The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

(Last Episode)
I waited to ask you for a favour.
Get rid of
Shim Su Ryeon.
Why were you so fixated
on killing Shim Su Ryeon?
Because you wanted Joo
Dan Tae and the penthouse?
Did Joo Dan Tae say that?
Did he tell you
that I wanted to have him?
We have clear proof.
We found your fingerprints
smothered all over the knife
used to kill Shim Su Ryeon.
This is your knife, right?
Su Ryeon.
Answer me, Ms. Oh.
Did you kill Shim Su
Ryeon with this knife?
I killed her.
What? What did you say?
I killed her.
hated Su Ryeon
to death.
It's all my fault.
It's all because of me.
I should've dealt with it
more firmly.
But it's too late.
Why is that your fault?
There's no way to stop
a psychopath like her.
Well, I hope you stay strong.
You can go home now.
How can I drink this trash?
Mister. Where is my mom?
Let me meet her.
Is she okay?
Why did you arrest
an innocent person?
What is my mom doing here?
Your mom admitted everything.
That can't be true.
No. No
(Rest in peace, Su Ryeon.)
(We will remember you,
We send our condolences.)
People are sending condolences
to the shocking murder case
that occurred
at the most expensive apartment
- Su Ryeon.
- in Korea.
- The victim is Ms. Shim
- Goodbye.
- At the lobby of the
- We will
never forget you.
("Monthly Biz")
Su Ryeon, I hope you go
to a better place.
Oh, dear.
Our house price will plummet.
- Oh, dear.
- It will hit rock bottom.
This is a total disaster.
Oh, dear. My goodness
What are you thinking?
What if someone hears you?
Do you know how many cameras
are shooting this scene?
I know.
A person died. It's a murder case.
That's why I'm so worried.
One resident murdered another.
Nothing like this
has happened before.
The price of our apartment
is falling each day.
I'm scared to think
just how far it'll drop.
How could you worry about
house prices?
I'm so scared
I can't even go pee at night.
How could Oh Yoon Hee kill Su Ryeon?
Wasn't Su Ryeon the only person
who looked out for her?
She fell for a man
and lost her mind.
Poor Su Ryeon lost everything.
She got well and truly betrayed.
Did you see the news?
Oh Yoon Hee decorated her place
like the penthouse.
Not to mention that she lusted after
someone else's husband.
When I saw how she'd photoshopped
her face into their family portrait,
I got the shivers.
That must be why she started working
for Chairman Joo.
It's so freaky.
But still,
it's not exactly bad for us.
With this happening, the reopening
of Min Seol Ah's murder case
will no longer happen.
- Really?
- Really?
How can the police investigate
when Shim Su Ryeon's dead?
The victim's gone and now
the victim's mom is dead too.
We should thank Oh Yoon Hee.
It looks like all the people
I couldn't stand
got dealt with at once.
Shim Su Ryeon, Oh Yoon Hee,
and Ro Na too.
Try not to show
too much of your joy.
Think of the time we spent together.
If you think about it,
we aren't completely unlucky.
Don't you think, Attorney Lee?
If we were unlucky,
we wouldn't have been able
to live in Hera Palace.
The skies
will eventually side with the rich.
The tax we pay
makes the world go round.
Oh, dear
- Oh, dear Poor Su Ryeon
- Darling.
Oh, dear
I'm proud of you
for getting through the funeral.
Stay here for a while
until I get the penthouse sorted.
Ms. Yang will bring
the things you need.
Get some rest.
What will happen now?
What do you mean?
Will we go back to the penthouse?
I'll clean it up so it looks like
nothing happened.
You don't have to worry.
Nothing changes.
Mom died in there.
How can nothing change?
Are you really completely fine?
If you're too distressed,
take time from school
and study abroad for a year.
Think about it.
It's always like this.
No one really worries about us.
Mom said she'd protect us,
but she died.
They're all liars.
It's so annoying. I hate it.
Let's not go back
to that place.
(Cheong Ah Medical Center,
Serving patients for 30 years)
What do you mean?
Your medical malpractice suit
from a few months ago
resurfaced recently.
