omega version.
I'm in! Tina, you're beautiful.
It's about time you noticed.
Now let's see if we can make them think they're being invaded.
This is Powers.
What's the problem? Yeah, we've got an intruder showing on the grid in Sector Four but according to security, there's no one there.
Check the system.
Don't worry.
You won't feel a thing.
How do you know what I feel? - This is Powers.
What's the problem? - Same problem, ma'am.
We've got an intruder in Sector Seven - but our patrols don't see anything.
- Get the damn thing fixed.
First, we have to isolate the decision-making circuits and then, disconnect them.
- This had better be good.
- We've got alarms going off all over.
According to the computer, we're being invaded! Look, obviously there's something faulty in your security system.
I don't wanna be disturbed anymore.
Do you understand? Shut it down.
- They turned it off.
- I knew you could do it.
It'll take them about three minutes to find they've been penetrated.
I'll be back in two.
All right.
We've isolated the decision-making circuit.
Run the memory-erase program.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hey! This is Powers.
The Flash has penetrated the facility.
I want you to reactivate all the security systems.
I want him stopped.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
They've already made it through Gate Four.
Tina, can you access their security files? - I think so.
- Erase them.
- Oh, my God.
- What? All of our research files.
Somebody's deleting them.
Damn them.
Powers! No! Powers, stop it! Look! If you destroy Alpha, you'll kill everybody within 50 yards of her! Yes, I know.
- Oh, no.
- Alpha, what's wrong? The self-destruct mechanism.
It's been triggered.
There'll be another signal in 30 seconds to detonate it.
- God! - I've gotta get out of here or you'll both be killed.
- Wait! Tina, what's the range of the destruct signal? I'm not sure.
Ten miles, maybe more.
- We'll have to chance it.
- Chance what? Outrunning it.
- The countdown's been negated.
- Yeah? You outran the signal.
I spoke to a friend of mine at Star Labs East.
She found you a position in the Research Department.
She'll also protect your true identity.
And Rossick and Powers will be too busy explaining how they lost eight years of data to come after you.
Do you think it's wise to let Fosnight take Alpha to the airport? - Sure, he's grown very attached to her.
- Yeah, that's what worries me.
Hey, Allen.
- I got your plane ticket.
You all set, kid? - Yes.
Thank you for everything you've done.
- You've given me my life.
- It's a pleasure.
There are advantages to being an android, but sometimes I wish I was human.
You ain't the only one, stretch.
Look, maybe we better get a move on.
Fosnight, I think you've made a mistake with my ticket.
- What do you mean? - My x-ray circuits can see it in your pocket, and it doesn't say New York.
Let me see that.
Las Vegas.
- Two tickets.
- Hey, it's just a little detour.
So sue me.
McGee, I believe we'll all be taking a little trip to the airport.
Please don't be too hard on him, Barry.
He can't fight his nature.
- Told you so.
- Alpha, you're a real piece of work.
Thank you.
I can't wait to meet next year's model.

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