We sorted that out.
The patient's aftereffects
have worsened,
and he voiced
his determination to sue us.
Plus, I heard you were
questioned by the police
regarding the child who died
at Hera Palace.
Why didn't you mention that?
Dozens of posts a day
are covering our website,
all demanding an explanation.
What is it you want?
Don't you get it?
They want you to step down
as hospital director.
I think a hospital director
should have that much
sense of duty for his establishment.
Is it you?
Did you make an issue
of this old malpractice suit?
Your license will be suspended
for a year or two.
I contacted Johns Hopkins University
in America.
How about you study there
for a while?
Aren't medical mistakes
and malpractice issues
all caused by
a doctor's lack of skill?
I nominated a new director already.
Take care of the protocol
so he can take over quickly.
Yes, Director.
You kicked me out of the hospital
and took everything from me.
Is this the ending you wanted?
I'm only returning everything
to how they were.
The hospital and the foundation.
And Eun Byeol.
The director title doesn't suit you.
(Cheong Ah Medical Center)
You shouldn't have been so greedy.
Now, there's nothing
you can take or keep.
How do you feel?
I got a cake
from your favorite dessert place.
Will you have some?
Will you really not talk to me?
I guess you'll speak first
when you get too frustrated.
Eat it when you're hungry.
I especially ordered chocolate.
Who killed Su Ryeon?
You look a mess.
I told the boys to treat you well.
I'm sorry
this isn't exactly a hotel.
Who killed Su Ryeon?
Even a great billionaire
looks just as haggard
when he's starved for a few days.
So what if you have buildings
in New York?
You don't even have
a hamburger to eat right now.
Am I wrong? Answer me, Logan.
No, wait, sorry.
Kang Ho Dong, no,
Gu Ho Dong, was it?
You scumbag.
How dare you con me?
How could you dare try to take
the Myeongdong plot from me?
Thanks to you,
I got photographed going in
and out of the Prosecutors' Office,
my personal details got out,
and I almost had
to serve time in prison.
Why is that my fault?
That's on you for living
the way you did.
I don't intend to kill you.
I won't maim you either.
I'm letting you live
for one reason only.
I just talked
to your father James Lee.
What did you do, you psycho?
I bargained with him.
With Min Seol Ah's case.
I can't believe that brat
helped me out again.
Shut your mouth!
To save the life of his sick son,
your father did
some very emotional stuff.
He adopted Min Seol Ah
from an orphanage,
made her donate her bone-marrow,
reversed her adoption
and left her penniless,
and even framed her for theft
and had her deported to Korea.
I also have
details of his transactions
with Congressman Cho Sang Heon.
They all came into my possession.
What'll happen to your father
if this huge secret comes out?
Are you ready to send
your father to prison?
Kill me instead.
No, no, no way.
I said I didn't want to kill you.
You don't seem to know,
but you are worth so much.
In return for getting you back
in one piece, your father
sent me quite a lot of money.
Oh, of course, he also returned
the whole Myeongdong plot.
Everyone keeps dying.
Min Seol Ah and Shim Su Ryeon.
Then adios, amigo.
You scumbag!
Who killed Su Ryeon?
You did, didn't you?
I swear with my life, Joo Dan Tae,
I will kill you!
Joo Dan Tae, you jerk.
Stay right where you are! Hey!
It's been a while
since we spent time alone.
Whose fault do you think that was?
I'm sorry.
But still, though it took a detour,
we're back together.
Isn't that what counts?
Now I know for sure
that you are
my most perfect partner.
How about a toast?
I love you.
Oh Yoon Hee!
Explain why you're here with him.
Tell me!
What were you doing with him?
- Let go!
- What are you doing?
What's your relationship with him?
Did you sleep with him? Did you?
Did you sleep with him?
Tell me yourself. Tell me now!
Take your hands off my woman!
How could you do this to me? How?
Stop it!
I'm sick and tired of you.
Go and protect your foundation
Stop being so clingy!
Joo Dan Tae. You scum!
Get some rest.
Keep a close eye on Oh Yoon Hee.
How dare you come here?
Is the great Cheon Seo Jin
doubting me?
Do I look like someone
who'd fall for a woman like that?
What does that mean?
I was planning on using Yoon Hee.
Where can I find
such a great prey like her?
Tell me what you're planning.
I must give back to Su Ryeon
exactly what she did to me.
That will clean everything up.
My company, your foundation,
and Min Seol Ah's case
will all go back
to where it belongs.
Are you saying
you'll get rid of Su Ryeon?
What about Yoon Hee?
I was going to ditch her
once I was done anyway.
If we play her just right,
she'll do exactly what we want.
Isn't she the perfect way
to get to Su Ryeon?
Is that why you needed Yoon Hee?
You still have it, Joo Dan Tae.
How can I help?
I need funds right now.
My accounts are frozen
because of Logan and I'm stuck.
Hello, Congressman.
Chairman Joo, you know
how things are right now.
It's dangerous to meet like this.
I can't cover this one up.
I can't let you go out on a limb
and end up losing
your hard-earned seat in congress.
I'll take that to mean
you understand.
Until now,
this is how I've been supporting you
and your works.
It adds up to a hefty sum.
Would you mind if I sent that
to the Prosecutor General?
Chairman Joo, what are you doing?
I'm Cheon Seo Jin,
Director of Cheong Ah Foundation.
How about you gain
some new connections
and climb higher up?
I will help as best I can.
It's up to you.
I never go down alone.
If I live,
you will live as well.
The J King Holdings case you're on,
and the Cheong Ah Foundation
corruption case.
Come up with a story
to close them right now.
(Seoul Gangnam Police Station)
You have until today
to turn yourself in.
Hurry up
and go to the police station now.
If you refuse to cooperate,
Ro Na will end up
just like Seol Ah.
(Seoul Gangnam Police Station)
Secretary Cho.
What are you doing here?
Chairman Joo wants you
at the penthouse immediately.
He says it's important.
Ms. Yang, you're finally
making yourself worthwhile.
You gave me
a great idea.
I'll take this and
It's beautiful.
Now we just need Su Ryeon.
Go on. Call her.
If you say the kids are in danger,
she'll rush right over.
Yes, sir.
Ms. Yang, what's the matter?
Ms. Shim, the chairman
took the kids to his study again!
She just got here.
She'll be up soon.
Seok Hoon! Seok Kyung!
How could you
You're the one who caused
this whole mess.
What a pity.
Your revenge will end
with your own death.
Still, you'll be able to meet
your dead daughter
whom you missed so dearly.
Are you happy?
Chairman Joo, I'm here.
Chairman Joo?
Chairman Joo, are you in here?
Su Ryeon?
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon
Su Ryeon, are you okay? Su Ryeon.
What? I can't hear you.
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon?
Su Ryeon, get up. Don't die.
You can't die! No!
Su Ryeon, no! You can't die.
You can't die
Did you do it?
You killed my wife?
How could you such a horrible thing?
Take her away now!
Did you ever have feelings
for Oh Yoon Hee?
Not even once?
I swear I never felt anything.
If you're nice to poor people,
they tend to be so gullible.
Why would I fall
for a petty wench like her?
Thanks to that,
we were able to protect
what was ours.
But why did Oh Yoon Hee
admit that she killed her?
The proof was so certain,
so she probably just gave up.
But I'm certain there's something
between Shim Su Ryeon
and Oh Yoon Hee.
It seemed like Oh Yoon Hee
did something very wrong.
Something that could never
be forgiven.
Something wrong? What could that be?
I'm not sure.
Anyhow, it's a good thing for us.
Oh Yoon Hee will be sent
to the prosecution tomorrow.
I heard a public defender will take
the case.
Then there will be no problem
in finding her guilty.
All of this will finally end.
You are such
a terrifying man.
That's why I'm so attracted to you.
Hearing you say that
arouses me already.
But you didn't kill her yourself,
did you?
I heard the scene was
quite gruesome.
No way, me?
How could I do such a cruel thing?
You know that I can't even squash
an ant.
I took care of it neatly,
so you don't have to worry.
I'm still curious about something.
Who killed Min Seol Ah?
Who cares?
What's important is that we got rid
of the thorns on our sides.
We got rid of Min Seol Ah
as well as her mom.
Bye, bye.
Bye, bye.
(Gangnam Police Station)
Are you still here?
There's no use staying here.
Please let me see my mom.
Something is not right.
There's no way my mom
would've done that.
I know her the best.
Do you know how much she liked
Ms. Shim?
This makes no sense.
Let me talk to her.
Can you please let me see her?
Your mom said no.
I asked several times,
but she said no. What can we do?
She said you can go stay
at your grandma's house.
I won't go.
I won't go anywhere
until I see my mom.
I'm your public defender.
We found several items
in your house proving
that you stalked Joo Dan Tae.
You sneaked into the penthouse
numerous times
and stole Shim Su Ryeon's things
and even wore her clothes.
You pretending to be Shim Su Ryeon
is all on tape.
You will be transferred
to a detention center
as soon as your warrant is issued
I never asked for a lawyer.
Well, I know you have no chance
to win,
but you should show regret
for your daughter's sake at least.
That's how your sentence
will be reduced.
I heard your daughter has been
at the police station for days.
Are you really
not going to meet her?
No, I won't.
Just tell her to go home.
I admit to all my charges.
Wrap this up as soon as possible.
She's coming out.
Did you really kill her?
Why did you kill her?
Was it because of your affair?
Why did you kill her so brutally?
Why did you stab her several times?
Is your motive because of your hate
toward rich people?
When did you start envying
the victim?
Did you envy her or hate her?
- Say something.
- Don't you even feel sorry?
Mom, it's all not true.
I know you didn't do it.
Please tell them it isn't true!
Tell them now!
Tell them now!
Mom. Mom
Mom, look at me.
Mom, please look at me.
Mom, look at me just once.
Mom. Mom
Mom Mom!
(It's your fault! Murderer!)
(The Underworld,
Go back to Bosuk Village!)
(Leave, you psychopath!
A murderer full of inferiority!)
(Oh Yoon Hee is evil!
A disgrace to Hera Palace!)
(A murderer lives here.)
(Our house price is dropping.
Get out of here.)
When are you going to give me that?
It's nothing expensive.
I like it.
Where have you been?
This place was a total mess.
I almost lost my mind
from all the noise.
I thought you ran away or something.
What do you want?
Do you want to call me
the daughter of a murderer too?
Do it. Swear at me all you want.
I'm right here,
so say what you want.
Did you
Eat this.
You can't cry on an empty stomach.
Just stay quiet
and pretend you're not home.
You don't know
when people will come back.
(A murderer full of inferiority!
A devil)
Mom, what do I do?
What do I do now?
(6 months later)
Thanks to all your help,
I think I'll be acquitted.
How can I possibly repay you?
I told you
that I'd help you
when you needed me.
This is nothing.
I will stay loyal to you
and your friends
for the rest of my life.
And you know what they said
on the news?
That's all fake.
That dead woman made that all up
to receive settlement money
for their divorce.
What was the name
of her illness again?
Delusional disorder.
She blabbered about a daughter
that didn't even exist.
I can't believe
that kind of illness existed.
- Really?
- Yes.
Chairman Joo of J King Holdings,
who was charged for embezzlement
and investment fraud was freed
without charges.
The police found out how the victim
of the Hera Palace Murder Case,
Shim, fabricated
the documents meticulously
to take advantage
of her divorce with Chairman Joo.
The victim, Shim,
suffered from an illness
known as a delusional disorder
Mom, can I stop now?
My arms are about to fall out.
Mother, please forgive us now.
We were all cleared of our charges.
Do you know how much money
I spent to make that happen?
I hired 10 lawyers.
You even tainted
your father's reputation.
We'll never do that again.
Please forgive us now.
Mi Ja, don't you think
this is enough?
My son.
Don't ever get involved
in such a nasty mess again.
Your father is thinking
of making you into a politician.
A politician? Me?
It's about time a politician is born
in our family.
So you must be super careful
not to get caught up
in any kind of scandal. Got it?
You too.
Yes, Mother.
A congressman?
That sounds awesome.
I know how hard it was being
investigated by the prosecution.
It's all thanks to you,
who helped uncover the truth.
Our alumni held demonstrations
to set you free.
Individuals in the music industry
have also released
many interviews on media,
saying they stood by your side.
That's no surprise.
I believe you were repaid
for your kind deeds
and secret donations
that contributed to our society.
I, Ma Doo Ki, truly believe so.
I'm happy to see that
I've led a meaningful life.
Cheong Ah's irregularities won't be
mentioned anymore.
Let's start fresh
and I hope you devote yourselves
for Cheong Ah Foundation.
Of course, ma'am.
By the way, how is Eun Byeol?
She just returned from a trip.
She'll come back
to school next week.
Since you've been discharged,
you'll have to go to school.
The doctor said you're fine,
so you'll have no problem studying.
I'll reserve special lessons
so you can catch up.
You'll get busy from now on.
Ha Eun Byeol.
How long will you say nothing?
I'm losing my patience.
What do you want?
Do you want to quit school
and singing?
Is it okay if you don't go
to college?
Yes, honey.
What? A party?
Everything has been
sorted out neatly.
It has been concluded that
Oh Yoon Hee and Logan Lee
conspired to commit embezzlement.
Since everything is over now,
I'm thinking of holding a party
with the people of Hera Club.
It's been rough for all of us.
That sounds good. Okay.
I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Go to your room and rest.
Eun Byeol.
Did you just call me?
Finally, you've come to your senses!
I knew you'd overcome it.
Is there anything else
you want to say?
Is there something you want to eat?
I'll cook it for you.
Why aren't you asking me?
Why I took those drugs?
Let's just
forget about that.
You can start over again.
Nothing ever happened to you.
But that won't make
the past disappear.
If you live in the past,
you won't be able to do anything.
It's the most foolish thing
you can ever do.
Then are you okay about your past?
I'm talking about grandpa's death.
You're no longer my daughter!
No! Cheong Ah is mine!
- You can't take it away from me!
- Let go!
Let go!
I said, let go! Let go!
If I called an ambulance that day,
he wouldn't have passed away.
I feel so bad
now that I think about it.
Back then, I only stayed quiet
to protect you.
Why are you suddenly
asking about your grandpa?
I took those pills
because I missed him so much.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Tell me so I can understand!
See? You're not over it either.
You also miss grandpa, don't you?
I'm hungry.
I want to eat pasta
with tons of garlic.
You'll cook it for me, right?
Thank you for helping me.
You should move to a better place.
I didn't expect you to pay me.
Take it.
You've become
an important person to me now.
(100,000 dollars)
Gosh, you really need to stop
putting your books in upside down.
What will you do without me?
What's there to worry about? You can
organize them for me every day.
My goodness, did you twirl your hair
while studying again?
I can't stop myself
from twirling my hair
when I study.
Should I just cut my hair?
Why would you cut your hair?
Do you know how much I enjoy
tying your hair?
How is your hair so silky?
Because I take after you.
I'm late. Tie my hair for me.
Drink your juice.
I'll do it quickly.
It's good.
Is it?
Drink it all.
I added tons of healthy ingredients.
This is all useless.
Just forget it!
Seok Kyung, what's wrong with you?
Calm down!
- Let me go. Let me go!
- Seok Kyung.
I said let me go!
Calm down. What's the matter?
I hate her. I hate her so much.
Seok Kyung.
Seok Kyung, calm down!
I won't ever forgive her
for leaving me.
It's okay. Calm down.
Calm down.
I hate her. I hate her.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You're not over it either.
You also miss grandpa, don't you?
Does Eun Byeol
know something?
No way.
It's not possible.
I heard Dr. Ha
is going to resign
and go to the States. Is that true?
He wants to study more,
so there's no reason to stop him.
From what I heard,
he got kicked out by Seo Jin.
Honey, are you drunk?
- Did I say it out loud?
- Yes.
I heard Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
will be studying abroad.
The kids wanted to go,
so they'll be gone for about a year.
Gosh, you're lying.
You just want the kids gone
so you guys can move in together.
You guys must be excited.
Now that both of you
got rid of your spouses,
there's nothing stopping you.
Oh, right. Today is the day.
Oh Yoon Hee's being sentenced today.
Oh, you're right.
I totally forgot.
Are you sure you forgot?
I thought you purposely
held the party today
to celebrate the war
that broke out in Hera Palace.
What do you mean "celebrate"?
People might get the wrong idea.
I'm just kidding. It was a joke.
What do you think
the court will decide?
I bet she'll get a long sentence
considering what she did.
She obviously has no hope.
She already admitted to the murder,
so the trial is just going to be
a formality.
You never know.
You can never predict
how a trial will end.
I'm Kim Jung Min,
a reporter from SBC.
I'd like to talk to Ms. Oh.
She needs to go to court,
so she has no time.
And as you can see,
she doesn't seem interested.
Su Ryeon asked me for a favor.
I'll give you exactly five minutes.
It wasn't easy for me
to come meet you.
How could you kill her like that?
Just tell me why you're here.
What did Su Ryeon ask you to do?
What's this?
It's a petition.
Please give it to Oh Yoon Hee.
"Oh Yoon Hee"? Who's that?
A good friend of mine.
She's going to surrender
to the police tomorrow.
And once she does,
she'll get punished by the law.
But I feel like she might need this.
Then why don't you
give it to her yourself?
I'm worried I might change my mind.
The Oh Yoon Hee I know
is a very warm-hearted
and just person.
I hope Yoon Hee
will safely go home
and return to her daughter.
I hope she gets the chance
to build happy memories
with her daughter,
which is something
I never got to do with Seol Ah.
And thus, I earnestly ask for you
to be lenient with her.
From Min Seol Ah's mother,
Shim Su Ryeon.
Whatever it was that you did,
how could you kill someone
who was this worried about you?
I'm here because I promised
Su Ryeon to do this,
but it gives me the creeps
to be sitting here with you.
How could you kill her
just to take her place?
I heard she was nice to you.
Did you think you'd be able
to take over the penthouse
and have Joo Dan Tae
once you killed her?
Defendant, Oh Yoon Hee,
yearned to have the life
that the victim had
and confessed that she hated her
so much that she wanted to kill her.
Also, there's a footage
of the defendant
secretly entering the penthouse
and trying on the victim's dress.
Attorney, is there anything
you'd like to say?
The defendant already admitted
to everything as she testified.
please take into consideration
that she suffered
for a very long time
due to financial instability
and had to raise a daughter
all on her own.
This is so fun!
Here's the verdict.
Defendant, Oh Yoon Hee,
was jealous of the victim
who trusted and helped her
and brutally killed her
by stabbing her many times.
And due to the brutality
of the crime, her ill intention,
and the shock she gave
to the victim's family,
we cannot help but give her
a severe punishment.
The justice department believes
she deserves to be
isolated from our society for
the horrible crime she committed.
Thus, we sentence her
to life imprisonment.
(Seoul Gangnam Police Station)
Secretary Cho.
What are you doing here?
Chairman Joo wants you
at the penthouse immediately.
Chairman Joo.
Chairman Joo, are you in here?
Su Ryeon?
Su Ryeon
Su Ryeon, stay with me.
Su Ryeon!
Wait. I'll call an ambulance.
Wait a little bit.
Su Ryeon.
What? I can't hear you.
Run away.
Run Run away.
Su Ryeon.
I didn't kill
Su Ryeon.
What did you just say, Ms. Oh?
I didn't kill
Shim Su Ryeon, Your Honor.
I didn't kill her.
I swear on my daughter's name.
I'm not the culprit.
Please reinvestigate the case.
Everything was fabricated!
I'm not the culprit.
I didn't kill Shim Su Ryeon.
Please reinvestigate the case,
Your Honor!
I'm not the culprit!
Ro Na.
Ro Na.
I didn't kill her!
I'm innocent!
It wasn't me! I didn't kill her!
This trial doesn't count!
This trial doesn't count!
Let me have another trial!
Let me have another trial!
No! I didn't kill her!
It wasn't me!
I didn't kill her!
- It wasn't me!
- Get going already!
No, please! I didn't do it!
(Ministry of Justice)
(3 Sang 19, 2607)
(3 Sang 19, 2607)
(3 Sang 19, 2607)
We need help.
2607, Oh Yoon Hee,
escaped while getting transferred.
We need help now.
Logan, what are you doing here?
What's going on?
We have breaking news.
A defendant who received
a life sentence in court today
escaped after the van got into
an accident and flipped upside down.
The defendant who ran away
was the assailant
of the murder incident
that occurred in Hera Palace.
- She stood trial for six months.
- Ro Na.
But today, she suddenly
denied all charges
and threw a scene in court.
The police are searching
the nearby areas
- Ro Na.
- and checking the CCTVs
Where are you going?
Logan, I need to meet Ro Na.
Please tell her I'm alive.
The cops are already at your house.
If you want to get caught,
you can go ahead.
No. My Ro Na
What about my daughter?
How could you be audacious enough
to worry about your daughter
even after killing two people?
You really
give me the creeps.
What do you mean
I killed two people?
You must've thought
you'd be able to forget about it
now that the one and only witness
is dead.
But unfortunately,
Su Ryeon told me everything
before she died.
She told me
you killed my little sister.
"Little sister"?
Your little sister?
Yes. My little sister.
My little sister, Min Seol Ah.
We've finally met.
I came all the way over to Korea
to find
the person who killed my sister.
And that person
was you?
Why did you do it?
Why did you kill her?
Why on earth did you kill
that poor girl?
Su Ryeon trusted and waited for you.
She trusted that
you'd turn yourself in,
and believed you until the end
even when she knew
you were the one who killed Seol Ah.
But how could you backstab her
like that?
If Su Ryeon hadn't stopped me
back then,
I would've killed you that instant.
Then Su Ryeon wouldn't have died
in vain like that.
No, I didn't kill Su Ryeon!
Don't lie!
You teamed up with Joo Dan Tae
and tried to get rid of Su Ryeon.
But you know what?
Su Ryeon tried to protect you
until the end
even when she knew everything.
But how could you
do something like that to her?
You're not even human.
You deserve to die.
You're just a piece of trash
that doesn't deserve to live.
What? I can't hear you.
Run away.
Run away.
You're right.
I'm responsible
for Su Ryeon's death too.
Since it's true
I wanted to get rid of her.
You're right.
Kill me. I deserve to die.
But kill me later,
after I get revenge for Su Ryeon.
I'll let you kill me
after I get revenge on
Joo Dan Tae and Cheon Seo Jin,
who killed Su Ryeon
with my own hands.
I give you my word.
So for now, please let me go.
Please help me. Please
Do you expect me
to believe you again?
No. You'll die here, today.
The police will never find you.
You'll be remembered forever
as a brutal murderer
and a fugitive.
Just remain in people's memories
as a cold-blooded mom
who even abandoned her own daughter.
What do I have to do
to make you believe me?
I didn't kill her.
I swear I didn't kill Su Ryeon!
Joo Dan Tae framed me
for everything!
Shut your darn mouth!
I'll kill you just the same!
Just like how Su Ryeon died!
Just like how my sister Seol Ah died.
A miserable and gruesome death.
I won't ask you
to believe me anymore.
It's true I killed Min Seol Ah.
I was bound to be punished for that.
Kill me. Kill me now!
But don't forget.
Even if I die,
the real culprit who killed
Su Ryeon
will still stay alive.
Ro Na.
I'm sorry.
(My friend)
Su Ryeon.
Since we have much to celebrate,
how about we take a picture?
Let's see.
That's too lame.
- Ta-da.
- A polaroid?
You're so old-fashioned.
I'm into classic things.
Since it's our first photo together,
I want it to be meaningful.
A one and only photo
in this world.
Gosh, that sounds so corny.
This is why you shouldn't hang out
with rich people.
They live in their own
fantasy world.
My beautiful friend, Su Ryeon.
I love you!
I hope we look good.
(The Penthouse)
(The Penthouse 2)
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